263 resultados para similarity


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The two protein tyrosine phosphatase (PTP) domains in bi-domain PTPs share high sequence and structural similarity. However, only one of the two PIP domains is catalytically active. Here we describe biochemical studies on the two tandem PTP domains of the bi-domain PTP, PTP99A. Phosphatase activity, monitored using small molecule as well as peptide substrates, revealed that the inactive (D2) domain activates the catalytic (D1) domain. Thermodynamic measurements suggest that the inactive D2 domain stabilizes the bi-domain (D1-D2) protein. The mechanism by which the D2 domain activates and stabilizes the bi-domain protein is governed by few interactions at the inter-domain interface. In particular, mutating Lys990 at the interface attenuates inter-domain communication. This residue is located at a structurally equivalent location to the so-called allosteric site of the canonical single domain PIP, PTP1B. These observations suggest functional optimization in bi-domain PTPs whereby the inactive PTP domain modulates the catalytic activity of the bi-domain enzyme. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Study of laminar boundary layer in mixed convection from vertical plates is carried out. The surface temperature along the vertical plate is assumed to vary arbitrarily with vertical distance. Perturbation technique is used to solve the governing boundary layer equations. The differentials of the wall temperature are used as perturbation elements, which are functions of vertical distance, to obtain universal functions. The universal functions are valid for any type of vertical wall temperature variation. Heat transfer rates and fluid velocity inside the boundary layer can be expressed and calculated using these universal functions. Heat transfer rates are obtained for the special cases of power-law variation of the wall temperature. The effect of the governing parameter (Gr(y)/Re-y(2)) and the power index of the power-law wall temperature variation on heat transfer rates is studied. For the purpose of validation, the mixed convection results obtained by the present technique pertaining to the special cases of isothermal vertical wall are compared with those obtained by similarity analysis reported in literature, and the agreement is found to be good. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Experimental conditions or the presence of interacting components can lead to variations in the structural models of macromolecules. However, the role of these factors in conformational selection is often omitted by in silico methods to extract dynamic information from protein structural models. Structures of small peptides, considered building blocks for larger macromolecular structural models, can substantially differ in the context of a larger protein. This limitation is more evident in the case of modeling large multi-subunit macromolecular complexes using structures of the individual protein components. Here we report an analysis of variations in structural models of proteins with high sequence similarity. These models were analyzed for sequence features of the protein, the role of scaffolding segments including interacting proteins or affinity tags and the chemical components in the experimental conditions. Conformational features in these structural models could be rationalized by conformational selection events, perhaps induced by experimental conditions. This analysis was performed on a non-redundant dataset of protein structures from different SCOP classes. The sequence-conformation correlations that we note here suggest additional features that could be incorporated by in silico methods to extract dynamic information from protein structural models.


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In the noninfectious soil saprophyte Mycobacterium smegmatis, intracellular levels of the stress alarmones guanosine tetraphosphate and guanosine pentaphosphate, together termed (p)ppGpp, are regulated by the enzyme Rel(Msm). This enzyme consists of a single, bifunctional polypeptide chain that is capable of both synthesizing and hydrolyzing (p)ppGpp. The rel(Msm), knockout strain of M. smegmatis (Delta rel(Msm)) is expected to show a (p)ppGpp null (p)ppGpp(0)] phenotype. Contrary to this expectation, the strain is capable of synthesizing (p)ppGpp in vivo. In this study, we identify and functionally characterize the open reading frame (ORF), MSMEG_5849, that encodes a second functional (p)ppGpp synthetase in M. smegmatis. In addition to (p)ppGpp synthesis, the 567-amino-acid-long protein encoded by this gene is capable of hydrolyzing RNA(.)DNA hybrids and bears similarity to the conventional RNase HII enzymes. We have classified this protein as actRel(Msm) in accordance with the recent nomenclature proposed and have named it MS_RHII-RSD, indicating the two enzymatic activities present RHII, RNase HII domain, originally identified as (d) under bar omain of (u) under bar nknown (f) under bar unction 429 (DUF429), and RSD, RelA_SpoT nucleotidyl transferase domain, the SYNTH domain responsible for (p)ppGpp synthesis activity]. MS_RHII-RSD is expressed and is constitutively active in vivo and behaves like a monofunctional (p)ppGpp synthetase in vitro. The occurrence of the RNase HII and (p)ppGpp synthetase domains together on the same polypeptide chain is suggestive of an in vivo role for this novel protein as a link connecting the essential life processes of DNA replication, repair, and transcription to the highly conserved stress survival pathway, the stringent response.


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Lack of supervision in clustering algorithms often leads to clusters that are not useful or interesting to human reviewers. We investigate if supervision can be automatically transferred for clustering a target task, by providing a relevant supervised partitioning of a dataset from a different source task. The target clustering is made more meaningful for the human user by trading-off intrinsic clustering goodness on the target task for alignment with relevant supervised partitions in the source task, wherever possible. We propose a cross-guided clustering algorithm that builds on traditional k-means by aligning the target clusters with source partitions. The alignment process makes use of a cross-task similarity measure that discovers hidden relationships across tasks. When the source and target tasks correspond to different domains with potentially different vocabularies, we propose a projection approach using pivot vocabularies for the cross-domain similarity measure. Using multiple real-world and synthetic datasets, we show that our approach improves clustering accuracy significantly over traditional k-means and state-of-the-art semi-supervised clustering baselines, over a wide range of data characteristics and parameter settings.


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This paper is a review prepared for the second Marseille Colloquium on the mechanics of turbulence, held in 2011, 50 years after the first. The review covers recent developments in our understanding of the large-scale dynamics of cumulus cloud flows and of the atmospheric boundary layer in the low-wind convective regime that is often encountered in the tropics. It has recently been shown that a variety of cumulus cloud forms and life cycles can be experimentally realized in the laboratory, with the transient diabatic plume taken as the flow model for a cumulus cloud. The plume is subjected to diabatic heating scaled to be dynamically similar to heat release from phase changes in clouds. The experiments are complemented by exact numerical solutions of the Navier-Stokes-Boussinesq equations for plumes with scaled off-source heating. The results show that the Taylor entrainment coefficient first increases with heating, reaches a positive maximum and then drops rapidly to zero or even negative values. This reduction in entrainment is a consequence of structural changes in the flow, smoothing out the convoluted boundaries in the non-diabatic plume, including the tongues engulfing the ambient flow. This is accompanied by a greater degree of mixedness in the core flow because of lower dilution by the ambient fluid. The cloud forms generated depend strongly on the history of the diabatic heating profile in the vertical direction. The striking effects of heating on the flow are attributable to the operation of the baroclinic torque due to the temperature field. The mean baroclinic torque is shown to peak around a quasi-cylindrical sheet situated midway between the axis of the flow and the edges. This torque is shear-enhancing and folds down the engulfment tongues. The increase in mixedness can be traced to an explosive growth in the enstrophy, triggered by a strong fluctuating baroclinic torque that acts as a source, especially at the higher wave numbers, thus enhancing the mixedness. In convective boundary layers field measurements show that, under conditions prevailing in the tropics, the eddy fluxes of momentum and energy do not follow the Monin-Obukhov similarity. Instead, the eddy momentum flux is found to be linear in the wind speed at low winds; and the eddy heat flux is, to a first approximation, governed by free convection laws, with wind acting as a small perturbation on a regime of free convection. A new boundary layer code, based on heat flux scaling rather than wall-stress scaling, shows promising improvements in predictive skills of a general circulation model.


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Our everyday visual experience frequently involves searching for objects in clutter. Why are some searches easy and others hard? It is generally believed that the time taken to find a target increases as it becomes similar to its surrounding distractors. Here, I show that while this is qualitatively true, the exact relationship is in fact not linear. In a simple search experiment, when subjects searched for a bar differing in orientation from its distractors, search time was inversely proportional to the angular difference in orientation. Thus, rather than taking search reaction time (RT) to be a measure of target-distractor similarity, we can literally turn search time on its head (i.e. take its reciprocal 1/RT) to obtain a measure of search dissimilarity that varies linearly over a large range of target-distractor differences. I show that this dissimilarity measure has the properties of a distance metric, and report two interesting insights come from this measure: First, for a large number of searches, search asymmetries are relatively rare and when they do occur, differ by a fixed distance. Second, search distances can be used to elucidate object representations that underlie search - for example, these representations are roughly invariant to three-dimensional view. Finally, search distance has a straightforward interpretation in the context of accumulator models of search, where it is proportional to the discriminative signal that is integrated to produce a response. This is consistent with recent studies that have linked this distance to neuronal discriminability in visual cortex. Thus, while search time remains the more direct measure of visual search, its reciprocal also has the potential for interesting and novel insights. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The multiport network approach is extended to analyze the behavior of microstrip fractal antennas. The capacitively fedmicrostrip square ring antenna has the side opposite to the feed arm replaced with a fractal Minkowski geometry. Dual frequency operation is achieved by suitably choosing the indentation of this fractal geometry. The width of the two sides adjacent to this is increased to further control the resonant characteristics and the ratio of the two resonance frequencies of this antenna. The impedance matrix for the multiport network model of this antenna is simplified exploiting self-similarity of the geometry with greater accuracy and reduced analysis time. Experimentally validated results confirm utility of the approach in analyzing the input characteristics of similar multi-frequency fractal microstrip antennas with other fractal geometries.


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Drought is the most crucial environmental factor that limits productivity of many crop plants. Exploring novel genes and gene combinations is of primary importance in plant drought tolerance research. Stress tolerant genotypes/species are known to express novel stress responsive genes with unique functional significance. Hence, identification and characterization of stress responsive genes from these tolerant species might be a reliable option to engineer the drought tolerance. Safflower has been found to be a relatively drought tolerant crop and thus, it has been the choice of study to characterize the genes expressed under drought stress. In the present study, we have evaluated differential drought tolerance of two cultivars of safflower namely, A1 and Nira using selective physiological marker traits and we have identified cultivar A1 as relatively drought tolerant. To identify the drought responsive genes, we have constructed a stress subtracted cDNA library from cultivar A1 following subtractive hybridization. Analysis of similar to 1,300 cDNA clones resulted in the identification of 667 unique drought responsive ESTs. Protein homology search revealed that 521 (78 %) out of 667 ESTs showed significant similarity to known sequences in the database and majority of them previously identified as drought stress-related genes and were found to be involved in a variety of cellular functions ranging from stress perception to cellular protection. Remaining 146 (22 %) ESTs were not homologous to known sequences in the database and therefore, they were considered to be unique and novel drought responsive genes of safflower. Since safflower is a stress-adapted oil-seed crop this observation has great relevance. In addition, to validate the differential expression of the identified genes, expression profiles of selected clones were analyzed using dot blot (reverse northern), and northern blot analysis. We showed that these clones were differentially expressed under different abiotic stress conditions. The implications of the analyzed genes in abiotic stress tolerance are discussed in our study.


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Query focused summarization is the task of producing a compressed text of original set of documents based on a query. Documents can be viewed as graph with sentences as nodes and edges can be added based on sentence similarity. Graph based ranking algorithms which use 'Biased random surfer model' like topic-sensitive LexRank have been successfully applied to query focused summarization. In these algorithms, random walk will be biased towards the sentences which contain query relevant words. Specifically, it is assumed that random surfer knows the query relevance score of the sentence to where he jumps. However, neighbourhood information of the sentence to where he jumps is completely ignored. In this paper, we propose look-ahead version of topic-sensitive LexRank. We assume that random surfer not only knows the query relevance of the sentence to where he jumps but he can also look N-step ahead from that sentence to find query relevance scores of future set of sentences. Using this look ahead information, we figure out the sentences which are indirectly related to the query by looking at number of hops to reach a sentence which has query relevant words. Then we make the random walk biased towards even to the indirect query relevant sentences along with the sentences which have query relevant words. Experimental results show 20.2% increase in ROUGE-2 score compared to topic-sensitive LexRank on DUC 2007 data set. Further, our system outperforms best systems in DUC 2006 and results are comparable to state of the art systems.


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Glycodelin A (GdA) is a dimeric glycoprotein synthesized by the human endometrium under progesterone regulation. Based on the high sequence similarity with beta-lactoglobulin, it is placed under the lipocalin superfamily. The protein is one of the local immunomodulators present at the feto-maternal interface which affects both the innate as well as the acquired arms of the immune system, thereby bringing about successful establishment and progression of pregnancy. Our previous studies revealed that the domain responsible for the immunosuppressive activity of glycodelin lies on its protein backbone and the glycans modulate the same. This study attempts to further delineate the apoptosis inducing region of GdA. Our results demonstrate that the stretch of amino acid sequence between Met24 to Leu105 is necessary and sufficient to inhibit proliferation of T cells and induce apoptosis in them. Further, within this region the key residues involved in harboring the activity were shown to be present between Asp52 and Ser65.


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The synthesis of the dipeptide antibiotic bacilysin involves the sequential action of multiple enzymes in the bac operon. YwfH (also referred to as BacG) catalyzes the stereoselective reduction of dihydro-hydroxyphenylpyruvate (H2HPP) to tetrahydro-hydroxyphenylpyruvate (H4HPP) in this biosynthetic pathway. YwfH is an NADPH-dependent reductase that facilitates the conjugate addition of a hydride at the C4 olefin terminus of H2HPP. Here, the structure of YwfH is described at three conformational steps: the apo form, an apo-like conformation and the NADPH complex. YwfH is structurally similar to other characterized short-chain dehydrogenase/reductases despite having marginal sequence similarity. The structures of YwfH in different conformational states provide a rationale for the ping-pong reaction mechanism. The identification and role of the residues in the catalytic tetrad (Lys113Tyr117Ser155Asn158) in proton transfer were examined by mutational analysis. Together, the structures and biochemical features revealed synchronized conformational changes that facilitate cofactor specificity and catalysis of H4HPP formation en route to tetrahydrotyrosine synthesis.


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In this paper, we present a novel approach that makes use of topic models based on Latent Dirichlet allocation(LDA) for generating single document summaries. Our approach is distinguished from other LDA based approaches in that we identify the summary topics which best describe a given document and only extract sentences from those paragraphs within the document which are highly correlated given the summary topics. This ensures that our summaries always highlight the crux of the document without paying any attention to the grammar and the structure of the documents. Finally, we evaluate our summaries on the DUC 2002 Single document summarization data corpus using ROUGE measures. Our summaries had higher ROUGE values and better semantic similarity with the documents than the DUC summaries.


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The relative levels of different sigma factors dictate the expression profile of a bacterium. Extracytoplasmic function sigma factors synchronize the transcriptional profile with environmental conditions. The cellular concentration of free extracytoplasmic function sigma factors is regulated by the localization of this protein in a sigma/anti-sigma complex. Anti-sigma factors are multi-domain proteins with a receptor to sense environmental stimuli and a conserved anti-sigma domain (ASD) that binds a sigma factor. Here we describe the structure of Mycobacterium tuberculosis anti-sigma(D) (RsdA) in complex with the -35 promoter binding domain of sigma(D) (sigma(D)(4)). We note distinct conformational features that enable the release of sigma(D) by the selective proteolysis of the ASD in RsdA. The structural and biochemical features of the sigma(D)/RsdA complex provide a basis to reconcile diverse regulatory mechanisms that govern sigma/anti-sigma interactions despite high overall structural similarity. Multiple regulatory mechanisms embedded in an ASD scaffold thus provide an elegant route to rapidly re-engineer the expression profile of a bacterium in response to an environmental stimulus.


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Confined supersonic mixing layer is explored through model-free simulations. Both two- and three-dimensional spatio-temporal simulations were carried out employing higher order finite difference scheme as well as finite volume scheme based on open source software (OpenFOAM) to understand the effect of three-dimensionality on the development of mixing layer. It is observed that although the instantaneous structures exhibit three-dimensional features, the average pressure and velocities are predominantly two-dimensional. The computed wall pressures match well with experimental results fairly well, although three-dimensional simulation underpredicts the wall pressure in the downstream direction. The self-similarity of the velocity profiles is obtained within the duct length for all the simulations. Although the mixing layer thicknesses differ among different simulations, their growth rate is nearly the same. Significant differences are observed for species and temperature distribution between two- and three-dimensional calculations, and two-dimensional calculations do not match the experimental observation of smooth variations in species mass fraction profiles as reported in literature. Reynolds stress distribution for three-dimensional calculations show profiles with less peak values compared to two-dimensional calculations; while normal stress anisotropy is higher for three-dimensional case.