12 resultados para weibull simulaatio

em Helda - Digital Repository of University of Helsinki


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Ranskalaisen uuden romaanin isän, Alain Robbe-Grillet'n romaani Djinn (1981) on alun perinilmestynyt ranskan kielen oppikirjana nimellä Le Rendez-vous (1981). Oppikirjaelementti tulee selkeimmin esiin siinä, että tarinan edetessä verbit esitellään helpoimmasta konjugaatiosta vaikeimpaan, eri aikamuodot ja modukset esitellään järjestelmällisesti indikatiivin preesensistä alkaen,jne. Tästä kieliopillisen kehityksen periaatteesta generoituu myös itse tarina. Ts. kieliopillinen aineisto ja didaktisuus tunkeutuvat vastustamattomasti myös tarinan tasolle. Viime kädessä Djinn on siis kertomus kielestä. Toisaalta, vaikka Djinn väistää kaikki genre-luokitukset, voisi sitä luonnehtia eräänlaiseksi salapoliisiromaaniksi tai mysteeriksi, sillä siinä päähenkilö Simon Lecœur saa vallankumoukselliselta organisaatiolta omituisen toimeksiannon. Tehtävän luonnetta ei kuitenkaan paljasteta, mutta vähitellen selviää, että kysymys on kielen arvoituksesta. Matkansa varrella romaanin päähenkilö ja lukija ikään kuin vihitään kieltä ja kirjallisuutta koskevaan pyhään tietoon. Mukaansavetävän kerronnan ja kertomuksen "takaa" paljastuu siis myös metakirjallinen ja (kirjallisuuden)filosofinen teos. Djinn-romaanissa toimiva vallankumouksellinen organisaatio taistelee ihmiskunnan koneistumista ja mekanisaatiota vastaan, sillä ne ovat vieraannuttaneet ihmisen todellisesta elämästä. Samalla tavalla koko romaani taistelee kielen jähmettyneisyyttä, atomisoitumista ja mekanisoitumista vastaan. Aivan kuten lingvistis-didaktinen elementti sekoittuu romaanissa fantastiseen fiktioon, sekoittuvat siinä vastaansanomattomasti toisiinsa myös länsimaisen populaarikulttuurin stereotypiat ja mytologinen aineisto, aika ja kielen aikamuodot, fiktio ja todellisuus, jne. Romaanissa purkautuvat myös monet dikotomiset oppositioparit - mm. mies vs. nainen, puhe vs. kirjoitus, järjestys vs. epäjärjestys ja jopa lukija vs. kirjailija. Teoksen vallankumouksellisuus on välitilassa, joka on kohtaamisen (rendez-vous) tila. Ts. romaani pyrkii kaikilta osin siihen kielen ja merkityksen syntymän tilaan, jossa mieli ja merkitys (sens) ei vielä ole erottautunut "mielettömyydestä" ja "merkityksettömyydestä" (non-sens). Välitilanvapaus on siinä, että ihmisen jähmettyneet käsitykset ja konstruktiot maailmasta rikkoutuvat ja korvautuvat sisäisellä liikkeellä, jossa ihminen ja maailma kohtaavat toisensa välittömällä tavalla. Pyrkimys välitilaan yhdistää Djinnin myös Gilles Deleuzen filosofiaan. Tässä välitilassa kieli ei ole enää todellisuudesta vieraantunutta. "Simulaatio" tai "kommunikaation ekstaasi" ei ole mahdollista kielellä, joka kieltäytyy kommunikoimasta, kieltäytyy olemasta pelkkä väline. Sen sijaan tämä kieli vaatii lähikosketusta, tuntoaistia, osallistumista. Tätä tapahtumaa välitilassa voi kutsua tanssiksi Möbiuksen renkaalla. Avainsanat: Alain Robbe-Grillet, Gilles Deleuze, Djinn, nouveau roman (uusi romaani)


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The objectives of this study were to investigate the stand structure and succession dynamics in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) stands on pristine peatlands and in Scots pine and Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) dominated stands on drained peatlands. Furthermore, my focus was on characterising how the inherent and environmental factors and the intermediate thinnings modify the stand structure and succession. For pristine peatlands, the study was based on inventorial stand data, while for drained peatlands, longitudinal data from repeatedly measured stands were utilised. The studied sites covered the most common peatland site types in Finland. They were classified into two categories according to the ecohydrological properties related to microsite variation and nutrient levels within sites. Tree DBH and age distributions in relation to climate and site type were used to study the stand dynamics on pristine sites. On drained sites, the Weibull function was used to parameterise the DBH distributions and mixed linear models were constructed to characterise the impacts of different ecological factors on stand dynamics. On pristine peatlands, both climate and the ecohydrology of the site proved to be crucial factors determining the stand structure and its dynamics. Irrespective of the vegetation succession, enhanced site productivity and increased stand stocking they significantly affected the stand dynamics also on drained sites. On the most stocked sites on pristine peatlands the inter-tree competition seemed to also be a significant factor modifying stand dynamics. Tree age and size diversity increased with stand age, but levelled out in the long term. After drainage, the stand structural unevenness increased due to the regeneration and/or ingrowth of the trees. This increase was more pronounced on sparsely forested composite sites than on more fully stocked genuine forested sites in Scots pine stands, which further undergo the formation of birch and spruce undergrowth beneath the overstory as succession proceeds. At 20-30 years after drainage the structural heterogeneity started to decrease, indicating increased inter-tree competition, which increased the mortality of suppressed trees within stand. Peatland stands are more dynamic than anticipated and are generally not characterized by a balanced, self-perpetuating structure. On pristine sites, various successional pathways are possible, whereas on drained sites the succession has more uniform trend. Typically, stand succession proceeds without any distinct developmental stages on pristine peatlands, whereas on drained peatlands, at least three distinct stages could be identified. Thinnings had only little impact on the stand succession. The new information on stand dynamics may be utilised, e.g. in forest management planning to facilitate the allocation of the growth resources to the desired crop component by appropriate silvicultural treatments, as well as assist in assessing the effects of the climate change on the forested boreal peatlands.


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Mahdollisimman tarkka tieto varatun hiukkasen energianmenetyksestä sen kulkiessa näytteessä on usein hyvin olennaista varteenotettavien tutkimustulosten aikaansaamiseksi monilla eri fysiikan suuntautumisaloilla. Aihe onkin hyvin laajalti tutkittu. Kehityksen kuitenkin edetessä yhä pienempiin mittasuhteisiin ja tarkempiin arvoihin on tärkeää, että myös ionien energianmenetyksestä väliaineessa saadaan yhä tarkempaa tietoa. Takaisinsirontaspektrometriassa tarkastellaan näytteestä sironneita ammusioneja. Takaisinsironnan avulla voidaan tunnistaa näytteen sisältämät alkuaineet, selvittää syvyysjakauma ja näytteen alkuaineiden suhteelliset runsaudet. Menetelmään liittyvät ilmiöt ovat varsin monimutkaisia ja niiden teoreettinen mallintaminen siten haasteellista. Kun tavoitteena on simuloida mahdollisimman tarkasti tilannetta, jossa kiihdytetty ioni etenee näytteessä ei analyyttinen ratkaisumalli välttämättä ole paras vaihtoehto. Tilannetta kuvaamaan onkin kehitetty useita eri laskennallisia menetelmiä. Tässä työssä tarkasteltiin sitä kuinka paljon kaksikertasironnan huomioon ottaminen vaikuttaa tuloksiin takaisinsirontaa simuloitaessa. Useimmat takaisinsironnan mallinnusohjelmat ottavat huomioon ainoastaan yksikertasironnan. Tämä on varsin ymmärrettävää, sillä jo toisen sirontatapahtuman huomioon ottaminen ja mallintaminen analyyttisesti lisää huomattavasti simulaation laskutapahtumien lukumäärää ja hidastaa siten itse simulaatiota. Työtä varten kirjoitettiin ohjelma, jolla simuloituja tuloksia verrattiin sekä näytteistä mitattuihin että toisella simulaatio-ohjelmalla tuotettuihin spektreihin. Vertailusta kävi selvästi ilmi kaksikertasironnan merkitys takaisinsirontaa simuloitaessa. Yksikertasironnan tuoma informaatio päättyy energiaan, jolla näytteen takareunasta sironnut ioni havaitaan ilmaisimessa. Toisen sirontatapahtuman huomioon ottaminen tuo lisäinformaatiota etenkin spektrin häntäalueella. Laaditulla ohjelmalla pystyttiin nyt käsittelemään ainoastaan erikoistapausta, jossa ionisuihku ammuttiin kohtisuoraan näytteeseen. Looginen jatkotoimenpide työn parissa olisi laajentaa ohjelma käsittämään muutkin ionisuihkun tulokulmat.


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Digital elevation models (DEMs) have been an important topic in geography and surveying sciences for decades due to their geomorphological importance as the reference surface for gravita-tion-driven material flow, as well as the wide range of uses and applications. When DEM is used in terrain analysis, for example in automatic drainage basin delineation, errors of the model collect in the analysis results. Investigation of this phenomenon is known as error propagation analysis, which has a direct influence on the decision-making process based on interpretations and applications of terrain analysis. Additionally, it may have an indirect influence on data acquisition and the DEM generation. The focus of the thesis was on the fine toposcale DEMs, which are typically represented in a 5-50m grid and used in the application scale 1:10 000-1:50 000. The thesis presents a three-step framework for investigating error propagation in DEM-based terrain analysis. The framework includes methods for visualising the morphological gross errors of DEMs, exploring the statistical and spatial characteristics of the DEM error, making analytical and simulation-based error propagation analysis and interpreting the error propagation analysis results. The DEM error model was built using geostatistical methods. The results show that appropriate and exhaustive reporting of various aspects of fine toposcale DEM error is a complex task. This is due to the high number of outliers in the error distribution and morphological gross errors, which are detectable with presented visualisation methods. In ad-dition, the use of global characterisation of DEM error is a gross generalisation of reality due to the small extent of the areas in which the decision of stationarity is not violated. This was shown using exhaustive high-quality reference DEM based on airborne laser scanning and local semivariogram analysis. The error propagation analysis revealed that, as expected, an increase in the DEM vertical error will increase the error in surface derivatives. However, contrary to expectations, the spatial au-tocorrelation of the model appears to have varying effects on the error propagation analysis depend-ing on the application. The use of a spatially uncorrelated DEM error model has been considered as a 'worst-case scenario', but this opinion is now challenged because none of the DEM derivatives investigated in the study had maximum variation with spatially uncorrelated random error. Sig-nificant performance improvement was achieved in simulation-based error propagation analysis by applying process convolution in generating realisations of the DEM error model. In addition, typology of uncertainty in drainage basin delineations is presented.


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Tässä väitöskirjassa perehdytään magneettisen rekonnektion ilmenemismuotoihin ja vaikutuksiin Maan magnetosfäärissä. Keskeisenä tutkimusvälineenä käytetään magnetohydrodynaamista (MHD) Gumics-magnetosfäärisimulaatiota. Työssä kehitetään myös uusia menetelmiä simulaatiossa ilmenevän rekonnektion tunnistamiseksi ja mittaamiseksi. MHD-simulaatio sopii suuren mittakaavan ilmiöiden tarkasteluun, joten kuvaa rekonnektiosta täydennetään pienen mittakaavan piirteiden osalta Cluster-satelliittien avulla. Tärkein tutkimuksen tuoma edistysaskel menetelmien saralla on rekonnektioviivan paikallistaminen topologisesti erityyppisten magneettikenttäviivojen alueiden liitoskohdassa olevana erottajaviivana neljän kentän tienoon menetelmää käyttäen. Tämä topologinen lähestymistapa on hyödyllinen erityisesti magnetopausilla, jonka monimutkainen geometria tekee magneettikentän paikalliseen käyttäytymiseen perustuvien rekonnektioviivan etsintätapojen soveltamisen hankalaksi. Topologisesti määritelty rekonnektioviiva on myös helppo tunnistaa magnetosfäärin globaalin konvektion solmukohdaksi. Magnetopausin rekonnektioviivan käyttäytyminen Gumicsissa noudattaa komponenttirekonnektio-olettamaan pohjautuvia teoreettisia ennusteita. Rekonnektion kvantitatiivinen tarkastelu Gumics-simulaatiossa perustuu energian muuntumiseen, joka lasketaan Poyntingin vektorin divergenssinä tai Poyntingin vuona valitun umpinaisen pinnan läpi. Rekonnektioon liittyvän energian muuntumisen jakautumista magnetopausilla tarkastellaan energian muuntumisen pintatiheyden avulla ja rekonnektion kokonaismäärää rekonnektiotehon avulla. Magnetopausin ja pyrstön rekonnektiotehot ovat simulaatiossa samaa suuruusluokkaa. Tärkeimmät magnetopausin rekonnektiotehoa säätelevät parametrit ovat aurinkotuulen nopeus ja aurinkotuulen magneettikentän suunta. Magnetopausin rekonnektio puolestaan säätelee energian ja aineen pääsyä magnetosfääriin, joskaan magnetopausin läpäisevät vuot eivät ole aivan suoraan verrannollisia rekonnektiotehoon. Pyrstön rekonnektioteho sen sijaan on suoraan verrannollinen magnetopausilta tulevaan energiavuohon; pyrstörekonnektio Gumicsissa on siis ulkoista pakotetta seuraava passiivinen energian käsittelijä. Simulaation tuottama rekonnektio on realistinen magnetosfäärin globaalissa mittakaavassa tarkasteltuna, mutta satelliittihavainnot paljastavat rekonnektiosta simulaation erottelukykyä pienimittakaavaisempia piirteitä. Havaintopuolella tämän väitöstutkimuksen tärkein löytö on protonien diffuusioalueen rakenteeseen kuuluvien Hallin kenttien kääntyminen pyrstön virtalevyn aaltoilun mukana.


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Nucleation is the first step in the formation of a new phase inside a mother phase. Two main forms of nucleation can be distinguished. In homogeneous nucleation, the new phase is formed in a uniform substance. In heterogeneous nucleation, on the other hand, the new phase emerges on a pre-existing surface (nucleation site). Nucleation is the source of about 30% of all atmospheric aerosol which in turn has noticeable health effects and a significant impact on climate. Nucleation can be observed in the atmosphere, studied experimentally in the laboratory and is the subject of ongoing theoretical research. This thesis attempts to be a link between experiment and theory. By comparing simulation results to experimental data, the aim is to (i) better understand the experiments and (ii) determine where the theory needs improvement. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) tools were used to simulate homogeneous onecomponent nucleation of n-alcohols in argon and helium as carrier gases, homogeneous nucleation in the water-sulfuric acid-system, and heterogeneous nucleation of water vapor on silver particles. In the nucleation of n-alcohols, vapor depletion, carrier gas effect and carrier gas pressure effect were evaluated, with a special focus on the pressure effect whose dependence on vapor and carrier gas properties could be specified. The investigation of nucleation in the water-sulfuric acid-system included a thorough analysis of the experimental setup, determining flow conditions, vapor losses, and nucleation zone. Experimental nucleation rates were compared to various theoretical approaches. We found that none of the considered theoretical descriptions of nucleation captured the role of water in the process at all relative humidities. Heterogeneous nucleation was studied in the activation of silver particles in a TSI 3785 particle counter which uses water as its working fluid. The role of the contact angle was investigated and the influence of incoming particle concentrations and homogeneous nucleation on counting efficiency determined.


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This doctoral thesis is about the solar wind influence on the atmosphere of the planet Venus. A numerical plasma simulation model was developed for the interaction between Venus and the solar wind to study the erosion of charged particles from the Venus upper atmosphere. The developed model is a hybrid simulation where ions are treated as particles and electrons are modelled as a fluid. The simulation was used to study the solar wind induced ion escape from Venus as observed by the European Space Agency's Venus Express and NASA's Pioneer Venus Orbiter spacecraft. Especially, observations made by the ASPERA-4 particle instrument onboard Venus Express were studied. The thesis consists of an introductory part and four peer-reviewed articles published in scientific journals. In the introduction Venus is presented as one of the terrestrial planets in the Solar System and the main findings of the work are discussed within the wider context of planetary physics. Venus is the closest neighbouring planet to the Earth and the most earthlike planet in its size and mass orbiting the Sun. Whereas the atmosphere of the Earth consists mainly of nitrogen and oxygen, Venus has a hot carbon dioxide atmosphere, which is dominated by the greenhouse effect. Venus has all of its water in the atmosphere, which is only a fraction of the Earth's total water supply. Since planets developed presumably in similar conditions in the young Solar System, why Venus and Earth became so different in many respects? One important feature of Venus is that the planet does not have an intrinsic magnetic field. This makes it possible for the solar wind, a continuous stream of charged particles from the Sun, to flow close to Venus and to pick up ions from the planet's upper atmosphere. The strong intrinsic magnetic field of the Earth dominates the terrestrial magnetosphere and deflects the solar wind flow far away from the atmosphere. The region around Venus where the planet's atmosphere interacts with the solar wind is called the plasma environment or the induced magnetosphere. Main findings of the work include new knowledge about the movement of escaping planetary ions in the Venusian induced magnetosphere. Further, the developed simulation model was used to study how the solar wind conditions affect the ion escape from Venus. Especially, the global three-dimensional structure of the Venusian particle and magnetic environment was studied. The results help to interpret spacecraft observations around the planet. Finally, several remaining questions were identified, which could potentially improve our knowledge of the Venus ion escape and guide the future development of planetary plasma simulations.


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Metsäsuunnittelussa tarvittavan metsävaratiedon keräämisessä ollaan Suomessa siirtymässä kuvioittaisesta arvioinnista laserkeilaus- ja ilmakuvapohjaiseen kaukokartoitukseen. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoitus oli selvittää kuvion kokonaistilavuuden ja läpimittajakauman ennustamisen tarkkuus koealan metsikkö- ja puustotunnuksista MSN-, PRM-, ML- ja FMM-menetelmiä sekä Weibull-jakaumaa hyödyntäen seuraavilla tavoilla: 1. PRM-menetelmällä hilatasolla, 2. PRMmenetelmällä kuviotasolla, 3. ML-menetelmällä hilatasolla ja 4. ML-menetelmällä kuviotasolla. Lisäksi kuvion kokonaistilavuuden ennustamisen tarkkuus selvitettiin hyödyntäen kuviolle tuotettua runkolukusarjaa. Tulokset laskettiin puulajikohtaisesti männylle, kuuselle, koivulle ja muille puulajeille. Puulajien tulokset laskettiin kuviotasolla yhteen. Lisäksi selvitettiin menetelmien laskenta-ajan ja tallennustilan tarve. Tutkimuksen aineistona käytettiin Hämeen ammattikorkeakoulun Evon toimipisteen metsistä mitattuja kiinteäsäteisiä ympyräkoealoja, joita oli 249 kappaletta. Hakkuukoneella mitattiin 12kuvion, joiden pinta-alat vaihtelivat välillä 0,2 – 1,94 hehtaaria, puustotiedot. Aluepohjaisen laserkeilausaineiston pulssin tiheys oli 1,8/m2 ja ilmakuvien pikselikoko 0,5 metriä. Kuvion kokonaistilavuus ennustettiin tai estimoitiin laserkeilaus- ja ilmakuva-aineiston piirteiden avulla koealojen puustotunnuksista. Tulokset laskettiin erikseen kaikille kuvioille ja kuvioille, joiden pinta-ala oli yli 0,5 hehtaaria. Yli 0,5 hehtaarin kuvioita oli 8 kappaletta. Kuvion hilojen naapureina käytettiin 1 - 10 koealaa. Menetelmästä ja naapurien määrästä riippuen kokonaistilavuuden suhteellinen RMSE ja harha vaihtelivat välillä 20,76 – 52,86 prosenttia ja -12,04 – 46,54 prosenttia. Vastaavat luvut yli 0,5 hehtaarin kuvioilla olivat 6,74 – 59,41 prosenttia ja -8,04 – 49,59 prosenttia. Laskenta-aika vaihteli menetelmien ja käytettyjen naapurien määrän mukaan voimakkaasti. Kehittyneemmällä ohjelmoinnilla ja ohjelmistolla laskenta-ajat voivat laskea merkittävästi. Tallennustila ei testatuilla menetelmillä ole rajoittava tekijä laajassakaan mittakaavassa. Läpimittajakauman perusteella PRM-menetelmä ennustaa puulajille erittäin kapean läpimittajakauman, jos koeala koostuu vain muutamasta lähes samankokoisesta puusta. Tämä vaikutti tuloksiin erityisesti menetelmällä PRM2.


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A sensitive framework has been developed for modelling young radiata pine survival, its growth and its size class distribution, from time of planting to age 5 or 6 years. The data and analysis refer to the Central North Island region of New Zealand. The survival function is derived from a Weibull probability density function, to reflect diminishing mortality with the passage of time in young stands. An anamorphic family of trends was used, as very little between-tree competition can be expected in young stands. An exponential height function was found to fit best the lower portion of its sigmoid form. The most appropriate basal area/ha exponential function included an allometric adjustment which resulted in compatible mean height and basal area/ha models. Each of these equations successfully represented the effects of several establishment practices by making coefficients linear functions of site factors, management activities and their interactions. Height and diameter distribution modelling techniques that ensured compatibility with stand values were employed to represent the effects of management practices on crop variation. Model parameters for this research were estimated using data from site preparation experiments in the region and were tested with some independent data sets.


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This thesis report attempts to improve the models for predicting forest stand structure for practical use, e.g. forest management planning (FMP) purposes in Finland. Comparisons were made between Weibull and Johnson s SB distribution and alternative regression estimation methods. Data used for preliminary studies was local but the final models were based on representative data. Models were validated mainly in terms of bias and RMSE in the main stand characteristics (e.g. volume) using independent data. The bivariate SBB distribution model was used to mimic realistic variations in tree dimensions by including within-diameter-class height variation. Using the traditional method, diameter distribution with the expected height resulted in reduced height variation, whereas the alternative bivariate method utilized the error-term of the height model. The lack of models for FMP was covered to some extent by the models for peatland and juvenile stands. The validation of these models showed that the more sophisticated regression estimation methods provided slightly improved accuracy. A flexible prediction and application for stand structure consisted of seemingly unrelated regression models for eight stand characteristics, the parameters of three optional distributions and Näslund s height curve. The cross-model covariance structure was used for linear prediction application, in which the expected values of the models were calibrated with the known stand characteristics. This provided a framework to validate the optional distributions and the optional set of stand characteristics. Height distribution is recommended for the earliest state of stands because of its continuous feature. From the mean height of about 4 m, Weibull dbh-frequency distribution is recommended in young stands if the input variables consist of arithmetic stand characteristics. In advanced stands, basal area-dbh distribution models are recommended. Näslund s height curve proved useful. Some efficient transformations of stand characteristics are introduced, e.g. the shape index, which combined the basal area, the stem number and the median diameter. Shape index enabled SB model for peatland stands to detect large variation in stand densities. This model also demonstrated reasonable behaviour for stands in mineral soils.


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A better understanding of vacuum arcs is desirable in many of today's 'big science' projects including linear colliders, fusion devices, and satellite systems. For the Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) design, radio-frequency (RF) breakdowns occurring in accelerating cavities influence efficiency optimisation and cost reduction issues. Studying vacuum arcs both theoretically as well as experimentally under well-defined and reproducible direct-current (DC) conditions is the first step towards exploring RF breakdowns. In this thesis, we have studied Cu DC vacuum arcs with a combination of experiments, a particle-in-cell (PIC) model of the arc plasma, and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of the subsequent surface damaging mechanism. We have also developed the 2D Arc-PIC code and the physics model incorporated in it, especially for the purpose of modelling the plasma initiation in vacuum arcs. Assuming the presence of a field emitter at the cathode initially, we have identified the conditions for plasma formation and have studied the transitions from field emission stage to a fully developed arc. The 'footing' of the plasma is the cathode spot that supplies the arc continuously with particles; the high-density core of the plasma is located above this cathode spot. Our results have shown that once an arc plasma is initiated, and as long as energy is available, the arc is self-maintaining due to the plasma sheath that ensures enhanced field emission and sputtering. The plasma model can already give an estimate on how the time-to-breakdown changes with the neutral evaporation rate, which is yet to be determined by atomistic simulations. Due to the non-linearity of the problem, we have also performed a code-to-code comparison. The reproducibility of plasma behaviour and time-to-breakdown with independent codes increased confidence in the results presented here. Our MD simulations identified high-flux, high-energy ion bombardment as a possible mechanism forming the early-stage surface damage in vacuum arcs. In this mechanism, sputtering occurs mostly in clusters, as a consequence of overlapping heat spikes. Different-sized experimental and simulated craters were found to be self-similar with a crater depth-to-width ratio of about 0.23 (sim) - 0.26 (exp). Experiments, which we carried out to investigate the energy dependence of DC breakdown properties, point at an intrinsic connection between DC and RF scaling laws and suggest the possibility of accumulative effects influencing the field enhancement factor.


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The blood-brain barrier (BBB) is a unique barrier that strictly regulates the entry of endogenous substrates and xenobiotics into the brain. This is due to its tight junctions and the array of transporters and metabolic enzymes that are expressed. The determination of brain concentrations in vivo is difficult, laborious and expensive which means that there is interest in developing predictive tools of brain distribution. Predicting brain concentrations is important even in early drug development to ensure efficacy of central nervous system (CNS) targeted drugs and safety of non-CNS drugs. The literature review covers the most common current in vitro, in vivo and in silico methods of studying transport into the brain, concentrating on transporter effects. The consequences of efflux mediated by p-glycoprotein, the most widely characterized transporter expressed at the BBB, is also discussed. The aim of the experimental study was to build a pharmacokinetic (PK) model to describe p-glycoprotein substrate drug concentrations in the brain using commonly measured in vivo parameters of brain distribution. The possibility of replacing in vivo parameter values with their in vitro counterparts was also studied. All data for the study was taken from the literature. A simple 2-compartment PK model was built using the Stella™ software. Brain concentrations of morphine, loperamide and quinidine were simulated and compared with published studies. Correlation of in vitro measured efflux ratio (ER) from different studies was evaluated in addition to studying correlation between in vitro and in vivo measured ER. A Stella™ model was also constructed to simulate an in vitro transcellular monolayer experiment, to study the sensitivity of measured ER to changes in passive permeability and Michaelis-Menten kinetic parameter values. Interspecies differences in rats and mice were investigated with regards to brain permeability and drug binding in brain tissue. Although the PK brain model was able to capture the concentration-time profiles for all 3 compounds in both brain and plasma and performed fairly well for morphine, for quinidine it underestimated and for loperamide it overestimated brain concentrations. Because the ratio of concentrations in brain and blood is dependent on the ER, it is suggested that the variable values cited for this parameter and its inaccuracy could be one explanation for the failure of predictions. Validation of the model with more compounds is needed to draw further conclusions. In vitro ER showed variable correlation between studies, indicating variability due to experimental factors such as test concentration, but overall differences were small. Good correlation between in vitro and in vivo ER at low concentrations supports the possibility of using of in vitro ER in the PK model. The in vitro simulation illustrated that in the simulation setting, efflux is significant only with low passive permeability, which highlights the fact that the cell model used to measure ER must have low enough paracellular permeability to correctly mimic the in vivo situation.