139 resultados para Quantum Chemistry Calculation


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Substitution of Sn4+ ion in CeO2 creates activated oxygen in Ce0.8Sn0.2O2 leading to higher oxygen storage capacity compared to Ce0.8Zr0.2O2. With Pd ion substitution in Ce0.8Sn0.2O2,activation of oxygen is further enhanced as observed from the H-2/TPR study. Both EXAFS analysis and DFT calculation reveal that in the solid solution Ceexhibits 4 + 4 coordination, Sri exhibits 4 + 2 + 2 coordination and Pd has 4 + 3 coordination. While the oxygen in the First four coordination with short M-O bonds are strongly held in the lattice, the oxygens in the second and higher coordinations with long M-O bonds are weakly bound, and they are the activated oxygen ill the lattice. Bond valence analysis shows that oxygen with valencies as low its 1.65 are created by the Sn and Pd ion Substitution. Another interesting observation is that H-2/TPR experiment of Ce1-xSnxO2 shows a broad peak starting from 200 to 500 degrees C, while the same reduction is achieved in a single step at similar to 110 degrees C in presence Pd2+ on. Substitution of Pd2+ ion thus facilitates synergistic reduction of the catalyst at lower temperature. We have shown that simultaneous reduction of the Ce4+ and Sr4+ ions by Pd-0 is the synergistic interaction leading to high oxygen storage capacity at low temperature.


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We have obtained the quantum phase diagram of a one-dimensional superconducting quantum dot lattice using the extended Bose-Hubbard model for different commensurabilities. We describe the nature of different quantum phases at the charge degeneracy point. We find a direct phase transition from the Mott insulating phase to the superconducting phase for integer band fillings of Cooper pairs. We predict explicitly the presence of two kinds of repulsive Luttinger liquid phases, besides the charge density wave and superconducting phases for half-integer band fillings. We also predict that extended range interactions are necessary to obtain the correct phase boundary of a one-dimensional interacting Cooper system. We have used the density matrix renormalization group method and Abelian bosonization to study our system.


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Coherent electronic transport through individual molecules is crucially sensitive to quantum interference. We investigate the zero-bias and zero-temperature conductance through pi-conjugated annulene molecules weakly coupled to two leads for different source-drain configurations, finding an important reduction for certain transmission channels and for particular geometries as a consequence of destructive quantum interference between states with definite momenta. When translational symmetry is broken by an external perturbation we find an abrupt increase of the conductance through those channels. Previous studies concentrated on the effect at the Fermi energy, where this effect is very small. By analyzing the effect of symmetry breaking on the main transmission channels we find a much larger response thus leading to the possibility of a larger switching of the conductance through single molecules.


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The complexes, cis-(CO)-trans-(Cl)-[Ru(SRaaiNR)(CO)(2)Cl-2] (2) and trans-(Cl)-[Ru(SRaaiNR)(CO)Cl-2] (3) (SRaaiNR = 1-alkyl-2-{(o-thioalkyl)phenylazo}imidazoles; R = Me (1a) and Et (1b)) have been synthesized and characterized. The structural confirmation is achieved by single crystal X-ray structure determinations. The complexes show Ru(III)/Ru(II) couple and ligand reductions. Electronic structure and spectral properties of the complexes have been explained with the DFT and TDDFT calculation. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The crystal structure of the N,N,N',N'-tetramethylethylenediammonium dithiocyanate salt has been examined by experimental charge density studies from high-resolution X-ray diffraction data. The corresponding results are compared with multipole refinements, using theoretical structure factors obtained from a periodic density functional theory calculation at the B3LYP level with a 6-31G** basis set. The salt crystallizes in space group P (1) over bar and contains only a single ion pair with an inversion center in the cation. The salt has thus one unique classical N+-H center dot center dot center dot(NCS)(-) hydrogen bond but also has six other weaker interactions: four C-H center dot center dot center dot S, one C-H center dot center dot center dot N, and one C-H center dot center dot center dot C-pi. The nature of all these interactions has been examined topologically using Bader's quantum theory of "atoms in molecules" and all eight of the Koch-Popelier criteria. The experimental and theoretical approaches agree well and both show that the inter-ion interactions, even in this simplest of systems, play an integrated and complex role in the packing of the ions in the crystal. Electrostatic potential maps are derived from experimental charge densities. This is the first time such a system has been examined in detail by these methods.


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In a three player quantum `Dilemma' game each player takes independent decisions to maximize his/her individual gain. The optimal strategy in the quantum version of this game has a higher payoff compared to its classical counterpart. However, this advantage is lost if the initial qubits provided to the players are from a noisy source. We have experimentally implemented the three player quantum version of the `Dilemma' game as described by Johnson, [N.F. Johnson, Phys. Rev. A 63 (2001) 020302(R)] using nuclear magnetic resonance quantum information processor and have experimentally verified that the payoff of the quantum game for various levels of corruption matches the theoretical payoff. (c) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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(CH3)4NGeCl3 is prepared, characterized and studied using 1H NMR spin lattice relaxation time and second moment to understand the internal motions and quantum rotational tunneling. Proton second moment is measured at 7 MHz as function of temperature in the range 300-77 K and spin lattice relaxation time (T1) is measured at two Larmor frequencies, as a function of temperature in the range 270-17 K employing a homemade wide-line/pulsed NMR spectrometers. T1 data are analyzed in two temperature regions using relevant theoretical models. The relaxation in the higher temperatures (270-115 K) is attributed to the hindered reorientations of symmetric groups (CH3 and (CH3)4N). Broad asymmetric T1 minima observed below 115 K down to 17 K are attributed to quantum rotational tunneling of the inequivalent methyl groups.


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Experimental charge density distributions in two known conformational polymorphs (orange and yellow) of coumarin 314 dye are analyzed based on multipole modeling of X-ray diffraction data collected at 100 K. The experimental results are compared with the charge densities derived from multipole modeling of theoretical structure factors obtained from periodic quantum calculation with density functional theory (DFT) method and B3LYP/6-31G(d,p) level of theory. The presence of disorder at the carbonyl oxygen atom of ethoxycarbonyl group in the yellow form, which was not identified earlier, is addressed here. The investigationof intermolecular interactions, based on Hirshfeld surface analysis and topological properties via quantum theory of atoms in molecule and total electrostatic interaction energies, revealed significant differences between the polymorphs. The differences of electrostatic nature in these two polymorphic forms were unveiled via construction of three-dimensional deformation electrostatic potential maps plotted over the molecular surfaces. The lattice energies evaluated from ab initio calculations on the two polymorphic forms indicate that the yellow form is likely to be the most favorable thermodynamically. The dipole moments derived from experimental and theoretical charge densities and also from Lorentz tensor approach are compared with the single-molecule dipole moments. In each case, the differences of dipole moments between the polymorphs are identified.


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Presented here is the two-phase thermodynamic (2PT) model for the calculation of energy and entropy of molecular fluids from the trajectory of molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. In this method, the density of state (DoS) functions (including the normal modes of translation, rotation, and intramolecular vibration motions) are determined from the Fourier transform of the corresponding velocity autocorrelation functions. A fluidicity parameter (f), extracted from the thermodynamic state of the system derived from the same MD, is used to partition the translation and rotation modes into a diffusive, gas-like component (with 3Nf degrees of freedom) and a nondiffusive, solid-like component. The thermodynamic properties, including the absolute value of entropy, are then obtained by applying quantum statistics to the solid component and applying hard sphere/rigid rotor thermodynamics to the gas component. The 2PT method produces exact thermodynamic properties of the system in two limiting states: the nondiffusive solid state (where the fluidicity is zero) and the ideal gas state (where the fluidicity becomes unity). We examine the 2PT entropy for various water models (F3C, SPC, SPC/E, TIP3P, and TIP4P-Ew) at ambient conditions and find good agreement with literature results obtained based on other simulation techniques. We also validate the entropy of water in the liquid and vapor phases along the vapor-liquid equilibrium curve from the triple point to the critical point. We show that this method produces converged liquid phase entropy in tens of picoseconds, making it an efficient means for extracting thermodynamic properties from MD simulations.


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Coulomb interaction strengths (Udd and Uff) have been calculated from Hartree-Fock-Slater atomic calculations for 3d transition and 5f actinide elements, respectively. By decomposing the different contributions to the response (screening) to the 3d charge fluctuation, we show that a substantial reduction in Udd arises due to the relaxation of the 3d charge distribution itself. This, combined with the screening due to the response of the 4s charge density, is shown to provide a very compact screening charge comparable to the metallic case, explaining the success of the atomic calculations for estimating U even in the metals. A pronounced dependence of Udd (or Uff) on the number of electrons nd (nf) or the electronic configuration is also shown here.


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According to Wen's theory, a universal behavior of the fractional quantum Hall edge is expected at sufficiently low energies, where the dispersion of the elementary edge excitation is linear. A microscopic calculation shows that the actual dispersion is indeed linear at low energies, but deviates from linearity beyond certain energy, and also exhibits an "edge roton minimum." We determine the edge exponent from a microscopic approach, and find that the nonlinearity of the dispersion makes a surprisingly small correction to the edge exponent even at energies higher than the roton energy. We explain this insensitivity as arising from the fact that the energy at maximum spectral weight continues to show an almost linear behavior up to fairly high energies. We also study, in an effective-field theory, how interactions modify the exponent for a reconstructed edge with multiple edge modes. Relevance to experiment is discussed.


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Oxygen storage/release (OSC) capacity is an important feature common to all three-way catalysts to combat harmful exhaust emissions. To understand the mechanism of improved OSC for doped CeO2, we undertook the structural investigation by X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), H-2-TPR (temperature-programmed hydrogen reduction) and density functional theoretical (DFT) calculations of transition-metal-, noble-metal-, and rare-earth (RE)-ion-substituted ceria. In this report, we present the relationship between the OSC and structural changes induced by the dopant ion in CeO2. Transition metal and noble metal ion substitution in ceria greatly enhances the reducibility of Ce1-xMxO2-delta (M = Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Pd, Pt, Ru), whereas rare-earth-ion-substituted Ce(1-x)A(x)O(2-delta) (A = La, Y) have very little effect in improving the OSC. Our simulated optimized structure shows deviation in cation oxygen bond length from ideal bond length of 2.34 angstrom (for CeO2). For example, our theoretical calculation for Ce28Mn4O62 structure shows that Mn-O bonds are in 4 + 2 coordination with average bond lengths of 2.0 and 3.06 angstrom respectively. Although the four short Mn-O bond lengths spans the bond distance region of Mn2O3, the other two Mn-O bonds are moved to longer distances. The dopant transition and noble metal ions also affects Ce coordination shell and results in the formation of longer Ce-O bonds as well. Thus longer cation oxygen bonds for both dopant and host ions results in enhanced synergistic reduction of the solid solution. With Pd ion substitution in Ce1-xMxO2-delta (M = Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu) further enhancement in OSC is observed in H-2-TPR. This effect is reflected in our model calculations by the presence of still longer bonds compared to the model without Pd ion doping. The synergistic effect is therefore due to enhanced reducibility of both dopant and host ion induced due to structural distortion of fluorite lattice in presence of dopant ion. For RE ions (RE = Y, La), our calculations show very little deviation of bonds lengths from ideal fluorite structure. The absence of longer Y-O/La-O and Ce-O bonds make the structure much less susceptible to reduction.


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Shell model calculation of defect energies in alkali halides have been carried out using the ion-dependent, crystal-independent potential parameters of Sangster and Atwood (1978). Results indicate that appreciable differences exist between barrier heights for migration of cations and anions. While barrier heights for cations are generally lower than for anions in alkali halides of NaCl structure, the opposite is true in alkali halides of CsCl structure.


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The experimental charge density distribution in three compounds, 2-chloro-3-quinolinyl methanol, 2-chloro-3-hydroxypyridine, and 2-chloro-3-chloromethyl-8-methylquinoline, has been obtained using high-resolution X-ray diffraction data collected at 100 K based on the aspherical multipole modeling of electron density. These compounds represent type I (cis), type I (trans), and type II geometries, respectively, as defined for short Cl center dot center dot center dot Cl interactions. The experimental results are compared with the theoretical charge densities using theoretical structure factors obtained from a periodic quantum calculation at the B3LYP/6-31G** level. The topological features derived from the Bader's theory of atoms in molecules (AIM) approach unequivocally suggest that both cis and trans type I geometries show decreased repulsion, whereas type II geometry is attractive based on the nature of polar flattening of the electron density around the Cl atom.


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The omega(1)-heterodecoupled-C-13-filtered proton detected NMR experiments are reported for the accurate quantification of enantiomeric excess in chiral molecules embedded in chiral liquid crystal. The differential values of both H-1-H-1 and C-13-H-1 dipolar couplings in the direct dimension and only H-1-H-1 dipolar couplings in the indirect dimension enable unraveling of overlapped enantiomeric peaks. The creation of unequal C-13-bound proton signal for each enantiomer in the INEPT block and non-uniform excitation of coherences in homonuclear multiple quantum experiments do not yield accurate quantification of enantiomeric excess. In circumventing these difficulties, a coupling dependent intensity correction factor has been invoked. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.