169 resultados para Compliance measurement


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We propose a molecular mechanism for the intra-cellular measurement of the ratio of the number of X chromosomes to the number of sets of autosomes, a process central to both sex determination and dosage compensation in Drosophila melanogaster. In addition to the two loci, da and Sxl, which have been shown by Cline (Genetics, 90, 683, 1978)and others to be involved in these processes, we postulate two other loci, one autosomal (ω) and the other, X-linked (π). The product of the autosomal locus da stimulates ω and initiates synthesis of a limited quantity of repressor. Sxl and π ,both of which are X-linked, compete for this repressor as well as for RNA polymerase. It is assumed that Sxl has lower affinity than π for repressor as well as polymerase and that the binding of polymerase to one of these sites modulates the binding affinity of the other site for the enzyme. It can be shown that as a result of these postulated interactions transcription from the Sxl site is proportional to the X/A ratio such that the levels of Sxl+ product are low in males, high in females and intermediate in the intersexes. If, as proposed by Cline, the Sxl- product is an inhibitor of X chromosome activity, this would result in dosage compensation. The model leads to the conclusion that high levels of Sxl+ product promote a female phenotype and low levels, a male phenotype. One interesting consequence of the assumptions on which the model is based is that the level of Sxl+ product in the cell, when examined as a function of increasing repressor concentration, first goes up and then decreases, yielding a bell-shaped curve. This feature of the model provides an explanation for some of the remarkable interactions among mutants at the Sxl, da and mle loci and leads to several predictions. The proposed mechanism may also have relevance to certain other problems, such as size regulation during development, which seem to involve measurement of ratios at the cellular level.


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Resistivity and dielectric constant are important parameters which influence the separation of particles in a drum-type electrostatic separator. The paper provides details of the measurement of the parameters and data on the magnitude of resistivity and dielectric constant of the minerals of beach sand.


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The application of the van der Pauw-Hall measurement technique to implanted samples in which the mobility varies with depth has still not been fully justified. A proof that the technique is in fact applicable in this situation is given. Journal of Applied Physics is copyrighted by The American Institute of Physics.


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A simple moire method for the direct measurement of refractive indices is presented. The change of magnification and/or distortion of the image of a linear grating when viewed through a refractive index field is amplified by means of moire fringes and is measured directly. Relations between the index of refraction and fringe spacing are derived and have been verified experimentally.


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Bearing area analysis has been used to study the real area of contact and compliance of rough turned steel cylinders in compression. Calculations show that the elastic real area of contact is very small compared to the plastic real area of contact, and that local compliance due to flattening of asperity tips is a small proportion of the total compliance obtained from experiments. The fact that increased load brings more and more new asperities under load rather than enlarging the contact spots leads to a rather simple load-compliance relation for a rough cylinder, viz., W' = Nh · K1δn, where W0 = K1δn defines the load-compliance relation of the individual asperities, and Nh represents the number of asperities bearing the load.


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This paper reports the basic design of a new six component force balance system using miniature piezoelectric accelerometers to measure all aerodynamic forces and moments for a test model in hypersonic shock tunnel (HST2). Since the flow duration in a hypersonic shock tunnel is of the order of $1$ ms, the balance system [1] uses fast response accelerometers (PCB Piezotronics; frequency range of 1-10 kHz) for obtaining the aerodynamic data. The alance system has been used to measure the basic aerodynamic forces and moments on a missile shaped body at Mach $8$ in the IISc hypersonic shock tunnel. The experimentally measured values match well with theoretical predictions.


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A simple technique for determining the energy sensitivities for the thermographic recording of laser beams is described. The principle behind this technique is that, if a laser beam with a known spatial distribution such as a Gaussian profile is used for imaging, the radius of the thermal image formed depends uniquely on the intensity of the impinging beam. Thus by measuring the radii of the images produced for different incident beam intensities the minimum intensity necessary (that is, the threshold) for thermographic imaging is found. The diameter of the laser beam can also be found from this measurement. A simple analysis based on the temperature distribution in the laser heated material shows that there is an inverse square root dependence on pulse duration or period of exposure for the energy fluence of the laser beam required, both for the threshold and the subsequent increase in the size of the recording. It has also been shown that except for low intensity, long duration exposure on very low conductivity materials, heat losses are not very significant.


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A ratio transformer method suitable for the measurement of the dielectric constant of highly conducting liquids is described. The resistance between the two plates of the capacitor can be as low as 2 k Omega . In this method variations in this low resistance will not give any error in capacitance measurement. One of the features of this method is the simplicity in balancing the resistance, using a LDR (light dependent resistor), without influencing the independent capacitance measurement. The ratio transformer enables the ground capacitances to be eliminated. The change in leakage inductance of the ratio transformer while changing the ratios is also taken into account. The capacitance of a dielectric cell of the order of 50 pF can be measured from 1000 Hz to 100 kHz with a resolution of 0.06 pF. The electrode polarisation problem is also discussed.


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Bearing area analysis has been used to study the real area of contact and compliance of rough turned steel cylinders in compression. Calculations show that the elastic real area of contact is very small compared to the plastic real area of contact, and that local compliance due to flattening of asperity tips is a small proportion of the total compliance obtained from experiments. The fact that increased load brings more and more new asperities under load rather than enlarging the contact spots leads to a rather simple load-compliance relation for a rough cylinder, viz., W' = Nh · K1δn, where W0 = K1δn defines the load-compliance relation of the individual asperities, and Nh represents the number of asperities bearing the load.


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An efficient measurement technique for studying the effect of transient electromagnetic fields under controlled conditions has been described. Broad-band TEM fields with a rise-time of a few nanoseconds were generated using a stripline method. Theoretical results are obtained and experimental measurements which confirm these results are described. The work will form the basis for a study of the susceptibility of digital integrated circuits and their interconnections to transient electromagnetic fields.


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For the experimental evaluation of the acoustical impedance of a termination by the impedance-tube method at low frequencies, the length of the impedance tube is a problem. In the present paper, the method of exact analysis of standing waves developed by the authors for the stationary medium as well as for mean flow, has been extended for measurement of the acoustical impedance of a termination at low frequencies. The values of the tube attenuation factor and the wave number at the low frequency of interest are established from the experiment conducted, with the given impedance tube, at a higher frequency. Then, exciting the tube at the desired low frequency it is sufficient to measure sound pressure at three differenct locations (not necessarily the minima) in order to evaluate reflection coefficient and hence the impedance of the termination at that frequency.


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It has long been argued that better timing precision allowed by satellites like Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer (RXTE) will allow us to measure the orbital eccentricity and the angle of periastron of some of the bright persistent high-mass X-ray binaries (HMXBs) and hence a possible measurement of apsidal motion in these system. Measuring the rate of apsidal motion allows one to estimate the apsidal motion constant of the mass losing companion star and hence allows for the direct testing of the stellar structure models for these giant stars present in the HMXBs. In the present paper, we use the archival RXTE data of two bright persistent sources, namely Cen X-3 and SMC X-1, to measure the very small orbital eccentricity and the angle of periastron. We find that the small variations in the pulse profiles of these sources, rather than the intrinsic time resolution provided by RXTE, limit the accuracy with which we can measure arrival time of the pulses from these sources. This influences the accuracy with which one can measure the orbital parameters, especially the very small eccentricity and the angle of periastron in these sources. The observations of SMC X-1 in the year 2000 were taken during the high-flux state of the source and we could determine the orbital eccentricity and omega using this data set.


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The flow around a 120 degrees blunt cone model with a base radius of 60mm has been visualised at Mach 14.8 and 9.1 using argon as the test gas, at the newly established high speed schlieren facility in the IISc hypersonic shock tunnel HST2. The experimental shock stand off distance around the blunt cone is compared with that obtained using a commercial CFD package. The computed values of shock stand off distance of the blunt cone is found to agree reasonably well with the experimental data.


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Based on the measurements of Alcock and Zador, Grundy et al. estimated an uncertainty of the order of +/- 5 kJ mol(-1) for the standard Gibbs energy of formation of MnO in a recent assessment. Since the evaluation of thermodynamic data for the higher oxides Mn3O4, Mn2O3, and MnO2 depends on values for MnO, a redetermination of its Gibbs energy of formation was undertaken in the temperature range from 875 to 1300 K using a solid-state electrochemical cell incorporating yttria-doped thoria (YDT) as the solid electrolyte and Fe + Fe1-delta O as the reference electrode. The cell can be presented as Pt, Mn + MnO/YDT/Fe + Fe1+delta O, Pt Since the metals Fe and Mn undergo phase transitions in the temperature range of measurement, the reversible emf of the cell is represented by the three linear segments. Combining the emf with the oxygen potential for the reference electrode, the standard Gibbs energy of formation of MnO from alpha-Mn and gaseous diatomic oxygen in the temperature range from 875 to 980 K is obtained as: Delta G(f)(o)/Jmol(-1)(+/- 250) = -385624 + 73.071T From 980 to 1300 K the Gibbs energy of formation of MnO from beta-Mn and oxygen gas is given by: Delta G(f)(o)/Jmol(-1)(+/- 250) = -387850 + 75.36T The new data are in excellent agreement with the earlier measurements of Alcock and Zador. Grundy et al. incorrectly analyzed the data of Alcock and Zador showing relatively large difference (+/- 5 kJ mol(-1)) in Gibbs energies of MnO from their two cells with Fe + Fe1-delta O and Ni + NiO as reference electrodes. Thermodynamic data for MnO is reassessed in the light of the new measurements. A table of refined thermodynamic data for MnO from 298.15 to 2000 K is presented.