122 resultados para Internet gaming

em Helda - Digital Repository of University of Helsinki


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The range of consumer health and medicines information sources has diversified along with the increased use of the Internet. This has led to a drive to develop medicines information services and to better incorporate the Internet and e-mail into routine practice in health care and in community pharmacies. To support the development of such services more information is needed about the use of online information by consumers, particularly of those who may be the most likely to use and to benefit from the new sources and modes of medicines communication. This study explored the role and utilization of the Internet-based medicines information and information services in the context of a wider network of information sources accessible to the public in Finland. The overall aim was to gather information to develop better and more accessible sources of information for consumers and services to better meet the needs of consumers. Special focus was on the needs and information behavior among people with depression and using antidepressant medicines. This study applied both qualitative and quantitative methods. Consumer medicines information needs and sources were identified by analyzing the utilization of the University Pharmacy operated national drug information call center (Study I) and surveying Finnish adults (n=2348) use of the different medicines information sources (Study II). The utilization of the Internet as a source of antidepressant information among people with depression was explored by focus group discussions among people with depression and with current or past use of the antidepressant(s) (n=29, Studies III & IV). Pharmacy response to the needs of consumers in term of providing e-mail counseling was assessed by conducting a virtual pseudo customer study among the Finnish community pharmacies (n=161, Study V). Physicians and pharmacists were the primary sources of medicines information. People with mental disorders were more frequent users of telephone- and Internet-based medicines information sources and patient information leaflets than people without mental disorders. These sources were used to complement rather than replace information provided face-to-face by health professionals. People with depression used the Internet to seek facts about antidepressants, to share experiences with peers, and for the curiosity. They described that the access to online drug information was empowering. Some people reported lacking the skills necessary to assess the quality of online information. E-mail medication counseling services provided by community pharmacies were rare and varied in quality. Study results suggest that rather than discouraging the use of the Internet, health professionals should direct patients to use accurate and reliable sources of online medicines information. Health care providers, including community pharmacies should also seek to develop new ways of communicating information about medicines with consumers. This study determined that people with depression and using antidepressants need services enabling interactive communication not only with health care professionals, but also with peers. Further research should be focused on developing medicines information service facilitating communication among different patient and consumer groups.


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Tarkastelen kuntien esittelyteksteissä esiintyviä, adjektiiveihin ja adjektiiviryhmiin liittyviä kollokaatioita ja kolligaatioita, eli myötäilmauksia. Adjektiiveja käsittelen adjektiiviryhmittäin, joita on kuusi. Laskevassa kokojärjestyksessä aineistossani esiintyvät adjektiiviryhmät ovat seuraavat: suhteelliset, absoluuttiset, yksilöivät, taipumattomat, suhteutusadjektiivit sekä proadjektiivit. Kiinnitän huomiota erityisesti siihen, millaisia kollokaatiosuhteita (nousevat ja laskevat kollokaatiot) eri adjektiiveihin ja eri adjektiiviryhmiin liittyy. Käyttämäni tekstiaineisto on pienehkö sähköinen tekstikorpus, joka koostuu suomalaisten kuntien Internet-sivuilta kerätyistä esittelyteksteistä. Korpuksessa on yhteensä 119 tekstiä, ja niissä on kyse kunnan esittelystä Internet-sivustojen lukijoille, eli tavallisesti erilaisesta oman kunnan markkinoinnista. Aineistooni kuuluvien kuntien väkiluku on vähemmän kuin 3000 asukasta, eli tutkimuskunnissa kyse on kaikkein pienimmistä Suomen kunnista. Tutkimusaineistooni, eli sähköiseen korpukseen, kuuluvat tekstit on käsitelty Fintwol-ohjelmalla, jolloin niihin on tehty koneavusteinen morfologinen analyysi. Jokaiseen saneeseen on siis lisätty sille kuuluva morfologinen tulkinta. Tarkoitukseni onkin havainnoida myös tietokoneen mahdollistamia sähköisiä tutkimusmenetelmiä kvalitatiivisen kielentutkimuksen välineenä. Kollokaatioiden tutkimuksessa tekstikorpuksia on käytetty pitkään, mutta aiemmin morfologinen analyysi on tavallisesti tehty käsin ja analyysit perustuneet esimerkiksi tiettyjen lekseemien tarkasteluun. Tutkimuksessani selvitän, millaisia mahdollisuuksia tietokoneavusteinen analyysi tuo kvalitatiiviseen kielentutkimukseen sekä millaisia rajoituksia sillä on. Adjektiivi-kollokaatti-esiintymien avulla kuvaillaan esittelyteksteissä usein kuntaa joko suoraan tai välillisesti. Tietokoneavusteisesta analyysista saadut tulokset ovat lähinnä kvantitatiivisia, mutta käytän tarkastelun apuna konkordanssilistaa, eli niin kutsuttua KWIC-listaa (Key Word In Context), jonka tarkasteluvälin pituudeksi olen rajannut viisi sanaa. Tämä pituus sisältää tarkasteltavan lekseemin (adjektiivi) sekä kaksi sanaa sen edellä ja jäljessä. Havainnoin sähköisestä korpuksesta saamieni tilastollisten tulosten avulla myös sitä, millainen aineisto ja tekstilaji esittelytekstit ovat. Vertailen saamiani tuloksia muista korpuksista saatuihin tilastollisiin tuloksiin. Adjektiiviryhmiin liittyvät nousevat kollokaatiosuhteet, joissa kollokaatti on adjektiivia yleisempi, toistuvat läpi aineiston samanlaisina: Näissä kollokaatiosuhteissa adjektiivit kollokoivat useimmiten sellaisen sanaston kanssa, joka on varsin yleistä koko aineistossani. Esimerkiksi substantiivit kunta ja palvelu, jotka ovat koko aineiston yleisimpiä sanoja, esiintyvät kaikkien adjektiiviryhmien adjektiivien kollokaatteina toistuvasti. Ne myös ilmaisevat sellaisia esittelyteksteissä toistuvia aiheita, jotka ovat kunnille tärkeitä ja joita käsitellään monessa esittelytekstissä. Laskevat kollokaatiosuhteet taas ilmaisevat lähinnä esittelyteksteissä yleisiä, adjektiivien merkitystä määrittäviä leksikaalisia suhteita, kuten adjektiivi-kollokaatti-parit hyvät liikenneyhteydet tai kaunis maisema. Esittelytekstiaineistoni käsittelyyn tietokoneavusteinen analyysi soveltui vain osittain. Suurin ongelma aiheutui paikannimistä (esim.


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The main goal of this study was to explore experiences induced by playing digital games (i.e. meaning of playing). In addition, the study aimed at structuring the larger entities of gaming experience. This was done by using theory-driven and data grounded approaches. Previously gaming experiences have not been explored as a whole. The consideration of gaming experiences on the basis of psychological theories and studies has also been rare. The secondary goal of this study was to clarify, whether the individual meanings of playing are connected with flow experience in an occasional gaming situation. Flow is an enjoyable experience and usually activities that induce flow are gladly repeated. Previously, flow has been proved to be an essential concept in the context of playing, but the relations between meanings of playing and flow have not been studied. The relations between gender and gaming experiences were examined throughout the study, as well as the relationship between gaming frequency and experiences. The study was divided into two sections, of which the first was composed according to the main goals. Its data was gathered by using an Internet questionnaire. The other section covered the themes that were formulated on the basis of the secondary aims. In that section, the participants played a driving game for 40 minutes and then filled in a questionnaire, which measured flow related experiences. In both sections, the participants were mainly young Finnish adults. All the participants in the second section (n = 60) had already participated in the first section (n = 267). Both qualitative and quantitative research techniques were used in the study. In the first section, freely described gaming experiences were classified according to the grounded theory. After that, the most common categories were further classified into the basic structures of gaming experience, some according to the existing theories of experience structure and some according to the data (i.e. grounded theory). In the other section flow constructs were measured and used as grouping variables in a cluster analysis. Three meaningful groups were compared regarding the meanings of gaming that were explored in the first section. The descriptions of gaming experiences were classified into four main categories, which were conceptions of the gaming process, emotions, motivations and focused attention. All the theory-driven categories were found in the data. This frame of reference can be utilized in future when reliability and validity of already existing methods for measuring gaming experiences are considered or new methods will be developed. The connection between the individual relevance of gaming and flow was minor. However, as the scope was specified to relations between primary meanings of playing and flow, it was noticed that attributing enjoyment to gaming did not lead to the strongest flow-experiences. This implies that the issue should be studied more in future. As a whole this study proves that gamer-related research from numerous vantage points can benefit from concentrating on gaming experiences.


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The objective of the study was to explore the dimensions of group identity in the guilds of World of Warcraft. Previous research shows that social interaction has an important role in playing games for many players. Social identities are an important aspect of self-concept and since group related cues are more salient than personal clues in computer-mediated communication, the social gaming experience was approached through group identity. In the study a new scale will be developed to measure the group identity in games. Secondary goal is to study how different guild attributes affect the group identity and third goal is to explore the connection between group identity and gaming experience and amount of play. Subjects were 1203 guild members and 106 players not in a guild. The data was gathered by an Internet survey which measured group identity with nine scales, gaming experience with three scales and guild attributes with four scales. Also various background data was gathered. The construct of group identity was analyzed with explorative factor analysis. The typical experiences of group identity was analyzed with cluster analysis and effects of guild attributes with multivariate analysis of covariance. As a result of the study a new scale was developed which measured group identity on six dimensions: self-stereotyping, public and private evaluation, importance, interconnection of self and others and awareness of content. Group identity was experienced strongest in elder middle-sized guilds that had formal rules and that emphasized social interaction. The players with strong group identity had more positive gaming experience and played World of Warcraft more per week than the players who were not in a guild or identified to guild weakly. This result encourages game developers to produce environments that enhance group identity as it seems to increase the enjoyment in games. As a whole this study proposes that group identity in guilds is constructed from the same elements as in traditional groups. If this is truly the case, guild membership may have similar positive effects on individual’s mental well-being as traditional positively evaluated group memberships have.


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In this thesis we study a series of multi-user resource-sharing problems for the Internet, which involve distribution of a common resource among participants of multi-user systems (servers or networks). We study concurrently accessible resources, which for end-users may be exclusively accessible or non-exclusively. For all kinds we suggest a separate algorithm or a modification of common reputation scheme. Every algorithm or method is studied from different perspectives: optimality of protocols, selfishness of end users, fairness of the protocol for end users. On the one hand the multifaceted analysis allows us to select the most suited protocols among a set of various available ones based on trade-offs of optima criteria. On the other hand, the future Internet predictions dictate new rules for the optimality we should take into account and new properties of the networks that cannot be neglected anymore. In this thesis we have studied new protocols for such resource-sharing problems as the backoff protocol, defense mechanisms against Denial-of-Service, fairness and confidentiality for users in overlay networks. For backoff protocol we present analysis of a general backoff scheme, where an optimization is applied to a general-view backoff function. It leads to an optimality condition for backoff protocols in both slot times and continuous time models. Additionally we present an extension for the backoff scheme in order to achieve fairness for the participants in an unfair environment, such as wireless signal strengths. Finally, for the backoff algorithm we suggest a reputation scheme that deals with misbehaving nodes. For the next problem -- denial-of-service attacks, we suggest two schemes that deal with the malicious behavior for two conditions: forged identities and unspoofed identities. For the first one we suggest a novel most-knocked-first-served algorithm, while for the latter we apply a reputation mechanism in order to restrict resource access for misbehaving nodes. Finally, we study the reputation scheme for the overlays and peer-to-peer networks, where resource is not placed on a common station, but spread across the network. The theoretical analysis suggests what behavior will be selected by the end station under such a reputation mechanism.


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Wireless technologies are continuously evolving. Second generation cellular networks have gained worldwide acceptance. Wireless LANs are commonly deployed in corporations or university campuses, and their diffusion in public hotspots is growing. Third generation cellular systems are yet to affirm everywhere; still, there is an impressive amount of research ongoing for deploying beyond 3G systems. These new wireless technologies combine the characteristics of WLAN based and cellular networks to provide increased bandwidth. The common direction where all the efforts in wireless technologies are headed is towards an IP-based communication. Telephony services have been the killer application for cellular systems; their evolution to packet-switched networks is a natural path. Effective IP telephony signaling protocols, such as the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) and the H 323 protocol are needed to establish IP-based telephony sessions. However, IP telephony is just one service example of IP-based communication. IP-based multimedia sessions are expected to become popular and offer a wider range of communication capabilities than pure telephony. In order to conjoin the advances of the future wireless technologies with the potential of IP-based multimedia communication, the next step would be to obtain ubiquitous communication capabilities. According to this vision, people must be able to communicate also when no support from an infrastructured network is available, needed or desired. In order to achieve ubiquitous communication, end devices must integrate all the capabilities necessary for IP-based distributed and decentralized communication. Such capabilities are currently missing. For example, it is not possible to utilize native IP telephony signaling protocols in a totally decentralized way. This dissertation presents a solution for deploying the SIP protocol in a decentralized fashion without support of infrastructure servers. The proposed solution is mainly designed to fit the needs of decentralized mobile environments, and can be applied to small scale ad-hoc networks or also bigger networks with hundreds of nodes. A framework allowing discovery of SIP users in ad-hoc networks and the establishment of SIP sessions among them, in a fully distributed and secure way, is described and evaluated. Security support allows ad-hoc users to authenticate the sender of a message, and to verify the integrity of a received message. The distributed session management framework has been extended in order to achieve interoperability with the Internet, and the native Internet applications. With limited extensions to the SIP protocol, we have designed and experimentally validated a SIP gateway allowing SIP signaling between ad-hoc networks with private addressing space and native SIP applications in the Internet. The design is completed by an application level relay that permits instant messaging sessions to be established in heterogeneous environments. The resulting framework constitutes a flexible and effective approach for the pervasive deployment of real time applications.


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Mobile RFID services for the Internet of Things can be created by using RFID as an enabling technology in mobile devices. Humans, devices, and things are the content providers and users of these services. Mobile RFID services can be either provided on mobile devices as stand-alone services or combined with end-to-end systems. When different service solution scenarios are considered, there are more than one possible architectural solution in the network, mobile, and back-end server areas. Combining the solutions wisely by applying the software architecture and engineering principles, a combined solution can be formulated for certain application specific use cases. This thesis illustrates these ideas. It also shows how generally the solutions can be used in real world use case scenarios. A case study is used to add further evidence.


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This work combines the cognitive theory of folk-theoretical thought with the classical Aristotelian theory of artistic proof in rhetoric. The first half of the work discusses the common ground shared by the elements of artistic proof (logos, pathos, ethos) and the elements of folk-theoretical thought (naïve physics, folk biology, folk psychology, naïve sociology). Combining rhetoric with the cognitive theory of folk-theoretical thought creates a new point of view for argumentation analysis. The logos of an argument can be understood as the inferential relations established between the different parts of an argument. Consequently, within this study the analysis of logos is to be viewed as the analysis of the inferential folk-theoretical elements that make the suggested factual states-of-things appear plausible within given argumentative structures. The pathos of an argumentative structure can be understood as determining the quality of the argumentation in question in the sense that emotive elements play a great part in what can be called a distinction between good and deceptive rhetoric. In the context of this study the analysis of pathos is to be viewed as the analysis of the emotive content of argumentative structures and of whether they aim at facilitating surface- or deep cognitive elaboration of the suggested matters. The ethos of an argumentative structure means both the speaker-presentation and audience-construct that can be discerned within a body of argumentation. In the context of this study, the analysis of ethos is to be understood as the analysis of mutually manifest cognitive environments in the context of argumentation. The theory is used to analyse Catholic Internet discussion concerning cloning. The discussion is divided into six themes: Human Dignity, Sacred Family, Exploitation / Dehumanisation, Playing God, Monsters and Horror Scenarios and Ensoulment. Each theme is analysed for both the rhetorical and the cognitive elements that can be seen creating persuasive force within the argumentative structures presented. It is apparent that the Catholic voices on the Internet extensively oppose cloning. The voices utilise rhetoric that is aggressive and pejorative more often than not. Furthermore, deceptive rhetoric (in the sense presented above) plays a great part in argumentative structures of the Catholic voices. The theory of folk-theoretical thought can be seen as a useful tool for analysing the possible reasons why the Catholic speakers think about cloning and choose to present cloning in their argumentation as they do. The logos utilized in the argumentative structures presented can usually be viewed as based on folk-theoretical inference concerning biology and psychology. The structures of pathos utilized generally appear to aim at generating fear appeal in the assumed audiences, often incorporating counter-intuitive elements. The ethos utilised in the arguments generally revolves around Christian mythology and issues of social responsibility. These structures can also be viewed from the point of view of folk psychology and naïve sociological assumptions.


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Osallistavan suunnittelun määrä Suomessa on viime vuosina kasvanut huomattavasti. Asukaskyselyt ovat yksi tapa osallistaa asukkaita, ja ne sopivat erityisesti suuren yleisön osallistamiseen. Internetissä toteutetut asukaskyselyt nopeuttaisivat ja helpottaisivat asukaskyselyiden tekemistä mm. siksi, että tieto voidaan tallentaa suoraan sähköiseen muotoon. Internetin käyttö asukaskyselyiden tekemisessä on kuitenkin uusi menetelmä, josta on vasta vähän tutkimustietoa. Ongelmallista Internet-kyselyissä on se, että kasvaneista käyttäjämääristä huolimatta kaikilla ei edelleenkään ole mahdollisuutta käyttää Internetiä. Lisäksi Internet-kyselyn otos on yleensä valikoitunut ja otoskoon määritteleminen on hankalaa. Tutkielma toteutettiin osana Kuopion kaupungin Puijon alueen vuorovaikutteista suunnitteluprosessia. Tutkielman tavoitteena oli vertailla Internet-kyselyä postikyselyyn, jotta saataisiin selville, onko Internet-kysely kelvollinen osallistamismenetelmä. Lisäksi tavoitteena oli profiloida vastaajia mielipiteiden ja taustamuuttujien perusteella. Tutkielman aineistona oli Kuopiossa tammikuussa 2009 toteutetun, Puijon aluetta koskevan asukaskyselyn tulokset. Aineiston analysointiin käytettiin faktorianalyysia, klusterianalyysia, erotteluanalyysia ja korrespondenssianalyysia. Katoa tutkittiin ?2-testillä ja laskemalla ristitulosuhteet. Sekä Internet- että postikyselyn vastaajista muodostuivat Tyytymättömien, Tyytyväisten ja Luonnonsuojelijoiden vastaajaryhmät, joilla olivat melko samanlaiset mielipiteet ja taustamuuttujat molemmissa aineistoissa. Tyytymättömät olivat tyytymättömiä Puijon alueen nykytilaan eivätkä arvostaneet Puijoa. Myös Luonnonsuojelijat olivat tyytymättömiä Puijon alueen ja metsien nykyiseen hoitoon, mutta eivät kannattaneet metsänhoitoa. Tyytyväisten mielestä Puijon alueella kaikki on nyt kunnossa. Lisäksi postikyselyn aineistosta muodostui Kehittäjät-ryhmä ja Internet-kyselyn vastaajista Virkistäytyjät-ryhmä. Internet-kyselyssä 46–60-vuotiaat ja korkeakoulutetut olivat yliedustettuina, mutta kummallakaan kyselyllä ei saatu edustavaa otosta kuopiolaisista. Katoa oli paljon. Edes keskustelua herättänyt aihe ei riittänyt aktivoimaan kuopiolaisia vastaamaan kyselyyn ja tutkielmassa käytettyjen tutkimusmenetelmien kannalta kyselylomake oli puutteellinen. Tämän tutkielman tuloksista saatiin lopulta lähinnä suuntaviivoja Puijon suunnitelmaehdotuksille. Kunnissa tarvitaan uusia työkaluja osallistamiseen, ja tähän tarpeeseen Internet-kysely olisi kustannustehokas vastaus. Sen vuoksi Internet-kyselyä kannattaa edelleen tutkia ja kehittää. Internet-kyselyllä olisi mahdollista saada edustavampi otos, jos vastaajat valittaisiin satunnaisotannalla ja he saisivat salasanan kyselyyn. Myös kaikille avoimella kyselyllä voitaisiin kartoittaa mielipiteitä, kunhan tuloksia tulkittaisiin kriittisesti.


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The current mainstream scientific-publication process has so far been only marginally affected by the possibilities offered by the Internet, despite some pioneering attempts with free electronic-only journals and electronic preprint archives. Additional electronic versions of traditional paper journals for which one needs a subscription are not a solution. A clear trend, for young researchers in particular, is to go around subscription barriers (both for paper and electronic material) and rely almost exclusively on what they can find free on the Internet, which often includes working versions posted on the home pages of the authors. A survey of how scientists retrieve publications was conducted in February 2000, aimed at measuring to what extent the opportunities offered by the Internet are already changing the scientific information exchange and how researchers feel about this. This paper presents the results based on 236 replies to an extensive Web-based questionnaire, which was announced to around 3,000 researchers in the domains of construction information technology and construction management. The questions dealt with how researchers find, access, and read different sources; how many and what publications they read; how often and to which conferences they travel; how much they publish, and criteria for where they eventually decide to publish. Some of the questions confronted traditional and electronic publishing, with one final section dedicated to opinions about electronic publishing. According to the survey, researchers already download half of the material that they read digitally from the Web. The most popular method for retrieving an interesting publication is downloading it for free from the author's or publisher's Web site. Researchers are not particularly willing to pay for electronic scientific publications. There is much support for a scenario of electronic journals available freely in their entirety on the Web, where the costs could be covered by, for instance, professional societies or the publishing university.


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The World Wide Web provides the opportunity for a radically changed and much more efficient communication process for scientific results. A survey in the closely related domains of construction information technology and construction management was conducted in February 2000, aimed at measuring to what extent these opportunities are already changing the scientific information exchange and how researchers feel about the changes. The paper presents the results based on 236 replies to an extensive Web based questionnaire. 65% of the respondents stated their primary research interest as IT in A/E/C and 20% as construction management and economics. The questions dealt with how researchers find, access and read different sources; how much and what publications they read; how often and to which conferences they travel; how much they publish, and what are the criteria for where they eventually decide to publish. Some of the questions confronted traditional and electronic publishing with one final section dedicated to opinions about electronic publishing. According to the survey researchers already download half of the material that they read digitally from the Web. The most popular method for retrieving an interesting publication is downloading it for free from the author’s or publisher’s website. Researchers are not particularly willing to pay for electronic scientific publications. There is much support for a scenario of electronic journals available totally freely on the Web, where the costs could be covered by for instance professional societies or the publishing university. The shift that the Web is causing seems to be towards the "just in time" reading of literature. Also, frequent users of the Web rely less on scientific publications and tend to read fewer articles. If available with little effort, papers published in traditional journals are preferred; if not, the papers should be on the Web. In these circumstances, the role of paper-based journals published by established publishers is shifting from the core "information exchange" to the building of authors' prestige. The respondents feel they should build up their reputations by publishing in journals and relevant conferences, but then make their work freely available on the Web.