8 resultados para Early intervention programs

em Helda - Digital Repository of University of Helsinki


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Although workplace bullying and other inappropriate treatment in the workplace have received growing attention, especially in Northern Europe, in the past few decades, little research has so far been conducted about the prevention of and intervention in such phenomena. This paper provides a review of different organizational measures typically recommended for preventing and intervening in workplace bullying and other forms of inappropriate treatment in the workplace. These measures include anti-bullying policies, training and information, appropriate job designs, active monitoring, and early intervention. As for intervention, both informal and formal strategies are discussed. Furthermore, the paper reports findings from a study among Finnish municipalities on the extent to which these measures are actually used in Finland, a country that has fairly recently introduced anti-bullying legislation.


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"I will soon understand." The House Planning Program as an Enhancer of Pupils´ Thinking Skills and Learning in Home Economics at Comprehensive School The aim of the research was to build a study program for home economics education in order to enhance pupils´ thinking skills. The program was based on the intervention programs or strategies known as Cognitive Acceleration (CA), which are founded on the theories of Jean Piaget, Lev Vygotsky, and Reuven Feuerstein. In addition, Carl Bereiter s theory of knowledge building was integrated to the research. The viewpoint of home economics was based on the multidimensional foundation of home economics science, particularly household technology and house planning. I first analyzed the kind of body of knowledge home economics science and home economics education provides for enhancing thinking skills in home economics. For the study, a CATE (Cognitive Acceleration through Technology Education) program was adapted and modified and a House Planning program was created for home economics classes. The house planning program consisted of five lessons during which pupils learned how to make functional floor plans as well as choose furniture, household appliances and materials for the home. In order to obtain the required data, various classroom experiments were arranged in 2005 with grade 9 pupils at a comprehensive school in Helsinki. All the experiments were videotaped, and five hours of the videotaped material was edited and transcribed for closer examination. The material consisted of all the video-recorded activity of the selected study group. Interaction study and content analysis were used to analyze the data. Following the experiments, a small survey was conducted to solicit pupils´ and teacher´s opinions of the program. The analysis sheds light on the nature of pupils´ interaction and knowledge building in small group activity. Special attention was given to tracking pupils´ interaction during the socalled construction zone activity. The models and qualities of teacher´s aid and support during the lessons were examined as well. The results revealed the versatility of the pupils social interaction and common knowledge building that occurred during the small group activity. The pupils discussions, including their arguments, their sharing of ideas, and the multiple perspectives that emerged reflected home economics knowledge building. The construction zone activity appeared through expressions of cognitive conflict and metacognition. Cognitive conflict was evident in the pupils´ words and involved questioning, doubting and disputing. The metacognitive activity emerged by thinking aloud, choosing the strategies, and negotiating the results. The pupils also coordinated their activity, allocated the responsibility, and systematized their work. The teacher assisted by preparing new themes for the pupils and by participating in the small group work. The teacher´s help during the small group sessions strengthened the pupils activity in the construction zone. The results showed that one can utilize the wide multidisciplinary basis of home economics, which includes scientific knowledge but also the knowledge derived from practical activity and experience. In this study practical activity was undertaken as a planning project the result of which was a plan or a new vision for the house planning situation. The study showed that the House Planning program was able to enhance the pupils´ social interaction and collaboration. The learning environment challenged the pupils in a way that could be a gateway to further developing their thinking skills. The method of analysis created in the study could be a potential tool for examining social interaction, construction zone activity, and knowledge building in other learning environments as well. Key words: home economics, house planning, classroom experiment, thinking skills,cognitive conflict, metacognition, social interaction, knowledge building


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Varhaislapsuuden karies ja sen ehkäisy kehittyvän terveydenhuollon maassa Varhaislapsuuden karies on merkittävä kansanterveysongelma varsinkin lapsirikkaissa maissa ja väestöissä. Karieksen hoitaminen vie paljon voimavaroja ja aiheuttaa mittavia taloudellisia seuraamuksia. Karies voi ilmaantua lapselle jo vauvaikäisenä, pian ensimmäisten maitohampaiden puhjettua suuhun. Alle 3-vuotiaiden karieksesta on kuitenkin niukasti tilastotietoja. Maailman terveysjärjestökin suosittaa tietojen keräämistä vasta 3-vuotiaiden ikäryhmästä. Heistä kariesta sairastaa Suomessa 16 %, Yhdysvalloissa 25 %, Englannissa 30 %, Iranissa 46 % ja Saudi-Arabiassa 61 %. Tämä väitöstutkimus selvitti karieksen esiintymistä ja sen vaaratekijöitä 1─3-vuotiailla Teheranissa. Lisäksi tutkimus arvioi perusterveydenhuoltoon sisällytetyn karieksen ehkäisyn tuloksellisuutta. Tutkimuskohteiksi arvottiin Teheranista 18 neuvolaa. Jokaisessa oltiin 4 päivää, jolloin kaikkia rokotuksiin tulleita 1─3-vuotiaita äiteineen pyydettiin osallistumaan tutkimukseen. Kahta lukuun ottamatta kaikki äidit suostuivat, ja aineistoon tuli kaikkiaan 504 lasta äiteineen. Kaikki 1-vuotiaat, 242 lasta äiteineen, valittiin karieksen ehkäisykokeiluun. Sitä varten neuvolat jaettiin kolmeen ryhmään, joista kaksi (A ja B) oli koeryhmiä ja yksi (C) oli vertailuryhmä. Tutkimus alkoi äidin haastattelulla. Siinä selvitettiin perheen koulutus- ja tulotaso sekä lapsen ruokinnasta imetyksen kesto, yösyötöt ja päiväaikaan nautitut makeat. Vielä kysyttiin lapsen ja äidin suuhygieniatavoista ja äidin kokemuksista lapsen suun puhdistamisessa. Sitten hammaslääkäri tutki lapsen suun ja kirjasi karieksen ja hammasplakin esiintymät. Suun tutkimuksen jälkeen äiti ja lapsi siirtyivät rokotushuoneeseen. Koeryhmissä (A ja B) äidit saivat terveydenhoitajalta suunterveyttä koskevan esitteen ja kehotuksen lukea se huolellisesti. Lisäksi ryhmässä A terveydenhoitaja kertoi suun ja hampaiden terveydenhoidosta saman esitteen avulla, ja neuvolan henkilökunta muistutti suunhoidon tärkeydestä puhelimitse kahdesti seuraavan puolen vuoden kuluessa. Vertailuryhmässä äideille ei annettu suunhoidon ohjeita. Kaikissa ryhmissä äitejä muistutettiin seuraavan rokotuskerran ajankohdasta, muttei mainittu tulevaa toista hammastarkastusta. Varhaislapsuuden kariesta sairasti ikäryhmästä riippuen 3─26 % tutkituista 1─3-vuotiaista, ja 65─76 %:lla oli hammasplakkia. Äideistä 68 % harjasi hampaansa päivittäin ja 39 % puhdisti lapsensa suun päivittäin. Mitä useammin äiti harjasi omat hampaansa, sitä paremmin hän huolehti lapsen suun puhtaudesta. Rintaruokinta oli yleistä eikä lisännyt kariesvaaraa. Yöllä pullomaitoa saavilla karies oli 5 kertaa yleisempää kuin muilla. Neuvolassa saatu ohjeistus ehkäisi selvästi karieksen syntyä puolen vuoden kokeessa.


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The aim of the study was to examine the effects of a smoking prevention program and smoking from early adolescence to early adulthood by using longitudinal data. In addition, predictors of smoking, smoking cessation, and associations of smoking with socio-economic factors and other health behaviours were assessed. The data was gathered in connection with the North Karelia Youth Project follow-up study during 15 years. A two-year cardiovascular disease risk factor prevention program was carried out among students from grades seven to nine in four schools in North Karelia. Two schools were selected from Kuopio province for the control schools. The North Karelia Project, a community-based cardiovascular disease prevention program, was implemented in the same area. At the baseline in 1978 the subjects were 13-year-olds (n=903) and in the following surveys 15-, 16-, 17-, 21- and 28-year-olds. The parents of the subjects were studied twice, in 1978 and 1980. A two-year intervention based on social influence approach prevented the onset of smoking for several years. The continuity of smoking from adolescence to adulthood was strong: most adolescent smokers were still smoking in adulthood. Moreover, approximately half of the 28-year-old smokers had started smoking after the age of 15. Previous smoking status and smoking by friends were the most important predictors of smoking. One third of all adolescent smokers had stopped smoking before the age of 28, averaging at 2.3 % annual decline. The socioeconomic status of the subject and, especially, education were strongly related to smoking, the lower socioeconomic groups smoking the most. Parental socioeconomic status and intergenerational social mobility were not significantly related to the smoking of the subject in adolescence or adulthood. Smoking was associated positively with the use of alcohol and negatively with physical activity from adolescence to adulthood. The results support the feasibility of a school-based social influence program with a community-based program in smoking prevention among adolescents. Strong continuity of smoking from adolescence to adulthood supports the importance of preventing the onset of smoking in adolescence. It would be useful to continue prevention programs also after the comprehensive school, since so many young start smoking after that. It would likewise be important to develop cessation programs tailor-made for adolescents and young adults. Additionally, the results support the importance of using methods based on social influence in smoking prevention and cessation programs, targeting especially such risk groups as those with low socioeconomic status as well as those with other unhealthy behaviours.


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D-vitamiini ylläpitää normaalia luun kasvua ja uudistumista koko elämän ajan. Suomessa, kuten monissa muissakin länsimaissa, väestön D-vitamiinitilanne on riittämätön – talvisin osalla jopa puutteellinen. Tässä väitöskirjassa on tutkittu, lisääkö D-vitamiini luumassan kertymistä kasvuiässä, ja ylläpitäkö D-vitamiini luuston tasapainoista aineenvaihduntaa aikuisiällä. Nämä vaikutukset saattavat ehkäisi osteoporoosin kehittymistä eri ikäkausina. Väitöskirjatyössä tutkittiin erisuuruisten D-vitamiinilisäysten vaikutuksia kolmessa eri ikäryhmässä, jotka olivat 11-12 -vuotiaat tytöt (N=228), 21-49 -vuotiaat miehet (N=54) ja 65-85 -vuotiaat naiset (N=52). Tutkittavat satunnaistettiin ryhmiin, jotka nauttivat joko lumevalmistetta tai 5-20 µg D3-vitamiinia vitamiinilisänä. Tutkimukset olivat kaksoissokkoutettuja. Tutkimuksen aikana tutkittavilta otettiin paastoveri- ja virtsanäytteitä. Lisäksi he täyttivät tutkimuslomakkeen taustatietojen kartoittamiseksi sekä frekvenssikyselylomakkeen kalsiumin ja D-vitamiinin saannin selvittämiseksi. Tyttöjen luunmineraalitiheys (BMD) mitattiin DXA–laitteella ja miesten volumetrinen luuntiheys pQCT-menetelmällä. Näytteistä määritettiin mm. seerumin 25-hydroksi-D-vitamiinin (=S-25-OHD), lisäkilpirauhashormonin (=S-PTH) ja luun aineenvaihduntaa kuvaavien merkkiaineiden pitoisuuksia. Murrosikäisten tyttöjen poikkileikkaustutkimuksessa S-25-OHD- ja luun muodostusmerkkiaineen pitoisuudet vaihtelivat kuukausien välillä; suurimmat pitoisuudet mitattiin syyskuussa ja pienimmät maaliskuussa, mikä kuvastaa vuodenaikaisvaihtelua. Vastaava vaihtelu havaittiin lannerangan ja reisiluun BMD:ssä. D-vitamiinilisäyksellä oli myönteinen vaikutus tyttöjen luumassan lisääntymiseen. Suurin D-vitamiinilisä (10 µg/vrk) lisäsi luumassaa 17.2% enemmän reisiluussa ja 12.5% enemmän lannerangassa verrattuna lumevalmistetta nauttivien tyttöjen vastaaviin tuloksiin, mutta tulos riippui hoitomyöntyvyydestä. D-vitamiinin vaikutus luustoon välittyi vähentyneen luun hajotuksen kautta. Tutkimustuloksiin perustuen riittävä D-vitamiinin saanti murrosikäisille tytöille on 15 µg/vrk. D-vitamiinilisän vaikutus 65-85 -vuotiaiden naisten S-25-OHD-pitoisuuteen vakioitui kuudessa viikossa annoksen ollessa 5-20 µg/vrk. Näillä D-vitamiiniannoksilla ei saavutettu tavoiteltavaa S-25-OHD-pitoisuutta, joka on 80 nmol/l. Arvioimme, että 60 nmol/l -pitoisuuden, jota esiintyy kesäisin tämän ikäryhmän suomalaisilla, tämän ikäryhmän naiset saavuttaisivat 24 µg:n päivittäisellä D-vitamiinin saannilla. Terveillä miehillä havaittiin vuodenaikaisvaihtelu S-25-OHD- ja S-PTH-pitoisuudessa sekä luun hajotusta kuvaavassa merkkiainepitoisuudessa. Toisaalta vaihtelua ei havaittu radiuksen volumetrisessä luuntiheydessä eikä luun muodostusmerkkiaineen pitoisuudessa. Vuodenaikaisvaihtelu estettiin 17 µg:n päivittäisellä D-vitamiinin saannilla, mutta tämän ei havaittu vaikuttavan radiuksen luuntiheyteen kuusi kuukautta kestävän tutkimuksen aikana. Yhteenvetona todetaan, että D-vitamiinin saanti on edelleenkin riittämätöntä tutkimusten kohderyhmillä. Tämä näkyy S-25-OHD- ja PTH-pitoisuuden sekä luunaineenvaihduntaa kuvaavien merkkiaineiden vuodenaikaisvaihteluna, mikä on haitallista luuston hyvinvoinnille. D-vitamiinin saantia tulisi lisätä, jotta vähintäänkin riittävä D-vitamiinitilanne (S-25-OHD>50 nmol/l) tai mahdollisesti jopa tavoiteltava D-vitaminitilanne (S-25-OHD≥80 nmol/l) saavutettaisiin. Jotta D-vitamiinin saannin lisääminen olisi kaikissa ikäryhmissä mahdollista, on suunniteltava nykyistä enemmän D-vitamiinilla täydennettyjä elintarvikkeita.


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Background: The onset of many chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes can be delayed or prevented by changes in diet, physical activity and obesity. Known predictors of successful behaviour change include psychosocial factors such as selfefficacy, action and coping planning, and social support. However, gender and socioeconomic differences in these psychosocial mechanisms underlying health behaviour change have not been examined, despite well-documented sociodemographic differences in lifestyle-related mortality and morbidity. Additionally, although stable personality traits (such as dispositional optimism or pessimism and gender-role orientation: agency and communion) are related to health and health behaviour, to date they have rarely been studied in the context of health behaviour interventions. These personality traits might contribute to health behaviour change independently of the more modifiable domain-specific psychosocial factors, or indirectly through them, or moderated by them. The aims were to examine in an intervention setting: (1) whether changes (during the three-month intervention) in psychological determinants (self-efficacy beliefs, action planning and coping planning) predict changes in exercise and diet behaviours over three months and 12 months, (2) the universality assumption of behaviour change theories, i.e. whether preintervention levels and changes in psychosocial determinants are similar among genders and socioeconomic groups, and whether they predict changes in behaviour in a similar way in these groups, (3) whether the personality traits optimism, pessimism, agency and communion predict changes in abdominal obesity, and the nature of their interplay with modifiable and domain-specific psychosocial factors (self-efficacy and social support). Methods: Finnish men and women (N = 385) aged 50 65 years who were at an increased risk for type 2 diabetes were recruited from health care centres to participate in the GOod Ageing in Lahti Region (GOAL) Lifestyle Implementation Trial. The programme aimed to improve participants lifestyle (physical activity, eating) and decrease their overweight. The measurements of self-efficacy, planning, social support and dispositional optimism/pessimism were conducted pre-intervention at baseline (T1) and after the intensive phase of the intervention at three months (T2), and the measurements of exercise at T1, T2 and 12 months (T3) and healthy eating at T1 and T3. Waist circumference, an indicator of abdominal obesity, was measured at T1 and at oneyear (T3) and three-year (T4) follow-ups. Agency and communion were measured at T4 with the Personal Attributes Questionnaire (PAQ). Results: (1) Increases in self-efficacy and planning were associated with three-month increases in exercise (Study I). Moreover, both the post-intervention level and three-month increases (during the intervention) in self-efficacy in dealing with barriers predicted the 12-month increase in exercise, and a high postintervention level of coping plans predicted the 12-month decrease in dietary fat (Study II). One- and three-year waist circumference reductions were predicted by the initial three-month increase in self-efficacy (Studies III, IV). (2) Post-intervention at three months, women had formed more action plans for changing their exercise routines and received less social support for behaviour change than men had. The effects of adoption self-efficacy were similar but change in planning played a less significant role among men (Study I). Examining the effects of socioeconomic status (SES), psychosocial determinants at baseline and their changes during the intervention yielded largely similar results. Exercise barriers self-efficacy was enhanced slightly less among those with low SES. Psychosocial determinants predicted behaviour similarly across all SES groups (Study II). (3) Dispositional optimism and pessimism were unrelated to waist circumference change, directly or indirectly, and they did not influence changes in self-efficacy (Study III). Agency predicted 12-month waist circumference reduction among women. High communion coupled with high social support was associated with waist circumference reduction. However, the only significant predictor of three-year waist circumference reduction was an increase in health-related self-efficacy during the intervention (Study IV). Conclusions: Interventions should focus on improving participants self-efficacy early on in the intervention as well as prompting action and coping planning for health behaviour change. Such changes are likely to be similarly effective among intervention participants regardless of gender and educational level. Agentic orientation may operate via helping women to be less affected by the demands of the self-sacrificing female role and enabling them to assertively focus on their own goals. The earlier mixed results regarding the role of social support in behaviour change may be in part explained by personality traits such as communion.


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The present cross-sectional study examined the effect of smoking on oral health in a birth cohort of 15 to 16-year-old Finnish adolescents. The hypothesis was that oral health parameters were poorer among smoking than non-smoking subjects and that a tobacco intervention program could be effective among the adolescents. The study was conducted in the Kotka Health Center, Kotka, Finland. Altogether 501 out of 545 subjects (15- to 16-year-old boys [n = 258] and girls [n = 243]) were clinically examined in 2004 and 2005. The sample frame was a birth cohort of all subjects in 1989 and 1990, living in Kotka. A structured questionnaire was also filled in by the participants to record their general health and health habits, such as smoking, tooth brushing, and medication used. The participants were classified into nonsmokers, current smokers, and former smokers. Subgingival pooled plaque samples were taken and stimulated salivary samples were also collected. The subjects were asked from which of seven professional groups (doctors, school nurses, dental nurses, general nurses, dentists, teachers and media professionals) they would prefer to receive information about tobacco. The two most popular groups they picked up were dentists and school nurses. Current smokers (n=127) were then randomly assigned into three groups: the dentist group (n =44), the school-nurse group (n =42), and the control group (n =39). The intervention was based on a national recommendation of evidence based guidelines by The Finnish Medical Society Duodecim ( 5A counseling system). Two months after the intervention, a second questionnaire was sent to the smokers in the intervention groups. Smoking cessation, smoking quantity per week, and self-rated addiction for smoking (SRA) were recorded. The results were analyzed using the R-statistical program. The results showed that 15% of the subjects had periodontitis. Smokers (25%) had more periodontitis than non-smokers (66%) (p < 0.001). Smoking boys (24%) also had more caries lesions than non-smokers (69%) (p < 0.001), and they brushed their teeth less frequently than non-smokers. Smoking significantly impaired periodontal health of the subjects, even when the confounding effects of plaque and tooth brushing were adjusted. Smoking pack-years, intensified the effects of smoking. Periodontal bacteria Prevotella nigrescens, Prevotella intermedia, Tannerella forsythia and Treponema denticola were more frequently detected among the smokers than non-smokers, especially among smoking girls. Smoking significantly decreased the values of both the salivary periodontal biomarkers MMP-8 (p=0.04) and PMN elastase (p=0.02) in boys. The effect was strengthened by pack years of smoking (MMP-8 p=0.04; elastase p0.01). Of those who participated in the intervention, 19 % quit smoking. The key factors associated with smoking cessation were best friend`s influence, nicotine dependence and diurnal type. When the best friend was not a smoker, the risk ratio (RR) of quit smoking after the intervention was 7.0 (Cl 95% 4.6 10.7). Of the diurnal types, the morning people seemed to be more likely to quit (RR 2.2 [Cl 95% 1.4 3.6]). Nicotine dependence also elicited an opposite effect: those who scored between 3 and 5 dependence scores were less likely to quit. In conclusion, smoking appears to be a major etiological risk factor for oral health. However, the early signs of periodontal disease were mild in the subjects studied. Based on the opinions of the adolescent s, dental professionals may have a key position in their smoking cessation. The harmful effects of smoking on oral health could be used in counselling. Best friend`s influence, nicotine dependence and diurnal type, all factors associated with smoking cessation, should be taken more carefully into account in the prevention programs for adolescents.