6 resultados para Fertilisation

em Helda - Digital Repository of University of Helsinki


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The aim of this thesis was to study the basic relationships between thinning and fertilisation, tree growth rate and wood properties of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) throughout a stand rotation. The material consisted of a total of 109 trees from both long-term thinning (Heinola, 61°10'N, 26°01'E; Punkaharju, 61°49'N, 29°19'E) and fertilisation-thinning experiments (Parikkala, 61°36'N, 29°22'E; Suonenjoki, 62°45'N, 27°00'E) in Finland. Wood properties, i.e., radial increment, wood density, latewood proportion, tracheid length, cell wall thickness and lumen diameter, as well as relative lignin content, were measured in detail from the pith to the bark, as well as from the stem base towards the stem apex. Intensive thinning and fertilisation treatments of Norway spruce stands increased (8% 64%) the radial increment of studied trees at breast height (1.3 m). At the same time, a faster growth rate slightly decreased average wood density (2% 7%), tracheid length (0% 9%) and cell wall thickness (1% 17%). The faster growth resulted in only small changes (0% 9%) in lumen diameter and relative lignin content (1% 2%; lignin content was 25.4% 26%). However, the random variation in wood properties was large both between and within trees and annual rings. The results of this thesis indicate that the prevailing thinning and fertilisation treatments of Norway spruce stands in Fennoscandia may significantly enhance the radial increment of individual trees, and cause only small or no detrimental changes in wood and tracheid properties.


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When organisms compete for mates and fertilisations, the process of sexual selection drives the evolution of traits that increase reproductive success. The traits targeted by selection, and the extent to which they change, are constrained by the local environment. Sexual selection due to female mate choice can be undermined by alternative reproductive tactics (ARTs), which refers to discontinuous variation in traits or behaviours used in reproduction. As human activities are rapidly changing our planet, this raises the question how ARTs will be affected. Fish show a bewildering diversity of ARTs, which make them good model organisms to answer these questions. One example of human-induced environmental change, which is affecting aquatic ecosystems around the world, is eutrophication, the over-enrichment of water bodies with nutrients. One of its effects is decreased underwater visibility due to increases in both turbidity and vegetation density. The aims of this thesis were to investigate the effects increased turbidity and vegetation density have on an ART in sticklebacks, a fish common to marine and fresh water bodies of the Northern hemisphere. I furthermore investigated how this affected sexual selection for male size, a trait commonly under selection. I used a combination of behavioural observations in microcosms, where I manipulated underwater visibility, with collection of genetic material to reconstruct parentage of broods, and thus identify sneak fertilisations. The results show that turbidity might have weak negative effects on the frequency of sneaking behaviour, although this behaviour was rather infrequent in these experiments, which complicates firm conclusions. In dense vegetation the number of sneak fertilisations decreased slightly, as fewer nesting males sneaked, while the number of non-nesting males sneaking remained constant. The paternity analyses revealed that a significantly smaller fraction of eggs was sneak fertilised under dense vegetation. Furthermore, amongst the nesting males that sneaked, the amount of eggs sneak fertilised correlated positively with courtship success. A reduction in sneaking by these males under dense vegetation equalised the distribution of fertilisation success, in turn contributing to a decrease in the opportunity for selection. Under dense vegetation significantly more males built nests, which has also been observed in previous field studies. In a separate experiment we addressed if such changes in the proportion of nesters and non-nesters, without changes in visibility, affected the incidence of sneak fertilisation. My results show this was not the case, likely because sneaking is an opportunistic tactic shown by both nesters and non-nesters. Non-nesters did sneak proportionately more when there were many of them, which could be due to changes in the cost-benefit ratio of sneaking. As nesters can only attack one intruder at a time, the costs and risks per sneaker will decrease as the number of sneakers increases. The defensive behaviours shown by the nesters before spawning shifted to a more aggressive form of nest defence. This could be because less aggressive behaviours lose their effectiveness when the number of intruders increases. It could also indicate that the risks associated with aggressive behaviours decrease when there are fewer fellow nesters, as other studies indicate nesters are competitive and aggressive individuals. Under turbid conditions I did not detect changes in the opportunity for selection, based on fertilisation success, nor was male size under significant selection under clear or turbid conditions. More thorough analyses under densely vegetated conditions across the nesting, courtship and fertilisation stages revealed a decrease in the opportunity for selection across all stages. A reduction in sneaking by nesters contributed to this. During the nesting stage, but not during later stages, body size was under significant directional selection under sparse, but not dense vegetation. This illustrates the importance of considering all selection stages to get a complete picture of how environmental changes affect sexual selection. Leaving out certain stages or subgroups can result in incomplete or misleading results.


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Singleton pregnancies achieved by means of assisted reproductive treatment (ART) are associated with increased obstetric and neonatal risks in comparison with spontaneously conceived singleton pregnancies. The impact of infertility- and treatment-related factors on these risks is not properly understood. In addition, the psychological effects of infertility and its treatment on the experience of pregnancy have scarcely been studied. Thus, the aim of the present study was to evaluate the importance of infertility- and treatment-related factors on prediction of pregnancy outcome, obstetric and neonatal risks, fear-of-childbirth and pregnancy-related anxiety. The subjects consisted of infertile women who achieved a singleton pregnancy by means of in vitro fertilisation (IVF) or intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). The control groups comprised spontaneously conceiving women with singleton gestations. Early pregnancy outcome was assessed by means of assay of serum human chorionic gonadoptrophin (hCG) in single samples. Other outcome data were collected from patient records, national Health Registers and via prospective questionnaire surveys. Viable pregnancies were associated with significantly higher serum hCG levels 12 days after embryo transfer than non-viable pregnancies. Among singleton pregnancies, aetiological subgroup, treatment type or the number of transferred embryos did not impair the predictive value of single hCG assessment. According to the register-based data, age-, parity- and socioeconomic status- adjusted risks of gestational hypertension, preterm contractions and placenta praevia were more frequent in the ART pregnancies than in the control pregnancies. Significantly higher rates of induction of delivery and Caesarean section occurred in the ART group than in the control group. The risks of preterm birth and low birth weight (LBW) were increased after ART pregnancy. Duration or aetiology of infertility, treatment type (fresh or frozen IVF or ICSI) or rank of treatment did not contribute to the risks of preterm birth or LBW. In addition, the risks of preterm birth and LBW remained elevated in spite of of the number of transferred embryos. Although mean duration of pregnancy was shorter and mean birth weight lower in the ART pregnancies than in the control pregnancies, these differences were hardly of clinical significance. Fear-of-childbirth and pregnancy-related anxiety were equally common to women conceiving by means of ART, or spontaneously. Partnership of five to ten years appeared to be protective as regards severe fear-of-childbirth, whereas long preceding infertility (≥ seven years) had the opposite effect. In conclusion, an early hCG assessment maintained its good predictive value regardless of infertility- or patient-related factors. Further, we did not recognise any infertility- or patient-related factors that would expose infertile women to increased obstetric or neonatal risks. However, a long period of infertility was associated with severe fear-of-childbirth.


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The structure and the mechanical properties of wood of Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) were studied using small samples from Finland and Sweden. X-ray diffraction (XRD) was used to determine the orientation of cellulose microfibrils (microfibril angle, MFA), the dimensions of cellulose crystallites and the average shape of the cell cross-section. X-ray attenuation and x-ray fluorescence measurements were used to study the chemical composition and the trace element content. Tensile testing with in situ XRD was used to characterise the mechanical properties of wood and the deformation of crystalline cellulose within the wood cell walls. Cellulose crystallites were found to be 192 284 Å long and 28.9 33.4 Å wide in chemically untreated wood and they were longer and wider in mature wood than in juvenile wood. The MFA distribution of individual Norway spruce tracheids and larger samples was asymmetric. In individual cell walls, the mean MFA was 19 30 degrees, while the mode of the MFA distribution was 7 21 degrees. Both the mean MFA and the mode of the MFA distribution decreased as a function of the annual ring. Tangential cell walls exhibited smaller mean MFA and mode of the MFA distribution than radial cell walls. Maceration of wood material caused narrowing of the MFA distribution and removed contributions observed at around 90 degrees. In wood of both untreated and fertilised trees, the average shape of the cell cross-section changed from circular via ambiguous to rectangular as the cambial age increased. The average shape of the cell cross-section and the MFA distribution did not change as a result of fertilisation. The mass absorption coefficient for x-rays was higher in wood of fertilised trees than in that of untreated trees and wood of fertilised trees contained more of the elements S, Cl, and K, but a smaller amount of Mn. Cellulose crystallites were longer in wood of fertilised trees than in that of untreated trees. Kraft cooking caused widening and shortening of the cellulose crystallites. Tensile tests parallel to the cells showed that if the mean MFA is initially around 10 degrees or smaller, no systematic changes occur in the MFA distribution due to strain. The role of mean MFA in defining the tensile strength or the modulus of elasticity of wood was not as dominant as that reported earlier. Crystalline cellulose elongated much less than the entire samples. The Poisson ratio νca of crystalline cellulose in Norway spruce wood was shown to be largely dependent on the surroundings of crystalline cellulose in the cell wall, varying between -1.2 and 0.8. The Poisson ratio was negative in kraft cooked wood and positive in chemically untreated wood. In chemically untreated wood, νca was larger in mature wood and in latewood compared to juvenile wood and earlywood.


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Biopower, Otherness and Women's Agency in Assisted Reproduction. This sociological study analyses how, why and with what kind of consequences assisted reproductive technologies (ART) have become the primary technology for governing infertility in Finland both on the level of individuals and society. The phenomenon is construed as one the strategies of the Focaultian biopower since ART are political techniques of the beginning of life par excellence, as they are used to prepare the bodies of certain types of women to create certain kind of life, i.e. certain kind of children. Moreover, ART are interpreted to be gendered control techniques with which the pure, and at the same time prevailing, social order symbolised by a female body is maintained by naming and excluding otherness, unsuitable mother candidates and children. Finally, it is considered how the agency, subjectivity, of women experiencing infertility and seeking treatment appears in the prevailing context of ART. The introduction of IVF-based reproductive technologies to Finland and the treatment practices of the early 1990s have been studied on the basis of a clinic questionnaire, medical doctor interviews and articles of the Medical Journal Duodecim from 1969 to 2000. Opinions on the method of the treatment providers were studied by conducting a theme interview with fertilisation doctors in 1993. Experiences of women who have received treatment or experienced infertility were studied by means of a survey in 1994 and by analysing the content of messages in an online discussion forum in 2000. On the basis of the medical doctor interviews, significant criterion for choosing mother candidates turned out to be her vitality and her mental and physical health, which are considered prerequisites for a vitality of the child to be born. The hierarchies concerning children became evident. While people normally make their children on their own, this is what people experiencing infertility are trying to do as well. In the era of ART, the primary child is genetically the parents' own child, a secondary option for Finnish parents is a genetically Finnish child conceived by donated Finnish gametes or embryos and the last option is an adopted child of foreign origin. Women's agency mainly appears in their way of using ART as a technology of the self for self-control on one's own nature, which helps them to prepare their bodies in order to become pregnant in co-operation with a fertilisation doctor. Women's creative free agency exceeding governance appeared as a distinctive use of language with which they created shared meaning for their infertility experience, their own individual and group identity and distinctive reality. ART are very political techniques as they have a possibility to change the methods of having children and to shape life. Therefore, further sociological research on them is important and needed. Key words: practises of assisted reproduction, women's agency, biopower, vital politics of the beginning of life, otherness


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Suomen maatalousmaihin kertynyttä fosforia hyödynnetään tehottomasti, ja samalla muokkauskerroksen suuri fosforimäärä on alttiina huuhtoutumiselle. Arbuskelimykorritsaa (AM) hyödyntämällä on mahdollista tehostaa viljelykasvin fosforinottoa ja kasvua, ja siten vähentää fosforin huuhtoutumista. Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena oli selvittää mykorritsan vaikutus kasvin kasvuun ja fosforinottoon karjanlantalannoituksella mineraalilannoitukseen verrattuna sekä näiden lannoitusten pitkäaikaisvaikutusta AM-sieniyhteisöihin. Jotta lannoituskäytäntöjen vaikutus mykorritsaan voitiin suhteuttaa muihin maan laatutekijöihin, näiden käytäntöjen vaikutus myös satomääriin sekä muihin maan laatumittareihin arvioitiin. Pitkäaikainen kenttäkoe perustettiin kolmelle paikkakunnalle Pohjois-Ruotsissa vuosina 1965–66. Kuusivuotinen viljelykierto koostui joko viisivuotisesta nurmesta ja ohrasta tai ohramonokulttuurista. Lannoituskäsittelyt 32-vuoden ajan olivat suositusten mukainen (NPK) ja edelliseen nähden kaksinkertainen (2NPK) mineraalilannoitus sekä karjanlantalannoitus (KL), jonka ravinnemäärä vastasi NPK -käsittelyä. Kolmen lannoituskäsittelyn vaikutusta mykorritsan tehokkuuteen kasvin kasvun ja fosforiravitsemuksen näkökulmasta tutkittiin astiakokeissa. Mykorritsasieniyhteisöjen toiminnallisten erojen selvittämiseksi tehtiin takaisin- ja ristiinsiirrostuskoe. (5 v-%) steriloitua maanäytettä NPK- ja KL -käsittelyistä siirrostettiin käsittelemättömiin maanäytteisiin, jotka olivat samoista lannoituskäsittelyistä. Mykorritsan positiivinen vaikutus kasvin kasvuun ja fosforiravitsemukseen oli suurin kun käytettiin karjanlantaa. NPK ja 2NPK -käsittelyiden välillä ei havaittu eroja. Takaisin- ja ristiinsiirrostuskokeessa ei ollut tilastollisesti merkitseviä eroja. Nurmi- ja ohrasadot olivat suurimmat kun mineraalilannoitetta annettiin suosituksiin nähden kaksinkertainen määrä. Satomäärät olivat yhtä suuret tai suuremmat kun käytettiin karjanlantaa NPK –lannoituksen sijaan. Karjanlantakäsittely lisäsi maaperän kokonaishiili- ja kokonaistyppipitoisuutta verrattuna NPK -käsittelyyn, joka sisälsi saman määrän ravinteita. Samalla huuhtoutumiselle altis liukoisen fosforin pitoisuus säilyi alhaisella tasolla. Karjanlanta edisti mykorritsan toimintaedellytyksiä, ja siksi mykorritsasta saatua hyötyä fosforinotossa ja kasvuvaikutuksena mineraalilannoitteisiin verrattuna, mutta se ei vaikuttanut mykorritsasieniyhteisön toiminnallisiin ominaisuuksiin. Karjanlantalannoitus paransi mitattuja maan ominaisuuksia kokonaisuudessaan, eikä se vähentänyt satoja.