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Rat brain particulate fractions were shown to acylate [32P]1-alkyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphorylethanolamine (GPE). While the main product is 1-alkyl-2-acyl GPE, about 12 per cent of the radioactivity was also found in 1-alkenyl-2-acyl GPE. The acyl transferase activity was completely dependent on added ATP and CoA and it was localized mainly in the microsomal fraction. A comparative study of acyl transferase activities to 1-alkyl-, 1-alkenyl-, and 1-acyl GPE by crude mitochondrial fraction and microsomes of 10, 16 and 22-day-old rat brains showed a progressive increase in activity with development. In the 22-day-old rat brain the order of activity towards the three substrates is as follows: 1-acyl GPE ± 1-alkenyl GPE ± 1-alkyl GPE with a crude mitochondrial fraction and 1-acyl GPE ± 1-alkyl GPE ± 1-alkenyl GPE with microsomes.


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Aqueous solutions of sodium chloride were solidified under the influence of magnetic and electrical fields using two different freezing systems. In the droplet system, small droplets of the solution are introduced in an organic liquid column at −20°C which acts as the heat sink. In the unidirectional freezing system the solutions are poured into a tygon tube mounted on a copper chill, maintained at −70°C, from which the freezing initiates. Application of magnetic fields caused an increase in the spacing and promoted side branching of primary ice dendrites in the droplet freezing system, but had no measurable effect on the dendrites formed in the unidirectional freezing system. The range of electric fields applied in this investigation had no measurable effect on the dendritic structure. Possible interactions between external magnetic and electrical fields have been reviewed and it is suggested that the selective effect of magnetic fields on dendrite spacings in a droplet system could be due to a change in the nucleation behaviour of the solution in the presence of a magnetic field.


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A mechanics based linear analysis of the problem of dynamic instabilities in slender space launch vehicles is undertaken. The flexible body dynamics of the moving vehicle is studied in an inertial frame of reference, including velocity induced curvature effects, which have not been considered so far in the published literature. Coupling among the rigid-body modes, the longitudinal vibrational modes and the transverse vibrational modes due to asymmetric lifting-body cross-section are considered. The model also incorporates the effects of aerodynamic forces and the propulsive thrust of the vehicle. The effects of the coupling between the combustion process (mass variation, developed thrust etc.) and the variables involved in the flexible body dynamics (displacements and velocities) are clearly brought out. The model is one-dimensional, and it can be employed to idealised slender vehicles with complex shapes. Computer simulations are carried out using a standard eigenvalue problem within h-p finite element modelling framework. Stability regimes for a vehicle subjected to propulsive thrust are validated by comparing the results from published literature. Numerical simulations are carried out for a representative vehicle to determine the instability regimes with vehicle speed and propulsive thrust as the parameters. The phenomena of static instability (divergence) and dynamic instability (flutter) are observed. The results at low Mach number match closely with the results obtained from previous models published in the literature.


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1. (1) The relative abilities of the various cell fractions of rat and chicken liver to oxidize and reduce retinal and 8'- and 12'-apo-β-carotenal were investigated and it has been shown that, while retinal is exclusively oxidized by the soluble fraction, the apocarotenals are mostly oxidized by the particulate fractions of the homogenate. 2. (2) Addition of NAD+ or NADP+ markedly activated the oxidation of the apocarotenals, but not of retinal by the particulate fractions. 3. (3) Considerable amounts of retinal and 8'-, 10'- and 12'-apo-β-carotenal were isolated from the intestine of chickens fed β-carotene and these apocarotenoids were conclusively identified. 4. (4) Significant amounts of 8'-, 10'- and 12'-apo-β-carotenoic acids were isolated from the intestine of rats given 8'-apo-β-carotenal and these apocarotenoic acids were also conclusively identified. 5. (5) In the light of these observations it is suggested that during conversion to vitamin A, the β-carotene molecule is simultaneously attacked by the dioxygenase at several double bonds, the primary attack being at the central double bond and a tentative scheme for the mechanism of conversion is proposed.


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Unlike the invertases from the mesophilic fungi and yeasts, invertase from a thermophilic fungus,Thermomyces lanuginosus,was unusually unstable bothin vivoandin vitro.The following observations suggested that the unstable nature of the enzyme activity in the cell-free extracts was due to the oxidation of the cysteine residue(s) in the enzyme molecule: (a) the addition of dithiothreitol or reduced glutathione stabilized invertase activity during storage of the extracts and also revived enzyme activity in the extracts which had become inactive with time; (b)N-ethylmaleimide, iodoacetamide, oxidized glutathione, cystine, or oxidized coenzyme A-inactivated invertase; (c) invertase activity was low when the ratio reduced/oxidized glutathione was lower and high when this ratio was higher, suggesting regulation of the enzyme by thiol/disulfide exchange reaction. In contrast to the activation of invertase by the thiol compounds and its inactivation by the disulfides in the cell-free extracts, the purified enzyme did not respond to these compounds. Following its inactivation, the purified enzyme required a helper protein in addition to dithiothreitol for maximal activation. A cellular protein was identified that promoted activation of invertase by dithiothreitol and it was called “PRIA” for theprotein which helps inrestoringinvertaseactivity. The revival of enzyme activity was due to the conversion of the inactive invertase molecules into an active form. A model is presented to explain the modulation of invertase activity by the thiol compounds and the disulfides, both in the crude cell-free extracts and in the purified preparations. The requirement of free sulfhydryl group(s) for the enzyme activity and, furthermore, the reciprocal effects of the thiols and the disulfides on invertase activity have not been reported for invertase from any other source. The finding of a novel invertase which shows a distinct mode of regulation demonstrates the diversity in an enzyme that has figured prominently in the development of biochemistry.


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The importance of neurochemistry in understanding the functional basis of the nervous system was emphasized. Attention was drawn to the role of lipids, particularly the sphingolipids,whose metabolic abnormalities lead to 'sphingolipidosis' In the brain and to gangliosides, which show growth-promoting and neuritogenic properties. Several questions that remain to be answered in this area were enumerated. It was pointed out that neurons make a large number of proteins, an order of magnitude higher than other cells, and several of these are yet to be characterized and their functional significance established. Myelination and synapto-genesis are two fundamental processes in brain development. Although much is known about myelin lipids and proteins, it is not known what signals the glial cell receives to initiate myelin synthesis around the axon, In fact, the process of myelination provides an excellent system for studying membrane biogenesis and cell-sell interaction. Great strides were made in the understanding of neurotransmitter receptors and their function in synaptic transmission, but how neurons make synapses with other specific neurons in a preprogrammed manner is not known and requires immediate study. In this context, it was stressed that developmental neurobiology of the human brain could be most profitably done in India. The importance and complexity of signal transduction mechanisms in the brain was explained and many fundamental questions that remain to be answered were discussed. In conclusion, several other areas of contemporary research interest in the nervous system were mentioned and it was suggested that a 'National Committee for Brain Research' be constituted to identify and intensify research programmes in this vital field.


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We studied the mating behaviour of the primi-tively eusocial wasp Ropalidia marginata and the factors that may influence sperm transfer. By introducing a male and a female R. marginata into ventilated transparent plastic boxes, we were able to observe mating behaviour, and it involved mounting and short or long conjugation of the wasps. Dissection of female wasps after the observation indicated that long conjugation is a good behavioural predictor of sperm transfer. This finding makes it possible to obtain mated females without dissecting them every time. We tested the effect of age, season, relatedness, body size and female's ovarian status on mating. Under laboratory conditions, mating success declined rapidly below and above the ages 5-20 days. Within this age range mating success was significantly low in December compared to other months tested. There was no nestmate discrimination, and there was no influence of male and female body size or of the ovarian state of the female on the probability of sperm transfer.


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The influence of fructose 2,6-bisphosphate on the activation of purified swine kidney phosphofructokinase as a function of the concentration of fructose 6P, ATP and citrate was investigated. The purified enzyme was nearly completely inhibited in the presence of 2 mM ATP. The addition of 20 nM fructose 2,6-P2 reversed the inhibition and restored more than 80% of the activity. In the absence of fructose 2,6-P2 the reaction showed a sigmoidal dependence on fructose-6-phosphate. The addition of 10 nM fructose 2,6-bisphosphate decreased the K0.5 for fructose 6-phosphate from 3 mM to 0.4 mM in the presence of 1.5 mM ATP. These results clearly show that fructose 2,6-bisphosphate increases the affinity of the enzyme for fructose 6-phosphate and decreases the inhibitory effect of ATP. The extent of inhibition by citrate was also significantly decreased in the presence of fructose 2,6-phosphate. The influence of various effectors of phosphofructokinase on the binding of ATP and fructose 6-P to the enzyme was examined in gel filtration studies. It was found that kidney phosphofructokinase binds 5.6 moles of fructose 6-P per mole of enzyme, which corresponds to about one site per subunit of tetrameric enzyme. The KD for fructose 6-P was 13 microM and in the presence of 0.5 mM ATP it increased to 27 microM. The addition of 0.3 mM citrate also increased the KD for fructose 6-P to about 40 microM. AMP, 10 microM, decreased the KD to 5 microM and the addition of fructose 2,6-phosphate decreased the KD for fructose 6-P to 0.9 microM. The addition of these compounds did not effect the maximal amount of fructose 6-P bound to the enzyme, which indicated that the binding site for these compounds might be near, but was not identical to the fructose 6-P binding site. The enzyme bound a maximum of about 12.5 moles of ATP per mole, which corresponds to 3 moles per subunit. The KD of the site with the highest affinity for ATP was 4 microM, and it increased to 15 microM in the presence of fructose 2,6-bisphosphate. The addition of 50 microM fructose 1,6-bisphosphate increased the KD for ATP to 5.9 microM. AMP increased the KD to 5.9 microM whereas 0.3 mM citrate decreased the KD for ATP to about 2 microM.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS).


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Ce0.67Cr0.33O2.11 was synthesized by hydrothermal method using diethylenetriamine as complexing agent (Chem. Mater. 2008, 20, 7268). Ce0.67Cr0.33O2.11 being the only compound likes UO2+delta to have excess oxygen, it releases a large proportion of its lattice oxygen (0.167 M [O]/mole of compound) at relatively low temperature (465 degrees C) directly and it has been utilized for generation of H-2 by thermo-splitting of water. An almost stoichiometric amount of H-2 (0.152 M/Mole of compound) is generated at much lower temperature (65 degrees C). There is an almost comparable amount of oxygen release and hydrogen generation over this material at very low temperature comparedto other CeO2-MOx (Mn, Fe, Cu, and Ni) mixed-oxide solid solutions (O-2 evolution >= 1300 degrees C and H-2 generation at 1000 degrees C). The reversible nature of oxygen release and intake of this material is attributed to its fluorite Structure and coupling between the Ce4+/Ce3+ and Cr4+/6+/Cr3+ redox couples. Compound shows reversible oxygen release and intake by H2O absorption and subsequent hydrogen release to gain parent structure and hence this material can be utilized for generation of H-2 at very low temperature by thermo-chemical splitting of water.


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A half-duplex constrained non-orthogonal cooperative multiple access (NCMA) protocol suitable for transmission of information from N users to a single destination in a wireless fading channel is proposed. Transmission in this protocol comprises of a broadcast phase and a cooperation phase. In the broadcast phase, each user takes turn broadcasting its data to all other users and the destination in an orthogonal fashion in time. In the cooperation phase, each user transmits a linear function of what it received from all other users as well as its own data. In contrast to the orthogonal extension of cooperative relay protocols to the cooperative multiple access channels wherein at any point of time, only one user is considered as a source and all the other users behave as relays and do not transmit their own data, the NCMA protocol relaxes the orthogonality built into the protocols and hence allows for a more spectrally efficient usage of resources. Code design criteria for achieving full diversity of N in the NCMA protocol is derived using pair wise error probability (PEP) analysis and it is shown that this can be achieved with a minimum total time duration of 2N - 1 channel uses. Explicit construction of full diversity codes is then provided for arbitrary number of users. Since the Maximum Likelihood decoding complexity grows exponentially with the number of users, the notion of g-group decodable codes is introduced for our setup and a set of necesary and sufficient conditions is also obtained.


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The time evolution of the film thickness and domain formation of octadecylamine molecules adsorbed oil a mica surface is investigated Using atomic force microscopy. The adsorbed Film thickness is determined by measuring the height profile across the mica-amine interface of a mica surface partially immersed in a 15 mM solution of octadecylamine in chloroform. Using this novel procedure, adsorption of amine on mica is found to occur in three distinct stages, with morphologically distinct domain Formation and growth occurring during each stage. In the first stage, where adsorption is primarily in the thin-film regime, all average Film thickness of 0.2 (+/- 0.3) nm is formed for exposure times below 30 s and 0.8 (+/- 0.2) nm for 60 s of immersion time. During this stage, large sample spanning domains are observed. The second stage, which occurs between 60-300 s, is associated with it regime of rapid film growth, and the film thickness increases from about 0.8 to 25 nm during this stage. Once the thick-film regime is established, further exposure to the amine solution results in all increase in the domain area, and it regime of lateral domain growth is observed. In this stage, the domain area coverage grows from 38 to 75%, and the FTIR spectra reveal an increased level of crystallinity in the film. Using it diffusion-controlled model and it two-step Langmuir isotherm, the time evolution of the film growth is quantitatively captured. The model predicts the time at which the thin to thick film transition occurs as well its the time required for complete film growth at longer times. The Ward-Tordai equation is also solved to determine the model parameters in the monolayer (thin-film) regime, which occurs during the initial stages of film growth.


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BACKGROUND: Particle-based agglutination tests consisting of receptors grafted to colloidal microparticles are useful for detecting small quantities of corresponding ligands of interest in fluid test samples, but detection limits of such tests are limited to a certain concentration and it is most desirable to lower the detection limits and to enhance the rate of recognition of ligands. METHODS: A mixture of receptor-coated colloidal microparticles and corresponding ligand was sandwiched between 2 indium tin oxide-coated glass plates. Electrohydrodynamic drag from an alternating-current electric field applied perpendicular to the plates increased the local concentration of the colloidal particles, improving the chances of ligand-receptor interaction and leading to the aggregation of the colloidal particles. RESULTS: With this technique the sensitivity of the ligand-receptor recognition was increased by a factor as large as 50. CONCLUSIONS: This method can improve the sensitivity of particle-based agglutination tests used in immuno-assays and many other applications such as immunoprecipitation and chemical, sniffing. (C) 2007 American Association for Clinical Chemistry.


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We consider a dense, ad hoc wireless network confined to a small region, such that direct communication is possible between any pair of nodes. The physical communication model is that a receiver decodes the signal from a single transmitter, while treating all other signals as interference. Data packets are sent between source-destination pairs by multihop relaying. We assume that nodes self-organise into a multihop network such that all hops are of length d meters, where d is a design parameter. There is a contention based multiaccess scheme, and it is assumed that every node always has data to send, either originated from it or a transit packet (saturation assumption). In this scenario, we seek to maximize a measure of the transport capacity of the network (measured in bit-meters per second) over power controls (in a fading environment) and over the hop distance d, subject to an average power constraint. We first argue that for a dense collection of nodes confined to a small region, single cell operation is efficient for single user decoding transceivers. Then, operating the dense ad hoc network (described above) as a single cell, we study the optimal hop length and power control that maximizes the transport capacity for a given network power constraint. More specifically, for a fading channel and for a fixed transmission time strategy (akin to the IEEE 802.11 TXOP), we find that there exists an intrinsic aggregate bit rate (Theta(opt) bits per second, depending on the contention mechanism and the channel fading characteristics) carried by the network, when operating at the optimal hop length and power control. The optimal transport capacity is of the form d(opt)((P) over bar (t)) x Theta(opt) with d(opt) scaling as (P) over bar (1/eta)(t), where (P) over bar (t) is the available time average transmit power and eta is the path loss exponent. Under certain conditions on the fading distribution, we then provide a simple characterisation of the optimal operating point.


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In this paper a nonlinear optimal controller has been designed for aerodynamic control during the reentry phase of the Reusable Launch Vehicle (RLV). The controller has been designed based on a recently developed technique Optimal Dynamic Inversion (ODI). For full state feedback the controller has required full information about the system states. In this work an Extended Kalman filter (EKF) is developed to estimate the states. The vehicle (RLV) has been has been consider as a nonlinear Six-Degree-Of-Freedom (6-DOF) model. The simulation results shows that EKF gives a very good estimation of the states and it is working well with ODI. The resultant trajectories are very similar to those obtained by perfect state feedback using ODI only.


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Titanium dioxide thin films have been synthesized by sol-gel spin coating technique on glass and silicon substrates with and without surfactant polyethylene glycol (PEG). XRD and SEM results confirm the presence of nano-crystalline (anatase) phase at an annealing temperature of 300 degrees C. The influence of surfactant and annealing temperature on optical properties of TiO2 thin films has been studied. Optical constants and film thickness were estimated by Swanepoel's (envelope) method and by ellipsometric measurements in the visible spectral range. The optical transmittance and reflectance were found to decrease with an increase in PEG percentage. Refractive index of the films decreased and film thickness increased with the increase in percentage of surfactant. The refractive index of the un-doped TiO2 films was estimated at different annealing temperatures and it has increased with the increasing annealing temperature. The optical band gap of pure TiO2 films was estimated by Tauc's method at different annealing temperature. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.