14 resultados para plant-soil

em Helda - Digital Repository of University of Helsinki


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Continuing urbanization is a crucial driver of land transformation, having widespread impacts on virtually all ecosystems. Terrestrial ecosystems, including disturbed ones, are dependent on soils, which provide a multitude of ecosystem services. As soils are always directly and/or indirectly impacted through land transformation, land cover change causes soil change. Knowledge of ecosystem properties and functions in soils is increasing in importance as humans continue to concentrate into already densely-populated areas. Urban soils often have hampered functioning due to various disturbances resulting from human activity. Innovative solutions are needed to bring the lacking ecosystem services and quality of life to these urban environments. For instance, the ecosystem services of the urban green infrastructure may be substantially improved through knowledge of their functional properties. In the research forming this thesis, the impacts of four plant species (Picea abies, Calluna vulgaris, Lotus corniculatus and Holcus lanatus) on belowground biota and regulatory ecosystem services were investigated in two different urban soil types. The retention of inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus in the plant-soil system, decomposition of plant litter, primary production, and the degradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were examined in the field and under laboratory conditions. The main objective of the research was to determine whether the different plant species (representing traits with varying litter decomposability) will give rise to dissimilar urban belowground communities with differing ecological functions. Microbial activity as well as the abundance of nematodes and enchytraeid worm biomass was highest below the legume L. corniculatus. L. corniculatus and the grass H. lanatus, producing labile or intermediate quality litter, enhanced the proportion of bacteria in the soil rhizosphere, while the recalcitrant litter-producing shrub C. vulgaris and the conifer P. abies stimulated the growth of fungi. The loss of nitrogen from the plant-soil system was small for H. lanatus and the combination of C. vulgaris + P. abies, irrespective of their energy channel composition. These presumably nitrogen-conservative plant species effectively diminished the leaching losses from the plant-soil systems with all the plant traits present. The laboratory experiment revealed a difference in N allocation between the plant traits: C. vulgaris and P. abies sequestered significantly more N in aboveground shoots in comparison to L. corniculatus and H. Lanatus. Plant rhizosphere effects were less clear for phosphorus retention, litter decomposition and the degradation of PAH compounds. This may be due to the relatively short experimental durations, as the maturation of the plant-soil system is likely to take a considerably longer time. The empirical studies of this thesis demonstrated that the soil communities rapidly reflect changes in plant coverage, and this has consequences for the functionality of soils. The energy channel composition of soils can be manipulated through plants, which was also supported by the results of the separate meta-analysis conducted in this thesis. However, further research is needed to understand the linkages between the biological community properties and ecosystem services in strongly human-modified systems.


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The aim of this study was to explore soil microbial activities related to C and N cycling and the occurrence and concentrations of two important groups of plant secondary compounds, terpenes and phenolic compounds, under silver birch (Betula pendula Roth), Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst) and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) as well as to study the effects of volatile monoterpenes and tannins on soil microbial activities. The study site, located in Kivalo, northern Finland, included ca. 70-year-old adjacent stands dominated by silver birch, Norway spruce and Scots pine. Originally the soil was very probably similar in all three stands. All forest floor layers (litter (L), fermentation layer (F) and humified layer (H)) under birch and spruce showed higher rates of CO2 production, greater net mineralisation of nitrogen and higher amounts of carbon and nitrogen in microbial biomass than did the forest floor layers under pine. Concentrations of mono-, sesqui-, di- and triterpenes were higher under both conifers than under birch, while the concentration of total water-soluble phenolic compounds as well as the concentration of condensed tannins tended to be higher or at least as high under spruce as under birch or pine. In general, differences between tree species in soil microbial activities and in concentrations of secondary compounds were smaller in the H layer than in the upper layers. The rate of CO2 production and the amount of carbon in the microbial biomass correlated highly positively with the concentration of total water-soluble phenolic compounds and positively with the concentration of condensed tannins. Exposure of soil to volatile monoterpenes and tannins extracted and fractionated from spruce and pine needles affected carbon and nitrogen transformations in soil, but the effects were dependent on the compound and its molecular structure. Monoterpenes decreased net mineralisation of nitrogen and probably had a toxic effect on part of the microbial population in soil, while another part of the microbes seemed to be able to use monoterpenes as a carbon source. With tannins, low-molecular-weight compounds (also compounds other than tannins) increased soil CO2 production and nitrogen immobilisation by soil microbes while the higher-molecular-weight condensed tannins had inhibitory effects. In conclusion, plant secondary compounds may have a great potential in regulation of C and N transformations in forest soils, but the real magnitude of their significance in soil processes is impossible to estimate.


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Large herbivores can influence plant and soil properties in grassland ecosystems, but especially for belowground biota and processes, the mechanisms that explain these effects are not fully understood. Here, we examine the capability of three grazing mechanisms-plant defoliation, dung and urine return, and physical presence of animals (causing trampling and excreta return in patches)-to explain grazing effects in Phleum pratense-Festuca pratensis dairy cow pasture in Finland. Comparison of control plots and plots grazed by cows showed that grazing maintained original plant-community structure, decreased shoot mass and root N and P concentrations, increased shoot N and P concentrations, and had an inconsistent effect on root mass. Among soil fauna, grazing increased the abundance of fungivorous nematodes and Aporrectodea earthworms and decreased the abundance of detritivorous enchytraeids and Lumbricus earthworms. Grazing also increased soil density and pH but did not affect average soil inorganic-N concentration. To reveal the mechanisms behind these effects, we analyzed results from mowed plots and plots that were both mowed and treated with a dung and urine mixture. This comparison revealed that grazing effects on plant attributes were almost entirely explained by defoliation, with only one partly explained by excreta return. Among belowground attributes, however, the mechanisms were more mixed, with effects explained by defoliation, patchy excreta return, and cow trampling. Average soil inorganic-N concentration was not affected by grazing because it was simultaneously decreased by defoliation and increased by cow presence. Presence of cows created great spatial heterogeneity in soil N availability and abundance of fungivorous nematodes. A greenhouse trial revealed a grazing-induced soil feedback on plant growth, which was explained by patchiness in N availability rather than changes in soil biota. Our results show that grazing effects on plant attributes can be satisfactorily predicted using the effects of defoliation, whereas those on soil fauna and soil N availability need understanding of other mechanisms as well. The results indicate that defoliation-induced changes in plant ecophysiology and the great spatial variation in N availability created by grazers are the two key mechanisms through which large herbivores can control grassland ecosystems.


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Buffer zones are vegetated strip-edges of agricultural fields along watercourses. As linear habitats in agricultural ecosystems, buffer strips dominate and play a leading ecological role in many areas. This thesis focuses on the plant species diversity of the buffer zones in a Finnish agricultural landscape. The main objective of the present study is to identify the determinants of floral species diversity in arable buffer zones from local to regional levels. This study was conducted in a watershed area of a farmland landscape of southern Finland. The study area, Lepsämänjoki, is situated in the Nurmijärvi commune 30 km to the north of Helsinki, Finland. The biotope mosaics were mapped in GIS. A total of 59 buffer zones were surveyed, of which 29 buffer strips surveyed were also sampled by plot. Firstly, two diversity components (species richness and evenness) were investigated to determine whether the relationship between the two is equal and predictable. I found no correlation between species richness and evenness. The relationship between richness and evenness is unpredictable in a small-scale human-shaped ecosystem. Ordination and correlation analyses show that richness and evenness may result from different ecological processes, and thus should be considered separately. Species richness correlated negatively with phosphorus content, and species evenness correlated negatively with the ratio of organic carbon to total nitrogen in soil. The lack of a consistent pattern in the relationship between these two components may be due to site-specific variation in resource utilization by plant species. Within-habitat configuration (width, length, and area) were investigated to determine which is more effective for predicting species richness. More species per unit area increment could be obtained from widening the buffer strip than from lengthening it. The width of the strips is an effective determinant of plant species richness. The increase in species diversity with an increase in the width of buffer strips may be due to cross-sectional habitat gradients within the linear patches. This result can serve as a reference for policy makers, and has application value in agricultural management. In the framework of metacommunity theory, I found that both mass effect(connectivity) and species sorting (resource heterogeneity) were likely to explain species composition and diversity on a local and regional scale. The local and regional processes were interactively dominated by the degree to which dispersal perturbs local communities. In the lowly and intermediately connected regions, species sorting was of primary importance to explain species diversity, while the mass effect surpassed species sorting in the highly connected region. Increasing connectivity in communities containing high habitat heterogeneity can lead to the homogenization of local communities, and consequently, to lower regional diversity, while local species richness was unrelated to the habitat connectivity. Of all species found, Anthriscus sylvestris, Phalaris arundinacea, and Phleum pretense significantly responded to connectivity, and showed high abundance in the highly connected region. We suggest that these species may play a role in switching the force from local resources to regional connectivity shaping the community structure. On the landscape context level, the different responses of local species richness and evenness to landscape context were investigated. Seven landscape structural parameters served to indicate landscape context on five scales. On all scales but the smallest scales, the Shannon-Wiener diversity of land covers (H') correlated positively with the local richness. The factor (H') showed the highest correlation coefficients in species richness on the second largest scale. The edge density of arable field was the only predictor that correlated with species evenness on all scales, which showed the highest predictive power on the second smallest scale. The different predictive power of the factors on different scales showed a scaledependent relationship between the landscape context and local plant species diversity, and indicated that different ecological processes determine species richness and evenness. The local richness of species depends on a regional process on large scales, which may relate to the regional species pool, while species evenness depends on a fine- or coarse-grained farming system, which may relate to the patch quality of the habitats of field edges near the buffer strips. My results suggested some guidelines of species diversity conservation in the agricultural ecosystem. To maintain a high level of species diversity in the strips, a high level of phosphorus in strip soil should be avoided. Widening the strips is the most effective mean to improve species richness. Habitat connectivity is not always favorable to species diversity because increasing connectivity in communities containing high habitat heterogeneity can lead to the homogenization of local communities (beta diversity) and, consequently, to lower regional diversity. Overall, a synthesis of local and regional factors emerged as the model that best explain variations in plant species diversity. The studies also suggest that the effects of determinants on species diversity have a complex relationship with scale.


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Rhizoremediation is the use of microbial populations present in the rhizosphere of plants for environmental cleanup. The idea of this work was that bacteria living in the rhizosphere of a nitrogen-fixing leguminous plant, goat's rue (Galega orientalis), could take part in the degradation of harmful monoaromatic hydrocarbons, such as benzene, toluene and xylene (BTEX), from oil-contaminated soils. In addition to chemical (e.g. pollutant concentration) and physical (e.g. soil structure) information, the knowledge of biological aspects (e.g. bacteria and their catabolic genes) is essential when developing the rhizoremediation into controlled and effective bioremediation practice. Therefore, the need for reliable biomonitoring methods is obvious. The main aims of this thesis were to evaluate the symbiotic G. orientalis - Rhizobium galegae system for rhizoremediation of oil-contaminated soils, to develop molecular methods for biomonitoring, and to apply these methods for studying the microbiology of rhizoremediation. In vitro, Galega plants and rhizobia remained viable in m-toluate concentrations up to 3000 mg/l. Plant growth and nodulation were inhibited in 500 mg/l m-toluate, but were restored when plants were transferred to clean medium. In the greenhouse, Galega showed good growth, nodulation and nitrogen fixation, and developed a strong rhizosphere in soils contaminated with oil or spiked with 2000 mg/l m-toluate. The high aromatic tolerance of R. galegae and the viability of Galega plants in oil-polluted soils proved this legume system to be a promising method for the rhizoremediation of oil-contaminated soils. Molecular biomonitoring methods were designed and/or developed further for bacteria and their degradation genes. A combination of genomic fingerprinting ((GTG)5-PCR), taxonomic ribotyping of 16S rRNA genes and partial 16S rRNA gene sequencing were chosen for molecular grouping of culturable, heterogeneous rhizosphere bacteria. PCR primers specific for the xylE gene were designed for TOL plasmid detection. Amplified enzyme-coding DNA restriction analysis (AEDRA) with AluI was used to profile both TOL plasmids (xylE primers) and, in general, aromatics-degrading plasmids (C230 primers). The sensitivity of the direct monitoring of TOL plasmids in soil was enhanced by nested C23O-xylE-PCR. Rhizosphere bacteria were isolated from the greenhouse and field lysimeter experiments. High genetic diversity was observed among the 50 isolated, m-toluate tolerating rhizosphere bacteria in the form of five major lineages of the Bacteria domain. Gram-positive Rhodococcus, Bacillus and Arthrobacter and gram-negative Pseudomonas were the most abundant genera. The inoculum Pseudomonas putida PaW85/pWW0 was not found in the rhizosphere samples. Even if there were no ecological niches available for the bioaugmentation bacterium itself, its conjugative catabolic plasmid might have had some additional value for other bacterial species and thus, for rhizoremediation. Only 10 to 20% of the isolated, m-toluate tolerating bacterial strains were also able to degrade m-toluate. TOL plasmids were a major group of catabolic plasmids among these bacteria. The ability to degrade m-toluate by using enzymes encoded by a TOL plasmid was detected only in species of the genus Pseudomonas, and the best m-toluate degraders were these Pseudomonas species. Strain-specific differences in degradation abilities were found for P.oryzihabitans and P. migulae: some of these strains harbored a TOL plasmid - a new finding observed in this work, indicating putative horizontal plasmid transfer in the rhizosphere. One P. oryzihabitans strain harbored the pWW0 plasmid that had probably conjugated from the bioaugmentation Pseudomonas. Some P. migulae and P. oryzihabitans strains seemed to harbor both the pWW0- and the pDK1-type TOL plasmid. Alternatively, they might have harbored a TOL plasmid with both the pWW0- and the pDK1-type xylE gene. The breakdown of m-toluate by gram-negative bacteria was not restricted to the TOL pathway. Also some gram-positive Rhodococcus erythropolis and Arthrobacter aurescens strains were able to degrade m-toluate in the absence of a TOL plasmid. Three aspects of the rhizosphere effect of G. orientalis were manifested in oil-contaminated soil in the field: 1) G. orientalis and Pseudomonas bioaugmentation increased the amount of rhizosphere bacteria. G. orientalis especially together with Pseudomonas bioaugmentation increased the numbers of m-toluate utilizing and catechol positive bacteria indicating an increase in degradation potential. 2) Also the bacterial diversity, when measured as the amount of ribotypes, was increased in the Galega rhizosphere with or without Pseudomonas bioaugmentation. However, the diversity of m-toluate utilizing bacteria did not significantly increase. At the community level, by using the 16S rRNA gene PCR-DGGE method, the highest diversity of species was also observed in vegetated soils compared with non-vegetated soils. Diversified communities may best guarantee the overall success in rhizoremediation by offering various genetic machineries for catabolic processes. 3) At the end of the experiment, no TOL plasmid could be detected by direct DNA analysis in soil treated with both G. orientalis and Pseudomonas. The detection limit for TOL plasmids was encountered indicating decreased amount of degradation plasmids and thus, the success of rhizoremediation. The use of G. orientalis for rhizoremediation is unique. In this thesis new information was obtained about the rhizosphere effect of Galega orientalis in BTEX contaminated soils. The molecular biomonitoring methods can be applied for several purposes within environmental biotechnology, such as for evaluating the intrinsic biodegradation potential, monitoring the enhanced bioremediation, and estimating the success of bioremediation. Environmental protection by using nature's own resources and thus, acting according to the principle of sustainable development, would be both economically and environmentally beneficial for society. Keywords: molecular biomonitoring, genetic fingerprinting, soil bacteria, bacterial diversity, TOL plasmid, catabolic genes, horizontal gene transfer, rhizoremediation, rhizosphere effect, Galega orientalis, aerobic biodegradation, petroleum hydrocarbons, BTEX


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The low solubility of iron (Fe) depresses plant growth in calcareous soils. In order to improve Fe availability, calcareous soils are treated with synthetic ligands, such as ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) and ethylenediimi-nobis(2-hydroxyphenyl)acetic acid (EDDHA). However, high expenses may hinder their use (EDDHA), and the recalcitrance of EDTA against biodegra-dation may increase the potential of cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb) leaching. This study evaluated the ability of biodegradable ligands, i.e. different stereo-isomers of ethylenediaminedisuccinic acid (EDDS), to provide Fe for lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) and ryegrass (Lolium perenne cv. Prego), their effects on uptake of other elements and solubility in soils and their subsequent effects on the activity of oxygen-scavenging enzymes in lettuce. Both EDTA and EDDHA were used as reference ligands. In unlimed and limed quartz sand both FeEDDS(S,S) and a mixture of stereo-isomers of FeEDDS (25% [S,S]-EDDS, 25% [R,R]-EDDS and 50% [S,R]/[R,S]-EDDS), FeEDDS(mix), were as efficient as FeEDTA and FeEDDHA in providing lettuce with Fe. However, in calcareous soils only FeEDDS(mix) was comparable to FeEDDHA when Fe was applied twice a week to mimic drip irrigation. The Fe deficiency increased the manganese (Mn) concentration in lettuce in both acidic and alkaline growth media, whereas Fe chelates depressed it. The same was observed with zinc (Zn) and copper (Cu) in acidic growth media. EDDHA probably affected the hormonal status of lettuce as well and thus depressed the uptake of Zn and Mn even more. The nutrient concentrations of ryegrass were only slightly affected by the Fe availability. After Fe chelate splitting in calcareous soils, EDDS and EDTA increased the solubility of Zn and Cu most, but only the Zn concentration was increased in lettuce. The availability of Fe increased the activity of oxygen-scavenging enzymes (ascorbate peroxidase, guaiacol peroxidase, catalase). The activity of Cu/ZnSOD (Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase) and MnSOD in lettuce leaves followed the concentrations of Zn and Mn. In acidic quartz sand low avail-ability of Fe increased the cobalt (Co) and nickel (Ni) concentrations in let-tuce, but Fe chelates decreased them. EDTA increased the solubility of Cd and Pb in calcareous soils, but not their uptake. The biodegradation of EDDS was not affected by the complexed element, and [S,S]-EDDS was biodegraded within 28 days in calcareous soils. EDDS(mix) was more recalcitrant, and after 56 days of incubation water-soluble elements (Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Co, Ni, Cd and Pb) corresponded to 10% of the added EDDS(mix) concentration.


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This thesis focuses on how elevated CO2 and/or O3 affect the below-ground processes in semi-natural vegetation, with an emphasis on greenhouse gases, N cycling and microbial communities. Meadow mesocosms mimicking lowland hay meadows in Jokioinen, SW Finland, were enclosed in open-top chambers and exposed to ambient and elevated levels of O3 (40-50 ppb) and/or CO2 (+100 ppm) for three consecutive growing season, while chamberless plots were used as chamber controls. Chemical and microbiological analyses as well as laboratory incubations of the mesocosm soils under different treatments were used to study the effects of O3 and/or CO2. Artificially constructed mesocosms were also compared with natural meadows with regards to GHG fluxes and soil characteristics. In addition to research conducted at the ecosystem level (i.e. the mesocosm study), soil microbial communities were also examined in a pot experiment with monocultures of individual species. By comparing mesocosms with similar natural plant assemblage, it was possible to demonstrate that artificial mesocosms simulated natural habitats, even though some differences were found in the CH4 oxidation rate, soil mineral N, and total C and N concentrations in the soil. After three growing seasons of fumigations, the fluxes of N2O, CH4, and CO2 were decreased in the NF+O3 treatment, and the soil NH4+-N and mineral N concentrations were lower in the NF+O3 treatment than in the NF control treatment. The mesocosm soil microbial communities were affected negatively by the NF+O3 treatment, as the total, bacterial, actinobacterial, and fungal PLFA biomasses as well as the fungal:bacterial biomass ratio decreased under elevated O3. In the pot survey, O3 decreased the total, bacterial, actinobacterial, and mycorrhizal PLFA biomasses in the bulk soil and affected the microbial community structure in the rhizosphere of L. pratensis, whereas the bulk soil and rhizosphere of the other monoculture, A. capillaris, remained unaffected by O3. Elevated CO2 caused only minor and insignificant changes in the GHG fluxes, N cycling, and the microbial community structure. In the present study, the below-ground processes were modified after three years of moderate O3 enhancement. A tentative conclusion is that a decrease in N availability may have feedback effects on plant growth and competition and affect the N cycling of the whole meadow ecosystem. Ecosystem level changes occur slowly, and multiplication of the responses might be expected in the long run.


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Plant species differ in their effects on ecosystem productivity and it is recognised that these effects are partly due to plant species-specific influences on soil processes. Until recently, however, not much attention was given to the potential role played by soil biota in these species-specific effects. While soil decomposers are responsible for governing the availability of nutrients for plant production, they simultaneously depend on the amount of carbon provided by plants. Litter and rhizodeposition constitute the two basal resources that plants provide to soil decomposer food webs. While it has been shown that both of these can have effects on soil decomposer communities that differ among plant species, the putative significance of these effects for plant nitrogen (N) acquisition is currently understudied. My PhD work aimed at clarifying whether the species-specific influences of three temperate grassland plants on the soil microfood-web, through rhizodeposition and litter, can feed back to plant N uptake. The methods and approach used (15N labelling of plant litter in microcosm experiments) revealed to be an effective combination of tools in studying these feedbacks. Plant effects on soil organisms were shown to differ significantly between plant species and the effects could be followed across several trophic levels. The labelling of litter further permitted the evaluation of plant acquisition of N derived from soil organic matter. The results show that the structure of the soil microfood-web can have a significant role in plant N acquisition when the structure is experimentally manipulated, such as when comparing systems consisting of microbes to those consisting of microbes and their grazers. However, despite this, the results indicate that differences in N uptake from soil organic matter between different plant species are not related to the effects these species exert on the structure of the soil microfood-web. Rather, these differences in N uptake seem to be determined by other species-specific traits of live plants and their litter. My results thus indicate that different resources provided by different plant species may not induce species-specific decomposer feedbacks on plant N uptake from soil organic matter. This further suggests that the species-specific plant effects on soil decomposer communities may not, at least in the short term, have significant consequences on plant production.


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The impacts of fragmentation and recreational use on the hemiboreal urban forest understorey vegetation and the microbial community of the humus layer (the phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) pattern, microbial biomass and microbial activity, measured as basal respiration) were examined in the greater Helsinki area, southern Finland. Trampling tolerance of 1) herb-rich OMT, 2) mesic MT, and 3) sub-xeric VT forests (in decreasing order of fertility) was studied by comparing relative understorey vegetation cover (urban/untrampled reference ratio) of the three forest types. The trampling tolerance of forest vegetation increased with the productivity of the site (sub-xeric < mesic < herb-rich). Wear of understorey vegetation correlated positively with the number of residents (i.e., recreational pressure) around the forest patch. An increase of 15000 residents within a radius of 1 km around a forest patch was associated with ca. 30% decrease in the relative understorey vegetation cover. The cover of dwarf shrub Vaccinium myrtillus in particular decreased with increasing levels of wear. The cover of mosses in urban forests was less than half of that in untrampled reference areas. Cover of tree saplings, mainly Sorbus aucuparia, and some resilient herbs was higher than in the reference areas. In small urban forest fragments, broad-leaved trees, grasses and herbs were more abundant and mosses were scarcer than in larger urban forest areas. Thus, due to trampling and edge effects, resilient herb and grass species are replacing sensitive dwarf shrubs, mosses and lichens in urban forests. Differences in the soil microbial community structure were found between paths and untrampled areas and the effects of paths extended more than one meter from the paths. Paths supported approximately 25-30% higher microbial biomass with a transition zone of at least 1 m from the path edge. However, microbial activity per unit of biomass was lower on paths than in untrampled areas. Furthermore, microbial biomass and activity were 30-45% lower at the first 20 m into the forest fragments, due to low moisture content of humus near the edge. The decreased microbial activity detected at forest edges and paths implies decreased litter decomposition rates, and thus, a change in nutrient cycling. Changes in the decomposition and nutrient supply may in turn affect the diversity and function of plant communities in urban forests. Keywords: boreal forest vegetation, edge effects, phospholipid fatty acids, trampling, urban woodlands, wear


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Agri-environmental schemes have so far resulted in only minor positive implications for the biodiversity of agricultural environments, in contrast to what has been expected. Land-use intensification has decreased landscape heterogeneity and the amount of semi-natural habitats. Field margins are uncultivated areas of permanent vegetation located adjacent to fields. Since the number of these habitats is high, investing in their quality may result in more diverse agricultural landscapes. Field margins can be considered as multifunctional habitats providing agronomic, environmental and wildlife services. This thesis aimed at examining the plant communities of different types of field margin habitats and the factors affecting their species diversity and composition. The importance of edaphic, spatial and management factors was studied on regional, landscape and habitat scales. Vegetation surveys were conducted on regional and landscape scales and a field experiment on cutting management was conducted on a habitat scale. In field margin plant communities, species appeared to be indicators of high or intermediate soil fertility and moist soil conditions. The plant species diversity found was rather low, compared with most species-rich agricultural habitats in Finland, such as dry meadows. Among regions, land-use history, main production line, natural species and human induced distribution, climate and edaphic factors were elements inducing differences in species composition. The lowest regional species diversity of field margins was related to intensive and long-term cereal production. Management by cutting and removal or grazing had a positive effect on plant species diversity. The positive effect of cutting and removal on species richness was also dependent on the adjacent source of colonizing species. Therefore, in species-poor habitats and landscapes, establishment of margins with diverse seed mixtures can be recommended for enhancing the development of species richness. However, seed mixtures should include only native species preferably local origin. Management by cutting once a year for 5 years did not result in a decline in dominance of a harmful weed species, Elymus repens, showing that E. repens probably needs cutting more frequently than once per year. Agri-environmental schemes should include long-term contracts with farmers for the establishment, and management by cutting and removal or grazing, of field margins that are several metres wide. In such schemes, the timing and frequency of management should be planned so as not to harm other taxa, such as the insects and birds that are dependent on these habitats. All accidental herbicide drifts to field margins should be avoided when spraying the cultivated area to minimize the negative effects of sprayings on vegetation. The harmful effects of herbicides can be avoided by organic farming methods.


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Changes in the structure of plant communities may have much more impact on ecosystem carbon (C) cycling than any phenotypic responses to environmental changes. We studied these impacts via the response of plant litter quality, at the level of species and community, to persistent water-level (WL) drawdown in peatlands. We studied three sites with different nutrient regimes, and water-level manipulations at two time scales. The parameters used to characterize litter quality included extractable substances, cellulose, holocellulose, composition of hemicellulose (neutral sugars, uronic acids), Klason lignin, CuO oxidation phenolic products, and concentrations of C and several nutrients. The litters formed four chemically distinct groups: non-graminoid foliar litters, graminoids, mosses and woody litters. Direct effects of WL drawdown on litter quality at the species level were overruled by indirect effects via changes in litter type composition. The pristine conditions were characterized by Sphagnum moss and graminoid litters. Short-term (years) responses of the litter inputs to WL drawdown were small. In longterm (decades), total litter inputs increased, due to increased tree litter inputs. Simultaneously, the litter type composition and its chemical quality at the community level greatly changed. The changes that we documented will strongly affect soil properties and C cycle of peatlands.