351 resultados para dna polymorphism


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It is shown that left-handed duplexes are possible for A, B, and D forms of DNA. These duplexes are stereochemically satisfactory and are consistent with the observed x-ray intensity data. On scrutiny the refined right-handed models of B and D DNA by Arnott and coworkers are found to be stereochemically unacceptable. It was possible to formulate a stereochemical guideline for molecular model building based on theory and analysis of single-crystal structure data of dinucleoside monophosphate and higher oligomers. This led to both right- and left-handed DNA duplexes. The right-handed B and D DNA duplexes so obtained are stereochemically superior to earlier models and agree well with the observed x-ray intensity data. The observation that DNA can exist in either handedness for all the polymorphous forms of DNA at once explained A in equilibrium B and B in equilibrium D transitions. Hence it is confirmed that polymorphism of DNA is a reflection on the conformational flexibility inherent in DNA, the same cause that ultimately allows DNA in either handedness. The possibility of various types of right- and left-handed duplexes generated by using dinucleoside monophosphate and trinucleoside diphosphate as repeating units resulted in a variety of models, called RL models. All these models have alternating right and left helical segments and inverted stacking at the bend region as suggested by us earlier. It turns out that the B-Z DNA model of Wang et al. is only an example of RL models.


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Basepair stacking calculations have been carried out to understand the conformational polymorphism of DNA and its sequence dependence. The recently developed self-consistent parameter set, which is specially suitable for describing irregular DNA structures, has been used to describe the geometry of a basepair doublet. While for basepairs without any propeller, the favourable stacking patterns do not appear to have very strong features, much more noticeable sequence dependent stacking patterns emerge once a propeller is applied to the basepairs. The absolute minima for most sequences occurs for a doublet geometry close to the B-DNA fibre models. Hence in the B-DNA region, no strong sequence dependent features are found, but the range of doublet geometries observed in the crystal structures generally lie within the low energy contours, obtained from stacking energy calculations. The doublet geometry corresponding to the A-DNA fibre model is not energetically favourable for the purine-pyrimidine sequences, which prefer small roll angle values when the slide has a large negative value as in A-DNA. However positive roll with large negative slide is allowed for GG, GA, AG and the pyrimidine-purine steps. This is consistent with the observed geometries of various steps in A-DNA crystals. Thus the general features of the basepair doublets predicted from these theoretical studies agree very well with the results from crystal structure analysis. However, since most sequences show an overall preference for B-type doublet geometry, the B --> A transition for random sequence DNA cannot be explained on the basis of basepair stacking interactions.


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The DNA polymorphism among 22 isolates of Sclerospora graminicola, the causal agent of downy mildew disease of pearl millet was assessed using 20 inter simple sequence repeats (ISSR) primers. The objective of the study was to examine the effectiveness of using ISSR markers for unravelling the extent and pattern of genetic diversity in 22 S. graminicola isolates collected from different host cultivars in different states of India. The 19 functional ISSR primers generated 410 polymorphic bands and revealed 89% polymorphism and were able to distinguish all the 22 isolates. Polymorphic bands used to construct an unweighted pair group method of averages (UPGMA) dendrogram based on Jaccard's co-efficient of similarity and principal coordinate analysis resulted in the formation of four major clusters of 22 isolates. The standardized Nei genetic distance among the 22 isolates ranged from 0.0050 to 0.0206. The UPGMA clustering using the standardized genetic distance matrix resulted in the identification of four clusters of the 22 isolates with bootstrap values ranging from 15 to 100. The 3D-scale data supported the UPGMA results, which resulted into four clusters amounting to 70% variation among each other. However, comparing the two methods show that sub clustering by dendrogram and multi dimensional scaling plot is slightly different. All the S. graminicola isolates had distinct ISSR genotypes and cluster analysis origin. The results of ISSR fingerprints revealed significant level of genetic diversity among the isolates and that ISSR markers could be a powerful tool for fingerprinting and diversity analysis in fungal pathogens.


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From X-ray diffraction studies it is generally believed that B-DNA has the structural parameters n = 10 and h = 3.4 Å. However, for the first time we report that polymorphism in the B-form can be observed in DNA fibres. This was achieved by the precise control of salt and humidity in fibres and by the application of the precession method of X-ray diffraction to DNA fibres. The significant result obtained is that n = 10 is not observed for crystalline fibre patterns. In fact, n = 10 and h = 3.4 Å are not found to occur simultaneously. Instead, a range of values, n = 9.6–10.0 and h = 3.35 Å–3.41 Å is observed.


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A nucleosome forms a basic unit of the chromosome structure. A biologically relevant question is how much of the nucleosomal conformational space is accessible to protein-free DNA, and what proportion of the nucleosomal conformations are induced by bound histones. To investigate this, we have analysed high resolution xray crystal structure datasets of DNA in protein-free as well as protein-bound forms, and compared the dinucleotide step parameters for the two datasets with those for high resolution nucleosome structures. Our analysis shows that most of the dinucleotide step parameter values for the nucleosome structures lie within the range accessible to protein-free DNA, indirectly indicating that the histone core plays more of a stabilizing role. The nucleosome structures are observed to assume smooth and nearly planar curvature, implying that ‘normal’ B-DNA like parameters can give rise to a curved geometry at the gross structural level. Different nucleosome


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Left handed duplexes are shown to be in agreement with the X-ray intensity data of A-, B- and D-forms of DNA. The structures are stereochemically satisfactory because they were obtained following a stereochemical guideline derived from theory and single crystal structure data of nucleic acid components. The same stereochemical guideline also led to right handed duplexes for B- and D-forms of DNA which have stereochemically preferred conformation and hence are superior to those given by Arnott and coworkers.


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The conformational flexibility inherent in the polynucleotide chain plays an important role in deciding its three-dimensonal structure and enables it to undergo structural transitions in order to fulfil all its functions. Following certain stereochemical guidelines, both right and left handed double-helical models have been built in our laboratory and they are in reasonably good agreement with the fibre patterns for various polymorphous forms of DNA. Recently, nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy has become an important technique for studying the solution conformation and polymorphism of nucleic acids. Several workers have used 1H nuclear magnetic resonance nuclear Overhauser enhancement measurements to estimate the interproton distances for the various DNA oligomers and compared them with the interproton distances for particular models of A and Β form DNA. In some cases the solution conformation does not seem to fit either of these models. We have been studying various models for DNA with a view to exploring the full conformational space allowed for nucleic acid polymers. In this paper, the interproton distances calculated for the different stereochemically feasible models of DNA are presented and they are compared and correlated against those obtained from 1Η nuclear magnetic resonance nuclear Overhauser enhancement measurements of various nucleic acid oligomers.


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An important question of biological relevance is the polymorphism of the double-helical DNA structure in its free form, and the changes that it undergoes upon protein-binding. We have analysed a database of free DNA crystal structures to assess the inherent variability of the free DNA structure and have compared it with a database of protein-bound DNA crystal structures to ascertain the protein-induced variations.


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DNA triple helices containing two thymine strands and one adenine strand have been studied, using model building followed by energy minimisation, for different orientations of the third strand resulting from variation in the hydrogen bonding between the Watson-Crick duplex and the third strand and the glycosidic torsion angle in the third strand. Our results show that the structure with a parallel orientation of the third strand, in which the third strand base forms Hoogsteen hydrogen bonds with the adenine base in the Watson-Crick duplex, is energetically the most favourable. An antiparallel orientation of the third strand is also possible, in which the third strand base hydrogen bonds to both the bases in the Watson-Crick duplex. This structure is energetically comparable to the parallel structure. For the parallel triplex a 200ps molecular dynamics simulation starting from two different starting structures indicates that at 300K significant structural heterogeneity exists in this tripler structure. The results are compared with existing structural data on this class of triplexes derived from theoretical and NMR techniques.


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Electrostatic self-assembly of colloidal and nanoparticles has attracted a lot of attention in recent years, since it offers the possibility of producing novel crystalline structures that have the potential to be used as advanced materials for photonic and other applications. The stoichiometry of these crystals is not constrained by charge neutrality of the two types of particles due to the presence of counterions, and hence a variety of three-dimensional structures have been observed depending on the relative sizes of the particles and their charge. Here we report structural polymorphism of two-dimensional crystals of oppositely charged linear macroions, namely DNA and self-assembled cylindrical micelles of cationic amphiphiles. Our system differs from those studied earlier in terms of the presence of a strongly binding counterion that competes with DNA to bind to the micelle. The presence of these counterions leads to novel structures of these crystals, such as a square lattice and a root 3 x root 3 superlattice of an underlying hexagonal lattice, determined from a detailed analysis of the small-angle diffraction data. These lower-dimensional equilibrium systems can play an important role in developing a deeper theoretical understanding of the stability of crystals of oppositely charged particles. Further, it should be possible to use the same design principles to fabricate structures on a longer length-scale by an appropriate choice of the two macroions.


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Rrp1B (ribosomal RNA processing1 homolog B) is a novel candidate metastasis modifier gene in breast cancer. Functional gene assays demonstrated that a physical and functional interaction existing between Rrp1b and metastasis modifier gene SIPA1 causes reduction in the tumor growth and metastatic potential. Ectopic expression of Rrp1B modulates various metastasis predictive extra cellular matrix (ECM) genes associated with tumor suppression. The aim of this study is to determine the functional significance of single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in human Rrp1B gene (1307 T > C; rs9306160) with breast cancer development and progression. The study consists of 493 breast cancer cases recruited from Nizam's Institute of Medical Sciences, Hyderabad, and 558 age-matched healthy female controls from rural and urban areas. Genomic DNA was isolated by non-enzymatic method. Genotyping was done by amplification refractory mutation system (ARMS-PCR) method. Genotypes were reconfirmed by sequencing and results were analyzed statistically. We have performed Insilco analysis to know the RNA secondary structure by using online tool m fold. The TT genotype and T allele frequencies of Rrp1B1307 T > C polymorphism were significantly elevated in breast cancer (chi (2); p = < 0.008) cases compared to controls under different genetic models. The presence of T allele had conferred 1.75-fold risk for breast cancer development (OR = 1.75; 95 % CI = 1.15-2.67). The frequency of TT genotype of Rrp1b 1307T > C polymorphism was significantly elevated in obese patients (chi (2); p = 0.008) and patients with advanced disease (chi (2); p = 0.01) and with increased tumor size (chi (2); p = 0.01). Moreover, elevated frequency of T allele was also associated with positive lymph node status (chi (2); p = 0.04) and Her2 negative receptor status (chi (2); p = 0.006). Presence of Rrp1b1307TT genotype and T allele confer strong risk for breast cancer development and progression.


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Interaction of two different samples of graphene with DNA nucleobases and nucleosides is investigated by isothermal titration calorimetry. The relative interaction energies of the nucleobases decrease in the order guanine (G) > adenine (A) > cytosine (C) > thy mine (T) in aqueous solutions, although the positions of C and T seem to be interchangeable. The same trend is found with the nucleosides. Interaction energies of the A-T and G-C pairs are somewhere between those of the constituent bases. Theoretical calculations including van der Wools interaction and solvation energies give the trend G > A similar to T > C. The magnitudes of the interaction energies of the nucleobases with graphene are similar to those found with single-walled carbon nonotubes.


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We have identified strong topoisomerase sites (STS) for Mycobacteruim smegmatis topoisomerase I in double-stranded DNA context using electrophoretic mobility shift assay of enzyme-DNA covalent complexes; Mg2+, an essential component for DNA relaxation activity of the enzyme, is not required for binding to DNA, The enzyme makes single-stranded nicks, with transient covalent interaction at the 5'-end of the broken DNA strand, a characteristic akin to prokaryotic topoisomerases. More importantly, the enzyme binds to duplex DNA having a preferred site with high affinity, a. property similar to the eukaryotic type I topoisomerases, The preferred cleavage site is mapped on a 65 bp duplex DNA and found to be CG/TCTT. Thus, the enzyme resembles other prokaryotic type I topoisomerases in mechanistics of the reaction, but is similar to eukaryotic enzymes in DNA recognition properties.


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Several late gene expression factors (Lefs) have been implicated in fostering high levels of transcription from the very late gene promoters of polyhedrin and p10 from baculoviruses. We cloned and characterized from Bombyx mori nuclear polyhedrosis virus a late gene expression factor (Bmlef2) that encodes a 209-amino-acid protein harboring a Cys-rich C-terminal domain. The temporal transcription profiles of lef2 revealed a 1.2-kb transcript in both delayed early and late periods after virus infection. Transcription start site mapping identified the presence of an aphidicolin-sensitive late transcript arising from a TAAG motif located at -352 nucleotides and an aphidicolin-insensitive early transcript originating from a TTGT motif located 35 nucleotides downstream to a TATA box at -312 nucleotides, with respect to the +1 ATG of lef2. BmLef2 trans-activated very late gene expression from both polyhedrin and p10 promoters in transient expression assays. Internal deletion of the Cys-rich domain from the C-terminal region abolished the transcriptional activation. Inactivation of Lef2 synthesis by antisense lef2 transcripts drastically reduced the very late gene transcription but showed little effect on the expression from immediate early promoter. Decrease in viral DNA synthesis and a reduction in virus titer were observed only when antisense lef2 was expressed under the immediate early (ie-1) promoter. Furthermore, the antisense experiments suggested that lef2 plays a direct role in very late gene transcription.


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A copper(II) complex of dipyridophenazine, viz., [Cu(dppz)(2)(H2O)](ClO4)(2) (I), has been prepared and structurally characterized by X-ray crystallography. The crystal structure of the complex shows a five-coordinate structure in which two N,N-donor dipyridophenazine (dppz) and one aqua ligand bind to the copper(II) center giving Cu-O and Cu-N bond distances in the range of 1.981(6) to 2.043(6) angstrom. The ESI-MS spectrum of 1 in MeCN shows a peak at m/z value of 313 (100%) indicating the dissociation of the aqua ligand in the solution phase. The complex is one-electron paramagnetic (mu(eff), 1.86 mu(B)). It displays a quasi-reversible Cu(II)/Cu(I) redox process at 0.096 V. The complex is an avid binder to CT DNA giving a binding constant value of 3.5 x 10(5) M-1. It shows significant hydrolytic cleavage of supercoiled pUC19 DNA in dark ill the absence of any external agents. The complex exhibits chemical nuclease activity oil treatment with 3-mercaptopropionic acid as a reducing agent forming hydroxyl radicals. Complex 1 is a model synthetic nuclease and hydrolase showing both modes of DNA cleavage under different reaction conditions. The DNA cleavage activity of 1 is significantly better than its phen analogue but similar to that of the bis-dpq complex.