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This paper presents a robust fixed order H2controller design using strengthened discrete optimal projection equations, which approximate the first order necessary optimality condition. The novelty of this work is the application of the robust H2controller to a micro aerial vehicle named Sarika2 developed in house. The controller is designed in discrete domain for the lateral dynamics of Sarika2 in the presence of low frequency atmospheric turbulence (gust) and high frequency sensor noise. The design specification includes simultaneous stabilization, disturbance rejection and noise attenuation over the entire flight envelope of the vehicle. The resulting controller performance is comprehensively analyzed by means of simulation


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Three-component ferroelectric superlattices consisting of alternating layers of SrTiO3, BaTiO3, and CaTiO3 (SBC) with variable interlayer thickness were fabricated on Pt(111)/TiO2/SiO2/Si (100) substrates by pulsed laser deposition. The presence of satellite reflections in x-ray-diffraction analysis and a periodic concentration of Sr, Ba, and Ca throughout the film in depth profile of secondary ion mass spectrometry analysis confirm the fabrication of superlattice structures. The Pr (remnant polarization) and Ps (saturation polarization) of SBC superlattice with 16.4-nm individual layer thickness (SBC16.4) were found to be around 4.96 and 34 μC/cm2, respectively. The dependence of polarization on individual layer thickness and lattice strain were studied in order to investigate the size dependence of the dielectric properties. The dielectric constant of these superlattices was found to be much higher than the individual component layers present in the superlattice configuration. The relatively higher tunability ( ∼ 55%) obtained around 300 K indicates that the superlattice is a potential electrically tunable material for microwave applications at room temperature. The enhanced dielectric properties were thus discussed in terms of the interfacial strain driven polar region due to high lattice mismatch and electrostatic coupling due to polarization mismatch between individual layers.


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BaTiO3/BaZrO3 superlattices with varying periodicities were grown on SrRuO3 buffered MgO (001) substrates by pulsed laser ablation. Ferroelectric measurements were done and correlated to the strain in the heterostructures. The results of ferroelectric measurements indicate an apparent suppression of polarization in the low period superlattices and the onset of weakly ferroelectric behavior in higher period superlattices. Measured switchable polarization values indicate that contribution is primarily from the BaTiO3 in the structure. These results have been correlated to the interfacial strain and the critical thickness of BaTiO3 when grown over tensile substrates such as MgO.


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A set of symmetric and asymmetric superlattices with ferromagnetic La0.6Sr0.4MnO3 (LSMO) and ferroelectric 0.7Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3–0.3(PbTiO3) as the constituting layers was fabricated on LaNiO3 coated (100) oriented LaAlO3 substrates using pulsed laser ablation. The crystallinity, and magnetic and ferroelectric properties were studied for all the superlattices. All the superlattice structures exhibited a ferromagnetic behavior over a wide range of temperatures between 10 and 300 K, whereas only the asymmetric superlattices exhibited a reasonably good ferroelectric behavior. Strong influence of an applied magnetic field was observed on the ferroelectric properties of the asymmetric superlattices. Studies were conducted toward understanding the influence of conducting LSMO layers on the electrical responses of the heterostructures. The absence of ferroelectricity in the symmetric superlattice structures has been attributed to their high leakage characteristics. The effect of an applied magnetic field on the ferroelectric properties of the asymmetric superlattices indicated strong influence of the interfaces on the properties. The dominance of the interface on the dielectric response was confirmed by the observed Maxwell-Wagner-type dielectric relaxation in these heterostructures.


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Dielectric materials with high tunability, low loss, and desired range of permittivity are an attractive class of materials for a variety of applications in microwave components such as tunable filters, phase shifters, antennas, etc. In this article, we have investigated the low frequency dielectric properties of BaZrO3/BaTiO3 and SrTiO3/BaZrO3 superlattices of varying modulation periods for the potential application toward electrically tunable devices. The dielectric response of the superlattices as a function of temperature revealed remarkable stability for both types of superlattices, with no observed dielectric anomalies within that range. Dielectric losses were also nominally low with minimal variation within the measured temperature range. Sufficiently high tunability of ∼ 40% was observed for the BaZrO3/BaTiO3 superlattices at the lowest individual layer thicknesses. In comparison, the SrTiO3/BaZrO3 superlattices showed a minimum tunability for lowest period structures. It showed maximum tunability of ∼ 20% at 10 kHz and room temperature at an intermediate dimension of 3.85 nm periodicity superlattice. The tunability value degraded with increasing as well as decreasing periodicities for the SrTiO3/BaZrO3 superlattices. The dielectric response has been explained on the basis of size effects, interlayer coupling between dissimilar materials, domain contribution, and depolarizing electric fields.


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Superlattices composed of ferromagnetic La0.6Sr0.4MnO3 and ferroelectric 0.7Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3–0.3(PbTiO3) layers were fabricated on (100) LaAlO3 substrates by pulsed laser deposition technique. The ferromagnetic and frequency independent ferroelectric hysteresis characteristics established the biferroic nature of the superlattices. Influence of magnetic field was observed in tuning the P-E characteristics of the superlattices. A similar effect was observed on application of a high dc electric field to the samples. The nature of the observed ferroelectric properties and their modulation by applied magnetic and electric fields were thus discussed in connection to the ferroelectric/ferromagnetic interfaces.


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The photoemission from quantum wires and dots of effective mass superlattices of optoelectronic materials was investigated on the basis of newly formulated electron energy spectra, in the presence of external light waves, which controls the transport properties of ultra-small electronic devices under intense radiation. The effect of magnetic quantization on the photoemission from the aforementioned superlattices, together with quantum well superlattices under magnetic quantization, has also been investigated in this regard. It appears, taking HgTe/Hg1-xCdxTe and InxGa1-xAs/InP effective mass superlattices, that the photoemission from these quantized structures is enhanced with increasing photon energy in quantized steps and shows oscillatory dependences with the increasing carrier concentration. In addition, the photoemission decreases with increasing light intensity and wavelength as well as with increasing thickness exhibiting oscillatory spikes. The strong dependence of the photoemission on the light intensity reflects the direct signature of light waves on the carrier energy spectra. The content of this paper finds six different applications in the fields of low dimensional systems in general.


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For the analysis and design of pile foundation used for coastal structures the prediction of cyclic response, which is influenced by the nonlinear behavior, gap (pile soil separation) and degradation (reduction in strength) of soil becomes necessary. To study the effect of the above parameters a nonlinear cyclic load analysis program using finite element method is developed, incorporating the proposed gap and degradation model and adopting an incremental-iterative procedure. The pile is idealized using beam elements and the soil by number of elastoplastic sub-element springs at each node. The effect of gap and degradation on the load-deflection behavior. elasto-plastic sub-element and resistance of the soil at ground-line have been clearly depicted in this paper.


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Nonlinear analysis of batter piles in soft clay is performed using the finite element technique. As the batter piles are not only governed by lateral load but also axial load, the effect of P- Delta moment and geometric stiffness matrix is included in the analysis. For implementing the nonlinear soil behavior, reduction in soil strength (degradation), and formation of gap with number of load cycles, a numerical model is developed where a hyperbolic relation is adopted for the soil in static condition and hyperbolic relation considering degradation and gap for cyclic load condition. The numerical model is validated with published experimental results for cyclic lateral loading and the hysteresis loops are developed to predict the load-deflection behavior and soil resistance behavior during consecutive cycles of loading. This paper highlights the importance of a rigorous degradation model for subsequent cycles of loading on the pile-soil system by a hysteretic representation.


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An attempt is made to study the two dimensional (2D) effective electron mass (EEM) in quantum wells (Qws), inversion layers (ILs) and NIPI superlattices of Kane type semiconductors in the presence of strong external photoexcitation on the basis of a newly formulated electron dispersion laws within the framework of k.p. formalism. It has been found, taking InAs and InSb as examples, that the EEM in Qws, ILs and superlattices increases with increasing concentration, light intensity and wavelength of the incident light waves, respectively and the numerical magnitudes in each case is band structure dependent. The EEM in ILs is quantum number dependent exhibiting quantum jumps for specified values of the surface electric field and in NIPI superlattices; the same is the function of Fermi energy and the subband index characterizing such 2D structures. The appearance of the humps of the respective curves is due to the redistribution of the electrons among the quantized energy levels when the quantum numbers corresponding to the highest occupied level changes from one fixed value to the others. Although the EEM varies in various manners with all the variables as evident from all the curves, the rates of variations totally depend on the specific dispersion relation of the particular 2D structure. Under certain limiting conditions, all the results as derived in this paper get transformed into well known formulas of the EEM and the electron statistics in the absence of external photo-excitation and thus confirming the compatibility test. The results of this paper find three applications in the field of microstructures. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Colloidal suspensions made up of oppositely charged particles have been shown to self-assemble into substitutionally ordered superlattices. For a given colloidal suspension, the structure of the superlattice formed from self-assembly depends on its composition, charges on the particles, and charge screening. In this study we have computed the pressure-composition phase diagrams of colloidal suspensions made up of binary mixtures of equal sized and oppositely charged particles interacting via hard core Yukawa potential for varying values of charge screening and charge asymmetry. The systems are studied under conditions where the thermal energy is equal or greater in magnitude to the contact energy of the particles and the Debye screening length is smaller than the size of the particles. Our studies show that charge asymmetry has a significant effect on the ability of colloidal suspensions to form substitutionally ordered superlattices. Slight deviations of the charges from the stoichiometric ratio are found to drastically reduce the thermodynamic stability of substitutionally ordered superlattices. These studies also show that for equal-sized particles, there is an optimum amount of charge screening that favors the formation of substitutionally ordered superlattices. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.3700226]


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The mass flow rate, (m) over dot, associated with the lateral outflow of dry, cohesionless granular material through circular orifices of diameter D made in vertical walls of silos was measured experimentally in order to determine also the influence of the wall thickness of the silo, w. Geometrical arguments, based on the outflow happening, are given in order to have a general correlation for (m) over dot embracing both quantities, D and w. The angle of repose appears to be an important characterization factor in these kinds of flows.


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The nature of the signal due to light beam induced current (LBIC) at the remote contacts is verified as a lateral photovoltage for non-uniformly illuminated planar p-n junction devices; simulation and experimental results are presented. The limitations imposed by the ohmic contacts are successfully overcome by the introduction of capacitively coupled remote contacts, which yield similar results without any significant loss in the estimated material and device parameters. It is observed that the LBIC measurements introduce artefacts such as shift in peak position with increasing laser power. Simulation of LBIC signal as a function of characteristic length L-c of photo-generated carriers and for different beam diameters has resulted in the observed peak shifts, thus attributed to the finite size of the beam. Further, the idea of capacitively coupled contacts has been extended to contactless measurements using pressure contacts with an oxidized aluminium electrodes. This technique avoids the contagious sample processing steps, which may introduce unintentional defects and contaminants into the material and devices under observation. Thus, we present here, the remote contact LBIC as a practically non-destructive tool in the evaluation of device parameters and welcome its use during fabrication steps. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


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Three novel homologous series of rod-shaped cyanophenyl alkoxy benzoate liquid crystalline compounds with lateral polar fluorine and chlorine substituent were prepared, and chemical structures of novel materials have been characterized by standard spectral technique and elemental analysis. The mesophase characterization was carried out using the combination of polarized optical microscopy and differential scanning calorimetry. All the compounds exhibit wide thermal range of enantiotropic SmA phase.