395 resultados para Supercomputer Education


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A novel analysis to compute the admittance characteristics of the slots cut in the narrow wall of a rectangular waveguide, which includes the corner diffraction effects and the finite waveguide wall thickness, is presented. A coupled magnetic field integral equation is formulated at the slot aperture which is solved by the Galerkin approach of the method of moments using entire domain sinusoidal basis functions. The externally scattered fields are computed using the finite difference method (FDM) coupled with the measured equation of invariance (MEI). The guide wall thickness forms a closed cavity and the fields inside it are evaluated using the standard FDM. The fields scattered inside the waveguide are formulated in the spectral domain for faster convergence compared to the traditional spatial domain expansions. The computed results have been compared with the experimental results and also with the measured data published in previous literature. Good agreement between the theoretical and experimental results is obtained to demonstrate the validity of the present analysis.


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Recognizing similarities and deriving relationships among protein molecules is a fundamental requirement in present-day biology. Similarities can be present at various levels which can be detected through comparison of protein sequences or their structural folds. In some cases similarities obscure at these levels could be present merely in the substructures at their binding sites. Inferring functional similarities between protein molecules by comparing their binding sites is still largely exploratory and not as yet a routine protocol. One of the main reasons for this is the limitation in the choice of appropriate analytical tools that can compare binding sites with high sensitivity. To benefit from the enormous amount of structural data that is being rapidly accumulated, it is essential to have high throughput tools that enable large scale binding site comparison. Results: Here we present a new algorithm PocketMatch for comparison of binding sites in a frame invariant manner. Each binding site is represented by 90 lists of sorted distances capturing shape and chemical nature of the site. The sorted arrays are then aligned using an incremental alignment method and scored to obtain PMScores for pairs of sites. A comprehensive sensitivity analysis and an extensive validation of the algorithm have been carried out. A comparison with other site matching algorithms is also presented. Perturbation studies where the geometry of a given site was retained but the residue types were changed randomly, indicated that chance similarities were virtually non-existent. Our analysis also demonstrates that shape information alone is insufficient to discriminate between diverse binding sites, unless combined with chemical nature of amino acids. Conclusion: A new algorithm has been developed to compare binding sites in accurate, efficient and high-throughput manner. Though the representation used is conceptually simplistic, we demonstrate that along with the new alignment strategy used, it is sufficient to enable binding comparison with high sensitivity. Novel methodology has also been presented for validating the algorithm for accuracy and sensitivity with respect to geometry and chemical nature of the site. The method is also fast and takes about 1/250(th) second for one comparison on a single processor. A parallel version on BlueGene has also been implemented.


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The correlation dimension D 2 and correlation entropy K 2 are both important quantifiers in nonlinear time series analysis. However, use of D 2 has been more common compared to K 2 as a discriminating measure. One reason for this is that D 2 is a static measure and can be easily evaluated from a time series. However, in many cases, especially those involving coloured noise, K 2 is regarded as a more useful measure. Here we present an efficient algorithmic scheme to compute K 2 directly from a time series data and show that K 2 can be used as a more effective measure compared to D 2 for analysing practical time series involving coloured noise.


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Sequence-structure correlation studies are important in deciphering the relationships between various structural aspects, which may shed light on the protein-folding problem. The first step of this process is the prediction of secondary structure for a protein sequence of unknown three-dimensional structure. To this end, a web server has been created to predict the consensus secondary structure using well known algorithms from the literature. Furthermore, the server allows users to see the occurrence of predicted secondary structural elements in other structure and sequence databases and to visualize predicted helices as a helical wheel plot. The web server is accessible at http://bioserver1.physics.iisc.ernet.in/cssp/.


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Uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase (UROD) is a key enzyme in the heme-biosynthetic pathway and in Plasmodium falciparum it occupies a strategic position in the proposed hybrid pathway for heme biosynthesis involving shuttling of intermediates between different subcellular compartments in the parasite. In the present study, we demonstrate that an N-terminally truncated recombinant P. falciparum UROD (r(Î)PfUROD) over-expressed and purified from Escherichia coli cells, as well as the native enzyme from the parasite were catalytically less efficient compared with the host enzyme, although they were similar in other enzyme parameters. Molecular modeling of PfUROD based on the known crystal structure of the human enzyme indicated that the protein manifests a distorted triose phosphate isomerase (TIM) barrel fold which is conserved in all the known structures of UROD. The parasite enzyme shares all the conserved or invariant amino acid residues at the active and substrate binding sites, but is rich in lysine residues compared with the host enzyme. Mutation of specific lysine residues corresponding to residues at the dimer interface in human UROD enhanced the catalytic efficiency of the enzyme and dimer stability indicating that the lysine rich nature and weak dimer interface of the wild-type PfUROD could be responsible for its low catalytic efficiency. PfUROD was localised to the apicoplast, indicating the requirement of additional mechanisms for transport of the product coproporphyrinogen to other subcellular sites for its further conversion and ultimate heme formation.


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Background: Tuberculosis still remains one of the largest killer infectious diseases, warranting the identification of newer targets and drugs. Identification and validation of appropriate targets for designing drugs are critical steps in drug discovery, which are at present major bottle-necks. A majority of drugs in current clinical use for many diseases have been designed without the knowledge of the targets, perhaps because standard methodologies to identify such targets in a high-throughput fashion do not really exist. With different kinds of 'omics' data that are now available, computational approaches can be powerful means of obtaining short-lists of possible targets for further experimental validation. Results: We report a comprehensive in silico target identification pipeline, targetTB, for Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The pipeline incorporates a network analysis of the protein-protein interactome, a flux balance analysis of the reactome, experimentally derived phenotype essentiality data, sequence analyses and a structural assessment of targetability, using novel algorithms recently developed by us. Using flux balance analysis and network analysis, proteins critical for survival of M. tuberculosis are first identified, followed by comparative genomics with the host, finally incorporating a novel structural analysis of the binding sites to assess the feasibility of a protein as a target. Further analyses include correlation with expression data and non-similarity to gut flora proteins as well as 'anti-targets' in the host, leading to the identification of 451 high-confidence targets. Through phylogenetic profiling against 228 pathogen genomes, shortlisted targets have been further explored to identify broad-spectrum antibiotic targets, while also identifying those specific to tuberculosis. Targets that address mycobacterial persistence and drug resistance mechanisms are also analysed. Conclusion: The pipeline developed provides rational schema for drug target identification that are likely to have high rates of success, which is expected to save enormous amounts of money, resources and time in the drug discovery process. A thorough comparison with previously suggested targets in the literature demonstrates the usefulness of the integrated approach used in our study, highlighting the importance of systems-level analyses in particular. The method has the potential to be used as a general strategy for target identification and validation and hence significantly impact most drug discovery programmes.


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This paper presents two approximate analytical expressions for nonlinear electric fields in the principal direction in axially symmetric (3D) and two dimensional (2D) ion trap mass analysers with apertures (holes in case of 3D traps and slits in case of 2D traps) on the electrodes. Considered together (3D and 2D), we present composite approximations for the principal unidirectional nonlinear electric fields in these ion traps. The composite electric field E has the form E = E-noaperture + E-aperture. where E-noaperture is the field within an imagined trap which is identical to the practical trap except that the apertures are missing and E-aperture is the field contribution due to apertures on the two trap electrodes. The field along the principal axis, of the trap can in this way be well approximated for any aperture that is not too large. To derive E-aperture. classical results of electrostatics have been extended to electrodes with finite thickness and different aperture shapes.E-noaperture is a modified truncated multipole expansion for the imagined trap with no aperture. The first several terms in the multipole expansion are in principle exact(though numerically determined using the BEM), while the last term is chosen to match the field at the electrode. This expansion, once Computed, works with any aperture in the practical trap. The composite field approximation for axially symmetric (3D) traps is checked for three geometries: the Paul trap, the cylindrical ion trap (CIT) and an arbitrary other trap. The approximation for 2D traps is verified using two geometries: the linear ion trap (LIT) and the rectilinear ion trap (RIT). In each case, for two aperture sizes (10% and 50% of the trap dimension), highly satisfactory fits are obtained. These composite approximations may be used in more detailed nonlinear ion dynamics Studies than have been hitherto attempted. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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An efficient geometrical design rule checker is proposed, based on operations on quadtrees, which represent VLSI mask layouts. The time complexity of the design rule checker is O(N), where N is the number of polygons in the mask. A pseudoPascal description is provided of all the important algorithms for geometrical design rule verification.


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Numerically discretized dynamic optimization problems having active inequality and equality path constraints that along with the dynamics induce locally high index differential algebraic equations often cause the optimizer to fail in convergence or to produce degraded control solutions. In many applications, regularization of the numerically discretized problem in direct transcription schemes by perturbing the high index path constraints helps the optimizer to converge to usefulm control solutions. For complex engineering problems with many constraints it is often difficult to find effective nondegenerat perturbations that produce useful solutions in some neighborhood of the correct solution. In this paper we describe a numerical discretization that regularizes the numerically consistent discretized dynamics and does not perturb the path constraints. For all values of the regularization parameter the discretization remains numerically consistent with the dynamics and the path constraints specified in the, original problem. The regularization is quanti. able in terms of time step size in the mesh and the regularization parameter. For full regularized systems the scheme converges linearly in time step size.The method is illustrated with examples.


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Data-flow analysis is an integral part of any aggressive optimizing compiler. We propose a framework for improving the precision of data-flow analysis in the presence of complex control-flow. W initially perform data-flow analysis to determine those control-flow merges which cause the loss in data-flow analysis precision. The control-flow graph of the program is then restructured such that performing data-flow analysis on the resulting restructured graph gives more precise results. The proposed framework is both simple, involving the familiar notion of product automata, and also general, since it is applicable to any forward data-flow analysis. Apart from proving that our restructuring process is correct, we also show that restructuring is effective in that it necessarily leads to more optimization opportunities. Furthermore, the framework handles the trade-off between the increase in data-flow precision and the code size increase inherent in the restructuring. We show that determining an optimal restructuring is NP-hard, and propose and evaluate a greedy strategy. The framework has been implemented in the Scale research compiler, and instantiated for the specific problem of Constant Propagation. On the SPECINT 2000 benchmark suite we observe an average speedup of 4% in the running times over Wegman-Zadeck conditional constant propagation algorithm and 2% over a purely path profile guided approach.


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Packet forwarding is a memory-intensive application requiring multiple accesses through a trie structure. With the requirement to process packets at line rates, high-performance routers need to forward millions of packets every second with each packet needing up to seven memory accesses. Earlier work shows that a single cache for the nodes of a trie can reduce the number of external memory accesses. It is observed that the locality characteristics of the level-one nodes of a trie are significantly different from those of lower level nodes. Hence, we propose a heterogeneously segmented cache architecture (HSCA) which uses separate caches for level-one and lower level nodes, each with carefully chosen sizes. Besides reducing misses, segmenting the cache allows us to focus on optimizing the more frequently accessed level-one node segment. We find that due to the nonuniform distribution of nodes among cache sets, the level-one nodes cache is susceptible t high conflict misses. We reduce conflict misses by introducing a novel two-level mapping-based cache placement framework. We also propose an elegant way to fit the modified placement function into the cache organization with minimal increase in access time. Further, we propose an attribute preserving trace generation methodology which emulates real traces and can generate traces with varying locality. Performanc results reveal that our HSCA scheme results in a 32 percent speedup in average memory access time over a unified nodes cache. Also, HSC outperforms IHARC, a cache for lookup results, with as high as a 10-fold speedup in average memory access time. Two-level mappin further enhances the performance of the base HSCA by up to 13 percent leading to an overall improvement of up to 40 percent over the unified scheme.


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In this paper, we propose an extension to the I/O device architecture, as recommended in the PCI-SIG IOV specification, for virtualizing network I/O devices. The aim is to enable fine-grained controls to a virtual machine on the I/O path of a shared device. The architecture allows native access of I/O devices to virtual machines and provides device level QoS hooks for controlling VM specific device usage. For evaluating the architecture we use layered queuing network (LQN) models. We implement the architecture and evaluate it using simulation techniques, on the LQN model, to demonstrate the benefits. With the architecture, the benefit for network I/O is 60% more than what can be expected on the existing architecture. Also, the proposed architecture improves scalability in terms of the number of virtual machines intending to share the I/O device.


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The simultaneous state and parameter estimation problem for a linear discrete-time system with unknown noise statistics is treated as a large-scale optimization problem. The a posterioriprobability density function is maximized directly with respect to the states and parameters subject to the constraint of the system dynamics. The resulting optimization problem is too large for any of the standard non-linear programming techniques and hence an hierarchical optimization approach is proposed. It turns out that the states can be computed at the first levelfor given noise and system parameters. These, in turn, are to be modified at the second level.The states are to be computed from a large system of linear equations and two solution methods are considered for solving these equations, limiting the horizon to a suitable length. The resulting algorithm is a filter-smoother, suitable for off-line as well as on-line state estimation for given noise and system parameters. The second level problem is split up into two, one for modifying the noise statistics and the other for modifying the system parameters. An adaptive relaxation technique is proposed for modifying the noise statistics and a modified Gauss-Newton technique is used to adjust the system parameters.


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Various intrusion detection systems (IDSs) reported in the literature have shown distinct preferences for detecting a certain class of attack with improved accuracy, while performing moderately on the other classes. In view of the enormous computing power available in the present-day processors, deploying multiple IDSs in the same network to obtain best-of-breed solutions has been attempted earlier. The paper presented here addresses the problem of optimizing the performance of IDSs using sensor fusion with multiple sensors. The trade-off between the detection rate and false alarms with multiple sensors is highlighted. It is illustrated that the performance of the detector is better when the fusion threshold is determined according to the Chebyshev inequality. In the proposed data-dependent decision ( DD) fusion method, the performance optimization of ndividual IDSs is first addressed. A neural network supervised learner has been designed to determine the weights of individual IDSs depending on their reliability in detecting a certain attack. The final stage of this DD fusion architecture is a sensor fusion unit which does the weighted aggregation in order to make an appropriate decision. This paper theoretically models the fusion of IDSs for the purpose of demonstrating the improvement in performance, supplemented with the empirical evaluation.


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This paper discusses the consistent regularization property of the generalized α method when applied as an integrator to an initial value high index and singular differential-algebraic equation model of a multibody system. The regularization comes from within the discretization itself and the discretization remains consistent over the range of values the regularization parameter may take. The regularization involves increase of the smallest singular values of the ill-conditioned Jacobian of the discretization and is different from Baumgarte and similar techniques which tend to be inconsistent for poor choice of regularization parameter. This regularization also helps where pre-conditioning the Jacobian by scaling is of limited effect, for example, when the scleronomic constraints contain multiple closed loops or singular configuration or when high index path constraints are present. The feed-forward control in Kane's equation models is additionally considered in the numerical examples to illustrate the effect of regularization. The discretization presented in this work is adopted to the first order DAE system (unlike the original method which is intended for second order systems) for its A-stability and same order of accuracy for positions and velocities.