3 resultados para NAC

em Helda - Digital Repository of University of Helsinki


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Nicotine, the addictive compound of tobacco products, exerts its effects in the brain by binding to neuronal acetylcholine nicotinic receptors (nAChRs). The aim of the present study was to increase the knowledge of nicotine s complex effects, the focus being on homomeric alpha7-nAChRs that are widely expressed in the brain. Nicotinic regulation of differential signalling molecules including transcriptional regulators was also studied. We found that the number of alpha7-nAChRs is increased in specific brain regions in mice, in a time-dependent manner after chronic oral nicotine administration. Our results suggest that in addition to alpha4beta2-nAChRs, the other major nAChR subtype expressed in the brain, the number of alpha7-nAChRs is affected by chronic presence of nicotine. We suggest that when studying the long-term effects of nicotine, the duration on administration is of great importance. Next, we observed that nicotine exposure induces accumulation of cAMP in cell cultures expressing nAChRs. Furthermore, nicotine-induced alpha7-nAChR upregulation was potentiated by treatments enhancing cAMP-signalling, suggesting a role for cAMP in the upregulation process. Protein kinase C (PKC) was found essential for the basal regulation of alpha7-nAChR number. The nicotine-evoked alpha7-nAChR upregulation could be further increased by PKC overexpression. Thirdly, the effects of nicotine on dopamine and cAMP regulated phosphoprotein (DARPP-32) were characterised in rat brain. The results show that DARPP-32 is regulated by both acute and long-term nicotine treatment in the striatal subdivisions. The effect of acute nicotine is dose-dependent and the three striatal regions display differential sensitivities to nicotine. Chronic nicotine is also able to regulate DARPP-32 signalling with prominent effect seen in the nucleus accumbens (NAc), suggesting a role for DARPP-32 in the mediation of long-term effects of nicotine. Finally, the regulation of transcription factors Elk-1 and FosB/deltaFosB by nicotine was investigated. We found that Elk-1 is activated by acute nicotine selectively in the NAc core and hippocampal area CA1, whereas acute nicotine does not affect FosB/deltaFosB. Long-term intermittent or continuous nicotine increases the level of total Elk-1 in the same brain regions as acute nicotine. FosB/deltaFosB is also affected by chronic nicotine. Thus, similarly to other drugs of abuse, nicotine regulates transcriptional regulators Elk-1 and FosB/deltaFosB. These results bring further support for a common mechanism underlying the development of addiction. Nicotine s positive effects on learning and memory might involve the transcription factor Elk-1 based on the changes seen in the hippocampus, the key area in cognitive functions.


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It has been hypothesized that abuse of supra-therapeutic doses of anabolic androgenic steroids (AASs) can lead to dependence and function as a gateway to abuse of other drugs. This is supported by behavioral studies on animal models and psychiatric evaluations of human subjects, although their neurochemical effects remain largely unknown. A large body of evidence suggests that the ability of the drugs to induce a strong elevation of extracellular dopamine (DA) levels in the nucleus accumbens (NAc), especially, plays a crucial role in their reinforcing effects. -- This study had four main aims. The first was to explore the effects of nandrolone decanoate on dopaminergic and serotonergic activities in the brains of rats. The second aim was to assess whether or not nandrolone pre-exposure modulates the acute neurochemical and behavioral effects of psychostimulant drugs in experimental animals. The third was to investigate if the AAS-pre-treatment induced changes in brain reward circuitry are reversible. And the fourth main goal was to evaluate the role of androgen and estrogen receptors in the modulation of the dopaminergic and serotonergic effects of acute injections of stimulant drugs by sub-chronic nandrolone treatment. The results showed that nandrolone decanoate at doses, high enough to induce erythropoiesis, significantly increased the levels of DOPAC and 5-HT in the cerebral cortex. Co-administration of AAS and psychostimulant drugs showed that the increase in extracellular DA and 5-HT concentration evoked by amphetamine, MDMA and cocaine in the NAc was attenuated dose-dependently by pretreatment with nandrolone. Nandrolone pre-exposure also attenuated the ability of stimulants to cause increased stereotyped behavior and locomotor activity. Despite the significant decrease in nandrolone concentration in blood, the attenuation of cocaine’s effects remained unchanged after a fairly long period without nandrolone, suggesting that nandrolone effects could be long lasting. Blockade of androgen receptors with flutamide abolished the attenuating effect of nandrolone pretreatment on amphetamine-induced elevation of extracellular DA concentration. --- In conclusion, the results show that AAS-pretreatment is able to inhibit the reward-related neurochemical and behavioral effects of amphetamine, MDMA and cocaine in experimental animals. Furthermore, it seems that these effects could be long lasting and it appears that the ability of nandrolone to modulate reward-related effects of stimulants is dependent on activation of androgen receptors.


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Yläruoansulatuskanavan syöpien tärkeimpiä riskitekijöitä ovat tupakointi, alkoholin suurkulutus ja huono suuhygienia. Näiden tekijöiden vaikutuksesta sylkeen erittyy korkeita pitoisuuksia asetaldehydiä, jonka Kansainvälinen syöväntutkimuslaitos (IARC) on luokitellut 1-ryhmän karsinogeeniksi. Suuri osa syljen asetaldehydistä on suun mikrobien tuottamaa. Tiedetään, että suun mikrobiomiin kuuluvat bakteerit ja Candida albicans -hiivat kykenevät tuottamaan mutageenisiä määriä asetaldehydiä. C. albicansin aiheuttaman kroonisen mukosiitin onkin todettu olevan karsinogeeninen. Muiden kandidalajien (non- albicans Candida, NAC) määrän on todettu kasvavan etenkin suusyöpähoitoja saavilla potilailla ja toisinaan osalle näistä potilaista kehittyy uusi primäärikarsinooma kandidamukosiitin läheisyyteen. NAC-lajien kykyä tuottaa asetaldehydiä ei kuitenkaan ole aiemmin tutkittu. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää pystyvätkö NAC-lajit tuottamaan karsinogeenisiä määriä asetaldehydiä etanoli- ja glukoosi-inkubaatiossa in vitro. Kaikkiaan kolmenkymmenen (n=30) kliinisen ja kantapankkiNAC-kannan kyky tuottaa asetaldehydiä etanoli- ja glukoosi-inkubaatiossa mitattiin kaasukromatografilla. Yksi C. albicans kantapankkikanta oli mukana kontrollina. Kaikki kandidahiivat tuottivat merkittäviä määriä asetaldehydiä etanoli-inkubaatiossa in vitro. C. tropicalis –kannat tuottivat eniten (252,3 µM) ja C. krusei –kannat vähiten (54,6 µM) asetaldehydiä etanolista. NAC-lajeista ainoastaan C. glabrata tuotti merkittäviä määriä asetaldehydiä glukoosia fermentoimalla. Suuontelon kolonisoituminen merkittävään asetaldehydituotantoon pystyvällä NAC-lajilla kuten C. glabratalla voi altistaa suun limakalvon paikallisesti korkeille määrille asetaldehydiä, mikä voi johtaa suusyövän kehittymiseen.