207 resultados para humidity sensing property


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Polymerized carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are promising materials for polymer-based electronics and electro-mechanical sensors. The advantage of having a polymer nanolayer on CNTs widens the scope for functionalizing it in various ways for polymer electronic devices. However, in this paper, we show for the first time experimentally that, due to a resistive polymer layer having carbon nanoparticle inclusions and polymerized carbon nanotubes, an interesting dynamics can be exploited. We first show analytically that the relative change in the resistance of a single isolated semiconductive nanotube is directly proportional to the axial and torsional dynamic strains, when the strains are small, whereas, in polymerized CNTs, the viscoelasticity of the polymer and its effective electrical polarization give rise to nonlinear effects as a function of frequency and bias voltage. A simplified formula is derived to account for these effects and validated in the light of experimental results. CNT–polymer-based channels have been fabricated on a PZT substrate. Strain sensing performance of such a one-dimensional channel structure is reported. For a single frequency modulated sine pulse as input, which is common in elastic and acoustic wave-based diagnostics, imaging, microwave devices, energy harvesting, etc, the performance of the fabricated channel has been found to be promising.


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The issue of dynamic spectrum scene analysis in any cognitive radio network becomes extremely complex when low probability of intercept, spread spectrum systems are present in environment. The detection and estimation become more complex if frequency hopping spread spectrum is adaptive in nature. In this paper, we propose two phase approach for detection and estimation of frequency hoping signals. Polyphase filter bank has been proposed as the architecture of choice for detection phase to efficiently detect the presence of frequency hopping signal. Based on the modeling of frequency hopping signal it can be shown that parametric methods of line spectral analysis are well suited for estimation of frequency hopping signals if the issues of order estimation and time localization are resolved. An algorithm using line spectra parameter estimation and wavelet based transient detection has been proposed which resolves above issues in computationally efficient manner suitable for implementation in cognitive radio. The simulations show promising results proving that adaptive frequency hopping signals can be detected and demodulated in a non cooperative context, even at a very low signal to noise ratio in real time.


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Low frequency fluctuations in the electrical resistivity, or noise, have been used as a sensitive tool to probe into the temperature driven martensite transition in dc magnetron sputtered thin films of nickel titanium shape-memory alloys. Even in the equilibrium or static case, the noise magnitude was more than nine orders of magnitude larger than conventional metallic thin films and had a characteristic dependence on temperature. We observe that the noise while the temperature is being ramped is far larger as compared to the equilibrium noise indicating the sensitivity of electrical resistivity to the nucleation and propagation of domains during the shape recovery. Further, the higher order statistics suggests the existence of long range correlations during the transition. This new characterization is based on the kinetics of disorder in the system and separate from existing techniques and can be integrated to many device applications of shape memory alloys for in-situ shape recovery sensing.


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Vanadate-dependent oxidation of NADH by xanthine oxidase does not require the presence of xanthine and therefore is not due to cooxidation. Addition of NADH or xanthine had no effect on the oxidation of the other substrate. Oxidation of NADH was high at acid pH and oxidation of xanthine was high at alkaline pH. The specific activity was relatively very high with NADH. Concentration-dependent oxidation of NADH was obtained in the presence of the polymeric form of vanadate, but not orthovanadate or metavanadate. Both NADH and NADPH were oxidized, as in the nonenzymatic system. Oxidation of NADH, but not xanthine, was inhibited by KCN, ascorbate, MnCl2, cytochrome c, mannitol, Tris, epinephrine, norepinephrine, and triiodothyronine. Oxidation of NADH was accompanied by uptake of oxygen and generation of H2O2 with a stoichiometry of 1:1:1 for NADH:O2:H2O2. A 240-nm-absorbing species was formed during the reaction which was different from H2O2 or superoxide. A mechanism of NADH oxidation is suggested wherein VV and O2 receive one electron each successively from NADH followed by VIV giving the second electron to superoxide and reducing it to H2O2.


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Compressive sensing (CS) has been proposed for signals with sparsity in a linear transform domain. We explore a signal dependent unknown linear transform, namely the impulse response matrix operating on a sparse excitation, as in the linear model of speech production, for recovering compressive sensed speech. Since the linear transform is signal dependent and unknown, unlike the standard CS formulation, a codebook of transfer functions is proposed in a matching pursuit (MP) framework for CS recovery. It is found that MP is efficient and effective to recover CS encoded speech as well as jointly estimate the linear model. Moderate number of CS measurements and low order sparsity estimate will result in MP converge to the same linear transform as direct VQ of the LP vector derived from the original signal. There is also high positive correlation between signal domain approximation and CS measurement domain approximation for a large variety of speech spectra.


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The design and implementation of a complete gas sensor system for liquified petroleum gas (LPG) gas sensing are presented. The system consists of a SnO2 transducer, a lowcost heater, an application specific integrated circuit (ASIC) with front-end interface circuitry, and a microcontroller interface for data logging. The ASIC includes a relaxation-oscillator-based heater driver circuit that is capable of controlling the sensor operating temperature from 100degC to 425degC. The sensor readout circuit in the ASIC, which is based on the resistance to time conversion technique, has been designed to measure the gas sensor response over three orders of resistance change during its interaction with gases.


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The hallmark of mammalian spermiogenesis is the dramatic chromatin remodeling process wherein the nucleosomal histones are replaced by the transition proteins TP1, TP2, and TP4. Subsequently these transition proteins are replaced by the protamines P1 and P2. Hyperacetylation of histone H4 is linked to their replacement by transition proteins. Here we report that TP2 is acetylated in vivo as detected by anti-acetylated lysine antibody and mass spectrometric analysis. Further, recombinant TP2 is acetylated in vitro by acetyltransferase KAT3B (p300) more efficiently than by KAT2B (PCAF). In vivo p300 was demonstrated to acetylate TP2. p300 acetylates TP2 in its C-terminal domain, which is highly basic in nature and possesses chromatin-condensing properties. Mass spectrometric analysis showed that p300 acetylates four lysine residues in the C-terminal domain of TP2. Acetylation of TP2 by p300 leads to significant reduction in its DNA condensation property as studied by circular dichroism and atomic force microscopy analysis. TP2 also interacts with a putative histone chaperone, NPM3, wherein expression is elevated in haploid spermatids.Interestingly, acetylation of TP2 impedes its interaction with NPM3. Thus, acetylation of TP2 adds a new dimension to its role in the dynamic reorganization of chromatin during mammalian spermiogenesis.


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The knowledge of hydrological variables (e. g. soil moisture, evapotranspiration) are of pronounced importance in various applications including flood control, agricultural production and effective water resources management. These applications require the accurate prediction of hydrological variables spatially and temporally in watershed/basin. Though hydrological models can simulate these variables at desired resolution (spatial and temporal), often they are validated against the variables, which are either sparse in resolution (e. g. soil moisture) or averaged over large regions (e. g. runoff). A combination of the distributed hydrological model (DHM) and remote sensing (RS) has the potential to improve resolution. Data assimilation schemes can optimally combine DHM and RS. Retrieval of hydrological variables (e. g. soil moisture) from remote sensing and assimilating it in hydrological model requires validation of algorithms using field studies. Here we present a review of methodologies developed to assimilate RS in DHM and demonstrate the application for soil moisture in a small experimental watershed in south India.


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In recent years, spatial variability modeling of soil parameters using random field theory has gained distinct importance in geotechnical analysis. In the present Study, commercially available finite difference numerical code FLAC 5.0 is used for modeling the permeability parameter as spatially correlated log-normally distributed random variable and its influence on the steady state seepage flow and on the slope stability analysis are studied. Considering the case of a 5.0 m high cohesive-frictional soil slope of 30 degrees, a range of coefficients of variation (CoV%) from 60 to 90% in the permeability Values, and taking different values of correlation distance in the range of 0.5-15 m, parametric studies, using Monte Carlo simulations, are performed to study the following three aspects, i.e., (i) effect ostochastic soil permeability on the statistics of seepage flow in comparison to the analytic (Dupuit's) solution available for the uniformly constant permeability property; (ii) strain and deformation pattern, and (iii) stability of the given slope assessed in terms of factor of safety (FS). The results obtained in this study are useful to understand the role of permeability variations in slope stability analysis under different slope conditions and material properties. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Acyl carrier protein is an integral component of many cellular metabolic processes. A number of studies have reported self-acylation behavior in acyl carrier proteins. Although AM exhibit high levels of similarity in their primary and tertiary structures, self-acylation behavior is restricted to only some ACPs that can be classified into two major families based on their function. The first family of ACPs is involved in polyketide biosynthesis, whereas the second family participates in fatty acid synthesis. Facilitated by the growing number of genome sequences available for analyses, large-scale phylogenetic studies were used in these studies to uncover as to how self-acylation behavior of acyl carrier proteins is linked with the evolution of metabolic pathways in organisms. These studies show that self-acylation behavior in acyl carrier proteins was lost during the course of evolution, with certain organisms and organelles viz. plastids, retaining it for specified functions. (C) 2009 IUBMB IUBMB Life, 61(8): 853-859, 2009


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DNA amplification using Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) in a small volume is used in Lab-on-a-chip systems involving DNA manipulation. For few microliters of volume of liquid, it becomes difficult to measure and monitor the thermal profile accurately and reproducibly, which is an essential requirement for successful amplification. Conventional temperature sensors are either not biocompatible or too large and hence positioned away from the liquid leading to calibration errors. In this work we present a fluorescence based detection technique that is completely biocompatible and measures directly the liquid temperature. PCR is demonstrated in a 3 ILL silicon-glass microfabricated device using non-contact induction heating whose temperature is controlled using fluorescence feedback from SYBR green I dye molecules intercalated within sensor DNA. The performance is compared with temperature feedback using a thermocouple sensor. Melting curve followed by gel electrophoresis is used to confirm product specificity after the PCR cycles. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We report here, the study carried out on piezoelectric thin film for MEMS/Microsensor applications. The study includes characterization of sputtered thin film using indirect methods and comparison of behavior using cantilever technique for the confirmation of piezoelectric property. A suitable experimental setup was designed and fabricated for subjecting the cantilever to vibrate. The data was recorded for piezoelectric thin films deposited with different compositions. It is clearly evident that the direct method is inexpensive and easier for determining the quality of the deposited piezoelectric thin film.


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We report on the R-T measurement of carbon nanotube bundles from room temperature down to 1 K. The resistance at a particular temperature depends on the diameter of the bundle. The larger the bundle diameter is, the lower the value of the resistance. The resistance increases with the decrease in temperature as in the case of carbon, carbon glass resistance thermometer, and carbon nanotubes reported in the literature. The rate of the variation of resistance depends on the resistance of the bundle at room temperature which can be explored for the low temperature thermometry. Overall, the resistance and the sensitivity of the bundle depend on the bundle diameter which can be monitored easily.


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Nanostructured copper(II) oxide film was deposited using reactive DC magnetron sputtering. It has been characterized using XRD, EDAX, XPS, and FESEM. The grain size of copper oxide film was found to be 40-65 nm with size distribution. The entire study was divided into two parts. In the first part, the film has been studied for its response to alcohol at different temperatures to find the optimum sensing temperature, whereas in the second part, the film sensitivity to different alcohol concentrations were studied at fixed optimum operating temperature. The optimum temperature for the response of ethanol was observed to be 400 C,and the response for different concentrations was found to be almost linear.


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CeO2-SnO2 solid solution has been reported to possess high oxygen storage/release property which possibly originates from local structural distortion. We have performed first-principles based density functional calculations of Ce1-xSnxO2 structure (x=0, 0.25, 0.5, 1) to understand its structural stability in fluorite in comparison to rutile structure of the other end-member SnO2, and studied the local structural distortion induced by the dopant Sn ion. Analysis of relative energies of fluorite and rutile phases of CeO2, SnO2, and Ce1-xSnxO2 indicates that fluorite structure is the most stable for Ce1-xSnxO2 solid solution. An analysis of local structural distortions reflected in phonon dispersion show that SnO2 in fluorite structure is highly unstable while CeO2 in rutile structure is only weakly unstable. Thus, Sn in Ce1-xSnxO2-fluorite structure is associated with high local structural distortion whereas Ce in Ce1-xSnxO2-rutile structure, if formed, will show only marginal local distortion. Determination of M-O (M=Ce or Sn) bond lengths and analysis of Born effective charges for the optimized structure of Ce1-xSnxO2 show that local coordination of these cations changes from ideal eightfold coordination expected of fluorite lattice to 4+4 coordination, leading to generation of long and short Ce-O and Sn-O bonds in the doped structure. Bond valence analyses for all ions show the presence of oxygen with bond valence similar to 1.84. These weakly bonded oxygen ions are relevant for enhanced oxygen storage/release properties observed in Ce1-xSnxO2 solid solution. (C) 2010 American Institute of Physics.