260 resultados para APPROXIMATE SOLUTIONS


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This paper proposes an optical flow algorithm by adapting Approximate Nearest Neighbor Fields (ANNF) to obtain a pixel level optical flow between image sequence. Patch similarity based coherency is performed to refine the ANNF maps. Further improvement in mapping between the two images are obtained by fusing bidirectional ANNF maps between pair of images. Thus a highly accurate pixel level flow is obtained between the pair of images. Using pyramidal cost optimization, the pixel level optical flow is further optimized to a sub-pixel level. The proposed approach is evaluated on the middlebury dataset and the performance obtained is comparable with the state of the art approaches. Furthermore, the proposed approach can be used to compute large displacement optical flow as evaluated using MPI Sintel dataset.


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Chiral auxiliaries are used for NMR spectroscopic study of enantiomers. Often the presence of impurities, severe overlap of peaks, excessive line broadening and complex multiplicity pattern restricts the chiral analysis using 1D H-1 NMR spectrum. There are few approaches to resolve the overlapped peaks. One approach is to use suitable chiral auxiliary, which induces large chemical shift difference between the discriminated peaks (Delta delta(R,S)) and minimize the overlap. Another direction of approach is to design appropriate NMR experiments to circumvent some of these problems, viz, enhancing spectral resolution, unravelling the superimposed spectra of enantiomers, and reduction of spectral complexity. Large number of NMR techniques, such as two dimensional selective F-1 decoupling, RES-TOCSY, multiple quantum detection, frequency selective homodecoupling, band selective homodecoupling, broadband homodecoupling, etc. have been reported for such a purpose. Many of these techniques have aided in chiral analysis for molecules of diverse functionality in the presence of chiral auxiliaries. The present review summarizes the recently reported NMR experimental methodologies, with a special emphasis on the work carried out in authors' laboratory.


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Codoping with Cu and Mo is shown to have a synergistic effect on the photocatalytic activity of TiO2. The enhancement in activity is observed only if the synthesis route results in TiO2 in which (Cu, Mo) codopants are forced into the TiO2 lattice. Using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, Cu and Mo are shown to be present in the +2 and +6 oxidation states, respectively. A systematic study of the ternary system shows that TiO2 containing 6 mol % CuO and 1.5 mol % MoO3 is the most active ternary composition. Ab initio calculations show that codoping of TiO2 using (Mo, Cu) introduces levels above the valence band, and below the conduction band, resulting in a significant reduction in the band gap (similar to 0.8 eV). However, codoping also introduces deep defect states, which can have a deleterious impact on photoactivity. This helps rationalize the narrow compositional window over which the enhancement in photocatalytic activity is observed.


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In this work, we propose an algorithm for optical flow estimation using Approximate Nearest Neighbor Fields (ANNF). Proposed optical flow estimation algorithm consists of two steps, flow initialization using ANNF maps and cost filtering. Flow initialization is done by computing the ANNF map using FeatureMatch between two consecutive frames. The ANNF map obtained represents a noisy optical flow, which is refined by making use of superpixels. The best flow associated with each superpixel is computed by optimizing a cost function. The proposed approach is evaluated on Middlebury and MPI-Sintel optical flow dataset and is found to be comparable with the state of the art methods for optical flow estimation.


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The trapezoidal rule, which is a special case of the Newmark family of algorithms, is one of the most widely used methods for transient hyperbolic problems. In this work, we show that this rule conserves linear and angular momenta and energy in the case of undamped linear elastodynamics problems, and an ``energy-like measure'' in the case of undamped acoustic problems. These conservation properties, thus, provide a rational basis for using this algorithm. In linear elastodynamics problems, variants of the trapezoidal rule that incorporate ``high-frequency'' dissipation are often used, since the higher frequencies, which are not approximated properly by the standard displacement-based approach, often result in unphysical behavior. Instead of modifying the trapezoidal algorithm, we propose using a hybrid finite element framework for constructing the stiffness matrix. Hybrid finite elements, which are based on a two-field variational formulation involving displacement and stresses, are known to approximate the eigenvalues much more accurately than the standard displacement-based approach, thereby either bypassing or reducing the need for high-frequency dissipation. We show this by means of several examples, where we compare the numerical solutions obtained using the displacement-based and hybrid approaches against analytical solutions.


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A self-consistent mode coupling theory (MCT) with microscopic inputs of equilibrium pair correlation functions is developed to analyze electrolyte dynamics. We apply the theory to calculate concentration dependence of (i) time dependent ion diffusion, (ii) intermediate scattering function of the constituent ions, and (iii) ion solvation dynamics in electrolyte solution. Brownian dynamics with implicit water molecules and molecular dynamics method with explicit water are used to check the theoretical predictions. The time dependence of ionic self-diffusion coefficient and the corresponding intermediate scattering function evaluated from our MCT approach show quantitative agreement with early experimental and present Brownian dynamic simulation results. With increasing concentration, the dispersion of electrolyte friction is found to occur at increasingly higher frequency, due to the faster relaxation of the ion atmosphere. The wave number dependence of intermediate scattering function, F(k, t), exhibits markedly different relaxation dynamics at different length scales. At small wave numbers, we find the emergence of a step-like relaxation, indicating the presence of both fast and slow time scales in the system. Such behavior allows an intriguing analogy with temperature dependent relaxation dynamics of supercooled liquids. We find that solvation dynamics of a tagged ion exhibits a power law decay at long times-the decay can also be fitted to a stretched exponential form. The emergence of the power law in solvation dynamics has been tested by carrying out long Brownian dynamics simulations with varying ionic concentrations. The solvation time correlation and ion-ion intermediate scattering function indeed exhibit highly interesting, non-trivial dynamical behavior at intermediate to longer times that require further experimental and theoretical studies. (c) 2015 AIP Publishing LLC.


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A new successive displacement type load flow method is developed in this paper. This algorithm differs from the conventional Y-Bus based Gauss Seidel load flow in that the voltages at each bus is updated in every iteration based on the exact solution of the power balance equation at that node instead of an approximate solution used by the Gauss Seidel method. It turns out that this modified implementation translates into only a marginal improvement in convergence behaviour for obtaining load flow solutions of interconnected systems. However it is demonstrated that the new approach can be adapted with some additional refinements in order to develop an effective load flow solution technique for radial systems. Numerical results considering a number of systems-both interconnected and radial, are provided to validate the proposed approach.


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Recently, a lot of interest has been centred on the optical properties of hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN), which has a similar lattice structure to graphene. Interestingly, h-BN has a wide bandgap and is biocompatible, so it has potential applications in multiphoton bioimaging, if it can exhibit large nonlinear optical (NLO) properties. However, extensive investigation into the NLO properties of h-BN have not been done so far. Here, NLO properties of 2D h-BN nanosheets (BNNS) are reported for the first time, using 1064-nm NIR laser radiation with a pulse duration of 10 ns using the Z-scan technique. The reverse saturable absorption occurs in aqueous colloidal solutions of BNNS with a very large two-photon absorption cross section (sigma(2PA)) of approximate to 57 x 10(-46) cm(4) s(-1) photon(-1). Also, by using UV-Vis absorption spectroscopy, the temperature coefficient of the bandgap (dE(g)/dT) of BNNS is determined to be 5.9 meV K-1. Further defect-induced photoluminescence emission in the UV region is obtained in the 283-303 K temperature range, under excitations of different wavelengths. The present report of large sigma(2PA) combined with stability and biocompatibility could open up new possibilities for the application of BNNS as a potential optical material for multiphoton bioimaging and advanced photonic devices.


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Changes in the protonation and deprotonation of amino acid residues in proteins play a key role in many biological processes and pathways. Here, we report calculations of the free-energy profile for the protonation deprotonation reaction of the 20 canonical alpha amino acids in aqueous solutions using ab initio Car-Parrinello molecular dynamics simulations coupled with metad-ynamics sampling. We show here that the calculated change in free energy of the dissociation reaction provides estimates of the multiple pK(a) values of the amino acids that are in good agreement with experiment. We use the bond-length-dependent number of the protons coordinated to the hydroxyl oxygen of the carboxylic and the amine groups as the collective variables to explore the free-energy profiles of the Bronsted acid-base chemistry of amino acids in aqueous solutions. We ensure that the amino acid undergoing dissociation is solvated by at least three hydrations shells with all water molecules included in the simulations. The method works equally well for amino acids with neutral, acidic and basic side chains and provides estimates of the multiple pK(a) values with a mean relative error, with respect to experimental results, of 0.2 pK(a) units.


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A modified approach to obtain approximate numerical solutions of Fredholin integral equations of the second kind is presented. The error bound is explained by the aid of several illustrative examples. In each example, the approximate solution is compared with the exact solution, wherever possible, and an excellent agreement is observed. In addition, the error bound in each example is compared with the one obtained by the Nystrom method. It is found that the error bound of the present method is smaller than the ones obtained by the Nystrom method. Further, the present method is successfully applied to derive the solution of an integral equation arising in a special Dirichlet problem. (C) 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Bearing capacity factors, N-c, N-q, and N-gamma, for a conical footing are determined by using the lower and upper bound axisymmetric formulation of the limit analysis in combination with finite elements and optimization. These factors are obtained in a bound form for a wide range of the values of cone apex angle (beta) and phi with delta = 0, 0.5 phi, and phi. The bearing capacity factors for a perfectly rough (delta = phi) conical footing generally increase with a decrease in beta. On the contrary, for delta = 0 degrees, the factors N-c and N-q reduce gradually with a decrease in beta. For delta = 0 degrees, the factor N-gamma for phi >= 35 degrees becomes a minimum for beta approximate to 90 degrees. For delta = 0 degrees, N-gamma for phi <= 30 degrees, as in the case of delta = phi, generally reduces with an increase in beta. The failure and nodal velocity patterns are also examined. The results compare well with different numerical solutions and centrifuge tests' data available from the literature.


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We are given a set of sensors at given locations, a set of potential locations for placing base stations (BSs, or sinks), and another set of potential locations for placing wireless relay nodes. There is a cost for placing a BS and a cost for placing a relay. The problem we consider is to select a set of BS locations, a set of relay locations, and an association of sensor nodes with the selected BS locations, so that the number of hops in the path from each sensor to its BS is bounded by h(max), and among all such feasible networks, the cost of the selected network is the minimum. The hop count bound suffices to ensure a certain probability of the data being delivered to the BS within a given maximum delay under a light traffic model. We observe that the problem is NP-Hard, and is hard to even approximate within a constant factor. For this problem, we propose a polynomial time approximation algorithm (SmartSelect) based on a relay placement algorithm proposed in our earlier work, along with a modification of the greedy algorithm for weighted set cover. We have analyzed the worst case approximation guarantee for this algorithm. We have also proposed a polynomial time heuristic to improve upon the solution provided by SmartSelect. Our numerical results demonstrate that the algorithms provide good quality solutions using very little computation time in various randomly generated network scenarios.


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The tripeptide glutathione (GSH) is one of the most abundant peptides and the major repository for nonprotein sulfur in both animal and plant cells. It plays a critical role in intracellular oxidative stress management by the reversible formation of glutathione disulfide with the thiol-disulfide pair acting as a redox buffer. The state of charge of the ionizable groups of GSH can influence the redox couple, and hence the pK(a) value of the cysteine residue of GSH is critical to its functioning. Here we report ab initio Car-Parrinello molecular dynamics simulations of glutathione solvated by 200 water molecules, all of which are considered in the simulation. We show that the free-energy landscape for the protonation-deprotonation reaction of the cysteine residue of GSH computed using metadynamics sampling provides shift in the dissociation constant values as compared with the isolated accurate estimates of the pK(a) and correctly predicts the cysteine amino acid.


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In this paper, we present the solutions of 1-D and 2-D non-linear partial differential equations with initial conditions. We approach the solutions in time domain using two methods. We first solve the equations using Fourier spectral approximation in the spatial domain and secondly we compare the results with the approximation in the spatial domain using orthogonal functions such as Legendre or Chebyshev polynomials as their basis functions. The advantages and the applicability of the two different methods for different types of problems are brought out by considering 1-D and 2-D nonlinear partial differential equations namely the Korteweg-de-Vries and nonlinear Schrodinger equation with different potential function. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.