26 resultados para Impacted canines


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Forests play a critical role in addressing climate change concerns in the broader context of global change and sustainable development. Forests are linked to climate change in three ways. i) Forests are a source of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions: ii) Forests offer mitigation opportunities to stabilise GHG concentrations: iii) Forests are impacted by climate change. This paper reviews studies related to climate change and forests in India: first, the studies estimating carbon inventory for the Indian land use change and forestry sector (LUCF), then the different models and mitigation potential estimates for the LUCF sector in India. Finally it reviews the studies on the impact of climate change on forest ecosystems in India, identifying the implications for net primary productivity and bio-diversity. The paper highlights data, modelling and research gaps relevant to the GHG inventory, mitigation potential and vulnerability and impact assessments for the forest sector in India.


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Climate change is one of the most important global environmental challenges, with implications for food production, water supply, health, energy, etc. Addressing climate change requires a good scientific understanding as well as coordinated action at national and global level. This paper addresses these challenges. Historically, the responsibility for greenhouse gas emissions' increase lies largely with the industrialized world, though the developing countries are likely to be the source of an increasing proportion of future emissions. The projected climate change under various scenarios is likely to have implications on food production, water supply, coastal settlements, forest ecosystems, health, energy security, etc. The adaptive capacity of communities likely to be impacted by climate change is low in developing countries. The efforts made by the UNFCCC and the Kyoto Protocol provisions are clearly inadequate to address the climate change challenge. The most effective way to address climate change is to adopt a sustainable development pathway by shifting to environmentally sustainable technologies and promotion of energy efficiency, renewable energy, forest conservation, reforestation, water conservation, etc. The issue of highest importance to developing countries is reducing the vulnerability of their natural and socio-economic systems to the projected climate change. India and other developing countries will face the challenge of promoting mitigation and adaptation strategies, bearing the cost of such an effort, and its implications for economic development.


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The paper reports the failure features observed in low mass repeatedly (pendulum) impacted glass epoxy composites with and without the mid section having either 2-layers or 3-layers of flexible foam. Features such as through width and inclined cracks as well as adhering of foam observed in the experiments are explained. The significance of the foam material in modifying the impact response of the composite is stressed.


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Nonlinear finite element analysis is used for the estimation of damage due to low-velocity impact loading of laminated composite circular plates. The impact loading is treated as an equivalent static loading by assuming the impactor to be spherical and the contact to obey Hertzian law. The stresses in the laminate are calculated using a 48 d.o.f. laminated composite sector element. Subsequently, the Tsai-Wu criterion is used to detect the zones of failure and the maximum stress criterion is used to identify the mode of failure. Then the material properties of the laminate are degraded in the failed regions. The stress analysis is performed again using the degraded properties of the plies. The iterative process is repeated until no more failure is detected in the laminate. The problem of a typical T300/N5208 composite [45 degrees/0 degrees/-45 degrees/90 degrees](s) circular plate being impacted by a spherical impactor is solved and the results are compared with experimental and analytical results available in the literature. The method proposed and the computer code developed can handle symmetric, as well as unsymmetric, laminates. It can be easily extended to cover the impact of composite rectangular plates, shell panels and shells.


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foam, either stacked together as three layers (MC) or inserted at three different positions (3L) while arranging the stacking sequence during the fabrication of glass fiber-epoxy composites, form the subject of investigation. This stacking variation resulted in a different interfacial area between these foam materials and the glass-epoxy regions in the laminates. This area in designed to be maximum for the 3L variety. The energy of impact being high enough to cause development of the crack in the samples, how the change in interfacial area affects the traverse of the crack front and the failure feature of the laminated composite are reported in the form of photomacrographs in this work. The results point to significant changes for the impact data, like for instance the peak load attained by the different samples, through thickness crack propagation and tensile fracture features on the non-impacted end for the plain variety, separation about the mid-zone for the MC laminates and two or more layer separations for the 3L variety. The separation for the foam-bearing systems occur invariably at the interface and here again one of the (two identical) interfaces only is chosen for the separation.


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Climate change vulnerability profiles are developed at the district level for agriculture, water and forest sectors for the North East region of India for the current and projected future climates. An index-based approach was used where a set of indicators that represent key sectors of vulnerability (agriculture, forest, water) is selected using the statistical technique principal component analysis. The impacts of climate change on key sectors as represented by the changes in the indicators were derived from impact assessment models. These impacted indicators were utilized for the calculation of the future vulnerability to climate change. Results indicate that majority of the districts in North East India are subject to climate induced vulnerability currently and in the near future. This is a first of its kind study that exhibits ranking of districts of North East India on the basis of the vulnerability index values. The objective of such ranking is to assist in: (i) identifying and prioritizing the most vulnerable sectors and districts; (ii) identifying adaptation interventions, and (iii) mainstreaming adaptation in development programmes.


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Given a parametrized n-dimensional SQL query template and a choice of query optimizer, a plan diagram is a color-coded pictorial enumeration of the execution plan choices of the optimizer over the query parameter space. These diagrams have proved to be a powerful metaphor for the analysis and redesign of modern optimizers, and are gaining currency in diverse industrial and academic institutions. However, their utility is adversely impacted by the impractically large computational overheads incurred when standard brute-force exhaustive approaches are used for producing fine-grained diagrams on high-dimensional query templates. In this paper, we investigate strategies for efficiently producing close approximations to complex plan diagrams. Our techniques are customized to the features available in the optimizer's API, ranging from the generic optimizers that provide only the optimal plan for a query, to those that also support costing of sub-optimal plans and enumerating rank-ordered lists of plans. The techniques collectively feature both random and grid sampling, as well as inference techniques based on nearest-neighbor classifiers, parametric query optimization and plan cost monotonicity. Extensive experimentation with a representative set of TPC-H and TPC-DS-based query templates on industrial-strength optimizers indicates that our techniques are capable of delivering 90% accurate diagrams while incurring less than 15% of the computational overheads of the exhaustive approach. In fact, for full-featured optimizers, we can guarantee zero error with less than 10% overheads. These approximation techniques have been implemented in the publicly available Picasso optimizer visualization tool.


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The influence of riparian land use on the diversity an~ distribution were investigated by sampling 113 localities covering 4 districts in south-western Karnataka. A total of 55 species in 12 families were recorded. Streams, rivers and lakes had higher diversity than marshes and sea coast. However, lakes had low endemism than streams and rivers. Streams flowing through evergreen forests had higher diversity and endemism. Human impacted riparian zones such as paddy fields had relatively lower species richness. However, streams flowing through forestry plantations had higher diversity than other natural riparian zones such as dry deciduous, moist deciduous and semi evergreen forests. Myristica swamps-a relict evergreen forest marsh had low diversity and high endemism. Odonate communities of lentic ecosystems, and human impacted streams and rivers were characterized by widespread generalist species. Endemics and habitat specialists were. restricted to streams and rivers with undisturbed riparian zone. The study documents possible odonate community change due to human impact: The influence of riparian 'Ianduse change on odonate community is also discussed.


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The influences of the springtime northern Indian biomass burning are shown for the first time over the central Himalayas by using three years (2007-2009) of surface and space based observations along with a radiative transfer model. Near-surface ozone, black carbon (BC), spectral aerosol optical depths (AODs) and the meteorological parameters are measured at a high altitude site Nainital (29.37 degrees N, 79.45 degrees E, 1958 m amsl) located in the central Himalayas. The satellite observations include the MODIS derived fire counts and AOD (0.55 mu m), and OMI derived tropospheric column NO(2), ultraviolet aerosol index and single scattering albedo. MODIS fire counts and BC observations are used to identify the fire-impacted periods (372 h during 2007-2009) and hence the induced enhancements in surface BC, AOD (0.5 mu m) and ozone are estimated to be 1802 ng m(-3) (similar to 145%), 0.3 (similar to 150%) and 19 ppbv (similar to 34%) respectively. Large enhancements (53-100%) are also seen in the satellite derived parameters over a 2 degrees x 2 degrees region around Nainital. The present analysis highlights the northern Indian biomass burning induced cooling at the surface (-27 W m(-2)) and top of the atmosphere (-8 W m(-2)) in the lesser polluted high altitude regions of the central Himalayas. This cooling leads to an additional atmospheric warming of 19 W m(-2) and increases the lower atmospheric heating rate by 0.8 K day(-1). These biomass burning induced changes over the central Himalayan atmosphere during spring may also lead to enhanced short-wave absorption above clouds and might have an impact on the monsoonal rainfall.


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C:N ratio of lake sediments provide valuable information about the source and proportions of terrestrial, phytogenic and phycogenic carbon and nitrogen. This study has been carried out in Varthur lake which is receiving sewage since many decades apart from large scale land cover changes. C:N profile of the surficial sediment layer collected in the rainy and the dry seasons revealed higher C:N values[43] due to the accumulation of autochthonous organic material mostly at the deeper portions of the lake. This also highlights N limitation in the sludge either due to uptake by micro and macro-biota or rapid volatilization, denitrification and possible leaching in water. Organic Carbon was lower towards the inlets and higher near the deeper zones. This pattern of Organic C deposition was aided by gusty winds and high flow conditions together with impacts by the land use land cover changes in the watershed. Spatial variability of C:N in surficial sediments is significant compared to its seasonal variability. This communication provides an insight to the pattern in which nutrients are distributed in the sludge/sediment and its variation across seasons and space impacted by the biotic process accompanied by the hydrodynamic changes in the lake.


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The 18 September 2011, magnitude Mw 6.9 earthquake close to the Nepal-Sikkim border caused significant damage due to ground shaking and caused several landslides. Observations from the post-earthquake surveys in the affected areas within Sikkim suggest that the poorly engineered, multistoried structures were relatively more impacted. Those located on alluvial terraces were also affected. The morphology of the region is prone to landslides and the possibility for their increased intensity during the forthcoming monsoon need to be considered seriously. From the seismotectonic perspective, the mid-crustal focal depth of the North Sikkim earthquake reflects the ongoing deformation of the subducting Indian plate.


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Reaction wheel assemblies (RWAs) are momentum exchange devices used in fine pointing control of spacecrafts. Even though the spinning rotor of the reaction wheel is precisely balanced to minimize emitted vibration due to static and dynamic imbalances, precision instrument payloads placed in the neighborhood can always be severely impacted by residual vibration forces emitted by reaction wheel assemblies. The reduction of the vibration level at sensitive payloads can be achieved by placing the RWA on appropriate mountings. A low frequency flexible space platform consisting of folded continuous beams has been designed to serve as a mount for isolating a disturbance source in precision payloads equipped spacecrafts. Analytical and experimental investigations have been carried out to test the usefulness of the low frequency flexible platform as a vibration isolator for RWAs. Measurements and tests have been conducted at varying wheel speeds, to quantify and characterize the amount of isolation obtained from the reaction wheel generated vibration. These tests are further extended to other variants of similar design in order to bring out the best isolation for given disturbance loads. Both time and frequency domain analysis of test data show that the flexible beam platform as a mount for reaction wheels is quite effective and can be used in spacecrafts for passive vibration control. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Software transactional memory (STM) is a promising programming paradigm for shared memory multithreaded programs. In order for STMs to be adopted widely for performance critical software, understanding and improving the cache performance of applications running on STM becomes increasingly crucial, as the performance gap between processor and memory continues to grow. In this paper, we present the most detailed experimental evaluation to date, of the cache behavior of STM applications and quantify the impact of the different STM factors on the cache misses experienced by the applications. We find that STMs are not cache friendly, with the data cache stall cycles contributing to more than 50% of the execution cycles in a majority of the benchmarks. We find that on an average, misses occurring inside the STM account for 62% of total data cache miss latency cycles experienced by the applications and the cache performance is impacted adversely due to certain inherent characteristics of the STM itself. The above observations motivate us to propose a set of specific compiler transformations targeted at making the STMs cache friendly. We find that STM's fine grained and application unaware locking is a major contributor to its poor cache behavior. Hence we propose selective Lock Data co-location (LDC) and Redundant Lock Access Removal (RLAR) to address the lock access misses. We find that even transactions that are completely disjoint access parallel, suffer from costly coherence misses caused by the centralized global time stamp updates and hence we propose the Selective Per-Partition Time Stamp (SPTS) transformation to address this. We show that our transformations are effective in improving the cache behavior of STM applications by reducing the data cache miss latency by 20.15% to 37.14% and improving execution time by 18.32% to 33.12% in five of the 8 STAMP applications.


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This article is concerned with the evolution of haploid organisms that reproduce asexually. In a seminal piece of work, Eigen and coauthors proposed the quasispecies model in an attempt to understand such an evolutionary process. Their work has impacted antiviral treatment and vaccine design strategies. Yet, predictions of the quasispecies model are at best viewed as a guideline, primarily because it assumes an infinite population size, whereas realistic population sizes can be quite small. In this paper we consider a population genetics-based model aimed at understanding the evolution of such organisms with finite population sizes and present a rigorous study of the convergence and computational issues that arise therein. Our first result is structural and shows that, at any time during the evolution, as the population size tends to infinity, the distribution of genomes predicted by our model converges to that predicted by the quasispecies model. This justifies the continued use of the quasispecies model to derive guidelines for intervention. While the stationary state in the quasispecies model is readily obtained, due to the explosion of the state space in our model, exact computations are prohibitive. Our second set of results are computational in nature and address this issue. We derive conditions on the parameters of evolution under which our stochastic model mixes rapidly. Further, for a class of widely used fitness landscapes we give a fast deterministic algorithm which computes the stationary distribution of our model. These computational tools are expected to serve as a framework for the modeling of strategies for the deployment of mutagenic drugs.