15 resultados para JYVÄSKYLÄ
em Helda - Digital Repository of University of Helsinki
The subject of the thesis is the mediated construction of author images in popular music. In the study, the construction of images is treated as a process in which artists, the media and the members of the audience participate. The notions of presented, mediated and compiled author images are used in explaining the mediation process and the various authorial roles of the agents involved. In order to explore the issue more closely, I analyse the author images of a group of popular music artists representing the genres of rock, pop and electronic dance music. The analysed material consists mostly of written media texts through which the artists authorial roles and creative responsibilities are discussed. Theoretically speaking, the starting points for the examination lie in cultural studies and discourse analysis. Even though author images may be conceived as intertextual constructions, the artist is usually presented as a recognizable figure whose purpose is to give the music its public face. This study does not, then, deal with musical authors as such, but rather with their public images and mediated constructions. Because of the author-based functioning of popular music culture and the idea of the artist s individual creative power, the collective and social processes involved in the making of popular music are often superseded by the belief in a single, originating authorship. In addition to the collective practices of music making, the roles of the media and the marketing machinery complicate attempts to clarify the sharing of authorial contributions. As the case studies demonstrate, the differences between the examined author images are connected with a number of themes ranging from issues of auteurism and stardom to the use of masked imagery and the blending of authorial voices. Also the emergence of new music technologies has affected not only the ways in which music is made, but also how the artist s authorial status and artistic identity is understood. In the study at hand, the author images of auteurs, stars, DJs and sampling artists are discussed alongside such varied topics as collective authorship, evaluative hierarchies, visual promotion and generic conventions. Taken altogether, the examined case studies shed light on the functioning of popular music culture and the ways in which musical authorship is (re)defined.
Different languages use temporal speech cues in different linguistic functions. In Finnish, speech-sound duration is used as the primary cue for the phonological quantity distinction ― i.e., a distinction between short and long phonemes. For the second-language (L2) learners of Finnish, quantity is often difficult to master if speech-sound duration plays a less important role in the phonology of their native language (L1). The present studies aimed to investigate the cortical representations for phonological quantity in native speakers and L2 users of Finnish by using behavioral and electrophysiological methods. Since long-term memory representations for different speech units have been previously shown to participate in the elicitation of the mismatch negativity (MMN) brain response, MMN was used to compare the neural representation for quantity between native speakers and L2 users of Finnish. The results of the studies suggested that native Finnish speakers' MMN response to quantity was determined by the activation of native-language phonetic prototypes rather than by phoneme boundaries. In addition, native speakers seemed to process phoneme quantity and quality independently from each other by separate brain representations. The cross-linguistic MMN studies revealed that, in native speakers of Finnish, the MMN response to duration or quantity-degree changes was enhanced in amplitude selectively in speech sounds, whereas this pattern was not observed in L2 users. Native speakers' MMN enhancement is suggested to be due to the pre-attentive activation of L1 prototypes for quantity. In L2 users, the activation of L2 prototypes or other L2 learning effects were not reflected in the MMN, with one exception. Even though L2 users failed to show native-like brain responses to duration changes in a vowel that was similar in L1 and L2, their duration MMN response was native-like for an L2 vowel with no counterpart in L1. Thus, the pre-attentive activation of L2 users' representations was determined by the degree of similarity of L2 sounds to L1 sounds. In addition, behavioral experiments suggested that the establishment of representations for L2 quantity may require several years of language exposure.
This thesis utilises an evidence-based approach to critically evaluate and summarize effectiveness research on physiotherapy, physiotherapy-related motor-based interventions and orthotic devices in children and adolescents with cerebral palsy (CP). It aims to assess the methodological challenges of the systematic reviews and trials, to evaluate the effectiveness of interventions in current use, and to make suggestions for future trials Methods: Systematic reviews were searched from computerized bibliographic databases up to August 2007 for physiotherapy and physiotherapy-related interventions, and up to May 2003 for orthotic devices. Two reviewers independently identified, selected, and assessed the quality of the reviews using the Overview Quality Assessment Questionnaire complemented with decision rules. From a sample of 14 randomized controlled trials (RCT) published between January 1990 and June 2003 we analysed the methods of sampling, recruitment, and comparability of groups; defined the components of a complex intervention; identified outcome measures based on the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF); analysed the clinical interpretation of score changes; and analysed trial reporting using a modified 33-item CONSORT (Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials) checklist. The effectiveness of physiotherapy and physiotherapy-related interventions in children with diagnosed CP was evaluated in a systematic review of randomised controlled trials that were searched from computerized databases from January 1990 up to February 2007. Two reviewers independently assessed the methodological quality, extracted the data, classified the outcomes using the ICF, and considered the level of evidence according to van Tulder et al. (2003). Results: We identified 21 reviews on physiotherapy and physiotherapy-related interventions and five on orthotic devices. These reviews summarized 23 or 5 randomised controlled trials and 104 or 27 observational studies, respectively. Only six reviews were of high quality. These found some evidence supporting strength training, constraint-induced movement therapy or hippotherapy, and insufficient evidence on comprehensive interventions. Based on the original studies included in the reviews on orthotic devices we found some short-term effects of lower limb casting on passive range of movement, and of ankle-foot orthoses on equinus walk. Long term effects of lower limb orthoses have not been studied. Evidence of upper limb casting or orthoses is conflicting. In the sample of 14 RCTs, most trials used simple randomisation, complemented with matching or stratification, but only three specified the concealed allocation. Numerous studies provided sufficient details on the components of a complex intervention, but the overlap of outcome measures across studies was poor and the clinical interpretation of observed score changes was mostly missing. Almost half (48%) of the applicable CONSORT-based items (range 28 32) were reported adequately. Most reporting inadequacies were in outcome measures, sample size determination, details of the sequence generation, allocation concealment and implementation of the randomization, success of assessor blinding, recruitment and follow-up dates, intention-to-treat analysis, precision of the effect size, co-interventions, and adverse events. The systematic review identified 22 trials on eight intervention categories. Four trials were of high quality. Moderate evidence of effectiveness was established for upper extremity treatments on attained goals, active supination and developmental status, and of constraint-induced therapy on the amount and quality of hand use and new emerging behaviours. Moderate evidence of ineffectiveness was found for strength training's effect on walking speed and stride length. Conflicting evidence was found for strength training's effect on gross motor function. For the other intervention categories the evidence was limited due to the low methodological quality and the statistically insignificant results of the studies. Conclusions: The high-quality reviews provide both supportive and insufficient evidence on some physiotherapy interventions. The poor quality of most reviews calls for caution, although most reviews drew no conclusions on effectiveness due to the poor quality of the primary studies. A considerable number of RCTs of good to fair methodological and reporting quality indicate that informative and well-reported RCTs on complex interventions in children and adolescents with CP are feasible. Nevertheless, methodological improvement is needed in certain areas of the trial design and performance, and the trial authors are encouraged to follow the CONSORT criteria. Based on RCTs we established moderate evidence for some effectiveness of upper extremity training. Due to limitations in methodological quality and variations in population, interventions and outcomes, mostly limited evidence on the effectiveness of most physiotherapy interventions is available to guide clinical practice. Well-designed trials are needed, especially for focused physiotherapy interventions.
Tässä Pro Gradu -tutkielmassa oli tarkoitus määrittää ne lämpötilan ääriarvojen maksimi ja minimi arvot, jotka ovat vielä fysikaalisesti mahdollisia Suomen ilmastossa. Työssä käytettiin hyväksi kahta eri yksidimensioista ilmakehämallia, 1D-H634 sekä 1D-RCA3. Ensiksi mainittu pohjaa HIRLAM 6.3.4- malliin. Jälkimmäisessä mallissa HIRLAMin pintaprosessit on korvattu ruotsalaisen Rossby-keskuksen RCA3 -mallin fysiikalla. Tutkimukseen otettiin mukaan kaikki kolme luotausasemaa Suomesta (Jokioinen, Jyväskylä ja Sodankylä). Työ aloitettiin poimimalla Ilmatieteen laitoksen ilmastotietokannasta ne ajankohdat, joina kahden metrin lämpötila on ylittänyt kesällä +30°C ja alittanut talvella -35°C. Seuraavaksi etsittiin näitä ajanjaksoja vastaavat luotaustiedot. Luotauksia tutkimalla pyrittiin selvittämään mitkä tekijät vaikuttivat äärilämpötilojen esiintymiseen. Tämän jälkeen nämä luotaustiedot interpoloitiin vastaamaan mallin 40 vertikaalitasoa. Nämä tiedot syötettiin malleille yhdessä päivämäärän, kellonajan sekä koordinaattien kanssa ja tulokseksi saatiin vuorokauden kahden metrin lämpötilakäyrät. Koska yksidimensioiset mallit eivät ota huomioon lämmön advektiota, laskettiin Euroopan keskipitkien sääennusteiden keskuksen (ECMWF) ERA40-uusanalyysien pohjalta kyseisiä ajanhetkiä vastaavat lämmön advektiot. Lisäksi laskettiin keskimääräiset advektion vuorokausirytmit kesällä (kesä-heinä-elo) ja talvella (tammi-helmi). Suomesta saatujen luotaustietojen pohjalta tehtyjen ajojen kahden metrin lämpötilat eivät kesätilanteessa kyenneet ylittämään Turussa vuonna 1914 mitattua lämpötilaennätystä +35,9°C. Verrattaessa kuitenkin malliajojen tuloksia tehtyihin havaintoihin, voitiin kesätilanteissa todeta mallin antavan jopa 5°C lämpimämpiä arvoja kuin kyseisissä tilanteissa on mitattu. Lopuksi päätettiin tehdä malliajo, jossa luotaus otettiin Tallinnan lentoasemalta elokuulta 1992. Tämän luotaustiedon pohjalta tehdyn ajon tulos (+36,4°C) ylitti Suomessa havaitun lämpötilaennätyksen. Talvitilanteissa 1D-H634-malli ei puolestaan kyennyt saavuttamaan Suomen pakkasennätystä (-51,5°C), joka mitattiin Kittilässä vuonna 1999. Mallitetut pakkaslukemat olivat kuitenkin suurimmassa osassa ajoja kireämpiä kuin mitä kyseisten tilanteiden havainnot kertovat. Käytettäessä 1D-RCA3-mallia päästiin pakkasissa -53,8°C:seen ja pakkaslukemat olivat muutenkin paljon alhaisempia verrattuna 1D-H634- mallin tuloksiin.
Productivity is predicted to drive the ecological and evolutionary dynamics of predator-prey interaction through changes in resource allocation between different traits. However, resources are seldom constantly available and thus temporal variation in productivity could have considerable effect on the species' potential to evolve. To study this, three long-term microbial laboratory experiments were established where Serratia marcescens prey bacteria was exposed to predation of protist Tetrahymena thermophila in different prey resource environments. The consequences of prey resource availability for the ecological properties of the predator-prey system, such as trophic dynamics, stability, and virulence, were determined. The evolutionary changes in species traits and prey genetic diversity were measured. The prey defence evolved stronger in high productivity environment. Increased allocation to defence incurred cost in terms of reduced prey resource use ability, which probably constrained prey evolution by increasing the effect of resource competition. However, the magnitude of this trade-off diminished when measured in high resource concentrations. Predation selected for white, non-pigmented, highly defensive prey clones that produced predation resistant biofilm. The biofilm defence was also potentially accompanied with cytotoxicity for predators and could have been traded off with high motility. Evidence for the evolution of predators was also found in one experiment suggesting that co-evolutionary dynamics could affect the evolution and ecology of predator-prey interaction. Temporal variation in resource availability increased variation in predator densities leading to temporally fluctuating selection for prey defences and resource use ability. Temporal variation in resource availability was also able to constrain prey evolution when the allocation to defence incurred high cost. However, when the magnitude of prey trade-off was small and the resource turnover was periodically high, temporal variation facilitated the formation of predator resistant biofilm. The evolution of prey defence constrained the transfer of energy from basal to higher trophic levels, decreasing the strength of top-down regulation on prey community. Predation and temporal variation in productivity decreased the stability of populations and prey traits in general. However, predation-induced destabilization was less pronounced in the high productivity environment where the evolution of prey defence was stronger. In addition, evolution of prey defence weakened the environmental variation induced destabilization of predator population dynamics. Moreover, protozoan predation decreased the S. marcescens virulence in the insect host moth (Parasemia plantaginis) suggesting that species interactions outside the context of host-pathogen relationship could be important indirect drivers for the evolution of pathogenesis. This thesis demonstrates that rapid evolution can affect various ecological properties of predator-prey interaction. The effect of evolution on the ecological dynamics depended on the productivity of the environment, being most evident in the constant environments with high productivity.
The Antarctic system comprises of the continent itself, Antarctica, and the ocean surrounding it, the Southern Ocean. The system has an important part in the global climate due to its size, its high latitude location and the negative radiation balance of its large ice sheets. Antarctica has also been in focus for several decades due to increased ultraviolet (UV) levels caused by stratospheric ozone depletion, and the disintegration of its ice shelves. In this study, measurements were made during three Austral summers to study the optical properties of the Antarctic system and to produce radiation information for additional modeling studies. These are related to specific phenomena found in the system. During the summer of 1997-1998, measurements of beam absorption and beam attenuation coefficients, and downwelling and upwelling irradiance were made in the Southern Ocean along a S-N transect at 6°E. The attenuation of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) was calculated and used together with hydrographic measurements to judge whether the phytoplankton in the investigated areas of the Southern Ocean are light limited. By using the Kirk formula the diffuse attenuation coefficient was linked to the absorption and scattering coefficients. The diffuse attenuation coefficients (Kpar) for PAR were found to vary between 0.03 and 0.09 1/m. Using the values for KPAR and the definition of the Sverdrup critical depth, the studied Southern Ocean plankton systems were found not to be light limited. Variabilities in the spectral and total albedo of snow were studied in the Queen Maud Land region of Antarctica during the summers of 1999-2000 and 2000-2001. The measurement areas were the vicinity of the South African Antarctic research station SANAE 4, and a traverse near the Finnish Antarctic research station Aboa. The midday mean total albedos for snow were between 0.83, for clear skies, and 0.86, for overcast skies, at Aboa and between 0.81 and 0.83 for SANAE 4. The mean spectral albedo levels at Aboa and SANAE 4 were very close to each other. The variations in the spectral albedos were due more to differences in ambient conditions than variations in snow properties. A Monte-Carlo model was developed to study the spectral albedo and to develop a novel nondestructive method to measure the diffuse attenuation coefficient of snow. The method was based on the decay of upwelling radiation moving horizontally away from a source of downwelling light. This was assumed to have a relation to the diffuse attenuation coefficient. In the model, the attenuation coefficient obtained from the upwelling irradiance was higher than that obtained using vertical profiles of downwelling irradiance. The model results were compared to field measurements made on dry snow in Finnish Lapland and they correlated reasonably well. Low-elevation (below 1000 m) blue-ice areas may experience substantial melt-freeze cycles due to absorbed solar radiation and the small heat conductivity in the ice. A two-dimensional (x-z) model has been developed to simulate the formation and water circulation in the subsurface ponds. The model results show that for a physically reasonable parameter set the formation of liquid water within the ice can be reproduced. The results however are sensitive to the chosen parameter values, and their exact values are not well known. Vertical convection and a weak overturning circulation is generated stratifying the fluid and transporting warmer water downward, thereby causing additional melting at the base of the pond. In a 50-year integration, a global warming scenario mimicked by a decadal scale increase of 3 degrees per 100 years in air temperature, leads to a general increase in subsurface water volume. The ice did not disintegrate due to the air temperature increase after the 50 year integration.
The purpose of this research is to identify the optimal poverty policy for a welfare state. Poverty is defined by income. Policies for reducing poverty are considered primary, and those for reducing inequality secondary. Poverty is seen as a function of the income transfer system within a welfare state. This research presents a method for optimising this function for the purposes of reducing poverty. It is also implemented in the representative population sample within the Income Distribution Data. SOMA simulation model is used. The iterative simulation process is continued until a level of poverty is reached at which improvements can no longer be made. Expenditures and taxes are kept in balance during the process. The result consists of two programmes. The first programme (social assistance programme) was formulated using five social assistance parameters, all of which dealt with the norms of social assistance for adults (€/month). In the second programme (basic benefits programme), in which social assistance was frozen at the legislative level of 2003, the parameter with the strongest poverty reduction effect turned out to be one of the basic unemployment allowances. This was followed by the norm of the national pension for a single person, two parameters related to housing allowance, and the norm for financial aid for students of higher education institutions. The most effective financing parameter measured by gini-coefficient in all programmes was the percent of capital taxation. Furthermore, these programmes can also be examined in relation to their costs. The social assistance programme is significantly cheaper than the basic benefits programme, and therefore with regard to poverty, the social assistance programme is more cost effective than the basic benefits programme. Therefore, public demand for raising the level of basic benefits does not seem to correspond to the most cost effective poverty policy. Raising basic benefits has most effect on reducing poverty within the group of people whose basic benefits are raised. Raising social assistance, on the other hand, seems to have a strong influence on the poverty of all population groups. The most significant outcome of this research is the development of a method through which a welfare state’s income transfer-based safety net, which has severely deteriorated in recent decades, might be mended. The only way of doing so involves either social assistance or some forms of basic benefits and supplementing these by modifying social assistance.
The subjects of this study are Narcotics Anonymous (NA), a non-profit, peer-support-based fellowship, its recovery programme, and the former drug addicts who consider themselves members of the fellowship. The study data consist of episodic interviews (n=24) and questionnaires (n=212). In the collection of questionnaire data, survey research methods had to be applied judiciously. This study analyses NA members background and their substance abuse and treatment history, as well as factors that have contributed to or hindered their bonding with NA. A recovery model is presented that stems from NA s written and oral tradition, and which has been conceptualised into NA s recovery theory. At its simplest, NA s recovery theory can be described in two sentences: 1) There are drug dependent addicts who have an addiction disease. 2) Through an NA way of life, recovery is possible. In this study, addiction and addiction disease are described through recovery stories shared at NA. It also describes how the way of life offered by NA supports recovery from drug addiction, the way of life which recovering addicts have adopted, and how they have done so. The study also presents results that, based on the study data, emerge from participation in the NA programme, and describes how the NA recovery theory works in practice, i.e. how NA members utilise the tools provided by the fellowship and how the lives of recovering addicts change during their membership. Furthermore, this study also discusses criticism of NA. According to the study, NA affects the lives of recovering drug addicts in a number of ways. People of different ages and with a variety of personal, treatment and drug abuse histories seem to benefit from membership of NA. Viewed from the outside, NA may appear as strictly normative, but in practice each member can adapt the programme in a way that suits him/her best. Indeed, flexibility is one of the strengths of NA, but without more extensive knowledge of the fellowship, it is possible that the norms reflected in NA texts or the fanaticism of individual NA members may drive some people away. Due to the increasing number of NA members, the association is also able to provide more alternatives. This study confirms the view that peer support is important, as well as the fact that an official treatment system is required in parallel with peer support activities. NA can never fully replace professional support, neither should it be left with sole responsibility for recovering addicts. Keywords: Narcotics Anonymous, peer support, recovery study, recovery, substance addiction, drug treatment, drugs, explorative research
The rise of Special education numbers in Finland has caused a situation where Finland s ten largest LEA s so called kymppikunnat (ten communes) have expressed their growing concern of organizing the special education in the current institutional settings. The LEA s started the conversation of redefining special education system in 2004. Their aim was to target the governments attention to the problematics of special education. By the request of the Ministry of Education the LEA s prepared a final report concerning the central questions in the Finnish special education system. On the basis of the LEA s survey it became even clearer that the legislation, funding system and curriculum are tightly linked together. The following LEA s took part into the writing process Espoo, Helsinki, Jyväskylä, Kuopio, Lahti, Lappeenranta, Tampere, Turku and Vantaa. The report was hand over to the Ministry of Education at 18.8.2006. After the delivery the Ministry organized special education development group meetings 17 times in the year 2007. The result of the LEA s report and the development meetings was a new Special Education Strategy 2007. I am observing the dialogue between administrational levels in governmental institutions change process. The research is a content analysis where I compare the Erityistä tukea tarvitsevan oppilaan opetuksen järjestämisen uudistaminen osana yhtenäistä perusopetusta- kohti laatua ja joustavuutta (The renewal of the organization of teaching for student with special educational needs as part of unified education for all - towards quality and flexibility) document to Erityisopetuksen strategia (Special education strategy) document. My aim was to find out how much of their own interests have the LEA s been able to integrate into the official governmental documentation. The data has been organized and analyzed quantitatively with Macros created as additional parts in Microsoft Excel software. The document material has also been arranged manually on sentence based categorization into an Excel matrix. The results have been theoretically viewed from the special education reform dialogue perspective, and from the angle of the change process of a bureaucratic institution. My target has been to provide a new viewpoint to the change of special education system as a bureaucratic institution. The education system has traditionally been understood as a machine bureaucracy. By the review provided in my pro gradu analysis it seems however that the administrational system in special education is more of a postmodern network bureaucracy than machine bureaucracy. The system appears to be constructed by overlapping, crossing and complex networks where things are been decided. These kinds of networks are called "governance networks . It seems that the governmental administrational - and politic levels, the third sector actors and other society s operators are mixed in decision making.
Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää vuoden 2008 lopulla alkaneen laman näkymistä Suomen metalliteollisuudessa. Tehtävänä oli arvioida missä määrin toimialan tuotanto ja investoinnit ovat muuttuneen laman myötä. Lisäksi tuli tarkastella näiden muutosten aluetaloudellisia vaikutuksia. Tutkimus kohdennettiin yhdeksään seutukuntaan: Helsinki, Jyväskylä, Kemi-Tornio, Pori, Raahe, Rauma, Tampere, Turku ja Vaasa. Näillä alueilla toimii merkittäviä alan yrityksiä ja metalliteollisuudella on huomattava vaikutus. Lähtötiedot kerättiin eLomake-kyselyllä, haastatteluin ja hyödyntämällä ETLA:n maakunnallista tuotantoennustetta. Laskelmat tehtiin seutukuntatasoisina vuosille 2009–2013 käyttäen Ruralia-instituutissa kehitettyä yleisen tasapainon RegFinDyn-aluemallia. Tutkimuksen on rahoittanut Työ- ja elinkeinoministeriö. Kyselyyn vastanneiden ja ETLA:n ennusteen mukainen seutukuntien metalliteollisuuden lamanäkemys ovat lähellä toisiaan ja tuottavat saman johtopäätöksen. Alan tuotannon menetyksillä on huomattava negatiivinen vaikutus seutukuntien talouskasvuun ja työllisyyteen. Alueellisen BKT:n muutos on lamavuosina välillä -1,5% (Helsinki) ja -18,0% (Raahe) normaalikehitykseen verrattuna kun kerroinvaikutuksetkin huomioidaan. Vaikutukset ovat suhteellisesti suurimmat seutukunnissa, jotka ovat pieniä ja joissa toimiala on erittäin merkittävä. Tällaisia seutukuntia ovat Kemi-Tornio ja Raahe. Negatiivinen vaikutus kokonaistuotantoon on merkittävä myös Jyväskylän, Rauman, Tampereen ja Turun seutukunnissa. Kokonaistuotannon lasku on pienin Helsingin ja Porin seutukunnissa. Vaasan seutukunnan metalliteollisuuden kehitystä voi taloustilanteeseen nähden pitää hyvänä. Metalliteollisuuden lähiajan vaikutus alueen talouskasvuun ja työllisyyteen on neutraali. Tuotannon menetykset veisivät yhdeksän seutukunnan metalliteollisuudesta yhteensä 3500 henkilötyövuotta kun muun talouden kompensoiva vaikutuskin huomioidaan. Eniten henkilötyövuosia, yli 700 menettäisi Raahen seutukunta. Myös Helsingin, Tampereen ja Turun seutukuntien työpaikkojen menetykset olisivat tuntuvat, 400–600. Tulokset heijastelevat seutukunnan vahvimpien metalliteollisuuden alatoimialojen tilannetta. Raahen ja Kemi-Tornion vahvin metalliteollisuuden toimiala on perusmetallien valmistus, jonka vientiä lama on tiputtanut erityisen rajusti. Vaasan seutukunnan muista parempaa tilannetta selittää ainakin osaksi seudun voimakas energiaklusteri. Kyselyn ja ETLA:n ennusteiden mukaiset tuotannon muutokset eivät tutkimuksen mukaan pitäisi johtaa niin suureen toimialan investointien laskuun kuin mitä kyselyn vastaukset ennakoivat. Kemi-Tornion ja Tampereen seutukunnissa investointien ennakoitiin laskevan 70%:lla lamavuosien aikana. Syynä äkkijarrutukseen lienee maailmantalouden suuri epävarmuus, rahoituksen saamisen kiristyminen sekä yritysten pyrkimys investointeja leikkaamalla vähentää riskejään ja parantaa taseitaan. Tulosten mukaan tehokas yritys olisi leikannut investointejaan paljon vähemmän, 5–10%:lla. Tulosten mukaan hintojen lasku eli deflaatio on seutukuntatasolla selvästi suurempaa kuin koko kansantalouden tasolla on laman aikana tähän mennessä koettu. Metalliteollisuudesta riippuvaisissa seutukunnissa kuluttajahinnat laskivat välillä 1,1% (Helsinki) ja 5,8% (Raahe). Deflaatio on tulosten mukaan kuitenkin vain tilapäinen ilmiö, mutta auttaa laman aikana ylläpitämään yksityistä kulutusta. Teknologiateollisuus ry:n äskettäin esitetty lamanäkemys on synkkä, metalliteollisuus toipuisi vain hitaasti lamasta. Kyselyyn vastanneet suurten yritysten edustajat olivat sitä vastoin suhteellisen toiveikkaita. Heidän arvionsa oli, että lama voisi taittua jo vuoden 2010 keväästä lähtien.
Listening to music involves a widely distributed bilateral network of brain regions that controls many auditory perceptual, cognitive, emotional, and motor functions. Exposure to music can also temporarily improve mood, reduce stress, and enhance cognitive performance as well as promote neural plasticity. However, very little is currently known about the relationship between music perception and auditory and cognitive processes or about the potential therapeutic effects of listening to music after neural damage. This thesis explores the interplay of auditory, cognitive, and emotional factors related to music processing after a middle cerebral artery (MCA) stroke. In the acute recovery phase, 60 MCA stroke patients were randomly assigned to a music listening group, an audio book listening group, or a control group. All patients underwent neuropsychological assessments, magnetoencephalography (MEG) measurements, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans repeatedly during a six-month post-stroke period. The results revealed that amusia, a deficit of music perception, is a common and persistent deficit after a stroke, especially if the stroke affects the frontal and temporal brain areas in the right hemisphere. Amusia is clearly associated with deficits in both auditory encoding, as indicated by the magnetic mismatch negativity (MMNm) response, and domain-general cognitive processes, such as attention, working memory, and executive functions. Furthermore, both music and audio book listening increased the MMNm, whereas only music listening improved the recovery of verbal memory and focused attention as well as prevented a depressed and confused mood during the first post-stroke months. These findings indicate a close link between musical, auditory, and cognitive processes in the brain. Importantly, they also encourage the use of listening to music as a rehabilitative leisure activity after a stroke and suggest that the auditory environment can induce long-term plastic changes in the recovering brain.
Tiivistelmä Mobiilius on nopeasti kehittyvässä teknologiassa yksi merkittävimmistä ominaisuuksista tiedonvälitykselle ja tiedon käsittelyn käytänteille. Mobiiliudella tarkoitetaan liikkuvuutta, joka voidaan liittää oppilaan fyysiseen liikkuvuuteen tai työskentelyn mahdollisuuteen missä ja milloin tahansa tietotekniikan keinoin. Tässä artikkelissa tarkastellaan mobiililaitteiden käyttöä digitaaliseen portfoliotyöskentelyyn liittyvässä oppilaslähtöisessä sisällöntuotannossa. Artikkeli on osa laajempaa design-tutkimusta, jonka tavoitteena on löytää keinoja oppimisprosessin tukemiseksi monimuotoisessa etäopetusympäristössä perusasteen vieraiden kielten opetuksessa. Tuloksista voidaan todeta, että sisällöntuotanto digitaalisiin portfolioihin osoittautui itseohjautuvuutta tukevaksi pedagogiseksi ratkaisuksi. Mobiilius ajan ja erityisesti paikan suhteen merkitsee mahdollisuutta ja joustavuutta tilanteessa, jossa oppilaat opiskelevat fyysisesti ja virtuaalisesti eri tiloissa. Tutkimuksen tuloksia voidaan hyödyntää oppivan tietoyhteiskunnan teknologiakäytänteiden vakiinnuttamisessa koulun arjessa.
The aim of this study was to investigate educators relational moral voices in urban schools and to listen to what they told about moral professionalism and moral practices in challenging urban schools. Their relational moral voices were investigated through the following three questions: 1. What are the educators moral voices in relation to themselves and other people? 2. What are the educators moral voices in relation to their work and society? 3. What kind of interaction process lies between the educators moral voices and the urban school context? The research data of this study were gathered in four urban schools in Jyväskylä and Helsinki. The research schools were chosen for this study according to the criteria of the international Socrates Comenius project called Leading Schools Successfully in Challenging Urban Context: Strategies for Improvement. This study formed part of this project, which investigated successful urban schools as challenging learning environments in nine European countries and explored the principals success in leadership in particular. The data, which included 37 narratively constructed interviews with four principals and key informants selected by the principals, were gathered in interviews conducted in 2006. In other words, the data comprised three interviews with each of four principals, and interviews with two teachers, two parents, and two pupils from each school. In addition, the school deacon from one school was also interviewed. Furthermore, part of the data from one of the research schools included a medium report of the school deacon s work. This study combined the case study method, the narrative approach and the critical incident technique as the methodological framework. In addition, all of these methods served as practical tools for both analyzing and reporting the data. The educators' narrations and the results of the study appear in the original articles (Hanhimäki & Tirri 2008; Hanhimäki 2008b; Hanhimäki & Tirri 2009; Hanhimäki 2008a). The educators moral voices in relation to themselves and other people emerged through the main themes of moral leadership, the development and evaluation process, moral sensitivity, gender, values, and student well-being. The educators moral voices in relation to their work and society emerged through the main themes of multiprofessional cooperation, families and parental involvement, and moral school culture. The idea of moral interaction connected moral professionalism and the methodological combination of this study, which together emphasized social interaction and the creation of understanding and meaning in this interaction. The main point of this study was to state that the educators moral voices emerged in the interaction between the educators themselves and the urban school context. In this interaction, the educators moral professionalism was constructed and shaped in relation to themselves, other people, their work and society. The loudest relational moral voices heard through the main themes were those of caring, cooperation, respect, commitment, and professionalism. When the results were compared to the codes of ethics which guided these educators moral professional work, the ethical principles and values of the codes were clearly visible in their moral practices. The loudest message from the educators narration could be summarized in the words caring, respect and cooperation: at its best, there is just a human being and a human being with caring, respect and cooperation between them. The results of this study emphasize the need for practical approaches such as case studies and the narrative approach in teacher education to encourage educators to become moral professionals capable of meeting the needs of people of varied backgrounds. In addition, opportunities for moral, religious and spiritual education should be noticed and utilized in the plural interaction of urban schools when nurturing pupils and creating a moral school culture. Furthermore, multiprofessional cooperation and parents as the school s primary cooperation partner are needed to carry out the shared duty of moral education in urban schools. Keywords: moral professionalism, educator, relational moral voice, interaction, urban school
Artikkelissa tarkastellaan sitä, mitkä seikat liittyvät teknologian innovatiiviseen hyödyntämiseen koulun toiminnassa ja pedagogisissa käytännöissä sekä yleensä koulun kehittymiseen. Tutkimuksen viitekehyksenä toimii ”Innovatiivisen, kehittyvän koulun malli” ja sen teoreettiset lähtökohdat. Aineisto on koottu kuudesta koulusta, ja se koostuu opettajien ja rehtoreiden haastatteluista sekä oppituntien videoinneista. Artikkeliin on koottu parhaita esimerkkejä koulumallin kuvaamien ilmiöiden käytännöistä, jotka aikaisemman tutkimuksen perusteella edistävät koulun kehittämistä ja pedagogisten innovaatioiden leviämistä kouluyhteisössä. Koulujen välillä on suuria eroja yhteisöllisessä kehittämiskulttuurissa, mikä heijastuu myös pedagogisiin käytäntöihin. Uusia ilmiöitä näyttävät olevan koulun tietokäytännöt uuden teknologian keinoin ja oppilaiden informaalin oppimisen kautta opittujen taitojen käyttäminen hyväksi koulussa sekä oppilaiden osallistaminen koulutyöhön muutenkin kuin oppijan roolissa.
Leadership without the full participation of women not only excludes women individually and collectively, but is also a huge waste of talent, knowledge and expertise. And crucially, given the current state of society and the world, this aspect of gender inequality is likely to become even more important in the future. NASTA - Women’s Leadership: A Research and Education Development Project was established in 2005 as a national multi-university project mainly and generously funded by Finnish Ministry of Education. The project aims at producing new knowledge and increasing understanding about women’s leadership, as well as promoting women’s leadership through research, development of teaching, and public outreach. NASTA is a joint effort of three Finnish universities – Hanken School of Economics, University of Jyväskylä School of Business and Economics, and the Helsinki School of Economics (now part of Aalto University) – and has been coordinated by Hanken. This report presents research and activities conducted within and around the project. NASTA activities have been many and various. They have examined the position and experiences of women in relation to leadership, management, organisation and work more generally. They have sought new knowledge about gender and leadership, on women leaders’ values, attitudes and behaviour, as well as about values, attitudes and behaviour in relation to women’s leadership. NASTA activities have included teaching, student supervision, research theses, research projects, publishing, networking, seminars, meetings, an international conference, and knowledge transfer into other sectors of society. The first section of the book introduces NASTA joint projects, including web-based teaching material, a survey of gender staffing and teaching on gender in business schools, critical review of previous research literature, and new empirical research. The next section includes research articles on different aspects of gender, leadership and manage¬¬ment from more individual projects conducted by participating researchers and research groups linked to NASTA across the three universities. The final section includes short presentations of other research in progress. The appendix lists publications by NASTA members – journal articles, research reports, books, chapters, journal special issues, popular journal articles, magazine articles - and masters, licentiate and doctoral theses that have been produced. These matters of women, leadership and management are not simply academic concerns but urgent matters for practice, organisations, management, policy, and society more generally.