422 resultados para CCD(Charge Coupled Device)


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An experimental study has been made of the flow field in indentation of a model granular material. A granular ensemble composed of spherical sand particles with average size of 0.4 mm is indented with a flat ended punch under plane-strain conditions. The region around the indenter is imaged in situ using a high-speed charge-coupled device (CCD) imaging system. By applying a hybrid image analysis technique to image sequences of the indentation, flow parameters such as velocity, velocity gradient, and strain rate are measured at high resolution. The measurements have enabled characterization of the main features of the flow such as dead material zones, velocity jumps, localization of deformation, and regions of highly rotational flow resembling vortices. Implications for validation of theoretical analyses and applications are discussed.


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Purpose: To assess the effect of ultrasound modulation of near infrared (NIR) light on the quantification of scattering coefficient in tissue-mimicking biological phantoms.Methods: A unique method to estimate the phase of the modulated NIR light making use of only time averaged intensity measurements using a charge coupled device camera is used in this investigation. These experimental measurements from tissue-mimicking biological phantoms are used to estimate the differential pathlength, in turn leading to estimation of optical scattering coefficient. A Monte-Carlo model base numerical estimation of phase in lieu of ultrasound modulation is performed to verify the experimental results. Results: The results indicate that the ultrasound modulation of NIR light enhances the effective scattering coefficient. The observed effective scattering coefficient enhancement in tissue-mimicking viscoelastic phantoms increases with increasing ultrasound drive voltage. The same trend is noticed as the ultrasound modulation frequency approaches the natural vibration frequency of the phantom material. The contrast enhancement is less for the stiffer (larger storage modulus) tissue, mimicking tumor necrotic core, compared to the normal tissue. Conclusions: The ultrasound modulation of the insonified region leads to an increase in the effective number of scattering events experienced by NIR light, increasing the measured phase, causing the enhancement in the effective scattering coefficient. The ultrasound modulation of NIR light could provide better estimation of scattering coefficient. The observed local enhancement of the effective scattering coefficient, in the ultrasound focal region, is validated using both experimental measurements and Monte-Carlo simulations. (C) 2010 American Association of Physicists in Medicine. [DOI: 10.1118/1.3456441]


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A new technique based on luminescent molecular sensors is utilized in these series of experiments for measurement of temperatures in material removal processes. 2-Dimensional machining of metals at low speeds and surface grinding configurations are used as the model experimental systems to understand the efficacy of this experimental technique. The experiments were conducted with a series of luminescent sensors and binder combinations for the temperature measurement. The luminescence of the sensor was measured through a charge-coupled device imaging camera, and intensive calibration exercises were performed on these sensors. Excellent agreement in the temperature fields measured through this new experimental approach and traditional infrared thermography is seen here. This technique offers the unique capability of allowing measurement of temperatures in the presence of a lubricant, akin to manufacturing conditions in situ. Extension of the technique to measure the temperature field at the tool-chip contact is described.


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Temperature and photo-dependent current-voltage characteristics are investigated in thin film devices of a hybrid-composite comprising of organic semiconductor poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene): polystyrenesulfonate (PEDOT: PSS) and cadmium telluride quantum dots (CdTe QDs). A detailed study of the charge injection mechanism in ITO/PEDOT: PSS-CdTe QDs/Al device exhibits a transition from direct tunneling to Fowler-Nordheim tunneling with increasing electric field due to formation of high barrier at the QD interface. In addition, the hybrid-composite exhibits a huge photoluminescence quenching compared to aboriginal CdTe QDs and high increment in photoconductivity (similar to 400%), which is attributed to the charge transfer phenomena. The effective barrier height (Phi(B) approximate to 0.68 eV) is estimated from the transition voltage and the possible origin of its variation with temperature and photo-illumination is discussed. (C) 2015 AIP Publishing LLC.


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We report three prominent observations made on the nanoscale charge ordered ( CO) manganites RE(1-x)AE(x)MnO(3) (RE = Nd, Pr; AE = Ca; x = 0.5) probed by temperature dependent magnetization and magneto-transport, coupled with electron magnetic/paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy (EMR/EPR). First, evidence is presented to show that the predominant ground state magnetic phase in nanoscale CO manganites is ferromagnetic and it coexists with a residual anti-ferromagnetic phase. Secondly, the shallow minimum in the temperature dependence of the EPR linewidth shows the presence of a charge ordered phase in nanoscale manganites which was shown to be absent from the DC static magnetization and transport measurements. Thirdly, the EPR linewidth, reflective of spin dynamics, increases significantly with a decrease of particle size in CO manganites. We discuss the interesting observations made on various samples of different particle sizes and give possible explanations. We have shown that EMR spectroscopy is a highly useful technique to probe the 'hindered charge ordered phase' in nanoscale CO manganites, which is not possible by static DC magnetization and transport measurements.


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The electrical and optical response of a field-effect device comprising a network of semiconductor-enriched single-wall carbon nanotubes, gated with sodium chloride solution is investigated. Field-effect is demonstrated in a device that uses facile fabrication techniques along with a small-ion as the gate electrolyte-and this is accomplished as a result of the semiconductor enhancement of the tubes. The optical transparency and electrical resistance of the device are modulated with gate voltage. A time-response study of the modulation of optical transparency and electrical resistance upon application of gate voltage suggests the percolative charge transport in the network. Also the ac response in the network is investigated as a function of frequency and temperature down to 5 K. An empirical relation between onset frequency and temperature is determined.


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Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) and magnetic properties of nanowires of Pr0.57Ca0.41Ba0.02MnO3 (PCBMO) are studied and compared with those of the bulk material. PCBMO nanowires with diameter of 80-90 nm and length of similar to 3.5 mu m were synthesized by a low reaction temperature hydrothermal method and the bulk sample was prepared following a solid-state reaction route. The samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. The bulk PCBMO manganite exhibits charge order at 230 K along with a ferromagnetic transition at 110 K. However, superconducting quantum interference device measurements on the PCBMO nanowires show a complete `melting' of charge ordering and a ferromagnetic transition at 115 K. This result is confirmed by the EPR intensity behavior as well. However, the EPR line width, which is reflective of the spin dynamics, shows a shallow minimum for nanowires at the temperature corresponding to the charge-ordering transition, i.e., 230 K. We interpret this result as an indication of the presence of charge-ordering fluctuations in the nanowires even though the static charge order is absent, thus heralding the occurrence of charge order in the bulk sample.


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We investigate two equivalent, capacitively coupled semiconducting quantum dots, each coupled to its own lead, in a regime where there are two electrons on the double dot. With increasing interdot coupling, a rich range of behavior is uncovered: first a crossover from spin- to charge-Kondo physics, via an intermediate SU(4) state with entangled spin and charge degrees of freedom, followed by a quantum phase transition of Kosterlitz-Thouless type to a non-Fermi-liquid "charge-ordered" phase with finite residual entropy and anomalous transport properties. Physical arguments and numerical renormalization group methods are employed to obtain a detailed understanding of the problem.


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We consider a double dot system of equivalent, capacitively coupled semiconducting quantum dots, each coupled to its own lead, in a regime where there are two electrons on the double dot. Employing the numerical renormalization group, we focus here on single-particle dynamics and the zero-bias conductance, considering in particular the rich range of behaviour arising as the interdot coupling is progressively increased through the strong-coupling (SC) phase, from the spin-Kondo regime, across the SU(4) point to the charge-Kondo regime, and then towards and through the quantum phase transition to a charge-ordered ( CO) phase. We first consider the two-self-energy description required to describe the broken symmetry CO phase, and implications thereof for the non-Fermi liquid nature of this phase. Numerical results for single-particle dynamics on all frequency scales are then considered, with particular emphasis on universality and scaling of low-energy dynamics throughout the SC phase. The role of symmetry breaking perturbations is also briefly discussed.


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The systems formalism is used to obtain the interfacial concentration transients for power-law current input at an expanding plane electrode. The explicit results for the concentration transients obtained here pertain to arbitrary homogeneous reaction schemes coupled to the oxidant and reductant of a single charge-transfer step and the power-law form without and with a preceding blank period (for two types of power-law current profile, say, (i) I(t) = I0(t−t0)q for t greater-or-equal, slanted t0, I(t) = 0 for t < t0; and (ii) I(t) = I0tq for t greater-or-equal, slanted t0, I(t) = 0 for t < t0). Finally the potential transients are obtained using Padé approximants. The results of Galvez et al. (for E, CE, EC, aC) (J. Electroanal. Chem., 132 (1982) 15; 146 (1983) 221, 233, 243), Molina et al. (for E) (J. Electroanal. Chem., 227 (1987) 1 and Kies (for E) (J. Electroanal. Chem., 45 (1973) 71) are obtained as special cases.


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Polypyrrole (PPy) - multiwalled carbonnanotubes (MWCNT) nanocomposites with various MWCNT loading were prepared by in situ inversion emulsion polymerization technique. High loading of the nano filler were evaluated because of available inherent high interface area for charge separation in the nanocomposites. Solution processing of these conducting polymer nanocomposites is difficult because, most of them are insoluble in organic solvents. Device quality films of these composites were prepared by using pulsed laser deposition techniques (PLD). Comparative study of X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) of bulk and film show that there is no chemical modification of polymer on ablation with laser. TEM images indicate PPy layer on MWCNT surface. SEM micrographs indicate that the MWCNT's are distributed throughout the film. It was observed that MWCNT in the composite held together by polymer matrix. Further more MWCNT diameter does not change from bulk to film indicating that the polymer layer remains intact during ablation. Even for very high loadings (80 wt.% of MWCNT's) of nanocomposites device quality films were fabricated, indicating laser ablation is a suitable technique for fabrication of device quality films. Conductivity of both bulk and films were measured using collinear four point probe setup. It was found that overall conductivity increases with increase in MWCNT loading. Comparative study of thickness with conductivity indicates that maximum conductivity was observed around 0.2 mu m. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We study charge pumping when a combination of static potentials and potentials oscillating with a time period T is applied in a one-dimensional system of noninteracting electrons. We consider both an infinite system using the Dirac equation in the continuum approximation and a periodic ring with a finite number of sites using the tight-binding model. The infinite system is taken to be coupled to reservoirs on the two sides which are at the same chemical potential and temperature. We consider a model in which oscillating potentials help the electrons to access a transmission resonance produced by the static potentials and show that nonadiabatic pumping violates the simple sin phi rule which is obeyed by adiabatic two-site pumping. For the ring, we do not introduce any reservoirs, and we present a method for calculating the current averaged over an infinite time using the time evolution operator U(T) assuming a purely Hamiltonian evolution. We analytically show that the averaged current is zero if the Hamiltonian is real and time-reversal invariant. Numerical studies indicate another interesting result, namely, that the integrated current is zero for any time dependence of the potential if it is applied to only one site. Finally we study the effects of pumping at two sites on a ring at resonant and nonresonant frequencies, and show that the pumped current has different dependences on the pumping amplitude in the two cases.


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Ionic polymer-metal composites (IPMC), piezoelectric polymer composites and nematic elastomer composites are materials, which exhibit characteristics of both sensors and actuators. Large deformation and curvature are observed in these systems when electric potential is applied. Effects of geometric non-linearity due to the chargeinduced motion in these materials are poorly understood. In this paper, a coupled model for understanding the behavior of an ionic polymer beam undergoing large deformation and large curvature is presented. Maxwell's equations and charge transport equations are considered which couple the distribution of the ion concentration and the pressure gradient along length of a cantilever beam with interdigital electrodes. A nonlinear constitutive model is derived accounting for the visco-elasto-plastic behavior of these polymers and based on the hypothesis that the presence of electrical charge stretches/contracts bonds, which give rise to electrical field dependent softening/hardening. Polymer chain orientation in statistical sense plays a role on such softening or hardening. Elementary beam kinematics with large curvature is considered. A model for understanding the deformation due to electrostatic repulsion between asymmetrical charge distributions across the cross-sections is presented. Experimental evidence that Silver(Ag) nanoparticle coated IPMCs can be used for energy harvesting is reported. An IPMC strip is vibrated in different environments and the electric power against a resistive load is measured. The electrical power generated was observed to vary with the environment with maximum power being generated when the strip is in wet state. IPMC based energy harvesting systems have potential applications in tidal wave energy harvesting, residual environmental energy harvesting to power MEMS and NEMS devices.


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Field emission from carbon nanotubes (CNTs) in the form of arrays or thin films give rise to several strongly correlated process of electromechanical interaction and degradation. Such processes are mainly due to (1) electron-phonon interaction (2) electromechanical force field leading to stretching of CNTs (3) ballistic transport induced thermal spikes, coupled with high dynamic stress, leading to degradation of emission performance at the device scale. Fairly detailed physics based models of CNTs considering the aspects (1) and (2) above have already been developed by these authors, and numerical results indicate good agreement with experimental results. What is missing in such a system level modeling approach is the incorporation of structural defects and vacancies or charge impurities. This is a practical and important problem due to the fact that degradation of field emission performance is indeed observed in experimental I-V curves. What is not clear from these experiments is whether such degradation in the I-V response is due to dynamic reorientation of the CNTs or due to the defects or due to both of these effects combined. Non-equilibrium Green’s function based simulations using a tight-binding Hamiltonian for single CNT segment show up the localization of carrier density at various locations of the CNTs. About 11% decrease in the drive current with steady difference in the drain current in the range of 0.2-0.4V of the gate voltage was reported in literature when negative charge impurity was introduced at various locations of the CNT over a length of ~20nm. In the context of field emission from CNT tips, a simplistic estimate of defects have been introduced by a correction factor in the Fowler-Nordheim formulae. However, a more detailed physics based treatment is required, while at the same time the device-scale simulation is necessary. The novelty of our present approach is the following. We employ a concept of effective stiffness degradation for segments of CNTs, which is due to structural defects, and subsequently, we incorporate the vacancy defects and charge impurity effects in the Green’s function based approach. Field emission induced current-voltage characteristics of a vertically aligned CNT array on a Cu-Cr substrate is then simulated using a detailed nonlinear mechanistic model of CNTs coupled with quantum hydrodynamics. An array of 10 vertically aligned and each 12 m long CNTs is considered for the device scale analysis. Defect regions are introduced randomly over the CNT length. The result shows the decrease in the longitudinal strain due to defects. Contrary to the expected influence of purely mechanical degradation, this result indicates that the charge impurity and hence weaker transport can lead to a different electromechanical force field, which ultimately can reduce the strain. However, there could be significant fluctuation in such strain field due to electron-phonon coupling. The effect of such fluctuations (with defects) is clearly evident in the field emission current history. The average current also decreases significantly due to such defects.


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We have prepared crystalline nanowires (diameter ∼ 50 nm, length ∼ a few microns) of the charge-ordering manganite Pr0.5Ca0.5MnO3 using a low reaction temperature hydrothermal method and characterized them using x-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) magnetometry and electron magnetic resonance measurements. While the bulk sample shows a charge ordering transition at 245 K and an antiferromagnetic transition at 175 K, SQUID magnetometry and electron magnetic resonance experiments reveal that in the nanowires phase, a ferromagnetic transition occurs at ∼ 105 K. Further, the antiferromagnetic transition disappears and the charge ordering transition is suppressed. This result is particularly significant since the charge order in Pr0.5Ca0.5MnO3 is known to be very robust, magnetic fields as high as 27 T being needed to melt it.