420 resultados para DANGLING BONDS


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Geometric constraints present in A2BO4 compounds with the tetragonal-T structure of K2NiF4 impose a strong pressure on the B---OII---B bonds and a stretching of the A---OI---A bonds in the basal planes if the tolerance factor is t congruent with RAO/√2 RBO < 1, where RAO and RBO are the sums of the A---O and B---O ionic radii. The tetragonal-T phase of La2NiO4 becomes monoclinic for Pr2NiO4, orthorhombic for La2CuO4, and tetragonal-T′ for Pr2CuO4. The atomic displacements in these distorted phases are discussed and rationalized in terms of the chemistry of the various compounds. The strong pressure on the B---OII---B bonds produces itinerant σ*x2−y2 bands and a relative stabilization of localized dz2 orbitals. Magnetic susceptibility and transport data reveal an intersection of the Fermi energy with the d2z2 levels for half the copper ions in La2CuO4; this intersection is responsible for an intrinsic localized moment associated with a configuration fluctuation; below 200 K the localized moment smoothly vanishes with decreasing temperature as the d2z2 level becomes filled. In La2NiO4, the localized moments for half-filled dz2 orbitals induce strong correlations among the σ*x2−y2 electrons above Td reverse similar, equals 200 K; at lower temperatures the σ*x2−y2 electrons appear to contribute nothing to the magnetic susceptibility, which obeys a Curie-Weiss law giving a μeff corresponding to S = 1/2, but shows no magnetic order to lowest temperatures. These surprising results are verified by comparison with the mixed systems La2Ni1−xCuxO4 and La2−2xSr2xNi1−xTixO4. The onset of a charge-density wave below 200 K is proposed for both La2CuO4 and La2NiO4, but the atomic displacements would be short-range cooperative in mixed systems. The semiconductor-metallic transitions observed in several systems are found in many cases to obey the relation Ea reverse similar, equals kTmin, where varrho = varrho0exp(−Ea/kT) and Tmin is the temperature of minimum resistivity varrho. This relation is interpreted in terms of a diffusive charge-carrier mobility with Ea reverse similar, equals ΔHm reverse similar, equals kT at T = Tmin.


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The lengths of the carbonyl as well as of the adjacent C-N and C-C bonds in peptides are shown to vary systematically with the central C-N bond length. Results of ab initio calculations on N-methylacetamide and its Li+, Na+ and Mg2+ complexes are also discussed.


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The title compound, C14H18ClNO3, adopts an extended conformation, with all of the main chain torsion angles associated with the ester and amino groups trans. In the crystal, inversion dimers linked by pairs of N-H center dot center dot center dot O hydrogen bonds are observed.


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Dielectric constants and loss tangents of As-Se glasses have been measured between 300 K and the respective glass transition temperatures and between 1 kHz and 20 kHz. The variation of dielectric constants has been interpreted in terms of both heteropolarity of bonds and average bond energies employing a chemically ordered network model. Various contributions to total molar polarizations have been estimated. Rapid rise of loss tangent in the vicinity of glass transitions has been interpreted in terms of rapid increase; of d.c. conductivity.


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C14Ht0F3NO2, P2.Jc, a = 12.523 (4), b = 7.868(6), c = 12.874 (3)A, fl = 95.2 (2) ° , O,,, = 1.47 (4), D e = 1.47 Mg m -3, Z = 4. Final R = 0.074 for 2255 observed reflections. The carboxyl group and the phenyl ring bearing the carboxyl group are nearly coplanar whereas the two phenyl rings are inclined with respect to each other at 52.8 ° . The difference between the two polymorphs of flufenamic acid lies in the geometrical disposition of the [3-(trifluoromethyl)- phenyl]amino moiety with respect to the benzoic acid moiety. As in other fenamate structures, the carboxyl group and the imino N atom are connected through an intramolecular hydrogen bond; also, pairs of centrosymmetrically related molecules are connected through hydrogen bonds involving carboxyl groups.


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Heterometallic {3d-4f-5d} aggregates with formula [{LMe2Ni(H2O)Ln(H2O)4.5}2{W(CN)8}2]·15H2O, (LMe2 stands for N,N-2,2-dimethylpropylenedi(3-methoxysalicylideneiminato) Schiff-base ligand) with Ln = Gd, Tb, Dy, have been obtained by reacting bimetallic [LMe2Ni(H2O)2Ln(NO3)3] and Cs3{W(CN)8} in H2O. The hexanuclear complexes are organized in 1-D arrays by means of hydrogen bonds established between the solvent molecules coordinated to Ln and the CN ligands of an octacyanometallate moiety. The X-ray structure was solved for the Tb derivative. Magnetic behavior indicates ferromagnetic {W–Ni} and {Ni–Ln} interactions (JNiW = 18.5 cm-1, JNiGd = 1.85 cm-1) as well as ferromagnetic intermolecular interactions mediated by the H-bonds. Dynamic magnetic susceptibility studies reveal slow magnetic relaxation processes for the Tb and Dy derivatives, suggesting SMM type behavior for these compounds.


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Conformations of valinomycin and its complexes with Perchlorate and thiocyanate salts of barium, in a medium polar solvent acetonitrile, were studied using nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopic techniques. Valinomycin was shown to have a bracelet conformation in acetonitrile. With the doubly charged barium ion, the molecule, at lower concentrations, predominantly formed a 1:1 complex. At higher concentrations, however, apart from the 1:1, peptide as well as ion sandwich complexes were formed in addition to a :final complex:. Unlike the standard 1:1 potassium complex, where the ion was centrally located in a bracelet conformation, the a 1:1 barium complex contained the barium ion at the periphery. The a :final complex: appeared to be an open conformation with no internal hydrogen bonds and has two bound barium ions. This complex was probably made of average of many closely related conformations that were exchanging very fast (on nuclear magnetic resonance time scale) among them. The conformation of the a:final complex a: resembled the conformation obtained in the solid state. Unlike the Perchlorate anion, the thiocyanate anion seemed to have a definite role in stabilising the various complexes. While the conformation of the 1:1 complex indicated a mechanism of ion capture at the membrane interface, the sandwich complexes might explain the transport process by a relay mechanism.


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M r=670.02, monoclinic, C2/c, a= 31.003(4), b=11.037(2), c=21.183(3)A, fl= 143.7 (1) °, V= 4291.2/k 3, D,n = 2.06, D x = 2.07Mgm -3, Z=8, MoKa, 2=0.7107/k, /~=7.45 mm -1, F(000) = 2560, T= 293 K, R = 0.061 for 1697 observed reflections. The bromphenol blue molecule consists essentially of three planar groupings: the sulfonphthalein ring system and two dibromophenol rings attached to the tetrahedral C atom of the five-membered ring of the sulfonphthalein system. The dibromophenol rings are inclined with resPect to each other at 73 ° whereas they make angles of 85 and 68 ° with respect to the sulfonphthalein system. The molecules aggregate into helical columns with the non-polar regions of the molecules in the interior and the polar regions on the surface. The columns are held together by a network of hydrogen bonds.


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(I): M r = 258.34, triclinic, Pi, a = 9.810 (3), b=9.635(3), e=15.015(4)A, a=79.11(2), #= 102.38 (3), y = 107.76 (3) o, V= 1308.5 A 3, Z = 4, Din= 1.318 (3) (by flotation in KI solution), D x = 1.311 g cm -3, Cu Ka, 2 = 1.5418/~, g = 20-05 cm -1, F(000) = 544, T---- 293 K, R = 0.074 for 2663 reflections. (II): M r = 284.43, monoclinic, P2~/c, a= 17.029 (5), b=6.706 (5), c= 14.629 (4), t= 113.55 (2) ° , V=1531.4A 3, Z=4, Dm=1.230(5) (by flotation in KI solution), Dx= 1.234gem -3, Mo Ka, 2 = 0.7107 A, g = 1.63 cm-1; F(000) = 608, T= 293 K, R = 0.062 for 855 reflections. The orientation of the C=S chromophores in the crystal lattice and their reactivity in the crystalline state are discussed. The C--S bonds are much shorter than the normal bond length [1.605 (4) (I), 1.665 (8) A (II) cf. 1.71 A].


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CaH406P-.K +, M r = 206.10, is orthorhombic, space group Pbca (from systematic absences), a = 14.538(4), b = 13.364(5), c = 6.880 (6)A, U = 1383.9 A 3, D x = 2.07 Mg m -a, Z = 8, ~.(Mo Ka) = 0.7107/~, p(MO Ka) = 1.015 mm -1. The final R value is 0.042 for a total of 1397 reflections. The high energy P-O(13) and the enolic C(1)-O(13) bonds are 1.612 and 1.374 A respectively. The enolpyruvate moiety is essentially planar. The orientation of the phosphate with respect to the pyruvate group in PEP.K is distinctly different from that in the PEP-cyclohexylammonium salt, the torsion angle C (2)-C (1)-O(13)- P being -209.1 in the former and -90 ° in the latter. The K + ion binds simultaneously to both the phosphate and carboxyl ends of the same PEP molecule. The ester O(13) is also a binding site for the cation. The K + ion is coplanar with the pyruvate moiety and binds to 0(22) and O(13) almost along their lone-pair directions. The carbonyl 0(22) prefers to bind to the K + ion rather than take part in the formation of hydrogen bonds usually observed in carboxylic acid structures.


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The nucleotide coenzyme cytidine-5-diphospho-choline is highly folded. The CMP-5 parts of the molecules in the crystal structure are strongly linked by metal ligation and hydrogen bonds leaving the phosphoryl-choline residues relatively free. Cytidine-5-diphosphoric acid exists as a zwitterion with N31 protonated. The P−O bond lengths from the anhydride bridging oxygen in the pyrophosphate are significantly different.


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The molecular structure of collagen is now accepted to be based on a triple-stranded coiled-coil, in which the three strands are held together predominantly by hydrogen bonds. Recent experimental evidence has shown that the presence of hydroxyproline residues in the third position of the repeating tripeptide unit lends additional stability to the collagen structure. In this paper, we report a model structure, which is supported by these observations. In a model structure proposed earlier, there are two hydrogen bonds per tripeptide unit, one of which is a direct interchain hydrogen bond, while the second hydrogen bond can be formedvia a water molecule. It has now been shown that the same water molecule can also form a hydrogen bond with the oxygen of theγ-hydroxyl group of hydroxyproline in the third position in the sequence (Gly-R2-R3). This hydroxyl group can also take part in an inter-triple-helix hydrogen bond. Our studies thus show the role played by hydroxyproline residues in the structure and stability of collagen.


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allo-4-Hydroxy-L-proline crystallizes from an aqueous solution as the dihydrate. The crystals are orthorhombic, space group P212121, with a=7.08 (2), b=22.13 (3), c= 5"20 (2) A,. The structure was solved by direct methods and refined by block-diagonal least squares. The final R for 733 observed reflexions is 0.054. The molecule exists as a zwitterion with hydroxyl and carboxyl groups cis to the pyrrolidine ring. The latter is puckered at the fl-carbon atom, which deviates by -0.54 A, from the best plane formed by the four remaining atoms. The molecules are held together by a network of hydrogen bonds, the water molecules playing a dominant role in the stability of the structure.


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ESR investigations are reported in single crystals of copper diethyldithiophosphate, magnetically diluted with the corresponding diamagnetic nickel complex. The spectrum at normal gain shows hyperfine components from 63Cu, 65Cu, and 31P nuclei. At much higher gain, hyperfine interaction from 33S nuclei in the ligand is detected. The spin Hamiltonian parameters relating to copper show tetragonal symmetry. The measured parameters are g = 2.085, g =2.025, A63Cu = 149.6 × 10−4 cm−1, A65Cu = 160.8 × 10−4 cm−1, BCu = 32.5 × 10−4 cm−1 and QCu 5.5 × 10−4cm−1. The 31P interaction is isotropic with a coupling constant AP = 9.6 × 10−4 cm−1. Angular variation of the 33S lines shows two different hyperfine tensors indicating the presence of two chemically inequivalent Cu S bonds. The experimentally determined hyperfine constants are A =34.9×10−4 cm−1, B =26.1×10−4 cm−1, A =60.4×10−4 cm−1, B =55.5×10−4 cm−1. The hyperfine parameters show that the hybridization of the ligand orbitals is very sensitive to the symmetry around the ligand. The g values and Cu hyperfine parameters are not much affected by the distortions occurring in the ligand. The energies of the d-d transitions are determined by optical absorption measurements on Cu diethyldithiophosphate in solution. Using the spin Hamiltonian parameters together with optical absorption results, the MO parameters for the complex are calculated. It is found that in addition to the bond, the bonds are also strongly covalent. ©1973 The American Institute of Physics


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A detailed crystallographic investigation of N-methylacetamide complexes of Li, Na, K, Mg and Ca has been made in view of its importance in the coordination chemistry and biochemistry of alkali and alkaline earth metals. The metal ions bind to the amide oxygen causing an increase in the carbonyl distance and a proportionate decrease in the central C-N bond distance. The decrease in the central C-N distance is accompanied by an increase in the distance of the adjacent C-C bond and a decrease in the adjacent C-N bond distance. The metal ion generally deviates from the direction of the lone pair of the carbonyl oxygen and also from the plane of the peptide, the out-of-plane deviation varying with the ionic potential of the cation. The metal-oxygen distance in alkali and alkaline earth metal complexes of a given coordination number also varies with the ionic potential of the cation, as does the strength of binding of the cations to the amide. The amide molecules are essentially planar in these complexes, as expected from the increased bond order of the central C-N bond. The NH bonds of the amide are generally hydrogen bonded to anions. The structures of the amide complexes are compared with those of other oxygen donor complexes of alkali and alkaline earth metals. The structural study described here also provides a basis for the interpretation of results from spectroscopic and theoretical investigations of the interaction of alkali and alkaline earth metal cations with amides.