350 resultados para Mechanical elements


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We present a hybrid finite element based methodology to solve the coupled fluid structure problem of squeeze film effects in vibratory MEMS devices, such as gyroscopes, RF switches, and 2D resonators. The aforementioned devices often have a thin plate like structure vibrating normally to a fixed substrate, and are generally not perfectly vacuum packed. This results in a thin air film being trapped between the vibrating plate and the fixed substrate which behaves like a squeeze film offering both stiffness and damping. For accurate modelling of such devices the squeeze film effects must be incorporated. Extensive literature is available on squeeze film modelling, however only a few studies address the coupled fluid elasticity problem. The majority of the studies that account for the plate elasticity coupled with the fluid equation, either use approximate mode shapes for the plate or use iterative solution strategies. In an earlier work we presented a single step coupled methodology using only one type of displacement based element to solve the coupled problem. The displacement based finite element models suffer from locking issues when it comes to modelling very thin structures with the lateral dimensions much larger than the plate thickness as is typical in MEMS devices with squeeze film effects. In this work we present another coupled formulation where we have used hybrid elements to model the structural domain. The numerical results show a huge improvement in convergence and accuracy with coarse hybrid mesh as compared to displacement based formulations. We further compare our numerical results with experimental data from literature and find them to be in good accordance.


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Molecular mechanics based finite element analysis is adopted in the current work to evaluate the mechanical properties of Zigzag, Armchair and Chiral Single wall Carbon Nanotubes (SWCNT) of different diameters and chiralities. Three different types of atomic bonds, that is Carbon Carbon covalent bond and two types of Carbon Carbon van der Waals bonds are considered in the carbon nanotube system. The stiffness values of these bonds are calculated using the molecular potentials, namely Morse potential function and Lennard-Jones interaction potential function respectively and these stiffness's are assigned to spring elements in the finite element model of the CNT. The geometry of CNT is built using a macro that is developed for the finite element analysis software. The finite element model of the CNT is constructed, appropriate boundary conditions are applied and the behavior of mechanical properties of CNT is studied.


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in this contribution we present a soft matter solid electrolyte which was obtained by inclusion of a polymer (polyacrylonitrile, PAN) in LiClO4/LiTFSI-succinonitrile (SN), a semi-solid organic plastic electrolyte. Addition of the polymer resulted in considerable enhancement in ionic conductivity as well as mechanical strength of LiX-SN (X=ClO4, TFSI) plastic electrolyte. Ionic conductivity of 92.5%-[1 M LiClO4-SN]:7.5%-PAN (PAN amount as per SN weight) composite at 25 degrees C recorded a remarkably high value of 7 x 10(-3) Omega(-1) cm(-1), higher by few tens of order in magnitude compared to 1 M LiClO4-SN. Composite conductivity at sub-ambient temperature is also quite high. At -20 degrees C, the ionic conductivity of (100 -x)%-[1 M LiClO4-SN]:x%-PAN composites are in the range 3 x 10(-5)-4.5 x 10(-4) Omega(-1) cm(-1), approximately one to two orders of magnitude higher with respect to 1 M LiClO4-SN electrolyte conductivity. Addition of PAN resulted in an increase of the Young's modulus (Y) from Y -> 0 for LiClO4-SN to a maximum of 0.4MPa for the composites. Microstructural studies based on X-ray diffraction, differential scanning calorimetry and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy suggest that enhancement in composite ionic conductivity is a combined effect of decrease in crystallinity and enhanced trans conformer concentration. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Hexagonal Cu-2 Te has been synthesised by mechanical alloying from elemental powders. The milling time required for the synthesis is longer than that reported for other tellurides. The mechanical grinding of the bulk Cu2Te obtained by the melting route does not change the structure. Prolonged milling as well as grinding beyond 40 h lead to a decrease in grain size to nanometer level. The cold compaction of milled or ground powders exhibit much smaller Seebeck coefficient (thermopower). However, cold compaction of samples milled for longer time (>150 h) lead to the thermopower values close to that of the bulk indicating significant improvement of rheological properties at room temperature for powders milled for long times.


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A detailed study was undertaken to characterize the deformation behavior of a superplastic 3 mol% yttria-stabilized tetragonal zirconia (3YTZ) over a wide range of strain rates, temperatures and grain sizes. The experimental data were analyzed in terms of the following equation for high temperature deformation: Image Full-size image ∞ σn d−pexp(−Q/RT), where Image Full-size image is the strain rate, σ is the flow stress, d is the grain size, Q is the activation energy, R is the gas constant, T is the absolute temperature, and n and p are constants termed the stress exponent and the inverse grain size exponent, respectively. The experimental data over a wide range of stresses revealed a transition in stress exponent. Deformation in the low and high stress regions was associated with n not, vert, similar 3 and p not, vert, similar 1, and n not, vert, similar 2 and p not, vert, similar 3, respectively. The transition stress between the two regions decreased with increasing grain size. The activation energy was similar for both regions with a value of not, vert, similar 550 kJ mol−1. Microstructural measurements revealed that grains remained essentially equiaxed after the accumulation of large strains, and very limited concurrent grain growths occurred in most experiments. Assessment of possible rate controlling creep mechanisms and comparison with previous studied indicate that in the n not, vert, similar 2 region, deformation occurs by a grain boundary sliding process whose rate is independent of impurity content. Deformation in the n not, vert, similar 3 region is controlled by an interface reaction that is highly sensitive to impurity content. It is concluded that an increase in impurity content increases yttrium segregation to grain boundaries, which enhances the rate of the interface reaction, thereby decreasing the apparent transition stress between the n not, vert, similar 2 and n not, vert, similar 3 regions. This unified approach incorporating two sequential mechanisms can rationalize many of the apparently dissimilar results that have been reported previously for deformation of 3YTZ.


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In contrast to metallic alloys, the mechanical characteristics of superplastic ceramics are very sensitive to minor changes in levels of trace impurities. In the present study, the mechanical behavior of a 2 mol% yttria stabilized tetragonal zirconia was studied in tension and compression in two batches of material, with small variations in levels of trace impurities, to examine the influence of stress axis and impurity content on the deformation behavior. The mechanical properties of the material were characterized in terms of the expression: (epsilon)over dot proportional to sigma(n) where (epsilon)over dot is the strain rate, sigma is the stress and n is termed the stress exponent. The mechanical behavior of the ceramic was identical in tension and compression, for a material with a given level of impurity. The high purity specimens exhibited a transition from a stress exponent of similar to 3 to similar to 2 with an increase in stress, whereas the low purity material displayed only n similar to 2 behavior over the entire stress range studied. Detailed high resolution and analytical electron microscopy studies revealed that there was no amorphous phase at interfaces in both batches of material; however, segregation of Al at interfaces was detected only in the low purity material. The observed transition in stress exponents can be rationalized in terms of two sequential mechanisms: grain boundary sliding with n similar to 2 and interface reaction controlled grain boundary sliding with n similar to 3. The transition from n similar to 3 to similar to 2 occurred at lower stresses with an increase in the grain size and a decrease in the purity level.


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A simple and practical technique for the discrete representation of reinforcement in two-dimensional boundary element analysis of reinforced concrete structural elements is presented. The bond developed over the surface of contact between the reinforcing steel and concrete is represented using fictitious one-dimensional spring elements. Potentials of the model developed are demonstrated using a number of numerical examples. The results are seen to be in good agreement with the results obtained using standard finite element software.


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The hot deformation behavior of hot isostatically pressed (HIPd) P/M IN-100 superalloy has been studied in the temperature range 1000-1200 degrees C and strain rate range 0.0003-10 s(-1) using hot compression testing. A processing map has been developed on the basis of these data and using the principles of dynamic materials modelling. The map exhibited three domains: one at 1050 degrees C and 0.01 s(-1), with a peak efficiency of power dissipation of approximate to 32%, the second at 1150 degrees C and 10 s(-1), with a peak efficiency of approximate to 36% and the third at 1200 degrees C and 0.1 s(-1), with a similar efficiency. On the basis of optical and electron microscopic observations, the first domain was interpreted to represent dynamic recovery of the gamma phase, the second domain represents dynamic recrystallization (DRX) of gamma in the presence of softer gamma', while the third domain represents DRX of the gamma phase only. The gamma' phase is stable upto 1150 degrees C, gets deformed below this temperature and the chunky gamma' accumulates dislocations, which at larger strains cause cracking of this phase. At temperatures lower than 1080 degrees C and strain rates higher than 0.1 s(-1), the material exhibits flow instability, manifested in the form of adiabatic shear bands. The material may be subjected to mechanical processing without cracking or instabilities at 1200 degrees C and 0.1 s(-1), which are the conditions for DRX of the gamma phase.


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Lasers are very efficient in heating localized regions and hence they find a wide application in surface treatment processes. The surface of a material can be selectively modified to give superior wear and corrosion resistance. In laser surface-melting and welding problems, the high temperature gradient prevailing in the free surface induces a surface-tension gradient which is the dominant driving force for convection (known as thermo-capillary or Marangoni convection). It has been reported that the surface-tension driven convection plays a dominant role in determining the melt pool shape. In most of the earlier works on laser-melting and related problems, the finite difference method (FDM) has been used to solve the Navier Stokes equations [1]. Since the Reynolds number is quite high in these cases, upwinding has been used. Though upwinding gives physically realistic solutions even on a coarse grid, the results are inaccurate. McLay and Carey have solved the thermo-capillary flow in welding problems by an implicit finite element method [2]. They used the conventional Galerkin finite element method (FEM) which requires that the pressure be interpolated by one order lower than velocity (mixed interpolation). This restricts the choice of elements to certain higher order elements which need numerical integration for evaluation of element matrices. The implicit algorithm yields a system of nonlinear, unsymmetric equations which are not positive definite. Computations would be possible only with large mainframe computers.Sluzalec [3] has modeled the pulsed laser-melting problem by an explicit method (FEM). He has used the six-node triangular element with mixed interpolation. Since he has considered the buoyancy induced flow only, the velocity values are small. In the present work, an equal order explicit FEM is used to compute the thermo-capillary flow in the laser surface-melting problem. As this method permits equal order interpolation, there is no restriction in the choice of elements. Even linear elements such as the three-node triangular elements can be used. As the governing equations are solved in a sequential manner, the computer memory requirement is less. The finite element formulation is discussed in this paper along with typical numerical results.


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The present work focuses on simulation of nonlinear mechanical behaviors of adhesively bonded DLS (double lap shear) joints for variable extension rates and temperatures using the implicit ABAQUS solver. Load-displacement curves of DLS joints at nine combinations of extension rates and environmental temperatures are initially obtained by conducting tensile tests in a UTM. The joint specimens are made from dual phase (DP) steel coupons bonded with a rubber-toughened adhesive. It is shown that the shell-solid model of a DLS joint, in which substrates are modeled with shell elements and adhesive with solid elements, can effectively predict the mechanical behavior of the joint. Exponent Drucker-Prager or Von Mises yield criterion together with nonlinear isotropic hardening is used for the simulation of DLS joint tests. It has been found that at a low temperature (-20 degrees C), both Von Mises and exponent Drucker-Prager criteria give close prediction of experimental load-extension curves. However. at a high temperature (82 degrees C), Von Mises condition tends to yield a perceptibly softer joint behavior, while the corresponding response obtained using exponent Drucker-Prager criterion is much closer to the experimental load-displacement curve.


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Symmetrical and unsymmetrical diphosphinoamines of the type X(2)PN(R)PX(2) and X(2)PN(R)YY' offer vast scope for the synthesis of a variety of transition metal organometallic complexes. Diphosphinoamines can be converted into their dioxides which are also accessible from appropriate (chloro)phosphane oxide precursors. The diphosphazane dioxides form an interesting series of complexes with lanthanide and actinide elements. Structural and spectroscopic studies have been carried out on a wide range of transition metal complexes incorporating linear P-N-P ligands and judiciously functionalized cyclophosphazanes and cyclo-phosphazenes.


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An attractive microstructural possibility for enhancing the ductility of high-strength nanocrystals is to develop a bimodal grain-size distribution, in which the fine grains provide strength, and the coarser grains enable strain hardening. Annealing of nanocrystalline Ni over a range of temperatures and times led to microstructures with varying volume fractions of coarse grains and a change in texture. Tensile tests revealed a drastic reduction in ductility with increasing volume fraction of coarse grains. The reduction in ductility may be related to the segregation of sulphur to grain boundaries.


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Some of the well known formulations for topology optimization of compliant mechanisms could lead to lumped compliant mechanisms. In lumped compliance, most of the elastic deformation in a mechanism occurs at few points, while rest of the mechanism remains more or less rigid. Such points are referred to as point-flexures. It has been noted in literature that high relative rotation is associated with point-flexures. In literature we also find a formulation of local constraint on relative rotations to avoid lumped compliance. However it is well known that a global constraint is easier to handle than a local constraint, by a numerical optimization algorithm. The current work presents a way of putting global constraint on relative rotations. This constraint is also simpler to implement since it uses linearized rotation at the center of finite-elements, to compute relative rotations. I show the results obtained by using this constraint oil the following benchmark problems - displacement inverter and gripper.


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Polymerized carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are promising materials for polymer-based electronics and electro-mechanical sensors. The advantage of having a polymer nanolayer on CNTs widens the scope for functionalizing it in various ways for polymer electronic devices. However, in this paper, we show for the first time experimentally that, due to a resistive polymer layer having carbon nanoparticle inclusions and polymerized carbon nanotubes, an interesting dynamics can be exploited. We first show analytically that the relative change in the resistance of a single isolated semiconductive nanotube is directly proportional to the axial and torsional dynamic strains, when the strains are small, whereas, in polymerized CNTs, the viscoelasticity of the polymer and its effective electrical polarization give rise to nonlinear effects as a function of frequency and bias voltage. A simplified formula is derived to account for these effects and validated in the light of experimental results. CNT–polymer-based channels have been fabricated on a PZT substrate. Strain sensing performance of such a one-dimensional channel structure is reported. For a single frequency modulated sine pulse as input, which is common in elastic and acoustic wave-based diagnostics, imaging, microwave devices, energy harvesting, etc, the performance of the fabricated channel has been found to be promising.


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Nanostructured Zn1-xMnxS films (0 less-than-or-equals, slant x less-than-or-equals, slant 0.25) were deposited on glass substrates by simple resistive thermal evaporation technique. All the films were deposited at 300 K in a vacuum of 2*10-6 m bar. All the films temperature dependence of resistivity revealed semiconducting behaviour of the samples. Hot probe test revealed that all the samples exhibited n-type conductivity. The nanohardness of the films ranges from 4.7 to 9.9 GPa, Young's modulus value ranging 69.7-94.2 GPa.