265 resultados para temperature rise


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The electrical conduction in insulating materials is a complex process and several theories have been suggested in the literature. Many phenomenological empirical models are in use in the DC cable literature. However, the impact of using different models for cable insulation has not been investigated until now, but for the claims of relative accuracy. The steady state electric field in the DC cable insulation is known to be a strong function of DC conductivity. The DC conductivity, in turn, is a complex function of electric field and temperature. As a result, under certain conditions, the stress at cable screen is higher than that at the conductor boundary. The paper presents detailed investigations on using different empirical conductivity models suggested in the literature for HV DC cable applications. It has been expressly shown that certain models give rise to erroneous results in electric field and temperature computations. It is pointed out that the use of these models in the design or evaluation of cables will lead to errors.


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Titanium dioxide thin films have been synthesized by sol-gel spin coating technique on glass and silicon substrates with and without surfactant polyethylene glycol (PEG). XRD and SEM results confirm the presence of nano-crystalline (anatase) phase at an annealing temperature of 300 degrees C. The influence of surfactant and annealing temperature on optical properties of TiO2 thin films has been studied. Optical constants and film thickness were estimated by Swanepoel's (envelope) method and by ellipsometric measurements in the visible spectral range. The optical transmittance and reflectance were found to decrease with an increase in PEG percentage. Refractive index of the films decreased and film thickness increased with the increase in percentage of surfactant. The refractive index of the un-doped TiO2 films was estimated at different annealing temperatures and it has increased with the increasing annealing temperature. The optical band gap of pure TiO2 films was estimated by Tauc's method at different annealing temperature. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The thermally driven Structural phase transition in the organic-inorganic hybrid perovskite (CnH2n+1NH3)(2)PbI4 has been investigated using molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. This system consists of positively charged alkyl-amine chains anchored to a rigid negatively charged PbI4 sheet with the chains organized as bilayers with a herringbone arrangement. Atomistic simulations were performed using ail isothermal-isobaric ensemble over a wide temperature range from 65 to 665 K for different alkyl chain lengths, n = 12, 14, 16, and 18. The simulations are able to reproduce the essential Features of the experimental observations of this system, including the existence of a transition, the linear variation of the transition temperature with alkyl chain length, and the expansion of the bilayer thickness at the transition. By use of the distance fluctuation Criteria, it is Shown that the transition is associated With a Melting of the alkyl chains of the anchored bilayer. Ail analysis of the conformation of the alkyl chains shows increased disorder in the form of gauche defects above due melting transition. Simulations also show that the melting transition is characterized by the complete disappearance of all-trans alkyl chains in the anchored bilayer, in agreement with experimental observations. A conformationally disordered chain has a larger effective cross-sectional area, and above due transition a uniformly tilted arrangement of the anchored chains call no longer be Sustained. At the melt the angular distribution of the orientation of the chains are 110 longer uniform; the chains are splayed allowing for increased space for individual chains of the anchored bilayer. This is reflected in a sharp rise in the ratio of the mean head-to-head to tail-to-tail distance of the chains of the bilayer at the transition resulting in in expansion of the bilayer thickness. The present MD simulations provide a simple explanation as to how changes in conformation of individual alkyl-chains gives rise to the observed increase in the interlayer lattice spacing of (CnH2n+1NH3)(2)PbI4 at the melting transition.


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DNA amplification using Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) in a small volume is used in Lab-on-a-chip systems involving DNA manipulation. For few microliters of volume of liquid, it becomes difficult to measure and monitor the thermal profile accurately and reproducibly, which is an essential requirement for successful amplification. Conventional temperature sensors are either not biocompatible or too large and hence positioned away from the liquid leading to calibration errors. In this work we present a fluorescence based detection technique that is completely biocompatible and measures directly the liquid temperature. PCR is demonstrated in a 3 ILL silicon-glass microfabricated device using non-contact induction heating whose temperature is controlled using fluorescence feedback from SYBR green I dye molecules intercalated within sensor DNA. The performance is compared with temperature feedback using a thermocouple sensor. Melting curve followed by gel electrophoresis is used to confirm product specificity after the PCR cycles. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We report on the R-T measurement of carbon nanotube bundles from room temperature down to 1 K. The resistance at a particular temperature depends on the diameter of the bundle. The larger the bundle diameter is, the lower the value of the resistance. The resistance increases with the decrease in temperature as in the case of carbon, carbon glass resistance thermometer, and carbon nanotubes reported in the literature. The rate of the variation of resistance depends on the resistance of the bundle at room temperature which can be explored for the low temperature thermometry. Overall, the resistance and the sensitivity of the bundle depend on the bundle diameter which can be monitored easily.


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A recent, major, puzzle in the core-level photoemission spectra of doped manganites is the observation of a 1–2 eV wide shoulder with intensity varying with temperature T as the square of the magnetization over a T scale of order 200 K, an order of magnitude less than electronic energies. This is addressed and resolved here, by extending a recently proposed two-fluid polaron–mobile electron model for these systems to include core-hole effects. The position of the shoulder is found to be determined by Coulomb and Jahn-Teller energies, while its spectral weight is determined by the mobile electron energetics which is strongly T and doping dependent, due to annealed disorder scattering from the polarons and the t2g core spins. Our theory accounts quantitatively for the observed T dependence of the difference spectra, and furthermore, explains the observed correspondence between spectral changes due to increasing doping and decreasing T.


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The activity of molybdenum dioxide (MoO2) in the MoO2–TiO2 solid solutions was measured at 1600 K using a solid-state cell incorporating yttria-doped thoria as the electrolyte. For two compositions, the emf was also measured as a function of temperature. The cell was designed such that the emf is directly related to the activity of MoO2 in the solid solution. The results show monotonic variation of activity with composition, suggesting a complete range of solid solutions between the end members and the occurrence of MoO2 with a tetragonal structure at 1600 K. A large positive deviation from Raoult's law was found. Excess Gibbs energy of mixing is an asymmetric function of composition and can be represented by the subregular solution model of Hardy as follows.The temperature dependence of the emf for two compositions is reasonably consistent with ideal entropy of mixing. A miscibility gap is indicated at a lower temperature with the critical point characterized by Tc (K)=1560 and . Recent studies indicate that MoO2 undergoes a transition from a monoclinic to tetragonal structure at 1533 K with a transition entropy of 9.91 J·(mol·K)−1. The solid solubility of TiO2 with rutile structure in MoO2 with a monoclinic structure is negligible. These features give rise to a eutectoid reaction at 1412 K. The topology of the computed phase diagram differs significantly from that suggested by Pejryd.


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The ultrafast vibrational phase relaxation of O–H stretch in bulk water is investigated in molecular dynamics simulations. The dephasing time (T2) of the O–H stretch in bulk water calculated from the frequency fluctuation time correlation function (Cω(t)) is in the range of 70–80 femtosecond (fs), which is comparable to the characteristic timescale obtained from the vibrational echo peak shift measurements using infrared photon echo [W.P. de Boeij, M.S. Pshenichnikov, D.A. Wiersma, Ann. Rev. Phys. Chem. 49 (1998) 99]. The ultrafast decay of Cω(t) is found to be responsible for the ultrashort T2 in bulk water. Careful analysis reveals the following two interesting reasons for the ultrafast decay of Cω(t). (A) The large amplitude angular jumps of water molecules (within 30–40 fs time duration) provide a large scale contribution to the mean square vibrational frequency fluctuation and gives rise to the rapid spectral diffusion on 100 fs time scale. (B) The projected force, due to all the atoms of the solvent molecules on the oxygen (FO(t)) and hydrogen (FH(t)) atom of the O–H bond exhibit a large negative cross-correlation (NCC). We further find that this NCC is partly responsible for a weak, non-Arrhenius temperature dependence of the dephasing rate.


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The temperature and power dependence of Fermi-edge singularity (FES) in high-density two-dimensional electron gas, specific to pseudomorphic AlxGa1-xAs/InGa1-yAs/GaAs heterostructures is studied by photoluminescence (PL). In all these structures, there are two prominent transitions E-11 and E-21 considered to be the result of electron-hole recombination from first and second electron sub-bands with that of first heavy-hole sub-band. FES is observed approximately 5-10 meV below the E-21 transition. At 4.2 K, FES appears as a lower energy shoulder to the E-21 transition. The PL intensity of all the three transitions E-11, FES and E-21 grows linearly with excitation power. However, we observe anomalous behavior of FES with temperature. While PL intensity of E-11 and E-21 decrease with increasing temperature, FES transition becomes stronger initially and then quenches-off slowly (till 40K). Though it appears as a distinct peak at about 20 K, its maximum is around 7 - 13 K.


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Room temperature, magnesium ion-conducting molten electrolytes are prepared using a combination of acetamide, urea and magnesium triflate or magnesium perchlorate. The molten liquids show high ionic conductivity, of the order of mS cm(-1) at 298 K. Vibrational spectroscopic studies based on triflate/perchlorate bands reveal that the free ion concentration is higher than that of ion-pairs and aggregates in the melt. Electrochemical reversibility of magnesium deposition and dissolution is demonstrated using cyclic voltammetry and impedance studies. The transport number of Mg2+ ion determined by means of a combination of d.c. and ac. techniques is similar to 0.40. Preliminary studies on the battery characteristics reveal good capacity for the magnesium rechargeable cell and open up the possibility of using this unique class of acetamide-based room temperature molten electrolytes in secondary magnesium batteries. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The electron temperature structure in a weakly ionized plasma is studied allowing the degree of ionization to vary across the shock wave. The values of the electron temperature and the downstream equilibrium temperature obtained with variable ionization are less than those for frozen ionization. The electron temperature rises sharply behind the shock for variable ionization while a gradual increase is predicted by frozen ionization.


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The thermally activated plastic flow of polycrystalline cadmium was investigated by differentialstress creep tests at 86°K and tensile tests in the temperature range 86°–473°K. The activation energy (0.55 eV) at zero effective stress and the activation volume as a function of effective stress were obtained. It is concluded that intersection of glide and forest dislocations becomes rate controlling for low temperature deformation. The approximate stacking-fault width in cadmium is deduced to be “1.5b”.


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ZnO nanostructures were deposited on flexible polymer sheet and cotton fabrics at room temperature by activated reactive evaporation. Room-temperature photoluminescence spectrum of ZnO nanostructured film exhibited a week intrinsic UV emission and a strong broad yellow-orange visible emission. TEM and HRTEM studies show that the grown nanostructures are crystalline in nature and their growth direction was indentified to be along [002]. ZnO nanostructures grown on the copper-coated flexible polymer sheets exhibited stable field-emissio characteristics with a threshold voltage of 2.74 V/mu m (250 mu A) and a very large field enhancement factor (beta) of 23,213. Cotton fabric coated with ZnO nanostructures show an excellent antimicrobial activity against Staphylococcus aureus bacteria (Gram positive), and similar to 73% reduction in the bacterial population is achieved compared to uncoated fabrics after 4 h in viability. Using a shadow mask technique, we also selectively deposited the nanostructures at room temperature on polymer substrates.