64 resultados para Low-calorie foods

em Helda - Digital Repository of University of Helsinki


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Standards have been placed to regulate the microbial and preservative contents to assure that foods are safe to the consumer. In a case of a food-related disease outbreak, it is crucial to be able to detect and identify quickly and accurately the cause of the disease. In addition, for every day control of food microbial and preservative contents, the detection methods must be easily performed for numerous food samples. In this present study, quicker alternative methods were studied for identification of bacteria by DNA fingerprinting. A flow cytometry method was developed as an alternative to pulsed-field gel electrophoresis, the golden method . DNA fragment sizing by an ultrasensitive flow cytometer was able to discriminate species and strains in a reproducible and comparable manner to pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. This new method was hundreds times faster and 200,000 times more sensitive. Additionally, another DNA fingerprinting identification method was developed based on single-enzyme amplified fragment length polymorphism (SE-AFLP). This method allowed the differentiation of genera, species, and strains of pathogenic bacteria of Bacilli, Staphylococci, Yersinia, and Escherichia coli. These fingerprinting patterns obtained by SE-AFLP were simpler and easier to analyze than those by the traditional amplified fragment length polymorphism by double enzyme digestion. Nisin (E234) is added as a preservative to different types of foods, especially dairy products, around the world. Various detection methods exist for nisin, but they lack in sensitivity, speed or specificity. In this present study, a sensitive nisin-induced green fluorescent protein (GFPuv) bioassay was developed using the Lactococcus lactis two-component signal system NisRK and the nisin-inducible nisA promoter. The bioassay was extremely sensitive with detection limit of 10 pg/ml in culture supernatant. In addition, it was compatible for quantification from various food matrices, such as milk, salad dressings, processed cheese, liquid eggs, and canned tomatoes. Wine has good antimicrobial properties due to its alcohol concentration, low pH, and organic content and therefore often assumed to be microbially safe to consume. Another aim of this thesis was to study the microbiota of wines returned by customers complaining of food-poisoning symptoms. By partial 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis, ribotyping, and boar spermatozoa motility assay, it was identified that one of the wines contained a Bacillus simplex BAC91, which produced a heat-stable substance toxic to the mitochondria of sperm cells. The antibacterial activity of wine was tested on the vegetative cells and spores of B. simplex BAC91, B. cereus type strain ATCC 14579 and cereulide-producing B. cereus F4810/72. Although the vegetative cells and spores of B. simplex BAC91 were sensitive to the antimicrobial effects of wine, the spores of B. cereus strains ATCC 14579 and F4810/72 stayed viable for at least 4 months. According to these results, Bacillus spp., more specifically spores, can be a possible risk to the wine consumer.


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An important safety aspect to be considered when foods are enriched with phytosterols and phytostanols is the oxidative stability of these lipid compounds, i.e. their resistance to oxidation and thus to the formation of oxidation products. This study concentrated on producing scientific data to support this safety evaluation process. In the absence of an official method for analyzing of phytosterol/stanol oxidation products, we first developed a new gas chromatographic - mass spectrometric (GC-MS) method. We then investigated factors affecting these compounds' oxidative stability in lipid-based food models in order to identify critical conditions under which significant oxidation reactions may occur. Finally, the oxidative stability of phytosterols and stanols in enriched foods during processing and storage was evaluated. Enriched foods covered a range of commercially available phytosterol/stanol ingredients, different heat treatments during food processing, and different multiphase food structures. The GC-MS method was a powerful tool for measuring the oxidative stability. Data obtained in food model studies revealed that the critical factors for the formation and distribution of the main secondary oxidation products were sterol structure, reaction temperature, reaction time, and lipid matrix composition. Under all conditions studied, phytostanols as saturated compounds were more stable than unsaturated phytosterols. In addition, esterification made phytosterols more reactive than free sterols at low temperatures, while at high temperatures the situation was the reverse. Generally, oxidation reactions were more significant at temperatures above 100°C. At lower temperatures, the significance of these reactions increased with increasing reaction time. The effect of lipid matrix composition was dependent on temperature; at temperatures above 140°C, phytosterols were more stable in an unsaturated lipid matrix, whereas below 140°C they were more stable in a saturated lipid matrix. At 140°C, phytosterols oxidized at the same rate in both matrices. Regardless of temperature, phytostanols oxidized more in an unsaturated lipid matrix. Generally, the distribution of oxidation products seemed to be associated with the phase of overall oxidation. 7-ketophytosterols accumulated when oxidation had not yet reached the dynamic state. Once this state was attained, the major products were 5,6-epoxyphytosterols and 7-hydroxyphytosterols. The changes observed in phytostanol oxidation products were not as informative since all stanol oxides quantified represented hydroxyl compounds. The formation of these secondary oxidation products did not account for all of the phytosterol/stanol losses observed during the heating experiments, indicating the presence of dimeric, oligomeric or other oxidation products, especially when free phytosterols and stanols were heated at high temperatures. Commercially available phytosterol/stanol ingredients were stable during such food processes as spray-drying and ultra high temperature (UHT)-type heating and subsequent long-term storage. Pan-frying, however, induced phytosterol oxidation and was classified as a rather deteriorative process. Overall, the findings indicated that although phytosterols and stanols are stable in normal food processing conditions, attention should be paid to their use in frying. Complex interactions between other food constituents also suggested that when new phytosterol-enriched foods are developed their oxidative stability must first be established. The results presented here will assist in choosing safe conditions for phytosterol/stanol enrichment.


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The number of drug substances in formulation development in the pharmaceutical industry is increasing. Some of these are amorphous drugs and have glass transition below ambient temperature, and thus they are usually difficult to formulate and handle. One reason for this is the reduced viscosity, related to the stickiness of the drug, that makes them complicated to handle in unit operations. Thus, the aim in this thesis was to develop a new processing method for a sticky amorphous model material. Furthermore, model materials were characterised before and after formulation, using several characterisation methods, to understand more precisely the prerequisites for physical stability of amorphous state against crystallisation. The model materials used were monoclinic paracetamol and citric acid anhydrate. Amorphous materials were prepared by melt quenching or by ethanol evaporation methods. The melt blends were found to have slightly higher viscosity than the ethanol evaporated materials. However, melt produced materials crystallised more easily upon consecutive shearing than ethanol evaporated materials. The only material that did not crystallise during shearing was a 50/50 (w/w, %) blend regardless of the preparation method and it was physically stable at least two years in dry conditions. Shearing at varying temperatures was established to measure the physical stability of amorphous materials in processing and storage conditions. The actual physical stability of the blends was better than the pure amorphous materials at ambient temperature. Molecular mobility was not related to the physical stability of the amorphous blends, observed as crystallisation. Molecular mobility of the 50/50 blend derived from a spectral linewidth as a function of temperature using solid state NMR correlated better with the molecular mobility derived from a rheometer than that of differential scanning calorimetry data. Based on the results obtained, the effect of molecular interactions, thermodynamic driving force and miscibility of the blends are discussed as the key factors to stabilise the blends. The stickiness was found to be affected glass transition and viscosity. Ultrasound extrusion and cutting were successfully tested to increase the processability of sticky material. Furthermore, it was found to be possible to process the physically stable 50/50 blend in a supercooled liquid state instead of a glassy state. The method was not found to accelerate the crystallisation. This may open up new possibilities to process amorphous materials that are otherwise impossible to manufacture into solid dosage forms.


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The aim was to analyse the growth and compositional development of the receptive and expressive lexicons between the ages 0,9 and 2;0 in the full-term (FT) and the very-low-birth-weight (VLBW) children who are acquiring Finnish. The associations between the expressive lexicon and grammar at 1;6 and 2;0 in the FT children were also studied. In addition, the language skills of the VLBW children at 2;0 were analysed, as well as the predictive value of early lexicon to the later language performance. Four groups took part in the studies: the longitudinal (N = 35) and cross-sectional (N = 146) samples of the FT children, and the longitudinal (N = 32) and cross-sectional (N = 66) samples of VLBW children. The data was gathered by applying of the structured parental rating method (the Finnish version of the Communicative Development Inventory), through analysis of the children´s spontaneous speech and by administering a a formal test (Reynell Developmental Language Scales). The FT children acquired their receptive lexicons earlier, at a faster rate and with larger individual variation than their expressive lexicons. The acquisition rate of the expressive lexicon increased from slow to faster in most children (91%). Highly parallel developmental paths for lexical semantic categories were detected in the receptive and expressive lexicons of the Finnish children when they were analysed in relation to the growth of the lexicon size, as described in the literature for children acquiring other languages. The emergence of grammar was closely associated with expressive lexical growth. The VLBW children acquired their receptive lexicons at a slower rate and had weaker language skills at 2;0 than the full-term children. The compositional development of both lexicons happened at a slower rate in the VLBW children when compared to the FT controls. However, when the compositional development was analysed in relation to the growth of lexicon size, this development occurred qualitatively in a nearly parallel manner in the VLBW children as in the FT children. Early receptive and expressive lexicon sizes were significantly associated with later language skills in both groups. The effect of the background variables (gender, length of the mother s basic education, birth weight) on the language development in the FT and the VLBW children differed. The results provide new information of early language acquisition by the Finnish FT and VLBW children. The results support the view that the early acquisition of the semantic lexical categories is related to lexicon growth. The current findings also propose that the early grammatical acquisition is closely related to the growth of expressive vocabulary size. The language development of the VLBW children should be followed in clinical work.


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African indigenous foods have received limited research. Most of these indigenous foods are fermented and they form part of the rich nutritional culture of many groups in African countries. The industrialization and commercialisation of these indigenous African fermented foods should be preceded by a thorough scientific knowledge of their processing which can be vital in the elimination of hunger and poverty. This study highlighted emerging developments and the microbiology of cereal-based and cassava-based food products that constitute a major part of the human diet in most African countries. In addition, investigations were also carried out on the coagulant of the Calotropis procera plant used in traditional production of Nigerian Wara cheese and on the effects of adding a nisin producing Lactococcus lactis strain originating from human milk to Nigerian Wara cheese. Fermented cereal-based food such as ogi utilize popular African and readily available grains maize, millet or sorghum as substrates and is popular as a weaning diet in infants. In this study, the bulkiness caused by starch gelatinization was solved by amylase treatments in the investigation on cooked and fermented oat bran porridge. A similar treatment could reduce the viscosity of any cereal porridge. The properties of the Sodom apple leaves (Calotropis procera) extract in cheesemaking were studied. C. procera was affected by monovalent (K+ and Na+) and divalent (Mg2+ and Ca2+) cations during coagulation. The rennet strength of this coagulant was found to be 7 % compared to animal rennet at 35 °C. Increasing the incubation temperature to 70 °C increased the rennet strength 28-fold. The molecular weight of the partially purified protease was determined by SDS-PAGE and was confirmed by Zymography to be approximately 60 kilodaltons. The high proteolytic activity at 70 °C supported the suitability of the protease enzyme as a coagulant in future commercial production of Nigerian Wara cheese. It was also possible to extend the shelf life of Wara cheese by a nisin producing lactic acid bacteria Lactococcus lactis LAC309. The levels of nisin in both whey and curd fractions of Wara were investigated, results showed a 3 log reduction of toxicogenic Bacillus licheniformis spiked on Wara after 3 days. These studies are the first in Finland to promote the advancement of scientific knowledge in African foods. Recognizing these indigenous food products and an efficient transfer of technology from the developed countries to industrialize them are necessary towards a successful realization of the United Nations Millenium Development Program.


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This study analyzes the war-time rations the Finnish soldiers received on the front from 1939 until 1945. The main objective was to determine the contents of the rations and how they affected the soldiers' nutrition and morale. The information concerning food and feeding is mainly based on the official documents found in the Military Archives. Some additional material was from the historical literature, some from memoirs, or from the veterans who personally experienced the front. The documents in the Archives of Military Medicine provided information on the soldiers' deficiencies. During the Winter War, which took place from 30 November 1939 until 13 March 1940, ample food was available. The cold climate caused problems and the fresh food got frozen. However, no severe deficiency cases were reported and the morale was high. By contrast, during the Continuation War, which began in June, 1941 and ended in September, 1944, difficulties were experienced. At the time farming in the country faced serious problems due to the shortage of labour, fuel, etc. Furthermore, importing food was generally not possible. However, importing food mainly from Germany saved the Finns from hunger. In addition, the self activity of the soldiers on the front added somewhat to the food production. But the rations had to be reduced. Their energy values were consequently low, especially for the young men. Food was monotonous and occasionally caused complaints. The main sources of protein, vitamins and minerals were the whole cereal foods. Butter was fortified with vitamin A and vitamin C tablets were also distributed, to compensate for the scant food sources. Only approximately 300 serious deficiency cases required hospital care during the three years time, out of a total of 400 000 soldiers. Feeding the young soldiers during the war (1944 - 1945) in Lapland, which had been destroyed, was problematic but the increased rations also saved them from deficiencies. In spite of the severe difficulties experienced occasionally in feeding the soldiers during the wars, the system worked all the time. The soldiers were fed, the cases of nutritional deficiency and epidemics caused by food were kept very limited and the morale of soldiers remained high.


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The incidence of colon cancer is high in Western societies, and in Finland it is among the three most common cancer types in both females and males. Environmental factors, including diet, affect colon cancer development. During the last few years, a vast amount of new, functional foods have been introduced to the consumers. Several products are already available that are marketed as promoting intestinal health. To be able to reliably call a dietary compound a chemopreventive substance it is of fundamental importance to understand the mechanism by which it affects tumour formation and the integrity of the epithelial cells. In this thesis, three different dietary compounds were studied in an experimental model of colon cancer. Inulin is a non-digestible fibre found naturally in chicory roots, artichokes and onions, amongst others. Nowadays it is widely used as an added dietary fibre in several food products. Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) is a conjugated form of the fatty acid linoleic acid. CLA is formed by bacterial fermentation of linoleic acid in the rumen of cows and other ruminants. Concomitantly, it can naturally be found in milk and meat of ruminants. White currant is a colourless berry low in phenolic compounds that are believed to prevent cancer formation. Contrary to what was expected, inulin and the conjugated linoleic acid isomer trans-10, cis-12, were tumour growth promoting dietary constituents when fed to Min mice. Both diets decreased the NF-kappaB levels in the mucosa, but physiological adenoma development did not affect NF-kappaB. Diet altered beta-catenin and p53 signalling in the adenomas, confirming their involvement in adenoma growth. White currant, on the other hand, was chemopreventive, despite its low contents of phenolic compounds. The chemopreventive effect was accompanied by increased p53 levels in the mucosa, and decreased beta-catenin and NF-kappaB levels in the adenoma. This could explain the reduced adenoma number and size. The results underline the importance of carefully testing new dietary compounds in different settings to reliably confirm their health benefits. In this study two compounds that are consumed and believed to add to our health proved to be cancer promotive. A berry with low phenolic contents, on the other hand, was chemopreventive.


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B. cereus is one of the most frequent occurring bacteria in foods . It produces several heat-labile enterotoxins and one stable non-protein toxin, cereulide (emetic), which may be pre-formed in food. Cereulide is a heat stable peptide whose structure and mechanism of action were in the past decade elucidated. Until this work, the detection of cereulide was done by biological assays. With my mentors, I developed the first quantitative chemical assay for cereulide. The assay is based on liquid chromatography (HPLC) combined with ion trap mass spectrometry and the calibration is done with valinomycin and purified cereulide. To detect and quantitate valinomycin and cereulide, their [NH4+] adducts, m/z 1128.9 and m/z 1171 respectively, were used. This was a breakthrough in the cereulide research and became a very powerful tool of investigation. This tool made it possible to prove for the first time that the toxin produced by B. cereus in heat-treated food caused human illness. Until this thesis work (Paper II), cereulide producing B. cereus strains were believed to represent a homogenous group of clonal strains. The cereulide producing strains investigated in those studies originated mostly from food poisoning incidents. We used strains of many origins and analyzed them using a polyphasic approach. We found that the cereulide producing B. cereus strains are genetically and biologically more diverse than assumed in earlier studies. The strains diverge in the adenylate kinase (adk) gene (two sequence types), in ribopatterns obtained with EcoRI and PvuII (three patterns), tyrosin decomposition, haemolysis and lecithine hydrolysis (two phenotypes). Our study was the first demonstration of diversity within the cereulide producing strains of B. cereus. To manage the risk for cereulide production in food, understanding is needed on factors that may upregulate cereulide production in a given food matrix and the environmental factors affecting it. As a contribution towards this direction, we adjusted the growth environment and measured the cereulide production by strains selected for diversity. The temperature range where cereulide is produced was narrower than that for growth for most of the producer strains. Most cereulide was by most strains produced at room temperature (20 - 23ºC). Exceptions to this were two faecal isolates which produced the same amount of cereulide from 23 ºC up until 39ºC. We also found that at 37º C the choice of growth media for cereulide production differed from that at the room temperature. The food composition and temperature may thus be a key for understanding cereulide production in foods as well as in the gut. We investigated the contents of [K+], [Na+] and amino acids of six growth media. Statistical evaluation indicated a significant positive correlation between the ratio [K+]:[Na+] and the production of cereulide, but only when the concentrations of glycine and [Na+] were constant. Of the amino acids only glycine correlated positively with high cereulide production. Glycine is used worldwide as food additive (E 640), flavor modifier, humectant, acidity regulator, and is permitted in the European Union countries, with no regulatory quantitative limitation, in most types of foods. B. subtilis group members are endospore-forming bacteria ubiquitous in the environment, similar to B. cereus in this respect. Bacillus species other than B. cereus have only sporadically been identified as causative agents of food-borne illnesses. We found (Paper IV) that food-borne isolates of B. subtilis and B. mojavensis produced amylosin. It is possible that amylosin was the agent responsible for the food-borne illness, since no other toxic substance was found in the strains. This is the first report on amylosin production by strains isolated from food. We found that the temperature requirement for amylosin production was higher for the B. subtilis strain F 2564/96, a mesophilic producer, than for B. mojavensis strains eela 2293 and B 31, psychrotolerant producers. We also found that an atmosphere with low oxygen did not prevent the production of amylosin. Ready-to-eat foods packaged in micro-aerophilic atmosphere and/or stored at temperatures above 10 °C, may thus pose a risk when toxigenic strains of B. subtilis or B. mojavensis are present.


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Nutrition affects bone health throughout life. To optimize peak bone mass development and maintenance, it is important to pay attention to the dietary factors that enhance and impair bone metabolism. In this study, the in vivo effects of inorganic dietary phosphate and the in vitro effects of bioactive tripeptides, IPP, VPP and LKP were investigated. Dietary phosphate intake is increased through the use of convenience foods and soft drinks rich in phosphate-containing food additives. Our results show that increased dietary phosphate intake hinders mineral deposition in cortical bone and diminishes bone mineral density (BMD) in the aged skeleton in a rodent model (Study I). In the growing skeleton (Study II), increased phosphate intake was observed to reduce bone material and structural properties, leading to diminished bone strength. Studies I and II revealed that a low Ca:P ratio has negative effects on the mature and growing rat skeleton even when calcium intake is sufficient. High dietary protein intake is beneficial for bone health. Protein is essential for bone turnover and matrix formation. In addition, hydrolysis of proteins in the gastrointestinal tract produces short peptides that possess a biological function beyond that of being tissue building blocks. The effects of three bioactive tripeptides, IPP, VPP and LKP, were assessed in short- and long-term in vitro experiments. Short-term treatment (24 h) with tripeptide IPP, VPP or LKP influenced osteoblast gene expression (Study III). IPP in particular, regulates genes associated with cell differentiation, cell growth and cell signal transduction. The upregulation of these genes indicates that IPP enhances osteoblast proliferation and differentiation. Long-term treatment with IPP enhanced osteoblast gene expression in favour of bone formation and increased mineralization (Study IV). The in vivo effects of IPP on osteoblast differentiation might differ since eating frequency drives food consumption, and protein degradation products, such as bioactive peptides, are available periodically, not continuously as in this study. To sum up, Studies I and II raise concern about the appropriate amount of dietary phosphate to support bone health as excess is harmful. Studies III and IV in turn, support findings of the beneficial effects of dietary protein on bone and provide a mechanistic explanation since cell proliferation and osteoblast function were improved by treatment with bioactive tripeptide IPP.