71 resultados para Virtex-II-Pro

em Helda - Digital Repository of University of Helsinki


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The growing interest for sequencing with higher throughput in the last decade has led to the development of new sequencing applications. This thesis concentrates on optimizing DNA library preparation for Illumina Genome Analyzer II sequencer. The library preparation steps that were optimized include fragmentation, PCR purification and quantification. DNA fragmentation was performed with focused sonication in different concentrations and durations. Two column based PCR purification method, gel matrix method and magnetic bead based method were compared. Quantitative PCR and gel electrophoresis in a chip were compared for DNA quantification. The magnetic bead purification was found to be the most efficient and flexible purification method. The fragmentation protocol was changed to produce longer fragments to be compatible with longer sequencing reads. Quantitative PCR correlates better with the cluster number and should thus be considered to be the default quantification method for sequencing. As a result of this study more data have been acquired from sequencing with lower costs and troubleshooting has become easier as qualification steps have been added to the protocol. New sequencing instruments and applications will create a demand for further optimizations in future.


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Tämän maisterintutkielman tutkimusalueena on liettuan kielioppi. Liettua on yksi vanhakantaisimmista yhä puhuttavista indoeurooppalaisista kielistä, joiden balttilaiseen ryhmään kuuluu sen ohella enää ainoastaan latvia. Liettuan kieli on Suomessa varsin tuntematon, vaikka valtaosa sen puhujista asuu täältä verrattain lyhyen matkan päässä. Siitä ei tätä kirjoitettaessa ole ilmestynyt suomen kielellä juuri muuta oppimateriaalia kuin yksi suppeahko asiointisanasto ja pieni sanakirja. Mitään varsinaista oppikirjaa tai kielioppia ei ole kirjoitettu. Tämän työn yhtenä tarkoituksena onkin siten paikata kielen melkoista suomeksi painetun oppimateriaalin puutetta. Työn varsinaiseksi tutkimuskohteeksi on otettu osa suomen ja liettuan kielten verbijärjestelmästä – nominaalimuodot ja niiden käyttö. Nominaalimuodoilla tarkoitetaan ei-finiittisiä verbimuotoja, jotka eivät voi yksinään esiintyä lauseen predikaattina ja joita käytetään nimensä mukaisesti nominien tavoin. Työssä luodaan ensinnä verrattain laaja katsaus suomen kielen infinitiiveihin ja partisiippeihin, minkä jälkeen siirrytään perusteellisesti tarkastelemaan liettuan kielen tärkeimpiä nominaalimuotoja: infinitiiviä, partisiippia, puolipartisiippia, adverbiaalipartisiippia ja supiinia. Tarkastelun pääpaino kohdistuu partisiippeihin. Yhtenä työn tavoitteista on esitellä, mitä eri nominaalimuotoja kielissä esiintyy, miten ne muodostetaan ja mihin tarkoituksiin niitä käytetään. Tämän lisäksi työhön sisältyy vertaileva näkökulma: siinä halutaan selvittää, millaisia tärkeimpiä yhtäläisyyksiä ja eroja kielten nominaalimuotojen välillä esiintyy. Käytetty lähestymistapa on siten kontrastiivinen eli kielten synkroniseen vertailuun perustuva. Kielten nominaalimuotojen välisten erojen ja yhteisten piirteiden valaisemiseksi työhön on sisällytetty molemmilla kielillä runsaasti esimerkkejä ja muotojen muodostamissääntöjä kuvaavia taulukoita. Suomen kielen osalta työn tärkeimpinä lähteinä ovat Nykysuomen käsikirja ja Iso suomen kielioppi. Liettuan verbimuotoja kuvaavat taulukot ja lisäksi monet esimerkkilauseista perustuvat puolestaan Liettuan kielen instituutin julkaisemaan teokseen Dabartinės lietuvių kalbos gramatika. Työn loppuosassa on laajahko liettuankielinen tiivistelmä, joka tekee työstä käyttökelpoisen myös liettuaa äidinkielenään puhuvalle, suomen kielestä kiinnostuneelle henkilölle. Tehtyjen vertailujen tärkeimpinä johtopäätöksinä voidaan todeta, että suomen kielen nominaalimuodoista infinitiivien käyttöalue on liettuan infinitiivin sovellusaluetta laajempi. Erityisesti suomen toisen ja kolmannen infinitiivimuodon eri käyttötarkoituksia kohti löytyy liettuan kielestä useita eri nominaalimuotoja. Sen sijaan suomen I ja II partisiippi sekä liettuan partisiippi ovat verrattain usein käyttötavoiltaan toisiaan muistuttavia. Avainsanat: liettuan kieli, verbit, nominaalimuodot, vertaileva kielentutkimus


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The master's thesis concerns the decisions of the imperial policy-makers in their Danish foreign policy during the crisis that culminated in the dissolution of the Nordic union of Kalmar during the years 1521-24. The sources consist of printed sources that mainly are collections of letters and diplomas, and additionally, acquaintance has been made with studies treating the subject. The aim of the study was to clarify the objectives, means and execution of the imperial policy and what priorizations did they make between the different objectives. Also, the part played by Denmark in the imperial foreign policy in general was to be assessed. Particularly, the aim was to find out and state a hierarchy between the importance of the different objectives by analyzing the choices made. It was observed that the continuing of peaceful relations in the North was clearly preferred in the imperial policy, especially as their war against France drew out. A war was seen as deteriorating the freedom of action of the main ally, king Christian II, and an armed conflict was to be prevented. The conceived impossibilty to intervene with armed forces to Christian's favour forced the imperial side to postpone their objectives in the fields of dynastical and alliance policy. In comparison to these, less weight was given to maintaining the rights and position of the empire and the rights granted in its name. To the Habsburgs, maintaining the economical embargo of Sweden, run forcefully by Christian II, was the least preferred objective. In light of the results of the master's thesis, the conceived priorities of the Northern European policy adopted by the imperial side resembled their political priorities in general.


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The objective of my dissertation Pull (or Draught, or Moves) at the Parnassus , is to provide a deeper understanding of Nordic Middle Class radicalism of the 1960 s as featured in Finland-Swedish literature. My approach is cultural materialist in a broad sense; social class is regarded a crucial aspect of the contents and contexts of the novels and literary discussions explored. In the first volume, Middle Class With A Human Face , novels by Christer Kihlman, Jarl Sjöblom, Marianne Alopaeus, and Ulla-Lena Lundberg, respectively, are read from the points of view of place, emotion, and power. The term "cryptotope" is used to designate the hidden places found to play an important role in all of these four narratives. Also, the "chronotope of the provincial small town", described by Mikhail Bakhtin in 1938, is exemplified in Kihlman s satirical novel, as is the chronotope of of war (Algeria, Vietnam) in those of Alopaeus and Lundberg s. All the four novels signal changes in the way general "scripts of emotions", e.g. jealousy, are handled and described. The power relations in the novels are also read, with reference to Michel Foucault. As the protagonists in two of them work as journalists, a critical discussion about media and Bourgeois hegemony is found; the term "repressive legitimation" is created to grasp these patterns of manipulation. The Modernist Debate , part II of the study, concerns a literary discussion between mainly Finland-Swedish authors and critics. Essayist Johannes Salminen (40) provided much of the fuel for the debate in 1963, questioning the relevance to contemporary life of the Finland-Swedish modernist tradition of the 1910 s and 1920 s. In 1965, a group of younger authors and critics, including poet Claes Andersson (28), followed up this critique in a debate taking place mainly in the newspaper Vasabladet. Poets Rabbe Enckell (62), Bo Carpelan (39) and others defended a timeless poetry. This debate is contextualized and the changing literary field is analyzed using concepts provided by sociologist Pierre Bourdieu. In the thesis, the historical moment of Middle Class radicalism with a human face is regarded a temporary luxury that new social groups could afford themselves, as long as they were knocking over the statues and symbols of the Old Bourgeoisie. This is not to say that all components of the Sixties strategy have lost their power. Some of them have survived and even grown, others remain latent in the gene bank of utopias, waiting for new moments of change.


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Tutkin pro gradu -työssäni vepsän kielen kvanttoripronominien järjestelmää: mitä pronomineja järjestelmään kuuluu, miten nämä pronominit voidaan ryhmitellä sekä millaisia ominaisuuksia pronomineilla on. Pronominiryhmäni nimeksi olen valinnut kvanttoripronominit, sillä perinteinen nimitys indefiniittipronominit ei ole terminä täsmällinen tälle moninaiselle, osin ei-indefiniittiselle ryhmälle. Aineistoni koostuu jo olemassa olevista vepsän kieliopeista ja sanakirjoista, mutta varsinainen analyysini perustuu vepsän kielen tekstinäytteisiin. Näistä työni kannalta tärkeimmät ovat vanhat vepsäläiset murrenäytteet Näytteitä äänis- ja keskivepsän murteista (MSFOu 100) sekä Näytteitä etelävepsästä II (Kettunen 1925). Vertailun vuoksi mukana on myös uutta nykyvepsäläistä aineistoa kuten Kodima-lehden 13 irtonumeroa vuosilta 1999-2008 sekä Markan Evangelii -evankeliumin koepainos (1992). Työni sisältää 211 esimerkkilausetta, jotka olen glossannut ja kääntänyt suomeksi. Esimerkkilauseiden tehtävänä on osoittaa, että morfologisen ja semanttisen analyysini väitteet pitävät paikkansa ja esittelemäni ominaisuudet todella esiintyvät vepsässä. Ryhmittelen vepsän kvanttoripronominit Ison suomen kieliopin (2004) mukaan viiteen alakategoriaan: indefiniittisiin, universaalisiin, kieltohakuisiin, samantekevyyden ja lukumäärän kvanttoripronomineihin. Saman kieliopin mallia hyödynnän myös kvanttoripronominien morfologisessa ja syntaktisessa tarkastelussa. Kerron kustakin pronominista, esiintyykö se substantiivisesti tai adjektiivisesti. Muita tarkasteltavia ominaisuuksia ovat pronominin taipuminen sekä adjektiivisen pronominin kongruenssi ja suhde pääsanaan. Semanttisessa analyysissä sovellan typologisen kielentutkimuksen tutkimustuloksia ja metodeja kuten indefiniittipronominien typologista määritelmää (Haspelmath 1997) ja semanttisten karttojen metodologiaa (Haspelmath 2003). Koska tutkimusaiheeni on niin laaja, käsittelen semantiikan osalta tarkemmin vain niin sanottuja indefiniittipronomineja. Tämä termi sisältää työssäni kvanttoripronominien ryhmittelyn kolme alakategoriaa, indefiniittiset, kieltohakuiset sekä samantekevyyden kvanttoripronominit, mutta pronominien lisäksi mukana ovat myös proadverbit. Määrittelen työssäni vepsän indefiniittipronominisarjat, sillä typologisesti indefiniittipronominit esiintyvät nimenomaan sarjoissa, joissa on yksi jäsen kustakin ontologisesta pääkategoriasta. Tutkin myös vepsän indefiniittipronominisarjojen funktionaalisia eroja eli sarjojen jakautumista yhdeksän perusfunktion kesken. Nämä jakaumat voi esittää distributionaalisena kaavana implikationaalisella kartalla (Haspelmath 1997: 64), ja kaavojen avulla on mahdollista tarkastella synkronisesti funktioiden kieltenvälisiä distribuutioita. Havaintojeni pohjalta hahmottelen vepsän kielen indefiniittipronominien distributionaalisen kaavan ja osoitan, että indefiniittipronominien implikationaalisen kartan metodi on sovellettavissa myös vepsään. Pro gradu -työssäni osoitan, että vepsän kielessä on omaleimainen kvanttoripronominien järjestelmä, vaikka siinä onkin monia yhtymäkohtia prestiisikielen venäjän ja lähisukukielen suomen järjestelmiin.


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This dissertation examined the research-based teacher education at the University of Helsinki from different theoretical and practical perspectives. Five studies focused on these perspectives separately as well as overlappingly. Study I focused on the reflection process of graduating teacher students. The data consisted of essays the students wrote as their last assignment before graduating, where their assignment was to examine their development as researchers during their MA thesis research process. The results indicated that the teacher students had analysed their own development thoroughly during the process and that they had reflected on theoretical as well as practical educational matters. The results also pointed out that, in the students’ opinion, personally conducted research is a significant learning process. -- Study II investigated teacher students’ workplace learning and the integration of theory and practice in teacher education. The students’ interviews focused on their learning of teacher’s work prior to education. The interviewees’ responses concerning their ‘surviving’ in teaching prior to teacher education were categorized into three categories: learning through experiences, school as a teacher learning environment, and case-specific learning. The survey part of the study focused on integration of theory and practice within the education process. The results showed that the students who worked while they studied took advantage of the studies and applied them to work. They set more demanding teaching goals and reflected on their work more theoretically. -- Study III examined practical aspects of the teacher students’ MA thesis research as well as the integration of theory and practice in teacher education. The participants were surveyed using a web-based survey which dealt with the participants’ teacher education experiences. According to the results, most of the students had chosen a practical topic for their MA thesis, one arising from their work environment, and most had chosen a research topic that would develop their own teaching. The results showed that the integration of theory and practice had taken place in much of the course work, but most obviously in the practicum periods, and also in the courses concerning the school subjects. The majority felt that the education had in some way been successful with regards to integration. -- Study IV explored the idea of considering teacher students’ MA thesis research as professional development. Twenty-three teachers were interviewed on the subject of their experiences of conducting research about their own work as teachers. The results of the interviews showed that the reasons for choosing the MA thesis research topic were multiple: practical, theoretical, personal, professional reasons, as well as outside effect. The objectives of the MA thesis research, besides graduating, were actual projects, developing the ability to work as teachers, conducting significant research, and sharing knowledge of the topic. The results indicated that an MA thesis can function as a tool for professional development, for example in finding ways for adjusting teaching, increasing interaction skills, gaining knowledge or improving reflection on theory and/or practice, strengthening self-confidence as a teacher, increasing researching skills or academic writing skills, as well as becoming critical and being able to read scientific and academic literature. -- Study V analysed teachers’ views of the impact of practitioner research. According to the results, the interviewees considered the benefits of practitioner research to be many, affecting teachers, pupils, parents, the working community, and the wider society. Most of the teachers indicated that they intended to continue to conduct research in the future. The results also showed that teachers often reflected personally and collectively, and viewed this as important. -- These five studies point out that MA thesis research is and can be a useful tool for increasing reflection doing with personal and professional development, as well as integrating theory and practice. The studies suggest that more advantage could be taken of the MA thesis research project. More integration of working and studying could and should be made possible for teacher students. This could be done in various ways within teacher education, but the MA thesis should be seen as a pedagogical possibility.


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The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the effects of Lactobacillus helveticus fermented milk (peptide milk) containing the casein-derived tripeptides Isoleucyl-prolyl-proline (Ile-Pro-Pro) and Valyl-prolyl-proline (Val-Pro-Pro) on blood pressure and vascular function in hypertensive subjects. The peptide milk lowered systolic and diastolic blood pressure in long-term use in hypertensive subjects when blood pressure was measured by using 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure measurement (ABPM). The blood pressure lowering effect was seen with the dose of 50 mg of tripeptides, and a tendency for lowering blood pressure was also observed when the dose was 5 mg. No adverse effects compared to the placebo group were reported or detected in laboratory analysis. The effect of the peptide milk on arterial stiffness was shown using two different methods, the ambulatory arterial stiffness index (AASI) and pulse wave analysis (PWA). According to the AASI, arterial stiffness was significantly reduced in the peptide milk group compared to the baseline level, but the difference was not significant compared to the placebo group. PWA showed that the peptide milk reduced arterial stiffness significantly compared to the placebo group. Endothelium-independent relaxation (nitroglycerin) and endothelium-dependent relaxation (salbutamol) did not differ between the groups. The blood pressure lowering mechanisms of the tripeptides and the kinetics of Ile-Pro-Pro were investigated using spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) and Sprague-Dawley rats. Previous studies have suggested that the blood pressure lowering effect of the tripeptides Ile-Pro-Pro and Val-Pro-Pro is based on angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition, but the present findings did not agree with these previous studies. It was shown in SHR that calcium, potassium and magnesium may also have an important role in attenuating the development of hypertension as part of the peptide milk effect. In addition, the present study suggests indirectly that improved endothelial nitric oxide release capacity is not the mechanism by which peptide milk mediates its favourable circulatory effects. The kinetics of Ile-Pro-Pro were studied using adult Sprague-Dawley rats. The results showed that orally administered Ile-Pro-Pro is absorbed at least partly intact from the gastrointestinal tract. Radiolabelled Ile-Pro-Pro was distributed in different tissues and considerable radioactivity levels were found in tissues related to the renin-angiotensin system (RAS), adrenals, aorta and kidneys. Ile-Pro-Pro does not bind to plasma proteins, and therefore it is possible that its blood pressure lowering effect is mediated by free Ile-Pro-Pro. In conclusion, consumption of the peptide milk lowers blood pressure and reduces arterial stiffness in hypertensive subjects. Ile-Pro-Pro can be absorbed partly intact from the gastrointestinal tract and might accumulate in tissues related to the RAS. The precise blood pressure lowering mechanism of peptide milk remains to be studied.


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The biological function of nitric oxide and its oxidized forms has received a great deal of attention over the past two decades. However much less attention has been focused on the reduced nitric oxide, nitroxyl (HNO). Unlike NO, HNO is highly reactive species and thus it needs to be generated by using donor compounds under experimental conditions. Currently there is only one donor available, Angeli s salt, which releases HNO in a controlled fashion under pysiological conditions. Prior studies have shown the pro-oxidative and cytotoxic potential of Angeli s salt compared to NO donors. The high reactivity of HNO with cysteine thiols is considered to form the biochemical basis for its unique properties compared to other nitrogen oxides. Such thiol modification cold result in disturbances of vital cellular functions and subsequently to death of disturbance sensitive cells, such as neurons. Therefore modification of proteins and lipids was studied in vitro and the potential neurotoxicity was studied in vivo by local infusion of Angeli s salt into the rat central nervous system. The results show that under aerobic in vitro conditions, HNO can, subsequent to autoxidation, cause irreversible oxidative modification of proteins and lipids. These effects are not however seen in cell culture or following infusion of Angeli s salt directly into the rat central nervous tissue likely due to presence of lower oxygen and higher thiol concentration. However, due to high reactivity with thiols, HNO can cause irreversible inactivation of cysteine modification sensitive enzymes such as cysteine proteases papain in vitro and cathepsin B in cell culture. Furthermore it was shown that infusion of HNO releasing Angeli s salt into the rat central nervous system causes necrotic cell death and motor dysfunction following infusion into the lumbal intrathecal space. In conclusion, the acute neurotoxic potential of Angeli s salt was shown to be relatively low, but still higher compared to NO donors. HNO was shown to affect numerous cellular processes which could result in neurotoxicity if HNO was produced in vivo.


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Periodontal Disease affects the supporting structures of the teeth and is initiated by a microbial biofilm called dental plaque. Severity ranges from superficial inflammation of the gingiva (gingivitis) to extensive destruction of connective tissue and bone leading to tooth loss (periodontitis). In periodontitis the destruction of tissue is caused by a cascade of microbial and host factors together with proteolytic enzymes. Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are known to be central mediators of the pathologic destruction in periodontitis. Initially plaque bacteria provide pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) which are sensed by Toll-like receptors (TLRs), and initiate intracellular signaling cascades leading to host inflammation. Our aim was to characterize TNF-α (tumor necrosis factor-alpha) and its type I and II receptors in periodontal tissues, as well as, the effects of TNF-α, IL-1β (interleukin-1beta) and IL-17 on the production and/or activation of MMP-3, MMP-8 and MMP-9. Furthermore we mapped the TLRs in periodontal tissues and assessed how some of the PAMPs binding to the key TLRs found in periodontal tissues affect production of TNF-α and IL-1β by gingival epithelial cells with or without combination of IL-17. TNF-α and its receptors were detected in pericoronitis. Furthermore, increased expression of interleukin-1β and vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 was found as a biological indicator of TNF-α ligand-receptor interaction. MMP-3, -8, and 9 were investigated in periodontitis affected human gingival crevicular fluid and gingival fibroblasts produced pro-MMP-3. Following that, the effect of IL-17 was studied on MMP and pro-inflammatory cytokine production. IL-17 was increased in periodontitis and up-regulated IL-1β, TNF-α, MMP-1 and MMP-3. We continued by demonstrating TLRs in gingival tissues, in which significant differences between patients with periodontitis and healthy controls were found. Finally, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays were performed to show that the gingival cells response to inflammatory responses in a TLR-dependent manner. Briefly, this thesis demonstrates that TLRs are present in periodontal tissues and present differences in periodontitis compared to healthy controls. The cells of gingival tissues respond to inflammatory process in a TLR-dependent manner by producing pro-inflammatory cytokines. During the destruction of periodontal tissues, the release (IL-1β and TNF-α) and co-operation with other pro-inflammatory cytokines (IL-17), which in turn increase the inflammation and thus be more harmful to the host with the increased presence of MMPs (MMP-1, MMP-3, MMP-8, MMP-9) in diseased over healthy sites.


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Class II division 1 malocclusion occurs in 3.5 to 13 percent of 7 12 year-old children. It is the most common reason for orthodontic treatment in Finland. Correction is most commonly performed using headgear treatment. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of cervical headgear treatment on dentition, facial skeletal and soft tissue growth, and upper airway structure, in children. 65 schoolchildren, 36 boys and 29 girls were studied. At the onset of treatment a mean age was 9.3 (range 6.6 12.4) years. All the children were consequently referred to an orthodontist because of Class II division 1 malocclusion. The included children had protrusive maxilla and an overjet of more than 2mm (3 to 11 mm). The children were treated with a Kloehn-type cervical headgear as the only appliance until Class I first molar relationships were achieved. The essential features of the headgear were cervical strong pulling forces, a long upward bent outer bow, and an expanded inner bow. Dental casts and lateral and posteroanterior cephalograms were taken before and after the treatment. The results were compared to a historical, cross-sectional Finnish cohort or to historical, age- and sex-matched normal Class I controls. The Class I first molar relationships were achieved in all the treated children. The mean treatment time was 1.7 (range 0.3-3.1) years. Phase 2 treatments were needed in 52% of the children, most often because of excess overjet or overbite. The treatment decreased maxillary protrusion by inhibiting alveolar forward growth, while the rest of the maxilla and mandible followed normal growth. The palate rotated anteriorly downward. The expansion of the inner bow of the headgear induced widening of the maxilla, nasal cavity, and the upper and lower dental arches. Class II malocclusion was associated with narrower oro- and hypopharyngeal space than in the Class I normal controls. The treatment increased the retropalatal airway space, while the rest of the airway remained unaffected. The facial profile improved esthetically, while the facial convexity decreased. Facial soft tissues masked the facial skeletal convexity, and the soft tissue changes were smaller than skeletal changes. In conclusion, the headgear treatment with the expanded inner bow may be used as an easy and simple method for Class II correction in growing children.


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Consumerism emphasises the patient s position and freedom of choice. Consumerism is being promoted by a range of phenomena occurring in society and health care. Different actors hold different views on the patient as a consumer and on his or her participation. Consumer demand is created outside the patient physician relationship and the commercialisation of services generates new expectations with respect to physician s work. More and more patients may be interested in adopting a more equal position in the care relationship, and trying to negotiate with the physician or to even dictate how he or she should be cared for. In Finland, very little research has been conducted on patients and consumers organising themselves at national system level, patients as choosers, and physicians attitudes to various consumerist phenomena or the choice made by the patient. In the empirical data for this study, the term consumer-patient refers to active consumers and patients making choices related to their clinical care prior to a physician s diagnosis. Consumer-patients are also represented by consumer and patient organisations and movements. The main research question is: How do physicians regard the care choice made by the patient? This question is addressed from a perspective encompassing patients and consumers organised activities and individuals active behaviour in health care as well as physicians experiences and their views on patients as consumers making choices related to their care. The first part (Study I), examines the patient organisation field, information sources used including the websites of such organisations, files from Finland s Slot Machine Association, RAY, a survey conducted by a Finnish television news department and interviews of patient organisations. Based on observation and a physician survey, Study II examines physicians attitudes to the idea that patients could obtain information through consumer movements about physicians care practices before seeking medical care. Studies III−IV use a physician survey to examine physicians attitudes to direct-to-consumer-advertising of prescription drugs (DTCA) and their experiences and views of patient requests related to treatments and examinations. Study V uses comparative surveys to examine the attitudes of health care professionals and the population to the introduction of new technologies in health care, using genetic screenings and tests as an example. The number of patient organisations increased, with a particular escalation as of the 1990s. The characteristics and operating methods of the organisations varied greatly. Physicians organisations adopted a negative or neutral attitude towards the consumer movements idea of distributing information on care practices, whereas individual physicians attitudes were slightly more positive. Physicians regarded direct-to-consumer-advertising of prescription drugs as negative, but took a more permissive attitude towards indirect advertising. More than every third physician considered drug advertisements in general to be harmful or useless in the distribution of drug information to patients or consumers. More than half of physicians conducting patient work reported that they (very) often encountered patients who stated upon arrival for a consultation that they wanted specific treatments or examinations, and that the number of such situations had increased. Such situations were viewed as positive with regard to the care relationship by every fifth physician and as negative by two fifths. Physicians justified a reserved attitude to the patients consumer role by referring to their medical expertise and position as care decision-makers, the patient physician relationship and the public health care system. Reasons for a positive attitude included the patient s participation and co-operation, the patient physician relationship and the patient s knowledge. Professionals were more reserved than lay people about the introduction and extension of genetic technologies in health care. A significant minority of the physicians did not take a clear pro or con attitude to the patients consumer role or to the use of new technologies in health care. The physicians age, gender, place of work and specialisation influenced their attitudes to the patient s consumer role, and private physicians viewed it in a more positive light than those working in public health care. Active consumer-patients challenge the society to hold a discussion of the patient s choice, participation in care decision-making and participation in health care policy in general. Their transformation into customers and consumers implies not only a new division of individuals roles and powers, but also contributes to changing relationships between system level roles: between citizens and the state and between public and private health care. This phenomenon raises various issues related to health care policy. In conclusion, topics are presented for discussion, practical measures and further research. Keywords: health care, consumerism, distribution of technologies, commercialisation, physicians, patients, consumers, patient s choice, patient s role.