238 resultados para Brillouin spectroscopy


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The absorption and index of refraction of polypyrrole (PPy) and poly-3-methylthiophene (PMeT), from low frequencies up to 4 THz, have been measured by tera-Herz (THz) time-domain spectroscopy. The complex conductance was obtained over this range of frequency. Highly conducting metallic samples follow the Drude model, whereas less conducting ones fit the localization-modified Drude model. The carrier scattering time and mobility in conducting polymers can be directly determined from these measurements.


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The role played by defects in bringing out n-type conduction in Ge20Se80-xBix and Ge20Se70-xBixTe10 glasses is using investigated photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy. It was found that for both the systems, the compositions at lower Bi content exhibit luminescence with fine features associated while the compositions that show n-type conduction do not exhibit luminescence. The identification of the associated fine features, carried out by deconvoluting the experimental spectra, reveals that Bi addition brings out a relative diminishing in D+ defects as compared to D- ones. The study gives an overall indication for the role played by native defects in bringing out n-type conduction in Bi-doped glasses.


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NMR spectra of molecules oriented in liquid-crystalline matrix provide information on the structure and orientation of the molecules. Thermotropic liquid crystals used as an orienting media result in the spectra of spins that are generally strongly coupled. The number of allowed transitions increases rapidly with the increase in the number of interacting spins. Furthermore, the number of single quantum transitions required for analysis is highly redundant. In the present study, we have demonstrated that it is possible to separate the subspectra of a homonuclear dipolar coupled spin system on the basis of the spin states of the coupled heteronuclei by multiple quantum (MQ)−single quantum (SQ) correlation experiments. This significantly reduces the number of redundant transitions, thereby simplifying the analysis of the complex spectrum. The methodology has been demonstrated on the doubly 13C labeled acetonitrile aligned in the liquid-crystal matrix and has been applied to analyze the complex spectrum of an oriented six spin system.


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The direct infrared (IR) absorption spectrum of benzene dimer formed in a free-jet expansion was recorded in the 3.3 mu m region for the first time. This has led to the observation of the C H stretching fundamental mode nu(13) (B(1u)), which is both IR and Raman forbidden in the monomer. Moreover, the IR forbidden and Raman allowed nu(7) (E(2g)) mode has been observed as well. These two modes were found to be red-shifted along with the IR allowed nu(20) (E(1u)) mode, as previously reported by Erlekam et al. [Erlekam; Frankowski; Meijer; Gert von Helden J. Chem. Phys. 2006, 124, 171101], using ion-dip spectroscopy, contrary to the blue-shift predicted earlier by theoretical studies. The observation of the nu(13) band indicates that the symmetry is reduced in the dimer, confirming the T-shaped structure observed by Erlekam et al. Our experimental results have not provided any direct evidence for the presence of the parallel displaced geometry, the main objective of the present work, as predicted by theoretical calculations.


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The study of reaction mechanisms involves systematic investigations of the correlation between structure, reactivity, and time. The challenge is to be able to observe the chemical changes undergone by reactants as they change into products via one or several intermediates such as electronic excited states (singlet and triplet), radicals, radical ions, carbocations, carbanions, carbenes, nitrenes, nitrinium ions, etc. The vast array of intermediates and timescales means there is no single ``do-it-all'' technique. The simultaneous advances in contemporary time-resolved Raman spectroscopic techniques and computational methods have done much towards visualizing molecular fingerprint snapshots of the reactive intermediates in the microsecond to femtosecond time domain. Raman spectroscopy and its sensitive counterpart resonance Raman spectroscopy have been well proven as means for determining molecular structure, chemical bonding, reactivity, and dynamics of short-lived intermediates in solution phase and are advantageous in comparison to commonly used time-resolved absorption and emission spectroscopy. Today time-resolved Raman spectroscopy is a mature technique; its development owes much to the advent of pulsed tunable lasers, highly efficient spectrometers, and high speed, highly sensitive multichannel detectors able to collect a complete spectrum. This review article will provide a brief chronological development of the experimental setup and demonstrate how experimentalists have conquered numerous challenges to obtain background-free (removing fluorescence), intense, and highly spectrally resolved Raman spectra in the nanosecond to microsecond (ns-mu s) and picosecond (ps) time domains and, perhaps surprisingly, laid the foundations for new techniques such as spatially offset Raman spectroscopy.


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(2)H-{(1)H} 1D and 2D-NMR spectroscopy is used to evaluate the enantiodiscrimination potential of DNA-based, lyotropic chiral mesophases on a series of (pro) chiral amino acids.


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In this paper, we report on the concept and the design principle of ultrafast Raman loss spectroscopy (URLS) as a structure-elucidating tool. URLS is an analogue of stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) but more sensitive than SRS with better signal-to-noise ratio. It involves the interaction of two laser sources, namely, a picosecond (ps) Raman pump pulse and a white-light (WL) continuum, with a sample, leading to the generation of loss signals on the higher energy (blue) side with respect to the wavelength of the Raman pump unlike the gain signal observed on the lower energy (red) side in SRS. These loss signals are at least 1.5 times more intense than the SRS signals. An experimental study providing an insight into the origin of this extra intensity in URLS as compared to SRS is reported. Furthermore, the very requirement of the experimental protocol for the signal detection to be on the higher energy side by design eliminates the interference from fluorescence, which appears on the red side. Unlike CARS, URLS signals are not precluded by the non-resonant background and, being a self-phase-matched process, URLS is experimentally easier. Copyright (C) 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Nanocomposites of few-layer graphene with nanoparticles of CdSe and CdS have been synthesized by two different methods, one involving ultrasonication of a mixture of graphene and the chalcogenide nanoparticles, and another involving assembly at the organic-aqueous interface. The nanocomposites have been examined by electron microscopy, electronic absorption and photoluminescence spectroscopies as well as Raman spectroscopy. Electron microscopy reveals that the nanoparticles are dispersed on the graphene surface. Raman spectra show the presence of definitive electronic interaction between the nanoparticles and graphene depending on the capping agent. Photoluminescence spectra are markedly influenced by the interaction of the nanoparticles with the graphene surface, depending on the capping agent.


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The band offsets in InN/p-Si heterojunctions are determined by high resolution x-ray photoemission spectroscopy. The valence band of InN is found to be 1.39 eV below that of Si. Given the bandgap of 0.7 eV for InN, a type-III heterojunction with a conduction band offset of 1.81 eV was found. Agreement between the simulated and experimental data obtained from the heterojunction spectra was found to be excellent, establishing that the method of determination was accurate. The charge neutrality level (CNL) model provided a reasonable description of the band alignment of the InN/p-Si interface and a change in the interface dipole by 0.06 eV was observed for InN/p-Si interface.


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InN quantum dots (QDs) were grown on Si (111) by epitaxial Stranski-Krastanow growth mode using plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy. Single-crystalline wurtzite structure of InN QDs was verified by the x-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy. Scanning tunneling microscopy has been used to probe the structural aspects of QDs. A surface bandgap of InN QDs was estimated from scanning tunneling spectroscopy (STS) I-V curves and found that it is strongly dependent on the size of QDs. The observed size-dependent STS bandgap energy shifts with diameter and height were theoretical explained based on an effective mass approximation with finite-depth square-well potential model.


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Surface oxidation of La, Ce, Sm and Tb metals has been investigated by He(II) ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy (u.p.s.) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (X.p.s.). Oxidation of La gives rise to La2O3 on the surface. While Ce2O3 appears to be the stable oxide on the surface, we find evidence for formation of CeO2 at high oxygen exposure. Valence band of Sm clearly shows the presence of both divalent and trivalent states due to interconfigurational fluctuation. Exposure of Sm to oxygen first depletes the divalent Sm at the surface. While Sm2O3 is the stable oxide on the surface of Sm, Tb2O3 is the stable oxide on the surface of Tb (and not any of the higher oxides).


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Photoemission spectroscopy offers the unique possibility of mapping out the electronic structure of the occupied electron states. However, the extreme surface sensitivity of this technique ensures that only the surface and the near-surface regions of any sample are probed. An important question arises in this context—Is the electronic structure of the surface region the same as that of the bulk? We address this issue using two different series of vanadium oxides, Ca1−xSrxVO3 and La1−xCaxVO3. Our results clearly establish that the electronic structure of the surface region is drastically different from that of the bulk in both these cases. We provide a method to separate the two contributions: one arising from the near-surface region and the other representative of the bulk. This separation allows us to deduce some very unusual behaviors of the electronic structures in these systems.