35 resultados para Fat-free Mass


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Mass transfer coefficients have been determined for transfer into a highly viscous phase in a stirred tank involving high Schmidt numbers. The results have been used to compute mass transfer coefficients in the extraction of free fatty acids from oils using alcohol and show good agreement with experimental results


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The unsteady laminar free convection flow of an incompressible electrically conducting fluid over two-dimensional and axisymmetric bodies embedded in a highly porous medium with an applied magnetic field has been studied. The unsteadiness in the flow field is caused by the variation of the wall temperature and concentration with time. The coupled nonlinear partial differential equations with three independent variables have been solved numerically using an implicit finite-difference scheme in combination with the quasilinearization technique. It is observed that the skin friction, heat transfer and mass transfer increase with the permeability parameter but decrease with the magnetic parameter. The results are strongly dependent on the variation of wall temperature and concentration with time. The skin friction and heat transfer increase or decrease as the buoyancy forces from species diffusion assist or oppose the thermal buoyancy force. However, the mass transfer is found to be higher for small values of the ratio of the buoyancy parameters than for large values


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The free vibrational characteristics of a beam-column, which is having randomly varying Young's modulus and mass density and subjected to randomly distributed axial loading is analysed. The material property fluctuations and axial loadings are considered to constitute independent one-dimensional, uni-variate, homogeneous real, spatially distributed stochastic fields. Hamilton's principle is used to formulate the problem using stochastic FEM. Vibration frequencies and mode shapes are analysed for their statistical descriptions. A numerical example is shown.


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Unsteady laminar mixed convection flow (combined free and forced convection flow) along a vertical slender cylinder embedded in a porous medium under the combined buoyancy effect of thermal and species diffusion has been studied. The effect of the permeability of the medium as well as the magnetic field has been included in the analysis. The partial differential equations with three independent variables governing the flow have been solved numerically using a implicit finite difference scheme in combination with the quasilinearization technique. Computations have been carried out for accelerating, decelerating and oscillatory free stream velocity distributions. The effects of the permeability of the medium, buoyancy forces, transverse curvature and magnetic field on skin friction, heat transfer and mass transfer have been studied. It is found that the effect of free stream velocity distribution is more pronounced on the skin friction than on the heat and mass transfer. The permeability and magnetic parameters increase the skin friction, but reduce the heat and mass transfer. The skin friction, heat transfer and mass transfer are enhanced due to the buoyancy forces and curvature parameter. The heat transfer is strongly dependent on the viscous dissipation parameter and the Prandtl number, and the mass transfer on the Schmidt number. Untersucht wurde die instationäre laminare Mischkonvektion längs eines vertikalen, in einem porösen Medium eingebetteten Zylinders unter kombinierten Auftriebseffekten von thermischer und spezieller Diffusion. Der Einfluß der Permeabilität des Mediums sowie des magnetischen Feldes wurden in die Betrachtung einbezogen. Die partiellen Differentialgleichungen mit drei unabhängigen Variablen, welche die Strömung beschreiben, wurde numerisch anhand des Schemas der endlichen Differenzen in Verbindung mit der Technik der Quasilinearisation gelöst. Berechnungen für die beschleunigte, verzögerte und oszillierende Geschwindigkeitsverteilung der freien Strömung sind durchgeführt worden. Untersucht wurden ebenfalls die Effekte der Permeabilität des Mediums, der Auftriebskräfte, der transversalen Krümmung, des magnetischen Feldes auf die Oberflächenreibung sowie die Wärmeund Stoffübertragung. Es wurde festgestellt, daß die Geschwindigkeit mehr Einfluß auf die Oberflächenreibung als auf die Wärmeund Stoffübertragung hat. Die Oberflächenreibung sowie die Wärme- und Stoffübertragung werden durch die Auftriebskräfte und die Krümmungsparameter verbessert. Die Wärmeübertragung ist stark abhängig von den Parametern der viskosen Dissipation und der Prandtl-Zahl; die Stoffübertragung von der Schmidt-Zahl.


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The free vibration of strings with randomly varying mass and stiffness is considered. The joint probability density functions of the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions are characterized in terms of the solution of a pair of stochastic non-linear initial value problems. Analytical solutions of these equations based on the method of stochastic averaging are obtained. The effects of the mean and autocorrelation of the mass process are included in the analysis. Numerical results for the marginal probability density functions of eigenvalues and eigenfunctions are obtained and are found to compare well with Monte Carlo simulation results. The random eigenvalues, when normalized with respect to their corresponding deterministic values, are observed to tend to become first order stochastically stationary with respect to the mode count.


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Recently, we demonstrated a very general route to monolithic macroporous materials prepared without the use of templates (Rajamathi et al. J. Mater. Chem. 2001, 11, 2489). The route involves finding a precursor containing two metals, A and B, whose oxides are largely immiscible. Firing of the precursor followed by suitable sintering results in a monolith from which one of the oxide phases can be chemically leached out to yield a macroporous mass of the other oxide phase. The metals A and B that we employed in the demonstration were Ni and Zn. From the NiO-ZnO monolith that was obtained by decomposing the precursor, ZnO could be leached out at high pH to yield macroporous NiO. In the present work, we show that combustion-chemical (also called self-propagating) decomposition of a mixture of Ni and Zn nitrates with urea as a fuel yields an intimate mixture of the oxides that can be sintered and leached with alkali to form a macroporous NiO monolith. The new process that we present here thereby avoids the need for a crystalline single-source precursor. A novel and unanticipated aspect of the present work is that the combination of high temperatures and rapid quenching associated with combustion synthesis results in an intimate mixture of wurtzite ZnO and the metastable rock-salt Ni1-xZnxO where x is about 0.3. Leaching this monolith with alkali gives a macroporous mass of rock-salt Ni1-xZnxO, which upon reduction in H-2/Ar forms macroporous Ni and ZnO. There are thus two stages in the process that lead to two modes of pore formation. The first is associated with leaching of ZnO by alkali. The second is associated with the reduction of porous Ni1-xZnxO to give porous Ni and ZnO.


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This paper investigates in-line spring-mass systems (An), fixed at one end and free at the other, with n-degrees of freedom (d.f.). The objective is to find feasible in-line systems (B(n)) that are isospectral to a given system. The spring-mass systems, A(n) and B(n), are represented by Jacobi matrices. An error function is developed with the help of the Jacobi matrices A(n) and B(n). The problem of finding the isospectral systems is posed as an optimization problem with the aim of minimizing the error function. The approach for creating isospectral systems uses the fact that the trace of two isospectral Jacobi matrices A(n) and B(n) should be identical. A modification is made to the diagonal elements of the given Jacobi matrix (A(n)), to create the isospectral systems. The optimization problem is solved using the firefly algorithm augmented by a local search procedure. Numerical results are obtained and resulting isospectral systems are shown for 4 d.f. and 10 d.f. systems.


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The activities of CaO and Al2O3 in lime-alumina melts were studied by Knudsen cell-mass spectrometry at 2060 K. Emf of solid state cells, with CaF2 as the electrolyte, was measured from 923 to 1223 K to obtain the free energies of formation of the interoxide compounds. The results are critically evaluated in the light of data reported in the literature on phase equilibria, activities in melts, and stabilities of compounds. A coherent set of data is presented, including the previously unknown free energy of formation of CaO.6Al2O3 and the temperature dependence of activities in the liquid phase.


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The planform structure of turbulent free convection over a heated horizontal surface has been visualized and analyzed for different boundary conditions at the top and for different aspect ratios, for flux Rayleigh numbers ranging from 10 exp 8 - 10 exp 10. The different boundary conditions correspond to Rayleigh-Benard convection, open convection with evaporation at the top and with an imposed external flow on the heated boundary. Without the external flow the planform is one randomly oriented line plume. At large Ra, these line plumes seem to align along the diagonal, persumably due to a large-scale flow along as visualized in the side view. When the external flow is imposed, the line plumes clearly align in the direction of external flow. Flow visualization reveals that at these Ra, the shear tends to break the plumes which otherwise would reach the opposite boundary. (Author)


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The present paper discusses the flow visualization for turbulent free convection in a tank of water with the bottom surface being a smooth or a grooved surface and the top of the water surface exposed to ambient. The grooved surface is of parallel 90 degrees V-grooves with groove height of 10 mm and groove width of 20 mm. The experiment is carried out with aspect ratio (AR) of 2.9 and Rayleigh number (Ra) in the range, 1.3 x 10(7) - 4 x 10(7). Here AR is the aspect ratio (= width of fluid layer/height of fluid layer). Heat flux at the bottom surface is from electrical heating. From the pH-dye visualization, interesting flow structures are observed and these structures are analyzed with the help of plumes dynamics and temperature variations with time. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Confined supersonic mixing layer is explored through model-free simulations. Both two- and three-dimensional spatio-temporal simulations were carried out employing higher order finite difference scheme as well as finite volume scheme based on open source software (OpenFOAM) to understand the effect of three-dimensionality on the development of mixing layer. It is observed that although the instantaneous structures exhibit three-dimensional features, the average pressure and velocities are predominantly two-dimensional. The computed wall pressures match well with experimental results fairly well, although three-dimensional simulation underpredicts the wall pressure in the downstream direction. The self-similarity of the velocity profiles is obtained within the duct length for all the simulations. Although the mixing layer thicknesses differ among different simulations, their growth rate is nearly the same. Significant differences are observed for species and temperature distribution between two- and three-dimensional calculations, and two-dimensional calculations do not match the experimental observation of smooth variations in species mass fraction profiles as reported in literature. Reynolds stress distribution for three-dimensional calculations show profiles with less peak values compared to two-dimensional calculations; while normal stress anisotropy is higher for three-dimensional case.


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In this paper we look for a rotating beam, with pinned-free boundary conditions, whose eigenpair (frequency and mode-shape) is same as that of a uniform non-rotating beam for a particular mode. It is seen that for any given mode, there exists a flexural stiffness function (FSF) for which the ith mode eigenpair of a rotating beam with uniform mass distribution, is identical to that of a corresponding non-rotating beam with same length and mass distribution. Inserting these derived FSF's in a finite element code for a rotating pinned-free beam, the frequencies and mode shapes of a non-rotating pinned-free beam are obtained. For the first mode, a physically realistic equivalent rotating beam is possible, but for higher modes, the FSF has internal singularities. Strategies for addressing these singularities in the FSF for finite element analysis are provided. The proposed functions can be used as test functions for rotating beam codes and also for targeted destiffening of rotating beams.


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In this paper, the free vibration of a non-uniform free-free Euler-Bernoulli beam is studied using an inverse problem approach. It is found that the fourth-order governing differential equation for such beams possess a fundamental closed-form solution for certain polynomial variations of the mass and stiffness. An infinite number of non-uniform free-free beams exist, with different mass and stiffness variations, but sharing the same fundamental frequency. A detailed study is conducted for linear, quadratic and cubic variations of mass, and on how to pre-select the internal nodes such that the closed-form solutions exist for the three cases. A special case is also considered where, at the internal nodes, external elastic constraints are present. The derived results are provided as benchmark solutions for the validation of non-uniform free-free beam numerical codes. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Background: This study was performed to understand the possible therapeutic activity of Terminalia paniculata ethanolic extract (TPEE) on non alcoholic fatty liver in rats fed with high fat diet. Methods: Thirty six SD rats were divided into 6 groups (n = 6): Normal control (NC), high fat diet (HFD), remaining four groups were fed on HFD along with different doses of TPEE (100,150 and 200 mg/kg b.wt) or orlistat, for ten weeks. Liver tissue was homogenized and analyzed for lipid profiles, activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT) and malondialdehyde (MDA) content. Further, the expression levels of FAS and AMPK-1 alpha were also studied in addition to histopathology examination of liver tissue in all the groups. Results: HFD significantly increased hepatic liver total cholesterol (TC), triglycerides (TG), free fatty acids (FFA) and MDA but decreased the activities of SOD and CAT which were subsequently reversed by supplementation with TPEE in a dose-dependent manner. In addition, TPEE administration significantly down regulated hepatic mRNA expression of FAS but up regulated AMPK-1 alpha compared to HFD alone fed group. Furthermore, western blot analysis of FAS has clearly demonstrated decreased expression of FAS in HFD + TPEE (200 mg/kg b. wt) treated group when compared to HFD group at protein level. Conclusions: Our biochemical studies on hepatic lipid profiles and antioxidant enzyme activities supported by histological and expression studies suggest a potential therapeutic role for TPEE in regulating obesity through FAS.


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In this paper, the governing equations for free vibration of a non-homogeneous rotating Timoshenko beam, having uniform cross-section, is studied using an inverse problem approach, for both cantilever and pinned-free boundary conditions. The bending displacement and the rotation due to bending are assumed to be simple polynomials which satisfy all four boundary conditions. It is found that for certain polynomial variations of the material mass density, elastic modulus and shear modulus, along the length of the beam, the assumed polynomials serve as simple closed form solutions to the coupled second order governing differential equations with variable coefficients. It is found that there are an infinite number of analytical polynomial functions possible for material mass density, shear modulus and elastic modulus distributions, which share the same frequency and mode shape for a particular mode. The derived results are intended to serve as benchmark solutions for testing approximate or numerical methods used for the vibration analysis of rotating non-homogeneous Timoshenko beams.