270 resultados para Segregation mechanism


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Thermal oxidative polymerization of alpha-methylstyrene (AMS) has been studied at various temperatures(45-70 degrees C) and pressures (50-400 psi). Due to its high electron dense double bond, it undergoes thermal oxidative polymerization even at low temperatures fairly easily. The major products are poly(alpha-methylstyrene peroxide) (PMSP), and its decomposition products are acetophenone and formaldehyde. Above 45 degrees C the rate of polymerization increases sharply at a particular instant showing an ''autoacceleration'' with the formation of a knee point. The ''autoacceleration'' is supported from the fact that the plot, of R-p vs T shows a rapid rise, and the plot of ln R-p vs 1/T is non-Arrhenius. The occurrence of autoacceleration is explained on the basis of acetophenone-induced cleavage of PMSP during polymerization, generating more initiating alkoxy radicals, which subsequently leads to the rapid rise in the rate of polymerization. The mechanism of autoacceleration is supported by the change in. order, activation energy, and activation volume before and after the knee point.


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Airlines have successfully practiced revenue management over the past four decades and enhanced their revenue. Most of the traditional models that are applied assume that customers buying a high-fare class ticket will not purchase a low-fare class ticket even if it is available. This is not a very realistic assumption and has led to revenue leakage due to customers exhibiting buy-down behaviour. This paper aims at devising a suitable incentive mechanism that would incite the customer to reveal his nature. This helps in reducing revenue leakage. We show that the proposed incentive mechanism is profitable to both the buyer and seller and hence ensures the buyers participation in the mechanism. Journal of the Operational Research Society (2011) 62, 1566-1573. doi:10.1057/jors.2010.57 Published online 11 August 2010


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We demonstrate an ultrafast method for the formation of, graphene supported Pt catalysts by the co-reduction of graphene oxide and Pt salt using ethylene glycol under microwave irradiation conditions. Detailed analysis of the mechanism of formation of the hybrids indicates a synergistic co-reduction mechanism whereby the presence of the Pt ions leads to a faster reduction of GO and the presence of the defect sites on the reduced GO serves as anchor points for the heterogeneous nucleation of Pt. The resulting hybrid consists of ultrafine nanoparticles of Pt uniformly distributed on the reduced GO susbtrate. We have shown that the hybrid exhibits good catalytic activity for methanol oxidation and hydrogen conversion reactions. The mechanism is general and applicable for the synthesis of other multifunctional hybrids based on graphene.


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Often, wrong conclusions about the mobilities of species are drawn from the position of the Kirkendall marker plane or voids in the interdiffusion zone. To clarify, I have discussed the growth mechanism of the phases and the position of the marker plane depending on the relative mobilities of the species. The formation of different kinds of voids in the interdiffusion zone is discussed. Further, the microstructure that could be found because of the Kirkendall effect is also explained.


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Combinatorial exchanges are double sided marketplaces with multiple sellers and multiple buyers trading with the help of combinatorial bids. The allocation and other associated problems in such exchanges are known to be among the hardest to solve among all economic mechanisms. In this paper, we develop computationally efficient iterative auction mechanisms for solving combinatorial exchanges. Our mechanisms satisfy Individual-rationality (IR) and budget-nonnegativity (BN) properties. We also show that our method is bounded and convergent. Our numerical experiments show that our algorithm produces good quality solutions and is computationally efficient.


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Tracer diffusion coefficients are calculated in different phases in the Mo-Si system from diffusion couple experiments using the data available on thermodynamic parameters. Following, possible atomic diffusion mechanism of the species is discussed based on the crystal structure. Unusual diffusion behaviour is found in the Mo(5)Si(3) and Mo(3)Si phases, which indicate the nature of defects present on different sublattices. Further the growth mechanism of the phases is discussed and morphological evolution during interdiffusion is explained. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Grain size has marked effects on charge-ordering and other properties of Nd(0.5)A(0.5)MnO(3) (A=Ca or Sr). Thus, the anti-ferromagnetic (AFM) transition in Nd0.5Ca0.5MnO3 is observed distinctly only in samples sintered at 1273 K or higher. The sample with a small grain size (sintered at 1173 K) shows evidence for greater ferromagnetic (FM) interaction at low temperatures, probably due to phase segregation. The FM transition as well as the charge-ordering transition in Nd0.5Sr0.5MnO3 becomes sharper in samples sintered at 1273 K or higher. The sample sintered at 1173 K does not show the AFM-CO transition around 150 K and is FM down to low temperatures; the apparent T-c-T-co gap decreases with the increase in the grain size. The samples sintered at lower temperatures (<1673 K) show evidence for greater segregation of the AFM and FM domains. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A vast amount of literature has accumulated on the characterization of DNA methyltransferases. The HhaI DNA methyltransferase, a C5-cytosine methyltransferase, has been the subject of investigation for the last 2 decades. Biochemical and kinetic characterization have led to an understanding of the catalytic and kinetic mechanism of the methyltransfer reaction. The HhaI methyltransferase has also been subjected to extensive structural analysis, with the availability of 12 structures with or without a cofactor and a variety of DNA substrates. The mechanism of base flipping, first described for the HhaI methyltransferase, is conserved among all DNA methyltransferases and is also found to occur in numerous DNA repair enzymes. Studies with other methyltransferase reveal a significant structural and functional similarity among different types of methyltransferases. This review aims to summarize the available information on the HhaI DNA methyltransferase.


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The design and synthesis of agents that can abstract zinc from their [CCXX] (C=cysteine; X=cysteine/histidine) boxes by thioldisulfide exchange-having as control, the redox parities of the core sulfur ligands of the reagent and the enzyme, has been illustrated, and their efficiency demonstrated by monitoring the inhibition of the transcription of calf thymus DNA by E. coli RNA polymerase, which harbors two zinc atoms in their [CCXX] boxes of which one is exchangeable. Maximum inhibition possible with removal of the exchangeable zinc was seen with redox-sulfanilamide-glutamate composite. In sharp contrast, normal chelating agents (EDTA, phenanthroline) even in a thousand fold excess showed only marginal inhibition, thus supporting an exchange mechanism for the metal removal. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Pyrrolysyl-tRNA synthetase (PyIRS) is an atypical enzyme responsible for charging tRNA(Pyl) with pyrrolysine, despite lacking precise tRNA anticodon recognition. This dimeric protein exhibits allosteric regulation of function, like any other tRNA synthetases. In this study we examine the paths of allosteric communication at the atomic level, through energy-weighted networks of Desulfitobacterium hafniense PyIRS (DhPyIRS) and its complexes with tRNA(Pyl) and activated pyrrolysine. We performed molecular dynamics simulations of the structures of these complexes to obtain an ensemble conformation-population perspective. Weighted graph parameters relevant to identifying key players and ties in the context of social networks such as edge/node betweenness, closeness index, and the concept of funneling are explored in identifying key residues and interactions leading to shortest paths of communication in the structure networks of DhPylRS. Further, the changes in the status of important residues and connections and the costs of communication due to ligand induced perturbations are evaluated. The optimal, suboptimal, and preexisting paths are also investigated. Many of these parameters have exhibited an enhanced asymmetry between the two subunits of the dimeric protein, especially in the pretransfer complex, leading us to conclude that encoding of function goes beyond the sequence/structure of proteins. The local and global perturbations mediated by appropriate ligands and their influence on the equilibrium ensemble of conformations also have a significant role to play in the functioning of proteins. Taking a comprehensive view of these observations, we propose that the origin of many functional aspects (allostery rand half-sites reactivity in the case of DhPyIRS) lies in subtle rearrangements of interactions and dynamics at a global level.


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Methylated guanine damage at O6 position (i.e. O6MG) is dangerous due to its mutagenic and carcinogenic character that often gives rise to G:C-A:T mutation. However, the reason for this mutagenicity is not known precisely and has been a matter of controversy. Further, although it is known that O6-alkylguanine-DNA alkyltransferase (AGT) repairs O6MG paired with cytosine in DNA, the complete mechanism of target recognition and repair is not known completely. All these aspects of DNA damage and repair have been addressed here by employing high level density functional theory in gas phase and aqueous medium. It is found that the actual cause of O6MG mediated mutation may arise due to the fact that DNA polymerases incorporate thymine opposite to O6MG, misreading the resulting O6MG:T complex as an A:T base pair due to their analogous binding energies and structural alignments. It is further revealed that AGT mediated nucleotide flipping occurs in two successive steps. The intercalation of the finger residue Arg 128 into the DNA double helix and its interaction with the O6MG: C base pair followed by rotation of the O6MG nucleotide are found to be crucial for the damage recognition and nucleotide flipping.


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The occurrence of segregation and its influence on microstructural and phase evolution have been studied in MgO–MgAl2O4 powders synthesized by thermal decomposition of aqueous nitrate precursors. When the nitrate solutions of Mg and Al were spray-pyrolyzed on a substrate held at 673 or 573 K, homogeneous mixed oxides were produced. Spraying and drying the nitrate solutions at 473 K resulted in the formation of compositionally inhomogeneous, segregated oxide mixtures. It is suggested that segregation in the dried powders was caused by the difference in solubility of the individual nitrate salts in water which caused Mg-rich and Al-rich salts to precipitate during dehydration of the solutions. The occurrence of segregation in the powders sprayed at 473 K and not 573 or 673 K is ascribed to the sluggish rate at which the early stages of decomposition occurred during which the cations segregated. The phase evolution in segregated and segregation-free MgO–MgAl2O4 powders has been compared. The distinguishing feature of the segregated powders was the appearance of stoichiometric periclase grain dimensions in excess of 0.3 μm at temperatures as low as 973 K. By comparison, the segregation-free powders displayed broad diffraction peaks corresponding to fine-grained and nonstoichiometric periclase. The grain size was in the range 5–30 nm at temperatures up to 1173 K. The key to obtaining fine-grained periclase was the ability to synthesize (Mg Al)O solid solutions with the rock salt structure. In the temperature range 973–1173 K, spinel grain size varied from 5 to 40 nm irrespective of its composition and did not appear to be influenced by segregation.


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The protein MsRbpA from Mycobacterium smegmatis rescues RNA polymerase (RNAP) from the inhibitory effect of rifampicin (Rif). We have reported previously that MsRbpA interacts with the beta-subunit of RNAP and that the effect of MsRbpA on Rif-resistant (Rif(R)) RNAP is minimal. Here we attempted to gain molecular insights into the mechanism of action of this protein with respect to its role in rescuing RNAP from Rif-mediated transcription inhibition. Our experimental approach comprised multiple-round transcription assays, fluorescence spectroscopy, MS and surface plasmon resonance in order to meet the above objective. Based on our molecular studies we propose here that Rif is released from its binding site in the RNAP-Rif complex in the presence of MsRbpA. Biophysical studies reveal that the location of MsRbpA on RNAP is at the junction of the beta- and beta'-subunits, close to the Rif-binding site and the (i + 1) site on RNAP.


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This paper presents concepts, designs, and working prototypes of enhanced laparoscopic surgical tools. The enhancements are in equipping the tool with force and temperature sensing as well as image acquisition for stereo vision. Just as the pupils of our eyes are adequately spaced out and the distance between them is adjustable, two minute cameras mounted on a mechanism in our design can be moved closer or farther apart inside the inflated abdomen during the surgery. The cameras are fitted to a deployable mechanism consisting of flexural joints so that they can be inserted through a small incision and then deployed and moved as needed.A temperature sensor and a force sensor are mounted on either of the gripping faces of the surgical grasping tool to measure the temperature and gripping force, which need to be controlled for safe laparoscopic surgery. The sensors are small enough and hence they do not cause interference during surgery and insertion.Prototyping and working of the enhanced laparoscopic tool are presented with details


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An external pipe-crawling device presented in this paper aids the inspection of pipes in hazardous environments and areas inaccessible to humans. The principal component of our design, which uses inchworm type motion, is a compliant ring mechanism actuated using shape memory alloy (SMA) wire. It was fabricated and tested and was reported in our earlier work. But this device had a drawback of low crawling speed (about 1 mm/min) owing to the delay in heating and cooling of the SMA strips in the linear actuation. Additionally, that design also had the difficulties of mounting on pipes with closed ends, large radial span, and the need for housing for electrical insulation and guiding of the SMA wire. In this paper we present a compact design that overcomes the difficulties of the earlier design. In particular, we present a compact compliant mechanism with two halves so as to enable mounting and un-mounting on any closed or open pipe. Another feature is the presence of insulation and guiding of the SMA wire without housing. This design results in a reduction of the radial span of the ring from 22 mm to 12 mm, and the stiffness of the mechanism and the SMA wire are matched. An SMA helical spring is to used in the place of an SMA strip to increase the crawling speed of the device. A microcontroller-based circuitry is also fitted to cyclically.activate the SMA wires and springs.