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An analysis has been carried out to study the non-Darcy natural convention flow of Newtonian fluids on a vertical cone embedded in a saturated porous medium with power-law variation of the wall temperature/concentration or heat/mass flux and suction/injection with the streamwise distance x. Both non-similar and self-similar solutions have been obtained. The effects of non-Darcy parameter, ratio of the buoyancy forces due to mass and heat diffusion, variation of wall temperature/concentration or heat/mass flux and suction/injection on the Nusselt and Sherwood numbers have been studied.


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The analysis of transient electrical stresses in the insulation of high voltage rotating machines is rendered difficult because of the existence of capacitive and inductive couplings between phases. The Published theories ignore many of the couplings between phases to obtain the solution. A new procedure is proposed here to determine the transient voltage distribution on rotating machine windings. All the significicant capacitive and inductive couplings between different sections in a phase and between different sections in different phases have been considered in this analysis. The experimental results show good correlation with those computed.


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Novel self-supported natural and synthetic polymer membranes of chitosan-hydroxy ethyl Cellulose-montmorillonite (CS-HEC-MMT) and polyvinyl alcohol (PVA)-polystyrene sulfonic acid (PSSA) are prepared by solution casting method followed by crosslinking. These membranes are employed for air humidification at varying temperatures between 30 degrees C and 70 degrees C and their performances are compared with commercial Nafion membranes. High hater fluxes with desired humidified-air output have been achieved for CS-HEC-MMT and PVA-PSSA hybrid membranes at air-flow rates of 1-10 slpm. Variation in the air/water mixing ratio, dew point, and relative humidity that ultimately results in desired water flux With respect to air-flow rates are also quantified for all the membranes. Water flux values for CS-HEC-MMT are less than those for Nafion (R) and PVA-PSSA membranes, but the operational Stability of CS-HEC-MMT membrane is higher than PVA-PSSA and comparable with Nafion (R) both of which can operate up to 70 degrees C at repetitive cycles of humidification.


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A fuzzy dynamic flood routing model (FDFRM) for natural channels is presented, wherein the flood wave can be approximated to a monoclinal wave. This study is based on modification of an earlier published work by the same authors, where the nature of the wave was of gravity type. Momentum equation of the dynamic wave model is replaced by a fuzzy rule based model, while retaining the continuity equation in its complete form. Hence, the FDFRM gets rid of the assumptions associated with the momentum equation. Also, it overcomes the necessity of calculating friction slope (S-f) in flood routing and hence the associated uncertainties are eliminated. The fuzzy rule based model is developed on an equation for wave velocity, which is obtained in terms of discontinuities in the gradient of flow parameters. The channel reach is divided into a number of approximately uniform sub-reaches. Training set required for development of the fuzzy rule based model for each sub-reach is obtained from discharge-area relationship at its mean section. For highly heterogeneous sub-reaches, optimized fuzzy rule based models are obtained by means of a neuro-fuzzy algorithm. For demonstration, the FDFRM is applied to flood routing problems in a fictitious channel with single uniform reach, in a fictitious channel with two uniform sub-reaches and also in a natural channel with a number of approximately uniform sub-reaches. It is observed that in cases of the fictitious channels, the FDFRM outputs match well with those of an implicit numerical model (INM), which solves the dynamic wave equations using an implicit numerical scheme. For the natural channel, the FDFRM Outputs are comparable to those of the HEC-RAS model.


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An approach towards the highly functionalized bicyclo[3.3.1]nonan-9-one core of the complex PPAP-based natural product hyperforin, with the full complement of prenyl substituents in required stereo-disposition, is delineated.


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Conjugate natural convection in a vertical annulus with a centrally located vertical heat generating rod is studied numerically. The governing equations are discretized on a staggered mesh and are solved using a pressure-correction algorithm. A parametric study is performed by varying the Grashof number, aspect ratio, and the solid-to-fluid thermal conductivity ratio over wide ranges with the Prandtl number fixed at 0.7. Results are presented for the variation of several quantities of interest such as the local Nusselt numbers on the inner and outer boundaries, the axial variation of the centerline and interface temperatures, maximum solid, average solid and average interface temperature variations with Grashof number, and the average Nusselt number variation for the inner and outer boundaries with Grashof number. The average Nusselt number from the conjugate analysis is found to be between the Nusselt numbers of the isothermal and the isoflux cases. The average Nusselt numbers on the inner and outer boundaries show an increasing trend with the Grashof number. Correlations are presented for the Nusselt number and the dimensionless temperatures of interest in terms of the parameters of the problem.


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The book of nature is written in the language of mathematics. This quotation, attributed to Galileo, seemed to hold to an unreasonable1 extent in the era of quantum mechanics.


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MANY TRANSPORprTo cesses occur in nature and in industrial applications in which the transfer of heat is governed by the process of natural convection. Natural convection arises in fluids when the temperature changes cause density variations leading to buoyancy forces. An excellent review of natural convection flows has been given by Ede [I]. Recently, Minkowycz and Sparrow [2, 31, Cebeci [4], and Aziz and Na [S] have studied the steady, laminar, incompressible, natural convection flow over a vertical cylinder using a local nonsimilarity method, a finite-difference scheme, and an improved perturbation method, respectively. However, they did not take into account the effect ofaxial heat conduction for small Prandtl number. It is known that the axial heat conductioneffect becomesimportant for low-Prandtl-number fluids such as a liquid metal.


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A short, diversity-oriented synthesis that follows a biomimetic route to the marine natural product liphagal, from a commercially available building block, is delineated.


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The routine use of proton NMR for the visualization of enantiomers, aligned in the chiral liquid crystal solvent poly-γ-benzyl-l-glutamate (PBLG), is restricted due to severe loss of resolution arising from large number of pair wise interaction of nuclear spins. In the present study, we have designed two experimental techniques for their visualization utilizing the natural abundance 13C edited selective refocusing of single quantum (CH-SERF) and double quantum (CH-DQSERF) coherences. The methods achieve chiral discrimination and aid in the simultaneous determination of homonuclear couplings between active and passive spins and heteronuclear couplings between the excited protons and the participating 13C spin. The CH-SERF also overcomes the problem of overlap of central transitions of the methyl selective refocusing (SERF) experiment resulting in better chiral discrimination. Theoretical description of the evolution of magnetization in both the sequences has been discussed using polarization operator formalism.


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Abstract is not available.


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Solutions of the exact characteristic equations for the title problem derived earlier by an extension of Bolotin's asymptotic method are considered. These solutions, which correspond to flexural modes with frequency factor, R, greater than unity, are expressed in convenient forms for all combinations of clamped, simply supported and free conditions at the remaining pair of parallel edges. As in the case of uniform beams, the eigenvalues in the CC case are found to be equal to those of elastic modes in the FF case provided that the Kirchoff's shear condition at a free edge is replaced by the condition. The flexural modes with frequency factor less than unity are also investigated in detail by introducing a suitable modification in the procedure. When Poisson's ratios are not zero, it is shown that the frequency factor corresponding to the first symmetric mode in the free-free case is less than unity for all values of side ratio and rigidity ratios. In the case of one edge clamped and the other free it is found that modes with frequency factor less than unity exist for certain dimensions of the plate—a fact hitherto unrecognized in the literature.


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Salt-fog tests as per International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) recommendations were conducted on stationtype insulators with large leakage lengths. Later, tests were conducted to simulate natural conditions. From these tests, it was understood that the pollution flashover would occur because of nonuniform pollution layers causing nonuniform voltage distribution during a natural drying-up period. The leakage current during test conditions was very small and the evidence was that the leakage current did not play any significant role in causing flashovers. In the light of the experimental results, some modification of the test procedure is suggested.