326 resultados para Cavity perturbation technique


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The flow in a square cavity is studied by solving the full Navier–Stokes and energy equations numerically, employing finite-difference techniques. Solutions are obtained over a wide range of Reynolds numbers from 0 to 50000. The solutions show that only at very high Reynolds numbers (Re [gt-or-equal, slanted] 30000) does the flow in the cavity completely correspond to that assumed by Batchelor's model for separated flows. The flow and thermal fields at such high Reynolds numbers clearly exhibit a boundary-layer character. For the first time, it is demonstrated that the downstream secondary eddy grows and decays in a manner similar to the upstream one. The upstream and downstream secondary eddies remain completely viscous throughout the range of Reynolds numbers of their existence. It is suggested that the behaviour of the secondary eddies may be characteristic of internal separated flows.


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BaTiO3 and Ba0.9Ca0.1TiO3 thin films were deposited on the p – type Si substrate by pulsed excimer laser ablation technique. The Capacitance – Voltage (C-V) measurement measured at 1 MHz exhibited a clockwise rotating hysteresis loop with a wide memory window for the Metal – Ferroelectric – Semiconductor (MFS) capacitor confirming the ferroelectric nature. The low frequency C – V measurements exhibited the response of the minority carriers in the inversion region while at 1 MHz the C – V is of a high frequency type with minimum capacitance in the inversion region. The interface states of both the MFS structures were calculated from the Castagne – Vaipaille method (High – low frequency C – V curve). Deep Level Transient Spectroscopy (DLTS) was used to analyze the interface traps and capture cross section present in the MFS capacitor. There were distinct peaks present in the DLTS spectrum and these peaks were attributed to the presence of the discrete interface states present at the semiconductor – ferroelectric interface. The distribution of calculated interface states were mapped with the silicon energy band gap for both the undoped and Ca doped BaTiO3 thin films using both the C – V and DLTS method. The interface states of the Ca doped BaTiO3 thin films were found to be higher than the pure BaTiO3 thin films.


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An attempt has been made to study the film-substrate interface by using a sensitive, non- conventional tool. Because of the prospective use of gate oxide in MOSFET devices, we have chosen to study alumina films grown on silicon. Film-substrate interface of alumina grown by MOCVD on Si(100) was studied systematically using spectroscopic ellipsometry in the range 1.5-5.0 eV, supported by cross-sectional SEM, and SIMS. The (ε1,ε2) versus energy data obtained for films grown at 600°C, 700°C, and 750°C were modeled to fit a substrate/interface/film “sandwich”. The experimental results reveal (as may be expected) that the nature of the substrate -film interface depends strongly on the growth temperature. The simulated (ε1,ε2) patterns are in excellent agreement with observed ellipsometric data. The MOCVD precursors results the presence of carbon in the films. Theoretical simulation was able to account for the ellipsometry data by invoking the presence of “free” carbon in the alumina films.


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In this paper, we investigate the effect of vacuum sealing the backside cavity of a Capacitive Micromachined Ultrasonic Transducer (CMUT). The presence or absence of air inside the cavity has a marked effect upon the system parameters, such as the natural frequency, damping, and the pull-in voltage. The presence of vacuum inside the cavity of the device causes a reduction in the effective gap height which leads to a reduction in the pull-in voltage. We carry out ANSYS simulations to quantify this reduction. The presence of vacuum inside the cavity of the device causes stress stiffening of the membrane, which changes the natural frequency of the device. A prestressed modal analysis is carried out to determine the change in natural frequency due to stress stiffening. The equivalent circuit method is used to evaluate the performance of the device in the receiver mode. The lumped parameters of the device are obtained and an equivalent circuit model of the device is constructed to determine the open circuit receiving sensitivity of the device. The effect of air in the cavity is included by incorporating an equivalent compliance and an equivalent resistance in the equivalent circuit.


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In the present work, the reaction between a molten iron drop and dense alumina was studied using the X-ray sessile-drop method under different oxygen partial pressures in the gas atmosphere. The changes in contact angles between the iron drop and the alumina substrate were followed as functions of temperature and varying partial pressures of oxygen in the temperature range 1823 to 1873 K both in static and dynamic modes. The results of the contact angle measurements with pure iron in contact with dense alumina in extremely well-purified argon as well as under different oxygen partial pressures in the gas atmosphere showed good agreement with earlier measurements reported in the literature. In the dynamic mode, when argon was replaced by a CO-CO2-Ar mixture with a well-defined PO, in the gas, the contact angle showed an initial decrease followed by a period of nearly constant contact angle. At the end of this period, the length of which was a function of the P-O2 imposed, a further steep decrease in the contact angle was noticed. An intermediate layer of FeAl2O4 was detected in the scanning electron microscope (SEM) analysis of the reacted substrates. An interesting observation in the present experiments is that the iron drop moved away from the site of the reaction once the product layer covered the interface. The results are analyzed on the basis of the various forces acting on the drop.


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Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes (RANS) equations are solved using third order upwind biased Roe's scheme for the inviscid fluxes and second order central difference scheme for the viscous fluxes. The Baldwin & Lomax turbulence model is employed for Reynolds stresses. The governing equations are solved using finite-volume implicit scheme in body fitted curvilinear coordinate O-grid system. Computations axe reported for a flat plate apart from RAE 2822 and NACA 0012 airfoils. Results for the flat plate at M = 0.3, R-c = 4.0 x 10(6) compare favourably with the analytical solution. Results for the two airfoils are compared with experiment. There is a good agreement in C-p distribution between experiment and computation for both the airfoils. Comparison of C-f distribution with experiment for RAE 2822 airfoil is reasonable.


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The presence of vacuum inside the cavity of a capacitive micromachined ultrasonic transducer (CMUT) causes the membrane of the device (which is the main vibrating structural component) to deflect towards the substrate, thereby causing a reduction in the effective gap height. This reduction causes a drastic decrease in the pull-in voltage of the device limiting the DC bias at which the device can be operated for maximum efficiency. In addition, this initial deflection of the membrane due to atmospheric pressure, causes significant stress stiffening of the the membrane, changing the natural frequency of the device significantly from the design value. To circumvent the deleterious effects of vacuum in the sealed cavity, we investigate the possibility of using sealed CMUT cavities with air inside at ambient pressure. In order to estimate the transducer loss due to the presence of air in the sealed cavity, we evaluate the resulting damping and determine the forces acting on the vibrating membrane resulting from the compression of the trapped air film. We take into account the flexure of the top vibrating membrane instead of assuming the motion to be parallel-plate like. Towards this end, we solve the linearized Reynolds equation using the appropriate boundary conditions and show that, for a sealed CMUT cavity, the presence of air does not cause any squeeze film damping.


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Over the last few decades, there has been a significant land cover (LC) change across the globe due to the increasing demand of the burgeoning population and urban sprawl. In order to take account of the change, there is a need for accurate and up- to-date LC maps. Mapping and monitoring of LC in India is being carried out at national level using multi-temporal IRS AWiFS data. Multispectral data such as IKONOS, Landsat- TM/ETM+, IRS-1C/D LISS-III/IV, AWiFS and SPOT-5, etc. have adequate spatial resolution (~ 1m to 56m) for LC mapping to generate 1:50,000 maps. However, for developing countries and those with large geographical extent, seasonal LC mapping is prohibitive with data from commercial sensors of limited spatial coverage. Superspectral data from the MODIS sensor are freely available, have better temporal (8 day composites) and spectral information. MODIS pixels typically contain a mixture of various LC types (due to coarse spatial resolution of 250, 500 and 1000 m), especially in more fragmented landscapes. In this context, linear spectral unmixing would be useful for mapping patchy land covers, such as those that characterise much of the Indian subcontinent. This work evaluates the existing unmixing technique for LC mapping using MODIS data, using end- members that are extracted through Pixel Purity Index (PPI), Scatter plot and N-dimensional visualisation. The abundance maps were generated for agriculture, built up, forest, plantations, waste land/others and water bodies. The assessment of the results using ground truth and a LISS-III classified map shows 86% overall accuracy, suggesting the potential for broad-scale applicability of the technique with superspectral data for natural resource planning and inventory applications.


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Based on the an earlier CFD analysis of the performance of the gas-dynamically controlled laser cavity [1]it was found that there is possibility of optimizing the geometry of the diffuser that can bring about reductions in both size and cost of the system by examining the critical dimensional requirements of the diffuser. Consequently,an extensive CFD analysis has been carried out for a range of diffuser configurations by simulating the supersonic flow through the arrangement including the laser cavity driven by a bank of converging – diverging nozzles and the diffuser. The numerical investigations with 3D-RANS code are carried out to capture the flow patterns through diffusers past the cavity that has multiple supersonic jet interactions with shocks leading to complex flow pattern. Varying length of the diffuser plates is made to be the basic parameter of the study. The analysis reveals that the pressure recovery pattern during the flow through the diffuser from the simulation, being critical for the performance of the laser device shows its dependence on the diffuser length is weaker beyond a critical lower limit and this evaluation of this limit would provide a design guideline for a more efficient system configuration.The observation based on the parametric study shows that the pressure recovery transients in the near vicinity of the cavity is not affected for the reduction in the length of the diffuser plates up to its 10% of the initial size, indicating the design in the first configuration that was tested experimentally has a large factor of margin. The flow stability in the laser cavity is found to be unaffected since a strong and stable shock is located at the leading edge of the diffuser plates while the downstream shock and flow patterns are changed, as one would expect. Results of the study for the different lengths of diffusers in the range of 10% to its full length are presented, keeping the experimentally tested configuration used in the earlier study [1] as the reference length. The conclusions drawn from the analysis is found to be of significance since it provides new design considerations based on the understanding of the intricacies of the flow, allowing for a hardware optimization that can lead to substantial size reduction of the device with no loss of performance.


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A low-power frequency multiplication technique, developed for ZigBee (IEEE 802.15.4) like applications is presented. We have provided an estimate for the power consumption for a given output voltage swing using our technique. The advantages and disadvantages which determine the application areas of the technique are discussed. The issues related to design, layout and process variation are also addressed. Finally, a design is presented for operation in 2.405-2.485-GHz band of ZigBee receiver. SpectreRF simulations show 30% improvement in efficiency for our circuit with regard to conversion of DC bias current to output amplitude, against a LC-VCO. To establish the low-power credentials, we have compared our circuit with an existing technique; our circuit performs better with just 1/3 of total current from supply, and uses one inductor as against three in the latter case. A test chip was implemented in UMC 0.13-mum RF process with spiral on-chip inductors and MIM (metal-insulator-metal) capacitor option.


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The paper presents an adaptive Fourier filtering technique and a relaying scheme based on a combination of a digital band-pass filter along with a three-sample algorithm, for applications in high-speed numerical distance protection. To enhance the performance of above-mentioned technique, a high-speed fault detector has been used. MATLAB based simulation studies show that the adaptive Fourier filtering technique provides fast tripping for near faults and security for farther faults. The digital relaying scheme based on a combination of digital band-pass filter along with three-sample data window algorithm also provides accurate and high-speed detection of faults. The paper also proposes a high performance 16-bit fixed point DSP (Texas Instruments TMS320LF2407A) processor based hardware scheme suitable for implementation of the above techniques. To evaluate the performance of the proposed relaying scheme under steady state and transient conditions, PC based menu driven relay test procedures are developed using National Instruments LabVIEW software. The test signals are generated in real time using LabVIEW compatible analog output modules. The results obtained from the simulation studies as well as hardware implementations are also presented.