63 resultados para VOLUMES


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In handling large volumes of data such as chemical notations, serial numbers for books, etc., it is always advisable to provide checking methods which would indicate the presence of errors. The entire new discipline of coding theory is devoted to the study of the construction of codes which provide such error-detecting and correcting means.l Although these codes are very powerful, they are highly sophisticated from the point of view of practical implementation


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The purpose of this study is to experimentally investigate the interaction of inelastic deformation and microstructural changes of two Zr-based bulk metallic glasses (BMGs): Zr41.25Ti13.75Cu12.5Ni10Be22.5 (commercially designated as Vitreloy 1 or Vit1) and Zr46.75Ti8.25Cu7.5Ni10Be27.5 (Vitreloy 4, Vit4). High-temperature uniaxial compression tests were performed on the two Zr alloys at various strain rates, followed by structural characterization using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Two distinct modes of mechanically induced atomic disordering in the two alloys were observed, with Vit1 featuring clear phase separation and crystallization after deformation as observed with TEM, while Vit4 showing only structural relaxation with no crystallization. The influence of the structural changes on the mechanical behaviors of the two materials was further investigated by jump-in-strain-rate tests, and flow softening was observed in Vit4. A free volume theory was applied to explain the deformation behaviors, and the activation volumes were calculated for both alloys.


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Analytical and numerical solutions of a general problem related to the radially symmetric inward spherical solidification of a superheated melt have been studied in this paper. In the radiation-convection type boundary conditions, the heat transfer coefficient has been taken as time dependent which could be infinite, at time,t=0. This is necessary, for the initiation of instantaneous solidification of superheated melt, over its surface. The analytical solution consists of employing suitable fictitious initial temperatures and fictitious extensions of the original region occupied by the melt. The numerical solution consists of finite difference scheme in which the grid points move with the freezing front. The numerical scheme can handle with ease the density changes in the solid and liquid states and the shrinkage or expansions of volumes due to density changes. In the numerical results, obtained for the moving boundary and temperatures, the effects of several parameters such as latent heat, Boltzmann constant, density ratios, heat transfer coefficients, etc. have been shown. The correctness of numerical results has also been checked by satisfying the integral heat balance at every timestep.


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Potassium titanyl phosphate (KTP) is a relatively new nonlinear optical material with excellent combination of physical properties. This paper presents the combined etching and X-ray topographic studies carried out on KTP crystals with a view to characterizing their defects. KTP crystals employed in this investigation were grown from flux. Optical microscopic study of habit faces revealed growth layers and growth hillocks on (100) and (011) faces respectively. Etching of (011) habit faces proved that growth hillocks corresponded to the emergence point of dislocation out crops on these faces. The suitability of the new etchant to reveal dislocation was confirmed by etching the matched pairs obtained by cleaving. The defects present in the crystal were also studied by X-ray topography. The defect configuration in these crystals is characteristic of crystals grown from solution. The dislocations arc predominantly linear with their origin either at the nucleation centre or inclusions. In general, grown crystals were found to have low dislocation density and often large volumes of crystals free from dislocation could be obtained.


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Thermal and spectroscopic investigations have been carried out on a number of glasses with a wide range of compositions in the pseudoternary glass system, Li2SO4-Li2O-B2O3, to understand the role of sulfate ions in modifying the borate glass structure. Both nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and infrared (IR) spectroscopic results indicate that four-coordinate boron atoms are retained in the glass structure to a greater extent in sulfate-containing glasses than in pure lithium borate glasses. There seems to be some evidence for the existence of sulfoborate-type units in Raman spectra in the region of 800-960 cm(-1). These conclusions are supported by the observed behavior of glass transition temperatures and molar volumes. The possibility of formation of sulfoborate-type units is discussed from bonding and thermodynamic points of view.


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ASICs offer the best realization of DSP algorithms in terms of performance, but the cost is prohibitive, especially when the volumes involved are low. However, if the architecture synthesis trajectory for such algorithms is such that the target architecture can be identified as an interconnection of elementary parameterized computational structures, then it is possible to attain a close match, both in terms of performance and power with respect to an ASIC, for any algorithmic parameters of the given algorithm. Such an architecture is weakly programmable (configurable) and can be viewed as an application specific integrated processor (ASIP). In this work, we present a methodology to synthesize ASIPs for DSP algorithms. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Isothermal sections of the phase diagrams for the systems Ln-Pd-O (Ln = lanthanide element) at 1223 K indicate the presence of two inter-oxide compounds Ln(4)PdO(7) and Ln(2)Pd(2)O(5) for Ln = La, Pr, Nd, Sm, three compounds Ln(4)PdO(7), Ln(2)PdO(4) and Ln(2)Pd(2)O(5) for Ln = Eu, Gd and only one compound of Ln(2)Pd(2)O(5) for Ln = Tb to Ho. The lattice parameters of the compounds Ln(4)PdO(7), Ln(2)PdO(4) and Ln(2)Pd(2)O(5) show systematic nonlinear variation with atomic number. The unit cell volumes decrease with increasing atomic number. The standard Gibbs energies, enthalpies and entropies of formation of the ternary oxides from their component binary oxides (Ln(2)O(3) and PdO) have been measured recently using an advanced version of the solid-state electrochemical cell. The Gibbs energies and enthalpies of formation become less negative with increasing atomic number of Ln. For all the three compounds, the variation in Gibbs energy and enthalpy of formation with atomic number is markedly non-linear. The decrease in stability with atomic number is most pronounced for Ln(2)Pd(2)O(5), followed by Ln(4)PdO(7) and Ln(2)PdO(4). This is probably related to the repulsion between Pd2+ ions on the opposite phases Of O-8 cubes in Ln(2)Pd(2)O(5), and the presence of Ln-filled O-8 cubes that share three faces with each other in Ln4PdO7. The values for entropy of formation of all the ternary oxides from their component binary oxides are relatively small. Although the entropies of formation show some scatter, the average value for Ln = La, Pr, Nd is more negative than the average value for the other lanthanide elements. From this difference, an average value for the structure transformation entropy of Ln(2)O(3) from C-type to A-type is estimated as 0.87 J.mol(-1).K-1. The standard Gibbs energies of formation of these ternary oxides from elements at 1223 K are presented as a function of lanthanide atomic number. By invoking the Neumann-Kopp rule for heat capacity, thermodynamic properties of the inter-oxide compounds at 298.15 K are estimated. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The variation of resistivity of the lithium fast-ion conductor Li3+y Ge1−yO4 (y = 0.25, 0.6, 0.72) has been studied with hydrostatic pressure up to 70 kbar and compared with that of Li16−2x Znx (GeO4)4(x = 1, 2). Both types showed pronounced resistivity maxima between 20–30 kbar and marked decrease thereafter. Measurements as a function of temperature between 120–300 K permitted the determination of activation energies and prefactors that also showed corresponding maxima. The activation volumes (ΔV) of the first type of compound varied between 4.34 to −4.90 cm3/mol at 300 K and decreased monotonically with increasing temperature. For the second type ΔV was much smaller, varied with pressure between 0.58 and −0.24 cm3/mol, and went through a maximum with increasing temperature. High-pressure studies were also conducted on aged samples, and the results are discussed in conjunction with results of impedance measurements and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) studies. The principal effect of pressure appears to be variations of the sum of interatomic potentials and hence barrier height, which also causes significant changes in entropy.


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In our work we have used the atomic hydrogen [HΙ] gas distribution in the HΙ 21-cm line emission to study the dark matter halo perturbations. For tHΙs analysis, the 2-D HΙ surface density and velocity maps (arcHΙval) of the galaxies in the Eridanus group (obtained using the GMRT) and in the Ursa Major group (obtained from WSRT) were used. In addition a few HΙckson Compact Groups of galaxies were also studied using the GMRT. The HΙ maps of these galaxies were Fourier analysed to estimate the asymmetry in the distribution and motion of gas. The average asymmetry parameter in the 1.5 to 2.5 K′-band scale lengths was found to be ~ 0.27 for the Eridanus group of galaxies wHΙle it was ~ 0.14 for the Ursa Major group of galaxies. The asymmetries in the distribution of HΙ as a function of Hubble type of galaxies were also studied and was found to be directly correlated with the compactness of the groups. In addition, the trend in the asymmetry as a function of the Hubble type of galaxies was opposite to that seen in the field galaxies, i.e., in the group galaxies, the early type galaxies showed more asymmetry than late type. These two aspects indicated that tidal interactions between the galaxies in a group environment to be the major cause of asymmetries. The observed asymmetry parameters were consistent with recent numerical simulations of asymmetries of gas disk caused by fly-by interactions. We have also estimated the perturbation of dark matter halo using the asymmetry parameter obtained from the Fourier series analysis of the surface density maps.


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A series of novel, microporous polymer networks (MPNs) have been generated in a simple, acid catalysed Friedel-Crafts-type self-condensation of A(2)B(2)- and A(2)B(4)-type fluorenone monomers. Two A2B4-type monomers with 2,7-bis(N, N-diphenylamino) A or 2,7-bis [4-(N, N-diphenylamino) phenyl] D substitution of the fluorenone cores lead to MPNs with high S(BET) surface areas of up to 1400 m(2) g(-1). Two MPNs made of binary monomer mixtures showed the highest Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) surface areas S(BET) of our series (SBET of up to 1800 m(2) g(-1)) after washing the powdery samples with supercritical carbon dioxide. Total pore volumes of up to 1.6 cm(3) g(-1) have been detected. It is observed that the substitution pattern of the monomers is strongly influencing the resulting physicochemical properties of the microporous polymer networks (MPNs).


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Laboratory advection-diffusion tests are performed on two regional soils-Brown Earth and Red Earth-in order to assess their capacity to control contaminant migration with synthetic contaminant solution of sodium sulphate with sodium concentration of 1000 mg/L. The test was designed to study the transport/attenuation behaviour of sodium in the presence of sulphate. Effective diffusion coefficient (De) that takes into consideration of attenuation processes is used. Cation exchange capacity is an important factor for the attenuation of cationic species. Monovalent sodium ion cannot usually replace other cations and the retention of sodium ion is very less. This is particularly true when chloride is anion is solution. However, sulphate is likely to play a role in the attenuation of sodium. Cation exchange capacity and type of exchangeable ions of soils are likely to play an important role. The effect of sulphate ions on the effective diffusion coefficient of sodium, in two different types of soils, of different cation exchange capacity has been studied. The effective diffusion coefficients of sodium ion for both the soils were calculated using Ogata Bank’s equation. It was shown that effective diffusion coefficient of sodium in the presence of sulphate is lower for Brown Earth than for Red Earth due to exchange of sodium with calcium ions from the exchangeable complex of clay. The soil with the higher cation exchange retained more sodium. Consequently, the breakthrough times and the number of pore volumes of sodium ion increase with the cation exchange capacity of soil.


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We report the formation of Ag-Fe nanoparticles with an ultrafine scale phase separated microstructure consisting of Ag and Fe(3)O(4) phases. Ag-Fe particles were synthesised by the co-reduction of Ag and Fe salts in water medium. The co-existing Ag and Fe(3)O(4) phase volumes were around similar to 1 nm in one of the dimensions. (C) 2011 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.


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A significant amount of research on the thermodynamic properties of molten alloys is undertaken for obtaining insights into their structure . The partial and integral molar enthalpies, entropies and volumes of mixing provide some general information on the nature and strength of atomic bonds and the distribution of atoms. However, until recently it has been difficult to derive specific quantitative information because the excess entropy of mixing contains configurational , vibrational , electronic , and sometimes magnetic contributions which cannot be easily separated.


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The Reeb graph of a scalar function represents the evolution of the topology of its level sets. This paper describes a near-optimal output-sensitive algorithm for computing the Reeb graph of scalar functions defined over manifolds or non-manifolds in any dimension. Key to the simplicity and efficiency of the algorithm is an alternate definition of the Reeb graph that considers equivalence classes of level sets instead of individual level sets. The algorithm works in two steps. The first step locates all critical points of the function in the domain. Critical points correspond to nodes in the Reeb graph. Arcs connecting the nodes are computed in the second step by a simple search procedure that works on a small subset of the domain that corresponds to a pair of critical points. The paper also describes a scheme for controlled simplification of the Reeb graph and two different graph layout schemes that help in the effective presentation of Reeb graphs for visual analysis of scalar fields. Finally, the Reeb graph is employed in four different applications-surface segmentation, spatially-aware transfer function design, visualization of interval volumes, and interactive exploration of time-varying data.