26 resultados para Exponential Sorting

em Helda - Digital Repository of University of Helsinki


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Printing papers have been the main product of the Finnish paper industry. To improve properties and economy of printing papers, controlling of tracheid cross-sectional dimensions and wood viscoelasticity are examined in this study. Controlling is understood as any procedure which yields raw material classes with distinct properties and small internal variation. Tracheid cross-sectional dimensions, i.e., cell wall thickness and radial and tangential diameters can be controlled with methods such as sorting wood into pulpwood and sawmill chips, sorting of logs according to tree social status and fractionation of fibres. These control methods were analysed in this study with simulations, which were based on measured tracheid cross-sectional dimensions. A SilviScan device was used to measure the data set from five Norway spruce (Picea abies) and five Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) trunks. The simulation results indicate that the sawmill chips and top pulpwood assortments have quite similar cross-sectional dimensions. Norway spruce and Scots pine are on average also relatively similar in their cross-sectional dimensions. The distributions of these species are somewhat different, but from a practical point of view, the differences are probably of minor importance. The controlling of tracheid cross-sectional dimensions can be done most efficiently with methods that can separate fibres into earlywood and latewood. Sorting of logs or partitioning of logs into juvenile and mature wood were markedly less efficient control methods than fractionation of fibres. Wood viscoelasticity affects energy consumption in mechanical pulping, and is thus an interesting control target when improving energy efficiency of the process. A literature study was made to evaluate the possibility of using viscoelasticity in controlling. The study indicates that there is considerable variation in viscoelastic properties within tree species, but unfortunately, the viscoelastic properties of important raw material lots such as top pulpwood or sawmill chips are not known. Viscoelastic properties of wood depend mainly on lignin, but also on microfibrillar angle, width of cellulose crystals and tracheid cross-sectional dimensions.


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Buffer zones are vegetated strip-edges of agricultural fields along watercourses. As linear habitats in agricultural ecosystems, buffer strips dominate and play a leading ecological role in many areas. This thesis focuses on the plant species diversity of the buffer zones in a Finnish agricultural landscape. The main objective of the present study is to identify the determinants of floral species diversity in arable buffer zones from local to regional levels. This study was conducted in a watershed area of a farmland landscape of southern Finland. The study area, Lepsämänjoki, is situated in the Nurmijärvi commune 30 km to the north of Helsinki, Finland. The biotope mosaics were mapped in GIS. A total of 59 buffer zones were surveyed, of which 29 buffer strips surveyed were also sampled by plot. Firstly, two diversity components (species richness and evenness) were investigated to determine whether the relationship between the two is equal and predictable. I found no correlation between species richness and evenness. The relationship between richness and evenness is unpredictable in a small-scale human-shaped ecosystem. Ordination and correlation analyses show that richness and evenness may result from different ecological processes, and thus should be considered separately. Species richness correlated negatively with phosphorus content, and species evenness correlated negatively with the ratio of organic carbon to total nitrogen in soil. The lack of a consistent pattern in the relationship between these two components may be due to site-specific variation in resource utilization by plant species. Within-habitat configuration (width, length, and area) were investigated to determine which is more effective for predicting species richness. More species per unit area increment could be obtained from widening the buffer strip than from lengthening it. The width of the strips is an effective determinant of plant species richness. The increase in species diversity with an increase in the width of buffer strips may be due to cross-sectional habitat gradients within the linear patches. This result can serve as a reference for policy makers, and has application value in agricultural management. In the framework of metacommunity theory, I found that both mass effect(connectivity) and species sorting (resource heterogeneity) were likely to explain species composition and diversity on a local and regional scale. The local and regional processes were interactively dominated by the degree to which dispersal perturbs local communities. In the lowly and intermediately connected regions, species sorting was of primary importance to explain species diversity, while the mass effect surpassed species sorting in the highly connected region. Increasing connectivity in communities containing high habitat heterogeneity can lead to the homogenization of local communities, and consequently, to lower regional diversity, while local species richness was unrelated to the habitat connectivity. Of all species found, Anthriscus sylvestris, Phalaris arundinacea, and Phleum pretense significantly responded to connectivity, and showed high abundance in the highly connected region. We suggest that these species may play a role in switching the force from local resources to regional connectivity shaping the community structure. On the landscape context level, the different responses of local species richness and evenness to landscape context were investigated. Seven landscape structural parameters served to indicate landscape context on five scales. On all scales but the smallest scales, the Shannon-Wiener diversity of land covers (H') correlated positively with the local richness. The factor (H') showed the highest correlation coefficients in species richness on the second largest scale. The edge density of arable field was the only predictor that correlated with species evenness on all scales, which showed the highest predictive power on the second smallest scale. The different predictive power of the factors on different scales showed a scaledependent relationship between the landscape context and local plant species diversity, and indicated that different ecological processes determine species richness and evenness. The local richness of species depends on a regional process on large scales, which may relate to the regional species pool, while species evenness depends on a fine- or coarse-grained farming system, which may relate to the patch quality of the habitats of field edges near the buffer strips. My results suggested some guidelines of species diversity conservation in the agricultural ecosystem. To maintain a high level of species diversity in the strips, a high level of phosphorus in strip soil should be avoided. Widening the strips is the most effective mean to improve species richness. Habitat connectivity is not always favorable to species diversity because increasing connectivity in communities containing high habitat heterogeneity can lead to the homogenization of local communities (beta diversity) and, consequently, to lower regional diversity. Overall, a synthesis of local and regional factors emerged as the model that best explain variations in plant species diversity. The studies also suggest that the effects of determinants on species diversity have a complex relationship with scale.


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Bacteriocin-producing lactic acid bacteria and their isolated peptide bacteriocins are of value to control pathogens and spoiling microorganisms in foods and feed. Nisin is the only bacteriocin that is commonly accepted as a food preservative and has a broad spectrum of activity against Gram-positive organisms including spore forming bacteria. In this study nisin induction was studied from two perspectives, induction from inside of the cell and selection of nisin inducible strains with increased nisin induction sensitivity. The results showed that a mutation in the nisin precursor transporter NisT rendered L. lactis incapable of nisin secretion and lead to nisin accumulation inside the cells. Intracellular proteolytic activity could cleave the N-terminal leader peptide of nisin precursor, resulting in active nisin in the cells. Using a nisin sensitive GFP bioassay it could be shown, that the active intracellular nisin could function as an inducer without any detectable release from the cells. The results suggested that nisin can be inserted into the cytoplasmic membrane from inside the cell and activate NisK. This model of two-component regulation may be a general mechanism of how amphiphilic signals activate the histidine kinase sensor and would represent a novel way for a signal transduction pathway to recognize its signal. In addition, nisin induction was studied through the isolation of natural mutants of the GFPuv nisin bioassay strain L. lactis LAC275 using fl uorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS). The isolated mutant strains represent second generation of GFPuv bioassay strains which can allow the detection of nisin at lower levels. The applied aspect of this thesis was focused on the potential of bacteriocins in chicken farming. One aim was to study nisin as a potential growth promoter in chicken feed. Therefore, the lactic acid bacteria of chicken crop and the nisin sensitivity of the isolated strains were tested. It was found that in the crop Lactobacillus reuteri, L. salivarius and L. crispatus were the dominating bacteria and variation in nisin resistance level of these strains was found. This suggested that nisin may be used as growth promoter without wiping out the dominating bacterial species in the crop. As the isolated lactobacilli may serve as bacteria promoting chicken health or reducing zoonoosis and bacteriocin production is one property associated with probiotics, the isolated strains were screened for bacteriocin activity against the pathogen Campylobacter jejuni. The results showed that many of the isolated L. salivarius strains could inhibit the growth of C. jejuni. The bacteriocin of the L. salivarius LAB47 strain, with the strongest activity, was further characterized. Salivaricin 47 is heat-stable and active in pH range 3 to 8, and the molecular mass was estimated to be approximately 3.2 kDa based on tricine SDS-PAGE analysis.


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Finland has moved from growing vegetables by natural light to year-round greenhouse production using artificial lighting. Determination of sensory effects on greenhouse-grown vegetables is important as sensory evaluation provides information which chemical methods can not. It can tell us about the quality of samples which affects the consumers' behaviour. There are different opinions on how the quality of vegetables should be determined. The consumers are dissatisfied with the quality of vegetables and fruits, although the variety of products is larger than ever. The aim of this study was to find out how artificial lighting contributes to the sensory quality of greenhouse tomatoes and cucumbers compared to traditional natural lighting, and how storage affects the sensory attributes of the samples. In this study there were two sets of tomatoes and two sets of cucumbers, representing two different harvest seasons. Sensory evaluation involved two steps. The first step was to sort the samples and the second step was to generate a profile using descriptive analysis. Sorting was found to give some approximate information on differences between tomato and cucumber samples. MDS-maps dimensions were presented by age and lighting technique. The reliability of sorting results was quite good. The quality of the natural products was inconsistent. Production technology had more of an effect on cucumber samples than tomato samples. Natural light cucumbers were, for example sweeter and softer than artificial light cucumbers. Age had an especially large effect on cucumber appearance characteristics. There were less differences between tomato samples than cucumber samples. Production technology had less of an effect on tomato samples than age, e.g. hardness decreased during storage. In this study, it was found that artificial lighting has little effect on the sensory quality of Finnish greenhouse tomatoes compared with tomatoes grown under natural light.


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Pressurised hot water extraction (PHWE) exploits the unique temperature-dependent solvent properties of water minimising the use of harmful organic solvents. Water is environmentally friendly, cheap and easily available extraction medium. The effects of temperature, pressure and extraction time in PHWE have often been studied, but here the emphasis was on other parameters important for the extraction, most notably the dimensions of the extraction vessel and the stability and solubility of the analytes to be extracted. Non-linear data analysis and self-organising maps were employed in the data analysis to obtain correlations between the parameters studied, recoveries and relative errors. First, pressurised hot water extraction (PHWE) was combined on-line with liquid chromatography-gas chromatography (LC-GC), and the system was applied to the extraction and analysis of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in sediment. The method is of superior sensitivity compared with the traditional methods, and only a small 10 mg sample was required for analysis. The commercial extraction vessels were replaced by laboratory-made stainless steel vessels because of some problems that arose. The performance of the laboratory-made vessels was comparable to that of the commercial ones. In an investigation of the effect of thermal desorption in PHWE, it was found that at lower temperatures (200ºC and 250ºC) the effect of thermal desorption is smaller than the effect of the solvating property of hot water. At 300ºC, however, thermal desorption is the main mechanism. The effect of the geometry of the extraction vessel on recoveries was studied with five specially constructed extraction vessels. In addition to the extraction vessel geometry, the sediment packing style and the direction of water flow through the vessel were investigated. The geometry of the vessel was found to have only minor effect on the recoveries, and the same was true of the sediment packing style and the direction of water flow through the vessel. These are good results because these parameters do not have to be carefully optimised before the start of extractions. Liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) and solid-phase extraction (SPE) were compared as trapping techniques for PHWE. LLE was more robust than SPE and it provided better recoveries and repeatabilities than did SPE. Problems related to blocking of the Tenax trap and unrepeatable trapping of the analytes were encountered in SPE. Thus, although LLE is more labour intensive, it can be recommended over SPE. The stabilities of the PAHs in aqueous solutions were measured using a batch-type reaction vessel. Degradation was observed at 300ºC even with the shortest heating time. Ketones and quinones and other oxidation products were observed. Although the conditions of the stability studies differed considerably from the extraction conditions in PHWE, the results indicate that the risk of analyte degradation must be taken into account in PHWE. The aqueous solubilities of acenaphthene, anthracene and pyrene were measured, first below and then above the melting point of the analytes. Measurements below the melting point were made to check that the equipment was working, and the results were compared with those obtained earlier. Good agreement was found between the measured and literature values. A new saturation cell was constructed for the solubility measurements above the melting point of the analytes because the flow-through saturation cell could not be used above the melting point. An exponential relationship was found between the solubilities measured for pyrene and anthracene and temperature.


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This study brings new insights into the magmatic evolution of natural F-enriched peraluminous granitic systems. The Artjärvi, Sääskjärvi and Kymi granite stocks within the 1.64 Ga Wiborg rapakivi granite batholith have been investigated by petrographic, geochemical, experimental and melt inclusion methods. These stocks represent late-stage leucocratic and weakly peraluminous intrusive phases typical of rapakivi granites worldwide. The Artjärvi and Sääskjärvi stocks are multiphase intrusions in which the most evolved phase is topaz granite. The Kymi stock contains topaz throughout and has a well-developed zoned structure, from the rim to the center: stockscheider pegmatite equigranular topaz granite porphyritic topaz granite. Geochemically the topaz granites are enriched in F, Li, Be, Ga, Rb, Sn and Nb and depleted in Mg, Fe, Ti, Ba, Sr, Zr and Eu. The anomalous geochemistry and mineralogy of the topaz granites are essentially magmatic in origin; postmagmatic reactions have only slightly modified the compositions. The Kymi equigranular topaz granite shows the most evolved character, and the topaz granites at Artjärvi and Sääskjärvi resemble the less evolved porphyritic topaz granite of the Kymi stock. Stockscheiders are found at the roof contacts of the Artjärvi and Kymi stocks. The stockscheider at Artjärvi is composed of biotite-rich schlieren and pegmatite layers parallel to the contact. The schlieren layering is considered to have formed by velocity-gradient sorting mechanism parallel to the flow, which led to the accumulation of mafic minerals along the upper contact of the topaz granite. Cooling and contraction of the topaz granite formed fractures parallel to the roof contact and residual pegmatite magmas were injected along the fractures and formed the pegmatite layers. The zoned structure of the Kymi stock is the result of intrusion of highly evolved residual melt from deeper parts of the magma chamber along the fractured contact between the porphyritic granite crystal mush and country rock. The equigranular topaz granite and marginal pegmatite (stockscheider) crystallized from this evolved melt. Phase relations of the Kymi equigranular topaz granite have been investigated utilizing crystallization experiments at 100 to 500 MPa as a function of water activity and F content. Fluorite and topaz can crystallize as liquidus phases in F-rich peraluminous systems, but the F content of the melt should exceed 2.5 - 3.0 wt % to facilitate crystallization of topaz. In peraluminous F-bearing melts containing more than 1 wt % F, topaz and muscovite are expected to be the first F-bearing phases to crystallize at high pressure, whereas fluorite and topaz should crystallize first at low pressure. Overall, the saturation of fluorite and topaz follows the reaction: CaAl2Si2O8 (plagioclase) + 2[AlF3]melt = CaF2 (fluorite) + 2Al2SiO4F2 (topaz). The obtained partition coefficient for F between biotite and glass D(F)Bt/glass is 1.89 to 0.80 (average 1.29) and can be used as an empirical fluormeter to determine the F content of coexisting melts. In order to study the magmatic evolution of the Kymi stock, crystallized melt inclusions in quartz and topaz grains in the porphyritic and the equigranular topaz granites and the marginal pegmatite were rehomogenized and analyzed. The homogenization conditions for the melt inclusions from the granites were 700 °C, 300 MPa, and 24 h, and for melt inclusions from the pegmatite, 700 °C, 100 MPa, and 24/96 h. The majority of the melt inclusions is chemically similar to the bulk rocks (excluding H2O content), but a few melt inclusions in the equigranular granite show clearly higher F and low K2O contents (on average 11.6 wt % F, 0.65 wt % K2O). The melt inclusion compositions indicate coexistence of two melt fractions, a prevailing peraluminous and a very volatile-rich, possibly peralkaline. Combined petrological, experimental and melt inclusion studies of the Kymi equigranular topaz granite indicate that plagioclase was the liquidus phase at nearly water-saturated (fluid-saturated) conditions and that the F content of the melt was at least 2 wt %. The early crystallization of biotite and the presence of muscovite in crystallization experiments at 200 MPa contrasts with the late-stage crystallization of biotite and the absence of muscovite in the equigranular granite, indicating that crystallization pressure may have been lower than 200 MPa for the granite.


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The object of this dissertation is to study globally defined bounded p-harmonic functions on Cartan-Hadamard manifolds and Gromov hyperbolic metric measure spaces. Such functions are constructed by solving the so called Dirichlet problem at infinity. This problem is to find a p-harmonic function on the space that extends continuously to the boundary at inifinity and obtains given boundary values there. The dissertation consists of an overview and three published research articles. In the first article the Dirichlet problem at infinity is considered for more general A-harmonic functions on Cartan-Hadamard manifolds. In the special case of two dimensions the Dirichlet problem at infinity is solved by only assuming that the sectional curvature has a certain upper bound. A sharpness result is proved for this upper bound. In the second article the Dirichlet problem at infinity is solved for p-harmonic functions on Cartan-Hadamard manifolds under the assumption that the sectional curvature is bounded outside a compact set from above and from below by functions that depend on the distance to a fixed point. The curvature bounds allow examples of quadratic decay and examples of exponential growth. In the final article a generalization of the Dirichlet problem at infinity for p-harmonic functions is considered on Gromov hyperbolic metric measure spaces. Existence and uniqueness results are proved and Cartan-Hadamard manifolds are considered as an application.


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This thesis consists of three articles on Orlicz-Sobolev capacities. Capacity is a set function which gives information of the size of sets. Capacity is useful concept in the study of partial differential equations, and generalizations of exponential-type inequalities and Lebesgue point theory, and other topics related to weakly differentiable functions such as functions belonging to some Sobolev space or Orlicz-Sobolev space. In this thesis it is assumed that the defining function of the Orlicz-Sobolev space, the Young function, satisfies certain growth conditions. In the first article, the null sets of two different versions of Orlicz-Sobolev capacity are studied. Sufficient conditions are given so that these two versions of capacity have the same null sets. The importance of having information about null sets lies in the fact that the sets of capacity zero play similar role in the Orlicz-Sobolev space setting as the sets of measure zero do in the Lebesgue space and Orlicz space setting. The second article continues the work of the first article. In this article, it is shown that if a Young function satisfies certain conditions, then two versions of Orlicz-Sobolev capacity have the same null sets for its complementary Young function. In the third article the metric properties of Orlicz-Sobolev capacities are studied. It is usually difficult or impossible to calculate a capacity of a set. In applications it is often useful to have estimates for the Orlicz-Sobolev capacities of balls. Such estimates are obtained in this paper, when the Young function satisfies some growth conditions.


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The Minimum Description Length (MDL) principle is a general, well-founded theoretical formalization of statistical modeling. The most important notion of MDL is the stochastic complexity, which can be interpreted as the shortest description length of a given sample of data relative to a model class. The exact definition of the stochastic complexity has gone through several evolutionary steps. The latest instantation is based on the so-called Normalized Maximum Likelihood (NML) distribution which has been shown to possess several important theoretical properties. However, the applications of this modern version of the MDL have been quite rare because of computational complexity problems, i.e., for discrete data, the definition of NML involves an exponential sum, and in the case of continuous data, a multi-dimensional integral usually infeasible to evaluate or even approximate accurately. In this doctoral dissertation, we present mathematical techniques for computing NML efficiently for some model families involving discrete data. We also show how these techniques can be used to apply MDL in two practical applications: histogram density estimation and clustering of multi-dimensional data.


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The dissertation consists of three essays on misplanning wealth and health accumulation. The conventional economics assumes that individual's intertemporal preferences are exponential (exponential preferences, EP). Recent findings in behavioural economics have shown that, actually, people do discount near future relatively heavier than distant future. This implies hyperbolic intertemporal preferences (HP). Essays I and II concentrate especially on the effects of a delayed completion of tasks, a feature of behaviour that HP enables. Essay III uses current Finnish data to analyse the evolvement of the quality adjusted life years (QALYs) and inconsistencies in measuring that. Essay I studies the existence effects of a lucrative retirement savings program (SP) on the retirement savings of different individual types having HP. If the individual does not know that he will have HP also in the future, i.e. he is the naïve, for certain conditions, he delays the enrolment on SP until he abandons it. Very interesting finding is that the naïve retires then poorer in the presence than in the absence of SP. For the same conditions, the individual who knows that he will have HP also in the future, i.e. he is the sophisticated, gains from the existence of SP, and retires with greater retirement savings in the presence than in the absence of SP. Finally, capabilities to learn from past behaviour and about intertemporal preferences improve possibilities to gain from the existence but an adequate time to learn must be then guaranteed. Essay II studies delayed doctor's visits, theirs effects on the costs of a public health care system and government's attempts to control patient behaviour and fund the system. The controlling devices are a consultation fee and a deductible for that. The deductible is effective only for a patient whose diagnosis reveals a disease that would not get cured without the doctor's visit. The naives delay their visits the longest while EP-patients are the quickest visitors. To control the naives, the government should implement a low fee and a high deductible, while for the sophisticates the opposite is true. Finally, if all the types exist in an economy then using an incorrect conventional assumption that all individuals have EP leads to worse situation and requires higher tax rates than assuming incorrectly but unconventionally that only the naives exists. Essay III studies the development of QALYs in Finland 1995/96-2004. The essay concentrates on developing a consistent measure, i.e. independent of discounting, for measuring the age and gender specific QALY-changes and their incidences. For the given time interval, use of a relative change out of an attainable change seems to be almost intact to discounting and reveals that the greatest gains are for older age groups.


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Eukaryotic cells are characterized by having a subset of internal membrane compartments, each one with a specifi c identity, structure and function. Proteins destined to be targeted to the exterior of the cell need to enter and progress through the secretory pathway. Transport of secretory proteins from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) to the Golgi takes place by the selective packaging of proteins into COPII-coated vesicles at the ER membrane. Taking advantage of the extensive genetic tools available for S. cerevisiae we found that Hsp150, a yeast secretory glycoprotein, selectively exited the ER in the absence of any of the three Sec24p family members. Sec24p has been thought to be an essential component of the COPII coat and thus indispensable for exocytic membrane traffic. Next we analyzed the ability of Hsp150 to be secreted in mutants, where post-Golgi transport is temperature sensitive. We found that Hsp150 could be selectively secreted under conditions where the exocyst component Sec15p is defective. Analysis of the secretory vesicles revealed that Hsp150 was packaged into a subset of known secretory vesicles as well as in a novel pool of secretory vesicles at the level of the Golgi. Secretion of Hsp150 in the absence of Sec15p function was dependent of Mso1p, a protein capable of interacting with vesicles intended to fuse with the plasma membrane, with the SNARE machinery and with Sec1p. This work demonstrated that Hsp150 is capable of using alternative secretory pathways in ER-to-Golgi and Golgi-to-plasma membrane traffi c. The sorting signals, used at both stages of the secretory pathway, for secretion of Hsp150 were different, revealing the highly dynamic nature and spatial organization of the secretory pathway. Foreign proteins usually misfold in the yeast ER. We used Hsp150 as a carrier to assist folding and transport of heterologous proteins though the secretory pathway to the culture medium in both S. cerevisiae and P. pastoris. Using this technique we expressed Hsp150Δ-HRP and developed a staining procedure, which allowed the visualization of the organelles of the secretory pathway of S. cerevisiae.


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Cosmological inflation is the dominant paradigm in explaining the origin of structure in the universe. According to the inflationary scenario, there has been a period of nearly exponential expansion in the very early universe, long before the nucleosynthesis. Inflation is commonly considered as a consequence of some scalar field or fields whose energy density starts to dominate the universe. The inflationary expansion converts the quantum fluctuations of the fields into classical perturbations on superhorizon scales and these primordial perturbations are the seeds of the structure in the universe. Moreover, inflation also naturally explains the high degree of homogeneity and spatial flatness of the early universe. The real challenge of the inflationary cosmology lies in trying to establish a connection between the fields driving inflation and theories of particle physics. In this thesis we concentrate on inflationary models at scales well below the Planck scale. The low scale allows us to seek for candidates for the inflationary matter within extensions of the Standard Model but typically also implies fine-tuning problems. We discuss a low scale model where inflation is driven by a flat direction of the Minimally Supersymmetric Standard Model. The relation between the potential along the flat direction and the underlying supergravity model is studied. The low inflationary scale requires an extremely flat potential but we find that in this particular model the associated fine-tuning problems can be solved in a rather natural fashion in a class of supergravity models. For this class of models, the flatness is a consequence of the structure of the supergravity model and is insensitive to the vacuum expectation values of the fields that break supersymmetry. Another low scale model considered in the thesis is the curvaton scenario where the primordial perturbations originate from quantum fluctuations of a curvaton field, which is different from the fields driving inflation. The curvaton gives a negligible contribution to the total energy density during inflation but its perturbations become significant in the post-inflationary epoch. The separation between the fields driving inflation and the fields giving rise to primordial perturbations opens up new possibilities to lower the inflationary scale without introducing fine-tuning problems. The curvaton model typically gives rise to relatively large level of non-gaussian features in the statistics of primordial perturbations. We find that the level of non-gaussian effects is heavily dependent on the form of the curvaton potential. Future observations that provide more accurate information of the non-gaussian statistics can therefore place constraining bounds on the curvaton interactions.


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This research has been prompted by an interest in the atmospheric processes of hydrogen. The sources and sinks of hydrogen are important to know, particularly if hydrogen becomes more common as a replacement for fossil fuel in combustion. Hydrogen deposition velocities (vd) were estimated by applying chamber measurements, a radon tracer method and a two-dimensional model. These three approaches were compared with each other to discover the factors affecting the soil uptake rate. A static-closed chamber technique was introduced to determine the hydrogen deposition velocity values in an urban park in Helsinki, and at a rural site at Loppi. A three-day chamber campaign to carry out soil uptake estimation was held at a remote site at Pallas in 2007 and 2008. The atmospheric mixing ratio of molecular hydrogen has also been measured by a continuous method in Helsinki in 2007 - 2008 and at Pallas from 2006 onwards. The mean vd values measured in the chamber experiments in Helsinki and Loppi were between 0.0 and 0.7 mm s-1. The ranges of the results with the radon tracer method and the two-dimensional model were 0.13 - 0.93 mm s-1 and 0.12 - 0.61 mm s-1, respectively, in Helsinki. The vd values in the three-day campaign at Pallas were 0.06 - 0.52 mm s-1 (chamber) and 0.18 - 0.52 mm s-1 (radon tracer method and two-dimensional model). At Kumpula, the radon tracer method and the chamber measurements produced higher vd values than the two-dimensional model. The results of all three methods were close to each other between November and April, except for the chamber results from January to March, while the soil was frozen. The hydrogen deposition velocity values of all three methods were compared with one-week cumulative rain sums. Precipitation increases the soil moisture, which decreases the soil uptake rate. The measurements made in snow seasons showed that a thick snow layer also hindered gas diffusion, lowering the vd values. The H2 vd values were compared to the snow depth. A decaying exponential fit was obtained as a result. During a prolonged drought in summer 2006, soil moisture values were lower than in other summer months between 2005 and 2008. Such conditions were prevailing in summer 2006 when high chamber vd values were measured. The mixing ratio of molecular hydrogen has a seasonal variation. The lowest atmospheric mixing ratios were found in the late autumn when high deposition velocity values were still being measured. The carbon monoxide (CO) mixing ratio was also measured. Hydrogen and carbon monoxide are highly correlated in an urban environment, due to the emissions originating from traffic. After correction for the soil deposition of H2, the slope was 0.49±0.07 ppb (H2) / ppb (CO). Using the corrected hydrogen-to-carbon-monoxide ratio, the total hydrogen load emitted by Helsinki traffic in 2007 was 261 t (H2) a-1. Hydrogen, methane and carbon monoxide are connected with each other through the atmospheric methane oxidation process, in which formaldehyde is produced as an important intermediate. The photochemical degradation of formaldehyde produces hydrogen and carbon monoxide as end products. Examination of back-trajectories revealed long-range transportation of carbon monoxide and methane. The trajectories can be grouped by applying cluster and source analysis methods. Thus natural and anthropogenic emission sources can be separated by analyzing trajectory clusters.


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Koulujen kestävän kehityksen työllä tarkoitetaan ekologiseen, taloudelliseen, sosiaaliseen ja kulttuuriseen kestävyyteen pohjautuvaa ympäristökasvatusta. Helsingissä peruskoulujen kestävän kehityksen työvälineet (ympäristökartoitukset ja – ohjelmat) ovat perustuneet koulujen ympäristöasioiden suunnitteluun, opetussuunnitelmien toteutumiseen ja ylläpitotoimintoihin, kuten jätehuoltoon. Opetusvirasto käytti vuosina 2005 ja 2009 ympäristötoiminnan arvioinnissa ympäristötasokuvauksia 1-3, joista arvosana 3 kuvaa ympäristöasioissa edistyneintä koulua. Tutkielman tavoitteena on tutkia ympäristötoiminnan tasojen perusteella ryhmiteltyjen peruskoulujen välisiä eroja jätekustannuksissa ja – määrissä (euroa/henkilö ja kg/henkilö) ja löytää mahdollisesti eroihin vaikuttavia tekijöitä. Tutkielman toimeksiantajana on 4V-Välitä, vaikuta, viihdy, voi hyvin – hanke, jonka yhtenä toiminnan osa-alueena on koulujen kestävän kehityksen työ. Tuloksista tullaan johtamaan tietoa Opetusviraston sekä muiden tahojen, kuten HSY:n ja Palmian ympäristötyöhön sekä Kiinteistöviraston Tilakeskuksen hallinnassa olevien koulukiinteistöjen jätehuollon kehittämiseen. Tutkimusaineistoina käytettiin Helsingin peruskoulujen vuoden 2009 jätekustannuksia ja tutkielman yhteydessä kerätyn jäteseurannan tuloksia vuodelta 2010. Jätekustannus- ja jätemääräaineistot yhdistettiin vuoden 2009 ympäristötoiminnan tasoluokitusten perusteella otokseksi (n=64). Lopullinen jätekustannus- ja jätemääräanalyysi tehtiin 29 koulun otoksella, josta oli rajattu pois kiinteistöt, joilla on koulun toiminnan lisäksi muita käyttötarkoituksia. Analyysiin sisällytettiin myös tarkempi tarkastelu koulujen seka- ja biojätejakeiden kustannuksista ja määristä. Tutkimuksen johtopäätöksenä todettiin, että eri ympäristötasoisten peruskoulujen välillä on huomattavia euro- ja kilomääräisiä eroja henkilöä kohden lasketuissa jätekustannuksissa ja –määrissä. Kokonaisjätemäärässä ei ole tapahtunut merkittävää muutosta tarkasteluvuosien välillä, mutta lajittelu näyttäisi kuitenkin tehostuneen. Tulosten perusteella ympäristöasioissa edistyneiden tason 3 koulujen keskimääräiset sekajätemäärät ja -kustannukset olivat pienimmät tasojen 1 ja 2 kouluihin verrattuna. Biojätemäärät ja –kustannukset olivat suurimmat tason 2 kouluissa. Jätekustannuksiin ja – määriin näyttäisivät vaikuttavan jäteastioiden määrien, kokojen ja tyhjennysrytmien optimointi sekä jäteastioiden täyttöasteet. Peruskoulujen tulisi keskittyä kestävän kehityksen työn avulla jätteiden synnyn ehkäisyyn ja vähentämiseen, jotta jätekustannuksetkin vähentyisivät jätehuollon kehittämistoimenpiteiden seurauksena.