59 resultados para On s-Numbers


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A quartic profile in terms of the normal distance from the wall has been taken and coefficients are evaluated by satisfying one more boundary condition on the wall than the usual one. By doing so, the limitations about the Reynolds number of the quartic profile adopted by Lew (1949) has been removed. The Kármán (1921) Momentum Integral Equation has been used to evaluate the various characteristics of the flow. A comparative study of Lew's quartic profile and exponential profile together with the quartic profile of the present paper has been undertaken and the graphs for the various characteristics of the flow for a number of Mach numbers and suction coefficients have been drawn. At the end, certain conclusions of general nature about the velocity profiles have been recorded.


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An experimental study for transient temperature response and pressure drop in a randomly packed bed at high Reynolds numbers is presented.The packed bed is used as a compact heat exchanger along with a solid-propellant gas generator, to generate room-temperature gases for use in control actuation, air bottle pressurization, etc. Packed beds of lengths 200 and 300 mm were characterized for packing-sphere-based Reynolds numbers ranging from 0.8 x 10(4) to 8.5 x 10(4).The solid packing used in the bed consisted of phi 9.5 mm steel spheres. The bed-to-particle diameter ratio was with the average packed-bed porosity around 0.43. The inlet flow temperature was unsteady and a mesh of spheres was used at either end to eliminate flow entrance and exit effects. Gas temperature and pressure were measured at the entry, exit,and at three axial locations along centerline in the packed beds. The solid packing temperature was measured at three axial locations in the packed bed. A correlation based on the ratio of pressure drop and inlet-flow momentum (Euler number) exhibited an asymptotically decreasing trend with increasing Reynolds number. Axial conduction across the packed bed was found to he negligible in the investigated Reynolds number range. The enthalpy absorption rate to solid packing from hot gases is plotted as a function of a nondimensional time constant for different Reynolds numbers. A longer packed bed had high enthalpy absorption rate at Reynolds number similar to 10(4), which decreased at Reynolds number similar to 10(5). The enthalpy absorption plots can be used for estimating enthalpy drop across packed bed with different material, but for a geometrically similar packing.


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The steady natural convection flow on a horizontal cone embedded in a saturated porous medium with non-uniform wall temperature/concentration or heat/mass flux and suction/injection has been investigated. Non-similar solutions have been obtained. The nonlinear couple differential equations under boundary layer approximations governing the flow have been numerically solved. The Nusselt and Sherwood numbers are found to depend on the buoyancy forces, suction/injection rates, variation of wall temperature/concentration or heat/mass flux, Lewis number and the non-Darcy parameter.


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Boundary-layer transition at different free-stream turbulence levels has been investigated using the particle-image velocimetry technique. The measurements show organized positive and negative fluctuations of the streamwise fluctuating velocity component, which resemble the forward and backward jet-like structures reported in the direct numerical simulation of bypass transition. These fluctuations are associated with unsteady streaky structures. Large inclined high shear-layer regions are also observed and the organized negative fluctuations are found to appear consistently with these inclined shear layers, along with highly inflectional instantaneous streamwise velocity profiles. These inflectional velocity profiles are similar to those in the ribbon-induced boundary-layer transition. An oscillating-inclined shear layer appears to be the turbulent spot-precursor. The measurements also enabled to compare the actual turbulent spot in bypass transition with the simulated one. A proper orthogonal decomposition analysis of the fluctuating velocity field is carried out. The dominant flow structures of the organized positive and negative fluctuations are captured by the first few eigenfunction modes carrying most of the fluctuating energy. The similarity in the dominant eigenfunctions at different Reynolds numbers suggests that the flow prevails its structural identity even in intermittent flows. This analysis also indicates the possibility of the existence of a spatio-temporal symmetry associated with a travelling wave in the flow.


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In this note we demonstrate the use of top polarization in the study of t (t) over bar resonances at the LHC, in the possible case where the dynamics implies a non-zero top polarization. As a probe of top polarization we construct an asymmetry in the decay-lepton azimuthal angle distribution (corresponding to the sign of cos phi(l)) in the laboratory. The asymmetry is non-vanishing even for a symmetric collider like the LHC, where a positive z axis is not uniquely defined. The angular distribution of the leptons has the advantage of being a faithful top-spin analyzer, unaffected by possible anomalous tbW couplings, to linear order. We study, for purposes of demonstration, the case of a Z' as might exist in the little Higgs models. We identify kinematic cuts which ensure that our asymmetry reflects the polarization in sign and magnitude. We investigate possibilities at the LHC with two energy options: root s = 14TeV and root s = 7TeV, as well as at the Tevatron. At the LHC the model predicts net top quark polarization of the order of a few per cent for M-Z' similar or equal to 1200GeV, being as high as 10% for a smaller mass of the Z' of 700GeV and for the largest allowed coupling in the model, the values being higher for the 7TeV option. These polarizations translate to a deviation from the standard-model value of azimuthal asymmetry of up to about 4% (7%) for 14 (7) TeV LHC, whereas for the Tevatron, values as high as 12% are attained. For the 14TeV LHC with an integrated luminosity of 10 fb(-1), these numbers translate into a 3 sigma sensitivity over a large part of the range 500 less than or similar to M-Z' less than or similar to 1500GeV.


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We study large-scale kinematic dynamo action due to turbulence in the presence of a linear shear flow in the low-conductivity limit. Our treatment is non-perturbative in the shear strength and makes systematic use of both the shearing coordinate transformation and the Galilean invariance of the linear shear flow. The velocity fluctuations are assumed to have low magnetic Reynolds number (Re-m), but could have arbitrary fluid Reynolds number. The equation for the magnetic fluctuations is expanded perturbatively in the small quantity, Re-m. Our principal results are as follows: (i) the magnetic fluctuations are determined to the lowest order in Rem by explicit calculation of the resistive Green's function for the linear shear flow; (ii) the mean electromotive force is then calculated and an integro-differential equation is derived for the time evolution of the mean magnetic field. In this equation, velocity fluctuations contribute to two different kinds of terms, the 'C' and 'D' terms, respectively, in which first and second spatial derivatives of the mean magnetic field, respectively, appear inside the space-time integrals; (iii) the contribution of the D term is such that its contribution to the time evolution of the cross-shear components of the mean field does not depend on any other components except itself. Therefore, to the lowest order in Re-m, but to all orders in the shear strength, the D term cannot give rise to a shear-current-assisted dynamo effect; (iv) casting the integro-differential equation in Fourier space, we show that the normal modes of the theory are a set of shearing waves, labelled by their sheared wavevectors; (v) the integral kernels are expressed in terms of the velocity-spectrum tensor, which is the fundamental dynamical quantity that needs to be specified to complete the integro-differential equation description of the time evolution of the mean magnetic field; (vi) the C term couples different components of the mean magnetic field, so they can, in principle, give rise to a shear-current-type effect. We discuss the application to a slowly varying magnetic field, where it can be shown that forced non-helical velocity dynamics at low fluid Reynolds number does not result in a shear-current-assisted dynamo effect.


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The flow due to a finite disk rotating in an incompressible viscous fluid has been studied. A modified Newton-gradient finite difference scheme is used to obtain the solution of full Navier-Stokes equations numerically for different disk and cylinder sizes for a wide range of Reynolds numbers. The introduction of the aspect ratio and the disk-shroud gap, significantly alters the flow characteristics in the region under consideration, The frictional torque calculated from the flow data reveals that the contribution due to nonlinear terms is not negligible even at a low Reynolds number. For large Reynolds numbers, the flow structure reveals a strong boundary layer character.


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A study of transpiration cooling of blunt bodies such as a hemicylinder is made by solving Navier-Stokes equations. An upwind, implicit time-marching code is developed for this purpose. The study is conducted for both perfect-gas and real-gas (chemical equilibrium) flows. Investigations are carried out for a special wall condition that is referred to as no heat flow into the wall condition. The effects of air injection on wall temperature are analyzed. Analyses are carried out for Mach numbers ranging between 6-10 and Reynolds numbers ranging between 10(6)-10(7). Studies are made for spatially constant as well as spatially varying mass injection rate distributions, White cold air injection reduces the wall temperature substantially, transpiration cooling is relatively less effective when the gas is in chemical equilibrium.


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Studies related to cavitation inception process in separated flows are reported. Experimental observations of bubble appearance in grooves with laminar or turbulent boundary layer over them have clearly shown that gaseous diffusion process is significantly enhanced in turbulent flow. This process can lead to local nuclei size modification in environment similar to that of flow over a groove, like laminar separation "bubbles." Cavitation inception modeling including this aspect is carried out for predicting inception conditions associated with "bubble-ring" cavitation commonly observed on hemispherically nosed axisymmetric body. Qualitative dependence of predicted inception numbers with velocity is found to agree very well with experimental observations of Carroll (1981).


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The effect of surface mass transfer on buoyancy induced flow in a variable porosity medium adjacent to a heated vertical plate is studied for high Rayleigh numbers. Similarity solutions are obtained within the frame work of boundary layer theory for a power law variation in surface temperature,T Wpropx lambda and surface injectionv Wpropx(lambda–1/2). The analysis incorporates the expression connecting porosity and permeability and also the expression connecting porosity and effective thermal diffusivity. The influence of thermal dispersion on the flow and heat transfer characteristics are also analysed in detail. The results of the present analysis document the fact that variable porosity enhances heat transfer rate and the magnitude of velocity near the wall. The governing equations are solved using an implicit finite difference scheme for both the Darcy flow model and Forchheimer flow model, the latter analysis being confined to an isothermal surface and an impermeable vertical plate. The influence of the intertial terms in the Forchheimer model is to decrease the heat transfer and flow rates and the influence of thermal dispersion is to increase the heat transfer rate.


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We build on the formulation developed in S. Sridhar and N. K. Singh J. Fluid Mech. 664, 265 (2010)] and present a theory of the shear dynamo problem for small magnetic and fluid Reynolds numbers, but for arbitrary values of the shear parameter. Specializing to the case of a mean magnetic field that is slowly varying in time, explicit expressions for the transport coefficients alpha(il) and eta(iml) are derived. We prove that when the velocity field is nonhelical, the transport coefficient alpha(il) vanishes. We then consider forced, stochastic dynamics for the incompressible velocity field at low Reynolds number. An exact, explicit solution for the velocity field is derived, and the velocity spectrum tensor is calculated in terms of the Galilean-invariant forcing statistics. We consider forcing statistics that are nonhelical, isotropic, and delta correlated in time, and specialize to the case when the mean field is a function only of the spatial coordinate X-3 and time tau; this reduction is necessary for comparison with the numerical experiments of A. Brandenburg, K. H. Radler, M. Rheinhardt, and P. J. Kapyla Astrophys. J. 676, 740 (2008)]. Explicit expressions are derived for all four components of the magnetic diffusivity tensor eta(ij) (tau). These are used to prove that the shear-current effect cannot be responsible for dynamo action at small Re and Rm, but for all values of the shear parameter.


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DatabaseStructural data are available in the Protein Data Bank under the accession numbers 3PVF, 3PY2, and 3PWA. Structured digital abstract Tim ontology-lookup/?termId=MI:0407'' type=''url''>binds to Tim by ontology-lookup/?termId=MI:0114'' type=''url''>x-ray crystallography on.do?interactio nAc=MINT-8149884'' type=''url''>(View interaction).


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A three-component accelerometer balance system is used to study the drag reduction effect of an aerodisc on large angle blunt cones flying at hypersonic Mach numbers. Measurements in a hypersonic shock tunnel at a freestream Mach number of 5.75 indicate more than 50% reduction in the drag coefficient for a 120degrees apex angle blunt cone with a forward facing aerospike having a flat faced aerodisc at moderate angles of attack. Enhancement of drag has been observed for higher angles of attack due to the impingement of the flow separation shock on the windward side of the cone. The flowfields around the large angle blunt cone with aerospike assembly flying at hypersonic Mach numbers are also simulated numerically using a commercial CFD code. The pressure and density levels on the model surface, which is under the aerodynamic shadow of the flat disc tipped spike, are found very low and a drag reduction of 64.34% has been deduced numerically.


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An experimental study has been made of transition to turbulence in the free convective flows on a heated plate. Observations have been made with the plate vertical and inclined at angles up to about 50° to the vertical, both above and below the plate. A fibre anemometer was used to survey the region of intermittent turbulence. Information has thus been obtained about the range of Grashof numbers over which transition takes place. Even when the plate is vertical the region of intermittent turbulence is long. When it is inclined, this region becomes still longer in the flow below the plate as a result of the stabilizing stratification, a Richardson number effect. It is possible to have a whole flow such that it should be described as transitional, not laminar or turbulent. It was noticed that in this flow and the vertical plate one, the velocity during the laminar periods could be either of two characteristic values, one of them close to zero. The behaviour above an inclined plate could be interpreted largely as a trend towards the behaviour described in a preceding paper.


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Cavitation-noise measurements from an axisymmetric body with ‘controlled’ generation of cavitation are reported. The control was achieved by seeding artificial nuclei in the boundary layer by electrolysis. It was possible to alter the number density of nuclei by varying the electrolysis voltage, polarity and the geometry of the electrode. From the observed trend of cavitation-noise data it is postulated that there exists an ‘interference effect’ which influences cavitation noise. When the nucleus-number density is high and cavitation numbers are low this effect is strong. Under these conditions the properties of cavitation noise are found to differ considerably from those expected based on theories concerning noise from single-spherical-bubble cavitation.