28 resultados para 8-68

em Helda - Digital Repository of University of Helsinki


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Miniaturization of analytical instrumentation is attracting growing interest in response to the explosive demand for rapid, yet sensitive analytical methods and low-cost, highly automated instruments for pharmaceutical and bioanalyses and environmental monitoring. Microfabrication technology in particular, has enabled fabrication of low-cost microdevices with a high degree of integrated functions, such as sample preparation, chemical reaction, separation, and detection, on a single microchip. These miniaturized total chemical analysis systems (microTAS or lab-on-a-chip) can also be arrayed for parallel analyses in order to accelerate the sample throughput. Other motivations include reduced sample consumption and waste production as well as increased speed of analysis. One of the most promising hyphenated techniques in analytical chemistry is the combination of a microfluidic separation chip and mass spectrometer (MS). In this work, the emerging polymer microfabrication techniques, ultraviolet lithography in particular, were exploited to develop a capillary electrophoresis (CE) separation chip which incorporates a monolithically integrated electrospray ionization (ESI) emitter for efficient coupling with MS. An epoxy photoresist SU-8 was adopted as structural material and characterized with respect to its physicochemical properties relevant to chip-based CE and ESI/MS, namely surface charge, surface interactions, heat transfer, and solvent compatibility. As a result, SU-8 was found to be a favorable material to substitute for the more commonly used glass and silicon in microfluidic applications. In addition, an infrared (IR) thermography was introduced as direct, non-intrusive method to examine the heat transfer and thermal gradients during microchip-CE. The IR data was validated through numerical modeling. The analytical performance of SU-8-based microchips was established for qualitative and quantitative CE-ESI/MS analysis of small drug compounds, peptides, and proteins. The CE separation efficiency was found to be similar to that of commercial glass microchips and conventional CE systems. Typical analysis times were only 30-90 s per sample indicating feasibility for high-throughput analysis. Moreover, a mass detection limit at the low-attomole level, as low as 10E+5 molecules, was achieved utilizing MS detection. The SU-8 microchips developed in this work could also be mass produced at low cost and with nearly identical performance from chip to chip. Until this work, the attempts to combine CE separation with ESI in a chip-based system, amenable to batch fabrication and capable of high, reproducible analytical performance, have not been successful. Thus, the CE-ESI chip developed in this work is a substantial step toward lab-on-a-chip technology.


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Tutkimuskohteenani on vuonna 1988 syntyneiden suomenkielisten suomalaisten nuorten historiakulttuuri ja historiatietoisuus. Tutkimustehtävä kiteytyi kolmeen pääkysymykseen: mitkä historian välittäjäkanavat vaikuttavat eniten nuorten käsityksiin menneisyydestä, millä tavoin ja kuinka usein nuoret törmäävät historiaan arkielämässään ja millaiset historialliset tapahtumat ovat nuorille merkityksellisiä. Tutkimusjoukko muodostui 1093 kahdeksasluokkalaisesta, jotka vastasivat lomakekyselyyn kevätlukukaudella 2003. Menetelmänä käytettiin ryväsotantaa. Kyselylomake sisälsi pääosin suljettuja kysymyksiä. Tutkimuksen metodit ovat pääosin kvantitatiivisia. Analyysissa käytettiin frekvenssilaskentaa, keskiarvojen vertailua sekä havainnollistuksena taulukoita ja pylväsdiagrammeja. Kvantitatiivisilla menetelmillä kartoitettiin yleiskuvaa nuorten historiakulttuurista sekä eroja tyttöjen ja poikien välillä. Kvalitatiivista tutkimusotetta käytettiin avointen kysymysten kohdalla sekä analysoitaessa historian välittäjäkanavia julkisten ja kansanomaisten - oman, perheen ja suvun sisäisten sekä suvun ulkopuolisten - historian esityksinä. Nuorten historiatietoisuutta muokkaa eniten kouluopetus, jota vahvistaa median ylläpitämä julkinen historiakulttuuri. Viikoittaisissa historian kohtaamisissa poikien historiakulttuuria leimasivat tyttöjä enemmän julkiset historianesitykset - sanomalehdet ja visuaalinen eläytyminen television kautta - sekä historialliset roolipelit. Tyttöjen viikoittaisessa historian kohtaamisessa nousi voimakkaasti esille oman, henkilökohtaisen ja suvun historian käsittely päiväkirjan kirjoittamisen, muistoesineiden ja valokuvien kautta.Tytöt käyttävätkin historiaa oman elämänhistoriansa jäsentämisen sekä tradition siirtämisen tarkoituksessa. Nimenomaan heidän kauttaan näyttää elävän vahvana suvun muisteluperinne. Vaikka nuoret kohtaavat kansanomaisia historianesityksiä enemmän kuin julkista historiakulttuuria, heidän historiatietoisuutensa keskittyy jälkimmäiseen. He mieltävät tärkeäksi historiaksi lähinnä kansallisen menneisyyden ja historiakulttuurin julkiset muodot. Kouluopetuksen vaikutus näkyi nuorten vahvana uskona kansalliseen kertomukseen. Nuoret näkevät erityisen tärkeäksi Suomen itsenäisyyden ja Suomen sodat 1939-45 voitettuina itsenäisyyskamppailuina. Mannerheimia arvostettiin Suomen historian tärkeimpänä samaistumiskohteena ja Suomen sotien merkitys kulminoitui suvun jäsenten kohtaloiden ja kansallisen julkisen historian limittymiseen. Historian reseptiossa jatkotutkimuksen aiheita voisivat olla maaseudulla ja kaupungissa elävien nuorten historiakulttuurien erojen sekä erilaisten historiakulttuuristen alaryhmien hahmottaminen. Empiiristä kartoitusta ja vertailevaa tutkimusta voisi tehdä myös eri ikäryhmien historiakulttuurien välillä.


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Background. Evidence of cognitive dysfunction in depressive and anxiety disorders is growing. However, the neuropsychological profile of young adults has received only little systematic investigation, although depressive and anxiety disorders are major public health problems for this age group. Available studies have typically failed to account for psychiatric comorbidity, and samples derived from population-based settings have also seldom been investigated. Burnout-related cognitive functioning has previously been investigated in only few studies, again all using clinical samples and wide age groups. Aims. Based on the information gained by conducting a comprehensive review, studies on cognitive impairment in depressive and anxiety disorders among young adults are rare. The present study examined cognitive functioning in young adults with a history of unipolar depressive or anxiety disorders in comparison to healthy peers, and associations of current burnout symptoms with cognitive functioning, in a population-based setting. The aim was also to determine whether cognitive deficits vary as a function of different disorder characteristics, such as severity, psychiatric comorbidity, age at onset, or the treatments received. Methods. Verbal and visual short-term memory, verbal long-term memory and learning, attention, psychomotor processing speed, verbal intelligence, and executive functioning were measured in a population-based sample of 21-35 year olds. Performance was compared firstly between participants with pure non-psychotic depression (n=68) and healthy peers (n=70), secondly between pure (n=69) and comorbid depression (n=57), and thirdly between participants with anxiety disorders (n=76) and healthy peers (n=71). The diagnostic procedure was based on the SCID interview. Fourthly, the associations of current burnout symptoms, measured with the Maslach Burnout Inventory General Survey, and neuropsychological test performance were investigated among working young adults (n=225). Results. Young adults with depressive or anxiety disorders, with or without psychiatric comorbidity, were not found to have major cognitive impairments when compared to healthy peers. Only mildly compromised verbal learning was found among depressed participants. Pure and comorbid depression groups did not differ in cognitive functioning, either. Among depressed participants, those who had received treatment showed more impaired verbal memory and executive functioning, and earlier onset corresponded with more impaired executive functioning. In anxiety disorders, psychotropic medication and low psychosocial functioning were associated with deficits in executive functioning, psychomotor processing speed, and visual short-term memory. Current burnout symptoms were associated with better performance in verbal working memory and verbal intelligence. However, lower examiner-rated social and occupational functioning was associated with problems in verbal attention, memory, and learning. Conclusions. Depression, anxiety disorders, or burnout symptoms may not be associated with major cognitive deficits among young adults derived from the general population. Even psychiatric comorbidity may not aggravate cognitive functioning in depressive or anxiety disorders among these young adults. However, treatment-seeking in depression was found to be associated with cognitive deficits, suggesting that these deficits relate to increased distress. Additionally, early-onset depression, found to be associated with executive dysfunction, may represent a more severe form of the disorder. In anxiety disorders, those with low symptom-related psychosocial functioning may have cognitive impairment. An association with self-reported burnout symptoms and cognitive deficits was not detected, but individuals with low social and occupational functioning may have impaired cognition.


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The aim of the present study was to assess oral health and treatment needs among adult Iranians according to socio-demographic status, smoking, and oral hygiene, and to investigate the relationships between these determinants and oral health. Data for 4448 young adult (aged 18) and 8301 middle-aged (aged 35 to 44) Iranians were collected in 2002 as part of a national survey using the World Health Organization (WHO) criteria for sampling and clinical diagnoses, across 28 provinces by 33 calibrated examiners. Gender, age, place of residence, and level of education served as socio-demographic information, smoking as behavioural and modified plaque index (PI) as the biological risk indicator for oral hygiene. Number of teeth, decayed teeth (DT), filled teeth (FT), decayed, missing, filled teeth (DMFT), community periodontal index (CPI), and prosthodontic rehabilitation served as outcome variables of oral health. Mean number of DMFT was 4.3 (Standard deviation (SD) = 3.7) in young adults and 11.0 (SD = 6.4) among middle-aged individuals. Among young adults the D-component (DT = 70%), and among middle-aged individuals the M-component (60%) dominated in the DMFT index. Among young adults, visible plaque was found in nearly all subjects. Maximum (max) PI was associated with higher mean number of DT, and higher periodontal treatment needs. A healthy periodontium was a rare condition, with 8% of young adults and 1% of middle-aged individuals having a max CPI = 0. The majority of the CPI findings among young adults consisted of calculus (48%) and deepened periodontal pockets (21%). Respective values for middle-aged individuals were 40% and 53%. Having a deep pocket (max CPI = 4) was more likely among young adults with a low level of education (Odds ratio (OR) = 2.7, 95% Confidence interval (CI) = 1.9–4.0) than it was among well-educated individuals. Among middle-aged individuals, having calculus or a periodontal pocket was more likely in men (OR = 1.8, 95% CI = 1.6–2.0) and in illiterate subjects (OR = 6.3, 95% CI = 5.1–7.8) than it was for their counterparts. Among young adults, having 28 teeth was more (p < 0.05) prevalent among men (72% vs. 68% for women), urban residents (71% vs. 67% for rural residents), and those with a high level of education (73% vs. 60% for those with a low level). Among middle-aged individuals, having a functional dentition was associated with younger age (OR = 2.0, 95% CI = 1.7−2.5) and higher level of education (OR = 1.8, 95% CI = 1.6−2.1). Of middle-aged individuals, 2% of 35- to 39-year-olds and 5% of those aged 40 to 44 were edentulous. Among the dentate subjects (n = 7,925), prosthodontic rehabilitation was more prevalent (p < 0.001) among women, urban residents, and those with a high level of education than it was among their counterparts. Among those having 1 to 19 teeth, a removable denture was the most common type of prosthodontic rehabilitation. Middle-aged individuals lacking a functional dentition were more likely (OR = 6.0, 95% CI = 4.8−7.6) to have prosthodontic rehabilitation than were those having a functional dentition. In total, 81% of all reported being non-smokers, and 32% of men and 5% of women were current smokers. Heavy smokers were the most likely to have deepened periodontal pockets (max CPI ≥ 3, OR = 2.9, 95% CI = 1.8−4.7) and to have less than 20 teeth (OR = 2.3, 95% CI = 1.5−3.6). The findings indicate impaired oral health status in adult Iranians, particularly those of low socio-economic status and educational level. The high prevalence of dental plaque and calculus and considerable unmet treatment needs call for a preventive population strategy with special emphasis on the improvement of oral self-care and smoking cessation to tackle the underlying risk factors for oral diseases in the Iranian adult population.


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Matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) -8, collagenase-2, is a key mediator of irreversible tissue destruction in chronic periodontitis and detectable in gingival crevicular fluid (GCF). MMP-8 mostly originates from neutrophil leukocytes, the first line of defence cells which exist abundantly in GCF, especially in inflammation. MMP-8 is capable of degrading almost all extra-cellular matrix and basement membrane components and is especially efficient against type I collagen. Thus the expression of MMP-8 in GCF could be valuable in monitoring the activity of periodontitis and possibly offers a diagnostic means to predict progression of periodontitis. In this study the value of MMP-8 detection from GCF in monitoring of periodontal health and disease was evaluated with special reference to its ability to differentiate periodontal health and different disease states of the periodontium and to recognise the progression of periodontitis, i.e. active sites. For chair-side detection of MMP-8 from the GCF or peri-implant sulcus fluid (PISF) samples, a dip-stick test based on immunochromatography involving two monoclonal antibodies was developed. The immunoassay for the detection of MMP-8 from GCF was found to be more suitable for monitoring of periodontitis than detection of GCF elastase concentration or activity. Periodontally healthy subjects and individuals suffering of gingivitis or of periodontitis could be differentiated by means of GCF MMP-8 levels and dipstick testing when the positive threshold value of the MMP-8 chair-side test was set at 1000 µg/l. MMP-8 dipstick test results from periodontally healthy and from subjects with gingivitis were mainly negative while periodontitis patients sites with deep pockets ( 5 mm) and which were bleeding on probing were most often test positive. Periodontitis patients GCF MMP-8 levels decreased with hygiene phase periodontal treatment (scaling and root planing, SRP) and even reduced during the three month maintenance phase. A decrease in GCF MMP-8 levels could be monitored with the MMP-8 test. Agreement between the test stick and the quantitative assay was very good (κ = 0.81) and the test provided a baseline sensitivity of 0.83 and specificity of 0.96. During the 12-month longitudinal maintenance phase, periodontitis patients progressing sites (sites with an increase in attachment loss ≥ 2 mm during the maintenance phase) had elevated GCF MMP-8 levels compared with stable sites. General mean MMP-8 concentrations in smokers (S) sites were lower than in non-smokers (NS) sites but in progressing S and NS sites concentrations were at an equal level. Sites with exceptionally and repeatedly elevated MMP-8 concentrations during the maintenance phase were clustered in smoking patients with poor response to SRP (refractory patients). These sites especially were identified by the MMP-8 test. Subgingival plaque samples from periodontitis patients deep periodontal pockets were examined by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to find out if periodontal lesions may serve as a niche for Chlamydia pneumoniae. Findings were compared with the clinical periodontal parameters and GCF MMP-8 levels to determine the correlation with periodontal status. Traces of C. pneumoniae were identified from one periodontitis patient s pooled subgingival plaque sample by means of PCR. After periodontal treatment (SRP) the sample was negative for C. pneumoniae. Clinical parameters or biomarkers (MMP-8) of the patient with the positive C. pneumoniae finding did not differ from other study patients. In this study it was concluded that MMP-8 concentrations in GCF of sites from periodontally healthy individuals, subjects with gingivitis or with periodontitis are at different levels. The cut-off value of the developed MMP-8 test is at an optimal level to differentiate between these conditions and can possibly be utilised in identification of individuals at the risk of the transition of gingivitis to periodontitis. In periodontitis patients, repeatedly elevated GCF MMP-8 concentrations may indicate sites at risk of progression of periodontitis as well as patients with poor response to conventional periodontal treatment (SRP). This can be monitored by MMP-8 testing. Despite the lower mean GCF MMP-8 concentrations in smokers, a fraction of smokers sites expressed very high MMP-8 concentrations together with enhanced periodontal activity and could be identified with MMP-8 specific chair-side test. Deep periodontal lesions may be niches for non-periodontopathogenic micro-organisms with systemic effects like C. pneumoniae and possibly play a role in the transmission from one subject to another.


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Clinical trials have shown that weight reduction with lifestyles can delay or prevent diabetes and reduce blood pressure. An appropriate definition of obesity using anthropometric measures is useful in predicting diabetes and hypertension at the population level. However, there is debate on which of the measures of obesity is best or most strongly associated with diabetes and hypertension and on what are the optimal cut-off values for body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference (WC) in this regard. The aims of the study were 1) to compare the strength of the association for undiagnosed or newly diagnosed diabetes (or hypertension) with anthropometric measures of obesity in people of Asian origin, 2) to detect ethnic differences in the association of undiagnosed diabetes with obesity, 3) to identify ethnic- and sex-specific change point values of BMI and WC for changes in the prevalence of diabetes and 4) to evaluate the ethnic-specific WC cutoff values proposed by the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) in 2005 for central obesity. The study population comprised 28 435 men and 35 198 women, ≥ 25 years of age, from 39 cohorts participating in the DECODA and DECODE studies, including 5 Asian Indian (n = 13 537), 3 Mauritian Indian (n = 4505) and Mauritian Creole (n = 1075), 8 Chinese (n =10 801), 1 Filipino (n = 3841), 7 Japanese (n = 7934), 1 Mongolian (n = 1991), and 14 European (n = 20 979) studies. The prevalence of diabetes, hypertension and central obesity was estimated, using descriptive statistics, and the differences were determined with the χ2 test. The odds ratios (ORs) or  coefficients (from the logistic model) and hazard ratios (HRs, from the Cox model to interval censored data) for BMI, WC, waist-to-hip ratio (WHR), and waist-to-stature ratio (WSR) were estimated for diabetes and hypertension. The differences between BMI and WC, WHR or WSR were compared, applying paired homogeneity tests (Wald statistics with 1 df). Hierarchical three-level Bayesian change point analysis, adjusting for age, was applied to identify the most likely cut-off/change point values for BMI and WC in association with previously undiagnosed diabetes. The ORs for diabetes in men (women) with BMI, WC, WHR and WSR were 1.52 (1.59), 1.54 (1.70), 1.53 (1.50) and 1.62 (1.70), respectively and the corresponding ORs for hypertension were 1.68 (1.55), 1.66 (1.51), 1.45 (1.28) and 1.63 (1.50). For diabetes the OR for BMI did not differ from that for WC or WHR, but was lower than that for WSR (p = 0.001) in men while in women the ORs were higher for WC and WSR than for BMI (both p < 0.05). Hypertension was more strongly associated with BMI than with WHR in men (p < 0.001) and most strongly with BMI than with WHR (p < 0.001), WSR (p < 0.01) and WC (p < 0.05) in women. The HRs for incidence of diabetes and hypertension did not differ between BMI and the other three central obesity measures in Mauritian Indians and Mauritian Creoles during follow-ups of 5, 6 and 11 years. The prevalence of diabetes was highest in Asian Indians, lowest in Europeans and intermediate in others, given the same BMI or WC category. The  coefficients for diabetes in BMI (kg/m2) were (men/women): 0.34/0.28, 0.41/0.43, 0.42/0.61, 0.36/0.59 and 0.33/0.49 for Asian Indian, Chinese, Japanese, Mauritian Indian and European (overall homogeneity test: p > 0.05 in men and p < 0.001 in women). Similar results were obtained in WC (cm). Asian Indian women had lower  coefficients than women of other ethnicities. The change points for BMI were 29.5, 25.6, 24.0, 24.0 and 21.5 in men and 29.4, 25.2, 24.9, 25.3 and 22.5 (kg/m2) in women of European, Chinese, Mauritian Indian, Japanese, and Asian Indian descent. The change points for WC were 100, 85, 79 and 82 cm in men and 91, 82, 82 and 76 cm in women of European, Chinese, Mauritian Indian, and Asian Indian. The prevalence of central obesity using the 2005 IDF definition was higher in Japanese men but lower in Japanese women than in their Asian counterparts. The prevalence of central obesity was 52 times higher in Japanese men but 0.8 times lower in Japanese women compared to the National Cholesterol Education Programme definition. The findings suggest that both BMI and WC predicted diabetes and hypertension equally well in all ethnic groups. At the same BMI or WC level, the prevalence of diabetes was highest in Asian Indians, lowest in Europeans and intermediate in others. Ethnic- and sex-specific change points of BMI and WC should be considered in setting diagnostic criteria for obesity to detect undiagnosed or newly diagnosed diabetes.


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The immediate effects of two human-related vegetation disturbances, (1) green tree retention (GTR) patch felling and scarification by harrowing and (2) experimental understorey vegetation layer removal, were examined in boreal forest stands in Finland. Effects of GTR patch felling and scarification on tree uprootings, on coarse woody debris (CWD) and on epixylic plant community were followed in upland and in paludified forest types. Uprootings increased considerably during 2-3 years after the fellings and were more frequent (47%) in the paludified than in the upland forest (13%). Scarification reduced 68% of the CWD in the felling area. Cover and especially species richness of epixylics declined in the both areas during 1-2 years after the felling. The increasing size of GTR patch correlated positively with the species richness. Regeneration of understorey vegetation community and Vaccinium myrtillus and Vaccinium vitis-idaea after different removals of vegetation layers in an old-growth forest took four years. The regeneration occurred mainly by vegetative means and it was faster in the terms of species richness than in the cover. In the most severe treatment, recovery occurred merely by sexual reproduction. V. myrtillus recovered mainly by producing new shoots. V. vitis-idaea recovered faster than V. myrtillus, mainly by increasing length growth. For ecological reasons, use of larger GTR patches on paludified biotope would be recommendable. In felling areas, scarification by harrowing could be replaced with some other spot-wise method. After moderate intensity level disturbance, recovery occurs rapidly by vegetative regrowth of the dominating species. High level of intensity may prevent the recovery of vegetation community for years, while enabling also the genetic regeneration of the initial species. Local anthropogenic-related disturbances are currently increasing and they can interact during temporally short times, which should be taken in to account in the future forest management plans.


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Thirty percent of 70-year-old women have osteoporosis; after age of 80 its prevalence is up to 70%. Postmenopausal women with osteoporosis seem to be at an increased risk for cardiovascular events, and deterioration of oral health, as shown by attachment loss of teeth, which is proportional to the severity of osteoporosis. Osteoporosis can be treated with many different medication, e.g. estrogen and alendronate. We randomized 90 elderly osteoporotic women (65-80 years of age) to receive hormone therapy (HT)(2mg E2+NETA), 10mg alendronate, and their combination for two years and compared their effects on bone mineral density (BMD) and turnover, two surrogate markers of the risk of cardiovascular diseases, C-reactive protein (CRP) and E-selectin, as well as oral health. The effect of HT on health-related quality of life (HRQoL) was studied in the population-based cohort of 1663 postmenopausal women (mean age 68 yr) (585 estrogen users and 1078 non-users). BMD was measured with dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) at 0, 12 and 24 months. Urinary N-telopeptide (NTX) of type I collagen, a marker of bone resorption, and serum aminoterminal propeptide of human type I procollagen (PINP), a marker of bone formation, were measured every six months of treatment. Serum CRP and E-selectin, were measured at 0, 6, and 12 months. Dental, and periodontal conditions, and gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-8 levels were studied to evaluate the oral health status and for the mouth symptoms a structured questionnaire was used. The HRQoL was measured with 15D questionnaire. Lumbar spine BMD increased similarly in all treatment groups (6.8-8.4% and 9.1-11.2%). Only HT increased femoral neck BMD at both 12 (4.9%) and 24 months (5.8%), at the latter time point the HT group differed significantly from the other groups. HT reduced bone marker levels of NTX and PINP significantly less than other two groups.Oral HT significantly increased serum CRP level by 76.5% at 6 and by 47.1% (NS) at 12 months, and decreased serum E-selectin level by 24.3% and 30.0%. Alendronate had no effect on these surrogate markers. Alendronate caused a decrease in the resting salivary flow rate and tended to increase GCF MMP-8 levels. Otherwise, there was no effect on the parameters of oral health. HT improved the HRQoL of elderly women significantly on the dimensions of usual activities, vitality and sexual activity, but the overall improvement in HRQoL was neither statistically significant nor clinically important. In conclusion, bisphosphonates might be the first option to start the treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis in the old age.


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Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) is associated with growth disturbances, especially leg length discrepancy (LLD) and knee valgus deformity (KVD). Studies have demonstrated growth plate stimulation with chronic arthritis. In the context of surgical treatment of LLD or KVD of a growing knee, the less invasive procedures, which allow immediate mobilisation, are preferred. Establishment of the skeletal age and the correction potential in the knees of rheumatic children is difficult due to rheumatic changes. In this present work, an analysis of the efficacy, safety and long-term results of temporary epiphyseal arrests performed in Rheumatism Foundation Hospital (Heinola, Finland). The distribution of diagnoses among children (n=71) with JIA and LLD (68 knees) was consistent with the normal oligoarthritis-predominated population of children with JIA. A higher male:female ratio (1:1.7 vs. 1:2.4 in population-based studies (PBS)) and earlier mean onset age (4 vs. 7 years in PBSs) were, however, distinct features in the study population. In most cases the correction was reliable and temporary arrest produced a mean correction of 1mm per month. The time of arrest required, however, varied significantly, probably due to the effect of underlying diseases and medication, and the age of the child. All complications encountered (10%) were minor. The correction achieved persisted in long-term follow-up. KVD (n=112, 177 knees) was associated with a high proportion of polyarthritic disease subtype (45% vs. 12-31% in PBSs), and the male:female distribution was grossly female-dominated (1:4.9 vs. 1:2.4 in PBSs). The early mean onset age (3 vs. 7 years in PBSs) was also notable in this cohort. Successful correction was achieved in 2/3 cases and the mean angular correction was 0.7 degrees per month. The required time of arrest, however, varied considerably. In 13% of knees the paucity of follow-up visits resulted in over-correction to varus. The complication rate (3%) in the knees operated for KVD was considerably lower compared to ten per cent in the management of LLD. Most of the complications related to epiphyseal stapling were reversible. However, the risk of premature closure of growth plates does exist. The number of over-corrections was notably high, with 13% knees turning to varus. The correction achieved persisted in long-term follow-up.


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Visual acuities at the time of referral and on the day before surgery were compared in 124 patients operated on for cataract in Vaasa Central Hospital, Finland. Preoperative visual acuity and the occurrence of ocular and general disease were compared in samples of consecutive cataract extractions performed in 1982, 1985, 1990, 1995 and 2000 in two hospitals in the Vaasa region in Finland. The repeatability and standard deviation of random measurement error in visual acuity and refractive error determination in a clinical environment in cataractous, pseudophakic and healthy eyes were estimated by re-examining visual acuity and refractive error of patients referred to cataract surgery or consultation by ophthalmic professionals. Altogether 99 eyes of 99 persons (41 cataractous, 36 pseudophakic and 22 healthy eyes) with a visual acuity range of Snellen 0.3 to 1.3 (0.52 to -0.11 logMAR) were examined. During an average waiting time of 13 months, visual acuity in the study eye decreased from 0.68 logMAR to 0.96 logMAR (from 0.2 to 0.1 in Snellen decimal values). The average decrease in vision was 0.27 logMAR per year. In the fastest quartile, visual acuity change per year was 0.75 logMAR, and in the second fastest 0.29 logMAR, the third and fourth quartiles were virtually unaffected. From 1982 to 2000, the incidence of cataract surgery increased from 1.0 to 7.2 operations per 1000 inhabitants per year in the Vaasa region. The average preoperative visual acuity in the operated eye increased by 0.85 logMAR (in decimal values from 0.03to 0.2) and in the better eye 0.27 logMAR (in decimal values from 0.23 to 0.43) over this period. The proportion of patients profoundly visually handicapped (VA in the better eye <0.1) before the operation fell from 15% to 4%, and that of patients less profoundly visually handicapped (VA in the better eye 0.1 to <0.3) from 47% to 15%. The repeatability visual acuity measurement estimated as a coefficient of repeatability for all 99 eyes was ±0.18 logMAR, and the standard deviation of measurement error was 0.06 logMAR. Eyes with the lowest visual acuity (0.3-0.45) had the largest variability, the coefficient of repeatability values being ±0.24 logMAR and eyes with a visual acuity of 0.7 or better had the smallest, ±0.12 logMAR. The repeatability of refractive error measurement was studied in the same patient material as the repeatability of visual acuity. Differences between measurements 1 and 2 were calculated as three-dimensional vector values and spherical equivalents and expressed by coefficients of repeatability. Coefficients of repeatability for all eyes for vertical, torsional and horisontal vectors were ±0.74D, ±0.34D and ±0.93D, respectively, and for spherical equivalent for all eyes ±0.74D. Eyes with lower visual acuity (0.3-0.45) had larger variability in vector and spherical equivalent values (±1.14), but the difference between visual acuity groups was not statistically significant. The difference in the mean defocus equivalent between measurements 1 and 2 was, however, significantly greater in the lower visual acuity group. If a change of ±0.5D (measured in defocus equivalents) is accepted as a basis for change of spectacles for eyes with good vision, the basis for eyes in the visual acuity range of 0.3 - 0.65 would be ±1D. Differences in repeated visual acuity measurements are partly explained by errors in refractive error measurements.


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The greatest effect on reducing mortality in breast cancer comes from the detection and treatment of invasive cancer when it is as small as possible. Although mammography screening is known to be effective, observer errors are frequent and false-negative cancers can be found in retrospective studies of prior mammograms. In the year 2001, 67 women with 69 surgically proven cancers detected at screening in the Mammography Centre of Helsinki University Hospital had previous mammograms as well. These mammograms were analyzed by an experienced screening radiologist, who found that 36 lesions were already visible in previous screening rounds. CAD (Second Look v. 4.01) detected 23 of these missed lesions. Eight readers with different kinds of experience with mammography screening read the films of 200 women with and without CAD. These films included 35 of those missed lesions and 16 screen-detected cancers. CAD sensitivity was 70.6% and specificity 15.8%. Use of CAD lengthened the mean time spent for readings but did not significantly affect readers sensitivities or specificities. Therefore the use of applied version of CAD (Second Look v. 4.01) is questionable. Because none of those eight readers found exactly same cancers, two reading methods were compared: summarized independent reading (at least a single cancer-positive opinion within the group considered decisive) and conference consensus reading (the cancer-positive opinion of the reader majority was considered decisive). The greatest sensitivity of 74.5% was achieved when the independent readings of 4 best-performing readers were summarized. Overall the summarized independent readings were more sensitive than conference consensus readings (64.7% vs. 43.1%) while there was far less difference in mean specificities (92.4% vs. 97.7%). After detecting suspicious lesion, the radiologist has to decide what is the most accurate, fast, and cost-effective means of further work-up. The feasibility of FNAC and CNB in the diagnosis of breast lesions was compared in non-randomised, retrospective study of 580 (503 malignant) breast lesions of 572 patients. The absolute sensitivity for CNB was better than for FNAC, 96% (206/214) vs. 67% (194/289) (p < 0.0001). An additional needle biopsy or surgical biopsy was performed for 93 and 62 patients with FNAC, but for only 2 and 33 patients with CNB. The frequent need of supplement biopsies and unnecessary axillary operations due to false-positive findings made FNAC (294 ) more expensive than CNB (223 ), and because the advantage of quick analysis vanishes during the overall diagnostic and referral process, it is recommendable to use CNB as initial biopsy method.


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The adequacy of anesthesia has been studied since the introduction of balanced general anesthesia. Commercial monitors based on electroencephalographic (EEG) signal analysis have been available for monitoring the hypnotic component of anesthesia from the beginning of the 1990s. Monitors measuring the depth of anesthesia assess the cortical function of the brain, and have gained acceptance during surgical anesthesia with most of the anesthetic agents used. However, due to frequent artifacts, they are considered unsuitable for monitoring consciousness in intensive care patients. The assessment of analgesia is one of the cornerstones of general anesthesia. Prolonged surgical stress may lead to increased morbidity and delayed postoperative recovery. However, no validated monitoring method is currently available for evaluating analgesia during general anesthesia. Awareness during anesthesia is caused by an inadequate level of hypnosis. This rare but severe complication of general anesthesia may lead to marked emotional stress and possibly posttraumatic stress disorder. In the present series of studies, the incidence of awareness and recall during outpatient anesthesia was evaluated and compared with that of in inpatient anesthesia. A total of 1500 outpatients and 2343 inpatients underwent a structured interview. Clear intraoperative recollections were rare the incidence being 0.07% in outpatients and 0.13% in inpatients. No significant differences emerged between outpatients and inpatients. However, significantly smaller doses of sevoflurane were administered to outpatients with awareness than those without recollections (p<0.05). EEG artifacts in 16 brain-dead organ donors were evaluated during organ harvest surgery in a prospective, open, nonselective study. The source of the frontotemporal biosignals in brain-dead subjects was studied, and the resistance of bispectral index (BIS) and Entropy to the signal artifacts was compared. The hypothesis was that in brain-dead subjects, most of the biosignals recorded from the forehead would consist of artifacts. The original EEG was recorded and State Entropy (SE), Response Entropy (RE), and BIS were calculated and monitored during solid organ harvest. SE differed from zero (inactive EEG) in 28%, RE in 29%, and BIS in 68% of the total recording time (p<0.0001 for all). The median values during the operation were SE 0.0, RE 0.0, and BIS 3.0. In four of the 16 organ donors, EEG was not inactive, and unphysiologically distributed, nonreactive rhythmic theta activity was present in the original EEG signal. After the results from subjects with persistent residual EEG activity were excluded, SE, RE, and BIS differed from zero in 17%, 18%, and 62% of the recorded time, respectively (p<0.0001 for all). Due to various artifacts, the highest readings in all indices were recorded without neuromuscular blockade. The main sources of artifacts were electrocauterization, electromyography (EMG), 50-Hz artifact, handling of the donor, ballistocardiography, and electrocardiography. In a prospective, randomized study of 26 patients, the ability of Surgical Stress Index (SSI) to differentiate patients with two clinically different analgesic levels during shoulder surgery was evaluated. SSI values were lower in patients with an interscalene brachial plexus block than in patients without an additional plexus block. In all patients, anesthesia was maintained with desflurane, the concentration of which was targeted to maintain SE at 50. Increased blood pressure or heart rate (HR), movement, and coughing were considered signs of intraoperative nociception and treated with alfentanil. Photoplethysmographic waveforms were collected from the contralateral arm to the operated side, and SSI was calculated offline. Two minutes after skin incision, SSI was not increased in the brachial plexus block group and was lower (38 ± 13) than in the control group (58 ± 13, p<0.005). Among the controls, one minute prior to alfentanil administration, SSI value was higher than during periods of adequate antinociception, 59 ± 11 vs. 39 ± 12 (p<0.01). The total cumulative need for alfentanil was higher in controls (2.7 ± 1.2 mg) than in the brachial plexus block group (1.6 ± 0.5 mg, p=0.008). Tetanic stimulation to the ulnar region of the hand increased SSI significantly only among patients with a brachial plexus block not covering the site of stimulation. Prognostic value of EEG-derived indices was evaluated and compared with Transcranial Doppler Ultrasonography (TCD), serum neuron-specific enolase (NSE) and S-100B after cardiac arrest. Thirty patients resuscitated from out-of-hospital arrest and treated with induced mild hypothermia for 24 h were included. Original EEG signal was recorded, and burst suppression ratio (BSR), RE, SE, and wavelet subband entropy (WSE) were calculated. Neurological outcome during the six-month period after arrest was assessed with the Glasgow-Pittsburgh Cerebral Performance Categories (CPC). Twenty patients had a CPC of 1-2, one patient had a CPC of 3, and nine patients died (CPC 5). BSR, RE, and SE differed between good (CPC 1-2) and poor (CPC 3-5) outcome groups (p=0.011, p=0.011, p=0.008, respectively) during the first 24 h after arrest. WSE was borderline higher in the good outcome group between 24 and 48 h after arrest (p=0.050). All patients with status epilepticus died, and their WSE values were lower (p=0.022). S-100B was lower in the good outcome group upon arrival at the intensive care unit (p=0.010). After hypothermia treatment, NSE and S-100B values were lower (p=0.002 for both) in the good outcome group. The pulsatile index was also lower in the good outcome group (p=0.004). In conclusion, the incidence of awareness in outpatient anesthesia did not differ from that in inpatient anesthesia. Outpatients are not at increased risk for intraoperative awareness relative to inpatients undergoing general anesthesia. SE, RE, and BIS showed non-zero values that normally indicate cortical neuronal function, but were in these subjects mostly due to artifacts after clinical brain death diagnosis. Entropy was more resistant to artifacts than BIS. During general anesthesia and surgery, SSI values were lower in patients with interscalene brachial plexus block covering the sites of nociceptive stimuli. In detecting nociceptive stimuli, SSI performed better than HR, blood pressure, or RE. BSR, RE, and SE differed between the good and poor neurological outcome groups during the first 24 h after cardiac arrest, and they may be an aid in differentiating patients with good neurological outcomes from those with poor outcomes after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest.


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Premature delivery is a major cause of neonatal morbidity and mortality. The incidence of premature deliveries has increased around the world. In Finland 5.3%, or about 3,000 children per year are born prematurely, before 37 weeks of gestation. The corresponding figure in the United States is about 13%. The morbidity and mortality are highest among infants delivered before 32 weeks of gestation - about 600 children each year in Finland. Approximately 70% of premature deliveries are unexplained. Preterm delivery can be caused by an asympto-matic infection between uterus and the fetal membranes, such can begin already in early pregnancy. It is difficult to predict preterm delivery, and many patients are therefore unnecessarily admitted to hospital for observation and exposed to medical treatments. On the other hand, the high risk women should be identified early for the best treatment of the mother and preterm infant. --- In the prospective study conducted at the Department of Obstetric and Gynecology, Helsinki University Central Hospital two biochemical inflammation related markers were measured in the lower genital tract fluids of asymp-tomatic women in early and mid pregnancy in an order to see whether these markers could identify women with an increased risk of preterm delivery. These biomarkers were phosphorylated insulin-like growth factor binding protein-1 (phIGFBP-1) and matrix metalloproteinase-8 (MMP-8). The study involved 5180 asymptomatic pregnant women, examined during the first and second ultrasound screening visits. The study samples were taken from the vagina and cervicix. In addition, 246 symptomatic women were studied (pregnancy weeks 22 – 34). The study showed that increased phIGFBP-1 concentration in cervical canal fluid in early pregnancy increased the risk for preterm delivery. The risk for very premature birth (before 32 weeks of gestation) was nearly four-fold. Low MMP-8 concentration in mid pregnancy increased the risk of subsequent premature preterm rupture of fetal membranes (PPROM). Significantly high MMP-8 concentrations in the cervical fluid increased the risk for prema-ture delivery initiated by preterm labour with intact membranes. Among women with preterm contractions the shortened cervical length measured by ultrasound and elevated cervical fluid phIGFBP-1 both predicted premature delivery. In summary, because of the relatively low sensitivity of cervical fluid phIGFBP-1 this biomarker is not suitable for routine screening, but provides an additional tool in assessing the risk of preterm delivery. Cervical fluid MMP-8 is not useful in early or mid pregnancy in predicting premature delivery because of its dual role. Further studies on the role of MMP-8 are therefore needed. Our study confirms that phIGFBP-1 testing is useful in predicting pre-term delivery.


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Drugs and surgical techniques may have harmful renal effects during the perioperative period. Traditional biomarkers are often insensitive to minor renal changes, but novel biomarkers may more accurately detect disturbances in glomerular and tubular function and integrity. The purpose of this study was first, to evaluate the renal effects of ketorolac and clonidine during inhalation anesthesia with sevoflurane and isoflurane, and secondly, to evaluate the effect of tobacco smoking on the production of inorganic fluoride (F-) following enflurane and sevoflurane anesthesia as well as to determine the effect of F- on renal function and cellular integrity in surgical patients. A total of 143 patients undergoing either conventional (n = 75) or endoscopic (n = 68) inpatient surgery were enrolled in four studies. The ketorolac and clonidine studies were prospective, randomized, placebo controlled and double-blinded, while the cigarette smoking studies were prospective cohort studies with two parallel groups. As a sign of proximal tubular deterioration, a similar transient increase in urine N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminidase/creatinine (U-NAG/crea) was noted in both the ketorolac group and in the controls (baseline vs. at two hours of anesthesia, p = 0.015) with a 3.3 minimum alveolar concentration hour sevoflurane anesthesia. Uncorrelated U-NAG increased above the maximum concentration measured from healthy volunteers (6.1 units/l) in 5/15 patients with ketorolac and in none of the controls (p = 0.042). As a sign of proximal tubular deterioration, U-glutathione transferase-alpha/crea (U-GST-alpha/crea) increased in both groups at two hours after anesthesia but a more significant increase was noted in the patients with ketorolac. U-GST-alpha/crea increased above the maximum ratio measured from healthy volunteers in 7/15 patients with ketorolac and in 3/15 controls. Clonidine diminished the activation of the renin-angiotensin aldosterone system during pneumoperitoneum; urine output was better preserved in the patients treated with clonidine (1/15 patients developed oliguria) than in the controls (8/15 developed oliguria (p=0.005)). Most patients with pneumoperitoneum and isoflurane anesthesia developed a transient proximal tubular deterioration, as U-NAG increased above 6.1 units/L in 11/15 patients with clonidine and in 7/15 controls. In the patients receiving clonidine treatment, the median of U-NAG/crea was higher than in the controls at 60 minutes of pneumoperitoneum (p = 0.01), suggesting that clonidine seems to worsen proximal tubular deterioration. Smoking induced the metabolism of enflurane, but the renal function remained intact in both the smokers and the non-smokers with enflurane anesthesia. On the contrary, smoking did not induce sevoflurane metabolism, but glomerular function decreased in 4/25 non-smokers and in 7/25 smokers with sevoflurane anesthesia. All five patients with S-F- ≥ 40 micromol/L, but only 6/45 with S-F- less than 40 micromol/L (p = 0.001), developed a S-tumor associated trypsin inhibitor concentration above 3 nmol/L as a sign of glomerular dysfunction. As a sign of proximal tubulus deterioration, U-beta 2-microglobulin increased in 2/5 patients with S-F- over 40 micromol/L compared to 2/45 patients with the highest S-F- less than 40 micromol/L (p = 0.005). To conclude, sevoflurane anesthesia may cause a transient proximal tubular deterioration which may be worsened by a co-administration of ketorolac. Clonidine premedication prevents the activation of the renin-angiotensin aldosterone system and preserves normal urine output, but may be harmful for proximal tubules during pneumoperitoneum. Smoking induces the metabolism of enflurane but not that of sevoflurane. Serum F- of 40 micromol/L or higher may induce glomerular dysfunction and proximal tubulus deterioration in patients with sevoflurane anesthesia. The novel renal biomarkers warrant further studies in order to establish reference values for surgical patients having inhalation anesthesia.