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This dissertation addresses the modernization process of Finnish hospital architecture between the First and Second World War, with focus on facilities explicitly designed for women and children, which as special hospitals reflect specialization, a distinct feature of the modern era. The facilities considered in the study are the Salus hospital, Dr. Länsimäki s women s hospital, the Folkhälsan in Svenska Finland association s child-care institute, the Helsinki Women s Clinic, the Viipuri Women s Hospital, the Helsinki Children s Clinic and the Children's Castle (Lastenlinna) in Helsinki. The study considers hospital architecture as an architectural, medical and social object of design. The theoretical starting point and perspective are the views of the French philosopher and historian Michel Foucault (1925 1983) concerning the relationship of bio-power and architecture. Underlying the construction of health-care facilities for women and children were not only the desire to help but also issues of population policy, social policies, training and professionalization. In this study, hospital architecture is interpreted as reflecting developments in medicine, while also producing and reinforcing discourses associated with the ideologies of the time of design and construction. The results of the present research provide new information on the field of hospital design. The design of hospitals was no longer the sole prerogative of architects. Instead, modern hospital design involved the collaboration and networking of experts in various fields. During the period studied, the pavilion system was incorporated in hospital architecture in the block system, which was regarded as a rational. Rationalization was implemented upon the conditions of medical work. This led to spatial design in accordance with medical practices, through which norms were reinforced and created. An important aspect of the material is that the requirements of light, air, openness and hygiene created architecture in glass of an x-ray character, strongly associated with the element of discipline. The alliance of hygiene and architecture became a strategy for controlling the behaviour and encounters of people, for producing pedagogical and moral hygiene, and for reinforcing class hygiene. The modern hospital building also had to meet the requirements of aesthetic hygiene. Health-care facilities designed for women and children became production-oriented machinery, instruments for producing a healthy population and for reinforcing medical discourses.


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Suomen ja Viron välillä on ollut kontakteja tuhansien vuosien ajan. Vilkkaammiksi yhteydet muuttuivat kansallisen heräämisen ajalla ja sotien välisenä aikana. Toinen maailmansota katkaisi suomalais-virolaiset suhteet lähes 20 vuodeksi Neuvostoliiton miehitettyä Viron. Yhteydet Viroon palasivat jossakin muodossa 1960-luvulla, mutta olivat silloin ja tutkimusajankohtana 1970-luvulla tiukasti säädeltyjä. Kaikki virallisen tason yhteydenpito tapahtui Moskovan kautta ja valvonnassa, ja kansalaisyhteiskunnan tasolla tapahtuvaa toimintaa maiden välillä ei ollut. Myös lehtikirjoittelu oli Moskovan seurannassa ja Neuvostoliitto puuttui usein, mikäli Suomessa kirjoitettiin Virosta jotakin mikä ei ollut sille mieleen. Tutkielman tavoitteena on selvittää, millainen maa Viro oli 1970-luvun alkupuolella ja millainen kuva siitä oli Suomessa sekä Ruotsissa eläneen pakolaisvirolaisen yhteisön keskuudessa. Aineistona on sanomalehtiartikkeleita vuosilta 1973–1975 neljästä suomalaisesta ja kahdesta ruotsinvirolaisesta sanomalehdestä. Erityinen painopistealue on Euroopan turvallisuus- ja yhteistyökokous eli Etyk, jonka järjestelyihin Suomi otti aktiivisesti osaa. Länsivaltiot ajoivat Ety-asiakirjaan periaatteita mm. vapaammasta tiedonvälityksestä ja ihmisten liikkumisesta, Neuvostoliitto taas tavoitteli rauhansopimuksen korviketta, jolla Euroopan toisen maailmansodan jälkeiset rajat vahvistettaisiin. Etyk oli siis virolaisille monella tavalla merkittävä: he saattoivat toivoa kokouksen tuovan mahdollisuuksia ottaa Baltian asia esille ja saada Baltian maille itsenäisyys, tai ainakin suurempi itsemääräämisoikeus. Toisaalta he pelkäsivät Neuvostoliiton vain vahvistavan otettaan Virosta Etykin avulla. Etykiin liittyvässä kirjoittelussa suomalaislehtien haluttomuus ottaa Viron asiaa esille näkyy erityisen selvästi.Virosta ei muutenkaan 1970-luvulla uutisoitu usein ja Etykin yhteydessä virolaisten toiveita ja tavoitteita ei juuri julkistettu. Baltian maista paenneet pyrkivät kyllä tuomaan asiaansa julkisuuteen Helsingin 1973 ja 1975 kokousten aikaan, mutta suomalaislehdissä se ei näkynyt. Virosta myös annettiin siloiteltu kuva sanomalehdissä ja epäkohtia kuten venäläistämistoimenpiteitä, pidätyksiä tai elintarvikepulaa ei julkistettu. Samaan aikaan Ruotsissa pakolaisvirolaisten toimesta ilmestyneiden lehtien maailma oli aivan toisenlainen. Niiden Etyk-aiheiset kirjoitukset käsittelivät lähes pelkästään Viron asiaa ja Etykin kolmannen korin asioita eli ihmisoikeuskysymyksiä. Ne myös toivat esille aivan toisenlaisen kuvan Neuvosto-Viron oloista kuin suomalaislehdet. Muissa kuin Etykiin liittyvissä artikkeleissa suomalaislehtien välillä on kuitenkin eroja. Yhdenkään tutkituista suomalaislehdistä (Helsingin Sanomat, Hufvudstadsbladet, Kansan Uutiset ja Uusi Suomi) ei voi sanoa noudattaneen täysin horjumatta mitään tiettyä linjaa Viro-kirjoittelussa. Yhdenmukaisimmin suhtautui Kansan Uutiset, joka harvoja poikkeuksia lukuun ottamatta ei tuonut esiin kritiikkiä Neuvostoliittoa kohtaan. Vaihtelevin suhtautuminen oli Helsingin Sanomilla, jonka tapauksessa ei oikeastaan voi puhua minkäänlaisesta linjasta. Hufvudstadsbladet oli melko neutraali joskin etäinen ja maltillinen. Eniten neuvostokritiikkiä viljeli Uusi Suomi. Kuitenkin myös siinä ilmestyi esimerkiksi kaunistelevia kuvauksia elämästä Neuvosto-Virossa, eikä sekään Ety-kokousten aikaan asettunut balttipakolaisten puolelle. Yhdessäkään lehdessä ei ilmestynyt Viro-aiheisia kirjoituksia usein; kaikkiaan artikkeleita aineistossani oli 4 lehdestä 3 vuodelta 247. Monissa niistäkään Viro ei ollut pääasia vaan sitä vain sivuttiin. Ruotsinvirolaisia lehtikirjoituksia aineistossani oli 318. Lehtien (Eesti Päevaleht ja Teataja) välillä ei ollut merkittäviä sisällöllisiä eroja. Suomalaislehdistä ne taas erosivat täysin. Viron kuulumisten ja maailmanpolitiikan lisäksi ne seurasivat myös Suomen asioita ja etenkin niitä tapauksia, joissa Viro ylitti uutiskynnyksen suomalaislehdissä. Suomen lehdissä taas ei paria lähinnä Uuden Suomen poikkeusta lukuun ottamatta kirjoitettu pakolaisvirolaisista mitään, eikä etenkään heidän toiminnastaan Viron asian eteen. Pakolaisvirolaisten lisäksi myös Neuvosto-Viro oli 1970-luvulla suurimmalle osalle suomalaisista varsin tuntematon, sillä julkisessa keskustelussa se esiintyi erittäin harvoin ja oli poistettu jopa oppikirjoista. Suomalaisten yleisen käsityksen mukaan Virossa kaikki oli hyvin ja siellä asui tyytyväisiä ihmisiä. Myös Etyk nähtiin Suomessa täysin toisenlaisessa valossa kuin Pohjanlahden toisella puolella, jossa kirjoittelua leimasi pettymys Etykiin toisen maailmansodan jälkeisten rajojen vahvistajana.


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With respect to resource management and environmental impact, organic farming offers rationales for agricultural sustainability. However, agronomic productivity is usually higher with conventional farming. This work aimed at investigating two factors of major importance for the agronomic productivity of organic crop husbandry, nitrogen (N) supply through symbiotic N fixation (SNF) and weed occurrence. Perennial red clover-grass leys and spring cereal crops subjected to regular agricultural practices were studied on 34 organic farms located in the southern and the north-western coastal regions of Finland. Herbage growth, clover content as a proportion of the ley and extent of SNF in perennial leys, and the occurrence of weed species and weed-crop competition in spring cereal stands were related to climate conditions, soil properties, and management measures. The herbage accumulated from the first and the second cut of one- and two-year-old leys averaged 7.5 t DM ha-1 (SD ± 1.7 t DM ha-1); the clover content averaged 43.9% (SD ± 18.8%). Along with the clover content, herbage production decreased with ley age. Radiation use efficiency (RUE) correlated positively with clover proportion but despite low clover contents, three-year-old leys were still productive with regard to RUE. SNF in the accumulated annual growth of one- and two-year-old leys averaged 247.5 kg N ha-1 yr-1 (SD ± 114.4 kg N ha-1 yr-1). It was supposed that if red clover-grass leys constituted 40% of the rotation, then the mean N supply by SNF would be able to sustain two or three succeeding cereal crops (green manure and forage ley, respectively), yielding 3.0 to 4.0 t grain ha-1. Being a function of clover biomass, the SNF increased from the first to the second cut and thereafter declined with ley age. Coefficients of variation of clover contents (and SNF) between and within fields were around 50%, which was about twice as high as those of herbage production. The lower were the clover contents, the higher were the within-field variations of clover as a proportion of the ley. Low clover contents in one-year-old leys and increasing variability with ley age suggested that red clover growth was limited by poor establishment and poor overwintering. The proportions of clover in leys were lower and their variability was higher in the northwest than in the south. Soil properties, primarily texture and structure, had a major impact on clover proportion and herbage production, which largely explained regional differences in ley growth. Within-field variability of soil properties can be amended through site-specific measures, including drainage, liming, and applications of organic manures and mineral fertilizers. Overwintering and the persistence of leys can be improved by the choice of winter-hardy varieties, careful establishment and the appropriate harvest regime. Mean grain yields of spring cereal crops amounted to 3.2 t ha-1 in the south and 3.6 t ha-1 in the northwest. At 570 and 565 m-2 for the south and northwest respectively, mean weed densities did not differ between the regions, whereas the respective mean weed biomass of 697 and 1594 kg dry weight ha-1, respectively did differ. Weed abundance varied remarkably between single fields. The number of weed species was higher in the south than in the northwest. For example, Fumaria officinalis and Lamium spp. were found only in the south. Frequencies and abundances of Lapsana communis, Myosotis arvensis, Polygonum aviculare, Tripleurospermum inodorum, and Vicia spp. were higher in the south, whereas those of Elymus repens, Persicaria spp. and Spergula arvensis were higher in the northwest. The number of years since conversion to organic farming, i.e. long-term management, was one of the variables that explained the abundance of single weed species. E. repens was the weed species whose biomass increased most with the duration of organic farming. Another significant variable was crop biomass, which was affected by short-term management. The presence of different weed species was related to the duration of organic farming and to low crop yield. This finding demonstrated that it was not the organic farming regime per se, which resulted in high weed infestation and low yielding crops, but failures in the understanding and the management of organic farming systems. Successful weed control relies on farm- and field-specific long- and short-term management approaches. The agronomic productivity of ley and spring cereal crops managed by full-time farmers with an interest in organic farming was on the same level as of the mean for conventional farming. Given the many options for further improvements of the agronomic performance of organic arable systems, organic farming offers foundations for the development of sustainable agriculture. The main threat to the sustainability of farming in Finland, both conventional and organic, is the spatial separation of crop production and animal husbandry by region, along with the simplification of associated crop rotations.


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This paper examines how volatility in financial markets can preferable be modeled. The examination investigates how good the models for the volatility, both linear and nonlinear, are in absorbing skewness and kurtosis. The examination is done on the Nordic stock markets, including Finland, Sweden, Norway and Denmark. Different linear and nonlinear models are applied, and the results indicates that a linear model can almost always be used for modeling the series under investigation, even though nonlinear models performs slightly better in some cases. These results indicate that the markets under study are exposed to asymmetric patterns only to a certain degree. Negative shocks generally have a more prominent effect on the markets, but these effects are not really strong. However, in terms of absorbing skewness and kurtosis, nonlinear models outperform linear ones.


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Hypertension is a major risk factor for stroke, ischaemic heart disease, and the development of heart failure. Hypertension-induced heart failure is usually preceded by the development of left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH), which represents an adaptive and compensatory response to the increased cardiac workload. Biomechanical stress and neurohumoral activation are the most important triggers of pathologic hypertrophy and the transition of cardiac hypertrophy to heart failure. Non-clinical and clinical studies have also revealed derangements of energy metabolism in hypertensive heart failure. The goal of this study was to investigate in experimental models the molecular mechanisms and signalling pathways involved in hypertension-induced heart failure with special emphasis on local renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS), cardiac metabolism, and calcium sensitizers, a novel class of inotropic agents used currently in the treatment of acute decompensated heart failure. Two different animal models of hypertensive heart failure were used in the present study, i.e. hypertensive and salt-sensitive Dahl/Rapp rats on a high salt diet (a salt-sensitive model of hypertensive heart failure) and double transgenic rats (dTGR) harboring human renin and human angiotensinogen genes (a transgenic model of hypertensive heart failure with increased local RAAS activity). The influence of angiotensin II (Ang II) on cardiac substrate utilization and cardiac metabolomic profile was investigated by using gas chromatography coupled to time-of-flight mass spectrometry to detect 247 intermediary metabolites. It was found that Ang II could alter cardiac metabolomics both in normotensive and hypertensive rats in an Ang II receptor type 1 (AT1)-dependent manner. A distinct substrate use from fatty acid oxidation towards glycolysis was found in dTGR. Altered cardiac substrate utilization in dTGR was associated with mitochondrial dysfunction. Cardiac expression of the redox-sensitive metabolic sensor sirtuin1 (SIRT1) was increased in dTGR. Resveratrol supplementation prevented cardiovascular mortality and ameliorated Ang II-induced cardiac remodeling in dTGR via blood pressure-dependent pathways and mechanisms linked to increased mitochondrial biogenesis. Resveratrol dose-dependently increased SIRT1 activity in vitro. Oral levosimendan treatment was also found to improve survival and systolic function in dTGR via blood pressure-independent mechanisms, and ameliorate Ang II-induced coronary and cardiomyocyte damage. Finally, using Dahl/Rapp rats it was demonstrated that oral levosimendan as well as the AT1 receptor antagonist valsartan improved survival and prevented cardiac remodeling. The beneficial effects of levosimendan were associated with improved diastolic function without significantly improved systolic changes. These positive effects were potentiated when the drug combination was administered. In conclusion, the present study points to an important role for local RAAS in the pathophysiology of hypertension-induced heart failure as well as its involvement as a regulator of cardiac substrate utilization and mitochondrial function. Our findings suggest a therapeutic role for natural polyphenol resveratrol and calcium sensitizer, levosimendan, and the novel drug combination of valsartan and levosimendan, in prevention of hypertension-induced heart failure. The present study also provides a better understanding of the pathophysiology of hypertension-induced heart failure, and may help identify potential targets for novel therapeutic interventions.


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In the study, the potential allowable cut in the district of Pohjois-Savo - based on the non-industrial private forest landowners' (NIPF) choices of timber management strategies - was clarified. Alternative timber management strategies were generated, and the choices and factors affecting the choices of timber management strategies by NIPF landowners were studied. The choices of timber management strategies were solved by maximizing the utility functions of the NIPF landowners. The parameters of the utility functions were estimated using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). The level of the potential allowable cut was compared to the cutting budgets based on the 7th and 8th National Forest Inventories (NFI7 and NFI8), to the combining of private forestry plans, and to the realized drain from non-industrial private forests. The potential allowable cut was calculated using the same MELA system as has been used in the calculation of the national cutting budget. The data consisted of the NIPF holdings (from the TASO planning system) that had been inventoried compartmentwise and had forestry plans made during the years 1984-1992. The NIPF landowners' choices of timber management strategies were clarified by a two-phase mail inquiry. The most preferred strategy obtained was "sustainability" (chosen by 62 % of landowners). The second in order of preference was "finance" (17 %) and the third was "saving" (11 %). "No cuttings", and "maximum cuttings" were the least preferred (9 % and 1 %, resp.). The factors promoting the choices of strategies with intensive cuttings were a) "farmer as forest owner" and "owning fields", b) "increase in the size of the forest holding", c) agriculture and forestry orientation in production, d) "decreasing short term stumpage earning expectations", e) "increasing intensity of future cuttings", and f) "choice of forest taxation system based on site productivity". The potential allowable cut defined in the study was 20 % higher than the average of the realized drain during the years 1988-1993, which in turn, was at the same level as the cutting budget based on the combining of forestry plans in eastern Finland. Respectively, the potential allowable cut defined in the study was 12 % lower than the NFI8-based greatest sustained allowable cut for the 1990s. Using the method presented in this study, timber management strategies can be clarified for non-industrial private forest landowners in different parts of Finland. Based on the choices of timber managemet strategies, regular cutting budgets can be calculated more realistically than before.