201 resultados para Computers.


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In engineering design, the end goal is the creation of an artifact, product, system, or process that fulfills some functional requirements at some desired level of performance. As such, knowledge of functionality is essential in a wide variety of tasks in engineering activities, including modeling, generation, modification, visualization, explanation, evaluation, diagnosis, and repair of these artifacts and processes. A formal representation of functionality is essential for supporting any of these activities on computers. The goal of Parts 1 and 2 of this Special Issue is to bring together the state of knowledge of representing functionality in engineering applications from both the engineering and the artificial intelligence (AI) research communities.


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A (k-, K) circuit is one which can be decomposed into nonintersecting blocks of gates where each block has no more than K external inputs, such that the graph formed by letting each block be a node and inserting edges between blocks if they share a signal line, is a partial k-tree. (k, K) circuits are special in that they have been shown to be testable in time polynomial in the number of gates in the circuit, and are useful if the constants k and K are small. We demonstrate a procedure to synthesise (k, K) circuits from a special class of Boolean expressions.


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The research shown in this paper is to check whether a framework for designing: GEMS of SAPPhIRE as req-sol, developed earlier, can support in the designing of novel concepts. This is done by asking the questions: (a) Is there a relationship between the constructs of the framework and novelty? (b) If there is a relationship, what is the degree of this relationship? A hypothesis — an increase in the size and variety of ideas used while designing should enhance the variety of concepts produced, leading to an increase in the novelty of the concept space — is developed to explain the relationship between novelty and the constructs. Eight existing observational studies of designing sessions, each involving an individual designer solving a conceptual design problem by following a think aloud protocol are used for the analysis. The hypothesis is verified empirically using the observational studies. Results also show a strong correlation between novelty and the constructs of the framework; correlation value decreases as the abstraction level of the constructs reduces, signifying the importance of using constructs at higher abstraction levels especially for novelty.


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This research shows a new approach and development of a design methodology, based on the perspective of meanings. In this study the design process is explored as a development of the structure of meanings. The processes of search and evaluation of meanings form the foundations of developing this structure. In order to facilitate the use and operation of the meanings, the WordNet lexical database and an existing visualization of WordNet — Visuwords — is used for the process of meaning search. The basic tool used for evaluation process is the WordNet::Similarity software, measuring the relatedness of meanings in the database. In this way it is measuring the degree of interconnections between different meanings. This kind of search and evaluation techniques are later on incorporated into our methodology of the structure of meanings to support the design process. The measures of relatedness of meanings are developed as convergence criteria for application in the processes of evaluation. Further on, the methodology for the structure of meanings developed here is used to construct meanings in a verification of product design. The steps of the design methodology, including the search and evaluation processes involved in developing the structure of the meanings, are elucidated. The choices, made by the designer in terms of meanings are supported by consequent searches and evaluations of meanings to be implemented in the designed product. In conclusion, the paper presents directions for developing and further extensions of the proposed design methodology.


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In the near future, robots and CG (computer graphics) will be required to exhibit creative behaviors that reflect designers’ abstract images and emotions. However, there are no effective methods to develop abstract images and emotions and support designers in designing creative behaviors that reflect their images and emotions. Analogy and blending are two methods known to be very effective for designing creative behaviors. The aim of this study is to propose a method for developing designers’ abstract behavioral images and emotions and giving shape to them by constructing a computer system that supports a designer in the creation of the desired behavior. This method focuses on deriving inspiration from the behavioral aspects of natural phenomena rather than simply mimicking it. We have proposed two new methods for developing abstract behavioral images and emotions by which a designer can use analogies from natural things such as animals and plants even when there is a difference in the number of joints between the natural object and the design target. The first method uses visual behavioral images, the second uses rhythmic behavioral images. We have demonstrated examples of designed behaviors to verify the effectiveness of the proposed methods.


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Communication applications are usually delay restricted, especially for the instance of musicians playing over the Internet. This requires a one-way delay of maximum 25 msec and also a high audio quality is desired at feasible bit rates. The ultra low delay (ULD) audio coding structure is well suited to this application and we investigate further the application of multistage vector quantization (MSVQ) to reach a bit rate range below 64 Kb/s, in a scalable manner. Results at 32 Kb/s and 64 Kb/s show that the trained codebook MSVQ performs best, better than KLT normalization followed by a simulated Gaussian MSVQ or simulated Gaussian MSVQ alone. The results also show that there is only a weak dependence on the training data, and that we indeed converge to the perceptual quality of our previous ULD coder at 64 Kb/s.


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In the present article we take up the study of nonlinear localization induced base isolation of a 3 degree of freedom system having cubic nonlinearities under sinusoidal base excitation. The damping forces in the system are described by functions of fractional derivative of the instantaneous displacements, typically linear and quadratic damping are considered here separately. Under the assumption of smallness of certain system parameters and nonlinear terms an approximate estimate of the response at each degree of freedom of the system is obtained by the Method of Multiple Scales approach. We then consider a similar system where the nonlinear terms and certain other parameters are no longer small. Direct numerical simulation is made use of to obtain the amplitude plot in the frequency domain for this case, which helps us to establish the efficacy of this method of base isolation for a broad class of systems. Base isolation obtained this way has no counterpart in the linear theory.


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Past studies of memory interference in multiprocessor systems have generally assumed that the references of each processor are uniformly distributed among the memory modules. In this paper we develop a model with local referencing, which reflects more closely the behavior of real-life programs. This model is analyzed using Markov chain techniques and expressions are derived for the multiprocessor performance. New expressions are also obtained for the performance in the traditional uniform reference model and are compared with other expressions-available in the literature. Results of a simulation study are given to show the accuracy of the expressions for both models.


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Simple algorithms have been developed to generate pairs of minterms forming a given 2-sum and thereby to test 2-asummability of switching functions. The 2-asummability testing procedure can be easily implemented on the computer. Since 2-asummability is a necessary and sufficient condition for a switching function of upto eight variables to be linearly separable (LS), it can be used for testing LS switching functions of upto eight variables.


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A new approach to machine representation and analysis of three-dimensional objects is presented. The representation, based on the notion of "skeleton" of an object leads to a scheme for comparing two given object views for shape relations. The objects are composed of long, thin, rectangular prisms joined at their ends. The input picture to the program is the digitized line drawing portraying the three-dimensional object. To compare two object views, two characteristic vertices called "cardinal point" and "end-cardinal point," occurring consistently at the bends and open ends of the object are detected. The skeletons are then obtained as a connected path passing through these points. The shape relationships between the objects are then obtained from the matching characteristics of their skeletons. The method explores the possibility of a more detailed and finer analysis leading to detection of features like symmetry, asymmetry and other shape properties of an object.


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A unique code (called Hensel's code) is derived for a rational number by truncating its infinite p-adic expansion. The four basic arithmetic algorithms for these codes are described and their application to rational matrix computations is demonstrated by solving a system of linear equations exactly, using the Gaussian elimination procedure.


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The generalized Reed-Muller expansions of a switching function are generated using a single Boolean matrix and step-by-step shifting of the principal column.


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Editors' note:Flexible, large-area display and sensor arrays are finding growing applications in multimedia and future smart homes. This article first analyzes and compares current flexible devices, then discusses the implementation, requirements, and testing of flexible sensor arrays.—Jiun-Lang Huang (National Taiwan University) and Kwang-Ting (Tim) Cheng (University of California, Santa Barbara)