23 resultados para Patient retrieval


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As rapid brain development occurs during the neonatal period, environmental manipulation during this period may have a significant impact on sleep and memory functions. Moreover, rapid eye movement (REM) sleep plays an important role in integrating new information with the previously stored emotional experience. Hence, the impact of early maternal separation and isolation stress (MS) during the stress hyporesponsive period (SHRP) on fear memory retention and sleep in rats were studied. The neonatal rats were subjected to maternal separation and isolation stress during postnatal days 5-7 (6 h daily/3 d). Polysomnographic recordings and differential fear conditioning was carried out in two different sets of rats aged 2 months. The neuronal replay during REM sleep was analyzed using different parameters. MS rats showed increased time in REM stage and total sleep period also increased. MS rats showed fear generalization with increased fear memory retention than normal control (NC). The detailed analysis of the local field potentials across different time periods of REM sleep showed increased theta oscillations in the hippocampus, amygdala and cortical circuits. Our findings suggest that stress during SHRP has sensitized the hippocampus amygdala cortical loops which could be due to increased release of corticosterone that generally occurs during REM sleep. These rats when subjected to fear conditioning exhibit increased fear memory and increased, fear generalization. The development of helplessness, anxiety and sleep changes in human patients, thus, could be related to the reduced thermal, tactile and social stimulation during SHRP on brain plasticity and fear memory functions. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Aberrant activation of Notch and Ras pathways has been detected in breast cancers. A synergy between these two pathways has also been shown in breast cell transformation in culture. Yet, the clinical relevance of Notch-Ras cooperation in breast cancer progression remains unexplored. In this study, we show that coordinate hyperactivation of Notch1 and Ras/MAPK pathways in breast cancer patient specimens, as assessed by IHC for cleaved Notch1 and pErk1/2, respectively, correlated with early relapse to vital organs and poor overall survival. Interestingly, majority of such Notch1 (high)Erk(high) cases encompassed the highly aggressive triple-negative breast cancers (TNBC), and were enriched in stem cell markers. We further show that combinatorial inhibition of Notch1 and Ras/MAPK pathways, using a novel mAb against Notch1 and a MEK inhibitor, respectively, led to a significant reduction in proliferation and survival of breast cancer cells compared with individual inhibition. Combined inhibition also abrogated sphere-forming potential, and depleted the putative cancer stem-like cell subpopulation. Most importantly, combinatorial inhibition of Notch1 and Ras/MAPK pathways completely blocked tumor growth in a panel of breast cancer xenografts, including the TNBCs. Thus, our study identifies coordinate hyperactivation of Notch1 and Ras/MAPK pathways as novel biomarkers for poor breast cancer outcome. Furthermore, based on our preclinical data, we propose combinatorial targeting of these two pathways as a treatment strategy for highly aggressive breast cancers, particularly the TNBCs that currently lack any targeted therapeutic module. (C) 2014 AACR.


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We address the problem of two-dimensional (2-D) phase retrieval from magnitude of the Fourier spectrum. We consider 2-D signals that are characterized by first-order difference equations, which have a parametric representation in the Fourier domain. We show that, under appropriate stability conditions, such signals can be reconstructed uniquely from the Fourier transform magnitude. We formulate the phase retrieval problem as one of computing the parameters that uniquely determine the signal. We show that the problem can be solved by employing the annihilating filter method, particularly for the case when the parameters are distinct. For the more general case of the repeating parameters, the annihilating filter method is not applicable. We circumvent the problem by employing the algebraically coupled matrix pencil (ACMP) method. In the noiseless measurement setup, exact phase retrieval is possible. We also establish a link between the proposed analysis and 2-D cepstrum. In the noisy case, we derive Cramer-Rao lower bounds (CRLBs) on the estimates of the parameters and present Monte Carlo performance analysis as a function of the noise level. Comparisons with state-of-the-art techniques in terms of signal reconstruction accuracy show that the proposed technique outperforms the Fienup and relaxed averaged alternating reflections (RAAR) algorithms in the presence of noise.


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Representing images and videos in the form of compact codes has emerged as an important research interest in the vision community, in the context of web scale image/video search. Recently proposed Vector of Locally Aggregated Descriptors (VLAD), has been shown to outperform the existing retrieval techniques, while giving a desired compact representation. VLAD aggregates the local features of an image in the feature space. In this paper, we propose to represent the local features extracted from an image, as sparse codes over an over-complete dictionary, which is obtained by K-SVD based dictionary training algorithm. The proposed VLAD aggregates the residuals in the space of these sparse codes, to obtain a compact representation for the image. Experiments are performed over the `Holidays' database using SIFT features. The performance of the proposed method is compared with the original VLAD. The 4% increment in the mean average precision (mAP) indicates the better retrieval performance of the proposed sparse coding based VLAD.


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The current study presents an algorithm to retrieve surface Soil Moisture (SM) from multi-temporal Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data. The developed algorithm is based on the Cumulative Density Function (CDF) transformation of multi-temporal RADARSAT-2 backscatter coefficient (BC) to obtain relative SM values, and then converts relative SM values into absolute SM values using soil information. The algorithm is tested in a semi-arid tropical region in South India using 30 satellite images of RADARSAT-2, SMOS L2 SM products, and 1262 SM field measurements in 50 plots spanning over 4 years. The validation with the field data showed the ability of the developed algorithm to retrieve SM with RMSE ranging from 0.02 to 0.06 m(3)/m(3) for the majority of plots. Comparison with the SMOS SM showed a good temporal behaviour with RMSE of approximately 0.05 m(3)/m(3) and a correlation coefficient of approximately 0.9. The developed model is compared and found to be better than the change detection and delta index model. The approach does not require calibration of any parameter to obtain relative SM and hence can easily be extended to any region having time series of SAR data available.


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We address the problem of phase retrieval from Fourier transform magnitude spectrum for continuous-time signals that lie in a shift-invariant space spanned by integer shifts of a generator kernel. The phase retrieval problem for such signals is formulated as one of reconstructing the combining coefficients in the shift-invariant basis expansion. We develop sufficient conditions on the coefficients and the bases to guarantee exact phase retrieval, by which we mean reconstruction up to a global phase factor. We present a new class of discrete-domain signals that are not necessarily minimum-phase, but allow for exact phase retrieval from their Fourier magnitude spectra. We also establish Hilbert transform relations between log-magnitude and phase spectra for this class of discrete signals. It turns out that the corresponding continuous-domain counterparts need not satisfy a Hilbert transform relation; notwithstanding, the continuous-domain signals can be reconstructed from their Fourier magnitude spectra. We validate the reconstruction guarantees through simulations for some important classes of signals such as bandlimited signals and piecewise-smooth signals. We also present an application of the proposed phase retrieval technique for artifact-free signal reconstruction in frequency-domain optical-coherence tomography (FDOCT).