280 resultados para capability mechanism


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The rapid development of communication and networking has lessened geographical boundaries among actors in social networks. In social networks, actors often want to access databases depending upon their access rights, privacy, context, privileges, etc. Managing and handling knowledge based access of actors is complex and hard for which broad range of technologies need to be called. Access based on dynamic access rights and circumstances of actors impose major tasks on access systems. In this paper, we present an Access Mechanism for Social Networks (AMSN) to render access to actors over databases taking privacy and status of actors into consideration. The designed AMSN model is tested over an Agriculture Social Network (ASN) which utilises distinct access rights and privileges of actors related to the agriculture occupation, and provides access to actors over databases.


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The paper reports exchange-spring soft and hard ferrite nanocomposites synthesized by chemical co-precipitation with or without the application of ultrasonic vibration. The composites contained BaFe12O19 as the hard phase and CoFe2O4/MgFe2O4 as the soft phase. X-ray diffraction patterns of the samples in the optimum calcined condition indicated the presence of soft ferrites as face-centred cubic (fcc) and hard ferrites as hexagonal close packed (hcp) structure respectively. Temperature dependence of magnetization in the range of 20-700 degrees C demonstrated distinct presence of soft and hard ferrites as magnetic phases which are characterized by wide difference in magnetic anisotropy and coercivity. Exchange-spring mechanism led these nanocomposite systems to exchange-coupled, which ultimately produced convex hysteresis loops characteristic of a single-phase permanent magnet. Fairly high value of coercivity and maximum energy product were observed for the samples in the optimum calcined conditions with a maximum applied field of 1600 kA/m (2 T).


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Brust-Schiffrin synthesis (BSS) of metal nanoparticles has emerged as a major breakthrough in the field for its ability to produce highly stable thiol functionalized nanoparticles. In this work, we use a detailed population balance model to conclude that particle formation in BSS is controlled by a new synthesis route: continuous nucleation, growth, and capping of particles throughout the synthesis process. The new mechanism, quite different from the others known in the literature (classical LaMer mechanism, sequential nucleation-growth-capping, and thermodynamic mechanism), successfully explains key features of BSS, including size tuning by varying the amount of capping agent instead of the widely used approach of varying the amount of reducing agent. The new mechanism captures a large body of experimental observations quantitatively, including size tuning and only a marginal effect of the parameters otherwise known to affect particle synthesis sensitively. The new mechanism predicts that, in a constant synthesis environment, continuous nucleation-growth-capping mechanism leads to complete capping of particles (no more growth) at the same size, while the new ones are born continuously, in principle leading to synthesis of more monodisperse particles. This prediction is validated through new experimental measurements.


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This paper reports on the characterization of an integrated micro-fluidic platform for controlled electrical lysis of biological cells and subsequent extraction of intracellular biomolecules. The proposed methodology is capable of high throughput electrical cell lysis facilitated by nano-composite coated electrodes. The nano-composites are synthesized using Carbon Nanotube and ZnO nanorod dispersion in polymer. Bacterial cells are used to demonstrate the lysis performance of these nanocomposite electrodes. Investigation of electrical lysis in the microchannel is carried out under different parameters, one with continuous DC application and the other under DC biased AC electric field. Lysis in DC field is dependent on optimal field strength and governed by the cell type. By introducing the AC electrical field, the electrokinetics is controlled to prevent cell clogging in the micro-channel and ensure uniform cell dispersion and lysis. Lysis mechanism is analyzed with time-resolved fluorescence imaging which reveal the time scale of electrical lysis and explain the dynamic behavior of GFP-expressing E. coli cells under the electric field induced by nanocomposite electrodes. The DNA and protein samples extracted after lysis are compared with those obtained from a conventional chemical lysis method by using a UV-Visible spectroscopy and fluorimetry. The paper also focuses on the mechanistic understanding of the nano-composite coating material and the film thickness on the leakage charge densities which lead to differential lysis efficiency.


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In the present investigation, a Schiff base N'(1),N'(3)-bis(Z)-(2-hydroxynapthyl)methylidene]benzene-1,3-dicarbod ihydrazide (L-1) and its Co(II), Ni(II) and Cu(II) complexes have been synthesized and characterized as novel photosensitizing agents for photodynamic therapy (PDT). The interaction of these complexes with calf thymus DNA (CT DNA) has been explored using absorption, thermal denaturation and viscometric studies. The experimental results revealed that Co(II) and Ni(II) complexes on binding to CT DNA imply a covalent mode, most possibly involving guanine N7 nitrogen of DNA, with an intrinsic binding constant K-b of 4.5 x 10(4) M-1 and 4.2 x 10(4) M-1, respectively. However, interestingly, the Cu(II) complex is involved in the surface binding to minor groove via phosphate backbone of DNA double helix with an intrinsic binding constant K-b of 5.7 x 10(4) M-1. The Co(II), Ni(II) and Cu(II) complexes are active in cleaving supercoiled (SC) pUC19 DNA on photoexposure to UV-visible light of 365 nm, through O-1(2) generation with quantum yields of 0.28, 0.25 and 0.30, respectively. Further, these complexes are cytotoxic in A549 lung cancer cells, showing an enhancement of cytotoxicity upon light irradiation. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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An exciting application of crowdsourcing is to use social networks in complex task execution. In this paper, we address the problem of a planner who needs to incentivize agents within a network in order to seek their help in executing an atomic task as well as in recruiting other agents to execute the task. We study this mechanism design problem under two natural resource optimization settings: (1) cost critical tasks, where the planner's goal is to minimize the total cost, and (2) time critical tasks, where the goal is to minimize the total time elapsed before the task is executed. We identify a set of desirable properties that should ideally be satisfied by a crowdsourcing mechanism. In particular, sybil-proofness and collapse-proofness are two complementary properties in our desiderata. We prove that no mechanism can satisfy all the desirable properties simultaneously. This leads us naturally to explore approximate versions of the critical properties. We focus our attention on approximate sybil-proofness and our exploration leads to a parametrized family of payment mechanisms which satisfy collapse-proofness. We characterize the approximate versions of the desirable properties in cost critical and time critical domain.


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The problem addressed in this paper is concerned with an important issue faced by any green aware global company to keep its emissions within a prescribed cap. The specific problem is to allocate carbon reductions to its different divisions and supply chain partners in achieving a required target of reductions in its carbon reduction program. The problem becomes a challenging one since the divisions and supply chain partners, being autonomous, may exhibit strategic behavior. We use a standard mechanism design approach to solve this problem. While designing a mechanism for the emission reduction allocation problem, the key properties that need to be satisfied are dominant strategy incentive compatibility (DSIC) (also called strategy-proofness), strict budget balance (SBB), and allocative efficiency (AE). Mechanism design theory has shown that it is not possible to achieve the above three properties simultaneously. In the literature, a mechanism that satisfies DSIC and AE has recently been proposed in this context, keeping the budget imbalance minimal. Motivated by the observation that SBB is an important requirement, in this paper, we propose a mechanism that satisfies DSIC and SBB with slight compromise in allocative efficiency. Our experimentation with a stylized case study shows that the proposed mechanism performs satisfactorily and provides an attractive alternative mechanism for carbon footprint reduction by global companies.


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Auction based mechanisms have become popular in industrial procurement settings. These mechanisms minimize the cost of procurement and at the same time achieve desirable properties such as truthful bidding by the suppliers. In this paper, we investigate the design of truthful procurement auctions taking into account an additional important issue namely carbon emissions. In particular, we focus on the following procurement problem: A buyer wishes to source multiple units of a homogeneous item from several competing suppliers who offer volume discount bids and who also provide emission curves that specify the cost of emissions as a function of volume of supply. We assume that emission curves are reported truthfully since that information is easily verifiable through standard sources. First we formulate the volume discount procurement auction problem with emission constraints under the assumption that the suppliers are honest (that is they report production costs truthfully). Next we describe a mechanism design formulation for green procurement with strategic suppliers. Our numerical experimentation shows that emission constraints can significantly alter sourcing decisions and affect the procurement costs dramatically. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first effort in explicitly taking into account carbon emissions in planning procurement auctions.


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We consider the problem of Probably Ap-proximate Correct (PAC) learning of a bi-nary classifier from noisy labeled exam-ples acquired from multiple annotators(each characterized by a respective clas-sification noise rate). First, we consider the complete information scenario, where the learner knows the noise rates of all the annotators. For this scenario, we derive sample complexity bound for the Mini-mum Disagreement Algorithm (MDA) on the number of labeled examples to be ob-tained from each annotator. Next, we consider the incomplete information sce-nario, where each annotator is strategic and holds the respective noise rate as a private information. For this scenario, we design a cost optimal procurement auc-tion mechanism along the lines of Myer-son’s optimal auction design framework in a non-trivial manner. This mechanism satisfies incentive compatibility property,thereby facilitating the learner to elicit true noise rates of all the annotators.


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The aim of the contribution is to introduce a high performance anode alternative to graphite for lithium-ion batteries (LiBs). A simple process was employed to synthesize uniform graphene-like few-layer tungsten sulfide (WS2) supported on reduced graphene oxide (RGO) through a hydrothermal synthesis route. The WS2-RGO (80:20 and 70:30) composites exhibited good enhanced electrochemical performance and excellent rate capability performance when used as anode materials for lithium-ion batteries. The specific capacity of the WS2-RGO composite delivered a capacity of 400-450 mAh g(-1) after 50 cycles when cycled at a current density of 100 mA g(-1). At 4000 mA g(-1), the composites showed a stable capacity of approximately 180-240 mAh g(-1), respectively. The noteworthy electrochemical performance of the composite is not additive, rather it is synergistic in the sense that the electrochemical performance is much superior compared to both WS2 and RGO. As the observed lithiation/delithiation for WS2-RGO is at a voltage 1.0 V (approximate to 0.1 V for graphite, Li* /Li), the lithium-ion battery with WS2-RGO is expected to possess high interface stability, safety and management of electrical energy is expected to be more efficient and economic. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Diaminopropionate ammonialyase (DAPAL), a fold-typeII pyridoxal 5-phosphate-dependent enzyme, catalyzes the ,-elimination of diaminopropionate (DAP) to pyruvate and ammonia. DAPAL was able to utilize both d- and l-DAP as substrates with almost equal efficiency. Mutational analysis of functionally important residues such as Thr385, Asp125 and Asp194 was carried out to understand the mechanism by which the isomers are hydrolyzed. Further, the putative residues involved in the formation of disulfide bond Cys271 and Cys299 were also mutated. T385S, T385D sDAPAL were as active with dl-DAP as substrate as sDAPAL, whereas the later exhibited a threefold increase in catalytic efficiency with d-Ser as substrate. Further analysis of these mutants suggested that DAPAL might follow an anti-E-2 mechanism of catalysis that does not involve the formation of a quinonoid intermediate. Of the two mutants of Asp125, D125E showed complete loss of activity with d-DAP as substrate, whereas the reaction with l-DAP was not affected significantly, demonstrating that Asp125 was essential for abstraction of protons from the d-isomer. By contrast, mutational analysis of Asp194 showed that the residue may not be directly involved in proton abstraction from l-DAP. sDAPAL does not form a disulfide bond in solution, although the position of Cys299 and Cys271 in the modeled structure of sDAPAL favored the formation of a disulfide bond. Further, unlike eDAPAL, sDAPAL could be activated by monovalent cations. Mutation of the cysteine residues showed that Cys271 may be involved in coordinating the monovalent cation, as observed in the case of other fold-typeII enzymes.


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A comparative morphological study of different ZnO nanostructures was carried out with different varying process parameters for energy harvesting. Molarity, temperature, growth duration and seed layer were such fundamental controlling parameters. The study brings out an outstanding piezoelectric coefficient (d(33)) of 44.33 pm/V for vertically aligned ZnO nanorod structures, considered as the highest reported d(33) value for any kind of ZnO nanostructures. XRD analysis confirms wurtzite nature of this nanorod structure with 0001] as preferential growth direction. Semiconducting characteristic of nanorods was determined with temperature induced I/V characterization.


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Thyroid hormones are essential for the development and differentiation of all cells of the human body. They regulate protein, fat, and carbohydrate metabolism. In this Account, we discuss the synthesis, structure, and mechanism of action of thyroid hormones and their analogues. The prohormone thyroxine (14) is synthesized on thyroglobulin by thyroid peroxidase (TPO), a heme enzyme that uses iodide and hydrogen peroxide to perform iodination and phenolic coupling reactions. The monodeiodination of T4 to 3,3',5-triiodothyronine (13) by selenium-containing deiodinases (ID-1, ID-2) is a key step in the activation of thyroid hormones. The type 3 deiodinase (ID-3) catalyzes the deactivation of thyroid hormone in a process that removes iodine selectively from the tyrosyl ring of T4 to produce 3,3',5'-triiodothyronine (rT3). Several physiological and pathological stimuli influence thyroid hormone synthesis. The overproduction of thyroid hormones leads to hyperthyroidism, which is treated by antithyroid drugs that either inhibit the thyroid hormone biosynthesis and/or decrease the conversion of T4 to T3. Antithyroid drugs are thiourea-based compounds, which indude propylthiouracil (PTU), methimazole (MM I), and carbimazole (CBZ). The thyroid gland actively concentrates these heterocyclic compounds against a concentration gradient Recently, the selenium analogues of PTU, MMI, and CBZ attracted significant attention because the selenium moiety in these compounds has a higher nucleophilicity than that of the sulfur moiety. Researchers have developed new methods for the synthesis of the selenium compounds. Several experimental and theoretical investigations revealed that the selone (C=Se) in the selenium analogues is more polarized than the thione (C=S) in the sulfur compounds, and the selones exist predominantly in their zwitterionic forms. Although the thionamide-based antithyroid drugs have been used for almost 70 years, the mechanism of their action is not completely understood. Most investigations have revealed that MMI and PTU irreversibly inhibit TPO. PTU, MTU, and their selenium analogues also inhibit ID-1, most likely by reacting with the selenenyl iodide intermediate. The good ID-1 inhibitory activity of Pill and its analogues can be ascribed to the presence of the -N(H)-C(=O)- functionality that can form hydrogen bonds with nearby amino add residues in the selenenyl sulfide state. In addition to the TPO and ID-1 inhibition, the selenium analogues are very good antioxidants. In the presence of cellular reducing agents such as GSH, these compounds catalytically reduce hydrogen peroxide. They can also efficiently scavenge peroxynitrite, a potent biological oxidant and nitrating agent.


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The two-phase Brust-Schiffrin method (BSM) is used to synthesize highly stable nanoparticles of noble metals. A phase transfer catalyst (PTC) is used to bring in aqueous phase soluble precursors into the organic phase to enable particle synthesis there. Two different mechanisms for phase transfer are advanced in the literature. The first mechanism considers PTC to bring in an aqueous phase soluble precursor by complexing with it. The second mechanism considers the ionic species to be contained in inverse micelles of PTC, with a water core inside. A comprehensive experimental study involving measurement of interfacial tension, viscosity, water content by Karl-Fischer titration, static light scattering, H-1 NMR, and small-angle X-ray scattering is reported in this work to establish that the phase transfer catalyst tetraoctylammonium bromide transfers ions by complexing with them, instead of encapsulating them in inverse micelles. The findings have implications for particle synthesis in two-phase methods such as BSM and their modification to produce more monodispersed particles.


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A fracture mechanism map (FMM) is a powerful tool which correlates the fracture behavior of a material to its microstructural characteristics in an explicit and convenient way. In the FMM for solder joints, an effective thickness of the interfacial intermetallic compound (IMC) layer (t (eff)) and the solder yield strength (sigma (ys,eff)) are used as abscissa and ordinate axes, respectively, as these two predominantly affect the fracture behavior of solder joints. Earlier, a definition of t (eff), based on the uniform thickness of IMC (t (u)) and the average height of the IMC scallops (t (s)), was proposed and shown to aptly explain the fracture behavior of solder joints on Cu. This paper presents a more general definition of t (eff) that is more widely applicable to a range of metallizations, including Cu and electroless nickel immersion gold (ENIG). Using this new definition of t (eff), mode I FMM for SAC387/Cu joints has been updated and its validity was confirmed. A preliminary FMM for SAC387/Cu joints with ENIG metallization is also presented.