4 resultados para Mink, Mark
em Helda - Digital Repository of University of Helsinki
This study concentrates on the contested concept of pastiche in literary studies. It offers the first detailed examination of the history of the concept from its origins in the seventeenth century to the present, showing how pastiche emerged as a critical concept in interaction with the emerging conception of authorial originality and the copyright laws protecting it. One of the key results of this investigation is the contextualisation of the postmodern debate on pastiche. Even though postmodern critics often emphasise the radical novelty of pastiche, they in fact resuscitate older positions and arguments without necessarily reflecting on their historical conditions. This historical background is then used to analyse the distinction between the primarily French conception of pastiche as the imitation of style and the postmodern notion of it as the compilation of different elements. The latter s vagueness and inclusiveness detracts from its value as a critical concept. The study thus concentrates on the notion of stylistic pastiche, challenging the widespread prejudice that it is merely an indication of lack of talent. Because it is multiply based on repetition, pastiche is in fact a highly ambiguous or double-edged practice that calls into question the distinction between repetition and original, thereby undermining the received notion of individual unique authorship as a fundamental aesthetic value. Pastiche does not, however, constitute a radical upheaval of the basic assumptions on which the present institution of literature relies, since, in order to mark its difference, pastiche always refers to a source outside itself against which its difference is measured. Finally, the theoretical analysis of pastiche is applied to literary works. The pastiches written by Marcel Proust demonstrate how it can become an integral part of a writer s poetics: imitation of style is shown to provide Proust with a way of exploring the role of style as a connecting point between inner vision and reality. The pastiches of the Sherlock Holmes stories by Michael Dibdin, Nicholas Meyer and the duo Adrian Conan Doyle and John Dickson Carr illustrate the functions of pastiche within a genre detective fiction that is itself fundamentally repetitive. A.S. Byatt s Possession and D.M. Thomas s Charlotte use Victorian pastiches to investigate the conditions of literary creation in the age of postmodern suspicion of creativity and individuality. The study thus argues that the concept of pastiche has valuable insights to offer to literary criticism and theory, and that literary pastiches, though often dismissed in reviews and criticism, are a particularly interesting object of study precisely because of their characteristic ambiguity.
Tutkin työssäni, miten etnisyys ja ruumiillisuus representoituvat Veronica Pimenoffin romaanissa Maa ilman vettä (1999) ja millaisia merkityksiä nämä representaatiot saavat suhteessa kysymyksiin vallasta, väkivallasta, sukupuolesta, seksuaalisuudesta, hyvinvoinnista ja sairaudesta. Tutkimukseni teoreettisena viitekehyksenä on jälkikoloniaalinen teoria. Romaanissa on keskeisellä tavalla kyse konfliktista: nuoruudenystävykset, suomalainen Kristiina ja mosambikilainen Sofia Elena, kohtaavat jälkimmäisen kuolinvuoteella ja käyvät kiivasta kamppailua aatteista ja arvoista. Olen tulkinnut romaanin päähenkilöt allegorisiksi hahmoiksi, jotka edustavat kotimaitaan ja -mantereitaan. Näihin henkilöhahmoihin kiteytyy ominaisuuksia, jotka tavataan hahmottaa stereotyyppisiksi Euroopalle ja Afrikalle. Etnisyys representoituu paitsi Kristiinan ja Sofia Elenan tyypitellyissä luonteenpiirteissä ja käyttäytymismalleissa myös heidän ulkonäkönsä kuvauksessa. Kristiina kuvataan korostetun vaaleana ja Sofia Elena korostetun mustana, minkä voi tulkita kommentoivan imperialistiseen diskurssiin liittyvää binaarista ajattelua. Myös romaanin miehet ovat tulkittavissa allegorisiksi hahmoiksi: Kristiinan mies Otto edustaa vaimonsa tavoin vaurasta Eurooppaa, amerikkalainen pohatta Mark Hunter Yhdysvaltoja ja sen mahtia ja Kristiinan nuoruudenrakastettu Abdel läntistä kuvitelmaa eksoottisesta Orientista. Ruumiillisuus korostuu romaanissa seksuaalisuuden, sairauden ja väkivallan kuvauksissa. Kristiina on seksuaalinen toteuttaja, jonka kokemus omasta ruumiista määräytyy pitkältä eroottisten kokemusten perusteella. Sofia Elenaa taas ei kuvata seksuaalisena hahmona, vaan hänen kehonsa kuvausta hallitsee sairaus. Koska Sofia Elena on allegorinen hahmo, hänen ruumiinsa voi rinnastaa mantereeseen ja sitä riuduttava sairaus prosesseihin, jotka tunkeutuvat yhteiskuntien rakenteisiin ja nakertavat niitä sisältäpäin: hallitsemattomaan kansainväliseen muuttoliikkeeseen, rikollisuuteen ja terrorismiin. Sofia Elenalla on kokemusta myös väkivallasta: hän on sotinut ja pitää väkivaltaa ainoana keinona taistella Länttä vastaan. Romaani välittää kuitenkin pessimistisen kuvan väkivallan mahdollisuudesta vapauttaa (kolmannen maailman) naiset. Pessimistinen kuva välittyy myös ensimmäisen ja kolmannen maailman naisten mahdollisuuksista ymmärtää toisiaan. Nais-Afrikka ja nais-Eurooppa jäävät romaanissa etäälle toisistaan sekä henkisesti että fyysisesti.
Ubiquitous computing is about making computers and computerized artefacts a pervasive part of our everyday lifes, bringing more and more activities into the realm of information. The computationalization, informationalization of everyday activities increases not only our reach, efficiency and capabilities but also the amount and kinds of data gathered about us and our activities. In this thesis, I explore how information systems can be constructed so that they handle this personal data in a reasonable manner. The thesis provides two kinds of results: on one hand, tools and methods for both the construction as well as the evaluation of ubiquitous and mobile systems---on the other hand an evaluation of the privacy aspects of a ubiquitous social awareness system. The work emphasises real-world experiments as the most important way to study privacy. Additionally, the state of current information systems as regards data protection is studied. The tools and methods in this thesis consist of three distinct contributions. An algorithm for locationing in cellular networks is proposed that does not require the location information to be revealed beyond the user's terminal. A prototyping platform for the creation of context-aware ubiquitous applications called ContextPhone is described and released as open source. Finally, a set of methodological findings for the use of smartphones in social scientific field research is reported. A central contribution of this thesis are the pragmatic tools that allow other researchers to carry out experiments. The evaluation of the ubiquitous social awareness application ContextContacts covers both the usage of the system in general as well as an analysis of privacy implications. The usage of the system is analyzed in the light of how users make inferences of others based on real-time contextual cues mediated by the system, based on several long-term field studies. The analysis of privacy implications draws together the social psychological theory of self-presentation and research in privacy for ubiquitous computing, deriving a set of design guidelines for such systems. The main findings from these studies can be summarized as follows: The fact that ubiquitous computing systems gather more data about users can be used to not only study the use of such systems in an effort to create better systems but in general to study phenomena previously unstudied, such as the dynamic change of social networks. Systems that let people create new ways of presenting themselves to others can be fun for the users---but the self-presentation requires several thoughtful design decisions that allow the manipulation of the image mediated by the system. Finally, the growing amount of computational resources available to the users can be used to allow them to use the data themselves, rather than just being passive subjects of data gathering.