5 resultados para Tabu

em Helda - Digital Repository of University of Helsinki


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Bestiality was in the 18th century a more difficult problem in terms of criminal policy in Sweden and Finland than in any other Christian country in any other period. In the legal history of deviant sexuality, the phenomenon was uniquely widespread by international comparison. The number of court cases per capita in Finland was even higher than in Sweden. The authorities classified bestiality among the most serious crimes and a deadly sin. The Court of Appeal in Turku opted for an independent line and was clearly more lenient than Swedish courts of justice. Death sentences on grounds of bestiality ended in the 1730s, decades earlier than in Sweden. The sources for the present dissertation include judgment books and Court of Appeal decisions in 253 cases, which show that the persecution of those engaging in bestial acts in 18th century Finland was not organised by the centralised power of Stockholm. There is little evidence of local campaigns that would have been led by authorities. The church in its orthodoxy was losing ground and the clergy governed their parishes with more pragmatism than the Old Testament sanctioned. When exposing bestiality, the legal system was compelled to rely on the initiative of the public. In cases of illicit intercourse or adultery the authorities were even more dependent on the activeness of the local community. Bestiality left no tangible evidence, illegitimate children, to betray the crime to the clergy or secular authorities. The moral views of the church and the local community were not on a collision course. It was a common view that bestiality was a heinous act. Yet nowhere near all crimes came to the authorities' knowledge. Because of the heavy burden of proof, the legal position of the informer was difficult. Passiveness in reporting the crime was partly because most Finns felt it was not their place to intervene in their neighbours' private lives, as long as that privacy posed no serious threat to the neighbourhood. Hidden crime was at least as common as crime more easily exposed and proven. A typical Finnish perpetrator of bestiality was a young unmarried man with no criminal background or mental illness. The suspects were not members of ethnic minorities or marginal social groups. In trials, farmhands were more likely to be sentenced than their masters, but a more salient common denominator than social and economical status was the suspects' young age. For most of the defendants bestiality was a deep-rooted habit, which had been adopted in early youth. This form of subculture spread among the youth, and the most susceptible to experiment with the act were shepherds. The difference between man and animal was not clear-cut or self-evident. The difficulty in drawing the line is evident both in legal sources and Finnish folklore. The law that required that the animal partners be slaughtered led to the killing of thousands of cows and mares, and thereby to substantial material losses to their owners. Regarding bestiality as a crime against property motivated people to report it. The belief that the act would produce human-animal mongrels or that it would poison the milk and the meat horrified the public more than the teachings of the church ever could. Among the most significant aspects in the problems regarding the animals is how profoundly different the worldview of 18th century people was from that of today.


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The dissertation deals with the prose texts of the Finnish writer Timo K. Mukka, renowned for his depictions of his native Lapland. This research concerns the creation of world view in Mukka s prose, which is approached by studying what Mikhail Bakhtin calls generic change. Such genre change is the most characteristic feature of Mukka s prose. His prose is permeated with two genres in particular and changes between them: the ballad-like, archaistic and romantic prose-poem style and naturalistic, even grotesque expressions. In addition, these genres are associated with sublime and grotesque styles so that generic change tends to involve also stylistic changes in Mukka s prose. This study probes the tension-filled interrelationships between the ballad and naturalistic prose by examining the discourse of Mukka s characters. It is shown that these characters invariably find themselves in what Bakhtin calls the chronotope of the threshold; that is, the plots of Mukka s novels and short stories depict situations in which the characters are faced with decisions and deeds that will profoundly impact their lives. The discourse of the threshold affects the characters speech by filling it with dialogical dimensions. This makes their communication ethically loaded and polyphonic. This study is based on Mikhail Bakhtin s theory of the novel and international Bakhtin s studies. I also take into consideration the theoretical developments of Bakhtin s work; for example, the concept of ressentiment, adapted from the Bakhtin scholar Michel André Bernstein, plays an important role. In order to explicate on the psychology of Mukka s characters such as melancholy, abjection, sadism, and taboo I use the concepts familiar from Freudian psychoanalysis. The corpus of my research consists of the following texts: the long prose texts Maa on syntinen laulu. Balladi (1964), Tabu (1965), Täältä jostakin. Romaani (1965), Laulu Sipirjan lapsista. Romaani (1966), Ja kesän heinä kuolee. Kertomus sairaudesta (1968) ja Kyyhky ja unikko (1970) and the short story collections Koiran kuolema (1967) ja Lumen pelko (1970), and with Tabu published short story Sankarihymni , the short story Katkelma laajemmasta laulelmasta from the collection Rakastaa: Kaksitoista novellia rakkaudesta (1965) and also the short stories which were published in various Finnish journals: Yöt (1965), Liisa (1967), Tyttö (1967) ja Näin hetki sitten ketun (1970). I pay particular attention to the novel Maa on syntinen laulu, because it expresses the generic change characteristic of Mukka s world view in a specifically clear and lively way. The dissertation is in Finnish. Key words: Timo K. Mukka, world view, genre change, ballad, naturalism, grotesque realism, Mikhail Bakhtin, dialogism, polyphony, chronotope, sublime, grotesque, ressentiment, Sigmund Freud, melancholy, taboo, abject, sadism, reduced laughter, modern parody.


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The purpose of this study is to evaluate contemporary philosophical models for global ethics in light of the Catholic theologian Hans Küng s Global Ethic Project (Projekt Weltethos). Küng s project starts with the motto, No survival without world ethos. No global peace without peace between religions. I will use the philosophically multidimensional potential of Projekt Weltethos in terms of its possible philosophical interpretations to evaluate the general discussion of global ethics within political philosophy today. This is important in its own right, but also because through it, opportunities will emerge to articulate Küng s relatively general argument in a way that leaves less room for mutually contradictory concretizations of what global ethics ultimately should be like. The most important question in this study is the problem of religious and ideological exclusivism and its relation to the ethically consistent articulation of global ethics. I will first explore the question of the role of religion as the basis for ethics in general and what Küng may mean by his claim that only the unconditional can oblige unconditionally. I will reconstruct two different overall philosophical interpretations of the relationship between religious faith and human rationality, each having two different sub-divisions: a liberal interpretation amounts to either a Kantian-Scheiermacherian or a Jaspersian view, whereas what I call postliberal interpretation amounts to either an Aristotelian-Thomistic or an Augustinian view. Thereafter, I will further clarify how Küng views the nature of ethics beyond the question of its principal foundation in religious faith: Küng searches for a middle way between consequentialist and non-consequentialist ethics, a way in which the latter dimension has the final stake. I will then set out to concretize further this more or less general notion of the theoretical potential of Projekt Weltethos in terms of certain precise philosophico-political models. I categorize these models according to their liberal or postliberal orientation. The liberal concretization leads me to consider a wide spectrum of post-Kantian and post-Hegelian models from Rawls to Derrida, while the alternative concretization opens up my ultimate argument in favor of a postliberal type of modus vivendi. I will suggest that the only theoretically and practically plausible way to promote global ethics, in itself a major imperative today, is the recognition of a fundamental and necessary contest between mutually exclusive ideologies in the public sphere. On this basis I will proceed to my postliberal proposal, namely, that a constructive and peaceful encountering of exclusive difference as an ethical vantage point for an intercultural and inter-religious peace dialogue is the most acute challenge for global ethics today.


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Women and Marital Breakdown in South India: Reconstructing Homes, Bonds and Persons is an ethnographic analysis of the situation of divorced and separated women and their families in the South Indian city of Bangalore. The study is based on 16 months of anthropological fieldwork, i.e., participant observation and life history interviews among 50 divorced and separated women from different socio-religious backgrounds in their homes, in the women s organisations and in the Family Court. The study follows the divorced and separated women from their natal homes to their affinal homes through homelessness and legal battles to their reconstructed natal, affinal or single homes in order to find out what it means to be a person within hierarchical gender and kinship relations in South India. Marital breakdown impacts on kin relations and discloses the existing gender relations and power structure through its consequences. It makes the transformability of relational personhood as well as the transformability of relational society and culture visible. Although the study reveals the painful history of women s ill-treatment in marriage, family and kinship systems, it also demonstrates the women s rejection of the domination; and shows their ability to re-negotiate and promote changes not only to their own positions but to the whole hierarchical system as well. The study explores the divorced and separated women s manifold dilemmas, complicated legal battles, and endless arrangements when they have to struggle with the very practical problems of supporting themselves financially, finding and making a new home for themselves, and re-arranging relationships with their kin and friends. As marital breakdown fundamentally transforms the women s relational field, it forces them to recreate substitutive relations in a flexible way and, simultaneously, to re-construct themselves and their lives without a ready or positive cultural or behavioural template. This process reveals the agency of the divorced and separated women as well as shedding light on issues of gender and the cultural construction of the person in South India. This topical study explores the previously neglected subject of marital breakdown in India and shows the new meaning of kinship in South India.


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Kateuden tunnetta ei ole tarkasteltu käytännöllisessä filosofiassa huolimatta sen määräävästä asemasta ihmisen normaalissa päivittäisessä elämässä. Kateus liittyy moniin ilmiöihin yksilöllisenä tai jopa kollektiivisena ryhmätunteena, kun siihen yhdistyvät epäoikeudenmukaisuus ja itsepetoksellisuus. Tutkielma pyrki osoittamaan kateuden vääjäämättömän monipuolisuuden kilpailullisena ja eriarvoisuutta lisäävänä vertailevana kompleksisena negatiivisena tunteena. Jo antiikin Kreikassa kateus liitettiin ihmisten ja jumalien väliseen eriarvoisuuteen, nykypäivänä taas kateutta leimaa liberaalisen yhteiskuntapolitiikan keskiössä ”tietämättömyyden verhon” takana egalitaarisuuden ihanne ja oikeudenmukaisuuden ja reiluuden taju. Tunnekokemuksena kateus on impotenttinen toisen paremmuudesta ja inferioi näin kateuden episodisuuden irrationaaliseen tilanteeseensa nähden antagonistiseksi. Tutkielman neljästä pääluvussa ensimmäisessä kateus yhdistetään poliittisen liberaalin yhteiskuntafilosofian yhdysvaltalaiseen kannattajaan John Rawlsiin (1921−2002). Hänen ajattelussaan ja pääteoksessaan A Theory of Justice (1971) ja siinä erityisesti kateutta käsittelevässä luvussa IX kateus on yhteiskunnassa vaikuttavaa erityispsykologista taipumusta tavoitella parempiosaisten asemaa oikeudenmukaisuuden kontraktuaalisessa valintajärjestelmässä. Rawlsille kateus ei ole tabu, vaan kateuden ongelma koskee kaikkia abstraktissa alkuasetelmassa yhteiskuntasopimuksen piiriin liittyviä sopija−agentteja. Rationaalinen agentti ei kärsi kateudesta, kun epäoikeudenmukaisuutta ei ole hänen ja muiden samojen vapaus− ja eroperiaatteiden nojalla toimivien ihmisten välillä sietämättömästi. Rawls tekee kuitenkin jaon pahantahoisessa kateudessa (proper) yleiseen ja erityiseen ja erottaa sekä emulatiivisen (emulative) eli motivoivan esimerkin sysäämän kilvoittelevan kateuden varsinaisesta kateudesta (proper). Myös anteeksiannettava kateus (excusable general envy) on Rawlsin onnellisuutta ja reiluutta tasa–arvoistavassa sopimusteorian ideaalissa varsinaisen kateuden alaluokkana mukana. Kateus ja tasa-arvo tulevat esille paremmin kilpailullisessa kateudessa, mistä myös viime vuosien merkittävin kateustutkija amerikkalainen Kentuckyn yliopiston psykologian professori Richard H. Smith on ollut kiinnostunut. Hänelle kateus on inferiorisen kompleksista ja liittyy oman arvon tunteeseen ja kognitiiviseen psykologiaan. Kateuden tutkimus on monialaistunut ja vilkastunut viime vuosikymmenen aikana. Sosiaali−psykologia, sosiologia, kulttuuriantropologia ja tunnefilosofia ovat kiinnostuneet ymmärtämään tätä kompleksista negatiivista tunnetta paremmin. Kulttuurissamme kateus toimii universaalisesti yhteydessä muihin rinnakkaistunteisiin, kuten moraaliseen paheksuntaan tai sitä lievempään närkästymiseen. Kateus ei ole perustunne, mutta sille on löydettävissä prototyypillisiä piirteitä, joskin kateus ei helposti antaudu propositionaaliseen tai kognitiiviseen arvostelmasisältöön yksin mentaalisen analyysin välityksellä (Solomon 1976). Siitä pitää huolen kateuden affektuaalnen instrumentaalisuus (feeling) ja kognitiivisen komponentiaalisen tulkinnan vaikeus kateellisen väistellessä oman itsetunnon inferiorisuuden tai omaa toimintavalmiutta heikentävien ilkeämielisten motiiviensa alaisuudessa. Kateelliselle ei ns. perisyntinä riitä, että kadehditulta olisi saatu pois haluttu myönteinen ominaisuus, kohde−esine tai asema, vaan lähietäisyydellä toimivasta kadehditusta pitäisi päästä kokonaan eroon (ns. venäläinen kateus). Siksi kateus approksimoi naapureita, ystäviä, kollegoita tai myös toisen ihmisen aviopuolisoa, mutta usein arkiyhteydessä käsitteellisesti väärinymmärrettynä, koska jälkimmäisessä on kyse kolmepaikkaisesta mustasukkaisuuden tunteesta. Kaksipaikkaisena tunteena (kateellinen & kadehdittu) ja sen vastatunteenaan usein mainittu kiittämättömyys saavat aikaan sen, että kateellinen on myös taipuvainen aggressiivisuuteen ja vihaisuuteen, mutta kun asiaa tarkastelee tarkemmin taustalta paljastuu itsepetoksen elementtejä. Kateellinen hyödyntää itsepetoksen paradoksia eli kahden vastakkaisen uskomuksen (Kateellinen, koska P & Kateellinen, koska ~P) samanaikaista voimassaoloa tilanteessa, jossa omat teot ovat suuntautuneet intentionaalisesti muualle kuin kadehditun komparatiiivisesti parempana näyttäytyvien arvostuserojen kuromiseksi tilanteen tasavertaistamiseksi kiinni. Kateellinen voi olla deliberatiivisen ahne ja nopea epäreilussa reaktiossaan kadehdittua kohtaan. Näin uppiniskainen kateustunne voi tulla eriäväksi havaitun arvioivan arvostelman kanssa. Kateustunne olisi näin määritelmällisesti intensiivistä puutetta (toistuvissa) epätasa−arvoisissa ja irrationalisoituneissa ihmiskohtaamisissa. Tutkimus esitteli kateustunteen adekvaattisena käsitteenä ja toi havaintoja kognitiivisen tunneteorian riittämättömyydestä kateustunteen tutkimukselle. Kiinnostavaa oli, että poliittisessa yhteiskuntafilosofiasta löytyi myös Rawlsin psykologisten erityistaipumuksien ja erityisesti kateuden yhteiskuntapoliittista kritiikkiä. Tunneteoreettisesti kateustunne on kognitiivista perustunnetta holistisempi, intensiivisempi ja intentionaalisempi sekä lisäksi affektuaalisesti motivoiva, joka mahdollistaa myös inhimillisen toiminnan kehittymisen, mutta myös kadehtijan tuhoamisen. Itsepetos sen sijaan tekee kateudesta haavoittuvan ja myös narsismia ruokkivan tunnetilan, jossa kateellinen toimii hedonistisesti ei−kognitiivisen irrationaalisen tietämyksen (envious feeling proper) varassa ja kieltää tunteen konsekventionaaliset usein negatiiviset seuraukset itselleen ja lähiympäristölleen.