35 resultados para Aging experience


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In EHV and UHV power transmission lines, corona could occur even on well designed transmission line hardware and insulators especially under wet conditions. Corona if allowed to occur continuously can significantly damage the polymeric insulators used in such lines in the long run. This paper presents the experimental results of corona aging studies conducted on unfilled silicone rubber as well as filled silicone rubber nanocomposites. Corona aging studies were conducted on silicone rubber samples with filler concentrations of 0, 1, 2 and 3 % by wt of nanosilica for 25 h and 50 h. Needle-plane electrode geometry has been used to create the corona on the samples. Different characterization techniques such as Scanning Electron Microscopy, Energy Dispersive X-ray analysis, Hydrophobicity, Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy, and Optical Profilometry have been used to assess the relative performance of the samples with respect to corona aging. Results indicate that at 3 wt %, the performance of the nanocomposite is much better than the unfilled silicon rubber which can be attributed to the modifications in the material caused by the size factor of the filler.


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Al-7Si-0.3Mg is a commonly used commercial casting alloy because of its excellent castability combined with good mechanical properties. The post-casting heat treatment is one factor that affects the mechanical properties; during heat treat ment, a delay between solutionizing and artificial aging (delayed aging) leads to a reduction in hardness, ultimate tensile strength, and yield strength in the alloy. The investigation reported here was aimed at understanding the extent to which the harmful effect of delayed aging on hardness/strength can be nullified. The results obtained were explained using Pashley's kinetic model.


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In the present study, 6061 Al metallic matrix was reinforced by 12.2 wt% df SiC particulates using liquid metallurgy route. The composite material thus obtained was extruded and characterized in the as-solutionized and peak aged conditions in order to delineate the effect of aging associated precipitation of secondary phases on the tensile fracture behavior of the composite samples. The results' of microstructural characterization studies carried out using scanning electron microscope revealed the increased presence of precipitated secondary phases in the metallic matrix and a more pronounced interfacial segregation of alloying elements in case of peak aged samples when compared to the as-solutionized samples. The results of the fractographic studies conducted on the as-solutionized samples revealed that the failure was dominated by the SiC particulates cracking while for the peak aged samples the fracture surface revealed a comparatively more pronounced SiC/6061 Al debonding and reduced SiC particulates cracking. This change in the failure behavior was rationalized in terms of embrittlement of the interfacial region brought about by the aging heat treatment and is correlated, in addition, with the mechanical properties of the composite samples in as-solutionized and peak aged conditions.


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Effect of aging on swelling and swell-shrink behavior of a compacted expansive soil is investigated in this paper. An expansive soil having a liquid limit of 100% is used for this purpose. Compacted specimens were prepared and aged for a predetermined number of days (7, 15, 30, and 90 days) to study their swelling and swell-shrink behavior. It has been shown that aging improves the resistance to compression of compacted specimens. The swelling potentials of specimens also decreased with aging. The dominant factors that influence the aging effects are the water content and degree of saturation at the beginning of the aging process. The changed behavior of aged specimens is attributed to particle rearrangements and formation of bonds, which affect the surface area absorbing water during swelling. The cyclic swell-shrink tests on aged specimens indicated that the differences in vertical displacement during the first swelling were eliminated in the subsequent cycles when specimens were shrunk more, but the aging effect was found to persist with cycles for specimens subjected to lower shrinkage magnitudes.


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In this paper, we study how TCP and UDP flows interact with each other when the end system is a CPU resource constrained thin client. The problem addressed is twofold, 1) the throughput of TCP flows degrades severely in the presence of heavily loaded UDP flows 2) fairness and minimum QoS requirements of UDP are not maintained. First, we identify the factors affecting the TCP throughput by providing an in-depth analysis of end to end delay and packet loss variations. The results obtained from the first part leads us to our second contribution. We propose and study the use of an algorithm that ensures fairness across flows. The algorithm improves the performance of TCP flows in the presence of multiple UDP flows admitted under an admission algorithm and maintains the minimum QoS requirements of the UDP flows. The advantage of the algorithm is that it requires no changes to TCP/IP stack and control is achieved through receiver window control.


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The paper reports the operational experience from a 100 kWe gasification power plant connected to the grid in Karnataka. Biomass Energy for Rural India (BERI) is a program that implemented gasification based power generation with an installed capacity of 0.88 MWe distributed over three locations to meet the electrical energy needs in the district of Tumkur. The operation of one 100 kWe power plant was found unsatisfactory and not meeting the designed performance. The Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, the technology developer, took the initiative to ensure the system operation, capacity building and prove the designed performance. The power plant connected to the grid consists of the IISc gasification system which includes reactor, cooling, cleaning system, fuel drier and water treatment system to meet the producer gas quality for an engine. The producer gas is used as a fuel in Cummins India Limited, GTA 855 G model, turbo charged engine and the power output is connected to the grid. The system has operated for over 1000 continuous hours, with only about 70 h of grid outages. The total biomass consumption for 1035 h of operation was 111 t at an average of 107 kg/h. Total energy generated was 80.6 MWh reducing over loot of CO(2) emissions. The overall specific fuel consumption was about 1.36 kg/kWh, amounting to an overall efficiency from biomass to electricity of about 18%. The present operations indicate that a maintenance schedule for the plant can be at the end of 1000 h. The results for another 1000 h of operation by the local team are also presented. (C) 2011 International Energy Initiative. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Accelerated aging experiments have been conducted on a representative oil-pressboard insulation model to investigate the effect of constant and sequential stresses on the PD behavior using a built-in phase resolved partial discharge analyzer. A cycle of the applied voltage starting from the zero of the positive half cycle was divided into 16 equal phase windows (Φ1 to Φ16) and partial discharge (PD) magnitude distribution in each phase was determined. Based on the experimental results, three stages of aging mechanism were identified. Gumbel's extreme value distribution of the largest element was used to model the first stage of aging process. Second and subsequent stages were modeled using two-parameter Weibull distribution. Spearman's non-parametric rank correlation test statistic and Kolmogrov-Smirnov two sample test were used to relate the aging process of each phase with the corresponding process of the full cycle. To bring out clearly the effect of stress level, its duration and test procedure on the distribution parameters and hence of the aging process, non-parametric ANOVA techniques like Kruskal-Wallis and Fisher's LSD multiple comparison tests were used. Results of the analysis show that two phases (Φ13 and Φ14) near the vicinity of the negative voltage peak were found to contribute significantly to the aging process and their aging mechanism also correlated well with that of the corresponding full cycle mechanism. Attempts have been made to relate these results with the published work of other workers


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The effect of different pre-aging treatments on the microstructural evolution of lead-free solder and growth of interfacial intermetallic compound layers under thermal cycling has been investigated in this work. The results show that there are distinct differences in the microstructural changes between samples with no pretreatment, samples that have experienced thermal annealing at 125A degrees C for 750 h before thermal cycling, and those that have had direct current (DC) stressing for 750 h as pretreatment. The microstructural evolution of the solder matrix is rationalized by utilizing the science of microstructures and analysis of the influence of electron flow on the precipitation phenomena. The finite-element method is utilized to understand the loading conditions imposed on the solder interconnections during cyclic stressing. The growth of intermetallic reaction layers is further analyzed by utilizing quantitative thermodynamic calculations coupled with kinetic analysis. The latter is based on the changes in the intrinsic diffusion fluxes of elements induced by current flow and alloying elements present in the system. With this concurrent approach the differences seen in thermal cycling behavior between the different pre-aging treatments can be explained.


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An industrial base oil, a blend of different paraffin fractions, is heated to 130 degrees C (1) in the ambient and (2) for use as a lubricant in a steel pin on a steel disk sliding experiment. The base oil was tested with and without test antioxidants: dimethyl disulfide (DMDS) and alkylated diphenylamine (ADPA). Primary and secondary oxidation products were monitored continuously by FTIR over a 100 h period. In addition, friction and wear of the steel pin were monitored over the same period and the chemical transformation of the pin surface was monitored by XPS. The objective of this work is to observe the catalytic action of the steel components on the oil aging process and the efficacy of the antioxidant to reduce oxidation of oil used in tribology as a lubricant. Possible mechanistic explanations of the aging process as well as its impact on friction and wear are discussed.


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In recent years, the time dependant maintenance of expensive high voltage power equipments is getting replaced by condition based maintenance so as to detect apriori an impending failure of the equipment. For condition based maintenance, most monitoring systems concentrate on the electrical quantities such as measurement and evaluation of partial discharges, tan delta, tip-up test, dielectric strength, insulation resistance, polarization and depolarization current. However, in the case of equipments being developed with novel nanodielectric insulating materials, the variation in these parameters before an impending failure is not available. Hence in this work, accelerated electrothermal aging studies have been conducted on unfilled epoxy as well as epoxy nanocomposite samples of 5 wt% filler loading, and the tan d values were continuously monitored to obtain the condition of the samples under study. It was observed that those samples whose tan d increased at a rapid rate failed first.