6 resultados para Cattle--Genetic engineering.

em Helda - Digital Repository of University of Helsinki


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The development of biotechnology techniques in plant breeding and the new commercial applications have raised public and scientific concerns about the safety of genetically modified (GM) crops and trees. To find out the feasibility of these new technologies in the breeding of commercially important Finnish hardwood species and to estimate the ecological risks of the produced transgenic plants, the experiments of this study have been conducted as a part of a larger project focusing on the risk assessment of GM-trees. Transgenic Betula pendula and Populus trees were produced via Agrobacterium mediated transformation. Stilbene synthase (STS) gene from pine (Pinus sylvestris) and chitinase gene from sugar beet (Beta vulgaris) were transferred to (hybrid) aspen and birch, respectively, to improve disease resistance against fungal pathogens. To modify lignin biosynthesis, a 4-coumarate:coenzyme A ligase (4CL) gene fragment in antisense orientation was introduced into two birch clones. In in vitro test, one transgenic aspen line expressing pine STS gene showed increased resistance to decay fungus Phellinus tremulae. In the field, chitinase transgenic birch lines were more susceptible to leaf spot (Pyrenopeziza betulicola) than the non-transgenic control clone while the resistance against birch rust (Melampsoridium betulinum) was improved. No changes in the content or composition of lignin were detected in the 4CL antisense birch lines. In order to evaluate the ecological effects of the produced GM trees on non-target organisms, an in vitro mycorrhiza experiment with Paxillus involutus and a decomposition experiment in the field were performed. The expression of a transgenic chitinase did not disturb the establishment of mycorrhizal symbiosis between birch and P. involutus in vitro. 4CL antisense transformed birch lines showed retarded root growth but were able to form normal ectomycorrhizal associations with the mycorrhizal fungus in vitro. 4CL lines also showed normal litter decomposition. Unexpected growth reductions resulting from the gene transformation were observed in chitinase transgenic and 4CL antisense birch lines. These results indicate that genetic engineering can provide a tool in increasing disease resistance in Finnish tree species. More extensive data with several ectomycorrhizal species is needed to evaluate the consequences of transgene expression on beneficial plant-fungus symbioses. The potential pleiotropic effects of the transgene should also be taken into account when considering the safety of transgenic trees.


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Lypsylehmien maidon juoksettumiskyvyn jalostuskeinot Väitöskirjassa tutkittiin lypsylehmien maidon juustonvalmistuslaadun parantamista jalostusvalinnan avulla. Tutkimusaihe on tärkeä, sillä yhä suurempi osa maidosta käytetään juustonvalmistukseen. Tutkimuksen kohteena oli maidon juoksettumiskyky, sillä se on yksi keskeisistä juustomäärään vaikuttavista tekijöistä. Maidon juoksettumiskyky vaihteli huomattavasti lehmien, sonnien, karjojen, rotujen ja lypsykauden vaiheiden välillä. Vaikka tankkimaidon juoksettumiskyvyssä olikin suuria eroja karjoittain, karja selitti vain pienen osan juoksettumiskyvyn kokonaisvaihtelusta. Todennäköisesti perinnölliset erot lehmien välillä selittävät suurimman osan karjojen tankkimaitojen juoksettumiskyvyssä havaituista eroista. Hyvä hoito ja ruokinta vähensivät kuitenkin jossain määrin huonosti juoksettuvien tankkimaitojen osuutta karjoissa. Holstein-friisiläiset lehmät olivat juoksettumiskyvyltään ayrshire-rotuisia lehmiä parempia. Huono juoksettuminen ja juoksettumattomuus oli vain vähäinen ongelma holstein-friisiläisillä (10 %), kun taas kolmannes ayrshire-lehmistä tuotti huonosti juoksettuvaa tai juoksettumatonta maitoa. Maitoa sanotaan huonosti juoksettuvaksi silloin, kun juustomassa ei ole riittävän kiinteää leikattavaksi puolen tunnin kuluttua juoksetteen lisäyksestä. Juoksettumattomaksi määriteltävä maito ei saostu lainkaan puolen tunnin aikana ja on siksi erittäin huonoa raaka-ainetta juustomeijereille. Noin 40 % lehmien välisistä eroista maidon juoksettumiskyvyssä selittyi perinnöllisillä tekijöillä. Juoksettumiskykyä voikin sanoa hyvin periytyväksi ominaisuudeksi. Kolme mittauskertaa lehmää kohti riittää varsin hyvin lehmän maidon keskimääräisen juoksettumiskyvyn arvioimiseen. Tällä hetkellä juoksettumiskyvyn suoran jalostamisen ongelmana on kuitenkin automatisoidun, laajamittaiseen käyttöön soveltuvan mittalaitteen puute. Tämän takia väitöskirjassa tutkittiin mahdollisuuksia jalostaa maidon juoksettumiskykyä epäsuorasti, jonkin toisen ominaisuuden kautta. Tällaisen ominaisuuden pitää olla kyllin voimakkaasti perinnöllisesti kytkeytynyt juoksettumiskykyyn, jotta jalostus olisi mahdollista sen avulla. Tutkittavat ominaisuudet olivat sonnien kokonaisjalostusarvossa jo mukana olevat maitotuotos ja utareterveyteen liittyvät ominaisuudet sekä kokonaisjalostusarvoon kuulumattomat maidon valkuais- ja kaseiinipitoisuus sekä maidon pH. Väitöskirjassa tutkittiin myös mahdollisuuksia ns. merkkiavusteiseen valintaan tutkimalla maidon juoksettumattomuuden perinnöllisyyttä ja kartoittamalla siihen liittyvät kromosomialueet. Tutkimuksen tulosten perusteella lehmien utareterveyden jalostaminen parantaa jonkin verran myös maidon juoksettumiskykyä sekä vähentää juoksettumattomuutta ayrshire-rotuisilla lehmillä. Lehmien maitotuotos ja maidon juoksettumiskyky sekä juoksettumattomuus ovat sen sijaan perinnöllisesti toisistaan riippumattomia ominaisuuksia. Myöskin maidon valkuais- ja kaseiinipitoisuuden perinnöllinen yhteys juoksettumiskykyyn oli likimain nolla. Maidon pH:n ja juoksettumiskyvyn välillä oli melko voimakas perinnöllinen yhteys, joten maidon pH:n jalostaminen parantaisi myös maidon juoksettumiskykyä. Todennäköisesti sen jalostaminen ei kuitenkaan vähentäisi juoksettumatonta maitoa tuottavien lehmien määrää. Koska maidon juoksettumattomuus on niin yleinen ongelma suomalaisilla ayrshire-lehmillä, väitöksessä selvitettiin tarkemmin ilmiön taustoja. Kaikissa kolmessa tutkimusaineistoissa noin 10 % ayrshire-lehmistä tuotti juoksettumatonta maitoa. Kahden vuoden kuukausittaisen seurannan aikana osa lehmistä tuotti juoksettumatonta maitoa lähes joka mittauskerralla. Maidon juoksettumattomuus oli yhteydessä lypsykauden vaiheeseen, mutta mikään ympäristötekijöistä ei pystynyt täysin selittämään sitä. Sen sijaan viitteet sen periytyvyydestä vahvistuivat tutkimusten edetessä. Lopuksi tutkimusryhmä onnistui kartoittamaan juoksettumattomuutta aiheuttavat kromosomialueet kromosomeihin 2 ja 18, lähelle DNA-merkkejä BMS1126 ja BMS1355. Tulosten perusteella maidon juoksettumattomuus ei ole yhteydessä maidon juoksettumistapahtumassa keskeisiin kaseiinigeeneihin. Sen sijaan on mahdollista, että juoksettumattomuusongelman aiheuttavat kaseiinigeenien syntetisoinnin jälkeisessä muokkauksessa tapahtuvat virheet. Asia vaatii kuitenkin perusteellista tutkimista. Väitöksen tulosten perusteella maidon juoksettumattomuusgeeniä kantavien eläinten karsiminen jalostuseläinten joukosta olisi tehokkain tapa jalostaa maidon juoksettumiskykyä suomalaisessa lypsykarjapopulaatiossa.


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Knowing the chromosomal areas or actual genes affecting the traits under selection would add more information to be used in the selection decisions which would potentially lead to higher genetic response. The first objective of this study was to map quantitative trait loci (QTL) affecting economically important traits in the Finnish Ayrshire population. The second objective was to investigate the effects of using QTL information in marker-assisted selection (MAS) on the genetic response and the linkage disequilibrium between the different parts of the genome. Whole genome scans were carried out on a grand-daughter design with 12 half-sib families and a total of 493 sons. Twelve different traits were studied: milk yield, protein yield, protein content, fat yield, fat content, somatic cell score (SCS), mastitis treatments, other veterinary treatments, days open, fertility treatments, non-return rate, and calf mortality. The average spacing of the typed markers was 20 cM with 2 to 14 markers per chromosome. Associations between markers and traits were analyzed with multiple marker regression. Significance was determined by permutation and genome-wise P-values obtained by Bonferroni correction. The benefits from MAS were investigated by simulation: a conventional progeny testing scheme was compared to a scheme where QTL information was used within families to select among full-sibs in the male path. Two QTL on different chromosomes were modelled. The effects of different starting frequencies of the favourable alleles and different size of the QTL effects were evaluated. A large number of QTL, 48 in total, were detected at 5% or higher chromosome-wise significance. QTL for milk production were found on 8 chromosomes, for SCS on 6, for mastitis treatments on 1, for other veterinary treatments on 5, for days open on 7, for fertility treatments on 7, for calf mortality on 6, and for non-return rate on 2 chromosomes. In the simulation study the total genetic response was faster with MAS than with conventional selection and the advantage of MAS persisted over the studied generations. The rate of response and the difference between the selection schemes reflected clearly the changes in allele frequencies of the favourable QTL. The disequilibrium between the polygenes and QTL was always negative and it was larger with larger QTL size. The disequilibrium between the two QTL was larger with QTL of large effect and it was somewhat larger with MAS for scenarios with starting frequencies below 0.5 for QTL of moderate size and below 0.3 for large QTL. In conclusion, several QTL affecting economically important traits of dairy cattle were detected. Further studies are needed to verify these QTL, check their presence in the present breeding population, look for pleiotropy and fine map the most interesting QTL regions. The results of the simulation studies show that using MAS together with embryo transfer to pre-select young bulls within families is a useful approach to increase the genetic merit of the AI-bulls compared to conventional selection.


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The baker s yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae has a long tradition in alcohol production from D-glucose of e.g. starch. However, without genetic modifications it is unable to utilise the 5-carbon sugars D-xylose and L arabinose present in plant biomass. In this study, one key metabolic step of the catabolic D-xylose pathway in recombinant D-xylose-utilising S. cerevisiae strains was studied. This step, carried out by xylulokinase (XK), was shown to be rate-limiting, because overexpression of the xylulokinase-encoding gene XKS1 increased both the specific ethanol production rate and the yield from D xylose. In addition, less of the unwanted side product xylitol was produced. Recombinant D-xylose-utilizing S. cerevisiae strains have been constructed by expressing the genes coding for the first two enzymes of the pathway, D-xylose reductase (XR) and xylitol dehydrogenase (XDH) from the D-xylose-utilising yeast Pichia stipitis. In this study, the ability of endogenous genes of S. cerevisiae to enable D-xylose utilisation was evaluated. Overexpression of the GRE3 gene coding for an unspecific aldose reductase and the ScXYL2 gene coding for a xylitol dehydrogenase homologue enabled growth on D-xylose in aerobic conditions. However, the strain with GRE3 and ScXYL2 had a lower growth rate and accumulated more xylitol compared to the strain with the corresponding enzymes from P. stipitis. Use of the strictly NADPH-dependent Gre3p instead of the P. stipitis XR able to utilise both NADH and NADPH leads to a more severe redox imbalance. In a S. cerevisiae strain not engineered for D-xylose utilisation the presence of D-xylose increased xylitol dehydrogenase activity and the expression of the genes SOR1 or SOR2 coding for sorbitol dehydrogenase. Thus, D-xylose utilisation by S. cerevisiae with activities encoded by ScXYL2 or possibly SOR1 or SOR2, and GRE3 is feasible, but requires efficient redox balance engineering. Compared to D-xylose, D-glucose is a cheap and readily available substrate and thus an attractive alternative for xylitol manufacture. In this study, the pentose phosphate pathway (PPP) of S. cerevisiae was engineered for production of xylitol from D-glucose. Xylitol was formed from D-xylulose 5-phosphate in strains lacking transketolase activity and expressing the gene coding for XDH from P. stipitis. In addition to xylitol, ribitol, D-ribose and D-ribulose were also formed. Deletion of the xylulokinase-encoding gene increased xylitol production, whereas the expression of DOG1 coding for sugar phosphate phosphatase increased ribitol, D-ribose and D-ribulose production. Strains lacking phosphoglucose isomerase (Pgi1p) activity were shown to produce 5 carbon compounds through PPP when DOG1 was overexpressed. Expression of genes encoding glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase of Bacillus subtilis, GapB, or NAD-dependent glutamate dehydrogenase Gdh2p of S. cerevisiae, altered the cellular redox balance and enhanced growth of pgi1 strains on D glucose, but co-expression with DOG1 reduced growth on higher D-glucose concentrations. Strains lacking both transketolase and phosphoglucose isomerase activities tolerated only low D-glucose concentrations, but the yield of 5-carbon sugars and sugar alcohols on D-glucose was about 50% (w/w).


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Transposons, mobile genetic elements that are ubiquitous in all living organisms have been used as tools in molecular biology for decades. They have the ability to move into discrete DNA locations with no apparent homology to the target site. The utility of transposons as molecular tools is based on their ability to integrate into various DNA sequences efficiently, producing extensive mutant clone libraries that can be used in various molecular biology applications. Bacteriophage Mu is one of the most useful transposons due to its well-characterized and simple in vitro transposition reaction. This study establishes the properties of the Mu in vitro transposition system as a versatile multipurpose tool in molecular biology. In addition, this study describes Mu-based applications for engineering proteins by random insertional transposon mutagenesis in order to study structure-function relationships in proteins. We initially characterized the properties of the minimal Mu in vitro transposition system. We showed that the Mu transposition system works efficiently and accurately and produces insertions into a wide spectrum of target sites in different DNA molecules. Then, we developed a pentapeptide insertion mutagenesis strategy for inserting random five amino acid cassettes into proteins. These protein variants can be used especially for screening important sites for protein-protein interactions. Also, the system may produce temperature-sensitive variants of the protein of interest. Furthermore, we developed an efficient screening system for high-resolution mapping of protein-protein interfaces with the pentapeptide insertion mutagenesis. This was accomplished by combining the mutagenesis with subsequent yeast two-hybrid screening and PCR-based genetic footprinting. This combination allows the analysis of the whole mutant library en masse, without the need for producing or isolating separate mutant clones, and the protein-protein interfaces can be determined at amino acid accuracy. The system was validated by analysing the interacting region of JFC1 with Rab8A, and we show that the interaction is mediated via the JFC1 Slp homology domain. In addition, we developed a procedure for the production of nested sets of N- and C-terminal deletion variants of proteins with the Mu system. These variants are useful in many functional studies of proteins, especially in mapping regions involved in protein-protein interactions. This methodology was validated by analysing the region in yeast Mso1 involved in an interaction with Sec1. The results of this study show that the Mu in vitro transposition system is versatile for various applicational purposes and can efficiently be adapted to random protein engineering applications for functional studies of proteins.


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The reported incidence of human campylobacteriosis in Finland is higher than in most other European countries. A high annual percentage of sporadic infections is of foreign origin, although a notable proportion of summer infections is domestically acquired. While chickens appear to be a major source of campylobacters for humans in most countries, the prevalence of campylobacters is very low in chicken slaughter batches in Finland. Data on other potential animal reservoirs of human pathogenic campylobacters in Finland are scarce. Consequently, this study aimed to investigate the status of Finnish cattle as a potential source of thermophilic Campylobacter spp. and antibiotic-resistant Campylobacter jejuni for human sporadic campylobacter infections of domestic origin. A survey of the prevalence of thermophilic Campylobacter spp. in Finnish cattle studied bovine rectal faecal samples (n=952) and carcass surface samples (n=948) from twelve Finnish slaughterhouses from January to December 2003. The total prevalence of Campylobacter spp. in faecal samples was 31.1%, and in carcass samples 3.5%. Campylobacter jejuni, the most common species, was present in 19.5% of faecal samples and in 3.1% of carcasses. In addition to thermophilic Campylobacter spp., C. hyointestinalis ssp. hyointestinalis was present in bovine samples. The prevalence of campylobacters was higher among beef cattle than among dairy cattle. Using the enrichment method, the number of positive faecal samples was 7.5 times higher than that obtained by direct plating. The predominant serotypes of faecal C. jejuni, determined by serotyping with a set of 25 commercial antisera for heat-stable antigens (Penner), were Pen2 and Pen4-complex, which covered 52% of the samples. Genotyping with pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) using SmaI restriction yielded a high diversity of C. jejuni subtypes in cattle. Determining the minimum inhibitory concentrations of ampicillin, enrofloxacin, erythromycin, gentamicin, nalidixic acid, and oxytetracycline among bovine C. jejuni isolates using a commercial broth microdilution method yielded 9% of isolates resistant to at least one of the antimicrobials examined. No multiresistant isolates were found among the bovine C. jejuni strains. The study of the shedding patterns of Campylobacter spp. among three Finnish dairy cattle herds included the examination of fresh faecal samples and tank milk samples taken five times, as well as samples from drinking troughs taken once during the one-year study. The semiquantitative enrichment method detected C. jejuni in 169 of the 340 faecal samples, mostly at low levels. In addition, C. jejuni was present in one drinking trough sample. The prevalence between herds and sampling occasions varied widely. PFGE, using SmaI as restriction enzyme, identified only a few subtypes in each herd. In two 2 of the herds, two subtypes persisted throughout the sampling. Individual animals presented various shedding patterns during the study. Comparison of C. jejuni isolates from humans, chickens and cattle included the design of primers for four new genetic markers selected from completely sequenced C. jejuni genomes 81-176, RM1221 and NCTC 11168, and the PCR examination of domestic human isolates from southern Finland in 1996, 2002 and 2003 (n=309), chicken isolates from 2003, 2006 and 2007 (n=205), and bovine isolates from 2003 (n=131). The results revealed that bovine isolates differed significantly from human and chicken isolates. In particular, the - glutamyl transpeptidase gene was uncommon among bovine isolates. The PFGE genotyping of C. jejuni isolates, using SmaI and KpnI restriction enzymes, included a geographically representative collection of isolates from domestic sporadic human infections, chicken slaughter batches, and cattle faeces and carcasses during the seasonal peak of campylobacteriosis in the summer of 2003. The study determined that 55.4% of human isolates were indistinguishable from those of chickens and cattle. Temporal association between isolates from humans and chickens was possible in 31.4% of human infections. Approximately 19% of the human infections may have been associated with cattle. However, isolates from bovine carcasses and human cases represented different PFGE subtypes. In conclusion, this study suggests that Finnish cattle is a notable reservoir of C. jejuni, the most important Campylobacter sp. in human enteric infections. Although the concentration of these organisms in bovine faeces appeared to be low, excretion can be persistent. The genetic diversity and presence or absence of marker genes support previous suggestions of host-adapted C. jejuni strains, and may indicate variations in virulence between strains from different hosts. In addition to chickens, Finnish cattle appeared to be an important reservoir and possible source of C. jejuni in domestic sporadic human infections. However, sources of campylobacters may differ between rural and urban areas in Finland, and in general, the transmission of C. jejuni of bovine origin probably occurs via other routes than food.