12 resultados para viscosity and rheological

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Six experiments have been conducted to examine digestibility and feeding value of domestic Finnish fibre-rich cereals (barley and oats as compared to maize and wheat) and protein sources (rapeseed meal and cake, peas, faba beans, lupin seeds) for growing turkeys and to investigate effects of age of the birds (from 3 to 12 weeks of age) on digestion process and estimated nutrient digestibility and energy values. Besides, an objective of the study was to test applications of digestibility research methodology for turkeys. Total tract digestibility and apparent metabolizable energy (AME) was assayed in experimental cages using excreta collection, and a slaughter method was applied to sample small intestinal digesta for determination of apparent ileal crude protein digestibility (AICPD), jejuno-duodenal digesta viscosity and caecal volatile fatty acid (VFA) concentration. Digesta viscosity decreased and caecal VFA production increased with age of growing turkeys. Digesta retention times in the small intestine were generally longer in the older birds than in the younger ones. Crude fat digestibility and AME increased with age of growing turkeys, especially with viscous diets. AICPD seemed to decrease with age in most cases. Supplementation with β-gucanase-xylanase decreased viscosity, improved crude fat digestibility and metabolizable energy value and increased VFA production especially in barley-fed turkeys and especially in the young birds. Poor protein digestibility and low energy value of rapeseed meal and rapeseed cake decreased their feeding value for turkeys. In addition, a typical goitrogenic effect of rapeseed feeding was detected. Use of legume seeds as feed for growing turkeys is limited mostly by the low energy value in lupin seeds and the low ileal protein and amino acid digestibility in faba beans. Digestibility of fibre-rich protein sources was not improved with age of the turkeys. Euthanizing the turkeys for AICPD determination by carbon dioxide and bleeding led to lower digestibility values than mechanical stunning and cervical dislocation, suggesting inferiority of carbon dioxide stunning in experimental use. Comparison of AICPD and AME results obtained using different markers showed that considerable differences may occur, especially on total tract level, when acid-insoluble ash gave considerably lower AME values than titanium dioxide and chromic oxide.


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Tutkimuksen kirjallisuuskatsauksessa keskityttiin jäätelöpuikkoihin, erilaisiin suklaakuorrutteisiin ja elintarvikkeiden kuorruttamiseen suklaalla. Lisäksi kirjallisuuskatsauksessa perehdyttiin suklaan koostumukseen, nestemäisen suklaan virtausominaisuuksiin ja koostumuksen ja virtausominaisuuksien välisiin vuorovaikutuksiin. Kokeellisessa osassa tavoitteena oli selvittää, miten maitosuklaakuorrutteen rasvapitoisuuden, emulgointiainepitoisuuden ja kuorrutteen lämpötilanvaihtelut vaikuttavat kuorrutteen viskositeettiin, myötöjännitykseen, jähmettymisaikaan ja jäätelöpuikon päälle jäävän kuorrutteen määrään. Erityisesti pyrittiin selvittämään, miten jäätelöpuikon päälle jäävän kuorrutteen määrää saadaan säädeltyä kuorrutteen rasvapitoisuutta, emulgointiainepitoisuutta ja lämpötilaa muuttamalla. Tutkimuksen koeasetelma tehtiin Box-Behnken-mallilla. Selittäviksi muuttujiksi tutkimukseen valittiin kuorrutteen rasvan määrä, emulgointiaineen määrä ja kuorrutteen lämpötila jäätelöpuikkoja kuorrutettaessa. Vastemuuttujina oli kuorrutteen jähmettymisaika, viskositeetti, myötöjännitys ja jäätelöpuikon päälle jäävän kuorrutteen määrä. Tulokset käsiteltiin regressioanalyysin avulla. Muuttujien välisiä vuorovaikutuksia tutkittiin vastepintamallilla. Vastemuuttujien välisiä korrelaatioita tutkittaessa käytettiin Pearsonin korrelaatiokerrointa. Kuorrutteen rasvan määrän lisääntyminen vähensi tilastollisesti merkitsevästi jäätelöpuikon päälle jäävän kuorrutteen määrää, kuorrutteen jähmettymisaikaa, viskositeettia ja myötöjännitystä. Emulgointiaineen määrän lisääminen kuorrutteessa pienensi kuorrutteen määrää jäätelöpuikon päällä, kuorrutteen jähmettymisaikaa ja kuorrutteen myötöjännitystä. Kuorrutteen lämpötilan lisääminen jäätelöpuikkoja kuorrutettaessa pienensi kuorrutteen määrää ja viskositeettia. Kuorrutteen jähmettymisaika sen sijaan piteni lämpötilaa lisättäessä. Tutkimuksen perusteella voidaan sanoa, että jäätelöpuikkoja kastettaessa suklaakuorrutteen lämpötila, rasvan määrä ja lesitiinin määrä vaikuttivat jäätelöpuikon päälle jäävän kuorrutteen määrään. Vastepintamallinnuksen käyttö soveltui hyvin suklaakuorrutteen määrän tutkimiseen. Sen avulla saatiin selvitettyä, miten jäätelöpuikon päälle jäävän kuorrutteen määrää saadaan säädeltyä muuttamalla kuorrutteen emulgointiainepitoisuutta, rasvapitoisuutta ja lämpötilaa.


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Asymmetrical flow field-flow fractionation (AsFlFFF) was constructed, and its applicability to industrial, biochemical, and pharmaceutical applications was studied. The effect of several parameters, such as pH, ionic strength, temperature and the reactants mixing ratios on the particle sizes, molar masses, and the formation of aggregates of macromolecules was determined by AsFlFFF. In the case of industrial application AsFlFFF proved to be a valuable tool in the characterization of the hydrodynamic particle sizes, molar masses and phase transition behavior of various poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (PNIPAM) polymers as a function of viscosity and phase transition temperatures. The effect of sodium chloride salt and the molar ratio of cationic and anionic polyelectrolytes on the hydrodynamic particle sizes of poly (methacryloxyethyl trimethylammonium chloride) and poly (ethylene oxide)-block-poly (sodium methacrylate) and their complexes were studied. The particle sizes of PNIPAM polymers, and polyelectrolyte complexes measured by AsFlFFF were in agreement with those obtained by dynamic light scattering. The molar masses of PNIPAM polymers obtained by AsFlFFF and size exclusion chromatography agreed also well. In addition, AsFlFFF proved to be a practical technique in thermo responsive behavior studies of polymers at temperatures up to about 50 oC. The suitability of AsFlFFF for biological, biomedical, and pharmaceutical applications was proved, upon studying the lipid-protein/peptide interactions, and the stability of liposomes at different temperatures. AsFlFFF was applied to the studies on the hydrophobic and electrostatic interactions between cytochrome c (a basic peripheral protein) and anionic lipid, and oleic acid, and sodium dodecyl sulphate surfactant. A miniaturized AsFlFFF constructed in this study was exploited in the elucidation of the effect of copper (II), pH, ionic strength, and vortexing on the particle sizes of low-density lipoproteins.


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Tutkielman kirjallisuuskatsauksessa tarkasteltiin kauran leivontateknologisia ominaisuuksia, entsyymiaktiivista leivontaa ja ruismaltaan hyödyntämistä vähägluteenisessa leivonnassa. Kokeellisessa osiossa tutkittiin ruismallashapantaikinasta valmistetun uutteen vaikutusta kaurataikinan viskositeettiin ja kauraleivän ominaisuuksiin. Työn tarkoituksena oli kehittää maultaan ja rakenteeltaan onnistunut rukiinmakuinen kauraleipä. Ruismaltaan entsyymien annettiin pilkkoa keliaakikolle haitallisia rukiin prolamiineja hapantaikinaprosessissa. Hapantaikinasta erotettiin uute sentrifugoimalla. Leivontakokeisiin käytettiin entsyymiaktiivista ja kuumentamalla inaktivoitua uutetta. Uutteella korvattiin taikinavettä 15, 25 ja 30 % (taikinan painosta). Leivonta toteutettiin miniatyyrikoossa, vuokaleivontana 20 g:n taikinapaloja käyttäen. Taikinoiden viskositeetti mitattiin tarkoituksena seurata beetaglukaanin hydrolyysiä. Rukiin makua mitattiin koulutetun raadin avulla. Happaman uutteen lisäys laski taikinan pH-arvoa noin 5,8:sta noin 4,4:ään. Entsyymiaktiivisen uutteen lisäys laski taikinan viskositeettia ja inaktivoitu uute puolestaan kasvatti sitä. Leipien sisus tiivistyi, jolloin mitatut sisuksen kovuudet kasvoivat uutteen lisäyksen myötä. Uutelisäys paransi leipien makua ja aromia. Uutteen vaikutuksesta leipien huokoset olivat pienempiä ja ne jakaantuivat tasaisemmin leipämatriisiin. Jos uutetta käytettiin inaktivoituna, leipien murenevuus kasvoi. Tutkimuksessa kehitetyn teknologian avulla oli mahdollista valmistaa hyvänlaatuinen, rukiinmakuinen kauraleipä myös ilman että uutteen entsyymit inaktivoitiin keittämällä. Tähän vaikutti ilmeisesti taikinan alhainen pH, joka inhiboi alfa-amylaasia, ja kauratärkkelyksen korkea liisteröitymislämpötila, jolloin entsyymien inaktivoituminen paiston aikana tapahtui ennen kuin tärkkelys tuli alttiiksi liialliselle pilkkoutumiselle. Tämä mahdollistaa uutteen käytön osana leivontaprosessia ilman inaktivointia. Hapantaikinafermentaatio osana gluteenitonta leivontaa havaittiin toimivaksi yhdistelmäksi, sillä se paransi leivän väriä, makua ja rakennetta. Myös leivän homeeton aika parani jo vähäisenkin uutelisäyksen vaikutuksesta. Näyttää siltä, että tämän teknologian avulla on mahdollista tuoda esille pitkään kaivattua rukiin makua vähägluteenisten kauraleipien valikoimassa. Laskennallisesti ja aiempiin tuloksiin tukeutuen, voitiin päätellä, että leivän prolamiinipitoisuudessa on mahdollista päästä tasolle 63,5 mg/kg, mutta jatkokehityksen avulla päästäisiin luultavasti vielä parempiin tuloksiin.


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Numerical simulations of the magnetorotational instability (MRI) with zero initial net flux in a non-stratified isothermal cubic domain are used to demonstrate the importance of magnetic boundary conditions. In fully periodic systems the level of turbulence generated by the MRI strongly decreases as the magnetic Prandtl number (Pm), which is the ratio of kinematic viscosity and magnetic diffusion, is decreased. No MRI or dynamo action below Pm=1 is found, agreeing with earlier investigations. Using vertical field conditions, which allow magnetic helicity fluxes out of the system, the MRI is found to be excited in the range 0.1


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The number of drug substances in formulation development in the pharmaceutical industry is increasing. Some of these are amorphous drugs and have glass transition below ambient temperature, and thus they are usually difficult to formulate and handle. One reason for this is the reduced viscosity, related to the stickiness of the drug, that makes them complicated to handle in unit operations. Thus, the aim in this thesis was to develop a new processing method for a sticky amorphous model material. Furthermore, model materials were characterised before and after formulation, using several characterisation methods, to understand more precisely the prerequisites for physical stability of amorphous state against crystallisation. The model materials used were monoclinic paracetamol and citric acid anhydrate. Amorphous materials were prepared by melt quenching or by ethanol evaporation methods. The melt blends were found to have slightly higher viscosity than the ethanol evaporated materials. However, melt produced materials crystallised more easily upon consecutive shearing than ethanol evaporated materials. The only material that did not crystallise during shearing was a 50/50 (w/w, %) blend regardless of the preparation method and it was physically stable at least two years in dry conditions. Shearing at varying temperatures was established to measure the physical stability of amorphous materials in processing and storage conditions. The actual physical stability of the blends was better than the pure amorphous materials at ambient temperature. Molecular mobility was not related to the physical stability of the amorphous blends, observed as crystallisation. Molecular mobility of the 50/50 blend derived from a spectral linewidth as a function of temperature using solid state NMR correlated better with the molecular mobility derived from a rheometer than that of differential scanning calorimetry data. Based on the results obtained, the effect of molecular interactions, thermodynamic driving force and miscibility of the blends are discussed as the key factors to stabilise the blends. The stickiness was found to be affected glass transition and viscosity. Ultrasound extrusion and cutting were successfully tested to increase the processability of sticky material. Furthermore, it was found to be possible to process the physically stable 50/50 blend in a supercooled liquid state instead of a glassy state. The method was not found to accelerate the crystallisation. This may open up new possibilities to process amorphous materials that are otherwise impossible to manufacture into solid dosage forms.


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This thesis reports on investigations into the influence of heat treatment on the manufacturing of oat flakes. Sources of variation in the oat flake quality are reviewed, including the whole chain from the farm to the consumer. The most important quality parameters of oat flakes are the absence of lipid hydrolysing enzymes, specific weight, thickness, breakage (fines), water absorption. Flavour, colour and pasting properties are also important, but were not included in the experimental part of this study. Of particular interest was the role of heat processing. The first possible heat treatment may occur already during grain drying, which in Finland generally happens at the farm. At the mill, oats are often kilned to stabilise the product by inactivating lipid hydrolysing enzymes. Almost invariably steaming is used during flaking, to soften the groats and reduce flake breakage. This thesis presents the use of a material science approach to investigating a complex system, typical of food processes. A combination of fundamental and empirical rheological measurements was used together with a laboratory scale process to simulate industrial processing. The results were verified by means of industrial trials. Industrially produced flakes at three thickness levels (nominally 0.75, 0.85 and 0.90 mm) were produced from kilned and unkilned oat groats, and the flake strength was measured at different moisture contents. Kilning was not found to significantly affect the force required to puncture a flake with a 2mm cylindrical probe, which was taken as a measure of flake strength. To further investigate how heat processing contributes to flake quality, dynamic mechanical analysis was used to characterise the effect of heat on the mechanical properties of oats. A marked stiffening of the groat, of up to about 50% increase in storage modulus, was observed during first heating at around 36 to 57°C. This was also observed in tablets prepared from ground groats and extracted oat starch. This stiffening was thus attributed to increased adhesion between starch granules. Groats were steamed in a laboratory steamer and were tempered in an oven at 80 110°C for 30 90 min. The maximum force required to compress the steamed groats to 50% strain increased from 50.7 N to 57.5 N as the tempering temperature was increased from 80 to 110°C. Tempering conditions also affected water absorption. A significantly higher moisture content was observed for kilned (18.9%) compared to unkilned (17.1%) groats, but otherwise had no effect on groat height, maximum force or final force after a 5 s relaxation time. Flakes were produced from the tempered groats using a laboratory flaking machine, using a roll gap of 0.4 mm. Apart from specific weight, flake properties were not influenced by kilning. Tempering conditions however had significant effects on the specific weight, thickness and water absorption of the flakes, as well as on the amount of fine material (<2 mm) produced during flaking. Flake strength correlated significantly with groat strength and flake thickness. Trial flaking at a commercial mill confirmed that groat temperature after tempering influenced water absorption. Variation in flake strength was observed , but at the groat temperatures required to inactivate lipase, it was rather small. Cold flaking of groats resulted in soft, floury flakes. The results presented in this thesis suggest that heating increased the adhesion between starch granules. This resulted in an increase in the stiffness and brittleness of the groat. Brittle fracture, rather than plastic flow, during flaking could result in flaws and cracks in the flake. These would be expected to increase water absorption. This was indeed observed as tempering temperature increased. Industrial trials, conducted with different groat temperatures, confirmed the main findings of the laboratory experiments. The approach used in the present study allowed the systematic study of the effect of interacting process parameters on product quality. There have been few scientific studies of oat processing, and these results can be used to understand the complex effects of process variables on flake quality. They also offer an insight into what happens as the oat groat is deformed into a flake.


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The structures of (1→3),(1→4)-β-D-glucans of oat bran, whole-grain oats and barley and processed foods were analysed. Various methods of hydrolysis of β-glucan, the content of insoluble fibre of whole grains of oats and barley and the solution behaviour of oat and barley β-glucans were studied. The isolated soluble β-glucans of oat bran and whole-grain oats and barley were hydrolysed with lichenase, an enzyme specific for (1→3),(1→4)-β-D-β-glucans. The amounts of oligosaccharides produced from bran were analysed with capillary electrophoresis and those from whole-grains with high-performance anion-exchange chromatography with pulse-amperometric detection. The main products were 3-O-β-cellobiosyl-D-glucose and 3-O-β-cellotriosyl-D-glucose, the oligosaccharides which have a degree of polymerisation denoted by DP3 and DP4. Small differences were detected between soluble and insoluble β-glucans and also between β-glucans of oats and barley. These differences can only be seen in the DP3:DP4 ratio which was higher for barley than for oat and also higher for insoluble than for soluble β-glucan. A greater proportion of barley β-glucan remained insoluble than of oat β-glucan. The molar masses of soluble β-glucans of oats and barley were the same as were those of insoluble β-glucans of oats and barley. To analyse the effects of cooking, baking, fermentation and drying, β-glucan was isolated from porridge, bread and fermentate and also from their starting materials. More β-glucan was released after cooking and less after baking. Drying decreased the extractability for bread and fermentate but increased it for porridge. Different hydrolysis methods of β-glucan were compared. Acid hydrolysis and the modified AOAC method gave similar results. The results of hydrolysis with lichenase gave higher recoveries than the other two. The combination of lichenase hydrolysis and high-performance anion-exchange chromatography with pulse-amperometric detection was found best for the analysis of β-glucan content. The content of insoluble fibre was higher for barley than for oats and the amount of β-glucan in the insoluble fibre fraction was higher for oats than for barley. The flow properties of both water and aqueous cuoxam solutions of oat and barley β-glucans were studied. Shear thinning was stronger for the water solutions of oat β-glucan than for barley β-glucan. In aqueous cuoxam shear thinning was not observed at the same concentration as in water but only with high concentration solutions. Then the viscosity of barley β-glucan was slightly higher than that of oat β-glucan. The oscillatory measurements showed that the crossover point of the G´ and G´´ curves was much lower for barley β-glucan than for oat β-glucan indicating a higher tendency towards solid-like behaviour for barley β-glucan than for oat β-glucan.


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African indigenous foods have received limited research. Most of these indigenous foods are fermented and they form part of the rich nutritional culture of many groups in African countries. The industrialization and commercialisation of these indigenous African fermented foods should be preceded by a thorough scientific knowledge of their processing which can be vital in the elimination of hunger and poverty. This study highlighted emerging developments and the microbiology of cereal-based and cassava-based food products that constitute a major part of the human diet in most African countries. In addition, investigations were also carried out on the coagulant of the Calotropis procera plant used in traditional production of Nigerian Wara cheese and on the effects of adding a nisin producing Lactococcus lactis strain originating from human milk to Nigerian Wara cheese. Fermented cereal-based food such as ogi utilize popular African and readily available grains maize, millet or sorghum as substrates and is popular as a weaning diet in infants. In this study, the bulkiness caused by starch gelatinization was solved by amylase treatments in the investigation on cooked and fermented oat bran porridge. A similar treatment could reduce the viscosity of any cereal porridge. The properties of the Sodom apple leaves (Calotropis procera) extract in cheesemaking were studied. C. procera was affected by monovalent (K+ and Na+) and divalent (Mg2+ and Ca2+) cations during coagulation. The rennet strength of this coagulant was found to be 7 % compared to animal rennet at 35 °C. Increasing the incubation temperature to 70 °C increased the rennet strength 28-fold. The molecular weight of the partially purified protease was determined by SDS-PAGE and was confirmed by Zymography to be approximately 60 kilodaltons. The high proteolytic activity at 70 °C supported the suitability of the protease enzyme as a coagulant in future commercial production of Nigerian Wara cheese. It was also possible to extend the shelf life of Wara cheese by a nisin producing lactic acid bacteria Lactococcus lactis LAC309. The levels of nisin in both whey and curd fractions of Wara were investigated, results showed a 3 log reduction of toxicogenic Bacillus licheniformis spiked on Wara after 3 days. These studies are the first in Finland to promote the advancement of scientific knowledge in African foods. Recognizing these indigenous food products and an efficient transfer of technology from the developed countries to industrialize them are necessary towards a successful realization of the United Nations Millenium Development Program.


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Enzymes offer many advantages in industrial processes, such as high specificity, mild treatment conditions and low energy requirements. Therefore, the industry has exploited them in many sectors including food processing. Enzymes can modify food properties by acting on small molecules or on polymers such as carbohydrates or proteins. Crosslinking enzymes such as tyrosinases and sulfhydryl oxidases catalyse the formation of novel covalent bonds between specific residues in proteins and/or peptides, thus forming or modifying the protein network of food. In this study, novel secreted fungal proteins with sequence features typical of tyrosinases and sulfhydryl oxidases were iden-tified through a genome mining study. Representatives of both of these enzyme families were selected for heterologous produc-tion in the filamentous fungus Trichoderma reesei and biochemical characterisation. Firstly, a novel family of putative tyrosinases carrying a shorter sequence than the previously characterised tyrosinases was discovered. These proteins lacked the whole linker and C-terminal domain that possibly play a role in cofactor incorporation, folding or protein activity. One of these proteins, AoCO4 from Aspergillus oryzae, was produced in T. reesei with a production level of about 1.5 g/l. The enzyme AoCO4 was correctly folded and bound the copper cofactors with a type-3 copper centre. However, the enzyme had only a low level of activity with the phenolic substrates tested. Highest activity was obtained with 4-tert-butylcatechol. Since tyrosine was not a substrate for AoCO4, the enzyme was classified as catechol oxidase. Secondly, the genome analysis for secreted proteins with sequence features typical of flavin-dependent sulfhydryl oxidases pinpointed two previously uncharacterised proteins AoSOX1 and AoSOX2 from A. oryzae. These two novel sulfhydryl oxidases were produced in T. reesei with production levels of 70 and 180 mg/l, respectively, in shake flask cultivations. AoSOX1 and AoSOX2 were FAD-dependent enzymes with a dimeric tertiary structure and they both showed activity on small sulfhydryl compounds such as glutathione and dithiothreitol, and were drastically inhibited by zinc sulphate. AoSOX2 showed good stabil-ity to thermal and chemical denaturation, being superior to AoSOX1 in this respect. Thirdly, the suitability of AoSOX1 as a possible baking improver was elucidated. The effect of AoSOX1, alone and in combi-nation with the widely used improver ascorbic acid was tested on yeasted wheat dough, both fresh and frozen, and on fresh water-flour dough. In all cases, AoSOX1 had no effect on the fermentation properties of fresh yeasted dough. AoSOX1 nega-tively affected the fermentation properties of frozen doughs and accelerated the damaging effects of the frozen storage, i.e. giving a softer dough with poorer gas retention abilities than the control. In combination with ascorbic acid, AoSOX1 gave harder doughs. In accordance, rheological studies in yeast-free dough showed that the presence of only AoSOX1 resulted in weaker and more extensible dough whereas a dough with opposite properties was obtained if ascorbic acid was also used. Doughs containing ascorbic acid and increasing amounts of AoSOX1 were harder in a dose-dependent manner. Sulfhydryl oxidase AoSOX1 had an enhancing effect on the dough hardening mechanism of ascorbic acid. This was ascribed mainly to the produc-tion of hydrogen peroxide in the SOX reaction which is able to convert the ascorbic acid to the actual improver dehydroascorbic acid. In addition, AoSOX1 could possibly oxidise the free glutathione in the dough and thus prevent the loss of dough strength caused by the spontaneous reduction of the disulfide bonds constituting the dough protein network. Sulfhydryl oxidase AoSOX1 is therefore able to enhance the action of ascorbic acid in wheat dough and could potentially be applied in wheat dough baking.


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Cereal arabinoxylans, guar galactomannans, and dextrans produced by lactic acid bacteria(LAB) are a structurally diverse group of branched polysaccharides with nutritional and industrial functions. In this thesis, the effect of the chemical structure on the dilute solution properties of these polysaccharides was investigated using size-exclusion chromatography(SEC) and asymmetric flow field-flow fractionation (AsFlFFF) with multiple-detection. The chemical structures of arabinoxylans were determined, whereas galactomannan and dextran structures were studied in previous investigations. Characterization of arabinoxylans revealed differences in the chemical structures of cereal arabinoxylans. Although arabinoxylans from wheat, rye, and barley fiber contained similar amounts of arabinose side units, the substitution pattern of arabinoxylans from different cereals varied. Arabinoxylans from barley husks and commercial low-viscosity wheat arabinoxylan contained a lower number of arabinose side units. Structurally different dextrans were obtained from different LAB. The structural effects on the solution properties could be studied in detail by modifying pure wheat and rye arabinoxylans and guar galactomannan with specific enzymes. The solution characterization of arabinoxylans, enzymatically modified galactomannans, and dextrans revealed the presence of aggregates in aqueous polysaccharide solutions. In the case of arabinoxylans and dextrans, the comparison of molar mass data from aqueous and organic SEC analyses was essential in confirming aggregation, which could not be observed only from the peak or molar mass distribution shapes obtained with aqueous SEC. The AsFlFFF analyses gave further evidence of aggregation. Comparison of molar mass and intrinsic viscosity data of unmodified and partially debranched guar galactomannan, on the other hand, revealed the aggregation of native galactomannan. The arabinoxylan and galactomannan samples with low or enzymatically extensively decreased side unit content behaved similarly in aqueous solution: lower molar mass samples stayed in solution but formed large aggregates, whereas the water solubility of the higher-molar-mass samples decreased significantly. Due to the restricted solubility of galactomannans in organic solvents, only aqueous galactomannan solutions were studied. The SEC and AsFlFFF results differed for the wheat arabinoxylan and dextran samples. Column matrix effects and possible differences in the separation parameters are discussed, and a problem related to the non-established relationship between the separation parameters of the two separation techniques is highlighted. This thesis shows that complementary approaches in the solution characterization of chemically heterogeneous polysaccharides are needed to comprehensively investigate macromolecular behavior in solution. These results may also be valuable when characterizing other branched polysaccharides.