45 resultados para Cross-linking degree


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α-d-Mannopyranosyl units were attached to an aromatic scaffold through disulfide linkages to obtain mono- to trivalent glycosylated ligands for lectin binding studies. Isothermal titration calorimetric (ITC) measurements indicated that binding affinities of these derivatives to Concanavalin A (Con A) were comparable to or slightly higher than that of methyl α-d-mannopyranoside (Ka values in the range of 104 M−1). The stoichiometries of the lectin-ligand complexes were in agreement with the formal valencies (1–3) of the respective ligands indicating cross-linking in interactions with the di- and trivalent derivatives. Multivalency effects could not, however, be observed with the latter. These ligands were shown to bind to the carbohydrate binding site of Con A using saturation transfer difference (STD) NMR competition experiments.


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We report the formation of dynamic, reversible cross-linked dendritic megamers and their dissociation to monomeric dendrimers, through a thiol-disulfide interchange reaction. For this study, poly(alkyl aryl ether) dendrimers up to three-generations presenting thiol functionalities, were prepared. The series from zero to three generations of dendrimers were installed with 3, 6, 12, and 24 thiol functionalities at their peripheries. Upon synthesis, cross-linking of the dendrimer was accomplished through disulfide bond formation. The cross-linking of dendrimers was monitored through optical density changes at 420 nm. Dense cross-linking led to visible precipitation of dendritic megamers and the morphologies of the megamers were characterized by transmission electron microscopy. The disulfide cross-links between megamer monomers could be dissociated readily upon reduction of disulfide bond by dithiothreitol reagent. Preliminary studies show that dendritic megamers encapsulate C-60 and the efficiency of encapsulation increased with increasing generation of dendritic megamer.


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Gelatin hydrogel electrolytes (GHEs) with varying NaCl concentrations have been prepared by cross-linking an aqueous solution of gelatin with aqueous glutaraldehyde and characterized by scanning electron microscopy, differential scanning calorimetry, cyclic voltammetry, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, and galvanostatic chronopotentiometry. Glass transition temperatures for GHEs range between 339.6 and 376.9 K depending on the dopant concentration. Ionic conductivity behavior of GHEs was studied with varying concentrations of gelatin, glutaraldehyde, and NaCl, and found to vary between 10(-3) and 10(-1) S cm(-1). GHEs have a potential window of about 1 V. Undoped and 0.25 N NaCl-doped GHEs follow Arrhenius equations with activation energy values of 1.94 and 1.88 x 10(-4) eV, respectively. Electrochemical supercapacitors (ESs) employing these GHEs in conjunction with Black Pearl Carbon electrodes are assembled and studied. Optimal values for capacitance, phase angle, and relaxation time constant of 81 F g(-1), 75 degrees, and 0.03 s are obtained for 3 N NaCl-doped GHE, respectively. ES with pristine GHE exhibits a cycle life of 4.3 h vs 4.7 h for the ES with 3 N NaCl-doped GHE. (c) 2007 The Electrochemical Society.


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Fabrication of multilayer microcapsules via layer-by-layer approach through hydrogen bonding has attracted enormous interest due to its strong response to pH. In this communication, we have prepared hydrogen-bonded multilayer microcapsule without using any cross-linking agent by using DNA base pair (adenine and thymine) modified biocompatible polymers. The growth of the self-assembly on colloidal (melamine formaldehyde: MF) particles has been monitored with zeta potential measurement. The capsules were obtained on dissolution of MF particles at 0.1N HCl. The capsules were characterized with scanning electron microscopy. Moreover, we have observed the salt induced microscopic change in self-assembly of this system on the surface of colloidal particles.


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Guanylyl cyclase C (GCC) is the receptor for the family of guanylin peptides and bacterial heat-stable enterotoxins (ST). The receptor is composed of an extracellular, ligand-binding domain and an intracellular domain with a region of homology to protein kinases and a guanylyl cyclase catalytic domain. We have expressed the entire intracellular domain of GCC in insect cells and purified the recombinant protein, GCC-IDbac, to study its catalytic activity and regulation. Kinetic properties of the purified protein were similar to that of full-length GCC, and high activity was observed when MnGTP was used as the substrate. Nonionic detergents, which stimulate the guanylyl cyclase activity of membrane-associated GCC, did not appreciably increase the activity of GCC-IDbac, indicating that activation of the receptor by Lubrol involved conformational changes that required the transmembrane and/or the extracellular domain. The guanylyl cyclase activity of GCC-IDbac was inhibited by Zn2+, at concentrations shown to inhibit adenylyl cyclase, suggesting a structural homology between the two enzymes. Covalent crosslinking of GCC-IDbac indicated that the protein could associate as a dimer, but a large fraction was present as a trimer. Gel filtration analysis also showed that the major fraction of the protein eluted at a molecular size of a trimer, suggesting that the dimer detected by cross-linking represented subtle differences in the juxtaposition of the individual polypeptide chains. We therefore provide evidence that the trimeric state of GCC is catalytically active, and sequences required to generate the trimer are present in the intracellular domain of GCC.


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The humid aging of composite propellants containing a terpolymer of polybutadiene, acrylic acid, and acrylonitrile (PBAN) as a binder has been studied as a function of aging temperature, relative humidity, and aging time. Three composite types - AP-PBAN, AP-Al-PBAN, and AP-(Al-Mg) alloy- PBAN - have been studied. The burning rates of all three propellant types were unaffected by aging. The calorimetric values of composites containing aluminum-magnesium alloy decreased on aging, and the lattice parameter of the alloy decreased to a value close to that of aluminum. Water absorption in all of the samples increased with increases in the temperature, relative humidity, and aging time. The compression strength of the nonmetalized and aluminized samples decreased on aging, whereas that of the composites containing the alloy increased. The latter effect has been traced to reaction of residual carboxyl groups on the polymer chains with magnesium, leading to cross-linking. The reaction between the -COOH groups and magnesium has been proved using infrared spectroscopy. (Author)


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The crystal structures of two ternary metal nucleotide complexes of cobalt, [Co(en)2(H2O)2]-[Co(5?-IMP)2(H2O)4]Cl2·4H2O (1) and [Co(en)2(H2O)2][Co(5?-GMP)2(H2O)4]Cl2·4H2O (2), have been analysed by X-ray diffraction (en = ethylenediamine, 5?-IMP = inosine 5?-monophosphate, and 5?-GMP = guanosine 5?-monophosphate). Both complexes crystallize in the orthorhombic space group C2221 with a= 8.725(1), b= 25.891(5), c= 21.212(5)Å, Z= 4 for (1) and a= 8.733(2), b= 26.169(4), c= 21.288(4)Å, Z= 4 for (2). The structure of (1) was solved by the heavy-atom method, while that of (2) was deduced from (1). The structures were refined to R values of 0.09 and 0.10 for 1 546 and 1 572 reflections for (1) and (2) respectively. The two structures are isomorphous. A novel feature is that the chelate ligand en and the nucleotide are not co-ordinated to the same metal ion. One of the metal ions lying on the two-fold a axis is octahedrally co-ordinated by two chelating en molecules and two water oxygens, while the other on the two-fold b axis is octahedrally co-ordinated by two N(7) atoms of symmetry-related nucleotides in a cis position and four water oxygens. The conformations of the nucleotides are C(2?)-endo, anti, and gauche�gauche. In both (1) and (2) the charge-neutralising chloride ions are disordered in the vacant space between the molecules. These structures bear similarities to the mode of nucleotide co-ordination to PtII complexes of 6-oxopurine nucleotides, which are the proposed models for intrastrand cross-linking in DNA by a metal complex.


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An experimental study to ascertain the role of external electron donor in methylene blue sensitized dichromated gelatin (MBDCG) holograms has been carried out. The required volume holographic transmission gratings in MBDCG have been recorded using 633-nm light from a He-Ne laser. Three well-known electron donors, namely, N, N-dimethylformamide (DMF); ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA); triethanolamine (TEA), were used in this study. The variation of diffraction efficiency (η) as a function of light exposure (E) and concentration (C) of the electron donor under consideration was chosen as the figure of merit for judging the role of external electron donor in MBDCG holograms. A self-consistent analysis of the experimental results was carried out by recalling the various known facts about the photochemistry and the hologram formation in DSDCG and also DCG. The important findings and conclusions are as follows: (i) Each η vs E graph is a bell-shaped curve and its peak height is influenced in a characteristic manner by the external electron donor used. (ii) High diffraction efficiency/recording speed can be achieved in pure MBDCG holograms. (iii) The diffraction efficiency/recording speed achieved in electron donor sensitized MBDCG holograms did not show any significant improvement at all over that observed in pure MBDCG holograms. (iv) In electron donor sensitized MBDCG holograms, the electron donor used, depending on its type and concentration, appears to promote the process of cross-linking of gelatin molecules in a manner to either retain or deteriorate the refractive-index modulation achieved using pure MBDCG.


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This review article, based on a lecture delivered in Madras in 1985, is an account of the author's experience in the working out of the molecular structure and conformation of the collagen triple-helix over the years 1952–78. It starts with the first proposal of the correct triple-helix in 1954, but with three residues per turn, which was later refined in 1955 into a coiled-coil structure with approximately 3.3 residues per turn. The structure readily fitted proline and hydroxyproline residues and required glycine as every third residue in each of the three chains. The controversy regarding the number of hydrogen bonds per tripeptide could not be resolved by X-ray diffraction or energy minimization, but physicochemical data, obtained in other laboratories during 1961–65, strongly pointed to two hydrogen bonds, as suggested by the author. However, it was felt that the structure with one straight NH … O bond was better. A reconciliation of the two was obtained in Chicago in 1968, by showing that the second hydrogen bond is via a water molecule, which makes it weaker, as found in the physicochemical studies mentioned above. This water molecule was also shown, in 1973, to take part in further cross-linking hydrogen bonds with the OH group of hydroxyproline, which occurred always in the location previous to glycine, and is at the right distance from the water. Thus, almost all features of the primary structure, X-ray pattern, optical and hydrodynamic data, and the role of hydroxyproline in stabilising the triple helical structure, have been satisfactorily accounted for. These also lead to a confirmation of Pauling's theory that vitamin C improves immunity to diseases, as explained in the last section.


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The nature of interaction of Au(III) with nucleic acids was studied by using methods such as uv and ir spectrophotometry, viscometry, pH titrations, and melting-temperature measurements. Au(III) is found to interact slowly with nucleic acids over a period of several hours. The uv spectra of native calf-thymus DNA 9pH 5.6 acetate buffer containing (0.01M NaCIO4) showed a shift in λ max to high wavelengths and an increase in optical density at 260 nm. There was a fourfold decrease in viscosity (expressed as ηsp/c). The reaction was faster at pH 4.0 and also with denatured DNA (pH 5.6) and whole yeast RNA (pH 5.6). The order of preference of Au(III) (as deduced from the time of completion of reaction) for the nucleic acids in RNA > denatured DNA > DNA. The reaction was found to be completely reversible with respect KCN. Infrared spectra of DNA-Au(III) complexes showed binding to both the phosphate and bases of DNA. The same conclusions were also arrived at by melting-temperature studies of Au(III)-DNA system. pH titrations showed liberation of two hydroxylions at r = 0.12 [r = moles of HAuCl4 added per mole of DNA-(P)] and one hydrogen ion at r = 0.5. The probable binding sites could be N(1)/N(7) of adenine, N(7) and/or C(6)O of guanine, N(3) of cytosine and N(3) of thymine. DNAs differing in their (G = C)-contents [Clostridium perfingens DNA(G = C, 29%), salmon sperm DNA (G + C, 42%) and Micrococcus lysodeikticus DNA(G + C, 29%), salmon sperm DNA (G = C, 72%)] behaved differently toward Au(III). The hyperchromicity observed for DNAs differing in (G + C)-content and cyanide reversal titrations indicate selectivity toward ( A + T)-rich DNA at lw values of r. Chemical analysis and job's continuous variation studies indicated the existence of possible complexes above and below r = 1. The results indicate that Au(III) ions probably bind to hte phosphate group in the initial stages of the reaction, particularly at low values of r, and participation of the base interaction also increases. Cross-linking of the two strands by Au(III) may take place, but a complete collapse of the doulbe helix is not envisaged. It is probable that tilting of the bases or rotaiton of the bases around the glucosidic bond, resulting in a significant distrotion of the double helix, might take place due to binding of Au(III) to DNA.


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Novel mixed-matrix membranes prepared by blending sodium alginate (NaAlg) with polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) and certain heteropolyacids (HPAs), such as phosphomolybdic acid (PMoA), phosphotungstic acid (PWA) and silicotungstic acid (SWA), followed by ex-situ cross-linking with glutaraldehyde (GA) to achieve the desired mechanical and chemical stability, are reported for use as electrolytes in direct methanol fuel cells (DMFCs). NaAlg-PVA-HPA mixed matrices possess a polymeric network with micro-domains that restrict methanol cross-over. The mixed-matrix membranes are characterised for their mechanical and thermal properties. Methanol cross-over rates across NaAlg-PVA and NaAlg-PVA-HPA mixed-matrix membranes are studied by measuring the mass balance of methanol using a density meter. The DMFC using NaAlg-PVA-SWA exhibits a peak power-density of 68 mW cm(-2) at a load current-density of 225 mA cm(-2), while operating at 343 K. The rheological properties of NaAlg and NaAlg-PVA-SWA viscous solutions are studied and their behaviour validated by a non-Newtonian power-law.


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Research on conducting polymers, organic light emitting diodes and organic solar cells has been an exciting field for the past decade. The challenge with these organic devices is the long term stability of the active material. Organic materials are susceptible to chemical degradation in the presence of oxygen and moisture. The sensitivity of these materials towards oxygen and moisture makes it imperative to protect them by encapsulation. Polymer nanocomposites can be used as encapsulation materials in order to prevent material degradation. In the present work, amine functionalized alumina was used as a cross-linking and reinforcing material for the polymer matrix in order to fabricate the composites to be used for encapsulation of devices. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and Raman spectroscopy were used to elucidate the surface chemistry. Thermogravimetric analysis techniques and CHN analysis were used to quantify grafting density of amine groups over the surface of the nanoparticles. Mechanical characterizations of the composites with various loadings were carried out with dynamic mechanical analyzer. It was observed that the composites have good thermal stability and mechanical flexibility, which are important for an encapsulant. The morphology of the composites was evaluated using scanning electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy.


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A new class of photo-cross-linkable main-chain liquid crystalline polymers (PMCLCPs) containing bis(benzylidene)cycloallranone groups have been synthesized and studied for their liquid crystalline and photochemical properties. The bis(benzylidene)cycloalkanone group in the chain functions both as a mesogen and as a photoreactive center. All of the polymers exhibit a nematic mesophase. Two kinds of photoreactions, namely, photoisomerization and photo-cross-linking, operate in these polymers. Above Tu at the initial stages of irradiation, photoisomerization predominates the cross-linking, which resulta in the disruption of the chromophore aggregates. Below T8, because of the restricted mobility of the chains, only cross-linking takes place. Studies on the model compound, bis(benzylidene)cyclopentanone, confii the above observations and demonstrate further that the cross-linking proceeds by the 2r + 2r cycloaddition reaction of the bis(benzylidene)cycloallranone moieties. The cross-linking rate decreases with increase in the size of the cycloalkanone ring. Heating the solution cast polymer fii results in the ordered aggregation of the chromophores just above TI and also at the crystal to crystal transition temperature, which facilitates the phobcross-linking reactions. In the isotropic phase, the random orientation of the chromophores drastically curtails the cross-linking rata


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Polyelectrolyte capsules composed of weak polyelectrolytes are introduced as a simple and efficient system for spontaneous encapsulation of low molecular weight water-soluble drugs. Polyelectrolyte capsules were prepared by layer-by-layer (LbL) assembling of weak polyelectrolytes, poly(allylamine hydrochloride) (PAH) and poly (methacrylic acid) (PMA) on polystyrene sulfonate (PSS) doped CaCO3 particles followed by core removal with ethylene-diaminetetraacetic add (EDTA). The loading process was observed by confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) using tetramethylrhodamineisothiocyanate labeled dextran (TRITC-dextran) as a fluorescent probe. The intensity of fluorescent probe inside the capsule decreased with increase in cross-linking time. Ciprofloxacin hydrochloride (a model water-soluble drug) was spontaneously deposited into PAH/PMA capsules and their morphological changes were investigated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM). The quantitative study of drug loading was also elucidated which showed that drug loading increased with initial drug concentration, but decreased with increase in pH. The loaded drug was released in a sustained manner for 6 h, which could be further extended by cross-linking the capsule wall. The released drug showed significant antibacterial activity against E. coli. These findings indicate that such capsules can be potential carriers for water-soluble drugs in sustained/controlled drug delivery applications. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Polymeric compositions containing Al-Mg alloys show higher reactivities, in comparison with similar compositions containing aluminium. This is observed irrespective of the amount of oxidizer, type of oxidizer used, type of polymeric binder, and over a range of the particle sizes of the metal additive. This is evident from the higher calorimetric values obtained for compositions containing the alloy, in comparison to samples containing aluminium. Analysis of the combustion residue shows the increase in calorimetric value to be due to the greater extent of oxidation of the alloy. The interaction between the polymeric binder and the alloy was studied by coating the metal particles with the polymer by a coacervation technique. On ageing in the presence of ammonium perchlorate, cracking of the polymer coating on the alloy was noticed. This was deduced from differential thermal analysis experiments, and confirmed by scanning electron microscopic observations. The increase in stiffness of the coating, leading to cracking, has been traced to the cross-linking of the polymer by magnesium.