211 resultados para SPIN PRECESSION


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Employing nitronyl nitroxide lanthanide(III) complexes as metallo-ligands allowed the efficient and highly selective preparation of three series of unprecedented heterotri-spin (Cu Ln-radical) one-dimensional compounds. These 2p-3d-4f spin systems, namely Ln(3)Cu(hfac)II(NitPhOAII)41 (Ln(III)=Gd 1(Gd), Tb 1(Tb), Dy 1(Dy); NitPhOAII=2-(4'-allyloxyphenyl)-4,4,5,5-tetramethylimidazoline-1-oxyl-3- oxide), Ln(3)Cu(hfac)II(NitPhOPO4] (1-nrn=Gd 2Gd, Tb 2Tb, Dy 2(Dy), Ho 2HOf Yb 2yb; NitPhOPr= 2-(4'-propoxyphenyI)-4,4,5,5-tetramethyl-imidazoline-1-oxyl-3-oxide) and Ln3Cu(hfac)II(NitPhOB441 (LnIm=Gd 3Gd, Tb 3Tb, Dy 3(Dy); NitPhOBz=2-(4'-benzyloxy- phenyl)-4,4,5,5-tetramethyl-imidazoline-1-oxyl-3-oxide) involve O-bound nitronyl nitroxide radicals as bridging ligands in chain structures with a Cu-Nit-Ln-Nit-Ln-Nit-Ln-Nit] repeating unit. The dc magnetic studies show that ferromagnetic metal radical interactions take place in these heterotri-spin chain complexes, these and the next-neighbor interactions have been quantified for the Gd derivatives. Complexes 1Tb and 2Tb exhibit frequency dependence of ac magnetic susceptibilities, indicating single-chain magnet behavior.


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The complex perovskite oxide SrRuO3 shows intriguing transport properties at low temperatures due to the interplay of spin, charge, and orbital degrees of freedom. One of the open questions in this system is regarding the origin and nature of the low-temperature glassy state. In this paper we report on measurements of higher-order statistics of resistance fluctuations performed in epitaxial thin films of SrRuO3 to probe this issue. We observe large low-frequency non-Gaussian resistance fluctuations over a certain temperature range. Our observations are compatible with that of a spin-glass system with properties described by hierarchical dynamics rather than with that of a simple ferromagnet with a large coercivity.


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Spin noise phenomenon was predicted way back in 1946. However, experimental investigations regarding spin noise became possible only recently with major technological improvements in NMR hardware. These experiments have several potential novel applications and also demand refinements in the existing theoretical framework to explain the phenomenon. Elegance of noise spectroscopy in gathering information about the properties of a system lies in the fact that it does not require external perturbation, and the system remains in thermal equilibrium. Spin noise is intrinsic magnetic fluctuations, and both longitudinal and transverse components have been detected independently in many systems. Detection of fluctuating longitudinal magnetization leads to field of Magnetic Resonance Force Microscopy (MRFM) that can efficiently probe very few spins even down to the level of single spin utilizing ultrasensitive cantilevers. Transverse component of spin noise, which can simultaneously monitor different resonances over a given frequency range enabling one to distinguish between different chemical environments, has also received considerable attention, and found many novel applications. These experiments demand a detailed understanding of the underlying spin noise phenomenon in order to perform perturbation-free magnetic resonance and widen the highly promising application area. Detailed investigations of noise magnetization have been performed recently using force microscopy on equilibrium ensemble of paramagnetic alkali atoms. It was observed that random fluctuations generate spontaneous spin coherences which has similar characteristics as generated by macroscopic magnetization of polarized ensemble in terms of precession and relaxation properties. Several other intrinsic properties like g-factors, isotope-abundance ratios, hyperfine splitting, spin coherence lifetimes etc. also have been achieved without having to excite the sample. In contrast to MRFM-approaches, detection of transverse spin noise also offers novel applications, attracting considerable attention. This has unique advantage as different resonances over a given frequency range enable one to distinguish between different chemical environments. Since these noise signatures scale inversely with sample size, these approaches lead to the possibility of non-perturbative magnetic resonance of small systems down to nano-scale. In this review, these different approaches will be highlighted with main emphasis on transverse spin noise investigations.


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We consider conformal field theories in 1 + 1 dimensions with W-algebra symmetries, deformed by a chemical potential mu for the spin-three current. We show that the order mu(2) correction to the Renyi and entanglement entropies of a single interval in the deformed theory, on the infinite spatial line and at finite temperature, is universal. The correction is completely determined by the operator product expansion of two spin-three currents, and by the expectation values of the stress tensor, its descendants and its composites, evaluated on the n-sheeted Riemann surface branched along the interval. This explains the recently found agreement of the order mu(2) correction across distinct free field CFTs and higher spin black hole solutions holographically dual to CFTs with W symmetry.


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We present estimates of single spin asymmetry in the electroproduction of J/psi taking into account the transverse momentum-dependent (TMD) evolution of the gluon Sivers function. We estimate single spin asymmetry for JLab, HERMES, COMPASS and eRHIC energies using the color evaporation model of J/psi. We have calculated the asymmetry using recent parameters extracted by Echevarria et al. using the Collins-Soper-Sterman approach to TMD evolution. These recent TMD evolution fits are based on the evolution kernel in which the perturbative part is resummed up to next-to-leading logarithmic accuracy. We have also estimated the asymmetry by using parameters which had been obtained by a fit by Anselmino et al., using both an exact numerical and an approximate analytical solution of the TMD evolution equations. We find that the variation among the different estimates obtained using TMD evolution is much smaller than between these on one hand and the estimates obtained using DGLAP evolution on the other. Even though the use of TMD evolution causes an overall reduction in asymmetries compared to the ones obtained without it, they remain sizable. Overall, upon use of TMD evolution, predictions for asymmetries stabilize.


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We examine relative entropy in the context of the higher spin/CFT duality. We consider 3D bulk configurations in higher spin gravity which are dual to the vacuum and a high temperature state of a CFT with W-algebra symmetries in the presence of a chemical potential for a higher spin current. The relative entropy between these states is then evaluated using the Wilson line functional for holographic entanglement entropy. In the limit of small entangling intervals, the relative entropy should vanish for a generic quantum system. We confirm this behavior by showing that the difference in the expectation values of the modular Hamiltonian between the states matches with the difference in the entanglement entropy in the short-distance regime. Additionally, we compute the relative entropy of states corresponding to smooth solutions in the SL(2, Z) family with respect to the vacuum.


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We estimate transverse spin single spin asymmetry(TSSA) in the process e + p(up arrow) -> J/psi + X using color evaporation model of charmonium production. We take into account transverse momentum dependent(TMD) evolution of Sivers function and parton distribution function and show that the there is a reduction in the asymmetry as compared to our earlier estimates wherein the Q(2) - evolution was implemented only through DGLAP evolution of unpolarized gluon densities.


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Orthorhombic single crystals of TbMn0.5Fe0.5O3 are found to exhibit spin-reorientation, magnetization reversal, and weak ferromagnetism. Strong anisotropy effects are evident in the temperature dependent magnetization measurements along the three crystallographic axes a, b, and c. A broad magnetic transition is visible at T-N(Fe/Mn) = 286K due to paramagnetic to A(x)G(y)C(z) ordering. A sharp transition is observed at T-SR(Fe/Mn) = 28 K, which is pronounced along c axis in the form of a sharp jump in magnetization where the spins reorient to G(x)A(y)F(z) configuration. The negative magnetization observed below T-SR(Fe/Mn) along c axis is explained in terms of domain wall pinning. A component of weak ferromagnetism is observed in field-scans along c-axis but below 28 K. Field-induced steps-like transitions are observed in hysteresis measurement along b axis below 28 K. It is noted that no sign of Tb-order is discernible down to 2K. TbMn0.5Fe0.5O3 could be highlighted as a potential candidate to evaluate its magneto-dielectric effects across the magnetic transitions. (C) 2015 AIP Publishing LLC.


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Unusual behavior of reentrant spin-glass (RSG) compound Lu2MnNiO6 has been investigated by magnetometry and neutron diffraction. The system possesses a ferromagnetic (FM) ordering below 40 K and undergoes a RSG transition at 20 K. Additionally, Lu2MnNiO6 retains memory effect above the glassy transition till spins sustain ordering. A novel critical behavior with unusual critical exponents (beta =similar to 0.241 and gamma similar to 1.142) is observed that indicates a canting in the spin structure below the ferromagnetic transition (T-C). A comprehensive analysis of temperature-dependent neutron diffraction data and first-principles calculations divulge that a structural distortion induced by an octahedral tilting results in a canted spin structure below T-C.


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We study the free fermion theory in 1+1 dimensions deformed by chemical potentials for holomorphic, conserved currents at finite temperature and on a spatial circle. For a spin-three chemical potential mu, the deformation is related at high temperatures to a higher spin black hole in hs0] theory on AdS(3) spacetime. We calculate the order mu(2) corrections to the single interval Renyi and entanglement entropies on the torus using the bosonized formulation. A consistent result, satisfying all checks, emerges upon carefully accounting for both perturbative and winding mode contributions in the bosonized language. The order mu(2) corrections involve integrals that are finite but potentially sensitive to contact term singularities. We propose and apply a prescription for defining such integrals which matches the Hamiltonian picture and passes several non-trivial checks for both thermal corrections and the Renyi entropies at this order. The thermal corrections are given by a weight six quasi-modular form, whilst the Renyi entropies are controlled by quasi-elliptic functions of the interval length with modular weight six. We also point out the well known connection between the perturbative expansion of the partition function in powers of the spin-three chemical potential and the Gross-Taylor genus expansion of large-N Yang-Mills theory on the torus. We note the absence of winding mode contributions in this connection, which suggests qualitatively different entanglement entropies for the two systems.


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We employed in situ pulsed laser deposition (PLD) and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) to investigate the mechanism of the metal-insulator transition (MIT) in NdNiO3 (NNO) thin films, grown on NdGaO3(110) and LaAlO3(100) substrates. In the metallic phase, we observe three-dimensional hole and electron Fermi surface (FS) pockets formed from strongly renormalized bands with well-defined quasiparticles. Upon cooling across the MIT in NNO/NGO sample, the quasiparticles lose coherence via a spectral weight transfer from near the Fermi level to localized states forming at higher binding energies. In the case of NNO/LAO, the bands are apparently shifted upward with an additional holelike pocket forming at the corner of the Brillouin zone. We find that the renormalization effects are strongly anisotropic and are stronger in NNO/NGO than NNO/LAO. Our study reveals that substrate-induced strain tunes the crystal field splitting, which changes the FS properties, nesting conditions, and spin-fluctuation strength, and thereby controls the MIT via the formation of an electronic order parameter with QAF similar to (1/4,1/4,1/4 +/- delta).


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We use the Ramsey separated oscillatory fields technique in a 400 degrees C thermal beam of ytterbium (Yb) atoms to measure the Larmor precession frequency (and hence the magnetic field) with high precision. For the experiment, we use the strongly allowed S-1(0) P-1(1) transition at 399 nm, and choose the odd isotope Yb-171 with nuclear spin I = 1/2, so that the ground state has only two magnetic sublevels m(F) = +/- 1/2. With a magnetic field of 22.2 G and a separation of about 400 mm between the oscillatory fields, the central Ramsey fringe is at 16.64 kHz and has a width of 350 Hz. The technique can be readily adapted to a cold atomic beam, which is expected to give more than an order-of-magnitude improvement in precision. The signal-to-noise ratio is comparable to other techniques of magnetometry; therefore it should be useful for all kinds of precision measurements such as searching for a permanent electric dipole moment in atoms.


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We present estimates of single spin asymmetry (SSA) in the electroproduction of taking into account the transverse momentum dependent (TMD) evolution of the gluon Sivers function and using Color Evaporation Model of charmonium production. We estimate SSA for JLab, HERMES, COMPASS and eRHIC energies using recent parameters for the quark Sivers functions which are fitted using an evolution kernel in which the perturbative part is resummed up to next-to-leading logarithms accuracy. We find that these SSAs are much smaller as compared to our first estimates obtained using DGLAP evolution but are comparable to our estimates obtained using TMD evolution where we had used approximate analytical solution of the TMD evolution equation for the purpose.


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Quantum wires with spin-orbit coupling provide a unique opportunity to simultaneously control the coupling strength and the screened Coulomb interactions where new exotic phases of matter can be explored. Here we report on the observation of an exotic spin-orbit density wave in Pb-atomic wires on Si(557) surfaces by mapping out the evolution of the modulated spin-texture at various conditions with spin-and angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy. The results are independently quantified by surface transport measurements. The spin polarization, coherence length, spin dephasing rate and the associated quasiparticle gap decrease simultaneously as the screened Coulomb interaction decreases with increasing excess coverage, providing a new mechanism for generating and manipulating a spin-orbit entanglement effect via electronic interaction. Despite clear evidence of spontaneous spin-rotation symmetry breaking and modulation of spin-momentum structure as a function of excess coverage, the average spin polarization over the Brillouin zone vanishes, indicating that time-reversal symmetry is intact as theoretically predicted.


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High-kappa TiO2 thin films have been fabricated using cost effective sol-gel and spin-coating technique on p-Si (100) wafer. Plasma activation process was used for better adhesion between TiO2 films and Si. The influence of annealing temperature on the structure-electrical properties of titania films were investigated in detail. Both XRD and Raman studies indicate that the anatase phase crystallizes at 400 degrees C, retaining its structural integrity up to 1000 degrees C. The thickness of the deposited films did not vary significantly with the annealing temperature, although the refractive index and the RMS roughness enhanced considerably, accompanied by a decrease in porosity. For electrical measurements, the films were integrated in metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) structure. The electrical measurements evoke a temperature dependent dielectric constant with low leakage current density. The Capacitance-voltage (C-V) characteristics of the films annealed at 400 degrees C exhibited a high value of dielectric constant (similar to 34). Further, frequency dependent C-V measurements showed a huge dispersion in accumulation capacitance due to the presence of TiO2/Si interface states and dielectric polarization, was found to follow power law dependence on frequency (with exponent `s'=0.85). A low leakage current density of 3.6 x 10(-7) A/cm(2) at 1 V was observed for the films annealed at 600 degrees C. The results of structure-electrical properties suggest that the deposition of titania by wet chemical method is more attractive and cost-effective for production of high-kappa materials compared to other advanced deposition techniques such as sputtering, MBE, MOCVD and AID. The results also suggest that the high value of dielectric constant kappa obtained at low processing temperature expands its scope as a potential dielectric layer in MOS device technology. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.