385 resultados para Sink nodes


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Thermoacoustic engines are energy conversion devices that convert thermal energy from a high-temperature heat source into useful work in the form of acoustic power while diverting waste heat into a cold sink; it can be used as a drive for cryocoolers and refrigerators. Though the devices are simple to fabricate, it is very challenging to design an optimized thermoacoustic primemover with better performance. The study presented here aims to optimize the thermoacoustic primemover using response surface methodology. The influence of stack position and its length, resonator length, plate thickness, and plate spacing on pressure amplitude and frequency in a thermoacoustic primemover is investigated in this study. For the desired frequency of 207 Hz, the optimized value of the above parameters suggested by the response surface methodology has been conducted experimentally, and simulations are also performed using DeltaEC. The experimental and simulation results showed similar output performance.


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We propose a distribution-free approach to the study of random geometric graphs. The distribution of vertices follows a Poisson point process with intensity function n f(center dot), where n is an element of N, and f is a probability density function on R-d. A vertex located at x connects via directed edges to other vertices that are within a cut-off distance r(n)(x). We prove strong law results for (i) the critical cut-off function so that almost surely, the graph does not contain any node with out-degree zero for sufficiently large n and (ii) the maximum and minimum vertex degrees. We also provide a characterization of the cut-off function for which the number of nodes with out-degree zero converges in distribution to a Poisson random variable. We illustrate this result for a class of densities with compact support that have at most polynomial rates of decay to zero. Finally, we state a sufficient condition for an enhanced version of the above graph to be almost surely connected eventually.


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This paper presents a decentralized/peer-to-peer architecture-based parallel version of the vector evaluated particle swarm optimization (VEPSO) algorithm for multi-objective design optimization of laminated composite plates using message passing interface (MPI). The design optimization of laminated composite plates being a combinatorially explosive constrained non-linear optimization problem (CNOP), with many design variables and a vast solution space, warrants the use of non-parametric and heuristic optimization algorithms like PSO. Optimization requires minimizing both the weight and cost of these composite plates, simultaneously, which renders the problem multi-objective. Hence VEPSO, a multi-objective variant of the PSO algorithm, is used. Despite the use of such a heuristic, the application problem, being computationally intensive, suffers from long execution times due to sequential computation. Hence, a parallel version of the PSO algorithm for the problem has been developed to run on several nodes of an IBM P720 cluster. The proposed parallel algorithm, using MPI's collective communication directives, establishes a peer-to-peer relationship between the constituent parallel processes, deviating from the more common master-slave approach, in achieving reduction of computation time by factor of up to 10. Finally we show the effectiveness of the proposed parallel algorithm by comparing it with a serial implementation of VEPSO and a parallel implementation of the vector evaluated genetic algorithm (VEGA) for the same design problem. (c) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Six new copper metal complexes with formulas Cu(H2O)(2,2'-bpy) (H2L)](2) center dot H4L center dot 4 H2O (1), {Cu(H2O)(2,2'-bpy)-(H3L)}(2)(H2L)]center dot 2H(2)O (2), Cu(H2O)(1,10-phen)(H2L)](2)center dot 6H(2)O (3), Cu(2,2'-bpy)(H2L)](n)center dot nH(2)O (4), Cu(1,10-phen)(H2L)](n)center dot 3nH(2)O (5), and {Cu(2,2'-bpy)(MoO3)}(2)(L)](n)center dot 2nH(2)O (6) have been synthesized starting from p-xylylenediphosphonic acid (H4L) and 2,2'-bipyridine (2,2'-bpy) or 1,10-phenanthroline (1,10-phen) as secondary linkers and characterized by single crystal X-ray diffraction analysis, IR spectroscopy, and thermogravimetric (TG) analysis. All the complexes were synthesized by hydrothermal methods. A dinuclear motif (Cu-dimer) bridged by phosphonic acid represents a new class of simple building unit (SBU) in the construction of coordination architectures in metal phosphonate chemistry. The initial pH of the reaction mixture induced by the secondary linker plays an important role in the formation of the molecular phosphonates 1, 2, and 3. Temperature dependent hydrothermal synthesis of the compounds 1, 2, and 3 reveals the mechanism of the self assembly of the compounds based on the solubility of the phosphonic acid H4L. Two-dimensional coordination polymers 4, 5, and 6, which are formed by increasing the pH of the reaction mixture, comprise Cu-dimers as nodes, organic (H2L) and inorganic (Mo4O12) ligands as linkers. The void space-areas, created by the (4,4) connected nets in compounds 4 and 5, are occupied by lattice water molecules. Thus compounds 4 and 5 have the potential to accommodate guest species/molecules. Variable temperature magnetic studies of the compounds 3, 4, 5, and 6 reveal the antiferromagnetic interactions between the two Cu(II) ions in the eight membered ring, observed in their crystal structures. A density functional theory (DFT) calculation correlates the conformation of the Cu-dimer ring with the magnitude of the exchange parameter based on the torsion angle of the conformation.


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This paper presents a singular edge-based smoothed finite element method (sES-FEM) for mechanics problems with singular stress fields of arbitrary order. The sES-FEM uses a basic mesh of three-noded linear triangular (T3) elements and a special layer of five-noded singular triangular elements (sT5) connected to the singular-point of the stress field. The sT5 element has an additional node on each of the two edges connected to the singular-point. It allows us to represent simple and efficient enrichment with desired terms for the displacement field near the singular-point with the satisfaction of partition-of-unity property. The stiffness matrix of the discretized system is then obtained using the assumed displacement values (not the derivatives) over smoothing domains associated with the edges of elements. An adaptive procedure for the sES-FEM is proposed to enhance the quality of the solution with minimized number of nodes. Several numerical examples are provided to validate the reliability of the present sES-FEM method. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This work is concerned with the removal of unwanted fluid through the source-sink pair. The source consists of fluid issuing out of a nozzle in the form of a jet and the sink is a pipe that is kept some distance from the source pipe. Of concern is the percentage of source fluid sucked through the sink. The experiments have been carried in a large glass water tank. The source nozzle diameter is 6 mm and the sink pipe diameter is either 10 or 20 mm. The horizontal and vertical separations and angles between these source and sink pipes are adjustable. The flow was visualized using KMnO4 dye, planer laser induced fluorescence and particle streak photographs. To obtain the effectiveness (that is percentage of source fluid entering the sink pipe), titration method is used. The velocity profiles with and without the sink were obtained using particle image velocimetry. The sink flow rate to obtain a certain effectiveness increase dramatically with lateral separation. The sink diameter and the angle between source and the sink axes don't influence effectiveness as much as the lateral separation.


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Bidirectional relaying, where a relay helps two user nodes to exchange equal length binary messages, has been an active area of recent research. A popular strategy involves a modified Gaussian MAC, where the relay decodes the XOR of the two messages using the naturally-occurring sum of symbols simultaneously transmitted by user nodes. In this work, we consider the Gaussian MAC in bidirectional relaying with an additional secrecy constraint for protection against a honest but curious relay. The constraint is that, while the relay should decode the XOR, it should be fully ignorant of the individual messages of the users. We exploit the symbol addition that occurs in a Gaussian MAC to design explicit strategies that achieve perfect independence between the received symbols and individual transmitted messages. Our results actually hold for a more general scenario where the messages at the two user nodes come from a finite Abelian group G, and the relay must decode the sum within G of the two messages. We provide a lattice coding strategy and study optimal rate versus average power trade-offs for asymptotically large dimensions.


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We consider the problem of secure communication in mobile Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). Achieving security in WSNs requires robust encryption and authentication standards among the sensor nodes. Severe resources constraints in typical Wireless Sensor nodes hinder them in achieving key agreements. It is proved from past studies that many notable key management schemes do not work well in sensor networks due to their limited capacities. The idea of key predistribution is not feasible considering the fact that the network could scale to millions. We prove a novel algorithm that provides robust and secure communication channel in WSNs. Our Double Encryption with Validation Time (DEV) using Key Management Protocol algorithm works on the basis of timed sessions within which a secure secret key remains valid. A mobile node is used to bootstrap and exchange secure keys among communicating pairs of nodes. Analysis and simulation results show that the performance of the DEV using Key Management Protocol Algorithm is better than the SEV scheme and other related work.


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We investigate the problem of influence limitation in the presence of competing campaigns in a social network. Given a negative campaign which starts propagating from a specified source and a positive/counter campaign that is initiated, after a certain time delay, to limit the the influence or spread of misinformation by the negative campaign, we are interested in finding the top k influential nodes at which the positive campaign may be triggered. This problem has numerous applications in situations such as limiting the propagation of rumor, arresting the spread of virus through inoculation, initiating a counter-campaign against malicious propaganda, etc. The influence function for the generic influence limitation problem is non-submodular. Restricted versions of the influence limitation problem, reported in the literature, assume submodularity of the influence function and do not capture the problem in a realistic setting. In this paper, we propose a novel computational approach for the influence limitation problem based on Shapley value, a solution concept in cooperative game theory. Our approach works equally effectively for both submodular and non-submodular influence functions. Experiments on standard real world social network datasets reveal that the proposed approach outperforms existing heuristics in the literature. As a non-trivial extension, we also address the problem of influence limitation in the presence of multiple competing campaigns.


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We consider the wireless two-way relay channel, in which two-way data transfer takes place between the end nodes with the help of a relay. For the Denoise-And-Forward (DNF) protocol, it was shown by Koike-Akino et al. that adaptively changing the network coding map used at the relay greatly reduces the impact of Multiple Access Interference at the relay. The harmful effect of the deep channel fade conditions can be effectively mitigated by proper choice of these network coding maps at the relay. Alternatively, in this paper we propose a Distributed Space Time Coding (DSTC) scheme, which effectively removes most of the deep fade channel conditions at the transmitting nodes itself without any CSIT and without any need to adaptively change the network coding map used at the relay. It is shown that the deep fades occur when the channel fade coefficient vector falls in a finite number of vector subspaces of, which are referred to as the singular fade subspaces. DSTC design criterion referred to as the singularity minimization criterion under which the number of such vector subspaces are minimized is obtained. Also, a criterion to maximize the coding gain of the DSTC is obtained. Explicit low decoding complexity DSTC designs which satisfy the singularity minimization criterion and maximize the coding gain for QAM and PSK signal sets are provided. Simulation results show that at high Signal to Noise Ratio, the DSTC scheme provides large gains when compared to the conventional Exclusive OR network code and performs better than the adaptive network coding scheme.


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This paper deals with the study of a submerged jet for the suction of unwanted fluid. This submerged jet is caused by the fluid coming out from a source. The presence of a sink in front of this source facilitates the suction of the fluid depending upon the source and sink flow rates, the axial and lateral separations of the source and sink, and the angle between the axes of the source and sink. The main purpose is the determination of the sink flow rate for 100% removal of the source fluid as a function of these parameters. The experiments have been carried using a source nozzle 6 mm in diameter and two sizes for the sink pipe diameter: 10 mm and 20 mm. The main diagnostics used are flow visualization using dye and particle image velocimetry (PIV). The dependence of the required suction flow rate to obtain 100% effectiveness on the suction tube diameter and angle is relatively weak compared to the lateral separation. DOI: 10.1115/1.4007266]


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Users can rarely reveal their information need in full detail to a search engine within 1--2 words, so search engines need to "hedge their bets" and present diverse results within the precious 10 response slots. Diversity in ranking is of much recent interest. Most existing solutions estimate the marginal utility of an item given a set of items already in the response, and then use variants of greedy set cover. Others design graphs with the items as nodes and choose diverse items based on visit rates (PageRank). Here we introduce a radically new and natural formulation of diversity as finding centers in resistive graphs. Unlike in PageRank, we do not specify the edge resistances (equivalently, conductances) and ask for node visit rates. Instead, we look for a sparse set of center nodes so that the effective conductance from the center to the rest of the graph has maximum entropy. We give a cogent semantic justification for turning PageRank thus on its head. In marked deviation from prior work, our edge resistances are learnt from training data. Inference and learning are NP-hard, but we give practical solutions. In extensive experiments with subtopic retrieval, social network search, and document summarization, our approach convincingly surpasses recently-published diversity algorithms like subtopic cover, max-marginal relevance (MMR), Grasshopper, DivRank, and SVMdiv.


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Query focused summarization is the task of producing a compressed text of original set of documents based on a query. Documents can be viewed as graph with sentences as nodes and edges can be added based on sentence similarity. Graph based ranking algorithms which use 'Biased random surfer model' like topic-sensitive LexRank have been successfully applied to query focused summarization. In these algorithms, random walk will be biased towards the sentences which contain query relevant words. Specifically, it is assumed that random surfer knows the query relevance score of the sentence to where he jumps. However, neighbourhood information of the sentence to where he jumps is completely ignored. In this paper, we propose look-ahead version of topic-sensitive LexRank. We assume that random surfer not only knows the query relevance of the sentence to where he jumps but he can also look N-step ahead from that sentence to find query relevance scores of future set of sentences. Using this look ahead information, we figure out the sentences which are indirectly related to the query by looking at number of hops to reach a sentence which has query relevant words. Then we make the random walk biased towards even to the indirect query relevant sentences along with the sentences which have query relevant words. Experimental results show 20.2% increase in ROUGE-2 score compared to topic-sensitive LexRank on DUC 2007 data set. Further, our system outperforms best systems in DUC 2006 and results are comparable to state of the art systems.


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There are many wireless sensor network(WSN) applications which require reliable data transfer between the nodes. Several techniques including link level retransmission, error correction methods and hybrid Automatic Repeat re- Quest(ARQ) were introduced into the wireless sensor networks for ensuring reliability. In this paper, we use Automatic reSend request(ASQ) technique with regular acknowledgement to design reliable end-to-end communication protocol, called Adaptive Reliable Transport(ARTP) protocol, for WSNs. Besides ensuring reliability, objective of ARTP protocol is to ensure message stream FIFO at the receiver side instead of the byte stream FIFO used in TCP/IP protocol suite. To realize this objective, a new protocol stack has been used in the ARTP protocol. The ARTP protocol saves energy without affecting the throughput by sending three different types of acknowledgements, viz. ACK, NACK and FNACK with semantics different from that existing in the literature currently and adapting to the network conditions. Additionally, the protocol controls flow based on the receiver's feedback and congestion by holding ACK messages. To the best of our knowledge, there has been little or no attempt to build a receiver controlled regularly acknowledged reliable communication protocol. We have carried out extensive simulation studies of our protocol using Castalia simulator, and the study shows that our protocol performs better than related protocols in wireless/wire line networks, in terms of throughput and energy efficiency.


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Clock synchronization is an extremely important requirement of wireless sensor networks(WSNs). There are many application scenarios such as weather monitoring and forecasting etc. where external clock synchronization may be required because WSN itself may consists of components which are not connected to each other. A usual approach for external clock synchronization in WSNs is to synchronize the clock of a reference node with an external source such as UTC, and the remaining nodes synchronize with the reference node using an internal clock synchronization protocol. In order to provide highly accurate time, both the offset and the drift rate of each clock with respect to reference node are estimated from time to time, and these are used for getting correct time from local clock reading. A problem with this approach is that it is difficult to estimate the offset of a clock with respect to the reference node when drift rate of clocks varies over a period of time. In this paper, we first propose a novel internal clock synchronization protocol based on weighted averaging technique, which synchronizes all the clocks of a WSN to a reference node periodically. We call this protocol weighted average based internal clock synchronization(WICS) protocol. Based on this protocol, we then propose our weighted average based external clock synchronization(WECS) protocol. We have analyzed the proposed protocols for maximum synchronization error and shown that it is always upper bounded. Extensive simulation studies of the proposed protocols have been carried out using Castalia simulator. Simulation results validate our theoretical claim that the maximum synchronization error is always upper bounded and also show that the proposed protocols perform better in comparison to other protocols in terms of synchronization accuracy. A prototype implementation of the proposed internal clock synchronization protocol using a few TelosB motes also validates our claim.