46 resultados para Units of measurement.


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The reduction in natural frequencies,however small, of a civil engineering structure, is the first and the easiest method of estimating its impending damage. As a first level screening for health-monitoring, information on the frequency reduction of a few fundamentalmodes can be used to estimate the positions and the magnitude of damage in a smeared fashion. The paper presents the Eigen value sensitivity equations, derived from first-order perturbation technique, for typical infra-structural systems like a simply supported bridge girder, modelled as a beam, an endbearing pile, modelled as an axial rod and a simply supported plate as a continuum dynamic system. A discrete structure, like a building frame is solved for damage using Eigen-sensitivity derived by a computationalmodel. Lastly, neural network based damage identification is also demonstrated for a simply supported bridge beam, where the known-pairs of damage-frequency vector is used to train a neural network. The performance of these methods under the influence of measurement error is outlined. It is hoped that the developed method could be integrated in a typical infra-structural management program, such that magnitudes of damage and their positions can be obtained using acquired natural frequencies, synthesized from the excited/ambient vibration signatures.


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In the nursery pollination system of figs (Ficus, Moraceae), flower-bearing receptacles called syconia breed pollinating wasps and are units of both pollination and seed dispersal. Pollinators and mammalian seed dispersers are attracted to syconia by volatile organic compounds (VOCs). In monoecious figs, syconia produce both wasps and seeds, while in (gyno)dioecious figs, male (gall) fig trees produce wasps and female (seed) fig trees produce seeds. VOCs were collected using dynamic headspace adsorption methods on freshly collected figs from different trees using Super Q® collection traps. VOC profiles were determined using gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS).The VOC profile of receptive and dispersal phase figs were clearly different only in the dioecious mammal-dispersed Ficus hispida but not in dioecious bird-dispersed F. exasperata and monoecious bird-dispersed F. tsjahela. The VOC profile of dispersal phase female figs was clearly different from that of male figs only in F. hispida but not in F. exasperata, as predicted from the phenology of syconium production which only in F. hispida overlaps between male and female trees. Greater difference in VOC profile in F. hispida might ensure preferential removal of seed figs by dispersal agents when gall figs are simultaneously available.The VOC profile of only mammal-dispersed female figs of F. hispida had high levels of fatty acid derivatives such as amyl-acetates and 2-heptanone, while monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes and shikimic acid derivatives were predominant in the other syconial types. A bird- and mammal-repellent compound methyl anthranilate occurred only in gall figs of both dioecious species, as expected, since gall figs containing wasp pollinators should not be consumed by dispersal agents.


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Formation of high value procurement networks involves a bottom-up assembly of complex production, assembly, and exchange relationships through supplier selection and contracting decisions, where suppliers are intelligent and rational agents who act strategically. In this paper we address the problem of forming procurement networks for items with value adding stages that are linearly arranged We model the problem of Procurement Network Formation (PNF) for multiple units of a single item as a cooperative game where agents cooperate to form a surplus maximizing procurement network and then share the surplus in a stable and fair manner We first investigate the stability of such networks by examining the conditions under which the core of the game is non-empty. We then present a protocol, based on the extensive form game realization of the core, for forming such networks so that the resulting network is stable. We also mention a key result when the Shapley value is applied as a solution concept.


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Using an iterative technique to obtain the exact solutions of the cubic Christoffel equation, the 21 elastic constants of copper sulphate pentahydrate have been determined at 25°C by the ultrasonic pulse echo method. The elastic constants, referred to the IRE recommended system of axes, are c11=5·65, c12=2·65, c13=3·21, c14=−0·33, c15=−0·08, c16=−0·39, c22=4·33, c23=3·47, c24=−0·07, c25=−0·21, c26=0·02, c33=5·69, c34=−0·44, c35=−0·21, c36=−0·16, c44=1·73, c45=0·09, c46=0·03, c55=1·22, c56=−0·26 and c66=1·00 in units of 1010 N m−2.


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Raman spectra of single crystals of adipic and sebacic acids have been photographed for the first time using λ 2537 excitation. The spectra have been divided into four regions: (a) internal frequencies; (b) summations and overtones; (c) external vibrations; and (d) low-frequency hydrogen bond oscillations. Tentative correlations have been given for all the internal frequencies and summations and overtones. A series of diffuse weak bands observed in the spectra of both these acids in the not, vert, similar2400–2800 cm−1 have been explained as a superposition of O---H frequencies lowered due to hydrogen bond formation over the summations and overtones of fundamentals mainly in the not, vert, similar1000–1500 cm−1 region. Rotatory type of external oscillations of the two formula units of these molecules in their unit cells have been identified at 76, 99, 118 and 165 cm−1 in adipic acid and 66, 95, 117 and 177 cm−1 in the spectrum of sebacic acid. A brief discussion of the low frequency hydrogen bond vibrations in these acids has been made. Making use of the Lippincott—Schroeder potential and assuming a highly anharmonic potential curve for the hydrogen bond, the vibrational frequencies of the bond have been theoretically evaluated. There is very good agreement between these and the experimental values. The results for adipic acid in cm−1 are: 304 (0 → 1), 270 (1 → 2), 241 (2 → 3), 222 (3 → 4) 201 (4 → 5), 183 (5 → 6). In the case of sebacic acid some of the intermediate and higher transitions are absent in the spectrum recorded by the author. From the above data for adipic acid the dissociation energy of the hydrogen bond was evaluated as 5·9 kcal/mole in fair agreement with the values derived from conventional methods.


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The Urey-Bradley force constants for the in-plane vibrations of the boric acid molecule are calculated using the Wilson's F-G matrix method. They are as follows: KO-H=5·23, KB-O=4·94, HBOH=0·36, {Mathematical expression}, F00=0·68 and FBH=0·98 in units of 105 dynes/cm. Using the force constants, the frequencies are recalculated and the calculated values agree with the observed values satisfactorily. The in-plane vibrational frequencies of deuterated boric acid are also calculated and again satisfactory agreement with the observed values is found.


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Accurate mass flow measurement is very important in various monitoring and control applications. This paper proposes a novel method of fluid flow measurement by compensating the pressure drop across the ends of measuring unit using a compensating pump. The pressure drop due to the flow is balanced by a feedback control loop. This is a null-deflection type of measurement. As the insertion of such a measuring unit does not affect the functioning of the systems, this is also a non-disruptive flow measurement method. The implementation and design of such a unit are discussed. The system is modeled and simulated using the bond graph technique and it is experimentally validated. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The chemical potential of oxygen corresponding to the iron-rutile-ilmenite (IRI) and iron-ilmenite-ulvospinel (IIU) equilibria has been measured employing solid-state galvanic cells,$$Pt, Fe + TiO_2 + FeTiO_3 //(Y_2 O_3 ) ZrO_2 //Fe + FeO, Pt$$ and $${\text{Pt, Fe + FeTiO}}_{\text{3}} {\text{ + Fe}}_{\text{2}} {\text{TiO}}_{\text{4}} {\text{//(Y}}_{\text{2}} {\text{0}}_{\text{3}} {\text{) ZrO}}_{\text{2}} {\text{//Fe + FeO, Pt}}$$ in the temperature range of 875 to 1275 K and 900 to 1373 K, respectively. The cells are written such that the right-hand electrodes are positive. The electromotive force (emf) of both the cells was found to be reversible and to vary linearly with temperature over the entire range of measurement. The chemical potential of oxygen for IRI equilibrium is represented by Δμo2(IRI) = -550,724 - 29.445T + 20.374T InT(±210) J mol−1 (875 <-T<- 1184 K) = -620,260 + 369.593T - 27.716T lnT(±210) J mol−1 (1184 <-T<- 1275 K) and that for IIU equilibrium by Δμo2(IIU) = -501,800 - 49.035T + 20.374T lnT(±210) J mol−1 (900 <-T<- 1184 K) = -571,336 + 350.003T− 27.716T lnT(=−210) J mol-1 (1184 <-T<- 1373 K) The standard Gibbs energy changes for IRI and IIU equilibria have been deduced from the measured oxygen potentials. Since ilmenite contains small amounts of Ti³+ ions, a correction for the activity of FeTiO3 has been incorporated by assuming ideal mixing on each cation sublattice in the FeTiO3-Ti2O3 system. Similarly, the ulvospinel contains some Fe³+ ions and a correction for the activity of Fe2TiO4 has been included by modeling the Fe2TiO4-Fe3O4 system. The third-law analysis of the results obtained for IRI equilibrium gives ΔH 298 0 = -575 (±1.0) kJ mol-1 and for IIU equilibrium yields ΔH 298 0 = -523.7 (±0.7) kJ mol−1}. The present results suggest that Fe2+ and Ti4+ cations mix almost ideally on the octahedral site of spinel lattice in Fe2TiO4, giving rise to a configurational contribution of 2R In 2 (11.5256 J mol-1 K-1) to the entropy of Fe2TiO4.


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The reported presence in marine clays and the recognized role of polysaccharide as a bonding agent provided the motivation to examine the role of starch polysaccharide in the remoulded properties of nonswelling (kaolinite) and swelling (bentonite) groups of clays. The starch polysaccharide belongs to a group of naturally occurring, large-sized organic molecules (termed polymers) and is built up by extensive repetition of simple chemical units called repeat units. The results of the study indicate that the impact of the starch polysaccharide on the remoulded properties of clays is dependent on the mineralogy of the clays. On addition to bentonite clay, the immensely large number of segments (repeat units) of the starch polysaccharide create several polymer segment - clay surface bonds that cause extensive aggregation of the bentonite units layers. The aggregation of the bentonite unit layers greatly curtails the available surface area of the clay mineral for diffuse ion layer formation. The reduction in diffuse ion layer thickness markedly lowers the consistency limits and vane shear strength of the bentonite clay. On addition to kaolinite, the numerous polymer segment - clay surface bonds enhance the tendency of the kaolinite particles to flocculate. The enhanced particle flocculation is responsible apparently for a small to moderate increase in the liquid limit and remoulded undrained strength of the nonswelling clay.


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Glassy B&, the parent compound of the superionic conductor LiI-Li&B& has been studied by the molecular dynamics technique using a new potential model. The results suggest that the glass is made up of local units of four-membered B2S2 rings bridged by sulfur atoms, leading to a chainlike structure. Various pair correlation functions have been analyzed, and the B2Sz rings have been found to be planar. The calculated neutron structure factor shows a peak at 1.4 A-' which has been attributed to B-B correlations at 5.6 A. The glass transition temperature of the simulated system has been calculated to be around 800 K.


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In the distributed storage setting introduced by Dimakis et al., B units of data are stored across n nodes in the network in such a way that the data can be recovered by connecting to any k nodes. Additionally one can repair a failed node by connecting to any d nodes while downloading at most beta units of data from each node. In this paper, we introduce a flexible framework in which the data can be recovered by connecting to any number of nodes as long as the total amount of data downloaded is at least B. Similarly, regeneration of a failed node is possible if the new node connects to the network using links whose individual capacity is bounded above by beta(max) and whose sum capacity equals or exceeds a predetermined parameter gamma. In this flexible setting, we obtain the cut-set lower bound on the repair bandwidth along with a constructive proof for the existence of codes meeting this bound for all values of the parameters. An explicit code construction is provided which is optimal in certain parameter regimes.


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This paper is concerned with the dual head-discharge characteristics of a modified chimney weir. It is shown by an optimization procedure that the modified chimney weir having an inward trapezoidal weir over an inverted V-notch can produce discharges proportional to both the logarithm of the head as well as the linear power of the head reckoned independently over two different reference planes, within a prefixed maximum allowable percentage error from the theoretical discharge. A new technique is adopted to optimize the weir parameters, in order to obtain the maximum ranges of measurement under logarithmic, linear as well as combined characteristics. In the case of linear weir it is shown that it is possible to enhance the linearity range of the chimney weir by more than 540% and for a weir with constant indication accuracy by more than 350%. In addition, about 86% of the overall depth of the designed linear weir and over 90% of the logarithmic weir is converted as the corresponding measurable ranges. Experiments with four typical weirs give consistent constant average coefficient of discharge for each weir confirming the theory. The practical application of the weir in minor irrigation, hydraulic and other engineering fields is highlighted.


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Phase relations in the system La-Rh-O at 1223 Ii have been determined by examination of equilibrated samples by optical and scanning electron microscopy, powder X-ray diffraction (XRD), and energy-dispersive analysis of X-rays (EDAX). Only one ternary oxide, LaRhO3, with distorted orthorhombic perovskite structure (Pbnm, a = 0.5525, b = 0.5680, and c = 0.7901 nm) was identified. The alloys and intermetallics along the La-Rh binary are in equilibrium with La2O3. The thermodynamic properties of LaRhO3 were determined in the temperature range 890 to 1310 K, using a solid-state cell incorporating yttria-stabilized zirconia as the electrolyte. A new four-compartment design of the emf cell was used to enhance the accuracy of measurement. For the reaction 1/2La(2)O(3) + 1/2Rh(2)O(3) --> LaRhO3, Delta G degrees = - 70 780 + 4.89T (+/- 90) J.mol(-1) The compound decomposes on heating to a mixture of La2O3, Ph and O-2. The calculated decomposition temperatures are 1843 (+/- 5) K in pure O-2 and 1728 (+/- 5) K in air at a pressure of 1.01 x 10(5) Pa. The phase diagrams for the system La-Rh-O at different partial pressures of oxygen are calculated from the thermodynamic information.


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The Gibbs free energies of formation of strontium and barium zirconates have been determined in the temperature range 960 to 1210 K using electrochemical cells incorporating the respective alkaline-earth fluoride single crystals as solid electrolytes. Pure strontium and barium monoxides were used in the reference electrodes. During measurements on barium zirconate, the oxygen partial pressure in the gas phase over the electrodes was maintained at a low value of 18.7 Pa to minimize the solubility of barium peroxide in the monoxide phase. Strontium zirconate was found to undergo a phase transition from orthorhombic perovskite to) with space group Cmcm; D-2h(17) to tetragonal perovskite (t) having the space group 14/mcm; D-4h(18) at 1123 (+/- 10) K. Barium zirconate does not appear to undergo a phase transition in the temperature range of measurement. It has the cubic perovskite (c) structure. The standard free energies of formation of the zirconates from their component binary oxides AO (A = Sr, Ba) with rock salt (rs) and ZrO2 with monoclinic (m) structures can be expressed by the following relations:SrO (rs) + ZrO2 (m) --> SrZrO3 (o) Delta G degrees = -74,880 - 14.2T (+/-200) J mol(-1) SrO (rs) + ZrO2 (m) --> SrZrO3 (t) Delta G degrees = -73,645 - 15.3T (+/-200) J mol(-1) BaO (rs) + ZrO2 (m) --> BaZrO4 (c) Delta G degrees = -127,760 - 1.79T (+/-250) J mol(-1) The results of this study are in reasonable agreement with calorimetric measurements reported in the literature. Systematic trends in the stability of alkaline-earth zirconates having the stoichiometry AZrO(3) are discussed.


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The crystal structure, thermal expansion and electrical conductivity of the solid solution Nd0.7Sr0.3Fe1-xCoxO3 for 0 less than or equal to x less than or equal to 0.8 were investigated. All compositions had the GdFeO3-type orthorhombic perovskite structure. The lattice parameters were determined at room temperature by X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD). The pseudo-cubic lattice constant decreased continuously with x. The average linear thermal expansion coefficient (TEC) in the temperature range from 573 to 973 K was found to increase with x. The thermal expansion curves for all values of x displayed rapid increase in slope at high temperatures. The electrical conductivity increased with x for the entire temperature range of measurement. The calculated activation energy values indicate that electrical conduction takes place primarily by the small polaron hopping mechanism. The charge compensation for the divalent ion on the A-site is provided by the formation of Fe4+ ions on the B-site (in preference to Co4+ ions) and vacancies on the oxygen sublattice for low values of x. The large increase in the conductivity with x in the range from 0.6 to 0.8 is attributed to the substitution of Fe4+ ions by Co4+ ions. The Fe site has a lower small polaron site energy than Co and hence behaves like a carrier trap, thereby drastically reducing the conductivity. The non-linear behaviour in the dependence of log sigmaT with reciprocal temperature can be attributed to the generation of additional charge carriers with increasing temperature by the charge disproportionation of Co3+ ions. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.