152 resultados para Oscillation, functional ordinary differential equation


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In this article we consider a finite queue with its arrivals controlled by the random early detection algorithm. This is one of the most prominent congestion avoidance schemes in the Internet routers. The aggregate arrival stream from the population of transmission control protocol sources is locally considered stationary renewal or Markov modulated Poisson process with general packet length distribution. We study the exact dynamics of this queue and provide the stability and the rates of convergence to the stationary distribution and obtain the packet loss probability and the waiting time distribution. Then we extend these results to a two traffic class case with each arrival stream renewal. However, computing the performance indices for this system becomes computationally prohibitive. Thus, in the latter half of the article, we approximate the dynamics of the average queue length process asymptotically via an ordinary differential equation. We estimate the error term via a diffusion approximation. We use these results to obtain approximate transient and stationary performance of the system. Finally, we provide some computational examples to show the accuracy of these approximations.


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We consider a time varying wireless fading channel, equalized by an LMS linear equalizer in decision directed mode (DD-LMS-LE). We study how well this equalizer tracks the optimal Wiener equalizer. Initially we study a fixed channel.For a fixed channel, we obtain the existence of DD attractors near the Wiener filter at high SNRs using an ODE (Ordinary Differential Equation) approximating the DD-LMS-LE. We also show, via examples, that the DD attractors may not be close to the Wiener filters at low SNRs. Next we study a time varying fading channel modeled by an Auto-regressive (AR) process of order 2. The DD-LMS equalizer and the AR process are jointly approximated by the solution of a system of ODEs. We show via examples that the LMS equalizer ODE show tracks the ODE corresponding to the instantaneous Wiener filter when the SNR is high. This may not happen at low SNRs.


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We have developed an efficient fully three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction algorithm for diffuse optical tomography (DOT). The 3D DOT, a severely ill-posed problem, is tackled through a pseudodynamic (PD) approach wherein an ordinary differential equation representing the evolution of the solution on pseudotime is integrated that bypasses an explicit inversion of the associated, ill-conditioned system matrix. One of the most computationally expensive parts of the iterative DOT algorithm, the reevaluation of the Jacobian in each of the iterations, is avoided by using the adjoint-Broyden update formula to provide low rank updates to the Jacobian. In addition, wherever feasible, we have also made the algorithm efficient by integrating along the quadratic path provided by the perturbation equation containing the Hessian. These algorithms are then proven by reconstruction, using simulated and experimental data and verifying the PD results with those from the popular Gauss-Newton scheme. The major findings of this work are as follows: (i) the PD reconstructions are comparatively artifact free, providing superior absorption coefficient maps in terms of quantitative accuracy and contrast recovery; (ii) the scaling of computation time with the dimension of the measurement set is much less steep with the Jacobian update formula in place than without it; and (iii) an increase in the data dimension, even though it renders the reconstruction problem less ill conditioned and thus provides relatively artifact-free reconstructions, does not necessarily provide better contrast property recovery. For the latter, one should also take care to uniformly distribute the measurement points, avoiding regions close to the source so that the relative strength of the derivatives for measurements away from the source does not become insignificant. (c) 2012 Optical Society of America


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We consider the asymptotics of the invariant measure for the process of spatial distribution of N coupled Markov chains in the limit of a large number of chains. Each chain reflects the stochastic evolution of one particle. The chains are coupled through the dependence of transition rates on the spatial distribution of particles in the various states. Our model is a caricature for medium access interactions in wireless local area networks. Our model is also applicable in the study of spread of epidemics in a network. The limiting process satisfies a deterministic ordinary differential equation called the McKean-Vlasov equation. When this differential equation has a unique globally asymptotically stable equilibrium, the spatial distribution converges weakly to this equilibrium. Using a control-theoretic approach, we examine the question of a large deviation from this equilibrium.


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We study the tradeoff between delivery delay and energy consumption in a delay-tolerant network in which a message (or a file) has to be delivered to each of several destinations by epidemic relaying. In addition to the destinations, there are several other nodes in the network that can assist in relaying the message. We first assume that, at every instant, all the nodes know the number of relays carrying the message and the number of destinations that have received the message. We formulate the problem as a controlled continuous-time Markov chain and derive the optimal closed-loop control (i.e., forwarding policy). However, in practice, the intermittent connectivity in the network implies that the nodes may not have the required perfect knowledge of the system state. To address this issue, we obtain an ordinary differential equation (ODE) (i.e., a deterministic fluid) approximation for the optimally controlled Markov chain. This fluid approximation also yields an asymptotically optimal open-loop policy. Finally, we evaluate the performance of the deterministic policy over finite networks. Numerical results show that this policy performs close to the optimal closed-loop policy.


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The effect of the magnetic field on the unsteady flow over a stretching surface in a rotating fluid has been studied. The unsteadiness in the flow field is due to the time-dependent variation of the velocity of the stretching surface and the angular velocity of the rotating fluid. The Navier-Stokes equations and the energy equation governing the flow and the heat transfer admit a self-similar solution if the velocity of the stretching surface and the angular velocity of the rotating fluid vary inversely as a linear function of time. The resulting system of ordinary differential equations is solved numerically using a shooting method. The rotation parameter causes flow reversal in the component of the velocity parallel to the strerching surface and the magnetic field tends to prevent or delay the flow reversal. The surface shear stresses dong the stretching surface and in the rotating direction increase with the rotation parameter, but the surface heat transfer decreases. On the other hand, the magnetic field increases the surface shear stress along the stretching surface, but reduces the surface shear stress in the rotating direction and the surface heat transfer. The effect of the unsteady parameter is more pronounced on the velocity profiles in the rotating direction and temperature profiles.


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A pseudo-dynamical approach for a class of inverse problems involving static measurements is proposed and explored. Following linearization of the minimizing functional associated with the underlying optimization problem, the new strategy results in a system of linearized ordinary differential equations (ODEs) whose steady-state solutions yield the desired reconstruction. We consider some explicit and implicit schemes for integrating the ODEs and thus establish a deterministic reconstruction strategy without an explicit use of regularization. A stochastic reconstruction strategy is then developed making use of an ensemble Kalman filter wherein these ODEs serve as the measurement model. Finally, we assess the numerical efficacy of the developed tools against a few linear and nonlinear inverse problems of engineering interest.


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We consider the problem of estimating the optimal parameter trajectory over a finite time interval in a parameterized stochastic differential equation (SDE), and propose a simulation-based algorithm for this purpose. Towards this end, we consider a discretization of the SDE over finite time instants and reformulate the problem as one of finding an optimal parameter at each of these instants. A stochastic approximation algorithm based on the smoothed functional technique is adapted to this setting for finding the optimal parameter trajectory. A proof of convergence of the algorithm is presented and results of numerical experiments over two different settings are shown. The algorithm is seen to exhibit good performance. We also present extensions of our framework to the case of finding optimal parameterized feedback policies for controlled SDE and present numerical results in this scenario as well.


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Initial-value problems for the generalized Burgers equation (GBE) ut+u betaux+lambdaualpha =(delta/2)uxx are discussed for the single hump type of initial data both continuous and discontinuous. The numerical solution is carried to the self-similar ``intermediate asymptotic'' regime when the solution is given analytically by the self-similar form. The nonlinear (transformed) ordinary differential equations (ODE's) describing the self-similar form are generalizations of a class discussed by Euler and Painlevé and quoted by Kamke. These ODE's are new, and it is postulated that they characterize GBE's in the same manner as the Painlev equations categorize the Kortweg-de Vries (KdV) type. A connection problem for some related ODE's satisfying proper asymptotic conditions at x=±[infinity], is solved. The range of amplitude parameter is found for which the solution of the connection problem exists. The other solutions of the above GBE, which display several interesting features such as peaking, breaking, and a long shelf on the left for negative values of the damping coefficient lambda, are also discussed. The results are compared with those holding for the modified KdV equation with damping. Journal of Mathematical Physics is copyrighted by The American Institute of Physics.


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The “partition method” or “sub-domain method” consists of expressing the solution of a governing differential equation, partial or ordinary, in terms of functions which satisfy the boundary conditions and setting to zero the error in the differential equation integrated over each of the sub-domains into which the given domain is partitioned. In this paper, the use of this method in eigenvalue problems with particular reference to vibration of plates is investigated. The deflection of the plate is expressed in terms of polynomials satisfying the boundary conditions completely. Setting the integrated error in each of the subdomains to zero results in a set of simultaneous, linear, homogeneous, algebraic equations in the undetermined coefficients of the deflection series. The algebraic eigenvalue problem is then solved for eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Convergence is examined in a few typical cases and is found to be satisfactory. The results obtained are compared with existing results based on other methods and are found to be in very good agreement.


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The “partition method” or “sub-domain method” consists of expressing the solution of a governing differential equation, partial or ordinary, in terms of functions which satisfy the boundary conditions and setting to zero the error in the differential equation integrated over each of the sub-domains into which the given domain is partitioned. In this paper, the use of this method in eigenvalue problems with particular reference to vibration of plates is investigated. The deflection of the plate is expressed in terms of polynomials satisfying the boundary conditions completely. Setting the integrated error in each of the subdomains to zero results in a set of simultaneous, linear, homogeneous, algebraic equations in the undetermined coefficients of the deflection series. The algebraic eigenvalue problem is then solved for eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Convergence is examined in a few typical cases and is found to be satisfactory. The results obtained are compared with existing results based on other methods and are found to be in very good agreement.


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In this paper, we show existence and uniqueness of a solution to a functional differential equation with infinite delay. We choose an appropriate Frechet space so as to cover a large class of functions to be used as initial functions to obtain existence and uniqueness of solutions.


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In this paper, we show existence and uniqueness of a solution to a functional differential equation with infinite delay. We choose an appropriate Frechet space so as to cover a large class of functions to be used as initial functions to obtain existence and uniqueness of solutions.


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A simple, sufficiently accurate and efficient method for approximate solutions of the Falkner-Skan equation is proposed here for a wide range of the pressure gradient parameter. The proposed approximate solutions are obtained utilising a known solution of another differential equation.


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The probability distribution of the eigenvalues of a second-order stochastic boundary value problem is considered. The solution is characterized in terms of the zeros of an associated initial value problem. It is further shown that the probability distribution is related to the solution of a first-order nonlinear stochastic differential equation. Solutions of this equation based on the theory of Markov processes and also on the closure approximation are presented. A string with stochastic mass distribution is considered as an example for numerical work. The theoretical probability distribution functions are compared with digital simulation results. The comparison is found to be reasonably good.