11 resultados para Vision, Ocular

em Helda - Digital Repository of University of Helsinki


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This study investigated questions related to half-occlusion processing in human stereoscopic vision: (1) How does the depth location of a half-occluding figure affect the depth localization of adjacent monocular objects? (2) Is three-dimensional slant around vertical axis (geometric effect) affected by half-occlusion constraints? and (3) How the half-occlusion constraints and surface formation processes are manifested in stereoscopic capture? Our results showed that the depth localization of binocular objects affects the depth localization of discrete monocular objects. We also showed that the visual system has a preference for a frontoparallel surface interpretation if the half-occlusion configuration allows multiple interpretation alternatives. When the surface formation was constrained by textures, our results showed that a process of rematching spreading determines the resulting perception and that the spreading can be limited by illusory contours that support the presence of binocularly unmatched figures. The unmatched figures could be present, if the inducing figures producing the illusory surface contained binocular image differences that provided cues for quantitative da Vinci stereopsis. These findings provide evidence of the significant role of half-occlusions in stereoscopic processing.


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The earliest stages of human cortical visual processing can be conceived as extraction of local stimulus features. However, more complex visual functions, such as object recognition, require integration of multiple features. Recently, neural processes underlying feature integration in the visual system have been under intensive study. A specialized mid-level stage preceding the object recognition stage has been proposed to account for the processing of contours, surfaces and shapes as well as configuration. This thesis consists of four experimental, psychophysical studies on human visual feature integration. In two studies, classification image a recently developed psychophysical reverse correlation method was used. In this method visual noise is added to near-threshold stimuli. By investigating the relationship between random features in the noise and observer s perceptual decision in each trial, it is possible to estimate what features of the stimuli are critical for the task. The method allows visualizing the critical features that are used in a psychophysical task directly as a spatial correlation map, yielding an effective "behavioral receptive field". Visual context is known to modulate the perception of stimulus features. Some of these interactions are quite complex, and it is not known whether they reflect early or late stages of perceptual processing. The first study investigated the mechanisms of collinear facilitation, where nearby collinear Gabor flankers increase the detectability of a central Gabor. The behavioral receptive field of the mechanism mediating the detection of the central Gabor stimulus was measured by the classification image method. The results show that collinear flankers increase the extent of the behavioral receptive field for the central Gabor, in the direction of the flankers. The increased sensitivity at the ends of the receptive field suggests a low-level explanation for the facilitation. The second study investigated how visual features are integrated into percepts of surface brightness. A novel variant of the classification image method with brightness matching task was used. Many theories assume that perceived brightness is based on the analysis of luminance border features. Here, for the first time this assumption was directly tested. The classification images show that the perceived brightness of both an illusory Craik-O Brien-Cornsweet stimulus and a real uniform step stimulus depends solely on the border. Moreover, the spatial tuning of the features remains almost constant when the stimulus size is changed, suggesting that brightness perception is based on the output of a single spatial frequency channel. The third and fourth studies investigated global form integration in random-dot Glass patterns. In these patterns, a global form can be immediately perceived, if even a small proportion of random dots are paired to dipoles according to a geometrical rule. In the third study the discrimination of orientation structure in highly coherent concentric and Cartesian (straight) Glass patterns was measured. The results showed that the global form was more efficiently discriminated in concentric patterns. The fourth study investigated how form detectability depends on the global regularity of the Glass pattern. The local structure was either Cartesian or curved. It was shown that randomizing the local orientation deteriorated the performance only with the curved pattern. The results give support for the idea that curved and Cartesian patterns are processed in at least partially separate neural systems.


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Glaucoma is a group of progressive optic neuropathies causing irreversible blindness if not diagnosed and treated in the early state of progression. Disease is often, but not always, associated with increased intraocular pressure (IOP), which is also the most important risk factor for glaucoma. Ophthlamic timolol preparations have been used for decades to lower increased intraocular pressure (IOP). Timolol is locally well tolerated but may cause e.g. cardiovascular and pulmonary adverse effects due to systemic absorption. It has been reported that approximately 80% of a topically administered eye drop is systemically absorbed. However, only limited information is available on timolol metabolism in the liver or especially in the human eye. The aim of this work was to investigate metabolism of timolol in human liver and human ocular tissues. The expression of drug metabolizing cytochrome P450 (CYP) enzymes in the human ciliary epithelial cells was studied. The metabolism of timolol and the interaction potential of timolol with other commercially available medicines were investigated in vitro using different liver preparations. The absorption of timolol to the aqueous humor from two commercially available products: 0.1% eye gel and 0.5% eye drops and the presence of timolol metabolites in the aqueous humor were investigated in a clinical trial. Timolol was confirmed to be metabolized mainly by CYP2D6 as previously suggested. Potent CYP2D6 inhibitors especially fluoxetine, paroxetine and quinidine inhibited the metabolism of timolol. The inhibition may be of clinical significance in patients using ophthalmic timolol products. CYP1A1 and CYP1B1 mRNAs were expressed in the human ciliary epithelial cells. CYP1B1 was also expressed at protein level and the expression was strongly induced by a known potent CYP1B1 inducer 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD). The CYP1B1 induction is suggested to be mediated by aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR). Low levels of CYP2D6 mRNA splice variants were expressed in the human ciliary epithelial cells and very low levels of timolol metabolites were detected in the human aqueous humor. It seems that negligible amount of CYP2D6 protein is expressed in the human ocular tissues. Timolol 0.1% eye gel leads to aqueous humor concentration high enough to achieve therapeutic effect. Inter-individual variation in concentrations is low and intraocular as well as systemic safety can be increased when using this product with lower timolol concentration instead of timolol 0.5% eye drops.


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Visual information processing in brain proceeds in both serial and parallel fashion throughout various functionally distinct hierarchically organised cortical areas. Feedforward signals from retina and hierarchically lower cortical levels are the major activators of visual neurons, but top-down and feedback signals from higher level cortical areas have a modulating effect on neural processing. My work concentrates on visual encoding in hierarchically low level cortical visual areas in human brain and examines neural processing especially in cortical representation of visual field periphery. I use magnetoencephalography and functional magnetic resonance imaging to measure neuromagnetic and hemodynamic responses during visual stimulation and oculomotor and cognitive tasks from healthy volunteers. My thesis comprises six publications. Visual cortex forms a great challenge for modeling of neuromagnetic sources. My work shows that a priori information of source locations are needed for modeling of neuromagnetic sources in visual cortex. In addition, my work examines other potential confounding factors in vision studies such as light scatter inside the eye which may result in erroneous responses in cortex outside the representation of stimulated region, and eye movements and attention. I mapped cortical representations of peripheral visual field and identified a putative human homologue of functional area V6 of the macaque in the posterior bank of parieto-occipital sulcus. My work shows that human V6 activates during eye-movements and that it responds to visual motion at short latencies. These findings suggest that human V6, like its monkey homologue, is related to fast processing of visual stimuli and visually guided movements. I demonstrate that peripheral vision is functionally related to eye-movements and connected to rapid stream of functional areas that process visual motion. In addition, my work shows two different forms of top-down modulation of neural processing in the hierachically lowest cortical levels; one that is related to dorsal stream activation and may reflect motor processing or resetting signals that prepare visual cortex for change in the environment and another local signal enhancement at the attended region that reflects local feed-back signal and may perceptionally increase the stimulus saliency.


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Visual acuities at the time of referral and on the day before surgery were compared in 124 patients operated on for cataract in Vaasa Central Hospital, Finland. Preoperative visual acuity and the occurrence of ocular and general disease were compared in samples of consecutive cataract extractions performed in 1982, 1985, 1990, 1995 and 2000 in two hospitals in the Vaasa region in Finland. The repeatability and standard deviation of random measurement error in visual acuity and refractive error determination in a clinical environment in cataractous, pseudophakic and healthy eyes were estimated by re-examining visual acuity and refractive error of patients referred to cataract surgery or consultation by ophthalmic professionals. Altogether 99 eyes of 99 persons (41 cataractous, 36 pseudophakic and 22 healthy eyes) with a visual acuity range of Snellen 0.3 to 1.3 (0.52 to -0.11 logMAR) were examined. During an average waiting time of 13 months, visual acuity in the study eye decreased from 0.68 logMAR to 0.96 logMAR (from 0.2 to 0.1 in Snellen decimal values). The average decrease in vision was 0.27 logMAR per year. In the fastest quartile, visual acuity change per year was 0.75 logMAR, and in the second fastest 0.29 logMAR, the third and fourth quartiles were virtually unaffected. From 1982 to 2000, the incidence of cataract surgery increased from 1.0 to 7.2 operations per 1000 inhabitants per year in the Vaasa region. The average preoperative visual acuity in the operated eye increased by 0.85 logMAR (in decimal values from 0.03to 0.2) and in the better eye 0.27 logMAR (in decimal values from 0.23 to 0.43) over this period. The proportion of patients profoundly visually handicapped (VA in the better eye <0.1) before the operation fell from 15% to 4%, and that of patients less profoundly visually handicapped (VA in the better eye 0.1 to <0.3) from 47% to 15%. The repeatability visual acuity measurement estimated as a coefficient of repeatability for all 99 eyes was ±0.18 logMAR, and the standard deviation of measurement error was 0.06 logMAR. Eyes with the lowest visual acuity (0.3-0.45) had the largest variability, the coefficient of repeatability values being ±0.24 logMAR and eyes with a visual acuity of 0.7 or better had the smallest, ±0.12 logMAR. The repeatability of refractive error measurement was studied in the same patient material as the repeatability of visual acuity. Differences between measurements 1 and 2 were calculated as three-dimensional vector values and spherical equivalents and expressed by coefficients of repeatability. Coefficients of repeatability for all eyes for vertical, torsional and horisontal vectors were ±0.74D, ±0.34D and ±0.93D, respectively, and for spherical equivalent for all eyes ±0.74D. Eyes with lower visual acuity (0.3-0.45) had larger variability in vector and spherical equivalent values (±1.14), but the difference between visual acuity groups was not statistically significant. The difference in the mean defocus equivalent between measurements 1 and 2 was, however, significantly greater in the lower visual acuity group. If a change of ±0.5D (measured in defocus equivalents) is accepted as a basis for change of spectacles for eyes with good vision, the basis for eyes in the visual acuity range of 0.3 - 0.65 would be ±1D. Differences in repeated visual acuity measurements are partly explained by errors in refractive error measurements.


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Uveal melanoma is the most common primary intraocular malignancy in adults. Vision in the affected eye is threatened by both the tumor and side-effects from the treatments currently available. Poor prognosis for saving vision increases with tumor size and, consequently, enucleation has been the treatment of choice for large uveal melanomas in most centers. However, increasing evidence suggests that no survival benefit is gained (nor lost) by enucleation as compared to eye-conserving methods. The Helsinki University Eye Hospital has since 1990 offered episcleral iodine-125 plaque brachytherapy (IBT) for all patients unwilling to undergo enucleation for a large uveal melanoma. The primary aim of this study was to assess survival, local tumor recurrence and preservation of the eye and vision after IBT in a population-based series of 97 patients with uveal melanomas classified as large by the Collaborative Ocular Melanoma Study (COMS) criteria. Further aims included reporting the incidence of side-effects and assessing the role of intraocular dose distribution and clinical risk factors in their development. Finally, means to improve the current treatment were investigated by using computer models to compare existing plaques with collimating ones and by comparing the outcome of a subgroup of 54 IBT patients with very thick tumors with 33 patients with similarly-sized tumors managed with transscleral local resection (TSR) in Liverpool, United Kingdom. Kaplan-Meier estimates of all-cause and melanoma-specific survival at 5 years after IBT were 62% and 65%, respectively, and visually comparable with the survival experience of patients reported after enucleation by the COMS. Local recurrence developed in 6% of eyes and 84% of eyes were conserved at 5 years. Visual prognosis was guarded with 11% avoiding loss of 20/70 vision and 26% avoiding loss of 20/400 vision in the tumor eye at 2 years. Large tumor height and short distance from the posterior pole were independently associated with loss of vision. Using cumulative incidence analysis to account for competing risks, such as enucleation and metastatic death, the 5-year incidence of cataract after IBT was 79%, glaucoma 60%, optic neuropathy 46%, maculopathy 52%, persistent or recurring retinal detachment (RD) 25%, and vitreous hemorrhage 36%. In multivariate competing risks regression models, increasing tumor height was associated with cataract, iris neovascularization and RD. Maculopathy and optic neuropathy were associated with distance from the tumor to the respective structure. Median doses to the tumor apex, macula and optic disc were 81 Gy (range, 40-158), 79 Gy (range, 12-632), and 83 Gy (range, 10-377), respectively. Dose to the optic disc was independently associated with optic neuropathy, and both dose to the optic disc and dose to the macula predicted vision loss after IBT. Simulated treatment using collimating plaques resulted in clinically meaningful reduction in both optic disc (median reduction, 30 Gy) and macular (median reduction, 36 Gy) doses as compared to the actual treatment with standard plaques. In the subgroup of patients with uveal melanomas classified as large because of tumor height, cumulative incidence analysis revealed that while long-term preservation of 20/70 vision was rare after both IBT and TSR, preservation of 20/400 vision was better after TSR (32% vs. 5% at 5 years). In multivariate logistic regression models, TSR was independently associated with better preservation of 20/400 vision (OR 0.03 at 2 years, P=0.005) No cases of secondary glaucoma were observed after TSR and optic neuropathy was rare. However, local tumor recurrence was more common after TSR than it was after IBT (Cumulative incidence 41% vs. 7% at 5 years, respectively). In terms of survival, IBT seems to be a safe alternative to enucleation in managing large uveal melanomas. Local tumor control is no worse than with medium-sized tumors and the chances of avoiding secondary enucleation are good. Unfortunately, side-effects from radiotherapy are frequent, especially in thick tumors, and long-term prognosis of saving vision is consequently guarded. Some complications can be limited by using collimating plaques and by managing uveal melanomas that are large because of tumor height with TSR instead of IBT. However, the patient must be willing to accept a substantial risk of local tumor recurrence after TSR and it is best suited for cases in which the preservation of vision in the tumor eye is critical.


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Purpose: The aim of the present study was to develop and test new digital imaging equipment and methods for diagnosis and follow-up of ocular diseases. Methods: The whole material comprised 398 subjects (469 examined eyes), including 241 patients with melanocytic choroidal tumours, 56 patients with melanocytic iris tumours, 42 patients with diabetes, a 52-year old patient with chronic phase of VKH disease, a 30-year old patient with an old blunt eye injury, and 57 normal healthy subjects. Digital 50° (Topcon TRC 50 IA) and 45° (Canon CR6-45NM) fundus cameras, a new handheld digital colour videocamera for eye examinations (MediTell), a new subtraction method using the Topcon Image Net Program (Topcon corporation, Tokyo, Japan), a new method for digital IRT imaging of the iris we developed, and Zeiss photoslitlamp with a digital camera body were used for digital imaging. Results: Digital 50° red-free imaging had a sensitivity of 97.7% and two-field 45° and 50° colour imaging a sensitivity of 88.9-94%. The specificity of the digital 45°-50° imaging modalities was 98.9-100% versus the reference standard and ungradeable images that were 1.2-1.6%. By using the handheld digital colour video camera only, the optic disc and central fundus located inside 20° from the fovea could be recorded with a sensitivity of 6.9% for detection of at least mild NPDR when compared with the reference standard. Comparative use of digital colour, red-free, and red light imaging showed 85.7% sensitivity, 99% specificity, and 98.2 % exact agreement versus the reference standard in differentiation of small choroidal melanoma from pseudomelanoma. The new subtraction method showed growth in four of 94 melanocytic tumours (4.3%) during a mean ±SD follow-up of 23 ± 11 months. The new digital IRT imaging of the iris showed the sphincter muscle and radial contraction folds of Schwalbe in the pupillary zone and radial structural folds of Schwalbe and circular contraction furrows in the ciliary zone of the iris. The 52-year-old patient with a chronic phase of VKH disease showed extensive atrophy and occasional pigment clumps in the iris stroma, detachment of the ciliary body with severe ocular hypotony, and shallow retinal detachment of the posterior pole in both eyes. Infrared transillumination imaging and fluorescein angiographic findings of the iris showed that IR translucence (p=0.53), complete masking of fluorescence (p=0.69), presence of disorganized vessels (p=0.32), and fluorescein leakage (p=1.0) at the site of the lesion did not differentiate an iris nevus from a melanoma. Conclusions: Digital 50° red-free and two-field 50° or 45° colour imaging were suitable for DR screening, whereas the handheld digital video camera did not fulfill the needs of DR screening. Comparative use of digital colour, red-free and red light imaging was a suitable method in the differentiation of small choroidal melanoma from different pseudomelanomas. The subtraction method may reveal early growth of the melanocytic choroidal tumours. Digital IRT imaging may be used to study changes of the stroma and posterior surface of the iris in various diseases of the uvea. It contributed to the revealment of iris atrophy and serous detachment of the ciliary body with ocular hypotony together with the shallow retinal detachment of the posterior pole as new findings of the chronic phase of VKH disease. Infrared translucence and angiographic findings are useful in differential diagnosis of melanocytic iris tumours, but they cannot be used to determine if the lesion is benign or malignant.


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I avhandlingen analyseras arbetsprocesserna vid en webbredaktion. Undersökningen är en etnografisk fallstudie där Hufvudstadsbladets webbproduktion fungerar som case. Den övergripande frågeställningen är hur växelverkan mellan tidningsredaktionen och webbredaktionen fungerar och varför. Syftet var att hitta och synliggöra de underliggande spänningar i organisationen som bimedialiteten kan ha gett upphov till, och analysera produktionen mot bakgrund av tidigare forskning. Analysen behandlar tre områden som ofta återkommer i mediekonvergensforskningen, det vill säga organisation, innehåll och inställning. Forskningsmaterialet är insamlat med hjälp av observation, intervjuer och en e-postenkät. Arbetet på redaktionen observerades under sex arbetsskift. Webbreporterns arbete observerades, observationerna antecknades och efter varje arbetsskift bandades en intervju med webbreportern. Utöver dessa intervjuer gjordes ytterligare tre intervjuer med två nyhetschefer och chefredaktören. En e-postenkät med öppna frågor skickades ut till samtliga redaktionsmedlemmar. Avhandlingen tar avstamp i mediekonvergensforskning, redaktionsforskning och aktivitetsteori. Eftersom den teoretiska utgångspunkten delvis ligger inom aktivitetsteori och utvecklande arbetsforskning räknades samtidigt störningar i arbetsprocessen för att kunna identifiera underliggande spänningar i organisationen. Alla händelser som innebar ett längre eller kortare avbrott i arbetsprocessen antecknades och delades in i kategorier. Sammanlagt sextio störningar identifierades, varav den största andelen, en tredjedel, konstaterades bero på organisations- och kommunikationsfaktorer, främst till följd av bristfällig intern kommunikation. Slutsatserna är webbproduktionen till följd av heterogena objekt i aktivitetssystemet - oklara mål och oklarhet gällande webbens roll i organisationen sitter fast i klyftan mellan ledningens vision och verkligheten på redaktionen. Ett flertal motstridiga uppfattningar om webbproduktionens roll råder på redaktionen. Det leder till störningar i arbetsprocessen som i sin tur gör att produktionen haltar och inte utvecklas. Oklarheten kring målen leder till oklarhet kring konkret praxis, kommunikationssvårigheter, missförstånd och en sned arbetsfördelning, som samtliga inverkar på smidigheten i produktionen.


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Modern smart phones often come with a significant amount of computational power and an integrated digital camera making them an ideal platform for intelligents assistants. This work is restricted to retail environments, where users could be provided with for example navigational in- structions to desired products or information about special offers within their close proximity. This kind of applications usually require information about the user's current location in the domain environment, which in our case corresponds to a retail store. We propose a vision based positioning approach that recognizes products the user's mobile phone's camera is currently pointing at. The products are related to locations within the store, which enables us to locate the user by pointing the mobile phone's camera to a group of products. The first step of our method is to extract meaningful features from digital images. We use the Scale- Invariant Feature Transform SIFT algorithm, which extracts features that are highly distinctive in the sense that they can be correctly matched against a large database of features from many images. We collect a comprehensive set of images from all meaningful locations within our domain and extract the SIFT features from each of these images. As the SIFT features are of high dimensionality and thus comparing individual features is infeasible, we apply the Bags of Keypoints method which creates a generic representation, visual category, from all features extracted from images taken from a specific location. A category for an unseen image can be deduced by extracting the corresponding SIFT features and by choosing the category that best fits the extracted features. We have applied the proposed method within a Finnish supermarket. We consider grocery shelves as categories which is a sufficient level of accuracy to help users navigate or to provide useful information about nearby products. We achieve a 40% accuracy which is quite low for commercial applications while significantly outperforming the random guess baseline. Our results suggest that the accuracy of the classification could be increased with a deeper analysis on the domain and by combining existing positioning methods with ours.