7 resultados para coopération verticale en R

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The continuous production of blood cells, a process termed hematopoiesis, is sustained throughout the lifetime of an individual by a relatively small population of cells known as hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs). HSCs are unique cells characterized by their ability to self-renew and give rise to all types of mature blood cells. Given their high proliferative potential, HSCs need to be tightly regulated on the cellular and molecular levels or could otherwise turn malignant. On the other hand, the tight regulatory control of HSC function also translates into difficulties in culturing and expanding HSCs in vitro. In fact, it is currently not possible to maintain or expand HSCs ex vivo without rapid loss of self-renewal. Increased knowledge of the unique features of important HSC niches and of key transcriptional regulatory programs that govern HSC behavior is thus needed. Additional insight in the mechanisms of stem cell formation could enable us to recapitulate the processes of HSC formation and self-renewal/expansion ex vivo with the ultimate goal of creating an unlimited supply of HSCs from e.g. human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) or induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS) to be used in therapy. We thus asked: How are hematopoietic stem cells formed and in what cellular niches does this happen (Papers I, II)? What are the molecular mechanisms that govern hematopoietic stem cell development and differentiation (Papers III, IV)? Importantly, we could show that placenta is a major fetal hematopoietic niche that harbors a large number of HSCs during midgestation (Paper I)(Gekas et al., 2005). In order to address whether the HSCs found in placenta were formed there we utilized the Runx1-LacZ knock-in and Ncx1 knockout mouse models (Paper II). Importantly, we could show that HSCs emerge de novo in the placental vasculature in the absence of circulation (Rhodes et al., 2008). Furthermore, we could identify defined microenvironmental niches within the placenta with distinct roles in hematopoiesis: the large vessels of the chorioallantoic mesenchyme serve as sites of HSC generation whereas the placental labyrinth is a niche supporting HSC expansion (Rhodes et al., 2008). Overall, these studies illustrate the importance of distinct milieus in the emergence and subsequent maturation of HSCs. To ensure proper function of HSCs several regulatory mechanisms are in place. The microenvironment in which HSCs reside provides soluble factors and cell-cell interactions. In the cell-nucleus, these cell-extrinsic cues are interpreted in the context of cell-intrinsic developmental programs which are governed by transcription factors. An essential transcription factor for initiation of hematopoiesis is Scl/Tal1 (stem cell leukemia gene/T-cell acute leukemia gene 1). Loss of Scl results in early embryonic death and total lack of all blood cells, yet deactivation of Scl in the adult does not affect HSC function (Mikkola et al., 2003b. In order to define the temporal window of Scl requirement during fetal hematopoietic development, we deactivated Scl in all hematopoietic lineages shortly after hematopoietic specification in the embryo . Interestingly, maturation, expansion and function of fetal HSCs was unaffected, and, as in the adult, red blood cell and platelet differentiation was impaired (Paper III)(Schlaeger et al., 2005). These findings highlight that, once specified, the hematopoietic fate is stable even in the absence of Scl and is maintained through mechanisms that are distinct from those required for the initial fate choice. As the critical downstream targets of Scl remain unknown, we sought to identify and characterize target genes of Scl (Paper IV). We could identify transcription factor Mef2C (myocyte enhancer factor 2 C) as a novel direct target gene of Scl specifically in the megakaryocyte lineage which largely explains the megakaryocyte defect observed in Scl deficient mice. In addition, we observed an Scl-independent requirement of Mef2C in the B-cell compartment, as loss of Mef2C leads to accelerated B-cell aging (Gekas et al. Submitted). Taken together, these studies identify key extracellular microenvironments and intracellular transcriptional regulators that dictate different stages of HSC development, from emergence to lineage choice to aging.


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The objective of my dissertation Pull (or Draught, or Moves) at the Parnassus , is to provide a deeper understanding of Nordic Middle Class radicalism of the 1960 s as featured in Finland-Swedish literature. My approach is cultural materialist in a broad sense; social class is regarded a crucial aspect of the contents and contexts of the novels and literary discussions explored. In the first volume, Middle Class With A Human Face , novels by Christer Kihlman, Jarl Sjöblom, Marianne Alopaeus, and Ulla-Lena Lundberg, respectively, are read from the points of view of place, emotion, and power. The term "cryptotope" is used to designate the hidden places found to play an important role in all of these four narratives. Also, the "chronotope of the provincial small town", described by Mikhail Bakhtin in 1938, is exemplified in Kihlman s satirical novel, as is the chronotope of of war (Algeria, Vietnam) in those of Alopaeus and Lundberg s. All the four novels signal changes in the way general "scripts of emotions", e.g. jealousy, are handled and described. The power relations in the novels are also read, with reference to Michel Foucault. As the protagonists in two of them work as journalists, a critical discussion about media and Bourgeois hegemony is found; the term "repressive legitimation" is created to grasp these patterns of manipulation. The Modernist Debate , part II of the study, concerns a literary discussion between mainly Finland-Swedish authors and critics. Essayist Johannes Salminen (40) provided much of the fuel for the debate in 1963, questioning the relevance to contemporary life of the Finland-Swedish modernist tradition of the 1910 s and 1920 s. In 1965, a group of younger authors and critics, including poet Claes Andersson (28), followed up this critique in a debate taking place mainly in the newspaper Vasabladet. Poets Rabbe Enckell (62), Bo Carpelan (39) and others defended a timeless poetry. This debate is contextualized and the changing literary field is analyzed using concepts provided by sociologist Pierre Bourdieu. In the thesis, the historical moment of Middle Class radicalism with a human face is regarded a temporary luxury that new social groups could afford themselves, as long as they were knocking over the statues and symbols of the Old Bourgeoisie. This is not to say that all components of the Sixties strategy have lost their power. Some of them have survived and even grown, others remain latent in the gene bank of utopias, waiting for new moments of change.


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Tämä pro gradu -tutkielma on tehty osana Svenska i toppen -projektia, joka alkoi syksyllä 2008 Pohjoismaisten kielten ja pohjoismaisen kirjallisuuden laitoksella. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää, mitkä tekijät vaikuttavat lukiolaisten näkökulmasta hyvien tulosten saavuttamiseen ruotsin ylioppilaskirjoituksissa kolmessa suomenkielisessä lukiossa, jotka sijaitsevat Turun, Tampereen ja Joensuun seuduilla. Lisäksi tavoitteena on selvittää, miten maantieteelliset tekijät vaikuttavat opiskelijoiden ruotsin kielen osaamiseen sekä mitä eroja on keskipitkän ja pitkän ruotsin oppimäärän opiskelijoiden asenteissa kieltä kohtaan. Tutkielman aineistona on kolme ryhmähaastattelua, joihin on osallistunut 14 lukiolaista, 11 tyttöä ja 3 poikaa. Haastattelut on tehty joulukuussa 2008 sekä tammi- ja maaliskuussa 2009. Haastatteluissa on käytetty strukturoitua kyselylomaketta, jossa kysytään opiskelijoiden näkemyksiä ruotsin opiskelusta. Tutkimusmenetelmänä on kvalitatiivinen tutkimusote, jossa on piirteitä kolmesta eri menetelmästä: tapaustutkimuksesta, etnografisesta tutkimuksesta sekä temaattisesta analyysistä. Tärkeimpänä teoriataustana on ruotsi toisena kielenä -tutkimus, oppiminen sosiokonstruktivistisena ilmiönä sekä motivaatiotutkimus. Tarkastelen kielenoppijaa luokkahuoneessa sosiaalisena osallistujana omassa oppimisprosessissaan. Oppiminen nähdään kokonaisuutena, johon kuuluu eri osa-alueita, esimerkiksi koulujen käytännöt, yhteisön vaikutus oppimiseen sekä opiskelijan identiteetin muokkautuminen kouluyhteisössä. Motivaatiota tarkastelen kielenoppimisen näkökulmasta, ja se koostuu erilaisista dynaamisista vaiheista, esimerkiksi tavoitteiden asettamisesta oppimisprosessin alussa, valintojen tekemisestä sekä motivaation ylläpitämisestä oppimisprosessin kuluessa. Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittavat, että suurin yksittäinen syy menestykseen opiskelijoiden näkökulmasta on opettaja, joka omalla toiminnallaan voi merkittävästi parantaa opiskelijoiden oppimisedellytyksiä. Työhön panostaminen, opiskelijoiden yksilöllinen kohtaaminen myös luokkahuoneen ulkopuolella ja esimerkiksi omien oppimateriaalien valmistaminen ovat opettajaan liittyviä tekijöitä, jotka voivat nostaa opiskelijoiden motivaatiota huomattavasti. Myös lukion maantieteellisellä sijainnilla on vaikutusta. Paikkakunnilla, joilla ruotsin kieltä käytetään vähän, korostuu opettajan rooli kielellisen oppimisympäristön luomisessa. Keskipitkän ja pitkän ruotsin opiskelijoiden välillä ei tutkimuksessa ilmene eroja asenteissa kieltä kohtaan.