19 resultados para Passenger compartments.

em Helda - Digital Repository of University of Helsinki


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One of the most important factors determining the development of atherosclerosis is the amount of LDL particles in the circulation. In general, LDL particles are clinically regarded as “bad cholesterol” since these particles get entrapped within the vascular wall, leading to atherosclerosis. Circulating HDL particles are conversely regarded as “good cholesterol” because of their ability to transport cholesterol from peripheral tissues to the liver for secretion as bile salts. Once inside the artery wall LDL particles are engulfed by macrophages, resulting in macrophage foam cells. If the macrophage foam cells are not able to efflux the cholesterol back into the bloodstream, the excessive cholesterol ultimately leads to cell death, and the deposition of cellular debris within the atherosclerotic lesion. The cells ability to secrete cholesterol is mainly dependent on the ABCA1 transporter (ATP-binding cassette transporter A1) which transfers cellular cholesterol to extracellular apoA-I (apolipoprotein A-I) particles, leading to the generation of nascent HDL particles. The process of atherosclerotic plaque development is therefore to a large extent a cellular one, in which the capacity of the macrophages in handling the excessive cholesterol load determines the progression of lesion development. In this work we have studied the cellular mechanisms that regulate the trafficking of LDL-derived cholesterol from endosomal compartments to other parts of the cell. As a basis for the study we have utilized cells from patients with Niemann-Pick type C disease, a genetic disorder resulting from mutations in the NPC1 and NPC2 genes. In these cells, cholesterol is entrapped within the endosomal compartment, and is not available for efflux. By identifying proteins that bypass the cholesterol trafficking defect, we were able to identify the small GTPase Rab8 as an important protein involved in ABCA1 dependent cholesterol efflux. In the study, we show that Rab8 regulates cholesterol efflux in human macrophages by facilitating intracellular cholesterol transport, as well as by regulating the plasma membrane availability of ABCA1. Collectively, these results give new insight in to atherosclerotic lesion development and intracellular cholesterol processing.


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Cells are packed with membrane structures, defining the inside and outside, and the different subcellular compartments. These membranes consisting mainly of phospholipids have a variety of functions in addition to providing a permeability barrier for various compounds. These functions involve cellular signaling, where lipids can act as second messengers, or direct regulation of membrane associating proteins. The first part of this study focuses on relating some of the physicochemical properties of membrane lipids to the association of drug compounds to membranes. A fluorescence based method is described allowing for determination of the membrane association of drugs. This method was subsequently applied to a novel drug, siramesine, previously shown to have anti-cancer activity. Siramesine was found to associate with anionic lipids. Especially interesting is its strong affinity for a second messenger lipid phosphatidic acid. This is the first example of a small molecule drug compound specifically interacting with a cellular lipid. Phosphatidic acid in cells is required for the activation of many signaling pathways mediating growth and proliferation. This provides an intriguing possibility for a simple molecular mechanism of the observed anti-cancer activity of siramesine. In the second part the thermal behavior and self assembly of charged and uncharged membrane assemblies was studied. Strong inter-lamellar co-operativity was observed for multilamellar DPPC vesicles using fluorescence techniques together with calorimetry. The commonly used membrane models, large unilamellar vesicles (LUV) and multilamellar vesicles (MLV) were found to possess different biophysical properties as interlamellar interactions of MLVs drive segregation of a pyrene labeled lipid analogue into clusters. The effect of a counter-ion lattice on the self assembly of a cationic gemini surfactant was studied. The presence of NaCl strongly influenced the thermal phase behavior of M-1 vesicles, causing formation of giant vesicles upon exceeding a phase transition temperature, followed by a subsequent transition into a more homogenous dispersion. Understanding the underlying biophysical aspects of cellular membranes is of fundamental importance as the complex picture of the structure and function of cells is evolving. Many of the cellular reactions take place on membranes and membranes are known to regulate the activity of many peripheral and intergral membrane associating proteins. From the point of view of drug design and gene technology, membranes can provide an interesting target for future development of drugs, but also a vehicle sensitive for environmental changes allowing for encapsulating drugs and targeting them to the desired site of action.


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Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the third most common cancer in Finland. Of all CRC tumors, 15% display microsatellite-instability (MSI) caused by defective cellular mismatch repair. Cells displaying MSI accumulate a high number of mutations genome-wide, especially in short repeat areas, microsatellites. When targeting genes essential for cell growth or death, MSI can promote tumorigenesis. In non-coding areas, microsatellite mutations are generally considered as passenger events. Since the discovery of MSI and its linkage to cancer, more that 200 genes have been investigated for a role in MSI tumorigenesis. Although various criteria have been suggested for MSI target gene identification, the challenge has been to distinguish driver mutations from passenger mutations. This study aimed to clarify these key issues in the research field of MSI cancer. Prior to this, background mutation rate in MSI cancer has not been studied in a large-scale. We investigated the background mutation rate in MSI CRC by analyzing the spectrum of microsatellite mutations in non-coding areas. First, semenogelin I was studied for a possible role in MSI carcinogenesis. The intronic T9 repeat of semenogelin I was frequently mutated but no evidence for selection during tumorigenesis was obtained. Second, a sequencing approach was utilized to evaluate the general background mutation rate in MSI CRC. Both intronic and intergenic repeats harbored extremely high mutation rates of ≤ 87% and intergenic repeats were more unstable than the intronic repeats. As mutation rates of presumably neutral microsatellites can be high in MSI CRC in the absence of apparent selection pressure, high mutation frequency alone is not sufficient evidence for identification of driver MSI target genes. Next, an unbiased approach was designed to identify the mutatome of MSI CRC. By combining expression array data and a database search we identified novel genes possibly related to MSI CRC carcinogenesis. One of the genes was studied further. In the functional analysis this gene was observed to cause an abnormal cancer-prone cellular phenotype, possibly through altered responses to DNA damage. In our recent study, smooth muscle myosin heavy chain 11 (MYH11) was identified as a novel MSI CRC gene. Additionally, MYH11 has a well established role in acute myeloid leukemia (AML) through an oncogenic fusion protein CBFB-MYH11. We investigated further the role of MYH11 in AML by sequencing. Three novel missense variants of MYH11 were identified. None of the variants were present in the population-based control material. One of the identified variants, V71A, lies in the N-terminal SH3-like domain of MYH11 of unknown function. The other two variants, K1059E and R1792Q are located in the coil-coiled myosin rod essential for the regulation and filament formation of MYH11. The variant K1059E lies in the close proximity of the K1044N that has been functionally assessed in our earlier work of CRC and has been reported to cause total loss of MYH11 protein regulation. As the functional significance of the three novel variants examined in this work remains unknown, future studies should clarify the further role of MYH11 in AML leukaemogenesis and in other malignancies.


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Oxysterol binding protein (OSBP) homologues have been found in eukaryotic organisms ranging from yeast to humans. These evolutionary conserved proteins have in common the presence of an OSBP-related domain (ORD) which contains the fully conserved EQVSHHPP sequence motif. The ORD forms a barrel structure that binds sterols in its interior. Other domains and sequence elements found in OSBP-homologues include pleckstrin homology domains, ankyrin repeats and two phenylalanines in an acidic tract (FFAT) motifs, which target the proteins to distinct subcellular compartments. OSBP homologues have been implicated in a wide range of intracellular processes, including vesicle trafficking, lipid metabolism and cell signaling, but little is known about the functional mechanisms of these proteins. The human family of OSBP homologues consists of twelve OSBP-related proteins (ORP). This thesis work is focused on one of the family members, ORP1, of which two variants were found to be expressed tissue-specifically in humans. The shorter variant, ORP1S contains an ORD only. The N-terminally extended variant, ORP1L, comprises a pleckstrin homology domain and three ankyrin repeats in addition to the ORD. The two ORP1 variants differ in intracellular localization. ORP1S is cytosolic, while the ankyrin repeat region of ORP1L targets the protein to late endosomes/lysosomes. This part of ORP1L also has profound effects on late endosomal morphology, inducing perinuclear clustering of late endosomes. A central aim of this study was to identify molecular interactions of ORP1L on late endosomes. The morphological changes of late endosomes induced by overexpressed ORP1L implies involvement of small Rab GTPases, regulators of organelle motility, tethering, docking and/or fusion, in generation of the phenotype. A direct interaction was demonstrated between ORP1L and active Rab7. ORP1L prolongs the active state of Rab7 by stabilizing its GTP-bound form. The clustering of late endosomes/lysosomes was also shown to be linked to the minus end-directed microtubule-based dynein-dynactin motor complex through the ankyrin repeat region of ORP1L. ORP1L, Rab7 and the Rab7-interacting lysosomal protein (RILP) were found to be part of the same effector complex recruiting the dynein-dynactin complex to late endosomes, thereby promoting minus end-directed movement. The proteins were found to be physically close to each other on late endosomes and RILP was found to stabilize the ORP1L-Rab7 interaction. It is possible that ORP1L and RILP bind to each other through their C-terminal and N-terminal regions, respectively, when they are bridged by Rab7. With the results of this study we have been able to place a member of the uncharacterized OSBP-family, ORP1L, in the endocytic pathway, where it regulates motility and possibly fusion of late endosomes through interaction with the small GTPase Rab7.


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The cells of multicellular organisms have differentiated to carry out specific functions that are often accompanied by distinct cell morphology. The actin cytoskeleton is one of the key regulators of cell shape subsequently controlling multiple cellular events including cell migration, cell division, endo- and exocytosis. A large set of actin regulating proteins has evolved to achieve and tightly coordinate this wide range of functions. Some actin regulator proteins have so-called house keeping roles and are essential for all eukaryotic cells, but some have evolved to meet the requirements of more specialized cell-types found in higher organisms enabling complex functions of differentiated organs, such as liver, kidney and brain. Often processes mediated by the actin cytoskeleton, like formation of cellular protrusions during cell migration, are intimately linked to plasma membrane remodeling. Thus, a close cooperation between these two cellular compartments is necessary, yet not much is known about the underlying molecular mechanisms. This study focused on a vertebrate-specific protein called missing-in-metastasis (MIM), which was originally characterized as a metastasis suppressor of bladder cancer. We demonstrated that MIM regulates the dynamics of actin cytoskeleton via its WH2 domain, and is expressed in a cell-type specific manner. Interestingly, further examination showed that the IM-domain of MIM displays a novel membrane tubulation activity, which induces formation of filopodia in cells. Following studies demonstrated that this membrane deformation activity is crucial for cell protrusions driven by MIM. In mammals, there are five members of IM-domain protein family. Functions and expression patterns of these family members have remained poorly characterized. To understand the physiological functions of MIM, we generated MIM knockout mice. MIM-deficient mice display no apparent developmental defects, but instead suffer from progressive renal disease and increased susceptibility to tumors. This indicates that MIM plays a role in the maintenance of specific physiological functions associated with distinct cell morphologies. Taken together, these studies implicate MIM both in the regulation of the actin cytoskeleton and the plasma membrane. Our results thus suggest that members of MIM/IRSp53 protein family coordinate the actin cytoskeleton:plasma membrane interface to control cell and tissue morphogenesis in multicellular organisms.


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Eukaryotic cells are characterized by having a subset of internal membrane compartments, each one with a specifi c identity, structure and function. Proteins destined to be targeted to the exterior of the cell need to enter and progress through the secretory pathway. Transport of secretory proteins from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) to the Golgi takes place by the selective packaging of proteins into COPII-coated vesicles at the ER membrane. Taking advantage of the extensive genetic tools available for S. cerevisiae we found that Hsp150, a yeast secretory glycoprotein, selectively exited the ER in the absence of any of the three Sec24p family members. Sec24p has been thought to be an essential component of the COPII coat and thus indispensable for exocytic membrane traffic. Next we analyzed the ability of Hsp150 to be secreted in mutants, where post-Golgi transport is temperature sensitive. We found that Hsp150 could be selectively secreted under conditions where the exocyst component Sec15p is defective. Analysis of the secretory vesicles revealed that Hsp150 was packaged into a subset of known secretory vesicles as well as in a novel pool of secretory vesicles at the level of the Golgi. Secretion of Hsp150 in the absence of Sec15p function was dependent of Mso1p, a protein capable of interacting with vesicles intended to fuse with the plasma membrane, with the SNARE machinery and with Sec1p. This work demonstrated that Hsp150 is capable of using alternative secretory pathways in ER-to-Golgi and Golgi-to-plasma membrane traffi c. The sorting signals, used at both stages of the secretory pathway, for secretion of Hsp150 were different, revealing the highly dynamic nature and spatial organization of the secretory pathway. Foreign proteins usually misfold in the yeast ER. We used Hsp150 as a carrier to assist folding and transport of heterologous proteins though the secretory pathway to the culture medium in both S. cerevisiae and P. pastoris. Using this technique we expressed Hsp150Δ-HRP and developed a staining procedure, which allowed the visualization of the organelles of the secretory pathway of S. cerevisiae.


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The inner ear originates from an ectodermal thickening called the otic placode. The otic placode invaginates and closes to an otic vesicle, the otocyst. The otocyst epithelium undergoes morphogenetic changes and cell differentiation, leading to the formation of the labyrinth-like mature inner ear. Epithelial-mesenchymal interactions control inner ear morphogenesis, but the modes and molecules are largely unresolved. The expressions of negative cell cycle regulators in the epithelium of the early-developing inner ear have also not been elucidated. The mature inner ear comprises the hearing (cochlea) and balance (vestibular) organs that contain the nonsensory and sensory cells. In mammals, the inner ear sensory cells, called hair cells, exit the cell cycle during embryogenesis and are mitotically quiescent during late-embryonic differentiation stages and postnatally. The mechanisms that maintain this hair cell quiescense are largely unresolved. In this work I examined 1) the epithelial-mesenchymal interactions involved in inner ear morphogenesis, 2) expression of negative cell cycle regulators in the epithelium of the early developing inner ear and 3) the molecular mechanisms that maintain the postmitotic state of inner ear sensory cells. We observed that during otocyst stages, epithelial fibroblast growth factor 9 (Fgf9) communicates with the surrounding mesenchyme, where its receptors are expressed. Fgf9 inactivation leads to reduced proliferation of the surrounding vestibular mesenchyme and to the absence of semicircular canals. Semicircular canal development is blocked, since fusion plates do not form. These results show that the mesenchyme directs fusion plate formation and give direct evidence for the existence of reciprocal epithelial-mesenchymal interactions in the developing inner ear. Cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors (CKIs) are negative regulators of proliferation. We show that the members of the Cip/Kip family of CKIs (p21Cip1, p27Kip1 and p57Kip2) are expressed in the early-developing inner ear. Our expression data suggest that CKIs divide the otic epithelium into proliferative and nonproliferative compartments that may underlie shaping of the otocyst. At later stages, CKIs regulate proliferation of the vestibular appendages, and this may regulate their continual growth. In addition to restricting proliferation, CKIs may play a role in regional differentiation of various epithelial cells. Differentiating and adult inner ear hair cells are postmitotic and do not proliferate in response to serum or mitogenic growth factors. In our study, we show that this is the result of the activity of negative cell cycle regulators. Based on expression profiles, we first focused on the retinoblastoma (Rb) gene, which functions downstream of the CKIs. Analysis of the inner ear phenotype of Rb mutant mice show, that the retinoblastoma protein regulates the postmitotic state of hair cells. Rb inactivation leads to hyperplasia of vestibular and cochlear sensory epithelia that is a result of abnormal cell cycle entry of differentiated hair cells and of delayed cell cycle exit of the hair cell precursor cells. In addition, we show that p21Cip1 and p19Ink4d cooperate in maintaining the postmitotic state of postnatal auditory hair cells. Whereas inactivation of p19Ink4d alone leads to low-level S-phase entry (Chen et al., 2003) and p21Cip1 null mutant mice have a normal inner ear phenotype, codeletion of p19Ink4d and p21Cip1 triggers high-level S-phase entry of auditory hair cells during early postnatal life, which leads to supernumerary hair cells. The ectopic hair cells undergo apoptosis in all of the mutant mice studied, DNA damage being the immediate cause of this death. These findings demonstrate that the maintenance of the postmitotic state of hair cells is regulated by Rb and several CKIs, and that these cell cycle regulators are critical for the lifelong survival of hair cells. These data have implications for the future design of therapies to induce hair cell regrowth.


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Trimeric autotransporters are a family of secreted outer membrane proteins in Gram-negative bacteria. These obligate homotrimeric proteins share a conserved C-terminal region, termed the translocation unit. This domain consists of an integral membrane β-barrel anchor and associated α-helices which pass through the pore of the barrel. The α-helices link to the extracellular portion of the protein, the passenger domain. Autotransportation refers to the way in which the passenger domain is secreted into the extracellular space. It appears that the translocation unit mediates the transport of the passenger domain across the outer membrane, and no external factors, such as ATP, ion gradients nor other proteins, are required. The passenger domain of autotransporters contains the specific activities of each protein. These are usually related to virulence. In trimeric autotransporters, the main function of the proteins is to act as adhesins. One such protein is the Yersinia adhesin YadA, found in enteropathogenic species of Yersinia. The main activity of YadA from Y. enterocolitica is to bind collagen, and it also mediates adhesion to other molecules of the extracellular matrix. In addition, YadA is involved in serum resistance, phagocytosis resistance, binding to epithelial cells and autoagglutination. YadA is an essential virulence factor of Y. enterocolitica, and removal of this protein from the bacteria leads to avirulence. In this study, I investigated the YadA-collagen interaction by studying the binding of YadA to collagen-mimicking peptides by several biochemical and biophysical methods. YadA bound as tightly to the triple-helical model peptide (Pro-Hyp-Gly)10 as to native collagen type I. However, YadA failed to bind a similar peptide that does not form a collagenous triple helix. As (Pro-Hyp-Gly)10 does not contain a specific sequence, we concluded that a triple-helical conformation is necessary for YadA binding, but no specific sequence is required. To further investigate binding determinants for YadA in collagens, I examined the binding of YadA to a library of collagen-mimicking peptides that span the entire triple-helical sequences of human collagens type II and type III. YadA bound promiscuously to many but not all peptides, indicating that a triple-helical conformation alone is not sufficient for binding. The high-binding peptides did not share a clear binding motif, but these peptides were rich in hydroxyproline residues and contained a low number of charged residues. YadA thus binds collagens without sequence specificity. This strategy of promiscuous binding may be advantageous for pathogenic bacteria. The Eib proteins from Escherichia coli are immunoglobulin (Ig)-binding homologues of YadA. I showed conclusively that recombinant EibA, EibC, EibD and EibF bind to IgG Fc. I crystallised a fragment of the passenger domain of EibD, which binds IgA in addition to IgG. The structure has a YadA-like head domain and an extended coiled-coil stalk. The top half of the coiled-coil is right-handed with hendecad periodicity, whereas the lower half is a canonical left-handed coiled-coil. At the transition from right- to left-handedness, a small β-sheet protrudes from each monomer. I was able to map the binding regions for IgG and IgA using truncations and site-directed mutagenesis to the coiled-coil stalk and identified residues critical for Ig binding.


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This thesis examines assemblages of wood-decaying fungi in Finnish old-growth forests, and patterns of species interactions between fruit bodies of wood-rotting Basidiomycetes and associated Coleoptera. The present work is a summary of four original publications and a manuscript, which are based on empirical observations and deal with the prevalence of polypores in old-growth forests, and fungicolous Coleoptera. The study area consists of eleven old-growth, mostly spruce- and pine-dominated, protected forests rich in dead wood in northern and southeastern Finland. Supplementary data on fungus beetle interactions were collected in southern Finland and the Åland Islands. 11251 observations of fruit bodies from 153 polypore species were made in 789 forest compartments. Almost a half of the polypore species demonstrated a distinct northern or southeastern trend of prevalence. Polypores with a northern prevalence profile were in extreme cases totally absent from the Southeast, although almost uniformly present in the North. These were Onnia leporina, Climacocystis borealis, Antrodiella pallasii, Skeletocutis chrysella, Oligoporus parvus, Skeletocutis lilacina, and Junghuhnia collabens. Species with higher prevalence in the southeastern sites were Bjerkandera adusta, Inonotus radiatus, Trichaptum pargamenum, Antrodia macra, and Phellinus punctatus. 198 (86%) species of Finnish polypores were examined for associated Coleoptera. Adult beetles were collected from polypore basidiocarps in the wild, while their larvae were reared to adulthood in the lab. Spatial and temporal parallels between the properties of polypore fruit body and the species composition of Coleoptera in fungus beetle interactions were discussed. New data on the biology of individual species of fungivorous Coleoptera were collected. 116 species (50% of Finnish polypore mycota) were found to host adults and/or larvae of 179 species from 20 Coleoptera families. Many new fungus beetle interactions were found among the 614 species pairs; these included 491 polypore fruit body adult Coleoptera species co-occurrences, and 122 fruit body larva interrelations. 82 (41%) polypore species were neither visited nor colonized by Coleoptera. The total number of polyporicolous beetles in Finland is expected to reach 300 species.


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Cell proliferation, transcription and metabolism are regulated by complex partly overlapping signaling networks involving proteins in various subcellular compartments. The objective of this study was to increase our knowledge on such regulatory networks and their interrelationships through analysis of MrpL55, Vig, and Mat1 representing three gene products implicated in regulation of cell cycle, transcription, and metabolism. Genome-wide and biochemical in vitro studies have previously revealed MrpL55 as a component of the large subunit of the mitochondrial ribosome and demonstrated a possible role for the protein in cell cycle regulation. Vig has been implicated in heterochromatin formation and identified as a constituent of the RNAi-induced silencing complex (RISC) involved in cell cycle regulation and RNAi-directed transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) coupled to RNA polymerase II (RNAPII) transcription. Mat1 has been characterized as a regulatory subunit of cyclin-dependent kinase 7 (Cdk7) complex phosphorylating and regulating critical targets involved in cell cycle progression, energy metabolism and transcription by RNAPII. The first part of the study explored whether mRpL55 is required for cell viability or involved in a regulation of energy metabolism and cell proliferation. The results revealed a dynamic requirement of the essential Drosophila mRpL55 gene during development and suggested a function of MrpL55 in cell cycle control either at the G1/S or G2/M transition prior to cell differentiation. This first in vivo characterization of a metazoan-specific constituent of the large subunit of mitochondrial ribosome also demonstrated forth compelling evidence of the interconnection of nuclear and mitochondrial genomes as well as complex functions of the evolutionarily young metazoan-specific mitochondrial ribosomal proteins. In studies on the Drosophila RISC complex regulation, it was noted that Vig, a protein involved in heterochromatin formation, unlike other analyzed RISC associated proteins Argonaute2 and R2D2, is dynamically phosphorylated in a dsRNA-independent manner. Vig displays similarity with a known in vivo substrate for protein kinase C (PKC), human chromatin remodeling factor Ki-1/57, and is efficiently phosphorylated by PKC on multiple sites in vitro. These results suggest that function of the RISC complex protein Vig in RNAi-directed TGS and chromatin modification may be regulated through dsRNA-independent phosphorylation by PKC. In the third part of this study the role of Mat1 in regulating RNAPII transcription was investigated using cultured murine immortal fibroblasts with a conditional allele of Mat1. The results demonstrated that phosphorylation of the carboxy-terminal domain (CTD) of the large subunit of RNAPII in the heptapeptide YSPTSPS repeat in Mat-/- cells was over 10-fold reduced on Serine-5 and subsequently on Serine-2. Occupancy of the hypophosphorylated RNAPII in gene bodies was detectably decreased, whereas capping, splicing, histone methylation and mRNA levels were generally not affected. However, a subset of transcripts in absence of Mat1 was repressed and associated with decreased occupancy of RNAPII at promoters as well as defective capping. The results identify the Cdk7-CycH-Mat1 kinase submodule of TFIIH as a stimulatory non-essential regulator of transcriptional elongation and a genespecific essential factor for stable binding of RNAPII at the promoter region and capping. The results of these studies suggest important roles for both MrpL55 and Mat1 in cell cycle progression and their possible interplay at the G2/M stage in undifferentiated cells. The identified function of Mat1 and of TFIIH kinase complex in gene-specific transcriptional repression is challenging for further studies in regard to a possible link to Vig and RISC-mediated transcriptional gene silencing.


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Intracellular membrane alterations are hallmarks of positive-sense RNA (+RNA) virus replication. Strong evidence indicates that within these exotic compartments, viral replicase proteins engage in RNA genome replication and transcription. To date, fundamental questions such as the origin of altered membranes, mechanisms of membrane deformation and topological distribution and function of viral components, are still waiting for comprehensive answers. This study addressed some of the above mentioned questions for the membrane alterations induced during Semliki Forest virus (SFV) infection of mammalian cells. With the aid of electron and fluorescence microscopy coupled with radioactive labelling and immuno-cytochemistry techniques, our group and others showed that few hours after infection the four non structural proteins (nsP1-4) and newly synthesized RNAs of SFV colocalized in close proximity of small membrane invaginations, designated as spherules . These 50-70 nm structures were mainly detected in the perinuclear area, at the limiting membrane of modified endosomes and lysosomes, named CPV-I (cytopathic vacuoles type I). More rarely, spherules were also found at the plasma membrane (PM). In the first part of this study I present the first three-dimensional reconstruction of the CPV-I and the spherules, obtained by electron tomography after chemical or cryo-fixation. Different approaches for imaging these macromolecular assemblies to obtain better structure preservation and higher resolution are presented as unpublished data. This study provides insights into spherule organization and distribution of viral components. The results of this and other experiments presented in this thesis will challenge currently accepted models for virus replication complex formation and function. In a revisitation of our previous models, the second part of this work provides the first complete description of the biogenesis of the CPV-I. The results demonstrate that these virus-induced vacuoles, where hundreds of spherules accumulate at late stages during infection, represent the final phase of a journey initiated at the PM, which apparently serves as a platform for spherule formation. From the PM spherules were internalized by an endocytic event that required the activity of the class I PI3K, caveolin-1, cellular cholesterol and functional actin-myosin network. The resulting neutral endocytic carrier vesicle delivered the spherules to the membrane of pre-existing acidic endosomes via multiple fusion events. Microtubule based transport supported the vectorial transfer of these intermediates to the pericentriolar area where further fusions generated the CPV-I. A signal for spherule internalization was identified in one of the replicase proteins, nsP3. Infections of cells with viruses harbouring a deletion in a highly phosphorylated region of nsP3 did not result in the formation of CPV-Is. Instead, thousands of spherules remained at the PM throughout the infection cycle. Finally, the role of the replicase protein nsP2 during viral RNA replication and transcription was investigated. Three enzymatic activities, protease, NTPase and RNA-triphosphatase were studied with the aid of temperature sensitive mutants in vitro and, when possible, in vivo. The results highlighted the interplay of the different nsP2 functions during different steps of RNA replication and sub-genomic promoter regulation, and suggest that the protein could have different activities when participating in the replication complex or as a free enzyme.


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Veri-aivoeste suojelee aivoja verenkierron vierasaineilta. Veri-aivoestettä tutkivia in vivo ja in vitro -menetelmiä on raportoitu laajasti kirjallisuudessa. Yhdisteiden farmakokinetiikka aivoissa kuvaavia tietokonemalleja on esitetty vain muutamia. Tässä tutkimuksessa kerättiin kirjallisuudesta aineisto eri in vitro ja in vivo -menetelmillä määritetyistä veri-aivoesteen permeabiliteettikertoimista. Lisäksi tutkimuksessa rakennettiin kaksi veri-aivoesteen farmakokineettista tietokonemallia, mikrodialyysimalli ja efluksimalli. Mikrodialyysimalli on yksinkertainen kahdesta tilasta (verenkierto ja aivot) koostuva farmakokineettinen malli. Mikrodialyysimallilla simuloitiin in vivo määritettyjen parametrien perusteella viiden yhdisteen pitoisuuksia rotan aivoissa ja verenkierrossa. Mallilla ei saatu täsmällisesti in vivo -tilannetta vastaavia pitoisuuskuvaajia johtuen mallin rakenteessa tehdyistä yksinkertaistuksista, kuten aivokudostilan ja kuljetinproteiinien kinetiikan puuttuminen. Efluksimallissa on kolme tilaa, verenkierto, veri-aivoesteen endoteelisolutila ja aivot. Efluksimallilla tutkittiin teoreettisten simulaatioiden avulla veri-aivoesteen luminaalisella membraanilla sijaitsevan aktiivisen efluksiproteiinin ja passiivisen permeaation merkitystä yhdisteen pitoisuuksiin aivojen solunulkoisessa nesteessä. Tutkittava parametri oli vapaan yhdisteen pitoisuuksien suhde aivojen ja verenkierron välillä vakaassa tilassa (Kp,uu). Tuloksissa havaittiin efluksiproteiinin vaikutus pitoisuuksiin Michaelis-Mentenin kinetiikan mukaisesti. Efluksimalli sopii hyvin teoreettisten simulaatioiden tekemiseen. Malliin voidaan lisätä aktiivisia kuljettimia. Teoreettisten simulaatioiden avulla voidaan yhdistää in vitro ja in vivo tutkimuksien tuloksia ja osatekijöitä voidaan tutkia yhdessä simulaatiossa.


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Pre-eclampsia is a pregnancy complication that affects about 5% of all pregnancies. It is known to be associated with alterations in angiogenesis -related factors, such as vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). An excess of antiangiogenic substances, especially the soluble receptor-1 of VEGF (sVEGFR-1), has been observed in maternal circulation after the onset of the disease, probably reflecting their increased placental production. Smoking reduces circulating concentrations of sVEGFR-1 in non-pregnant women, and in pregnant women it reduces the risk of pre-eclampsia. Soluble VEGFR-1 acts as a natural antagonist of VEGF and placental growth factor (PlGF) in human circulation, holding a promise for potential therapeutic use. In fact, it has been used as a model to generate a fusion protein, VEGF Trap , which has been found effective in anti-angiogenic treatment of certain tumors and ocular diseases. In the present study, we evaluated the potential use of maternal serum sVEGFR-1, Angiopoietin-2 (Ang-2) and endostatin, three central anti-angiogenic markers, in early prediction of subsequent pre-eclampsia. We also studied whether smoking affects circulating sVEGFR-1 concentrations in pregnant women or their first trimester placental secretion and expression in vitro. Last, in order to allow future discussion on the potential therapy based on sVEGFR-1, we determined the biological half-life of endogenous sVEGFR-1 in human circulation, and measured the concomitant changes in free VEGF concentrations. Blood or placental samples were collected from a total of 268 pregnant women between the years 2001 2007 in Helsinki University Central Hospital for the purposes above. The biomarkers were measured using commercially available enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA). For the analyses of sVEGFR-1, Ang-2 and endostatin, a total of 3 240 pregnant women in the Helsinki area were admitted to blood sample collection during two routine ultrasoundscreening visits at 13.7 ± 0.5 (mean ± SD) and 19.2 ± 0.6 weeks of gestation. Of them, 49 women later developing pre-eclampsia were included in the study. Their disease was further classified as mild in 29 and severe in 20 patients. Isolated early-onset intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR) was diagnosed in 16 women with otherwise normal medical histories and uncomplicated pregnancies. Fifty-nine women remaining normotensive, non-proteinuric and finally giving birth to normal-weight infants were picked to serve as the control population of the study. Maternal serum concentrations of Ang-2, endostatin and sVEGFR-1, were increased already at 16 20 weeks of pregnancy, about 13 weeks before the clinical manifestation of preeclampsia. In addition, these biomarkers could be used to identify women at risk with a moderate precision. However, larger patient series are needed to determine whether these markers could be applied for clinical use to predict preeclampsia. Intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR), especially if noted at early stages of pregnancy and not secondary to any other pregnancy complication, has been suggested to be a form of preeclampsia compromising only the placental sufficiency and the fetus, but not affecting the maternal endothelium. In fact, IUGR and preeclampsia have been proposed to share a common vascular etiology in which factors regulating early placental angiogenesis are likely to play a central role. Thus, these factors have been suggested to be involved in the pathogenesis of IUGR. However, circulating sVEGFR-1, Ang-2 and endostatin concentrations were unaffected by subsequent IUGR at early second trimester. Furthermore, smoking was not associated with alterations in maternal circulating sVEGFR-1 or its placental production. The elimination of endogenous sVEGFR-1 after pregnancy was calculated from serial samples of eight pregnant women undergoing elective Caesarean section. As typical for proteins in human compartments, the elimination of sVEGFR-1 was biphasic, containing a rapid halflife of 3.4 h and a slow one of 29 h. The decline in sVEGFR-1 concentrations after mid-trimester legal termination of pregnancy was accompanied with a simultaneous increase in the serum levels of free VEGF so that within a few days after pregnancy VEGF dominated in the maternal circulation. Our study provides novel information on the kinetics of endogenous sVEGFR-1, which serves as a potential tool in the development of new strategies against diseases associated with angiogenic imbalance and alterations in VEGF signaling.


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Drug induced liver injury is one of the frequent reasons for the drug removal from the market. During the recent years there has been a pressure to develop more cost efficient, faster and easier ways to investigate drug-induced toxicity in order to recognize hepatotoxic drugs in the earlier phases of drug development. High Content Screening (HCS) instrument is an automated microscope equipped with image analysis software. It makes the image analysis faster and decreases the risk for an error caused by a person by analyzing the images always in the same way. Because the amount of drug and time needed in the analysis are smaller and multiple parameters can be analyzed from the same cells, the method should be more sensitive, effective and cheaper than the conventional assays in cytotoxicity testing. Liver cells are rich in mitochondria and many drugs target their toxicity to hepatocyte mitochondria. Mitochondria produce the majority of the ATP in the cell through oxidative phosphorylation. They maintain biochemical homeostasis in the cell and participate in cell death. Mitochondria is divided into two compartments by inner and outer mitochondrial membranes. The oxidative phosphorylation happens in the inner mitochondrial membrane. A part of the respiratory chain, a protein called cytochrome c, activates caspase cascades when released. This leads to apoptosis. The aim of this study was to implement, optimize and compare mitochondrial toxicity HCS assays in live cells and fixed cells in two cellular models: human HepG2 hepatoma cell line and rat primary hepatocytes. Three different hepato- and mitochondriatoxic drugs (staurosporine, rotenone and tolcapone) were used. Cells were treated with the drugs, incubated with the fluorescent probes and then the images were analyzed using Cellomics ArrayScan VTI reader. Finally the results obtained after optimizing methods were compared to each other and to the results of the conventional cytotoxicity assays, ATP and LDH measurements. After optimization the live cell method and rat primary hepatocytes were selected to be used in the experiments. Staurosporine was the most toxic of the three drugs and caused most damage to the cells most quickly. Rotenone was not that toxic, but the results were more reproducible and thus it would serve as a good positive control in the screening. Tolcapone was the least toxic. So far the conventional analysis of cytotoxicity worked better than the HCS methods. More optimization needs to be done to get the HCS method more sensitive. This was not possible in this study due to time limit.