em Helda - Digital Repository of University of Helsinki


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The immune system has to recognize and destroy abnormal or infected cells to maintain homeostasis. Natural killer (NK) cells directly recognize and kill transformed or virus-infected cells without prior sensitization. We have studied both virus-infected and tumor cells in order to identify the target structures involved in triggering NK activity. Mouse/human cell hybrids containing various human chromosomes were used as targets. The human chromosome responsible for activating NK cell killing was identified to chromosome number 6. The results suggest that activated NK cells recognize ligands that are encoded on human chromosome 6. We showed that the ligand on the target cell side was intercellular adhesion molecule 2 (ICAM-2). There was no difference in the level of expression of ICAM-2, however, but a drastic difference was seen in the distribution of the molecule: ICAM-2 was evenly distributed on the surface of the NK-resistant cells, but almost totally redistributed to the tip of uropods, bud-like extensions, which were absent from the parental cells. Interestingly, the gene coding for cytoskeletal linker protein ezrin has been localized to human chromosome 6, and there was a colocalization of ezrin and ICAM-2 in the uropods. Furthermore, the transfected human ezrin into NK cell-resistant cells induced uropod formation, ICAM-2 and ezrin redistribution to newly formed uropods, and sensitized target cells to NK cell killing. These data reveal a novel form of NK cell recognition: target structures are already present on normal cells; they become detectable only after abnormal redistribution into hot spots on the target cell membrane. NK cells are central players in the defence against virus infections. They inhibit the spread of infection, allowing time for specific immune responses to develop. The virus-proteins that directly activate human NK cell killing are largely unknown. We studied the sensitivity of virus-specific early proteins of Semliki Forest virus (SFV) to NK killing. The viral non-structural proteins (nsP1-4) translated early in the virus cycle were transfected in NK-resistant cells. Viral early gene nsP1 alone efficiently sensitized target cells to NK activity, and the tight membrane association of nsP1 seems to be critical in the triggering of NK killing. NsP1 protein colocalized with (redistributed) ezrin in filopodia-like structures to which the NK cells were bound. The results suggest that also in viral infections NK cells react to rapid changes in membrane topography. Based on the results of this thesis, a new model of target cell recognition of NK cells can be suggested: reorganization of the cytoskeleton induces alterations in cell surface topography, and this new pattern of surface molecules is recognized as "altered-self".


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Glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) family ligands: GDNF, neurturin, persephin and artemin, signal through a receptor tyrosine kinase Ret by binding first to a co-receptor (GFRα1-4) that is attached to the plasma membrane. The GDNF family factors can support the survival of various peripheral and central neuronal populations and have important functions also outside the nervous system, especially in kidney development. Activating mutations in the RET gene cause tumours in neuroendocrine cells, whereas inactivating mutations in RET are found in patients with Hirschsprung s disease (HSCR) characterized by loss of ganglionic cells along the intestine. The aim of this study was to examine the in vivo functions of neurturin receptor GFRα2 and persephin receptor GFRα4 using knockout (KO) mice. Mice lacking GFRα2 grow poorly after weaning and have deficits in parasympathetic and enteric innervation. This study shows that impaired secretion of the salivary glands and exocrine pancreas contribute to growth retardation in GFRα2-KO mice. These mice have a reduced number of intrapancreatic neurons and decreased cholinergic innervation of the exocrine pancreas as well as reduced excitatory fibres in the myenteric plexus of the small intestine. This study also demonstrates that GFRα2-mediated Ret signalling is required for target innervation and maintenance of soma size of sympathetic cholinergic neurons and sensory nociceptive IB4-binding neurons. Furthermore, lack of GFRα2 in mice results in deficient perception of temperatures above and below thermoneutrality and in attenuated inflammatory pain response. GFRα4 is co-expressed with Ret predominantly in calcitonin-producing thyroid C-cells in the mouse. In this study GFRα4-deficient mice were generated. The mice show no gross developmental deficits and have a normal number of C-cells. However, young but not adult mice lacking GFRα4 have a lower production of calcitonin in thyroid tissue and consequently, an increased bone formation rate. Thus, GFRα4/Ret signalling may regulate calcitonin production. In conclusion, this study reveals that GFRα2/Ret signalling is crucial for the development and function of specific components of the peripheral nervous system and that GFRα4-mediated Ret signalling is required for controlling transmitter synthesis in thyroid C-cells.


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Nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) are essential elements for all living organisms. However, in excess, they contribute to several environmental problems such as aquatic and terrestrial eutrophication. Globally, human action has multiplied the volume of N and P cycling since the onset of industrialization. The multiplication is a result of intensified agriculture, increased energy consumption and population growth. Industrial ecology (IE) is a discipline, in which human interaction with the ecosystems is investigated using a systems analytical approach. The main idea behind IE is that industrial systems resemble ecosystems, and, like them, industrial systems can then be described using material, energy and information flows and stocks. Industrial systems are dependent on the resources provided by the biosphere, and these two cannot be separated from each other. When studying substance flows, the aims of the research from the viewpoint of IE can be, for instance, to elucidate the ways how the cycles of a certain substance could be more closed and how the flows of a certain substance could be decreased per unit of production (= dematerialization). In Finland, N and P are studied widely in different ecosystems and environmental emissions. A holistic picture comparing different societal systems is, however, lacking. In this thesis, flows of N and P were examined in Finland using substance flow analysis (SFA) in the following four subsystems: I) forest industry and use of wood fuels, II) food production and consumption, III) energy, and IV) municipal waste. A detailed analysis at the end of the 1990s was performed. Furthermore, historical development of the N and P flows was investigated in the energy system (III) and the municipal waste system (IV). The main research sources were official statistics, literature, monitoring data, and expert knowledge. The aim was to identify and quantify the main flows of N and P in Finland in the four subsystems studied. Furthermore, the aim was to elucidate whether the nutrient systems are cyclic or linear, and to identify how these systems could be more efficient in the use and cycling of N and P. A final aim was to discuss how this type of an analysis can be used to support decision-making on environmental problems and solutions. Of the four subsystems, the food production and consumption system and the energy system created the largest N flows in Finland. For the creation of P flows, the food production and consumption system (Paper II) was clearly the largest, followed by the forest industry and use of wood fuels and the energy system. The contribution of Finland to N and P flows on a global scale is low, but when compared on a per capita basis, we are one of the largest producers of these flows, with relatively high energy and meat consumption being the main reasons. Analysis revealed the openness of all four systems. The openness is due to the high degree of internationality of the Finnish markets, the large-scale use of synthetic fertilizers and energy resources and the low recycling rate of many waste fractions. Reduction in the use of fuels and synthetic fertilizers, reorganization of the structure of energy production, reduced human intake of nutrients and technological development are crucial in diminishing the N and P flows. To enhance nutrient recycling and replace inorganic fertilizers, recycling of such wastes as wood ash and sludge could be promoted. SFA is not usually sufficiently detailed to allow specific recommendations for decision-making to be made, but it does yield useful information about the relative magnitude of the flows and may reveal unexpected losses. Sustainable development is a widely accepted target for all human action. SFA is one method that can help to analyse how effective different efforts are in leading to a more sustainable society. SFA's strength is that it allows a holistic picture of different natural and societal systems to be drawn. Furthermore, when the environmental impact of a certain flow is known, the method can be used to prioritize environmental policy efforts.


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Atherosclerosis is an inflammatory disease progressing over years via the accumulation of cholesterol in arterial intima with subsequent formation of atherosclerotic plaques. The stability of a plaque is determined by the size of its cholesterol-rich necrotic lipid core and the thickness of the fibrous cap covering it. The strength and thickness of the cap are maintained by smooth muscle cells and the extracellular matrix produced by them. A plaque with a large lipid core and a thin cap is vulnerable to rupture that may lead to acute atherothrombotic events, such as myocardial infarction and stroke. In addition, endothelial erosion, possibly induced by apoptosis of endothelial cells, may lead to such clinical events. One of the major causes of plaque destabilization is inflammation induced by accumulated and modified lipoproteins, and exacerbated by local aberrant shear stress conditions. Macrophages, T-lymphocytes and mast cells infiltrate particularly into the plaque’s shoulder regions prone to atherothrombotic events, and they are present at the actual sites of plaque rupture and erosion. Two major mechanisms of plaque destabilization induced by inflammation are extracellular matrix remodeling and apoptosis. Mast cells are bone marrow-derived inflammatory cells that as progenitors upon chemotactic stimuli infiltrate the target tissues, such as the arterial wall, differentiate in the target tissues and mediate their effects via the release of various mediators, typically in a process called degranulation. The released preformed mast cell granules contain proteases such as tryptase, chymase and cathepsin G bound to heparin and chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans. In addition, various soluble mediators such as histamine and TNF-alpha are released. Mast cells also synthesize many mediators such as cytokines and lipid mediators upon activation. Mast cells are capable of increasing the level of LDL cholesterol in the arterial intima by increasing accumulation and retention of LDL and by decreasing removal of cholesterol by HDL in vitro. In addition, by secreting proinflammatory mediators and proteases, mast cells may induce plaque destabilization by inducing apoptosis of smooth muscle and endothelial cells. Also in vivo data from apoE-/- and ldlr-/- mice suggest a role for mast cells in the progression of atherosclerosis. Furthermore, mast cell-deficient mice have become powerful tools to study the effects of mast cells in vivo. In this study, evidence suggesting a role for mast cells in the regulation of plaque stability is presented. In a mouse model genetically susceptible to atherosclerosis, mast cell deficiency (ldlr-/-/KitW-sh/W-sh mice) was associated with a less atherogenic lipid profile, a decreased level of lipid accumulation in the aortic arterial wall and a decreased level of vascular inflammation as compared to mast-cell competent littermates. In vitro, mast cell chymase-induced smooth muscle cell apoptosis was mediated by inhibition of NF-kappaB activity, followed by downregulation of bcl-2, release of cytochrome c, and activation of caspase-8, -9 and -3. Mast cell-induced endothelial cell apoptosis was mediated by chymase and TNF-alpha, and involved chymase-mediated degradation of fibronectin and vitronectin, and inactivation of FAK- and Akt-mediated survival signaling. Subsequently, mast cells induced inhibition of NF-kappaB activity and activation of caspase-8 and -9. In addition, possible mast cell protease-mediated mechanisms of endothelial erosion may include degradation of fibronectin and VE-cadherin. Thus, the present results suggest a role for mast cells in destabilization of atherosclerotic plaques.


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Ihon T-solulymfoomat (cutaneous T-cell lymphoma, CTCL) ovat ryhmä imukudossyöpiä, joiden esiintyvyys on nousussa erityisesti länsimaissa. Taudin syntymekanismit ovat suurelta osin tuntemattomat, diagnostiikka on vaikeaa ja siksi usein viivästynyttä eikä parantavaa hoitoa ole. CTCL ilmenee iho-oirein, vaikka syöpäsolut eivät ole iholla normaalisti esiintyviä soluja, vaan elimistön puolustusjärjestelmän soluja, jotka ovat tuntemattomasta syystä vaeltaneet iholle. Syöpäsolut ovat kypsiä T-auttajasoluja (Th-soluja) ja ilmentävät tyypin 2 immuunivasteelle ominaisia sytokiineja. Kromosomaalinen epästabiilius on tautiryhmän keskeinen piirre. CTCL-potilailla on lisääntynyt riski sairastua myös muihin syöpiin, erityisesti keuhkosyöpään ja non-Hodgkin –lymfoomiin. Väitöskirjatutkimuksen tavoitteena oli havaita CTCL:n syntymekanismeja selvittäviä kromosomi- ja geenimuutoksia. Erityisesti tavoitteena oli identifioida molekyylejä, jotka soveltuisivat diagnostisiksi merkkiaineiksi tai täsmähoidon kohteeksi. Työssä on tutkittu kahta tautiryhmän yleisintä muotoa, mycosis fungoidesta (MF) ja Sezaryn syndroomaa (SS) sekä harvinaisempaa vaikeasti diagnosoitavaa subkutaanista pannikuliitin kaltaista T-solulymfoomaa (SPTL). Lisäksi on tutkittu CTCL:ään liittyvää keuhkosyöpää ja verrattu sitä tavalliseen (primaariin) keuhkosyöpään. Tutkimusmenetelminä on käytetty esimerkiksi molekyylisytogeneettisiä metodeja ja mikrosiruja. Väitöskirjatyössä havaittiin ensimmäinen CTCL:lle ominainen toistuva geenitason muutos: puutos- tai katkoskohta NAV3-geenissä. Tämän geenipoikkeavuuden havaittiin esiintyvän useissa taudin alaryhmissä (MF, SS, SPTL). NAV3-geenipuutoksen osoittaminen FISH-tekniikalla on sovellettavissa kliiniseen diagnostiikkaan. Tutkimukset geenipuutoksen aiheuttamista toiminnallisista seurauksista ovat käynnissä. Työssä saatiin myös uutta tietoa taudin syntymekanismeista havaitsemalla useiden Th1-tyypin immuunivasteelle ominaisten geenien alentunut ilmeneminen CTCL-potilailla. Tämän lisäksi potilasnäytteissä havaittiin eräiden solun pinta-antigeenien lisääntynyt ilmeneminen, mikä luo pohjan uusien vasta-ainepohjaisten täsmähoitojen kehittämiselle. Väitöskirjatutkimuksessa todettiin myös CTCL:ään liittyvän keuhkosyövän eroavan kromosomi- ja geenimuutosten suhteen verrokkikeuhkosyövästä, mikä jatkossa antaa aiheen tutkia syöpäkantasolujen merkitystä CTCL:n ja sen liitännäiskasvainten kehittymisen taustalla.


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Sjögren s syndrome (SS) is a common autoimmune disease affecting the lacrimal and salivary glands. SS is characterized by a considerable female predominance and a late age of onset, commonly at the time of adreno- and menopause. The levels of the androgen prohormone dehydroepiandrosterone-sulphate (DHEA-S) in the serum are lower in patients with SS than in age- and sex-matched healthy control subjects. The eventual systemic effects of low androgen levels in SS are not currently well understood. Basement membranes (BM) are specialized layers of extracellular matrix and are composed of laminin (LM) and type IV collagen matrix networks. BMs deliver messages to epithelial cells via cellular LM-receptors including integrins (Int) and Lutheran blood group antigen (Lu). The composition of BMs and distribution of LM-receptors in labial salivary glands (LSGs) of normal healthy controls and patients with SS was assessed. LMs have complex and highly regulated distribution in LSGs. LMs seem to have specific tasks in the dynamic regulation of acinar cell function. LM-111 is important for the normal acinar cell differentiation and its expression is diminished in SS. Also LM-211 and -411 seem to have some acinar specific functional tasks in LSGs. LM-311, -332 and -511 seem to have more general structure maintaining and supporting roles in LSGs and are relatively intact also in SS. Ints α3β1, α6β1, α6β4 and Lu seem to supply structural basis for the firm attachment of epithelial cells to the BM in LSGs. The expression of Ints α1β1 and α2β1 differed clearly from other LM-receptors in that they were found almost exclusively around the acini and intercalated duct cells in salivons suggesting some type of acinar cell compartment-specific or dominant function. Expression of these integrins was lower in SS compared to healthy controls suggesting that the LM-111 and -211-to-Int α1β1 and α2β1 interactions are defective in SS and are crucial to the maintenance of the acini in LSGs. DHEA/DHEA-S concentration in serum and locally in saliva of patients with SS seems to have effects on the salivary glands. These effects were first detected using the androgen-dependent CRISP-3 protein, the production and secretion of which were clearly diminished in SS. This might be due to the impaired function of the intracrine DHEA prohormone metabolizing machinery, which fails to successfully convert DHEA into its active metabolites in LSGs. The progenitor epithelial cells from the intercalated ductal area of LSGs migrate to the acinar compartment and then undergo a phenotype change into secretory acinar cells. This migration and phenotype change seem to be regulated by the LM-111-to-Int α1β1/Int α2β1 interactions. Lack of these interactions could be one factor limiting the normal remodelling process. Androgens are effective stimulators of Int α1β1 and α2β1 expression in physiologic concentrations. Addition of DHEA to the culture medium had effective stimulating effect on the Int α1β1 and α2β1 expression and its effect may be deficient in the LSGs of patients with SS.


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Hantaviruses, members of the genus Hantavirus in the Bunyaviridae family, are enveloped single-stranded RNA viruses with tri-segmented genome of negative polarity. In humans, hantaviruses cause two diseases, hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS) and hantavirus pulmonary syndrome (HPS), which vary in severity depending on the causative agent. Each hantavirus is carried by a specific rodent host and is transmitted to humans through excreta of infected rodents. The genome of hantaviruses encodes four structural proteins: the nucleocapsid protein (N), the glycoproteins (Gn and Gc), and the polymerase (L) and also the nonstructural protein (NSs). This thesis deals with the functional characterization of hantavirus N protein with regard to its structure. Structural studies of the N protein have progressed slowly and the crystal structure of the whole protein is still not available, therefore biochemical assays coupled with bioinformatical modeling proved essential for studying N protein structure and functions. Presumably, during RNA encapsidation, the N protein first forms intermediate trimers and then oligomers. First, we investigated the role of N-terminal domain in the N protein oligomerization. The results suggested that the N-terminal region of the N protein forms a coiled-coil, in which two antiparallel alpha helices interact via their hydrophobic seams. Hydrophobic residues L4, I11, L18, L25 and V32 in the first helix and L44, V51, L58 and L65 in the second helix were crucial for stabilizing the structure. The results were consistent with the head-to-head, tail-to-tail model for hantavirus N protein trimerization. We demonstrated that an intact coiled-coil structure of the N terminus is crucial for the oligomerization capacity of the N protein. We also added new details to the head-to-head, tail-to-tail model of trimerization by suggesting that the initial step is based on interaction(s) between intact intra-molecular coiled-coils of the monomers. We further analyzed the importance of charged aa residues located within the coiled-coil for the N protein oligomerization. To predict the interacting surfaces of the monomers we used an upgraded in silico model of the coiled-coil domain that was docked into a trimer. Next the predicted target residues were mutated. The results obtained using the mammalian two-hybrid assay suggested that conserved charged aa residues within the coiled-coil make a substantial contribution to the N protein oligomerization. This contribution probably involves the formation of interacting surfaces of the N monomers and also stabilization of the coiled-coil via intramolecular ionic bridging. We proposed that the tips of the coiled-coils are the first to come into direct contact and thus initiate tight packing of the three monomers into a compact structure. This was in agreement with the previous results showing that an increase in ionic strength abolished the interaction between N protein molecules. We also showed that residues having the strongest effect on the N protein oligomerization are not scattered randomly throughout the coiled-coil 3D model structure, but form clusters. Next we found evidence for the hantaviral N protein interaction with the cytoplasmic tail of the glycoprotein Gn. In order to study this interaction we used the GST pull-down assay in combination with mutagenesis technique. The results demonstrated that intact, properly folded zinc fingers of the Gn protein cytoplasmic tail as well as the middle domain of the N protein (that includes aa residues 80 248 and supposedly carries the RNA-binding domain) are essential for the interaction. Since hantaviruses do not have a matrix protein that mediates the packaging of the viral RNA in other negatve stranded viruses (NSRV), hantaviral RNPs should be involved in a direct interaction with the intraviral domains of the envelope-embedded glycoproteins. By showing the N-Gn interaction we provided the evidence for one of the crucial steps in the virus replication at which RNPs are directed to the site of the virus assembly. Finally we started analysis of the N protein RNA-binding region, which is supposedly located in the middle domain of the N protein molecule. We developed a model for the initial step of RNA-binding by the hantaviral N protein. We hypothesized that the hantaviral N protein possesses two secondary structure elements that initiate the RNA encapsidation. The results suggest that amino acid residues (172-176) presumably act as a hook to catch vRNA and that the positively charged interaction surface (aa residues 144-160) enhances the initial N-RNA interacation. In conclusion, we elucidated new functions of hantavirus N protein. Using in silico modeling we predicted the domain structure of the protein and using experimental techniques showed that each domain is responsible for executing certain function(s). We showed that intact N terminal coiled-coil domain is crucial for oligomerization and charged residues located on its surface form a interaction surface for the N monomers. The middle domain is essential for interaction with the cytoplasmic tail of the Gn protein and RNA binding.


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Nanomaterials with a hexagonally ordered atomic structure, e.g., graphene, carbon and boron nitride nanotubes, and white graphene (a monolayer of hexagonal boron nitride) possess many impressive properties. For example, the mechanical stiffness and strength of these materials are unprecedented. Also, the extraordinary electronic properties of graphene and carbon nanotubes suggest that these materials may serve as building blocks of next generation electronics. However, the properties of pristine materials are not always what is needed in applications, but careful manipulation of their atomic structure, e.g., via particle irradiation can be used to tailor the properties. On the other hand, inadvertently introduced defects can deteriorate the useful properties of these materials in radiation hostile environments, such as outer space. In this thesis, defect production via energetic particle bombardment in the aforementioned materials is investigated. The effects of ion irradiation on multi-walled carbon and boron nitride nanotubes are studied experimentally by first conducting controlled irradiation treatments of the samples using an ion accelerator and subsequently characterizing the induced changes by transmission electron microscopy and Raman spectroscopy. The usefulness of the characterization methods is critically evaluated and a damage grading scale is proposed, based on transmission electron microscopy images. Theoretical predictions are made on defect production in graphene and white graphene under particle bombardment. A stochastic model based on first-principles molecular dynamics simulations is used together with electron irradiation experiments for understanding the formation of peculiar triangular defect structures in white graphene. An extensive set of classical molecular dynamics simulations is conducted, in order to study defect production under ion irradiation in graphene and white graphene. In the experimental studies the response of carbon and boron nitride multi-walled nanotubes to irradiation with a wide range of ion types, energies and fluences is explored. The stabilities of these structures under ion irradiation are investigated, as well as the issue of how the mechanism of energy transfer affects the irradiation-induced damage. An irradiation fluence of 5.5x10^15 ions/cm^2 with 40 keV Ar+ ions is established to be sufficient to amorphize a multi-walled nanotube. In the case of 350 keV He+ ion irradiation, where most of the energy transfer happens through inelastic collisions between the ion and the target electrons, an irradiation fluence of 1.4x10^17 ions/cm^2 heavily damages carbon nanotubes, whereas a larger irradiation fluence of 1.2x10^18 ions/cm^2 leaves a boron nitride nanotube in much better condition, indicating that carbon nanotubes might be more susceptible to damage via electronic excitations than their boron nitride counterparts. An elevated temperature was discovered to considerably reduce the accumulated damage created by energetic ions in both carbon and boron nitride nanotubes, attributed to enhanced defect mobility and efficient recombination at high temperatures. Additionally, cobalt nanorods encapsulated inside multi-walled carbon nanotubes were observed to transform into spherical nanoparticles after ion irradiation at an elevated temperature, which can be explained by the inverse Ostwald ripening effect. The simulation studies on ion irradiation of the hexagonal monolayers yielded quantitative estimates on types and abundances of defects produced within a large range of irradiation parameters. He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe, and Ga ions were considered in the simulations with kinetic energies ranging from 35 eV to 10 MeV, and the role of the angle of incidence of the ions was studied in detail. A stochastic model was developed for utilizing the large amount of data produced by the molecular dynamics simulations. It was discovered that a high degree of selectivity over the types and abundances of defects can be achieved by carefully selecting the irradiation parameters, which can be of great use when precise pattering of graphene or white graphene using focused ion beams is planned.


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Purpose – This research paper studies how the strategy of repositioning enables marketers to communicate CSR as their brand’s differentiating factor. It aims at understanding how consumer perceptions can be managed to generate brand value through corporate brand repositioning when CSR is the differentiating factor. The purpose of this paper is to answer the following research question: How can consumer perceptions be managed to generate brand value through corporate brand repositioning when CSR is the differentiating factor? The two research objectives were: 1. to build a model, which describes the different components of consumer perceptions involved in generation of brand value through repositioning when CSR is the differentiating factor, 2. to identify the most critical components in the context of the case company, IKEA for generation of brand value during the process of corporate brand repositioning Design/methodology/approach – This paper is based on the literature review covering the logic of brand value generation, repositioning strategy and consumer perceptions connected to CSR activities. A key concept of the positioning theory, the brand’s differentiating factor, was explored. Previous studies have concluded that desirability of the differentiating factor largely determines the level of brand value-creation for the target customers. The criterion of desirability is based on three dimensions: relevance, distinctiveness and believability. A model was built in terms of these desirability dimensions. This paper takes a case study approach where the predefined theoretical framework is tested using IKEA as the case company. When developing insights on the multifaceted nature of brand perceptions, personal interviews and individual probing are vital. They enable the interviewees to reflect on their feelings and perceptions with their own words. This is why the data collection was based on means-end type of questioning. Qualitative interviews were conducted with 12 consumers. Findings – The paper highlights five critical components that may determine whether IKEA will fail in its repositioning efforts. The majority of the critical components involved believability perceptions. Hence, according to the findings, establishing credibility and trustworthiness for the brand in the context of CSR seems primary. The most critical components identified of the believability aspect were: providing proof of responsible codes of conduct via conducting specific and concrete CSR actions, connecting the company’s products and the social cause, and building a linkage between the initial and new positioning while also weakening the old positioning. Originality/value – Marketers’ obligation is to prepare the company for future demands. Companies all over the globe have recognized the durable trend of responsibility and sustainability. Consumer´s worry about the environmental and social impact of modern lifestyles is growing. This is why Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) provides brands an important source of differentiation and strength in the future. The strategy of repositioning enables marketers to communicate CSR as their brand’s differentiating factor. This study aimed at understanding how consumer perceptions can be managed to generate brand value through corporate brand repositioning when CSR is the differentiating factor.